Lobster on a Stick! $100 Minnesota State Fair Challenge!!

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in this video I'm returning to the Minnesota State Fair it's over the top it's wild where I'll take on some of this country's most expensive fair food aside from being fried or DED in powdered sugar fair food is also known for making your belly fat and your wallet thin 12 bucks what's going on well I'll tell you what's going on here at the Minnesota State Fair vendors conjure up magical recipes that's like no egg roll I've tried before that'll make you mysteriously forget about your budget with food so Innovative and so alluring it's a fusion very befitting of Minnesota you'll cash in little Timmy's college fund just to get another hit today I'm on a mission to spend over $100 on state fair food so can it be done there's only one way to find out here we're headed to our first location owned by a good friend of mine yoang Y and I recently went to LA together and now I want to check out his M food here at the Minnesota State Fair this is the first ever authentic monk stall to Grace this 150-year-old fair ground so I have broken into the Union M kitchen and this place is slamming actually they probably would prefer I wasn't in here inspired by y's unique culinary Journey with M Cuisine this place offers a one-of-a-kind menu unlike any other store first of all chicken thighs looking Juicy and Delicious eating them up on the grill these are called Hill tribe chicken thighs and homage to the monk who are known as the hill tribe people for those seeking something lighter or that never had a face there's the lemongrass turmeric tofu expertly grilled and paired with noodles but that's not all there are two more mon Specialties on the menu that I'll be trying soon being here this is all we have to cook out of this little booth so it's all about logistically how do we get everything prepared in our commissary kitchen then brought over here if you're taking any slow time the line builds and then people skip it out okay so efficiency over flavor a flavor's still there course one of today's culinary Expedition mung sausage what makes the sausage mung what makes the sausage German what makes the sausage Portuguese it's what's in it so it's lemongrass ginger garlic shallots Tha chilies and fish sauce once grilled Perfection the sausages are cut into small chunks then combined with rice noodles and salad come take a look at this chili sauce doesn't smell that spicy we'll find out I'm just going to dump the whole thing in there oh yes a big beautiful glob the next move is to mix it up a bit now I've got noodles some salad all that chili sauce H I'm told there's not tomato in the chili sauce I don't know why it has a little bit of a marinara flare to it but it's also very spicy this I think for most folks in soda it's going to be too much for them but the Young Generation they're a little bit more ballsy they like to take risks with their mouth boam this is what we've been building up to Noodles sausage a little bit of pickled veg this tastes similar to what I've had in Northern Thailand there's lemongrass there's spices it's absolutely delicious it's stunning that is course one let me grab course two what began as a family recipe made by yia's mother is now an instant State Fair hit here at the legendary galab it's something I tried a couple years ago at y's house I'm excited to try it again cuz it was the best I had ever had it all begins with the dough made from a blend of wheat flour yeast baking powder oil and condensed milk so my mom made like 18,1 152 of them we're actually projecting that we'll sell out of that before the end so tomorrow they're getting back in the kitchen and they're making some more so you're putting your parents to work essentially then comes the filling a delicious mixture of stir-fried pork chicken cabbage and glass noodles finally the fillings meet the dough enriched with the addition of an [Applause] egg simply Steam and these plump buns are ready to amaze 12 bucks what's going on well I'll tell you what's going on these are handmade individually by ye's parents and he is behind them with a whip just making sure they produce over 18,000 of these for a 12-day period that's hard to even comprehend oh man that bread Heavenly it's a perfect texture soft steamy fluffy semi-elastic there we go I've never had a bow with a dip before but let's try it out M delicious fresh and spicy yeang says hey if you don't like spice go freak yourself is that right oh he's shaking his head now he's only true to Generations old traditions and Men it is good let's explore the inside of this bowel a good amount of delicious fillings I can't wait to get to that egg oh yeah this isn't just a food it's an experience this has been a great start to the day but we have a lot more to see let's keep moving