6 am Australian 7-ELEVEN Breakfast & the ULTIMATE Meat & Seafood Buffet in Melbourne Australia

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hey guys it's Mike champ before getting to this Buffet video I just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video hungry root if you don't know hungry Roots is a personalized grocery delivery subscription service with the aim of helping individuals or families eat healthier by delivering both fresh and prepackaged Foods so what's really interesting about this service is that they customize all the groceries to your personal needs very very well so when you first sign up you take a quiz they ask you how many people the food is for your goals whether it's to try new things where save time lose weight then they ask you about your dietary needs your nutritional preference such as less carbs or high protein I also opted for that also how much time you want to spend cooking the meals what appliances you have to be able to utilize and even what types of Cuisines flavors meats that you like and with all that information that build you a personalized grocery card for the week and of course give you delicious recipe recommendations for all those groceries by the way they have around 2,000 recipes I've tried uh I think at this point four of them so far so delicious I made a blackened pork chop power bowl so some stir-fried peppers onions there's quinoa that was ready in about 90 seconds the pork took about 6 minutes to cook it's so so juicy flavor is absolutely perfect little smoky little spicy really didn't have to prep much which I love so that's around 10 minutes for the entire cooking process and with your water of course you can edit whatever you want to receive or don't want to receive or just let hungry root shoose for you I talked about this before I hate gr to the grocery store I always over buy now every week a box of groceries just show up so this isn't just a simple meal prep kit it's a box of amazing groceries for you to prepare however you want to so if you want to give this a try go to my link Down Below in the first 100 people to use my promo called Mikey 40 will get 40% after first order of hungry Roots all right get back to my pork job and um enjoy the [Music] video [Music] breakfast looks really good for 5:30 in the morning lamb sausage never had that before really gooey looking eggs and they have chili oil that they add to the eggs I've learned that from yesterday some fried rice and beans never used to put hot oil on my eggs before that gos really well together also eggs in this country that's so fluffy so from the hotel to to the airport is about 3 hours then another 5 or 6 hour flight to Melbourne So the plan is Melbourne Tasmania then heading over to New Zealand and then back to Sydney this is going to be a pretty wild food trip I'll say this again people in Fiji nicest people [Music] ever [Music] wow there's the Yara River St Paul's Cathedral that is a beautiful beautiful [Music] view it's about 6:30 in the morning I am starving luckily there's a 7-Eleven right there yesterday when I checked the 7-Eleven out there's some really interesting stuff [Music] there's a lot of different sandwiches here Curry Perry chicken bacon egg roast beef ham and sweet mustard cheese and tomato chicken and mayo this on The KES there's microwave meals ooh butter chicken curry curry curry chicken sounds good pie protein meals oh these look good too ton of hot foods like beef pie there's pastries look at this passion fruit M de oh my gosh a cookie though M&M Chef series potato chips Chinese barbecue [Music] duck breakfast is served all right this looks like a pretty good breakfast haul so got some m muscle Chef high protein creamy chicken and shrimp pasta some butter chicken curry Carry Perry chicken with crunchy SLO Chinese barbecue duck with hoison sauce chips a mango passion fruit cheesecake a beef pie a chicken and leak pie o this is Hefty one about the same weight as one of these Chef meals I think is heavier passion fruits mue I think I talked about this before where the first time I came to melbour didn't have any just lived off McDonald's and fish and chips and beef pies which were the cheapest items I could find at the time ketchup or tomato sauce was not free I think it was like 40 3040 cents a pack neither was tarar sauce so I swear the next time I come back to Australia I just go to McDonald's and fill up on free packs of ketchup luckily I didn't because they are free at 7eleven start off with this this is the cream and chicken and mushroom pasta looks like shell pasta chunks of chicken little bit of herbs in here smells good oh that's not bad I mean Far Cry from a 711 Japan microwave meal but not bad good texture on the pasta chicken is not the most tender but pretty passible sauce is creamy rich and delicious in fact I'll probably dunk my sandwich in this in a little bit but holy moly 35 g of protein I mean not really low car but if you want to get your protein fix in this is pretty Dar a good way to do it I'm really excited about this there's the butter chicken butter chicken curry rice oh wow as soon as I peel back the the seal over the rice you smell the rice immediately CU there's some added spices in the rice giant