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greetings fellow earthlings and welcome to another episode of hear the rules first to dim the Bell eats the dish that person is then out and safe for the rest of the game last person standing eats the big boy which is either the best or the worst dish of the game the big this time it's gonna be a margarita last time it was just clam ice cream it's good it's good it's good so that's gonna be real good I have to watch you and that was rough I'm trying to use a little psychology here and I'm thinking yeah they would go worse big bite for the second episode and then best big bite for the third cuz they don't want to go three in a row I feel like you're using psychology on us whether it's a great food or a bad food you can swallow it or if you don't fall out you spit it up we have the is that the definition of eat yes like good action easy okay so it's a verb I can eat anything yeah I mean at the end of the day even if this is gross at eat we're having a good time of a food girl first dish yeah it's gonna get off easy wait that purple thing looks like seafood yeah it looks a little fine though I feel like if they use guacamole they're like oh this looks gross but it's a be good you ready I'll take off protective go buy a home base no one would know it's food poisoning that was clogging our sink plague it was it was like walking moly but it was really salty is that just like regular s o'clock what is that bad cook what is that mabashi guacamole in mabashi means oh that's old plums in the Guam yeah I really wasn't sure if I should ding that but since nobody else go I was like ah why not wait I know for it I can't be mad at him because we didn't go for it [Music] all right round two or eat it I'm not okay I feel like I'm in a haunted house all right let's see what we've got to eat are you I got it you want a little early so laser gets it some delicious down-home country gravy is what I'm guessing this is brownie gravy and I'll take it well good thanks like biscuits ee brow it's kind of pudding eat it's a pudding me gravy thing the sweet and salty do not but it's not it's not so bad that the seeds and the chocolate aftertaste is actually not that bad oh that's very salty it is the sole being sweet I'm not no genuine she cheated never mind you got to wait for the go three so what's go it's not eat it or cheated Oh eat it or eat it did you hear that burn here I'm [Music] so my logic is that liquids I think I can do more than just like weird gross foods and cereal like you know what I don't care what that's in I don't care if it's in urine welcome to cat piss cereal Big Bite big boy bike what is it drink the milk you mom what that's water baby that is just cereal and water I do not grow things is looking like that's wrong everyone reacted like that was poisoned hey no no I never drink the milk and cereal that's it's cereal and egg white so it's wheat bread and egg whites in they're gonna think raw egg tastes like water telling me I'm gonna get buff from guys I don't know what to tell you that was great Gary's dying why was that not bad because you're so yo you're so yo wait so how many of you tried it none of us you don't eat my egg look happy oh man [Music] I'm a theater degree we are down to Noah and Sarah well Sarah's back towards the end of it Wow so unhappy yo bro don't let those egg whites gonna yolks [Music] [Music] come on oh I'm happy actually no I was gonna go cuz I choked before we start filming them like haha you're gonna end up eating the yogurt milk cheese and that I could not describe better as yogurt milk that looks like flan you buy from the 99-cent store call me bum here told me there's milk in that I'm gonna take a with this I'm not gonna show her my reaction are you not allowed to smell it I love what you've ended up with the dairy things twice well I was like maybe the producers thought was funny if we like have a dairy dish that Sarah will probably go for we're trying to casually it looks like it pre-made it looks like you might have bought it this way and just flopped it onto a plate what comes pre-made in this shape oh wait a second I slap it is deceptively hard Oh what is it I think it's like Greek yogurt that's spongy is that girded milk is that all again it looks like why is it porous wait a minute ready yeah [Music] just just trying it through it wait yes you're changing your mind is it what do you what he tasted I'm trying to pretend it's really fancy cheese very pungent and very salty cheese your grace the princess she's not eating [Applause] I'm already apologizing to my butt so I got really excited before my date because I was like ooh what if it's just a very large tofu really time it's kind of like super salty cream cheese oh it's like extremely salty cheese jello Bonnie Bush goat cheese blue all their blue cheese and blue cheese that's what it is it's been not sea of cheeses what's funny is in my mind I was like pretend you just ate it off the low shot cooter eboard and then it was fine but also goat cheese is really good for you so like knowing that some of the stuff and it is good for you that helps me I really am enjoying your answer positivity I like nice [Music] cheese I've done a cheese episode cheese is not for me I think this is gonna be margarita pizza which I guess is a cheese pizza so maybe cheese's for me I don't know what to say how about you ring the bell when you want the food to come out oh for you one two three oh it's Kourtney no material is it good or bad he won't say hold on this could be a ruse wait is this a beautiful cake from an Asian bakery Wow if what I've been handed I want everyone to know that even if this was exactly what it's supposed to be some sort of delicious hash and fruit or mango dessert I would eat it the only person at this table who would hate this is gonna suck a lot I would have bailed this it don't know this why is it good oh the Garrett cam says it's supposed to be good this is a normal cake and this is discuss the best possible case wrong with you dango it's legit good Wow something wrong with it so wait to stare around the worse thing again I think Sara got the worst thing again yeah it's a garnish edible flowers are a thing haha poison you're gonna dozer nightshade berries he's joking with me no comment if he's joking with me don't be dead by then I think you know much watch another episode of editor unit punch that notification valve you want to see the next one and maybe put some ideas of Foods in the bottom or people you want to have on it's really easy to type nowadays they teach classes now love you hey guys thank you so much watching this video if you want to watch a video that was picked just for you click that box and also if you haven't checked out our new merch at smash dot store I suggest you do that right now love you bye
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 2,636,903
Rating: 4.9600501 out of 5
Keywords: IS THIS CHEESE? - EAT IT OR YEET IT #2, smosh pit, smosh, smosh 2nd channel, EAT IT OR YEET IT, smosh pit eat it or yeet it, eat it or yeet it, food challenge, mystery food challenge, weird food taste test, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, sarah whittle, challenge, lasercorn, noah grossman, funny videos, challenges, smosh squad, comedy
Id: zNSYoOvrMes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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