Easy Homemade 100% Whole Wheat Bread | Cook with Me

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hello friends my name is Christine and welcome to my channel in today's video I've been sharing with you guys many different bread recipes while we are at home and I realized that sometimes it can be hard to find flour and yeast although I have started seeing those things pop back up in my stores but unfortunately the price of yeast has gone up I have been able to find out on Amazon it's a lot more expensive than it used to be if you cannot find it in your area I will link one of my favorite ones that I like to use down below in the description box along with basically all of the tools that I'll be using today and where you can purchase whole wheat berries which is what we are using today what I like about whole wheat berries is you can buy them and they last for ever 30 plus years at your house if you store them correctly so for those looking for a food storage I don't I think wheat is a really good one to use obviously if you lose an issues maybe this video is not for you but today I'm going to show you how I like to grind my wheat and make 100% whole wheat bread before I jump into it I do want to tell you that the recipe that I am using I will leave links down below for you the recipe below is going to yield two to three loaves of bread depending on the size of your loaf pans I'm going to double the recipe I'm giving you so I'm gonna be making four because if I'm gonna go through the trouble of doing it I want my family to be able to eat bread for four or five days or so this is my week right here that I have it's a nutri mill I've had it for a very long time I asked for it for Christmas in 2005 this thing's amazing and before I got this one I would borrow one from a friend I'll put a picture of it right here and of course I will leave all of these links down below for you there are cheaper options for sure but if you you know have a birthday or a holiday coming up where you might want to ask for an investment piece for your kitchen this could be one of those items there's also hand-cranked one so i've never really used those before I've only used the electric ones I have my whole wheat berries in this one and my soap you just dump it all in and I can grind an entire number ten can all at one time so since I have this out I'm actually going to grind both of these cans so I'm going to do this whole one and then in my container kind of dump it into maybe a ziploc bag or something else and then I will grind this one because getting this out and cleaning it after it's kind of a chore so I just like to do as much as possible as quickly as possible the only tricky part with mine is getting this rubber seal to twist on can be hard so I'm actually just rubbing some flour along the outside of it to make it slippery so I'll spin just don't you don't want to grind anything that's oily and a weak render like flax you don't want to do that they're supposed to be for dry dry grain there we go okay [Music] [Music] I have all of my weak ground into flour and now we're going to start the bread making process so today I'm using my gosh mixer because it can hold the quantity of bread that I would like to cook today I ended up with one two three large containers of flour I'm only going to need about half of this to make my bread today I need approximately 12 cups 12 to 14 cups and like I've said before in my other bread making videos it's not so much about the measurement but more what it looks like and how it acts because if you live in a dry climate or high elevation like I do you typically need more water than if you live at sea level in a humid climate or if it's raining outside that could change your bread as well it does a couple of ingredients in here mainly oil my sweetener my yeast and water just to like kind of wake up the yeast after about five minutes of that we're gonna add maybe half of our flour amount and then we're gonna walk away and let it sit for ten minutes and that is a really important step when using a coarser whole wheat flour like this because it takes longer to absorb the waters I'll be able to use less flour if I just give it 10 minutes to start soaking up all of the moisture I'm starting with 6 cups of water remember doing 4 loaves of bread and just want to make sure it's warm to the touch but doesn't burn your hand and that's great 2/3 cup of oil I just have a vegetable oil here you can use it ever all you want you could use butter if you want to that tastes really good and for my sweetener I'm gonna use honey whoa that's hot and I'd crystallized so I just put it on the stove for a while to D crystallize and now I can't touch it because it's too hot ok good oh my goodness so I get my honey locally from local oh my gosh oh so hot before it's processed so it does crystallize fairly quickly I'm actually going to put it another order here just a little bit please don't make a mess oh okay yeah you just warm it on your stove slowly it'll kind of get back to portable consistency holy moly that's pretty warm two-thirds cup of honey you could use brown sugar if you want I just really like honey with whole wheat it tastes really good and three tablespoons of yeast actually don't have enough in this container someone go home if you buy it in bulk like I do you can keep your yeast in the refrigerator or freezer either ones fine okay three yes I know it's a lot of geeks but it's gonna be a lot of bread our five minutes are up and it's nice and foamy so we're gonna add the rest of our ingredients and there's really only three left so salt no I'm now going to use a cup of salt salt I like to use vital wheat gluten when I make whole wheat bread because it makes the texture really really soft this is not necessary but if you find your texture to be quite coarse this is a