chunks of chicken in here the curry looks really thick and Rich yeah this is great that's it's a rich loaded Curry the chicken again not the most tender but not bad the rice though absolutely amazing so added spices like Curry Under seeds makes it so fragrant the richness of the butter chicken it's really balanced out by the zest of the tomatoes that's in this Curry it's definitely one of the zestiest butter chicken I've ever had it works really well passion fruit Frenzy that's good this thing is way more Tangy than sweet I mean very much tastes like passion fruit not bad meat pies when I first came to Australia over 20 years ago I asked my Australian friends to take me for some Australian food and they got me meat pies thing looks really flaky and just loaded with filling not bad it's flaky it's loaded with beef filling it's Hefty it's satisfying this thing will definitely fill you up now add some tomato sauce [Music] definitely better with some tomato sauce cuts down the richness of the pie also 7-Eleven had sweet tied chilies I still don't understand why the US still has not adopted this contraption and look at this squeeze a little bit sauce comes out very neatly sweet tied chilies and the tomato sauce but the win little heat little sweetness I like it had to get this too chunky chicken and leak pie so it's tendered chicken and creamy leak sauce that like a chicken pop pie the texture inside tastes pretty much like American chicken pop high without the vegetables very creamy the chicken is very soft it's okay not bad I definitely like beef pop pie better try this with some sweet chilies it's better but this popy doesn't really Jive as well with the Thai Sweet chilies I feel like the flavor is too mild so the sweet chilies and tomato sauce just kind of takes over also I don't taste any leak it's just creamy sauce I was really excited for the leak but don't really taste much of it let's try this per prry chicken with crunchy sloth this is a pretty good size sandwich this is an incredible sandwich it's so good the chicken is Ginger the Perry Perry sauce amazing of course Peri Perry sauce is made with African birs eye chilies which has a lot of heat and it definitely translates into sandwich this is not a mild sandwich this is a spicy spicy delicious sandwich and the heat from the sauce is cooled down a bit by the fresh SLO and vegetables I mean it's crunchy it's tender it's creamy it's got a bit of smokiness to it as well it's so good only thing that stop this from being a 10 out of 10 is the bread I think there's way too much bread if they cut off the crust or made this bread a little less crumbly give it a better texture I'm just comparing this bread to the bread they have in 7eleven in Japan if this bread was the same quality as that this would be absolutely iconic still it's such a fantastic sandwich I guess the good thing with a lot of bread good for dunking dunk this into my butter chicken curry yeah that works really well Red Rock jelly chips so these are good barbecue chips sweet Smoky I don't really taste the duck element but for barbecue chips it's not as sweet as traditional barbecue chips they taste more like qum barbecue chips not bad just don't taste a duck 7-Eleven brand mango passion fruit cheesecake so layer of cake I see the mango and passion fruit on top of that o this is awesome I to eat this with a knife because I ran out of forks but wow this is incredible cloudlike cheesy cream on top a little crumbly cake on the bottom it resembles the crumbly crust of a cheesecake it's delightfully cheesy you definitely taste the mango and the passion fruit you can see it too this is by far the best thing I had today I got to go try the other three flavors if I lived here I'd be in trouble I'd be eating this all the time oh look passion fruit seed they're using real passion fruits in here wish our 7eleven had this 1.5 Health star rate that means it's good for me I'm going to assume that's true finally had to try this cookie dough M&M's never seen cookie dough M&M's before first of all the're round I like it little L of chocolate surrounding a bit of cookie dough if you like cookie dough which I do and if you like M&M's which most people does this is just absolutely perfect for you this probably like a health star rating of five out of five though wait it's five good or one good oh the the more the Stars the healthier I thought the more stars are worse for you I guess that doesn't make any sense so unfortunately there's 1.5 well that's sad there probably like a zero though oo these chips are 3.5 not bad as you guys know I always like exploring the local 7-Eleven wherever I go in Australia 7-Eleven has some really interesting Foods I'm going to say that has a pretty fun breakfast all right I'm going to finish up get some work done and this afternoon the food's going to be intense I'm going to leave it at [Music] that so dinner tonight is here at Melbourne this is one of the highest rate all you can e Buffet here in Melbourne let me show you around as soon as you walk in you have a seafood section with crab muscles PRS fresh oysters Sushi all the popular cuts are here you got some otopus tuna salmon CR Abalone and this is the Indian food section some butter chicken some gold Curry