How to Make Sandwich Rolls - Easy French Rolls Recipe

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/conductive 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with how to make your own sandwich rolls that's right during our recent and what the critics are calling groundbreaking bond me video i promised to show you how to make your very own homemade french rolls or is there more generically called sandwich rolls and that's exactly what i'm going to do and while these rolls won't be nearly as expensive as the ones from the store or contain all those additives and preservatives I still think you're really going to enjoy these and as you're about to see they are very very easy to make so let's go ahead an get started with the dough and to do that we'll toss a package of dry active yeast into the bowl of our stand mixer and to that we will add our warm water and we'll give that a mix and then usually we wait about ten minutes to see if the yeast is active but this time I didn't do that the yeast was brand new plus I was feeling kind of lucky so I proceeded to the last two ingredients some bread flour and sure you can use all-purpose here I mean it is afterall called all-purpose but if you have it I do prefer the texture using bread flour here and then last but not least we'll toss in some salt and that's it at this point what we'll do is grab our dough hook and head over to the stand mixer where we will knead this all together for about five minutes until we have a nice smooth soft slightly but not too sticky dough and if everything's gone according to plan it should look something like this and one clue that you did good see how the dough pulls away clean from the sides of the bowl as well as that dough hook that generally means you have just enough flour alright so if it seems like it's still a little bit wet and it's still kind of smearing or sticking to the bowl just toss in a little more flour but mine was looking just about right and assuming you've achieved something very similar what we'll do next is kind of form this into a smooth ball and we'll transfer that back into our bowl and then as usual we'll add just a few drops of vegetable oil and rub that all over our dough ball as well as the inside of the bowl which theoretically prevents the dough from drying out during the rising which is the next step so let's go ahead and cover that and transfer it to some warm draft-free place for about an hour to an hour and a half or until it doubles in size and as usual I just use the inside and my turned off oven and assuming our yeast was as active as we suspected about an hour to an hour and a half later your dough should look like this and then what we do at this point is poke it with our fingers to deflate it which is a lot of fun but completely unnecessary since we're also going to transfer this to a lightly floured work surface and kind of press it down into some sort of rectangle shape so what we're doing here would have deflated that dough anyway but having said that one of the great joys of making your own bread dough is poking it with your fingers after it's risen so enjoy yourself but anyway like I said we're going to press that down in some kind of uniform shape which is hopefully going to make it a little easier to divide this in the equal portions so I'm going to cut mine in half and then each half into three to make six rolls and by the way pro tip if you have a digital scale you can weigh all your dough in grams and then divide by six and then use that number to portion your dough exactly so once baked each roll would be pretty much exactly the same size so if you're into perfection that's one way you can do it or you can just I it like I usually do but anyway we'll divide that up into six equal portions and then by using our cupped hand in a circular motion we will roll those into six dough balls as smooth and his uniform as we can get them and then what we want to do at this point is cover these with a clean dry cloth and let them rest 15 minutes before we try to shape our rolls so we will fast forward about fifteen minutes at which point our dough should look like this so those will have risen just a little bit but we mostly did that to let the dough relax and then what we're going to do at this point is take one of those balls and press it out into sort of an oval rectangle there's probably a name for an over rectangle but I'm not sure what it is but anyway we'll flatten that out with our fingertips until we have something about six or seven inches wide and then we'll simply roll it up nice and tight like this and no need to be concerned about this seam that's going to pretty much disappear as we roll this and if not we'll make sure that ends up on the bottom and then what we'll do to finish these off is kind of taper the tips and how we'll do that is by angling our hands at about a forty-five degree angle and by applying a little extra pressure as we roll from the center out you should fairly easily form some nice pointy tips which for me gives these French style sandwich rolls their signature shape so like pretty much everything else in life that is optional but it only takes a couple seconds and is very easy so why wouldn't you do it but regardless once those are shaped we can transfer those onto a parchment lined baking sheet and we don't under crowd those so I'm going to do two pounds or three and once those are panned up they're ready for the Rize so we'll cover those with some clean dry towels and let those sit for about an hour or until they're doubled in size at which point hopefully they look something like this and then before we pop these in the oven we have to do two very important things the first of which would be to cut a slash down the length with a very very sharp knife and despite the weird stay near the top I like to use this knife that was Michelle's great-grandfather's because it's long thin and extremely sharp but I should mention an old-fashioned razor blade will do the same thing and we want to go in at about a 45 degree angle about a quarter-inch deep somewhere between the side and the top so that first one I did was a little too far down towards the side so those last two were a little better and please note these are not just for decoration although that's part of it but that slice is going to allow that crust to kind of expand as he's baked which really is an important factor for giving them the proper texture and then besides lacerating the dough the other thing we need to do before these go in the oven is spritz them with a little bit of water okay we just want some plain water in a spray bottle and we will give those a misting all over which is going to help form our crust and then once our rolls have been properly spritzed we can go ahead and transfer those into the center of a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes and no you weren't seeing things there was a pan of water on the bottom of the oven and that's there for the same reason we sprayed our bread before we put it in that moisture in the oven helps develop the crust and then what we'll do about halfway through the cooking time well open the oven and give those a turn as well as one more spray of water so let's go ahead and rotate those pans which hopefully you'll accomplish much faster than I did I am surprisingly uncoordinated but anyway we'll give those a turn and then one more spray of water which I almost forgot but I didn't so we will give those one more spritz and we will push those back in and let those bake for another 10 minutes or so or until you're looking at a couple pans of the most beautiful sandwich rolls you've ever seen which is what I have right here and at this point we're almost done all we need to do now is transfer these to Iraq and let them cool completely before we try to cut them or tear them open or if you cut these while they're still piping hot you're going to lose a lot of moisture so please let these cool all the way down to room top before you try to cut into them or in my case tear into them and that right there my friends I think is the perfect sandwich roll we have that gorgeous thin chewy crust surrounding wood is a beautifully light and airy inside for me just the perfect combination for any kind of sandwich work and please keep in mind this is a techniques video and even though I showed you a dough at the beginning you really can make these with any bread recipe you want I mean you guys are the doctor Scholl's of your sandwich rolls and speaking of feet that reminds me our ciabatta bread which means slipper bread would probably work really nicely here but anyway that's it no matter which dough you use or what kind of sandwich you make from the exotic bound me to your common everyday run in the middle tuna sub I really do hope you give these a try soon so head over to food wishes comm for all the agreed amount and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,355,623
Rating: 4.930059 out of 5
Keywords: Rolls, Sandwich, French, French Rolls, Sandwiches, bread, bun, baking, chef, john, foodwishes, dough, recipe, cooking, food, side
Id: e-KvT1l-5AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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