ART GOES GULLAH! Country Style. What an education!!!

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hey hey hey what's up country style family art here with you again uh out on the road uh you know from time to time I like to take country style out on the road uh come see where the people are and see what people are doing country is more than just Bennettsville you know more than just my family and friends down there in the woods in Bennettsville so I am on the road again because on country style you know I like to try to give you some entertainment for sure but you know we also try to give you some culture and some education so this episode is going to be about some education and some culture now you may be wondering where I am so I am on the road I don't know how much you know about South Carolina the landscape but South Carolina is divided up into a couple of different parts okay you got uh the Piedmont the upstate uh you got the Midlands uh you have the PD now the PD is where Bennettsville is but you also have the Low Country Now the low country is Charleston Beaufort the Hilton Head Bluffton Frogmore all those little coastal areas down in the bottom the little country and I'm in the low country today and you're wondering art why are you in the Low Country well glad to ask you see in the Low Country we have a people here who are called the Gullah geechi Nation now they're going to tell you more about who they are what they do and all that so you'll hear from them uh but uh essentially they are African descendants who have stayed in this area from the days of slavery and passed down their culture through decades and generations and Men they're good at it too I'm here to tell you it's very distinct very unique very educational very inspirational uh I'm gonna hang out with them for a few days I mean I'm gonna let you meet them too because it's really really something to experience man can they do food oh yes they do Soul Food and Seafood because we're down here on the coast and the watermen are here who go out on that water and bring in fresh local seafood every day I want to show you some of that too all right I've told you too much but you get the idea we're on the road country style baby are you ready to go Gullah with me let's go Gullah country style Come On Let's Take a Ride [Music] there he is again [Music] so I'm on Hilton Head Island at the Gullah Museum and I'm meeting with some of the board members who keep the Gullah cultural heritage alive here this is regula adopted something that you would find in Africa which is called the family compound you would have various members of the family living in this compound the uncle and the aunts and various people and the children were raised in the middle okay so in this particular compound Louise's Uncle lived in that blue house her aunt lived in this trailer and she lived in the big house across the street in the migrant farmers were here but the family lived in a square with the children being raised in the middle and living there you got to remember this is before you had refrigerators of course before you had electric stove of course so you might find a pot like this in the yard oh we know about this pot okay we know those pots really well down in my area you did the cooking and you did the washing and all of that life took place yeah let me let me see um these These are artifacts and these are things that are taken out of the life uh on the island this would be one of the first phones that uh they had on oh my goodness look at that operator can you help me operator are you there I'm already on the line get off the line yeah I'm already that's a party line you see a various artifacts that you would find in somebody's house typically in those days I'm old enough I'm old enough to remember what a knee-high orange was up there um yeah oh yeah oh yeah anybody remember that anybody remember the knee-high Orange yeah look at that look at that little little tiny pot belly that pump down there in the corner oh yeah that's an old possible we did not have we did not have a sewage system everybody had a pump in their yard let me tell you something okay that pump just don't give you water no you got the prime that's exactly pour that water yeah I know a little something about customer this is the man who's had the pump yeah you got the front look at that feels the neighbors you got the prime the pump yeah follow me now you got a prime the pump that's where that phrase comes from you got the prime the pump that's it where you are walking on this land was purchased by my great grandfather after the Civil War that's Louise Miller Cohen the director and founder of the Gullah Museum and she's a direct descendant of the first Africans on Hilton Head explain to him Gullah and Gucci was to come from was derived from what's the difference well Gala Gala gichi and I say galagichi because at one time all I ever heard was Gucci and but it was some of things that they said about us that um of course we didn't Embrace okay because they say oh uh their game which is oh they're fast talking people so I heard gichi all my life and when people ask well what's the difference in Gala and geechis I said I heard a lot of different things people talk about gala's old they are from Angola okay and then they're talking about West Africa West Africa yeah and then they talk about gauges oh they're from the kisi tribe I say galagichi because I heard uh gichi all of my life before I heard a