Easy Japanese Phrases for Ordering at a Restaurant | Watch Before Your Trip to Japan

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today I'm going to introduce you to some simple Japanese phrases that will be useful to use at restaurants here in Japan [Music] we are a food and Travel Channel based here in Tokyo Japan we show you everything that Japan has to offer especially the food but we also travel around the world to learn about their cultures and cuisines in fact we just came back from a European trip a couple of months ago and we quickly learned that knowing a few phrases in the local language can really help elevate your experience and just make your travels a lot more easier and more enjoyable today I'm going to introduce you to some simple Japanese phrases that will be useful to use at restaurants here in Japan now we use the term restaurant for all eating establishments here in Japan but just like in other countries you know we have the sushi shop we have the ramen shop we have izakayas and of course we have restaurants in those cases the menu may be categorized or most likely categorized a little differently from what we show you today however it's too much it's so much to cover so if this is something you'd like us to cover in a future let us know in the comments entering the restaurant welcome so as soon as you enter a restaurant pretty much any eating establishment here the staff or the owner will welcome you by saying immediately after he will ask you how many in your party when you add the summer it just makes it more polite so just remember that now I'm gonna assume that you have a maximum of six people in your party we do suggest that you have more than six maybe make a reservation before going because uh there are many places that are small and they may not be able to accommodate you on one table with more than six people but we're gonna tell you how to say how many people are in your party from one to ten one person study this now this is uh is or am so I am one person two persons study this three persons this four persons yonin this five persons going in this six persons in this Seven Persons this eight percents nine percents I like gigantic 10 persons do you need this one is Ichi two is knee but saying the number of people one is a hitori two is kutari it's a little different from the regular counting yes also very popular restaurants sometimes may ask you if you have your reservations they will ask you and in the case that you do have a reservation you will say Hi arimasu and then say your name or if you don't have a reservation you would say ordering you guys are lucky this is super easy menu in Japanese is simply menu yeah it's exactly the same thing but in many Japanese restaurants serving Japanese food traditional Japanese Foods uh the menu is sometimes called oshinagaki however you don't have to know that you don't have to know the word oceanagaki even though it's the menu on the cover says oshinagake in Japanese if the menu is not available you would simply ask for the menu however don't worry about this because most Japanese restaurants will already have the menu on the table or they will bring it to you immediately when you sit down so uh I don't think this is something you have to worry about sometimes menu is on the wall that's true which makes it more difficult because usually it's written in Japanese so I think that one we would have to save for another video one instance you might want to ask for the menu is say you've ordered and they take away the menu but you want to order something else during the meal then of course you will want to ask for the menu in this case you would say okay so you sat down uh they've given you the menu the first thing they would usually ask you is if you would like something to drink and then the way to answer that is I would like to have black so for example I would like to have beer right so just add the beer or the chuhai or the Coca-Cola in the blank and say so while they're getting your drinks this is a time to decide what you're gonna have for the meal once they serve your drinks you're most likely going to ask you if you're ready to order gochimo okay sometimes if you need a cold way to start please say foreign right and then they will come to your table to take your order so it's time to order just like ordering a beer you would say I would like to have blank so for example if you want to order um I would like to have omurai you would say I would like to have katsudon foreign I would like to have a spoon I would like to have some water although most restaurants here in Japan will serve you water automatically when you sit down so if I ordered a tempura tissue cream they would Supply me with a pair of Chopsticks but I know that many people cannot use chopsticks so in this case you might want to ask for a fork so usually you will find the condiments on the table you know like your soy sauce you'll find Salt and Pepper not at all restaurants and some restaurants because of the pandemic they no longer keep it on the table and it's on a request basis so in this case you might want some pepper you would ask or some salt right and I think most of the time you will have soy sauce on the table so I don't think you'll be asking for soy sauce I never asked for soy sauce at a restaurant like never something important to remember modifications are not normal here in Japan so I would say forget about that make sure to do your