Top Japanese Phrases You Need Before Traveling to Japan w/@kensanokaeri

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- Hello, welcome to Tokyo Cheapo. I'm your host, Aimee, and today we have a special guest with us, Ken. - Hello, everyone. I'm a Japanese teacher. Today I'm here to help you learn some Japanese. - And Ken also has his own YouTube channel teaching Japanese, so check that out after. But first, we are gonna talk about the top phrases that you need before coming to Japan. - Okay, let's do it. (playful music) - We'll get into the phrases soon, but first, there are two things that you should definitely know before coming to Japan. Yes. - What are they, Ken? - Okay, the first one is (Ken speaking in Japanese), which means thank you. Then (Ken speaking in Japanese) is (Ken speaking in Japanese). Okay? The other one is (Ken speaking in Japanese), which means sorry or excuse me. So if you want to pass behind someone, you should say (Ken speaking in Japanese). (both laughing) Or if you bump into someone on the train, like (both grunting). (Ken speaking in Japanese) (Aimee laughing) (Ken speaking in Japanese), mi sound is really difficult. So some Japanese people say (Ken speaking in Japanese). Okay. (screen whooshing) (eyes buzzing) - For our first of the phrases that you need to know before coming to Japan, we've got a really important one. What is it, Ken? - Okay, the first one is (Ken speaking in Japanese). This means do you understand English or do you speak English? (Ken speaking in Japanese) means English. (Ken speaking in Japanese) This part is, do you understand, do you speak the language? So when you come to Japan, you might get emergency situation like having sick or maybe get injured. In this case, you can find English speakers in Japan with this phrase, right? - Yeah, it's really useful. Maybe also if you're just traveling around, you go to a tourist information desk or the train station and you wanna find someone who can speak English, this phrase is really helpful. For our second phrase, how about Ken, if I really need to go to the toilet, what can I ask? - Okay, so to (Ken speaking in Japanese). Means obviously toilet, bathroom. (Ken speaking in Japanese) means do you have, is there any? So (Ken speaking in Japanese), this phrase is very useful. Like imagine when you're in Japan, maybe shopping, going to Pokemon Center, getting Pokemon, Pikachu stuff and something like that, you have the picture on your phone, but you cannot find in Pokemon Center. Then you can show them the photo. (Ken speaking in Japanese) You can say this, which means do you have this? (Ken speaking in Japanese) means this. For the third one, Aimee, do you like taking pictures when traveling? - I love taking pictures. - Okay, okay, okay. So when you travel in Japan, you know Japan has lots of spectacular scenery. You might wanna take the photo with the background with you. You can do selfie, but you can say this. (Ken speaking in Japanese) So (Ken speaking in Japanese) means pictures. (Ken speaking in Japanese) means like can you take photo for me? - Perfect, that one's really useful, especially if you're traveling solo. (screen whooshing) (laser whooshing) So when you're traveling in Japan, of course, you're gonna wanna try all the delicious food and drinks that are available. So this next set of phrases is for going to restaurants and cafes. What is the first one? - The first one, when you enter the restaurants in Japan, they will say, (Ken speaking in Japanese). Okay, so this means like how many people? (Ken speaking in Japanese) This is not for you to say, but you have to understand, then you can just gesture. One, two, three, four, yeah. (both laughing) - Gesturing always is good for how many people are in your group. - Okay, so now we got the menu. Yeah/ Wow. It look so delicious. - Yes. - At Denny's. - Yeah, I'm so hungry. - So delicious. - Okay, so this one has Japanese and English, right? But sometimes the menu don't have English menu, you know, only Japanese. In this case, it's really hard to understand what it is. So you can ask (Ken speaking in Japanese). English menu. (Ken speaking in Japanese) Do you have English menu? - Yeah, just like from before with the Pikachu and the toilet. (Ken speaking in Japanese) comes in handy a lot. - Yes. Aimee, which one? Which one would you like to have? - Let's go with this one. - This one? - Yeah. - Ah. You know, when you order, in Japanese, we can say, (Ken speaking in Japanese). - Okay. (Ken speaking in Japanese) - Means this. (Ken speaking in Japanese) means like please. In this case, I will have this. Just point, then say (Ken speaking in Japanese). - And again, if you want to use your fingers to show how many, maybe you want two, that will work too. - Yeah, it works. Aimee, they got so many food. - Yes, so many. - I can't decide what to eat. - Okay. - Yeah. You know, in this case, they can help you decide, you know, their recommendation. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So in this case, we say (Ken speaking in Japanese), means recommendation. (Ken speaking in Japanese) means which one? So you can say (Ken speaking in Japanese). - We interrupt this video for an important announcement. - What was that? - I said there's an important announcement. Subscribe to Tokyo Cheapo. - Tokyo what? - Tokyo Cheapo. Press the Subscribe button. So you're finished eating and you wanna pay for your food. Most of the time at restaurants and cafes in Japan, you can pay at the cash register. You will either have a bill on your table, which you just take up to the staff at the register or? - Yeah, or you can say (Ken speaking in Japanese). And then when paying at the cashier, we might wanna pay by credit card, right? Yeah, maybe debit card, whatever card. And then in this case, you can say (Ken speaking in Japanese). Means obviously card, credit card, debit card. (Ken speaking in Japanese) means is it okay to do this? So when you go to a restaurant in Japan, I might wanna go there with your friend, right? Yeah. And then maybe you wanna treat your friends. - Maybe or maybe not. - Maybe not. In this case, you know, we can say (Ken speaking in Japanese), to split the bill. Yeah, it means separate, (Ken speaking in Japanese) like please, thank you. Something like that. - Excellent, and then the very last thing, when you're leaving the restaurant... - Oh yeah, yeah. - What do you wanna say? - Yeah, this is my favorite. You know, we say (Ken speaking in Japanese). To appreciate all the food and the person who cooked the chef. (screen whooshing) (twinkling music) - If you have forgotten all of the phrases that have come before, this next one is key for you. And it is? (Ken speaking in Japanese) - So (Ken speaking in Japanese) means the Japanese language. (Ken speaking in Japanese) This part means I don't understand. I don't know. (Ken speaking in Japanese) - All right, and that concludes all the phrases. Thank you so much, Ken for joining us today. - Thanks for having me, Aimee. - No worries, and make sure to check out his channel down in the link below. Thank you so much. - Thank you, bye, bye. - All right, bye bye.
Channel: Tokyo Cheapo
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Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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