dollar and I'm the same person okay and it's we still eating the same food um we're still doing that that ring shout that these people our people brought from Africa with them you know what I'm saying yes so um so we're the same people but this is we call this the little house is step on the Piazza okay because that's what we call the porch The Piazza and open this door we're going to finish you is not the living room as we call it but the front room the front room this is the front room so this is how it looks and of course if you look in here it's different from other houses that you're gonna see because you're gonna see real wallpaper okay I was we use what we had so it's no sheetrock um the the house is insulated with cardboard boxes and then you have newspaper on the wall okay so the newspaper was our wallpaper yeah and before we before we restore the house just a couple of weeks ago we had uh uh linoleum all through this house but we had to have a new floor because the house is really 89 years old I mean 93 93 years old so we stepped back in time when we come in here this is what I tell the people so from the wood stove to the gas stove the first gas stove that was in here so all these utensils and stuff these are things that I grew up with okay the pots in the pan um back there you didn't have all the modern stuff that we have today you had mostly enamels okay wait a minute you better tell them what that is right there you better tell them oh okay so we step up a bit when we got the Butter Churn but growing up I they would put the milk in a in a jar and I had to shake it until we got butter oh my God yes yes so it was a lot of work going on when when I was coming up um boy it is it is something so you talking about walking in here walking back in time to the smoothing on because this is how we had to press our clothes back in the day I want everyone to notice we're bending down ceilings right here yeah this is in a big building because the person who built this house was short yeah so if your Carpenter was short I'm looking around you know something I don't see a chamber pot okay well the chamber part that's the slop jar that's the slop jar that's going to be in the bedroom nice part okay oh there it is there it is for the Neighbors this is that's a lot and show them you got a lid on it cause you know you need a lid yes sir you need to you need you don't want that Aroma all over the house we're educating some people may be wondering what the heck is a chamber pot what is a slop jar because they don't know they see if you did not have indoor plumbing in these houses and um so those the the chamber part or the slop jaw was used in the night game is in case you had to go to the bathroom you didn't have to go out to the house you didn't have to go to the Outhouse and it was mostly for the women because the men had to take their butts out to one side okay yes yes and the children and the children yeah but look at the preserves right here yes sir so the new Refrigeration that's what we did we our food was preserved in Jaws so we were never hungry and of course we plant our um our fields and Garden Fields we plant our peas beans um watermelon you name it we plant it so we we listen we were never hungry and and with all the plum trees and the Pea trees the figs and all that listen we had food it was always something to eat always no no no I would say it's not something to eat something something to eat some feed that's that's that go away yeah so but you're talking so fast you don't say like you don't really say something to eat this is something to eat yeah yeah now back in Bennettsville you you always saying Gullah some feet we'd say something to eat okay some teeth okay so now give me a crash course give me a Gullah Center so let me say it Okay um now you could also say this is what we used to say like if I asked you whose is that over there I might say who that is yeah and it's got a little Creole in it the Gullah and creole are really closely connected english-based Creole language that's what it is yes man I'd love this yes love it yes sir yes sir yeah okay let's get out of here and this song watch it watch the light bulb but one thing like um when we open the door it is the coolest art and you can seal it right here yeah when you open the door it's a coolness it is like God providing the cool piece of the sweep right on through the flows right through and like I said this house is 93 years old this is the only Gala restored Gala house on Hilton Head Island man there's a lot of great history on this property that's what I'm talking about this is where they frying fish over here you know we have a term in Bennettsville it's a new term but it's called the fish The Physician The Physician here I can be the physician you are the The Physician for gullaguchi nation look at that friends and tonight there's great food too the board is hosting a fish fry for me let's eat gracious God have a father he calls back to blessing upon the food the actual God that it nourished our bodies bless the ones o heavenly father who prepared it and then on heaven and father we ask that you bless the fellowship that we have right now one with the other in the precious name of Jesus we pray amen amen [Music] thank you [Music] oh is that for me that's for you thank you so much oh my goodness look at that look at that oh this is what you call Low Country Hospitality Gullah Geechee Style [Music] so it was a wrap for day one a good day at that