How to make Watermelon Lemonade | Views Cantina

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you know what stick around cuz I'm gonna tell you guys a story and have my cocktail with you guys that you guys are gonna laugh because it's super embarrassing and I don't know it's like all moms go through it or if it's just me hello and welcome to youth Kathina you guys already know we drink on Wednesday and today I'm gonna be making a watermelon I'm gonna say it right okay a delicious watermelon lemonade that is gonna make you want to drink the whole pitcher burger and have to watch out okay as you guys know we start these Cantina Wednesdays with virgin drinks first and then we make our cocktails so if you're underage and you want to watch these just know that I'm gonna be letting you know when you need to sign off and the more adult version continues guys ready okay one thing you guys are gonna learn about me is that I make a delicious lemonade doesn't matter the flavor and make it really well sugar learn to say pour sugar cuz you want to say okay boys it's ain't pour sugar because somebody's gonna get worked up and they're gonna start sinking you guys already know what it is go ahead and do it you're already thinking about it oh wow she has a guitar I'm working on it empower playing a guitar you guys okay so once you pour your hot water mix this well and if you can get a hold of cane sugar your lemonade is gonna be a lot better go ahead say something about this one that's beautiful okay so what you want to do is you want to make sure that when you peel your lemon zest then you don't get too much of the white stuff because it's gonna turn your lemonade bitter so just peel it very very close to the skin so we can get that good zest so depending on the size of your lemons you're going to need either four or six so if you have the larger lemons use for zest of a lemon and if you have the smaller Meyer lemons that I love to use then you're probably going to need six okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna let this sit here for about fifteen to twenty minutes and while this is setting here I'm gonna go ahead and squeeze my limits slice oh you get your gum yeah okay I got in trouble for Windows every loan to play that game yeah we did our mom used to send us to some errands or we had some like perks of money leads to go to the 7-eleven don't wear that old girl we sound like we're in Texas like we're we're gonna go hang out at Walmart or it's a bit let me out but well yeah we're do you think I don't got kicked out many times no reason people really believe children really oh good for it I'll bring out my dollar bills and oh my god money okay I mean we used to go and play the video game Street Fighter and watch all this other one oh yeah the clerk used to get so upset at somewhat kids like if we got too upset and you would pick us out and we'll have our pictures on all tied at 77 yeah but the line could get really long and how to go outside and wait until I was your time because they didn't want us to be close to it because they had a little on they used to keep the ice cream close to the to the register like it was like a big old long freezer of it so you had to put your corner down to signify that you were next okay come up you keep it right there you're next and then you get those like pearl players like I mean I wasn't the greatest at it we get the kids that were like really good at it and they would end up hogging up the whole thing for about 30 40 minutes and by that your attorney had to go home or else you know you don't show up late right sir cut me now you don't work home you're busted bulls those rare occasions cuz our mother didn't let us do anything okay that's probably why I'm even more of a barbecue let me social they wanted to as soon as she said we had to run some errands and we'd all wait like raise your hand like we're going we've got yes I gotta go do this this and that and we're like we're going great yeah get chased by the neighborhood dogs yeah homeless people throwing bottles at us like it was crazy that's the only time we got to get out was when our mom sent us to go get her - okay that - you think about all the stuff that we did this kid I would never allow my children to do those things never like even my babies ages like I don't like I am vanilla longer parent I don't care what anybody told me my kids trip out when I tell the boys to do they're like why make you watches get the mail I do I go through the blinds and I'm like just watching out for my children my girl adult children you already have like adult children and one supposed to be an adult in a few years yeah that's insane I don't know a parent teen isn't as easy as a Mexican parents make it seem cuz they have like 10 it's not that's not that easy have one for your sake you know hug one and you're a doctor you know yeah okay so we're looking for is about three parts to a cup of lemon juice and see how we did how'd you see where these lemons oh I can afford it pretty juicy yes slightly under so girls that's how much I am thrilled with this lemonade is that I couldn't have an idea that I was gonna need more than what I had gotten so it usually takes you about six juicy lemons to get know if