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hello hello welcome to my channel my name is Christine and today we will be cooking a super super easy four ingredient no need crusty bread now I covered this bread in a couple of my previous videos in my most popular 126 meals for 30 dollars video I have had hundreds of comments private messages DMS on Instagram and emails about this bread so I thought I would make a dedicated video on the process for you I'm gonna leave the recipe for you down below and before I start anything I just want to say that flour and baking with flour it's it's temperamental if you live in the desert like I do and it's very very dry and it hasn't rained in three months you might need more water because just because of the humidity of the air so just be aware that you can move with it a little bit as far as the water content how long you let it rise and that sort of thing I'd make two batches today two gonna show you what white flour and whole wheat flour look like a hard white wheat i ground this myself so it is quite coarse if you purchase from the store whole wheat flour if you get like a white whole wheat flour it'll be a lot lighter and will turn out better for you this one is just your standard all-purpose white flour nothing bank three cups of flour in your bowl and so I'm gonna do 100% white bread one two and three and then other one I trade 100% whole wheat but probably because my a whole wheat is very very dense it didn't work out very well so I'm gonna go half and half on these and see how it turns out so I've got one cup of white one cup of wheat and a half a cup again of each to equal my three now if you're really into baking and you use whole wheat flour often we'll have something called vital wheat gluten in your house it looks like this I can find it in my regular grocery store I know Bob's Red Mill makes a variety of this you can also buy out on Amazon illegally hello if you're interested in pursuing a whole wheat baking now you add gluten to it because whole wheat has less gluten in it it's the protein that gives it the bread texture right literally if you have issues with gluten don't do this but for just one loaf or bread we're gonna go like a tablespoon of extra gluten it's gonna give it a nice a nicer texture next up we have our yeast now I buy my yeast in bulk always and I keep it in the freezer until I'm ready to use it it lasts for years that way but I can get a two-pound vacuum sealed bag active dry yeast that's the one that I use for maybe four dollars or so it lasts forever if I can find that on Amazon I'll link that as well so you just want half a teaspoon of yeast here this is a quarter teaspoon so I'm going to double it up in the wheat one I might go a touch more I'm gonna go three quarters of a teaspoon on the on the wheat because it might need a little bit more action next up is salt because salt makes food taste good one full teaspoon of whatever salt you prefer I just have plain old table salt here it's super cheap you can use kosher salt you can use the pink Himalayan salt whatever you want for the water you want to be able to stick your hand in it and have it feel warm but be able to leave your hand in it if that makes sense so if you stick your hand in it and you're like oh it's hot the water is too hot and will kill your yeast okay but if you stick your hand in it and it's cold like it feels cold to your hand it will still work but it will take forever for your yeast to wake up and start eating all of the sugars that are in the bread and make all the life's bubbles now that you've measured out your water and it's temperature remember if you stick your finger in it it feels warm to my hand but I could leave my hand in there for an hour and not burn myself right that's what you want so one and a half cups to each bulb that's all of our ingredients I'm just gonna use this big fork and kind of stir them up a little bit I'm hoping that this video is helpful for my close friends who have been texting me Jessica and Teresa this is for you because both of them tried to make this bread they both fail like twice so we're gonna see how we do here so this is the white bread right here and it's it's sticky it is like a sticky dough and that is just fine if it's really dry and doesn't look sticky like that I had a little bit more water and keep stirring it it's okay if you don't follow the directions a hundred percent when it comes to adding like flour and water to bread it's more about what it looks like than the measurement and a whole-wheat one let's stir this one up I'm gonna put it you can do saran wrap or a tea towel or a plate or something on the lid of this and I'm gonna let these sit for 24 hours you can go as short as 8 but I find it has a better result the longer it sits so yeah I'm gonna put these away and I'm not gonna finish this video until tomorrow as you can see the whole wheat flour is significantly more dry so since I only added the one and a half cup I'm gonna go ahead and add a touch more maybe like 2 tablespoons right no exact science to this and then we're just gonna see what it looks like if it's still it's too dry to me what some work though because I did add the extra yeast and I'm letting it sit for so long should be okay okay now it's definitely wet and it's still more of a ball than the other one but at least it absorbed all of the flour this time I remember this almost only half and half not 100% so saran-wrapped time and I'll see you tomorrow it's been right at 24 hours here is the white flour let's go and take this off so it didn't rise necessarily as just get really bubbly almost like a sour dough here is my whole wheat like half whole wheat half white which I think looks pretty good it got nice and bubbly like it should even though it is more dense so we're gonna dump these out onto a floured counter and let them rest 30 minutes while I preheat my oven let's do the white first I like to do just a quick little stir to make it fall a bit it's super sticky as you can see so extra flour on your hands not a bad plan and it's gonna be hard to kind of put it into a bowl right