and a great meal but now it was a time to retire for the night because day two is gonna start early gonna start on the water well good morning good morning good morning hey cut stuff family it's a new day had a great night last night uh with the fish fry but today boy guess what we're about to do it is really early and I am going to meet the boat yeah we're going out on the water water is a big deal around here you got the marshlands and the inlets and everything and that's where the locals make their living a lot of them out on this water in these boats they go out and bring in their catches for the day want you to see something check out this yeah they're waiting for me look at the Marshland here what's going on brother good morning good morning this looks like my ride let's get to it this is awesome I am ready yeah come on all right good morning sir you doing all right man I'm good man hey glad to see you glad to meet you man appreciate you having me out here with you hey man you're welcome anytime hey look uh you're the captain of the boat I'm the passenger I'm gonna be a good man great morning how are you great morning all right all right man let's do it get kind of warm kind of fast now oh I know that already what's the game plan today we got a few trips we can check um we just really thought perhaps just really stopped going you know you had a slow start uh I got some more traps at the house but we gonna run about I think it's ten just to get get you familiar with what's going on out here okay and then we can go from there I'll let you pull a few and you tell me how you like it because it's everyday life for me you know so I love it that's crabbing season though we go into oyster season uh-huh and this is all this is all our banks right here all the way to that next Road over there all the way to that big bridge out there this is what we do every day oh look how pretty this is it's so calm what's up relaxing years years ago this is actually the second Old Oyster Factory first one my grandparents and my great grandmother and well all of Hilton Head worked in this building right here really yeah I started doing this when I was probably about seven or eight years old and you know you start getting into the girls you know what I mean and that change your way of life but then you got to come back to what you know yeah because the history got to live on through somebody and if it doesn't live on through somebody it's gonna fade away and a lot of these kids that's growing up now they don't know this way of life and he ain't trying to figure this way or not yeah right now what I'm trying to do is get more and get my community back involved and what's going on out here because after a while let's go let's disappear yeah yeah well it's not gonna disappear today [Music] my grandfather used to run them like like I'll be running around like 10 15 traps but I'm gonna start running about 75 to 100 rounds wow and and and then how do you that what happens after you you get the questions where's the market what do you do after that we the market you know he gotta you gotta you gotta be your own producer your own finances so you'll distribute them around the island yeah but I also have a seafood business too so we sell fish we sell a variety of things first trap right here uh a variety of things man [Music] see right here yeah we starting off to a good start that's a good start yeah because oh I know it yeah you can check him out that's a nice Rusty trap for you yeah it's a hard way of life now man because you got before the river was wasn't so busy this is the first time on the crab boat first time on a crab boat okay it's not bad hey I'm liking it so far that sometimes rewarding sometimes it's a headache especially when you come out here and you got orders and plans and you get out in 80 of your traps and check nothing there it's like fishing you don't catch them all the time dog did you catch them but somebody else to take them oh that's terrible yeah man that's a big one and you call the Gameboy just like today's society [Applause] just came over to the side here oyster beds all that can you see all of this right here all of this oyster bears and boy is that but you can't get from the camera is that marshy Aroma I'm gonna call it because it's distinct being out on this water uh the smell the atmosphere all of it it this all comes together and you've got to get used to that it's not all necessarily great smells but man this is all part of it I'm loving it gotcha foreign kids get older what does this place will look like yeah who's gonna tell them the history who's going to make sure that they know everything that they need to know about what's happening now because right now you're the bridge you're the bridge to that next Generation trying to make the connection but this fella right here taking a big off he's got that much power over here oh yeah see what we do is we can take the bigger claw pop it off take it with you leave it with one claw to defend itself that's a stone crab so you don't really keep those nah why not back in well it's not no it's not any meat in there now this one claw right here in a restaurant this is uh gonna cost you a pretty penny oh yeah oh yeah yes sir that's the stone claw right there Stone Crab Claw yeah where is the cocktail sauce and the butter [Music] sure it's beautiful but Josh talked to me about some of the problems the local watermen face out here problems like abandoned boats on the