Easy Way To Catch A Delicious Eating Panfish

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fixing to get bit there he is I tell you what folks it's amazing how many fish is right through here I have hit and this is a big big old rock bass right here or a red eye whatever y'all want call him great good one yeah Holly boom don't get off I am hungry and we're going to have rock bass fur dinner okay that's a terrific little panfish and this is an easy way to catch them in a great bait this is a great great bait right here to catch them all right I'm gonna be pretty specific right here I'm going to be using the micro TRD uh made by z-man okay this is a fantastic bait it's an inch 0.75 inch and three quarter long this is a fantastic bait to fish with for what I'm going to be doing today and today I'm going to be targeting specifically red eyes or rock bass and what I'm going to be doing right here this is a z-man rod Drew's ultimate Med rig Rod is the name of it and it's five foot four I believe they make another one that's five foot ten which I want it also light is a feather folks and I'm using a little fluger president reel on it little bitty real eight pound test uh braid with a six pound teslore carbon leader but here's my bait this is the business end rock bass love this bait this is a 1 30th of an ounce Z man head and that is a green pumpkin bait and I have a lot of different colors and they probably all work because rock bass is a very aggressive fish in fact they remind me a lot of a warmouth a green sunfish uh and also a red brass sunfish all four of these species including the rock bass are very aggressive and they will eat big baits all of them love crawfish and hellgrammites soap in creeks small rivers and even big Rivers if red eyes exist this bait right here will mimic most anything they could think it's most anything it's an ed rig and I have it rigged up with a loop knot and this bait I'm gonna work it just like a Ned rig this bait of float up with the little z-man head I'm just gonna move it along the bottom like that a few inches and then let it stop a few inches and then let it stop it'll rise back up very effective bait I had the best jump dog in this part of the country the main thing in finding the elusive rock bass or commonly called the red eye is to find the deeper holes what I'm looking for is deep holes and I'm also believe it or not I'm looking for fish I'm just letting that jig go down yeah there's another one oh my this is a big one I hope he stays put now this is another Giant this is a giant rock bass yeah that is a filleting type oh we barely hooked quit um quit look here folks see there that's what I'm talking about look how thick now that is prime eating that's what I this is why I'm putting out so much effort for walking so far is because I'm wanting to catch these that's exactly right so let's put him in the bucket yep look at there I want y'all look hey look this is the only bait I've used one by eight that's how tough these z-man baits are I missed another one dog on it let's try it again I'm not sure it was rock bass but it could have been I got him yeah that's rock bass a good one yep sometimes when you go up these creeks don't just walk a little bit get way up them you'll find some good fishing up some of these that's a giant okay so there's a couple little ones real little ones I can get rid of in there and I'll call them out here in just a minute but let's try that again a lot of fish right there there's a little small mouth right in front of us and there's a rock bass now that rock bass might bite small mouth didn't there he is look here folks I don't know if he's big enough he might be I sight fished him let's PC right here no I tell you what happened right there that's why I like these baits and their doggone rock bass love them a lot of different fish love them but rock bass will eat them up having that loop knot in there is very important when that bait hits the bottom boom it'll come straight back up just like that and that tail is moving they can't stand it folks y'all get what I'm talking about that's how I fish it along the bottom this is the type of bait where if you want to fish slow you can because the current is going to keep that the tail moving it's going to look alive as long as it's in the water there he is oh my goodness well this ain't what I wanted to this is not my target species but this is what we got right here get all the way we that's a good Smallmouth right here and there's a spotted bass right there beside him yeah that's the spot but this is a small jaw right here oh my God that fish hit that bait hard real hard so there you go there's another species rock bass Smallmouth and this is a good fish right here too give me a fit look here what a pretty fish quiet that's enough of that quit now we ain't gonna keep him now they ain't no need I don't I don't keep Smallmouth look at there folks look at there what a beautiful fish hit that little bitty Ned it's a small mouth rock bass bluegill um red breast Sunfish let's let him go there it goes that water's clearer ain't it blue the water is clear you know probably wondering how you not getting hung up a whole lot with an open hook bait like this fishing up a lot of years of experience that's all I got to say there's a lot of red horse suckers in this hole right here they're just Bunches of them well that was the only fish in that hole was that Smallmouth look here they we got a bite let's make another cast right there there's a hole right there let's see there he is oh no dog gone it that was a big rock bass they might be another one in there I don't know that was our big son of a gun don't go on it there he is again that ain't the rock bass I lost though but this is going to be a keeper the one I lost was a big one like one of these I got two two great old big ones in here but that's a that's a decent fish right here come on up here matter of fact that's a big one that one I lost was I sure enough mule sure enough mule um quit that's a good one let's put him in the bucket but I've got two donkeys in here look at that beautiful ain't it that's another thing if you're gonna walk way out here in the wilderness like this make sure you got a etch the real Rod because you can slip and fall break your rod oh I'd be terrible if you love to fish like I do all right folks I achieved exactly what I wanted to do it's been years since I've eaten you red eyes or if you want to call them rock bass either way you'll be right but it's been years they're delicious eating fish believe me and I've got a limit limit of them right there as y'all can see I mean and I'm what I'm gonna do is pick out a couple two of my biggest ones I've actually have about four or five big ones in there but let me go ahead and do that I believe these are two of the biggest right there I've got some that looks like they're as big I mean the same size three or four more but those are big big red eyes and you talk about some good eating whoa let me tell y'all a fishing fact now this channel is about fishing facts instead of advertisement I'm not big on advertisements y'all know that but this is no doubt a deadly deadly bait but remember if you're going to try one if you decide to um tie that loop knot that is up the upmost the utmost importance and another thing is look here I use this one bait and I caught a limit of rock bass okay plus there's no I threw back that many more that they just didn't suit me they wasn't big enough really I caught a small mouth I caught a largemouth a spotty bass I caught some bluegill uh one shell cracker or ready or sunfish uh red brass Sunfish I caught all kinds of fish folks on that one bait now the way I rig them up you can use the keeper there's a little keeper that comes on these mushroom jet jig heads that z-man makes but what I do this is what I do I'll take a pair of pliers and I'll take that off okay rig the bait on there straight pull the bait back and right here on the back side of that head put some super glue shove the bait back up without Loctite what I use Loctite glue excuse me but put it on the back side of that shroom head push it back up and then wiggle it back and forth like that and it won't slip or nothing else you don't have to readjust it or anything else that's what I do I'm not saying it holds it better than the way Z man has their jig head set up but I know that it did not slip and not one time it still stuck it's ready to fish right now I want to say God bless each and every one of y'all thank y'all for doing everything y'all done we've been on YouTube I don't know seven or eight years now I've enjoyed every minute of it y'all have built this channel up and it's continuing to grow and I just feel like it's by the grace of God that this is happening it's an extreme blessing y'all have blessed me no doubt and I want to say God bless each and every one of you all thank y'all for everything y'all do thank you thank you thank you hey man oh all the adrenology the adrilogan [Music] all right [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 184,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: panfish fishing, panfish fishing setup, panfish fishing tips, panfish fishing lures, panfish fishing line, panfish fishing rods, panfish fishing gear, panfish fishing rigs, panfish fishing videos, panfish fishing tips and techniques, panfish fishing hacks, panfish fishing secrets, bluegill fishing, shellcracker fishing, how to catch panfish, how to catch panfish with lures, rock bass fishing, how to catch rock bass, rock bass fishing setup, bluegill fishing setup, bluegill
Id: uOmLom7QcvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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