he's laughing at me look at this guy to drive today's expenses closer to $100 we've come to Shanghai Henry's definitely two names from different of the world this kitchen is all about food fusions hacking Inspirations from diverse corners of the world into a paper box from Korean barbecue tacos all the way to crispy chicken tacos but that's just the beginning this year they've Unleashed a new creation a baffling mix of Chinese and Norwegian Cuisine here they're doing a steamed bun and it's stuffed with something very unique let's start with the Chinese influence this is a special steamed bun its makeup is very similar to yia's galaba bun but structurally it resembles a taco here there's you're selling 4,000 a day now to the Norwegian influence this is ludifisk a fish dish dating back to the Viking era and here it's made with Norwegian Cod they actually used to hang it from trees basically it's dried and then it's reconstituted by being soaked in water that's why it gets the unique texture that it's kind of legendary for after the dehydration rehydration process it's marinated in a sweet hoison sauce and baked in the oven place the steam buns Inside the Box we've got a SLO a stripe of hois and sauce go on each one and then right here we have the baked ludus going in there's a mixture of cilantro green onion and sesame seeds that is beautiful this is a Hard Lemonade they put hard in front of something it means it's got booze in it let's get a little buzz at hold on what time is it 10:48 in the morning oh my God it's late in the day let's drink oh yeah that's alcoholic and that is putting me in the mood for this right [Music] here m m I love it it's a delicious coal slam and the steam bun is the perfect vessel for all these delicious ingredients but what about the fish I didn't even get a fish bite that time wow it has a little bit of a harder texture slightly dense but not unpleasant they have a delicious marinade on there it's a little bit fishy interesting daring wild it's a fusion very befitting of Minnesota in my attempt to break the bank we're fishing for lobster on a stick now this has to be pricey welcome to the historic food building where vendors like the mouth trap serving gooey hot cheese curds go head-to-head competing for the attention and stomach space of the many patrons that stroll through and right now my attention is drawn to this Silicon Valley of seafood this place has been here a long time they're a legend when it comes to the Minnesota State Fair fish and chips seafood shop a first generation OG whose status only grows more legendary each year some folks have just one food and they crank it out you guys have 15 how do you handle that much variety we focus on get our kitchen set up well so that we can cook very very well just getting good at what we're doing in this kitchen you'll find some of the most addictive Seafood you'll swear must be laced with delicious crack from sizzling flat top grilled shrimp to crispy deep fried calamari and the Timeless Classic Fish and Chips every bite promises nothing short of extreme culinary pleasure today I'm here for lobster on a stick step one batter up the slipper lobster tail meat unlike the more commonly seen main lobster slipper lobsters are clawless herbivores with the ability to camouflage one by one each of these Lobster chunks gets put into the oil hand battered and dropped into the fryer as putting the Lobster on a stick helped improve sales yes a little bit everybody's looking for that thing to say they had on a stick we've got a few items on a stick the lobster is by far the best seller before diving into this crisp ified sea scorpion I'm getting appetiz with another Oceanic delicacy the oyster after getting battered and covered in crunchy breadcrumbs the oysters get a quick hot bath in the fryer in no time this once slimy SE Seafood is transformed into pure crunchiness I'm going to bite it in half and see what happens wow I just saw like a tidal wave of ocean wash over me it's really unique it's kind of mushy it's a bit Briny like that is definitely an oyster there's no mistaking what's inside of there here they have a special sauce they call this yum sauce now what is yum sauce yum yum sauce is a creamy Tangy and slightly spicy Japanese condiment typically drizzled over grilled Meats so let's see how it pairs with seafood okay it's a little sour it's a little sweet it's very yum when you mix that up it kind of compensates for some of that browny flavor of the oyster now skewer the crispy Golden Brown lobster chunks the final touch a luscious dose of butter and fresh lemon there goes my Netflix subscription for the month let's see if the lobster is worth it this is a lobster actually this is two lobsters I feel like it's cheating but two just look so much better than one right oh yeah they've topped it with a lemon M the crunch