KICK THE BALDI?! | Kick The Buddy Mobile Gameplay

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications can I do that again I sure can can I just keep doing it I yeah yeah okay death and disrupt the structure never II where he's dead we kill her [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to mobile Monday today we're trying out a game that a lot of you guys have been suggesting I try out it's called kick the bunny and the title of the game pretty much explains it all you're supposed to beat up your buddy that's basically what you do don't beat up your friends I don't know why we want to beat up this guy I guess he kind of asked him for it and this is this is his job this is what he does so as you can see I'm just I'm just beating him up I'm just basically just tapping the screen but apparently there's a lot of other stuff you can do you can like oh gosh I'm spreading his face apart from his body that seems like it kind of hurts are you okay little buddy he's probably not okay but he seems to you know get right back into it look all his wounds have magically healed you're kind of amazingly the guy but now in this game you collect cash by kicking up and beating up your buddy I mean I did that's kind of a messed up way to earn money but that's how you earn money in the game and then you get access to all kinds of stuff so what I went ahead and did is I bought the VIP thing and it gives you access to a whole bunch of gold and a whole bunch of cash I don't even know how much stuff is in this game but based on my very minor investigation into the game there's a lot of stuff there's tons of stuff that you can use against our poor little buddy and you can see there's a lot of different categories I mean I guess we could we could bust out like a mace for instance how do I oh gosh I'm just beating him up with a mace and that is doing a lot of damage oh he's dead I just I just killed my body that's the first time I've ever done that and I get a gift for for knocking him out I got 200 bucks nice but he's back he's miraculously back and then we've got another gift oh we can claim another hundred for 300 bucks sure I'll take it then we get Klaus tomorrow I guess turn into Wolverine but in the meantime we got a lot of weapons to work with I got this sword because I have the VIP account so I don't know like if it does more damage than the from the mace did it doesn't all he's getting all cut up yeah Wow we are just beating him up yeah that's I mean that's basically the name of the game isn't it I don't know how effective it is though it doesn't seem to be knocking him out as quickly as the mace was maybe I'm not using it properly I don't I don't really know what you say he's he's sending all kinds of insults my way it's very rude I have a sword and you do not do not insult people that have swords when you do not have swords to defend yourself with the weird little puppet man all right he's not he's not going down so let's try something a little bit more effective I guess I guess we could tap into our inner granny here we could try out a bear trap sure how do i okay and then I just and I just put him on it I guess I just drop it oh you poor little man and then he can't go anywhere and he is oh oh okay I yeah I'm beginning to understand you just spawn a billion bear traps on top of him and he's done why doesn't granny do that these are high-level bear trap strategies okay this is this is amazing there's so much stuff in this a buzzsaw a chainsaw I can't even afford the chainsaw is 50 300 bucks I'm not even close to that try the longbow it's free never mind it's not free I don't want to watch an ad right now fine we'll buy a buzzsaw oh dear oh my okay yeah yeah okay are you ready little guy are you ready here comes oh gosh you poor little man oh look at all that money we're getting from this though we are just chopping him to shreds and he's done he's done buddy are you okay don't worry he'll get back up he always does we can always count on our buddy okay so these all are cold weapons there's the claws xcalibur $8,900 that's never gonna happen the rainbow axe there's a unicorn axe that's pretty sweet that's only 100 bucks oh my how do I use this thing this is so magical I want to hit him with the axe part of it though oh gosh just rainbows and sparkles of death magic you're done you're done little what is this game what wait was he spitting out rainbows rainbows coming out of him or where they come there are there's rainbows coming out of him I'm turning you into a magical puppet little friend oh my gosh this is just something truly unique can I spawn more than one no I can't okay that's fine do you just call me Freddy my name is not Freddy dude how dare you assume my name just gonna hit you with this unicorn axe a couple more times it's having hard time taking him out but we are getting a lot of money I'm actually pretty impressed with the amount of money we're earning from this magical unicorn axe it's all about the rainbows that's why I'm telling you alright enough rainbows you got you're a rainbow action let's move on why isn't ice axe so expensive alien claws are free okay I might actually watch the ad for that one I have to watch ten videos to get the alien claws alright take one for the team let's watch ten ads of course the last ad crash is my game it's very rude I hope that it counts I want the alien claws I don't even remember what we were trying to get okay the last video didn't count but that's okay I can watch one more I mean the truth is I don't really mind ads is just having to watch them in sequence over and over again having to do ten in a row that seems kind of insane otherwise you know I don't really care okay we've unlocked the alien claws good so now let's actually use them oh my honey oh that is cool now do they do anything else other than what they're doing there beeping so I'm wondering if they do something once you hate at all they blow up oh okay yeah that that was sure sweet I just unlocked tomato know what that does but okay alright we only have one more screen of the cold weapons there's a razor blade there's a hero shield there's a