research before actually going to the establishment also vegan or vegetarian options are not normal as well unless they specifically cater to foreigners then they usually have some vegan options same thing goes with Halal so once again in this case please do your research online before going to that particular restaurant the menu drinks appetizers main dishes main desserts and in some traditional Japanese restaurants the dessert would be called Kami now once again we're talking about general terms here I gotta say a lot of restaurants don't necessarily categorize uh dishes in this way you know drinks appetizers I mean drinks we we do have you know it's categorized into drinks but like uh appetizers main dishes Japanese restaurants don't necessarily categorize dishes in that way so that's something to keep in mind also here in Japan uh set menus or teshokus or courses are pretty common in Japanese restaurants I think uh Most Japanese prefer to eat that way however you do find a la carte menu in this case they would usually be categorized in this way raw fish or Sashimi would be Sashimi yeah so you will find all your raw fish or raw seafood in this category soups so this is where you find miso soup or clear soups Etc salads grilled dishes so this is where you will find your grilled salmon grilled Saba uh grilled meat or even Yakitori sometimes fried dishes so this is where you'll find deep fried dishes like tonkatsu koroke and so forth and finally rice dishes yeah this is where you'll find your onigiri rice which is rice topped with uh maybe salmon and there's hot tea or Dashi pork over it this is to finish a meal sometimes in the osakuji category you'll also find Noodles sometimes like yakisoba or Ramen in typical Japanese restaurants are traditional Japanese restaurants many times you would have the rice or the noodles at the end of your meal but not always you might find some other ways the menu is categorized uh sometimes you will find the fish in a separate section so fish in Japanese is Sakana right so the meats would include chicken beef Etc and we've written everything down in the Japanese characters here below the screen so just take the screenshot remember that or take it with you and that should really be helpful we have many many typical Japanese dishes and we cannot cover it on this video because it's a very very long list but once again if this is something you would be interested in us covering in the future video let us know in the comments finally how to pay most of the time the check will be placed on the table as soon as all your dishes arrive and if you want to reorder something or order order something you know additional it would just keep adding to your bill and then you take the the your your bill to the cashier and pay but sometimes you do have to ask for your bill in that case you would ask okay especially it's in Izakaya you have to say okay you do right right because Izakaya a lot of times you know you would start off small and just keep ordering and ordering until you know uh you don't want to eat or drink anymore which is why they usually don't give you the bill right away of course you can pay the bill together or separately it's really up to you going dutch here in Japan is pretty normal so if you want to pay separately you would say however if you want to pay for the entire bill you would say easy easy right means together one great thing I want to point out about eating in Japan is there is no tipping whatsoever it is not required it is not necessary and it is not accepted so it's not they're gonna chase after you they're gonna chase after you you forgot your 100 yen on the table yes they will literally come after you to you know because they would think you forgot your 100 yen coin on the table so no tipping whatsoever finally when you leave the restaurant Most Japanese people say which means thank you for the food you can also say thank you witches however Most Japanese people will say thank you for the food and this makes everybody in the restaurant feel really good anywhere in Japan including the restaurant you always want to um have good manners or you want to be pleasant so you want to say thank you you want to say please which is one guy she must say if you know you ask for more water you say one you can also say the food was delicious in this case you would say it was delicious or if you're in the middle of eating and they ask you how it is you would say this so it's delicious it was delicious so we wanted to keep this video as simple as possible we didn't want to make you feel like you had to learn a hundred words before feeling comfortable enough to come to Japan you really don't need to if we've missed something that you think we should have added to this video let us know in the comments down below also let us know what other types of videos you'd like to see in the future please smash that like button if you enjoyed this video and finally subscribe for more videos like this one thank you for watching see you on next video bye bye bye guys [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 91,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, Japanese phrases, Japanese language, Simple Japanese, Easy Japanese, Before your japan trip, Prepare for japan, Japanese restaurant, How to order food in Japan, Basic Japanese lesson
Id: 32B2nqss9T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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