it's thick and juicy even better they're really good my oh so now I'm not gonna make you guys wait for the remaining minutes how he have for this so just hang tight okay okay it's been 15 minutes for me so now I'm gonna go ahead and fish out my lemon zest okay gone fishing God know that fun that's from Thomas the Tank Engine girl oh gosh what a name it's a brand-new day why don't we all sit down yeah I messed up the song yesterday I'm so sorry but yeah you guys have better it's a good programming for children but the reason why I like is cuz it would put me to sleep immediately and it made me a bad parent so I couldn't watch that only at night with the kids well I really love Thomas the Tank Engine because they have so many moody characters just like me but they're sweet it was on PBS back in the day still this is still I don't know cuz like all these other apps have Budo like all these yeah habits I watch it thing okay so now we're gonna go ahead and pour our lemon juice well they gave me those you give you the goose ease mm-hmm and pour half of your sugar mixture like make some savory things gonna get the juices from the monster coming you made me spill that maybe spill it on your own way I got gently slowly everybody already knows that I mess up when I pour would slowly slower than that even Sora see stick with me kid now let me bring the big guns yes so you can make this with fresh watermelon or you can have some frozen watermelon which is going to keep everything colder and if you guys are as hot as I am you're gonna want to freeze him the night before it's the best when it's that kind of swatch the consistency yes I was really lucky because you guys know how much I love those sugar baby watermelon those are my favorite ones and that's what I'm using today so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna blend blend blend you think I would blend some a turn whatever get it right I just don't work that way okay Oh dos tres cuatro [Music] oh there we go so now I'm gonna go ahead and taste my slush when go to my videos oh my goodness you're scaring the neighbors what I having a pool party right now so I'm gonna go ahead and pour my watermelon cubes is there a nice little cold just like that yes I use my hands often the good Lord gave me a head so that I can use them to prepare some delicious food go ahead and pour your blend so my pitcher is a lot smaller just pour your content into your bigger picture now let's get ready to assemble I feel like transformers and you look loud assemble no no okay let me care out nice no booby I don't know which one it is like action movie soul okay friends right here I have some beautiful pink sugar how do you get pink sugar get a little bit of pink dye and just blend it well with your sugar and you get pink sugar but you guys know I'm a goody-two-shoes with my family so I'm gonna be a watermelon popping candy yeah well this is what I gonna do sometimes to print my kids yeah I love this reaction whenever I get them good cause it's like I think the Chrissy and I are always like I guess we're all school in that way where we do prank our kids but if anybody pranks me I won't talk to them for like three weeks that's how it works no I won't work who's pranked you know Robert tries to because it was like this cool thing where the guys on YouTube and this is like years back were pranking their girls and I'm like no you're not he's and then he would start what would you do babe if I did this and that that'd be like try it yeah you know what he's tried to ask me certain things and I'm like I'm not involved in that I said I'll tell you but do not put my name to that at all ever you and I did not speak you can even look at me I don't know nothing I know nothing of this prank yeah and then you think you know what I'm not gonna do it are you done it he won't you'll be sorry what he isn't it he's really tempted one of these days I think you're gonna get me okay so I have honey here I'm gonna dip and kind of just like move my cup around so I can get a nice coating of that honey so oh she likes that no like when you did by a deeply oh really okay what you are looking at my lips Oh okay I think we already here likes coffee oh my gosh I came here to here well nice gently gently oh wait don't start your nonsense you did it we did it yeah so pretty looks like when you're ready to watermelon on there yes it's a good little chewing one all right I love you guys I love you children I love all of you but now it is time it is time to make our alcoholic beverage so if you guys aren't interested in seeing that this would be the time to click off and I'll see you guys tomorrow all right disappointing selfie okay though see that are not restricted from an alcoholic beverage or those of you that can have a wonderful alcoholic beverage drink let's get ready cuz - Rumble cloud hazard cozy clothes I am really in my lounge clothes right now and we're gonna have some good time Wednesday's we drink on Wednesdays wait drink everybody apparently we turn baby girl I'm already like 102 okay so go ahead and it that's the mother lode that's for you oh my gosh I hear popping this is so cool those figures a cool ball that's right good you know this is what happens is that when people fall