Eating Japanese Food at 30,000 Feet!! LA to Tokyo!!

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in this video I cannot believe I'm on an airplane right now I'm going to be eating Japanese food I mean look how ornate and gorgeous these appetizers are at 10 000 feet they have two different types of sake one that's a little bit more sweet and a little bit more dry and one important I said could I try the dry one she's like why don't you try it no and I was like today I'm going from Los Angeles to Tokyo then from Tokyo to Saigon the total flying time is around 20 hours of actual flying so we're flying business class our first flight is on a Japanese Airline but first we have a couple of hours to burn so here in LAX we're gonna go to the lounge and load up unwind and food of course let's head to the lounge come on join me airports are like shopping malls for super rich people Gucci Burberry Montclair who buys this stuff my favorite thing about any Lounge is when no one's there and it's mostly empty right now so for me real nice so I just saw a tap here and I got really excited except for check this out this town guess what comes out of it it's just water I don't know why you would have a temp with anything other than beer in it but uh cheers to water the food section is just like basic breakfast items but it's gonna eat light here and then try more actual Japanese stuff on the airplane smoked apple chicken sausage chicken scrambled eggs very fluffy very nice and bacon from here it's just kind of like yogurt Bread Butter hard-boiled eggs bananas nothing too exciting [Music] for breakfast coffee wine right now it is 9 33 a.m what I love about lounges is that there's no judgment people don't even look at you they're just in their own shame Corner also drinking at 9 30 a.m I saw a guy get a beer and he was like bro nobody cares I'm gonna start with this right here this is a nice fluffy egg wonderful texture very eggy satisfying this is the bacon it looks real thin and crispy I guess it makes sense that they didn't do a pork sausage because they have pork bacon it's greasy it's crunchy it is really nice actually here the chicken sausage now in my estimation chicken is one of the worst things you can put in a sausage because it doesn't have enough fat what would really help the chicken is 50 chicken 50 pork let's try it out has an apple taste to it it's lacking that snap and that burst of piggy oils that's just like this is the start to the day but soon we're gonna be eating Japanese food in a Japanese airplane [Music] guys are avoiding the plane now all right I'm heading to my seat I'm 10g 10g that's seven boom right here this is going to be where I'm hanging out for the next roughly 14 hours I gotta say I thought it was going to be bigger if you ever go to Tokyo your hotel room you'll pay 300 and it'll be the size of a shoe so I guess it makes sense that the area is so small maybe it's efficient maybe I'm not understanding it let's take a look at this area we have our TV right here for entertainment I believe the table lines out in here the table has wings this right here is like a sleeping mat they also have a pillow and a blanket I also have this deer that I stole from the lounge I'm gonna drink as we take off here's my little side counter area I can put drinks in here I can put my documents in here like my taxes here this is a cup holder chair settings remote and then here we have a big goodie bag so we have headphones we have shoes in here there's stuff like chapstick socks a toothbrush it's like a little hygiene kit My overall thoughts are that it feels like it's from the 90s and it's very small and compact oh you can also hang up your suit here so I changed my mind I like it I like it now wet the appetite some nuts in a cup and a microscopic sandwich very cute roast beef bread mayonnaise a little dry button to start here we have our actual Advertiser I mean look how ornate and gorgeous these appetizers are by the way they have a sake trolley and they pour me two different types of sake one that's a little bit more sweet and a little bit more dry the woman poured by sake I said could I try the dry one she's like why don't you try both and I was like and then beyond that she literally put the bottles on my little table here so I could take a video showing you the sake and the bottle it's probably a little bit of the sweet that's very nice try some food first we have marinated Daikon radish and carrot with grated apple and sweet vinegar sauce right here you can see the daikons and the salmon and there's a bit of shrimp in there too on the bottom sour fishy and delicious very nice then we have beef and burdock root roll so I think that would be the beef and I think one of these is a root roll all right let's try some of this sausage right here it's like a chilled appetizer it's very nice cold egg Japan it just works a little bit of a pea pod probably just decoration we have marinated shrimp in a soy based sauce we do have the shrimp it's not in a sauce I'm gonna go Lotus root and shrimp together oh the Lotus root is so crunchy there's a little bit of citrus flavor the shrimp is plump Cold Juicy this is very good aside from that we have scallopin avocado with Citrus jelly this is like a puree or some kind of a butter or cream cheese I'm gonna try just some avocado mascala and a little bit of water this is it's an interesting combination because you've got Seafood you have avocado you have like a weird whipped cream and all of it tastes like there's tons of sauce with it here we have the seared Yellow Tail there's a little bit of Wasabi take a look at that when I was in Peru I eat ceviche on the streets and then I lost six pounds over the next week you can figure out why here on the plate with half raw sushi somehow I think I will not have the same result [Music] it tastes like some pickled daikon on top spicy Wasabi but then tender Yellow Tail this is one heck of an appetizer I cannot believe I'm on an airplane right now let's see what they got for the main course [Music] what you're looking at here is the main course at simmered Greenland halibut in ginger sauce and steamed rice and miso soup and Japanese pickles first the Miso looking very misoy you have to give it a little bit of a mix see oh look there's a little tofu in there the fan part of me wishes that that was like pieces of cheese that's good Savory and fermented Bean but it has a little bit of that green onion miso um grateful for how delicious this tastes so here we have our halibut from Greenland you can see still has a bone right here in the middle easy to take out it looks super soft like it's been cooked in a soy based sauce you've got some of the lotus here potato Peppers looks awesome I'm gonna go for