is wild what the batter does is it makes each one about twice the size cuz it's fluffy it's full of air you're getting a ton of batter flavor and crunch and then a nice chunk of lobster meat inside very Savory it's heavy it's fatty oily decadent over the top it's wild this is certainly a unique way of enjoying Lobster if you're bored of steamed lobster who's bored of steamed lobster opra if you're Oprah try this it would be disappointing and not nearly as satisfying if they did a whole lobster tail cutting it into sections like this having almost Lobster nuggets that's a way to do it as I search for my next wallet busting fair food I've come across this Vietnamese stall with a belly busting menu right behind me a place called we Viet one of the most Vietnamese things that they have here is the Vietnamese coffee but there are a couple items that feel unfamiliar to me so I want to talk to the owner and learn more about the Vietnamese influence that went into these dishes I've lived in Vietnam now maybe 8 years in the time I've been to Vietnam I've never seen one egg roll as far as the egg rolls go they are authentic Vietnamese egg rolls this is what my family made when they were in Vietnam they're very very small this is like a gigantic version of it and we are using Vietnamese spring World rappers they're from Vietnam the rose Brand This is a traditional Vietnamese rap called bonang Ray made of rice flour tapioca flour wheat flour and egg boom I'm in the kitchen nobody wants me in here it's so busy to make W its unique egg roll wrap it around a delectible filling mixture of pork veggies and noodles here we have a fresh container of par fried egg rolls then plunge giant basket packed batches of these rolls into hot oil wow these look incredible while we wait for that these look pretty dang good probably not something you're going to see in Vietnam I'm trying out their contemporary wons filled with cream cheese garlic scallions and special seasonings it's an interesting Fusion between what Americans like and what Asians make M oh that's good for a heavy food it manages to be somewhat light it's very thick cream cheese but not too much of it a nice balance between the wrapper and the cream cheese stuffing inside beyond that it's garlicky but it's also very sweet a little bit of duck sauce I'm just going to take this whole one down you need to wash it on am amazing our tremendous egg roll is about done but before that I must get a taste of their mini vegetarian egg roll these look like Central Vietnamese fried spring rolls essentially they look delicious these are wrapped with bonang re filled with terot woodier mushroom tofu onion carrot and special seeds I'm going to hit my egg roll with a little bit of fish sauce oh what's really wonderful about this type of egg roll is a wrapper it's basically like a meesh or like a net rice paper oh really good and so what that paper does is it creates a very unique texture it's kind of flaky crunchy at the same time the fish sauce is excellent just a little bit sweet certainly not too fishy I'm going to bite this one in half and investigate what is inside you can see the woodier mushroom I can feel the carrots this is something that's heavy and light at the same time there's certainly a lot of people who haven't been exposed to a lot of different types of Asian food like this this is a very unique local dish that now you can get at the Minnesota State Fair now we're building up to the Big Kahuna finally these egg rolls completed their oil service and will now be honorably discharged into my mouth right here they're putting the stick in it that makes it very motan and much easier to eat too I've never seen such a busy kitchen spring rolls just flying out left and right take a look at [Music] this it's stuffed with half a pound of pork that's a wild amount of pork it's glistening golden brown rice paper on the outside I cannot wait to take a [Music] bite wo that is legit it's very delicious Savory very heavy too so I want to Splash it with a little bit of fish sauce oh yeah you can never have too much this is awesome it's just full of meat very crunchy on the outside super Savory for me I'm not a huge fan of the Minnesota Chinese American angk roll I find them to be very cabbagey and very wet and usually there's almost no meat inside if I had to guess I think the owners are calling it an egg roll because that is what's familiar to people here for the price this is a great value no fillers in here unless you're counting the noodles but I don't count that that's the good stuff we have come to what I believe will be our final location because I'm running out of stomach space and I'm running out of money behind me Giggles campfire Grill this familyowned gem specializes in authentic Minnesota Fish and Game flavors their incredible offerings include elk burgers and OED