in love they're like oh I can't wait to have my family I want to have my kids and then people have their kids and they forget the reasons why you guys fell in love in the first place you forget love people forget to take care of their kids and then there are always cold or dull teen yeah adult team but you got to keep the kids in the loop and make it fun or else things get really boring mm-hmm I always tell the kid that kids um the reason why you're always busy is because if you're not you're gonna get into trouble yeah keep them busy all day long and because cloud loves green yes and this is a watermelon lemonade we're gonna go with the green sugar what now you you're jealous you won't pop rocks - no no no no pop rocks other than I'm not okay Reena oh that's so pretty girl I was gonna be like Charlotte's Web right now Oh hair shows reminds me of like the fair huh fair is a fair know what they're gonna say because cuz of the rat what do you mean Templeton oh because I'm you're such a jerk odd you guys my feet I hope I'm not a where Cherie well my my toes I have like my big toe and then I have the other one that's longer than the other one of my sister used to make fun of me when I was younger and she used to be like you have Roxy I didn't know he said he had templeton feet just to be cute to be cute there's nothing cute about Templeton don't leave okay a few months ago I did have my belly like when he went to the carnival and started gobbling my belly no girl don't watch my fanny okay you know what this reminds me of that um what is it that sand yeah yeah the one that you make it the art with yeah I appreciate be engineers at the show since you be there you've been a good girl girl let me put some puppy sugar in them now who are you right here no cobble cobble okay go ahead okay you gotta have something fun for those of you guys that are new and cloud and I talked to each other but this is like how we would talk to you guys if you were here good luck trying to get a word in yeah [Applause] they're gonna tell the good people we've already had a picture this is our second one oh my gosh it is doing my goofy it's giving you a new scene girl I'm gonna have to get some of your germs in the flowerbed row go ahead you're my sister with the head oh my goodness that's amazing bottoms up Jimmy goofballs I can handle it with the puppy yes and why we're getting closer asorech came here I know we do like a smart or very particularly that's how my stomach usually sounds that's how adults sounds okay here's the extra with that bottle you and Robert what the heck we're trying to get that huge champagne bottle from Costco but we're waiting for the holidays oh he's a cold I'll make you a drink and it's like a bottle of soju and like a pinch of like grapefruit juice or something yeah the process into birthday girl that's one you're gonna get three you can't really taste great goose gray goose is my favorite vodka I know there's a lot of kettle one lovers but they're just height okay people that got right my kettle one and then like these other celebrity style listen Grey Goose is the way to go for your vodka less of a hangover the next day especially when you're mixing it with sugar it's a lot lighter now if you guys want a dirty martini that's my specialty I make it a one but it was fine to me that's what you and I always argue about my sister's a Ketel One Vodka lover hey it's doing amazing things you already find the Amazing Race why would lose the Amazing Race put it right there so our friends can hear nice slow and I'll take it Nancy so move me take it all in can I have one because this is non-alcoholic and mommy's Oh people say I got a drinking problem mad ain't no reason sup finish it down below I see this again well flip there why wouldn't it that's very good okay friends if you don't want it too strong then go with one ounce if you want it strong and heavy and that's gonna be your drink then go ahead and put three ounces but if you're gonna be drinking throughout the mate just have one you want to do three ounces on date night hey I got something like that going on to do you know I like to do I like to drink that size drink and then read a book and then when you get tipsy like as you're reading you start making up your own story while you're reading you're like what that word that would happen have you ever have you ever gotten so wasted that you're reading and then your leg down my drink too much and then you read the same send you tenth I think page over and yes and it doesn't make sense then you got the FaceTime your sister and say what are they trying to say well that's all pretty some played I action you know I love ty dang I didn't get some yellow yellow come on my friend I know the kids are back at school enjoy your drink okay well I suppose nightmare sports after school or sports schedules oh my gosh yes and we are here to going on in our house the boys are interested in doing more activities their academics are exactly where they need to be I mean I can't make excuses for them because well you know what stick around cuz I'm gonna tell you guys a story and have my cocktail with you guys that you guys are gonna laugh because it's super embarrassing and I don't know it's like all moms go