CH chicken tea different flavors of n me to order and this section is what I'm really excited about so here you can have steak or lamb chops cook to order different types of pastas and you can even have different stir fry dim some oh and this this is where my heart skipped the beat so this is the meat section and if you are a carnivore or meat lover this may just be your Paradise there's the crispy pork belly there's roast lamb beef shank with a giant brn Stow inside the lamb Rose and five spice duck pancake of course a chocolate fountain that's a beautiful looking dessert section I haven't had anything to eat since this morning just waiting for this meal so let's get [Music] started I just took a tour of me paradise and it had my heart pounding I got a bit of each of the meats and this might just be the buffet with the most meat selection I've ever seen which obviously makes sense for Australia this is the five Spice duck and a pancake so basically a five spicey speaking [Music] duck awesome first of all pancake perfect crunchy cucumbers also wami flavored from the hoison sauce and that duck is tender now to the rest of the meats I'm so excited for this crispy R Pig gorgeous crispy skin on top look at all that fat and meat and the seasoning on the bottom this is like a rose Pig Big Mac layer of crispy skin layer of fat layer of Ling meat then another layer of fat layer of Ling meat again and you can see the juice just cascading from each piece I never done this before but they recommended eating this with some applesauce hold on this is so freaking amazing I love it the bottom has all the spices and I think the most flavor but that top crispy skin that's what you want all day long that makes a loud statement it's cooked perfectly the skin as soon as you crunch down starts to melt with the fat it's basically just pure flavor got to say pretty good with the applesauce it really balances out the richness of the pork also I got some cauliflower soup I think the first place I had cauliflower soup was in Japan and surprisingly loved it this is great really creamy rich and fragrant I think it's wonderful this is the beef rump the P look at that beautiful layer of fat I mean this is one of the most beautiful Cuts I saw on this Buffet just the most perfect pink Center oh my gosh heck yeah this is is delicious beyond words as soon as Chef endon cut into it it just look like a meaty waterfall with a beautiful fatty lay on top it's so tender this is also a piece I'm really looking forward to this is beef shank add little mustard to it and when you cut into it you can see all that awesome tendon in the shank cold marinated beef shank is one of my favorite Chinese dishes it does reminds me of that except no it's hot the beef is tender I love the fat and tendon aspect of the shank final Peas the roast of lamb it's been sitting on my plate for a while little mint jelly it's good definitely a little drier now since it's been sitting on my plate but still Tinder no gaminess perfect with that Min jelly oh seasoned very well too that Min jelly is spectacular by the way oh one other thing I just remembered about about the bee PP it's Smoky I don't know how exactly they cook that but there is definitely smoked infused into that cut of me that's my favorite cut of me so far all the other ones are great the pork belly amazing but that beef hump wow all right round two it's all about the sushi Abalone salmon squid tuna they have these like really adorable Sushi balls itaki Mas you one of these Sushi balls look at that squid Sushi ball with caviar on top little soy [Music] sauce sweet Snappy squid top with that mommy F caviar that's a craving satisfying piece of sushi amberjack this one of my favorite a little bit of soy sauce so buttery iner it's one of my favorite cuts of fish ever if you never had amberjack give it a [Music] try nice some melt in your mouth tuna it's lean tuna but that is about as tender as they come I love how that fat from the salmon just mixes with the sushi r as true I used to not eat sushi now I crave [Music] it I just got a m to water bise pasta rack of lamb and a steak I kept glancing over at the Indian food section Indian food here looks and smells amazing especially that none all right let me focus on what I have in front of me right now this is the bologan pasta and there's a lot of meat in here lot of cheese it's very meaty and that's the way I like it very meaty very cheesy pasta's delicious I mean this whole thing is just extremely flavorful I mean it's not Italy but for Buffet pasta this is pretty darn spectacular steak Cooks It water one bit of advice for you guys to not start things with this steak don't pick a fight with it don't make fun of it don't ask it for its lunch money because it is tough it just just cut a meat I mean it's cooked perfectly beautiful pink center it's juicy it's just a tough cut of meat Lamb Chop on the other hand tender Smokey juicy beautiful and you can definitely taste a fire also what I love about this lamb there's some mirow in here look at that do not waste this oh that's a good chunk of miror right here add that to the [Music] lamb that's the best bite delicious juicy tender grilled lamb with some Smoky lamb [Music] [Music] butter they have a