the fish Savory and sweet at the same time flaky soft and you've got the skin in there too so you get a hint of some Patty pieces it's just certainly not something you expect to have inside of an airplane right now in the back of the plane you think like the economy folks are having sushi no they're having orange and gruel oh Lotus that's yummy we move here if you are more hungry you get your rice and you put it in this sauce and soak up the flavors from this sauce but that is not me right now me right now I'm gonna grab some yellow pickled radish that is the end of my lunch from the lounge to this a big step of super delicious and kind of mind-blowing Japanese food at 10 000 feet right now it is I don't know what time it is my watch time in LA time it's probably about 2PM I'm gonna take a big nap there is another meal in this flight towards the end it's gonna be I guess like a breakfast time has passed I did not get much sleep obviously but we've got more food right here this is the breakfast they give you before you arrive in Tokyo right here we have marinated green vegetables in a soy based sauce with steamed chicken miso real gold striped amberjack and rice and I know what you guys are thinking that is not Jack Daniels that is an iced coffee nice start with some miso oh it just hits every time so eating this actually makes me wonder what Japanese folks actually do eat for breakfast because I know when I lived in Korea if they ate like rice kimchi and maybe some leftover soup for breakfast not great chicken and greens this is good but breakfast that one threw me off it's very cold I was expecting something warm it's oily it's got some flavors on the menu it just says soy based sauce that sauce is super based I'm gonna try some of the fish right here amberjack is a delicious dish hmm another delicious soy based sauce and then they have some needle mushrooms underneath the fish itself is very meaty a little sticky it's got the skin on there it's very delicious so in just a moment we're gonna land in Tokyo we're there for about two hours now that's not a lot of time we don't have to recheck in but we do have to get to our next gate into the correct terminal so if we have time we're gonna hit a lounge if we don't I'm gonna see if there's any interesting restaurants there next time I see you we'll be in Tokyo I'm ready off my mind gets laid I always realize that I need you are you thinking about me too tonight so we just came into the lounge it's very packed and they have all these like useless covid Stompers it's amazing to me all these implements that people had from years ago like guys just take them down anyways it's very busy here the food situation I've not sculpted out yet I'm hoping it's interesting and different from any place I've been before it's got to be unique I've never been to a lounge in Japan let's go take a look the food area is not huge but they do have some cool things and some things that are uniquely Japanese right here we have Bonito flakes rice ball yes please right here they have vinegar rice stuffed with deep fried tofu these are wet and delicious oh yeah and they also have spicy Cod row rice balls I'm always a sucker for balls and balls must come in pairs looking very Japanese already right here we have the deli section we have tiny little sandwiches everything is microsized this is like a maybe like a squash salad do I want corn you know what when in Japan it really pops with that black background finally here we have a classic chicken curry First grab some rice from the communal rice pot and then right here chicken curry smother it just smother it smells good in India gonna give you a run for your money here geez thank you ready oh you're supposed to do that right here we have a beer pouring machine this is beautiful it tilt it to the side for you now it'll do it automatically take a look at how we're in Japan maybe and then it had some foam on time take a look beer technology boom check it out guys it's a whisper review because we're in Japan and we're showing respect all right here Curry I have mixed feelings on Curry while I used to live in Korea and I worked at a school where we had Curry at least once a week and uh I got over it pretty much but let's try it out it does smell good it's actually very nice say Marine Korean tastes like a load of MSG in there too and lots of chicken this right here the osahi right here we have the balls [Music] oh yeah well there's Seafood right there that is not bad it would be even better with some Wasabi and some soy sauce I love these they have like a sweet vinegar you've got like tofu skin there it's stuffed with the rice [Music] sticky sweet I love the texture of that tofu skin it's very nice and then here supposedly this one has caught I'm gonna bite that in half [Music] right here on the top this is essentially like Japanese gas station food here we have kind of like a squash potato salad I enjoyed that actually because potato salad can be a little bit boring sometimes but making it with a sweet potato it's nice it's like the potato has personality too plus some mayonnaise plus everything that mixed it with that's pretty good from here in a couple hours we were taking a flight from here to Saigon am I filming that part I'm not sure it's probably gonna be dark boom and just like that I have made it from Japan all the way to Vietnam can you believe it what a journey from La all the way here to my home sweet home can I say that I enjoyed a a Airlines yes in fact I did the first plane I got on it seemed a bit old school a little bit 90s style construction and architecture but it won me over with the food and they want me over with their Supreme amazing service my gosh there is probably no better service than any of the airlines that you'll find in East Asia oh intersection so you're wondering what happened on that second flight well let me tell you after the lounge in Japan I got on that second flight and I fell asleep I was exhausted and tired and now I'm here in beautiful sunny Vietnam guys thank you so much for watching I hope it was an interesting video for you and I also hope no one steals my phone while I hold it in front of my face otherwise guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time that is it for this one free this is one-handed driving is dangerous
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,212,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodtravel, foodieadventures, foodexplorer, travelingchef, foodietraveler, culinaryjourney, globaleats, foodculture, localcuisine, foodporn, travelvlog, foodvlog, foodandtravel, foodietravelguide, foodietraveller
Id: jHQ5x0ZoGu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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