through it or if it's just me excuse my allergies you guys around curious okay so we were doing the MMA style of I know you guys I get my worried facing might Mexican face my Mexican bum face and I think you don't know what I see you know snicker see so what happened is I take the babies to go and do their workout stuff I don't know if you build of you that bit pony for a while I used to post this on my Instagram and everywhere I used to be more chery chery before I started getting so much judgment but I started taking them okay to do their whole activities there's about 20 to 30 kids in there and then when my babies first started their show maker Oh so dude cheers guys we held on knock it over cuz I've been waiting for you cheers girl I need to put alcohol I'm only here to be to be edible so my cooks small I'm gonna add one shot one out so I have a bucket that's what you do the three ounces oh this is so good you know what usually don't like drinks that pour over but when it's with my alcohol for it grandma you're driving me ha ha uber the first time so when the boys first started they had the other kids that kind of gave them an initiation and showed them all their skills that they had learned for the previous months because my babies were immune to it because before that they did a Taekwondo and they showed up in the MMA like workouts are way way different so they show up these other kids ruff both of my boys up and they're able to be in the same class of two like I think the kids are up to like fifth grade or something so my kids are they're solid they're husky like they're really strong so they got roughed up okay like the first two days and the kids were winning so apparently I didn't know this was going on behind my back turns out that a night before I had they had a practice they stayed up talking to each other on how they were gonna handle their business okay cuz it's like their dads like really tough alpha he's sweet to us but my husband's an alpha straight out he's into all that yeah he is he's always been like that since he was young he's been involved in so many activities he has a lot of energy so I know where my kids get it from turns out I show up and usually I would take my mom with me or sometimes I would ask my sister to go with me but if nobody had to him I had to do it on my own so we show up within 10 minutes after they do their warm-up exercise they're already doing the like one-on-one with each kid the kids kind of like pick out their sorry guys our battery cut out we're with a about the kids that were playing he's okay yeah we show up the baby's kind of spot they're people that they're gonna they're gonna rough up so first one up baby my little ones okay he shows up and the kids like two three years older than him and I'm like oh gosh and me as a mom I'm like the little kids like older my son's smaller I was like worried you know how mom's we go into the panic mode like oh my goodness what's gonna happen and I just have to mind my business because I mean it's it's a world environment anyway it really is but like when they get older they're gonna have to learn to defend themselves cuz you never know anybody's package that's okay I see it so that's when the mother of boys comes in and you're just like all right I got it I got a step back and then my husband does really well at coaching me on more things that men do because he grew up having mom and dad in a household - or dad says something and they they can counterbalance for me even though my mom was really tough he kind of like lacked a little bit of the of the male dominant part of like a dynamic and a family so he does really well coaching me what to expect out of boys and things like that so we go baby within like 10 seconds he's already pinning this kid and apparently he put him in some type of thing to where the kid couldn't breathe and the coach that one of the coaches is like off like not paying attention and I'm like baby I had a stop vivid because the little kids started crying he ran to his mom and it was just embarrassing because at that point you get the moms that are looking at you like control your kid type thing but it was like we weren't saying that when your kid pinned my child he did what other day and yeah he did it because I mean I think that those kids should have waited until my kids developed a craft but they picked it up just like that sounds like yeah you know cheering the one as a mom and then I have a vehicle sit with me for a few moments cuz he didn't have a partner cuz he pinned up his partner and he was too busy crying and then and then next thing you know it's like a domino effect by oles over there roughing up the fifth grader because if I oh my older one he's he's really really strong he's very like he's super solid and he's always even though he was born war but premia SHhhh like really tiny he's really solid so I'm tall yeah and he's really tall so he pinned out the fifth grader the fifth grader started crying and I was just so embarrassed okay because I Alan over-thinker and I'm like oh my gosh and I was getting the looks for the moms like control your kid type thing but it's like my kids were kind of like engaged in the whole act and that's what you do you got to defend yourself