because it's so sticky gonna dump it honestly it's great the last few bits off of my dish here and you see though it's like just kind of falling a little bit that's okay yeah it's it's kind of a bowl and our whole-wheat he has a slightly different texture still sticky but not as like mozzarella cheesy as the other one you see definitely not as sticky here so I'm just gonna kind of coat it in flour a little bit and kind of make it a little bulb like this double check this one real quick way more sticky so I can just tell by touching that the white ones gonna have a nicer texture but the whole-wheat one should taste fine also so just cover this with like a tea towel or a bowl upside down like you do that doesn't dry out and we'll be back in 30 minutes my oven is preheating to 450 and in here I have two pans that we're gonna test out you can do this in a Pyrex Bowl as well today we just have your standard metal loaf pan you can pick these up at Walmart for super cheap and I have a three and a half quart Lacrosse a covered Dutch oven you can get a cheaper brand than this one for significantly less I know Sam's has them Target probably has some Amazon might have some three and a half quart is the size of this one so it's actually quite small I pulled these out of the oven and I'm gonna add a little bit of cornmeal to the bottom of these please remember to use oven mitts as these are very very hot so I don't put oil just a little sprinkle of cornmeal on the bottom so that my dough doesn't stick I'm gonna put my whole wheat in this one because I want to see if it can get nice and pretty you guys have seen the all white flour one in the Dutch oven and it's beautiful what we're gonna try it in the bread pan today okay whole wheat dough and it's a little too sticky like make an X on top so I'm not even gonna worry about it white dough very very sticky into my bread pan I'm trying to get as much of that off as I can black and we're gonna stick these back in the oven lid on that's gonna create the steam you want for a really pretty crust and on this one we're just gonna use another bread tin and flip it upside down on top to create the same effect there they are well spin 30 minutes we're gonna take the lids off now and let it cook for another 15 please use a mitt so you don't burn your hands okay there's the whole-wheat one that actually rows very nicely here's the white one there we go 15 more minutes I just pulled the bread out of the oven two seconds ago where we talked about that I wanted to say this shirt is available for sale down below if you're interested if you have a lot of people ask me about it and if you wear this shirt while going through airport security the TSA agents will laugh and let you through faster that is what happened to me here we have our white loaf 100% white bread just cooked in a bread pan it looks beautiful just pop it out real quick and do you hear that it's very crusty and this will be very hard to cut for about two hours so I do like to bake these in advance this is half half an F this one and I'm saying oh I think this one turned out really nice so if you want to do a whole-wheat I will leave whole wheat recipe I used for this one down below also so 100% white flour half and half whole wheat and white flour with a couple of changes this one definitely smells nuttier and I feel like whole wheat has a slight honey background to it so I definitely smell that whereas this one is more of like a sourdough like a really light sourdough scent now you can come to my ever you want but I have had a lot of people ask me this one obviously you can just cut into slices like this don't do it yet and then the round loaf I like to cut in half I would prefer to let it sit but trying to get this video out tomorrow whoo so preppy it's very hot it's also hard to cut when it's hot there we go kind of brother logo so after you cut it in half pop it this way and then slice it like that right so they'll have little half slices but there's the interior out of the whole wheat loaf you guys see that steam so it's definitely more dense than the other one the white one will have more holes in it I also want to conclude this video with a slight disclaimer bread can be finicky and if you're not used to it and it totally fails don't be scared to try again I have been making homemade bread for over 15 years I've done a lot of different recipes I've kind of in a bread maker a mixer by hand no need this way at this point I know the basics of making bread and once you learn the basics of making bread what it should look like what the dough should feel like you will get there as well so go make these recipes let me know down below if they turn out for you how you like them if you tried the whole-wheat if you tried the lights I'm gonna keep tinkering around with a recipe to get to a 100% whole wheat version and I will also move towards different flour version although without the gluten I'm not sure how it will turn out if you guys enjoyed the video I hope you would consider subscribing and hanging around longer and if you want to see something really cool if you hit the thumbs up button it'll turn a different color try it and tell me what color it turns if you want to see any of my other cooking videos click over here and if you want to see my $30 for a week for a family of six extreme grocery budget challenge video click over here if you have not seen that thanks so much and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 375,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade bread, no knead, frugal, budget, frugal fit mom, what's for dinner, cook with me, whats for dinner, large family, large family table, dinner ideas, budget meals, cooking, recipes, cheap, frugal dinner recipes, tasty, how to cook, easy, baking, large family dinners, how to make, frugal food, pantry challenge, whats for dinner this week, large family mom, no knead bread, homemaker, how to bake, food, recipe, easy recipes, sahm, no breadmaker needed, no bread maker needed
Id: uCZBQ25zfa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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