Easy Ciabatta Rolls Recipe | How to make ciabatta bread | Ciabatta buns | Crusty dinner rolls

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[Music] these chapata rolls are soft in the center with loads of open pores and they have a fine crispy crust with an amazing flavor and i'm so happy that many of you have made a wonderful chibata bread using our easy and fast arisa chapatta bread recipe and this chapati rolls recipe is a slight variant of our previous recipe to add more complex flavor to chipotle bread we are using cold and slow fermented dough in this video and the method requires a very little effort but some time and we can make them if we have these four basic ingredients with us some flour water salt and yeast and to get big open crumb and for that unique chapati flavor we usually need to add a starter like a bigger or polish but in this recipe we are not using a starter and so it will be so much easier for us to make these achabata rolls and at the same time our resulting rolls have an amazing texture with big open crumb and with that crispy crust so in this video let's see how to make this a wonderful chapatta rolls in six simple steps so as the first step let's prepare the dough into a bowl add in water here i've used room temperature water one teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of yeast and stir until they get dissolved and now let's add in flour we can use bread flour or all-purpose flour here i've used all-purpose flour and combine them all together to form a shaggy mass of dough here i'm using the rear end of a wooden spoon to mix them all together and that's it we prepared our bread dough and we just need to make sure there are no dry patches left behind and it's a homogeneous mixture and now let's cover it with a plastic film and let the dough sit and dry for two hours on the counter top or in a warm environment [Music] and now it's been two hours our dough has risen well and now what we are going to do is to keep this dough in the fridge [Music] and after 24 hours i took the dough out of the fridge and now the gluten in our dough is well developed and all that we are going to do is to weave them to give a good structure and we do it by stretching and folding the dough you can see her dough is very sticky to handle but we have a simple trick when our hands are wet it will not stick to our hands and it will make it easy for us to handle the dough and so don't forget to dip your hands in water before doing the stretching and folding so now we are going to stretch and fold the dough four times in every half an hour which is so relaxing and satisfying to do [Music] so now let's do the first folding so stretch the dough and fold it into itself and turn the ball 90 degree and repeat the same on all four sides [Music] and now cover it with a plastic thumb and keep it in a warm environment or on the counter top so it's been another half an hour so let's do the second faulting [Music] and now cover it with a plastic thumb and leave it on the counter for another half an hour and now it's the third folding [Music] now it's the fourth folding or the final folding we can see a good improvement in the structure of our dough [Music] it's been another half an hour and now it's ready for the next step that is to divide and shape the dough so now let's transfer this dough onto a well floured work surface and remember our dough is still very sticky and at this point to prevent them from sticking to the surface we need to dust the work surface generously with flour and again dust at the top of the dough with some more flour and now we need to stretch the dough from underneath to form a rectangle and we need to take care not to deflate those air pockets and it's totally okay if we happen to deflate a few air pockets here and there and now let's divide and shape the dough [Music] and we can divide the dough into squares or rectangles here i've divided the dough into six approximate equal squares and now let's transfer each portion onto another well-flowered work surface and we need to take care to leave some space in between each of them as they will rise and expand a little during this final proofing and dust the top of the dough with some more flour so that it will not stick to the cling film and then cover it with a plastic film and let the dough sit and rise for another 30 minutes and after the final proofing let's transfer this dough onto a parchment paper here i've placed my parchment paper on a cooling rack which will make it easy for us to transfer the dough while we take it into the oven [Music] i'm brushing off any excess flour on top of the dough and now our dough is ready to go into the oven so let's carefully slide this parchment paper with the rolls onto a preheated pizza stone if you have one or we can also use an inverted baking tray just as i've done here and immediately spray with some water and cover the oven door and bake the bread in a 425 fahrenheit preheated oven for 15 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 375 fahrenheit and bake for another five to eight minutes [Music] and after baking we'll get those beautiful golden brown ciabatta bowls they are so light and so flavorful with an amazing open crumb and with a soft interior and with that caramelized crispy crust and they are so good to dice and have them with some olive oil or to slice horizontally hand to make a delicious a sandwich and these rolls are best to have while they are fresh and warm out of the oven and if you want to make a big batch we can double this recipe and we can shape them into long rectangles to make a big chapata bread as well and i hope you like this chibata rolls recipe and i hope you will make this at home and i'm sure you will love this bread and if you like this video please give your valuable thumbs up and please don't forget to share this recipe with your friends and family who love baking homemade bread thank you so much for your love and support and thanks for watching this video see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Bincy Chris
Views: 52,898
Rating: 4.9357843 out of 5
Keywords: ciabatta, ciabatta rolls, ciabatta buns, ciabatta bread, ciabatta recipe, ciabatta rolls recipe, ciabatta bread recipe, ciabatta buns recipe, easy ciabatta bread recipe, what is ciabatta bread, ciabatta bun, ciabatta roll, rustic dinner rolls, artisan Ciabatta bread, crusty bread, crusty dinner rolls, italian bread recipe, how to make ciabatta bread, crusty rolls, artisan bread recipe, no knead bread, no knead ciabatta, no knead ciabatta bread, no knead ciabatta rolls
Id: dtTQ0MlCLsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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