against strongest opponents and I think the kids are like alright this is what this is about because it was like they had never done that anime stuff before in the other place that they went to was a little bit more boob you know it was more more controlled than this particular spot and yeah turns out that I didn't go back cuz you and I'm Barry I was so embarrassed like I got the looks ask the moms if they're okay and they're like they're fine boy good boy right now you each others yeah and then cells turn theirs and well yeah so would we leave and I'm like I just kind of grabbed our stuff and we like walked out quickly I just didn't want to stay much longer than what I had to I never really pick up my home oh yeah like ever so yeah we end up in the back like I look back and I'm like boys I'm like you guys can't be doing that you were just supposed to do that activity there like we did mom but those kids bullied us last time and you know we were just doing because we're strong like that and then like I'm like no I said I don't feel like talking right now so don't talk to me the whole way home right now cuz there's a mom I was like oh my gosh I felt like my mom would she's a star I'm a theatre yes like you know so these dudes were like doing like the pounded explosion soy sauce bros like they were really United and I mean I'm happy that they're so close but I was also embarrassing didn't go back mm-hmm I cancelled our membership and like that wasn't it so now it's time for us to to be with another activity and take them a little bit of everything you're gonna do fencing and soccer right uh-huh yeah yeah um I when there were a lot smaller I put them in dance because you know who doesn't love Bruce Lee and especially with punky and his movements I wanted him to have a little bit more self control with his body so I put them in dance and they've done a lot of activities and it's time for us to hit the streets again but I'm worried cuz I just don't want any of the hey look as long as nobody gains up on them they're safe from the soy sauce seriously gang up on them I know you guys like I mean maybe I don't know I really don't know till this day when I told I told Robert at home he's like babe just go back it's not that big of a deal I said I'm not I'm getting the looks from the mosque you guys understand she got to me and she was like bright red her hair was all frazzled she was sweating I've never seen you in such like hot mess yes honey I know I said sit down calm down what happened caught you never believe what they did to me and I was like somebody hurts you oh my god where and they were so proud of themselves but it's a when I see those two in the corner talking to my son about what happened and they're like high-fiving him and like chest-bumping each other s and Isis just like Oh what happened finally what they're very much like eighties kids right they're like for you and I walk yes yeah we're like that too when we were younger if somebody was ganging up on any of my family members I was like down I mean I'm just happy they have that particular bond but for like a mom letting mom's parents let me know how you guys feel because there's a lot of parents are like yeah my kids are strongest I know my kids are stronger I know that they're smart but I also like them to be humble and girl will die humbled no I knew it I'd let the little one that kitty was gonna go after them because the first time he came and he said look me what happened on my neck and he had like a scratch nose yeah red and I was like well the thing is that they had um they had a little girl there that uh that was like really really strong in like you know she's been doing that so she was a she was pretty good and then they teamed her up with them and the boys this is a part that it gets difficult because I told the boys don't put your hands and Robert tells him you'd never put your hands on a woman you know what I mean and he's coached him that way so at that point it's like they're not even if they're practicing they're not gonna do it watch though the little girl like pin them really hard I said hey guys I understand just tell the girl that you're not gonna pin or regardless you need to communicate and that's how we kept that one see I told my kids you don't put your hands on anybody but it wherever comes for you when you try to restrain them or you can't like walk away if they're not in tune with words or whatever but I don't think I ever told him like don't don't hit a woman I was like in general like don't put your hands on anybody you know yeah but that makes sense ik if I was a boy I'll probably decorate my mom section hey kid hey girls well I'm not saying that little girls or whatever are not stronger we're really strong but it was kind of its relationship don't abuse your partners yeah yeah no way but they took those kind of words into the thing and the girls were like pinning them but then after the girls weren't loving them and they were loving the attention they were getting from the girls there so Haley I come with it when they played the co-ed team there were no girls in soccer he was like man those girls are strong they look big and I think you better bring your A game dude her and I run all over him so he was