Japanese phrases you need for travelling Japan // Basic

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Hey how's it going I hope you're having a wonderful day so very recently I just had my parents come and visit me in Japan and we had a wonderful trip together they were here for about a week traveling with them helped me realize the kinds of words that people need to know when they're traveling Japan a lot of them aren't completely necessary but they just kind of show respect and show that you are caring about the language and stuff like that and honestly traveling in Japan it's not that hard if you can't speak the language because everybody is so kind and so helpful so even if they can't speak any English they'll likely try and find someone who can or they'll do their very best to charade it out to you it's not a huge necessity but in order to show back some of the kindness and love that they show you it's really important that you learn just a couple of phrases and honestly it's just got to make your travel so much easier than your here in Japan I've left out a couple of really important ones like ones that I thought people may already know but I'm trying to keep it as small of a list as possible oh by the way my Japanese pronunciation is not perfect yeah I'm obviously not native Japanese it doesn't matter too much what your pronunciation is when you're just traveling for a little bit because any kind of sign that you're trying to learn the language is a good sign in their books but yeah let's get into it the first one of course you need to know how to say thank you which is arigato gozaimasu so you can just say arigato which is kind of small casual just means like thanks but if you want to be more polite and show a bit more respect you can say arigato gozaimasu you'll be using this all the time because Japanese people are so kind and polite so I use this word all the time please know how to say it because it means the world I had a friend who came to visit and she was scared to pronounce things incorrectly therefore she would just say thank you in English which is fine but I don't think people would get mad at you for that but it just shows that you're going that extra bit if you're trying to speak their language a little bit so don't worry about the pronunciation for now if you just hit for a little bit please use arigato gozaimasu the next one you use this all the time especially in Tokyo because there is a million people here that word is sumimasen and sumimasen means use me and it cannot also mean sorry in most situations so if you bump into someone you can be like ah so you mustn't which is totally fine if you're just saying excuse me rather than oh sorry which is why I left out the word for story in Japanese because I don't want to make the list too long and boring and use it in all situations when you're sitting at a restaurant and you want to get the waiters attention you can say suing my son and that feels kind of rude but it's totally normal in Japan so give it a go it's kind of fun and liberating to just yell excuse me above the restaurant but please do it in Japanese oh wow that would be really bad in English you probably bump into people and be in the wrong place and you just want to say sorry to the whole of Japan so just say sube my son all the time an easy way to remember it is excuse me Mason yeah just sounds like it next one number three very easy and that's height which just means yes yeah number four this is the word like my parents would often ask how do I say no in Japanese so if someone offers me a bag and I don't want a bag how do I say no technically the word for no is yet but you don't often say it and it can sound a little harsh if you're just like yet in like you know restaurant or whatever more polite and easy way to say it is daijoubu and you say this all the time this is like like top five words I'll be using every day in Japan it does if it means okay it means it's alright it means kind of like no thanks it's like ah it's okay I'm okay it's alright so if someone like bumps into you and they are saying I'll see we mustn't you can say daijoubu means that's okay that's fine also if someone's like do you want to drink with that you can say ah daijoubu another six is on negation mas this isn't a word that you'll be using too much when you are traveling Japan kind of you won't you won't really need to use it too much but it's very useful to know what it means they'll say it all the time although all the all the time and my parents often say what do they saying what do they say and I'm like up on the guy she must so in Japanese it can mean please it also means let's work together let's have a it's hard to explain in English but it basically means please so if somebody asks you at the convenience store do you want a bag you can say hi my gosh you must so you hear it quite a lot that's just why it's on the list you don't have to say it all that much but it's good to know what it means number seven very useful if you're travelling Japan and you don't speak much Japanese at all and that is Eagle while cutting Muska and that is do you understand English you could ask someone in English do you understand English but it just seems a little nicer if you say it in Japanese you can just say ergo say air go with him hmm with your heads up like this and a confused look on your face that can work too sometimes number eight super helpful when you're travelling around and you trying to find the right train and you want to know where something is you can say something something whatever it is you're looking for doko desu ka' so doko is where and deskah means it's a question you could say 7-eleven doko desu ka' and that's where is 7-eleven or you can point on a map and say doko desu ka' you can also just say dog or with your hands up like this again yeah doko desu Chi is a very very useful one but when you're traveling next on the list and this is something that surprisingly not a lot of like my friends that are living here know how to say and I use it all the time and something something something whatever it is you're looking for a team Oscar that means is there so if you go into a convenience store you may ask the person ATM Patti muska means is there an ATM here do you have an ATM you can go into like shops and be like coca-cola Ali mask are do you have Coca Cola that's so useful so useful if you speak in English you'll have to say do you have Coca Cola in Japanese it's the opposite way around when Japanese people here do you have they may expect this to be the subject and this to be the you know the extra part of the sentence that I can't remember the name of it it's just so useful if you can say something something something re muska very very very useful give it a go and you'll be surprised how easy it is to communicate with people so and the very last one is one that I asked my parents what did you need to say when you're in Japan and you wanted to know how to say it and my dad said I want to know how to say can I use a credit card Japan is a very cash based Society it's kind of great but it's also kind of not when you just want to pay with a credit card and you want to know if that's okay but there's not many shops that do accept credit cards so the way that you say credit card are you ready for the most complicated Japanese ever could edit the card or that's credit card in Japanese if you want it to be really simple to sacred edge it the card or put your hands up and go hmm and maybe work oh you could say could AG do car though daijoubu desu ka' which is that number that I used before on number four so yes so it's all coming together pledget the car though those over that's totally fine people will know exactly what you mean if you say that and yes it's gonna be very helpful if you using your credit card all the time I hope that you found this list useful I'll be making another video of this but these are ten more Japanese words that you should know when you're traveling in Japan possibly for people that are travel traveling a bit longer in Japan so stay tuned for that once again my Japanese is not perfect I'm not 100 percent fluent in Japanese but I'm confident in knowing the words that you should know when you're traveling Japan because I have lived here for a long time and I've had lots of visitors come and these are the words that they wanted to know so there you go I hope you've enjoyed this video if you liked it give it a thumbs up if you want to see more you can subscribe if you don't want to see any more please continue to leave hate in the comments because it just makes YouTube suggest it more so anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Currently Hannah
Views: 251,684
Rating: 4.9519286 out of 5
Keywords: japanese, speaking japanese, learning japanese, basic japanese, how to speak japanese, learn japanese, basic words to speak japanese, how to learn japanese, japanese phrases, japanese words, travelling japan, travel japan, top 10, top 10 japanese words, japanese words to learn, essential japanese, japan travel tips
Id: 74aYs6rcbiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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