dough conditioner it helps the protein develop a little bit better so I like to use it you can get online I can also find it in my local grocery store like a little wheat flour my kids are spraying my door with the hose if you hear random water noises my kids are at least they're outside right please throw outside so we're gonna go six cups of flour to the start to three and are even cooking with me if you don't fling flour all over for six now my Bosch is actually fairly full right now but I guarantee you it'll all fit I've done this many many times I've got two tablespoons of salt remember it's for loads bread's it's actually not that much and you know half a cup lutein and I should probably put this on my shopping list because I'm getting money usually when I run out of something I'd like to keep in the pantry like this and I'm like wow I'm really low on this I just like add it to my ongoing shopping list for pantry staples so we're gonna mix it just a minute see how way today super wet really really wet okay I'm gonna go another two cups of flour so that'll put me at 8 cups of flour mix again hey definitely very very wet it kind of looks like wet concrete a little bit and now is the time that I'm just gonna let it sit for ten minutes so my flour my course flour can soak up as much moisture as possible while you significantly less flour this way so ten minutes I'm coming right back here at the top of my bowl that way I know it has soaked up as much as it can and it's time to add the remaining flour so I can get it to need correctly and turn it into bread dough to number one which is the lotto need speed and it's already starting to bring the vegetables so I know I'm not going to need to add more flour to the four cups and what I'm guessing [Music] you just watch it until it cleans and fights the bowl and for 810 minutes okay I will see you guys in today when I'm working with whole wheat thread I like to use oil for my hands for the bowl and even when I roll it out into the loaves because it tends to lean drier anyway I find it gives a better end product so drizzle oil with the bottom of that and put some oil on my hands for transfer process even if it's a little sticky now that's okay because after this first rise it will be way less sticky I remember the first time I made this bread with my mom using the bosch and she was like no it's too sticky it's not gonna work you know and my mom's made bread way longer than I have at that point and I'm like mom I'm familiar with the bosch trust me and she's like no it's too sticky it won't work and I'm like no mom I got it like trust me and so we did it and she was like oh my gosh you were right are there any sweeter words on the planet then you were right that was a good day the day I taught my mom something because that's that's not out and often this is a 13 quart mixing bowl so it's really really big and I'm just gonna coat this with the oil okay get your towel she's gonna cover this and it's gonna rise for I don't know 30 to 40 minutes it really depends on how warm your house is well crap I cut off my head anyone sometimes I feel like it would be easier to do YouTube it was a lot shorter cuz then my head would be like here is it here Jen how do you do it Jen's taller than me I'm five six today I am using a combo of bread pans I might launch skinny ones that I love I got these from Ikea but if you want to find some similar on Amazon I will link them down below and I just have your traditional regular loaf pan people think that these are bigger than these but they're actually not this one's a lot wider than this one but either is fine you can use whatever one so I'm gonna try and get my dough into four loaves they'll be fairly large so before I get my hands messy I'm going to spray all of my loaf pans so they're ready to go good for you right I bet that causes cancer doesn't it you don't have to use a spray but it's so easy and I'm kind of lazy okay I'm pretty sure my mom never used this growing up ever she was always like rub the shortening and ready it's big okay so I'm going to use oil as like instead of flour on the counter and on my hands to keep everything moist do you guys like that bird or do you hate that word it doesn't bother me that much it's not like there's some other words that bother me way more then uh then moist you want your bread to be moist how many times gonna say it before we get into that I'll just take a little drink don't forget to hydrate while you're stuck at home guys and I have my dough cutter I've heard you can get a really solid one at Dollar Tree or you can get this one that I have also linked down below so if you're angry at somebody or like the whole staying at home situation or whatever just imagine who's ever space that you're angry at right and just like just like get it out you know saying I wiped my counter before restarting don't you worry and now there's no turning back like oil all over my hand so I hope I don't am i recording okay good because I'm not touching the camera anytime soon now this recipe I used to make without doing that first rise in the in the bowl I used to just put it right into the loaf pans what you can do but your texture is gonna be so much better this way like so much better I've been working with this recipe for about the last two weeks trying to get it as soft as possible so you guys would have a good experience if you try to do it yourself and so I think this is like the winner I think you're really gonna like it when I cook this one it actually doesn't Brown very much on top not like a lot of other breads I've noticed I wonder if that's because I used honey and not sugar any experts baking expert weigh in on that that'd be great so while I form these into loaf sized blobs of dough like there's nothing special I'm just kind of like rolling it into an oblong shape