like after the game he was like was a little weird playing against girls he's like but I enjoyed it he's like they were really good and I was like yeah that's awesome yeah I won't that's it that's my story guys so if you guys see a little bit of changes in the channel it's probably because I am occupied I do love my mommy like and I take it serious and this is gonna be serious I want to see how that plays out for these boys but yeah we're about to hit the activities and I'm dreading it because I have I get social anxiety yeah and I have to socialize specially because they're little and sometimes I just don't want to socialize I like to be I'm gonna come with you because I love to see them in action it's fun it's so neat when you go with me I'm like how do you go talk to them oh my god myself there's a whole gymnasium and by that time she already introduced me to everybody I just I'm just like way being hi and I introduce myself nicely but I really do I'm very reserved and I keep to myself often mm-hmm don't you do but then you come out of your shell eventually it takes me one time it takes me it takes me a while I mean you guys see it the world will be here when you're ready yeah all right friends I hope you've enjoyed my stories my mommy's stories I hope you guys are having a a good week I know a lot of people started two weeks ago for school for me I do all year around and I take about a few days in between to to start the new program for them for the following year and that's kind of where I'm at right now I am exhausted but I love it there's your friend that's better to do year round because I do that if it is all year round it's a lot better because they retain it and I'm not having to take a stop in like what did we learn no like you guys learned it you know it let's move it along and if you need a little bit more time we'll take our time until you learn and then you know we continue also so then you got a vacation and whatever you want yep it makes it easier for I guess it's all your wrong but even on vacation need to work yeah yeah I know you carry the backpacks and all that with order yes they got a if we're gonna head out early when they get back they got to do a little bit of work but that's um I hope you guys enjoyed our drinks today I know I'm still mommy talking about my baby no it's cute and you know what I think that's one of the things that I found difficult whenever bio was in public school or other settings how I think a lot of parents like love to talk about their kids and some like to brag more than others and for me I just stayed quiet like I really don't feel I think my kids work shows for themselves I was such a jerk parent anybody would try to like brag about their kid I was like you know that everything has already been invented so your kids not a genius well I guess I could show you like growing up in our culture you hear your theost bragging about your cousin yeah and your friend's moms bragging about how wonderful their kids I'm like I know your kids are not that great cuz I hang out with them your kid memorized you know 25 words good job but like can they think for themselves do they know what the context behind these words are they might kid memorize five words and all the context and can use them properly then to memorize twenty-five words if they'll never remember and never use all right I'm gonna agree with you and then they walk around with they're like oh that kid did great and you know let's put the other kid in the corner huh like public schools very much like that no I like being able to do a home school because I grade my son for what my son's for what they know not what everybody else knows and everybody learns differently and that's why I love and I was so motivated and I find homeschooling a lot easier yeah nobody's competing he's just competing with himself and his progress that's him yeah I think like the first three months I was like how am I gonna get like I didn't sleep and then after like once you get the groove and they know like what to expect super easy yes they get work done quickly and we just have more time to live and this is the advantage I've noticed yet long school they do much better with like being independent yeah because they still have homework mm-hm yes don't but yeah guys that's we could talk for hours so yeah yes eyeko well thank you guys so much for joining me I saw that some of you guys didn't come last week but I know you guys have been busy so I hope that you guys are enjoying these Kathina abuse cup peanut on Wednesdays we drink and on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow I'm gonna go be what Batman we come - yes girl side look I know look here's dress no one turned it turn yellow oh no no no I was looking at their different Oh from that gluing
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 150,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lemonade, watermelon lemonade, summer drinks, cocktails, virgin drinks, virgin cocktail, refreshments drinks, lemonade recipe, aguas frescas (beverage), drink recipes for summer, watermelon agua fresca recipe, watermelon agua fresca
Id: 3sjwmFiNGBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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