Easy Beef Jerky On The Traeger | Making Beef Jerky On A Pellet Grill

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[Music] all right so i told you guys we're going to show you how to make some beef jerky so this is going to be my attempt at making beef jerky on the traeger i found some so this is a london broil that was sliced up thin i've been marinating it in the dale seasoning all night um so all i'm going to do is put this on the tray i'm going to very lightly season it very lightly and i'm going to put it on the traeger and see how low i can get that temperature the trick is to cook it on a really low temperature because all you're trying to do is dry it out you're not trying to cook it you just need to dry it out so the lower the temperature is the better it's going to turn out the traeger has a my trigger anyway my little small tailgater model has a hard time maintaining a temperature under 200 degrees even when i've tried it in the past to keep it way way down it still spikes up over 200 quite a bit if i go 200 or higher it maintains the temperature very well so i'm going to try to adjust a little bit i'll show you guys what i'm doing to try to keep that temperature down so that we don't end up actually cooking our beef jerky into beef crisps and actually turned into beef jerky so here's what we're gonna do like i said i've had meat marinating overnight i'm gonna take some paper towels and we want to just lay the meat out and just kind of dab that meat off so it's not super wet so i got these super cheap food prep gloves on amazon super cheap and perfect for doing stuff like this so you can move from one thing to another without having to constantly keep wiping your hands off on paper towels washing up so here we go you see it's pretty thin so it's very thin sliced shouldn't take a crazy long time to do [Music] take our other paper towel and just dab it off so it doesn't have to be bone dry we just want to be [Music] dabbed off so that it's not really really wet so if you're slicing this meat yourself you're going to want to stick in the freezer for about 45 minutes before you try to slice it that'll firm it up and let you get some really nice even thin slices all right so the season i'm going to very very lightly season it with is going to be this mccormick all-purpose seasoning it's uh himalayan salt black pepper and garlic i use this stuff on steaks um it is really really good using steaks hamburgers really any kind of beef and uh and this stuff is is tasty so i'm going to just gently coat these with that that dill seasoning is going to put a lot of flavor into it so i just want to very gently sprinkle some of this on so that we don't ruin it by over seasoning it too much all right i'm just gonna do the tops because like i said i don't want to kill it with the seasoning so i'm not planning on flipping these i'm gonna try not to flip them i'll see how they're turning out and uh decide if they need to flip once we get them on the grill but uh i don't think i'm going to flip them so i'm just going to do the top season the top that way i don't overpower them you know with a lot of a lot of seasoning make them too salty or mess them up all right so my goal is to keep this thing hopefully 180 degrees or below um we're sitting at 177 now you can see i got i got my tongs in here kind of propping that lid open a little bit just to crack it open let a little bit of that heat escape um i'm not sure what it's going to do to my pellet usage so i'll keep a sharp eye on that make sure we don't run out of pellets but uh i'm gonna put these things on and see what happens trey is perfect for what we're doing here so so i think this is really going to work good i hope it does i'm going to kind of be back and forth checking on it make sure your temperature doesn't spike way up or uh make sure that it doesn't doesn't burn out but um i think leaving that lid cracked will allow it to feed just enough pellets where it was to keep a low temperature without without burning out so all right let's see what happens all right so the jerky's been on now for um a little over two hours and like i said it was really really thin so it's not going to take as long if you cut it in like quarter inch strips it's going to take probably closer to three and a half four hours or maybe a little bit longer depending on how it's cooking but uh using the tongs to prop the lid open it's worked out perfect you see it's at 172 right now and it's basically staying between 160 and kind of 175 degrees so that's worked out great let's take a look well i mean it looks like beef jerky so you don't want it to get crispy on you you still want to be able to you can see when you bend it it's starting to it is dried out so some of our pieces over here now all i've done i didn't flip it all i did was kind of come out and check on it if i noticed that my pieces on the edge look like they were starting to get a little more done than the ones in the middle i would just kind of move them around a little bit but i come out like every 20 minutes to check on it just to just to make sure that everything was looking good so i'd kind of peek in on every 20 minutes you can see these pieces in the middle definitely look more jerky like the more dried out those were over by the edge so i put move them around put them back in the middle but uh [Music] it's getting really really close to being done all right so i decided to leave it on for about another 20 minutes just to get it a little more dried out looks good yeah that's much better so that's going to end up being a total of about 2 hours and 42 hours or 45 minutes that i've had this on there so the next step it's not going to be really hot i mean you know the grill is not very hot at all so you know it's it's warm to the touch but it's not scalding hot and you can see when you break it you can see it's dried out so now dylan's gonna hold this bag open the next step is to take the warm jerky put it in the bag and just let it rest with the bag open and just let it kind of steam out and uh let it cool and you're good to go let's put this in the bag ready taste tester for us all right dylan here it is taste test ready [Music] not pretty good yeah all right really good and the longer it oh you're gonna take that hold on yeah you can have wrong and as it sits in the bag and steams out um it'll just kind of get more and more and more flavorful so you can see he's trying to steam out the bag now so like i said you know it's not scolding hot so you're safe to put it in the bag just leave the lid the lid just leave the top of the bag open and uh let it cool and you'll have you a delicious bag of beef jerky about two hours or 45 minutes at between 150 and 170 degrees i mean the grill is really fluctuating a little bit but uh keeping the lid cracked open really really really helped maintain a little more steady temperature i didn't get those spikes in temperature that i typically get when i keep it sealed up so worked out great wonderful smoky flavor not over seasoned at all so that's it that's all there is to it dylan's gonna knock out that last little piece yep it's good so we're gonna take this inside we're gonna let it cool off and uh looks like we got a snack for tomorrow yeah or tonight there's really nothing to it um you know the only thing i used was dale's marinade that little bit of that salt salt and pepper garlic seasoning that i showed you at the beginning you know not not a whole lot to it the biggest thing is to keep the temperature as low as you can keep it because what you don't want is for the meat to cook like a like a steak you don't want to cook you just want to have that low heat with some air moving across it so it just dries that meat out turns into turkey yeah so all right is that it yep all right thank you guys for watching
Channel: Jouppi Outdoors
Views: 850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Traeger grills, treager beef jerky, traeger beef jerky, pellet grill, beef jerky on a pellet grill
Id: UqHXwbSwmv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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