like that like really nothing fancy let me tell you about the show Dave and I just started watching so we've been trying to find a show to watch in the evenings before bed which I know you know supposed to watch TV before bed cuz it doesn't help you sleep very well but sometimes I don't do the things that are best for me clearly because I'm drinking caffeine again what are you gonna do I told you that we were using good angel to edit out the language and stuff out of Breaking Bad but we only got some episodes in and send you you want to tell them why are we get to stop watching Breaking Bad I'm telling you what TV shows right now your mind you're not even in the show that you want okay so the end of the second episode they accidentally kill a guy note and they have to dispose the body they try to disintegrate it in acid and it goes wrong and it's very gross like way worse than anything I've seen on Dexter by the way it's really you I would have kept going but you're like I have enough drama in my life I need something fun we need Everybody Loves Raymond it is what we need but we can truth where is that available on streaming or home-improvement browsing Netflix and we saw the 100 there's like six seasons so we were like okay the pilot was good the pilot was good I think we're three episodes in yeah and I'm like super interested yeah yeah I think we're gonna keep going it's it's weird cuz it's like still a little bit of drama but it's not as dark dark right as the other one so I obviously have to wipe all of my oil up but I have my loaves and my loaf pans there you go and there you go these are actually very I could probably take those two and divvy that up into one more hmm let me think on that for just a second you look really big I'm gonna go one more one more loaf pan just because my two over here look super full like they're gonna rise right out of there for those that watch some of my other videos you might know that for Christmas for our kids we got lemon cruise and it got canceled because we're supposed to be on it the day I'm filming this video but today I rebooked like they gave us a credit I know today so fingers crossed that actually happens we're gonna do five lows today rise for the second time and then we will bake my timer just beeped for my bread so let's get it out oh it's so beautiful first thing I like to do is kind of rub some butter on it a little kitchen hack for you don't rip the paper I ended up baking these in a convection for right at 30 minutes I gave them a little spin a rude at 25 minutes and I do like to let it sit for at least 20 minutes to make it easier to cut because my drink of it now it's just gonna smoosh it so it'll be a lot easier to slice the longer you let it sit ideally you would let it sit till it's totally cool but I've never had that kind of willpower warm homemade bread right out of the oven a little bit of butter little drizzle of homemade jam that's it I don't even make dinner this is all we need this is all I need I need this tell me what movie that came from I will pin your comment to the top because it's an old movie I don't I think it came out in the 70s Alexa when did come out 1979 you swatch I'm gonna be all the time that's all I need I need bad a lot of weird babies in my days now that I think about it yes so I will say since I didn't spend a lot of time trying to make him look pretty that woman looks a little wonky it'll taste fine so if I were to give these away to friends I'd give them that one because it's the prettiest but since I have no friends I'm gonna eat them all myself I want all the bread to myself okay if this is like the first video ever that someone's watching my channel they're gonna think I'm serious about that whole thing I would highly recommend you go watch some of my other videos and realize I'd like to joke around a lot with a straight face and pretend it's serious but it isn't this one's super pretty I'm like this is gonna be the thumbnail load this is gonna be the loaf I feed to the kids the ugly love the last few songs I made this I ended up with four loaves one two three four five it's the exact same recipe what happened to freakin yours this one's mine you should go wait wait there's six of us anyway I do want to cut them a slice so they can see what it looks like on the inside but I'm scared to cut a slice because I'm gonna mush it I'll cut the other one even though I'm going to slice a slice right now so I can show you the texture of the inside don't slice it this soon after you take it out you'll regret it so do as I say and not as I do look at the steam you see the steam so that's the texture it's super soft very consistent holes on the inside and even though this is a hundred percent whole wheat flour this recipe and cooking it this way will yield a very soft and light whole-wheat bread I've tried some other recipes and they're just a little heavy maybe for what you want I mean I like a rustic bread but no but he does I think this is a total winner of course everything I used today will be links down below for you if you liked the video give it a thumbs up so other people can find it easier and in your bread making endeavors at your house may be odds be ever in your favor
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 39,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bread, cook with me, whole wheat, baking, how to make bread, homemade bread, bread recipe, easy bread recipe, home made bread, healthy bread, homemade bread recipe, easy whole wheat bread, soft bread, scratch, how to make sandwich bread, frugal fit mom, frugal, on a budget, budget food, making bread, easy bread, easy, how to bread, home made, quarantine cooking, large family food, family of 6
Id: 0F2XDvGwLD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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