Waterway just sitting there and polluting the water these are boats that the owners just left because of repairs or money or whatever and use this water as their own personal junkyard he also talked about sometimes the watermen struggle to get a fair price for their labor and their hard work out here on these Waters and maybe worst of all was this thievery not on these Waters other people know where these traps are and then Rob the traps just for fun just to go back to have something to eat this is his livelihood yep so this is serious business they put these traps out of here when you come back and it's not a good feeling to find out that somebody else is beat you to it taken away your livelihood see ya this Trapper haven't known to produce anywhere from two to three Bush two to three dozen but you can see somebody moving see all the dead crabs in there yeah somebody picked it up I left it over there somebody picked it up and moved it excuse me wow they already somebody's already been for the money man there's an oyster bed right here it's an oyster bed so captain told me it's time for me to suit up I'm gonna pull in this trap man I got a feeling this is gonna be the fullest trap yet I got lucky hands okay now is that her over there get to the front of the booty go down got it though thank you [Music] okay got a couple in there got a couple how you like it yeah I feel like uh yeah we got the we got four in here okay how do you get them out right here don't want to let go does it get your hand down the bait well I mean a bait right yeah and how much bait we want to put in there you want to fill it up to the top so let's take it in there this is this is not pretty work right here friends and neighbors but the crabs love this oh yeah I'm trying to get about three of them yeah I'm starting to feel a little more legit out here I feel like uh getting a part of this you know all right let's drop this sucker back and let it get some more perfect just let it go yeah see that's the best thing about that rope right here it detangles itself yeah so how you like it good whoa these crabs are not happy with my ass right now if the crabs could talk this is what they'd be telling me in my crab Voice come on come on I dare you get closer all right here yeah I'll show you something oh you think you can just come out here in your little boat and catch us and throw us in a pot later so we can drizzle late for your amusement no it ain't happening come on I'll tear you up you better move oh they are very intimidating you want me you want a piece of this foreign but it's just something calm and relaxing um it's just it's beautiful this area is uh Marshland and we have 14 different Community uh neighborhoods where my people live at plenty of native Island families live down here it's uh it's important for the history for us to preserve the history my generation and the generation behind because sooner or later all this will be extinct um we have less than a thousand acres total with within our native community it's a part of our family's Legacy and it's a part of the future for the Next Generation now here's where this story takes a serious turn and it's about the locals losing their land and their livelihood on Hilton Head Island so let me get off the water and change clothes to pick this story up and by the way the locals will tell you that a big part of their struggles has to do with this bridge so the bridge is critical to the Hilton Head story so much so that the locals here refer to in time as in for the bridge and after the bridge and here's what they mean so keep in mind before the bridge because this is an island the only way you could get across was on boats so life was so much better for the locals because they could move around and do pretty much anything they wanted but then the bridge came and life after the bridge well that's when everybody could come in and do what they wanted to do bring in Industry bring in trouble bring in higher taxes things got real different after that these are the names of all of the families that are Gullah families that were on Hilton Head Island and so you'll see that Jones being one of um I names so that is where we come from address Stevens is another direct descendant of this island and she knows this history as well as anybody 's used to own about 10 000 acres of land on Hilton Head Island and the last census in looking at they own less than 700 Acres now I rode all around the Gullah communities with edra and she showed me a lot of course we saw Mitchellville they say where Freedom started the first community that was self-governed by blacks and we visited local businesses too like this one called India so Binya is a color word for been here means literally translates into bin here but it's also used to affectionately you know uh term people like myself who are native Islanders or who have uh ancestral ties to the land to the island yeah a Binya and if you're not a Binya you come here well you need a good laugh to keep from getting too angry because too many kamyas have been coming here contributing to people losing their land land has been lost due to heirs selling off their inheritance lost due to excessive taxation loss due to imminent domain rights and lost due to aggressive greedy developers trying to bully people off their land now I know you all if you've been paying attention and watching the news you've heard of the story of Miss Josephine Wright uh here on Hilton Head Island uh property