Easy No Fail Pizza Dough Recipe And Pizza Recipe

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today I'm going to be making my really easy no fail pizza dough so let's get on with the ingredients two and a half cups of all-purpose flour that's 390 grams two tablespoons of vegetable oil that is 30 milliliters one cup of warm water and that is 250 grams or 250 milliliters I actually weighed the water out as well today two teaspoons of granulated white sugar that is 10 milliliters and our last ingredient one teaspoon or five milliliters of quick rising yeast so those are the ingredients so let's get started today I'm going to be using my KitchenAid mixer to make this super super simple I've got my kitchen a bowl I'm gonna take my water get that right into the bowl my water is at a hundred and ten degrees fahrenheit to that all of my all-purpose flour in some countries that is called plain flour I'll get in all of my oil and then all of our yeast I'm also going to add in all of my sugar perfect so then we're gonna start getting this all mixed up on or KitchenAid mixer and there is one other ingredient you can add it or not and it's a little bit of salt and I'll add that in once we start getting all of this combined some people like the salt some people don't forget that up there now we'll start mixing this together and I'll come back in about two minutes so this is about two minutes later my dough is really coming together I'm gonna take a half a teaspoon of salt that's 2.5 ml and I'm gonna dump that in there now right in there so at this point I'm gonna leave the mixer going for about five minutes I want to really really start working those glutens I want to get all the protein in there really worked up I want to get a really nice elastic dough so I'm gonna let this go for about five minutes and then I'll come back okay so our five minutes is now up and my dough looks beautiful we remove it from our bowl now I've got a bowl here I'm just gonna spray this with a little bit of vegetable cooking spray so I've sprayed this now if you don't have cooking spray you can take a little bit of oil and just put it in there and just rub it around with a little piece of paper or with a little silicone brush grab my beautiful dough I'm just gonna bring this up to show you what it looks like look at that really nice dough we don't nice this dough is hopefully the camera can pick up how supple this dough is a beautiful beautiful dough so I'm just going to get it into a little bit of a ball here so I'm turning the dough ball and I'm taking my hand and I'm going like this just gently so it's forming that ball as I'm going around so you're just going you're heating it gently okay grab your bowl pop that in there I'll grab my cooking spray one more time and I'm just gonna spray a little bit on the top so what that oil does on the top it keeps the dough really really moist and it allows it to expand and now I'm gonna get a little piece of plastic wrap over our dough and I'm gonna let this rest for probably a good hour the dough will slowly expand and it's gonna get really really nice and that's what we want so let that go and I'll be back in a little while so this is about one hour later and here is our beautiful pizza dough and this is ready now to be used so I've got my pizza tray ready to go and it is 16 inches in diameter I'm just gonna grab a little bit of vegetable oil and just get that down that's an optional step I like to put a little bit of oil down just to get a little bit of crispy going on underneath the actual dough here's our nice dough move this off to the side a little bit so I want to show you this look at this can you hear that look as my hands are touching that dope how beautiful that is I'm just gonna lift that right up I really want to keep that circle and I'm gonna get that right on there and look at this as I press it let me get back in the middle here and just show you I wish you could touch the dough with me this is so nice at this point if you have a tiny rolling pin you could get in there and roll it but it's fun to do it with your hands then just get your hands in there and start slowly getting a larger circle and make the dough any thickness that you like so I'm gonna keep working on this and I'll come back in a little while so once you have pushed this out to the size that you want and you want to get your sauce on next and I'm using some homemade pizza sauce and I will put a link to that in the description box in case you're wondering how I made this and then I'm gonna get on some nice mozzarella cheese so I've got my favorite little grater here little IKEA grater that comes with a little base so you can store your cheese in so you can actually grade it right into the actual container which is nice so I'll keep going at this and I'll be back okay and that's perfect for the cheese and now I'm gonna put a little bit of pepperoni on so a little bit of pepperoni never hurts you can get some of that on here well it looks pretty good and I do have my oven set to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm gonna pop this into my oven until it's nice and golden brown around nine minutes or so here we go right out of the oven I let that go for ten minutes exactly at that 450 degrees Fahrenheit looks really really good so that's it for this video I'm gonna slice this up and enjoy it with friends I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up subscribe if you wish that's it for today and I'll see you next time you
Channel: BakeLikeAPro
Views: 1,441,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza (Dish), Dough (Ingredient), Food, Cooking, Kitchen, easy pizza dough recipe, best pizza dough recipe, yeast dough recipe, yeast pizza dough recipe, how to make pizza dough, how to make a pizza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri May 02 2014
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