Pit Boss Beef Jerky | Sweet & Spicy Beef Jerky Recipe

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hey it's about a million degrees in Florida today we're gonna make some beef jerky on this pit boss Pella grill now I've done bourbon jerky I've done beer jerky today we're gonna do hot and spicy and the hearts gonna come from sriracha I hope you stay with me I've got a two-pound London broiled top round roast whatever you want to call it what I'm gonna do is just slice it in about 1/4 inch thick strips okay I mean that's kind of the way I like to have my jerky I don't like it so thin that you know it's a like paper-thin but I don't like it real real thick either so anyway you cut yours the way you want this is the way I like mine like I say about 1/4 inch thick okay and I'm cutting against the grain at least the best I can yeah I think I got this for like 399 a pound it was on sale it's kind of hard to beat at least around here but you can see we pretty much got it all sliced up now okay there's our jerky I hope you can see that it's gonna have some nice pieces here now let's talk about the marinade so I got some rice vinegar got some whoosh - sure sure sure sorry sauce soy sauce what we got here is a cup of sriracha and I don't want to miss out on any of this let me get this out okay here I've got some brown sugar we got garlic powder we got ginger black pepper kosher salt this is going to be excellent and here I've got some Dijon mustard all right and then the last ingredient here I've got some local wildflower honey what is that one two three tablespoons roughly okay we just want to get this all blended in together right this is gonna give us a real nice sweet heat sweet and heat of course I love the taste of that what's here sauce and sriracha right Russians got a good flavor it's not too hot I mean if you wanted this hot or you could put some dried cayenne or dried ghost pepper in it okay now what I've got here is a ziploc bag all right you could do this in a baking dish and cover it up however you like to make you know marinate stuff in your fridge okay and I'm gonna try to get this in a bag without making a ginormous mess awesome okay then what we're gonna do is put our strips of roast in here right let me get all these guys over here oh yeah [Applause] we try to get out most of the air you don't have to have it all out okay alright then you just want to make sure you get it all mixed up well right yeah you know you could be a lot better than this I mean I'm sure what I do because I sit this on a plate or put it in a dish in the fridge just in case I missed a little spot somewhere because if I missed a spot it'll definitely leak out I know me okay but you can see there we got our steak it's all nice and covered in the marinade or I should say our roast I'm gonna put this in the fridge for it's it's about 7:00 we take it out Doremon me 12 14 15 15 16 hours you could let it go up to 24 if you wanted and then we're gonna get to smoking it tomorrow all right my jerky it's been in the fridge overnight it's like leaven o'clock so I think that's roughly 12 or 16 hours roughly okay yeah what I want to do is take all this what I call it a jerky it's not jerky yet we want to take all of our London broil out of this bag okay and then you want to make sure you discard this marinade right don't use it for anything now you can see I just chose a cutting board you know you just want something clean what I like to do now is spread it out and take some paper towels and get this excess marinade off right we're trying to make jerky we're trying to dry things out so the more marinade that's on it the longer the cook time is going to be and by now the roast has absorbed all the marinade that it's going to absorb so it's not like you have to worry about losing the flavor okay so all I'm going to do here is Pat each piece off you can see this will take a couple of minutes and then we'll get ready to get it in to this pittmoss pellet grill now I've got this pit-boss sit on the smoke setting right now it says it's a hundred and ninety degrees and you can see my external temperature probe says it's almost 200 degrees now usually I like to run my jerky about 180 so we're a little bit tired than I prefer but I'm gonna go ahead okay just want to get these strips and down here with spacing in between each one now I have the tailgater pit-boss right so it's not very big and you know the feed is over here and this was the this is where the igniter is down here on this end so I want to try to keep this jerky away from that end as much as possible but because I have this small unit I do think that you know I may have to use some of that space you can see it's I've got it a little tighter than what I wanted it but what I'll do is check it's a hour hour and a half it'll have shrunk up some and then I can move the pieces around and maybe get just a little bit more air circulation up in between it okay so like I say I'll check on it an hour and a half hour 45 minutes somewhere in there it's been an hour and a half we're gonna check on this jerky now one thing I did do is I turned this temp down a little bit you can see it's 175 so it's closer to the 180 I like this bit boss has got this little what they call pset let me show you here there's the control for it and what you can do is adjust that and it will lengthen the amount of time before pellets go back in the grill and the result is right is the grill it gets a little bit more smoke and not not as high a temperature so we're gonna have a look at this jerky oh you can see I hope you can see anyway it's starting to dry out look at that and it has shrunk up so I could make sure I get there you know in between it what I'm going to do and this will take a couple minutes as you can see because I'm going to turn these each piece individually but we're going to turn our jerky over and then I'll let it go another hour and a half and we'll check on it again at that point 900,000 bazillion degrees today but more importantly it's been three hours we're gonna check it on her jerky okay she's not she's Ben's but she doesn't break yet so that jerk he's not ready what we're gonna do is flip it all over again okay you can see I move this over because I checked about the two-hour 15-minute mark and all this was getting way too done you know so let me just get this all flipped over I don't mind telling you the smell on this turkey is incredible we're gonna let it go about one more hour and then we'll check it again just get this lid back down on it by the way if I didn't mention it I'm using cherry pellets in this pit boss and since I adjusted the temperature she's been running at about 178 180 180 - all afternoon it's been five and a half hours our Jerky's ready okay let's have a look at it this is how you can tell if your turkeys ready say this it's still pliable you don't want it to as soon as you bend it you don't want it to snap right away what you want to do is almost bend it in two and you see how it's starting to break right here our turkeys ready let me get you another piece and show you watch this you see how it just kind of folds in - that's what you want if you start to bend it and it just snaps like a cookie you've overcooked it and if you bend it all the way and it doesn't start to snap it's not cooked enough so we're gonna get this jerky off here we're gonna do a taste test like we always do and I'll let you know how it turned out you got a jerky here I'll plate it up you notice the pattern shows up whenever it's time to eat that's a good part you don't even know what I made do you I mean you know it's jerky but you don't know what kinda yeah all right what kind is it sweet and spicy look it's got the nice bin that breaks okay we'll let you have that piece this is my sweet and spicy recipe okay yeah no it's beef jerky all right we're gonna give it a try oh my puppies trying to get out sorry [Applause] it's got a nice smoke I get the sriracha right away sriracha flavor that's good there's sweet it's got some sweet into denim no they are just for looks like you sriracha sauce honey brown sugar Worcestershire so whole bunch of things there it's really good it's yummy this is a good snack there you go that's how to make jerky I mean you can use any recipe right on this pit boss I just showed you my sweet and spicy recipe today I'll put links in the video description below if you want to see some other jerky recipes you can make them on the pit-boss you can make them on the masterbuilt whatever smoker you got make it on the air fryer air fryer I don't know about that but you know how she just showed up to do a taste test thanks for watching I hope you'll subscribe [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Armadillo Pepper BBQ
Views: 95,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pit boss beef jerky, pit boss beef jerky recipe, beef jerky, pit boss, beef jerky on pellet grill, beef jerky recipe, pit boss pellet grill, pit boss pellet smoker, homemade beef jerky, how to make beef jerky, making beef jerky on a pellet smoker, making jerky on a pit boss pellet grill, smoked beef jerky, smoked beef jerky pit boss, smoked beef jerky recipe, sweet and spicy beef jerky, jerky on pellet grill, jerky on pellet smoker, sweet and spicy jerky recipe
Id: 9qGjlZmC9mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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