The Best Bluegill Bait that’s not Worms! You’ll be Shocked!

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what's up everybody Derek here and today we are down on the creek we got the kayak ready and we are gonna go to our little honey hole back in here that is loaded with bluegill and red ears I mean big bluegill big red ears standing on the tree right now so we gotta do our little Crossing to get back in there but we're gonna go fishing with probably one of the best baits that isn't worms and that is artificial as well and that's some gulp uh red what is it red night crawlers basically is what it mimics but it's little bitty biodegradable the the scent stuff that gulp uses and it's just in the shape of little bitty turds little bitty worms so we're just going to cut little bitty pieces off put them on a little little hook with a bobber and a split shot and throw it out there and see what we can catch so let's go see if we can catch some big old slab bluegills out here so let's get fishing all right here we go get this thing over the log a little bit all right we are in oh it looks nice a steel back here so nice right now I'm gonna go ahead and get this thing rigged up okay here's what we're gonna be using it sees gulp earthworms I could smell them already dang those things stink but we got grass patches in here oh and these fish should be hanging around the edges of them I know there's some big bluegill in here so we'll just use one Worm for now All I'm gonna do is probably trim that and take a little piece about like that we'll put this down there keep our other piece get our Hook off of here man that stuff stinks whoo smells like catfish bait what we got going on there okay now I got my hook here put it just like that work it down the hook just like that see what happens ah why aren't they eating it there finally got one finally because they're little dudes that's why just little guys over there thanks buddy can you get us in some bigger fish I'm gonna try right here real quick if there's anything right there off that current right there got him oh what is this that's a good one whatever that is wow big old bluegill look at how pretty that one is goodness that's what I'm talking about those are the ones that are in here just like those man those are pretty I love catching these things look at the colors in that guy that's a pretty one all right thanks buddy right on the edges over there at least I know I can't spook them from way over here that's way over there dang that was a biggie seemed like come on now I got that one get up in here get all that grass that's a good little bluegill not a monster or anything but pretty one okay yeah right over there on that grass Edge that's where they're at it seems like Dang if I don't hang up in the grass [Music] got one right there get up here get out of that grass nice there's a ton of bluegill over there foreign way over there oh yeah we got one is that a good one this is like a little good one it might not be oh just a little dude but hey we're still catching them I want to get into some of those bigger ones there's some big ones in here I know there's got to be oh something's different they are over there but it seems like you got to put it right in their face and they're right on the edge of that grass that's a good one that is a good one I think that's a good one or at least it feels like it when they get sideways oh is that a red ear that is that's a red ear right there nice little shell cracker nice I'll let you keep that one buddy take that one home for you yeah he's got a little red right there have fun bud I don't know there is some current right next to me I'm gonna see if I can't pull it down it right here if there's any fish hanging out right there right there yes there is oh that's a good one oh get out of that grass get out of that grass nice well it felt like a good one quite a monster yeah thanks buddy let's see if anything's up in there oh got one got something yeah they're up under there that's where they are there's a pretty one right here too [Music] oh thank God but yeah thanks oh got that one he took it and just a little one that was a good hit though got him yeah they down in there I'm gonna go on top of them now it's a good looking little bluegill nice that's exactly where they're at there's that mat right there and they're right on the edge of it right in there somewhere I don't know if I can make that cast again thank you got one right there oh get out of that grass yeah they Down Under that channel [Music] that's where they're at [Music] thanks buddy well guys I am gonna call it a day this wind is whipping around all over the place down in here it's just blowing me all around it's getting kind of tough to fish um I'm actually moving right now actually but back in that little Channel there is so many panfish so many bluegill and red red breasts and actually red ear I didn't catch a red breast I don't believe but anyways Guys these things if you're ever in a pinch and you need some worms or you need an easy way of catching you know some fish get a hook get a bobber get a split shot tie one of these on and you're probably going to catch some pan fish so if you can't get to the store buy some corn or you know hot dogs or something else that's artificial but these you can keep them backpack they'll seal up and they stink bad but I think that's one of the things that helps kind of get the fish to come into them and nail them but they work for me and I've had good luck with them but anyways guys thanks for watching today and subscribe if you haven't already like this video if you liked it and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: The Bass Factory
Views: 228,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluegill fishing with crickets, kayak fishing, bluegill fishing with worms, bait fishing setup, bluegill fishing catch and cook, bluegill fishing tips, panfish fishing, bluegill fishing, best bluegill bait, best bluegill, best bluegill setup, best bluegill rod and reel, ultralight fishing, fishing with worms and bobber, fishing with worms in river, worm fishing, fishing with live bait, fishing with live minnows, panfish baits, panfish lures, how to bluegill fish, crappie
Id: C1jLV5c3JMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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