vampire sword which is $18,000 I don't have that kind of money let's get out of cold weapons let's move on to explosives this is gonna be fun we get c4 because I have the VIP access set the timer and c4 press the screen and draw a circle with your finger oh okay I see so we can set it all the way up to nine seconds and then we just wait and we'll let him hang out with the c4 we'll just have him sit right on top of the c4 okay that sort of kind of didn't really work but I could put a lot of them right and then I can send them all over the place oh this is cool sorry little buddy I'm so sorry also I get free gold free if I watch an ad of course alright let's explore more of the explosives here malte cocktail is 99 gold that's almost all the gold that I have the Holy Hand Grenade Oh a hundred and 99 gold I can't afford it cluster bombs I can barely afford them nuclear bomb is 999 gold I don't have 999 gold make more money the explosives are too expensive for to exchange expensive I can get the m67 grenade okay wait use means boring it's not boring I'm throwing grenades at you what's so boring about that oh my gosh they're like Dennis bumpers put them all over the room oh this is amazing he's getting lodged all over the place okay there's something incredibly satisfying about throwing grenades at this little man I don't know what it is I don't know why I have so much anger towards him he's just he's a little like puppet man for whatever reason I just get so much satisfaction throwing grenades at it I forgot to mention also if we go to decor we can change the background so we should be able to go into the sewer I guess that's the only one that I get for the VIP access that's fine we'll change it up a little bit we could also change his look so if we go into wardrobe we can make him a rude boy or we could give him a star yes you do make that look good little guy you got all kinds of stuff here oh you could give him different shoes too you actually put shoes on him he wasn't even wearing shoes before I like those it's got the flames on the side I'll give him a cool hat look at this guy what a punk shopping at Hot Topic for sure give him a pirate hat oh I like that garbage bag oh it's great I think I like that one ooh that's scary that's just creepy I don't like that panda mask that's it's cute but a little bit weird give him like an Evel Knievel type helmet that's pretty sweet a wrestler mask so good a divers helmet yeah you are looking cool little guy what is this oh what a nerd I kind of like it he's fart use farted he just farted about this one he's Uncle Sam no I like the nerd go back to nerd look yeah there you go okay we'll keep him as a little nerdy boy I like that and let's go back to stuff the explosives they're cool but like the best ones are super expensive and I'm not gonna buy them so let's go to objects let's see what's going on here colored balls okay so like what we can just you can just throw just all kinds and colored balls at him sure why not cover the screen how many can I spawn do they start they start to disappear after a little bit yeah can't spawn too many all right what's helium for like did we get balloons here what's going on I'm confused it's not doing anything did I select it I definitely selected it oh maybe I feel him with I'm filling him up with helium he is a balloon man now oh my gosh now here's the question if we fill him up with too much helium will he pop and can we fill up his head can I make his head more filled no just as just his torso that is that is super-weird filling up our little body with helium making him float all over the place but you can't make him pop he will not pop okay what else do we have in here disco ball 1,500 bucks about the whip what's that gonna take it's too much right now I don't have the time to watch all the videos garden gnome we get the garden gnome can i oh gosh they shatter yeah now what happens if I spawn how many can I spawn can i spawn a whole bunch oh they're very very fragile though no I can only spawn four at a time that's a shame oh he knocked him out though nice okay let's see what else we can get glass I can just glass oh I can throw an entire sheet of glass at oh gosh okay that seems very dangerous very sharp but the pieces still stick around the pieces aren't breaking into smaller pieces they're just kind of sticking around they're doing pretty decent damage though getting some money out of it I feel like for some reason I'm not playing the game quite right though I feel like I'm missing something here but maybe not I'm still having a good time but I just I feel like there's got to be a better way to make more money right it's just this stuff is so expensive alright let's move on to the next categories music so this is like actual music or do we hit him with yeah we hit him with a guitar is it gonna play music while we hit him oh yeah of course it is can I spawn more guitars no I can't get a whole rack band going that's alright it's gonna beat you up with a guitar little guy don't you worry about oh no my guitar he's broken they're very broken can i spawn another one I can't spot another one okay fine whatever violin is 15,000 bucks are you kidding me that's crazy that's crazy foods we did get Tomatoes remember we unlocked Tomatoes so we can throw tomatoes at him all OH get off the stage you throw tomatoes at and just cover a mini tomato sorry dude alright let's see what other kind of vegetables we can throw at him potato gun oh I like the sound of that oh come on oh there we go we shoot potatoes at him they're doing like zero damage I'm unimpressed with potato gun I could throw a potato faster than this potato gun alright enough the potato gun you disappoint me 25 bucks for eggs that's something that I can get behind let's throw some eight throwing eggs no it's so mean it's not even like we're really hurting him we're just offending him alright what else did we got ice cream I like this oh I was expecting like scoops of ice cream not a giant ice cream oh this is amazing here eat it it's delicious it's delicious isn't him isn't it it's good it's good you gotta eat the cone all the way to