stir fry station and they have fermented black bean sauce if you don't know what fermented black bean sauce is is something you want in every single stir fry ever it's so good especially when stir fry with meat and vegetables it just makes everything tastes so much more earthy and robust it's pretty much aami bom so I asked for some huffin some vegetables some beef in a load of the black bean sauce also found some charred eggplant M that's good noodles are nice and chewy this beef looks tender really really tender beef some booy green peppers carrots usually you go to a buffet maybe they'll have like a Mongolian Grill section with onions and beef and peppers ain't going to taste anything close to this also you definitely taste a w [Music] so it's really interesting how they do their non ha here they have all these different flavors I think it's about a dozen more so flavors and they can mix and match this is a stuffed cheese SLG garlic SL chili none oh my gosh oh look at this cheesy garlicky spicy naun freshly made from the oven buttered chicken looks good the goat looks good got some fig goat cheese salad as well that thick salad is awesome oh it's really [Music] good this is one of the greatest things ever can is so good garlicky cheesy and very spicy toasty on the outside I like the little bit of bitterness from the Char look at all the chilies and garlic they stuffed in here it's fluffy as chewy dunk that into the butter [Music] chicken oh butter chicken is really good wow there's a reason I was craving this Indian food the Indian food on this buff spectacular and this nun is so uniquely delicious usually you go to Buffet few different flavors than nun this is just out of this world add some Curry gold down to this this and the butter chicken what a combo butter chicken is just tremendously flavorful the chicken is so tender tilt do not sleep on the Indian food at this [Music] Buffet all right going take a little break eat some seafood you have these blue swimmer crabs King pra and [Music] oysters the crab is more Briny than sweet a little bit of sweetness that's a pretty Savory boot crap that meat is really really delicate so these are King CWS this little thing got some flavor to it I wasn't really expecting that much flavor M the head is just full of griny momy oh that is just pure flavor so much flavor body little Savory nice and snappy I'm going to get a whole plate of this these are Australian oysters almost went down to Raw natur flavor of this oysters is very fresh a little creamy I wonder if these are the famous bruny island oysters they definitely have zero fishiness not much of a brininess to it waterline sweet again very clean these are delicious all right deserve [Music] time all right dessert looks awesome this is a chocolate M&M nut and the chef recommended some chocolate from the chocolate fountain on top of that put some vanilla gelato on top of that too inside is a chocolate M&M stuffed n so I'll take some of that none add some ice cream to that is insanely decadent and delicious ice cream in the N pure diabolic genius this is one of the greatest berser finales think I've ever had at a buffet crolet oh that's really good I saw someone do this I really liked it somebody just took a bunch of fresh strawberries and just covered it in chocolate I know a pro move when I see one the strawberries are so good juicy little tart very sweet strawberries this is such a great use of the chocolate fountain that is a food power move you got to have really good strawberry to make this work and these are really good strawberries I only have a few days here in Melbourne I really wanted to go through a buffet so I research extensively on where to go and everywhere I look this place was mentioned favorite things tonight the roast Meats for sure that meat station is unparallel I don't think I've been to a buffet with that much meat selection especially that rum steak oh my goodness that's amazing I mean usually when you go to a meat station on a buffet most of it is going to be bone dry I mean every cut was juicier than the last love the live cooking stations the pasta station amazing the stir fry station especially with the black bean sauce loved it in the Indian station that's usually something I don't get a lot of when I go to a buffet because it is so filling here especially the different flavors of nun incredible there's a great selection of seafood the oysters are delicious and the dessert get yourself a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries and definely the M&M n this has been an incredible first meal here in Australia as always all the information for this place is listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until until we eat again l
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 350,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-ELEVEN breakfast, Australia, Melbourne dining, Melba Restaurant, meat and seafood buffet, foodie guide Melbourne, Australian convenience stores, luxury dining experience, food adventures Australia, Melbourne restaurants, australia 7-eleven, Melbourne buffet, Melbourne eats, Melbourne food
Id: k7eGvUaYnsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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