owner who found herself right in the middle of a big development squabble you see all of this development all around me here you see all of this right this is the actual land that the developers have already started moving in they're gonna put big giant buildings here and structures for a whole bunch of people just one problem right here this is Miss Wright's home and we're going to go in and meet her and I'm gonna tell you right now you're gonna love her hello Miss Wright Hi how are you how are you I'm just fine thank you I'm honored to meet you thank you this is Art Fidel yes yeah you have become a big old star haven't you well not a star but uh a person that had something on her mind and the world is picking it up good for you wait what was it like when you started seeing all of that happening right at your back door they start tearing down the trees that used to look like that all the way over trees all the way to here and they start tearing down the trees and we never heard a word from them that they by law they were supposed to let us know that they were going to start Excavating the town has stopped them from working there are people on the other side of 278 that are having the same problem now they know they have a chance to fight back and only because of me and I'm not trying to be a hero I'm just trying to keep my rights for where I live but I'm not looking for money I'm looking for to keep my property yes I have a large family seven my children I had seven three of them have passed away I have 54 Grands I'm not 54 Grand 40 Grand 54 great grants and 16 great great grants and they come here all the time but this has been a sanctuary for my family and I want to keep it that way I just I just want to say I love your spirit thank you I love what you're saying what you're doing and just being here for a small time on your porch I already love you can I have a hug yes you can thank you so much for seeing us thank you thank you you're welcome and good luck we're gonna all be praying for you and fighting for you thank you but you see the dead can't fight now here's another shameful example of grabbing ground this is one of the oldest most historic cemeteries on Hilton Head Island The ancestors are here so this will help you sum this up standing here in this Cemetery sacred ground right right by the water um beautiful resting place but all ground isn't Holy Ground to everybody because take a look over my shoulder this way no more than 10 yards from the cemetery development development here development there development over there there you go in fact local families with loved ones here have to be granted access just to come visit hey so there you have it listen all I can do is just give you the information I'm a journalist but after that it's up to you but I will say this in closing this island sure is pretty there's no doubt about that these people just smell great they are wonderful and whether you're a Binya or a comeya before the bridge or after the bridge it is definitely worth coming to visit and support the local Gullah Community I know they'd love to see you so this is really something I mean you you kind of gotta put your hands on it that way you can take in all this history for yourself oh and there's one more thing you'll definitely eat good they ain't Blue Crabs no more yeah they're done trizzinating and now they honor us on the table [Music] [Applause] so as I'm sitting here with my my friends here you know there are people who say I can't eat a crab it's too much work for that little bit of meat and they just complain complain complain about eating crab well all I can say to you is get out the way because this right here watch this hmm unless you know you don't know that's right this is for crab eaters right here just tables for crab ears [Music] that is a great tree [Music] what an excellent time what a great day I just want to thank my host here in Hilton Head for showing such wonderful hospitality took me all over this island showed me the real Hilton Head from the standpoint of the locals the ones who've been here all along and then get to finish it all off with some great crabs at the table it can't get better than this this plate but while I got the crowd behind me I'm just gonna ask one question as we always do so here we go at the table eating these delicious crabs ladies how do we do it entry Style till the next episode everybody boom appetite [Music] feel that right there oh that's just that good luck crab meat right there all of that all of that [Music] PS you see that we had that first batch of crabs and then they brought out this low country boil well it is great corn and shrimp and sausage potatoes everything's so delicious just when we thought it was over what did they do they brought out another one I Surrender I Surrender oh my goodness a whole nother batch of crabs I Surrender this just isn't right just not right [Music] doors [Music]
Channel: Art Fennell COUNTRY STYLE
Views: 243,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, action adventures with d, best food review show ever, sabbatical, darcizzle, smokin and grilling with AB, roland martin, eugene the fishing machine, GEORGY KAVKAZ, jeffree Star, Dude Perfect, Markiplier, Ryan's World, Mark Wiens, Totally TV, Pewdie Pie, Babish Culinary Universe, Village Cooking review, Gullah, Geechie, Kountry Wayne
Id: keTqOGmIPus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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