the last bite there you go get it eat it he's not eating the last bite in this cone and it's really disappointing me come on D - he does not want any more ice cream cone fine have it your way buddy if that's your real name red chili sauce okay oh oh he just he died immediately just covered him in super hot sauce and he's done molten lava right there you don't like hot sauce little guy he's not custom to eating spicy fruit look at that face oh my gosh he has definitely had better days for sure alright let's move on to liquids who's that guy what hello why are you in this game you don't belong here you need to leave get a watering can here you know the the spicy we put spice all over him let's cool them down use water to choke fire what there we go will cool you off there you go dude there ya go doesn't that feel good yeah that's real nice what why are you here you're throwing money you're throwing money all over the place okay oh it's a developer's other game party masters no I want to kick the buddy okay so we cool them down with with nice cool water now let's get some boiling water gosh this is awful oh no he does not like that can't really blame him oh man what is wrong with this think this game is awful this poor little buddy man I'm sorry okay I'm done I'm done let's move on to something else meaning it's slop oh that looks disgusting yeah it is it is absolutely disgusting that is just garbage we're just pouring garbage all over little buddy oh no oh he threw up yeah all right can't really blame you for that one here let's clean him off let's clean them off let's see if we can we can there we go there are you feeling better dude all right hope you're feeling better I feel bad about that all right that's it for liquids at least the free ones let's go into appliances so a TV sure in with the TV yes Mac morality awful oh why I feel bad about pouring boiling water on him but if I hit him with a like very heavy and hard TV now it's alright he'll get up he'll be fine oh yeah yeah that that TVs doing good work good job good job TV okay let's see what else we got in appliances nothing I could get a jacuzzi though you know what I'll get the jacuzzi okay finally unlock the jacuzzi let's try this bad boy out get this guy jacuzzi he needs it here you get inside there you go how's it how's the temperature little lukewarm you need a little bit more heat let's give him a little bit more heat how's that nice and bubbly you like that okay you want crank it up a little bit more okay alright I understand well my finger slipped I sorry about that oh you're turning red you're you're very much turning red are you okay in there look at this I'm getting all this cash I love it keep it coming okay here we'll cool it down for you sorry about that sorry sorry is he dead I think it might be dead buddy you know I'm moving anymore oh no what have I done I broke the buddy oh well put him back get more money that's pretty cool I'm just I'm just getting get more cash it's all it takes throw your buddy in the hot Jacuzzi my gosh there's so many different things here power of God's okay let's buy a tornado oh dear all there it is it's off okay yeah I like having the power to create tornadoes wherever I am sure it's not giving me a lot of money but it looks awesome I'm actually gonna use all my money I'm gonna use it all up before the end of this episode so let's see what else we can get Mjolnir oh my gosh we can be Thor yes I just bought force hammer and I'm going to crush our poor little buddy with this giant hammer of death oh and of course there's the there's the Lightning oh yeah okay I like this this works yes pretty good it's pretty good oh gosh poor little man poor little man yeah Mjolnir is awesome in case you were wondering frog rain oh oh gosh the frogs are just splat enough what is this game it's weird it's so weird and I kind of love it shooting stars let's go yeah oh gosh oh yeah okay doubt that's got hurt yeah those look very sharp and they're on fire and now he is on fire can't do that again I sure can can I just keep doing it I yeah yeah okay death and destruct destruction everywhere he's dead we kill him that's awesome alright what else you got in here for me plantus predators now this is gonna use up most of my gold but it looks really cool so I'm gonna get it and let's see what happens oh yeah you just need to walk over here little guy there you go alright your yep yeah okay we just got eaten by a giant piranha plant can we have him back hello there he is there he is he's gonna get eaten again just just wake up wake up little guy there you are here you get to get eaten again congratulations welcome back to the world of living so that you can get eaten again this is hilarious alright let's see what's under nano weapons it looks like all of these cost gold or a lot of cash that I do not have teleport okay what is this okay I put do I stuck to him now what oh it's just teleports him I wonder where he went while he was gone for that split second I like the idea of him like ending up like with Dinosaurs for just a brief second and then getting teleported back to this grimy sewer and then the next moment he's like on the moon and then he's back in the sewer poor little guy he's been through a lot oh my gosh she just ran around the entire map that was impressive it's like a lizard so guys I think that's gonna do it for this episode of the mobile Monday kick the buddy hilarious and weird and in so many ways just horrifying yet delightful I hope that you guys enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 5,438,027
Rating: 4.8089013 out of 5
Keywords: kick the buddy, kick the buddy game, kick the buddy ios, kick the buddy android, baldis basics in education and learning, no cursing, no swearing, baldis basics, kick the buddy gameplay, kick the buddy walkthrough, mobile game, ios, android, kindly keyin, family friendly, baldis basics lets play, baldis basics gameplay, baldis basics game, baldis basics mod, baldis basics ending, baldis basics mods, baldi mods
Id: Dy2Dw3713Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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