salmon on a stick this is a great place to discover a taste of Minnesota though as a native Minnesotan they've got some stuff here that I've never seen before bunch of it revolving around one of this state's most delicious freshwater fish let's go check it out we are headed into the kitchen and this place is crazy busy we're headed to the frying station now the first thing I'm going to be trying are the walleye Fritter pops the walleye is the prized official state fish of Minnesota they can grow up to an impressive 25 lbs and their mild flaky white meat is considered among the finest in freshwater offerings this is not a sweet this is fish in a fried ball let's check it out this recipe starts with smoked walleye getting balled up with cheese dill pickle relish garlic and confidential seasonings coat the mixture with poinko breadcrumbs for that perfect crunch in every bite now plunge these Minnesota fishballs into the sizzling deep fryer these walleye Fritter pops are this year's new item joining the menu of beloved Classics that have welcomed over 100,000 fairgoers every single year so we have a huge tray of balls here that just came out of the fryer now each one gets stabbed to death and then served fried chunks of walleye plus some sausage spill there's a micr lemon here I'm going to give it a little bit of a squeeze there's about enough for one drop on each oh no I was wrong several drops I'm curious how Walley it will be oh okay it's not chunks of waly it's like a waly cake it's really quite delicious it's very spiced it taste of Dill it's a little bit sour maybe from the lemon overall Pleasant not a ton of walleye flavor let me hit it in this sauce right here this sauce looks tremendous very satisfying crunchy on the outside kind of steamed and gooey on the inside that's our first course now this is a golden crispy piece of fried walleye fillet the star of their walleye sandwich it starts with a hogi bun split open first we've got some pavari cheese then the walleye fresh shredded lettuce some diced tomato then a delicious strip of tartar sauce going on next this food cost this much money is it worth it let's find out it's going to be messy but let's go for [Music] it m that's the walai that is undeniably a big succulent piece of fish the walleye has a nice taste it's a little bit minerally definitely tastes like a lake fish the tartar sauce has some Zing the fish filet I mean it is fried it's heavy it's crunchy on the outside and just basically like a steamed fish on the inside plus you know vegetables for health to keep the doctor [Music] away it doesn't get more Minnesota than that so at this point I believe I've eaten n Foods that's a lot of foods from here I want to add up our total and see if I indeed did spend over $100 on fair food let's find out guys that is the end of the video today we went to five locations and Nam roughly nine foods and we spent this much money is that over $100 it easily is today we spent a lot of money but I did try a lot of different foods and I got to say people here aren't skimping yes they charge a lot of money but I think they give a lot of value and a lot of quality at the same time my stomach's a little fatter my wallet's a little thinner but I couldn't be happier if you love Indian food then you're going to love our new channel best ever food India subscribe now for weekly videos showcasing the most unique street food from around the country we're in among stall so everything is M microwave can't think of second thing oh look there's a crowd of people watching me e not awkward it's all good I'm going to socialize with them in a moment after I drank this yeah we'll drop that biodegradable that will turn to dirt in mere months just kidding I'll throw it away look at Sushi they made a California roll it's sushi with actual cream cheese inside it's completely Blasphemous but some people like it you're hit with that intense heaviness from the cream cheese that guy just ran over my foot a little bit freaking hit and run over here here's the thing I swear that guy's cart had cup holders with two beers in each one guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time peace all right I'm going to go on a ride and throw all this up lose some weight hey bye
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,230,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs, sonny side, befrs team, food, around the world food and culture, USA, USA state fair, Food in the US, where to eat in the US, state fair food, Minnesota fair food, cheat day, food that regret, State Fair Food Showdown, Heart attack tour, GALABAO, 100$ State Fair Challenge, CRISPY LUTEFISK STEAM BUN, CREAM CHEESE WONTONS, GIANT EGG ROLL ON A STICK, FRITTER POPS, WALLEYE SANDWICH
Id: 7R6-y0gZPwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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