Dutch Oven Banana Split Cobbler | The Perfect Summer Dessert

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foreign I bet you've never seen a cobbler with those ingredients I bet you haven't but you're in luck today because what are we doing making a banana split cobbler the perfect summer time recipe [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by Camp and let me just say happy Independence Day to you all and when we talk about celebrating their everybody gets at the park or at the lake or the Fourth of July you know you'd be cooking a lot of stuff on the grill but you know what I look forward to more than anything else dessert time well folks this is a great idea that I've had and I have fed it's Cowboys for years when you can go in on the first night on a ranch pack that ice cream in some dry ice and just have all this ready to go it is a great deal it is you know cobblers is something I've probably made nearly as many of as biscuits because on ranches I made a lot of cobblers and this is what we call a quick and easy cobbler because it's just so simple but it it's all put together where you pour the batter in and it rises over the top of all the fruit it's really an easy thing to cook in a dutch oven if you want to cook one so we're going to start out with what two cups of all-purpose flour and then we're going to add two cups of sugar a little cinnamon and if you would like you can put some nutmeg in there but I ain't going to today some baking powder bacon bacon b-a-c-o-n bacon powder so it really takes four teaspoons so we're gonna call it that much we don't know how accurate that was on the money right there I mean it was good as gold we put salt we put flour we put sugar do we put salt we're going to put some salt in it I don't think we did that is the correct amount yes it is take your whisk and look at these whisks Mesquite turned handle got our brand on them hey these are coming to you in a website here pretty quick they are these will be a tool you'll want to match up with your Mesquite spatula get all your dry mixed together into that two cups of cow juice now if you ain't got no cow okay in your backyard that you can just throw the rope around tie them up to a pole put the hobbles on the back feet you know what hobbles are for right they were hook Deals they hooked right on the bones back here behind the Hawks keep the cow from kicking the bucket over while he was milking if you ain't got that go to the store I'll wait on you hurry okay two cups of it it is so this is pretty easy two cups two cups two cups yes it is you can't forget it two cups of whiskey no I mean some vanilla well hang on I think this one is the whiskey and this one is the vanilla but you couldn't go wrong with both of them so sleep them both laying out there just in case we'll leave the whiskey out today so we're going to add a little Bella and that is Mexican vanilla I really like the flavor that it brings to this give it one more stir if you're cooking this in the house preheat your oven to 350 degrees now beforehand I took this 12 inch oven sprayed it with some of that butter spray and then put me a stick of butter in there to melt you can see we're cooking in a 12 deep today because when this cobbler Rises up if you was in a shallow 12 you're like this far from the lid and you're more apt to burn that I always like to cook these in a deep oven it gives you more room from heat to the top of the Cobblers we're going to dump the batter right in the bottom what we're going to let culinary have these dishes yes y'all y'all need to clean this out for me okay culinary here we go everybody get up in there and get them some of that big says hey wait a minute it's not a big enough pole all right now for the fruit in this if you ain't got some peach trees hey we can show them our Peach Tree on the way out does it have any yeah it's got five little ones okay does it really yeah see that little deal right there where it says packed in light syrup that's the kind I really like to get the best and there is a discrepancy in our household as to how much juice you should drain off these peaches to make this now Shannon's made a lot of them herself me I like my cobbler to be pretty juicy she likes hers to be a little cakey so we're just going to drain about half of this which is about that much do not do this in the kitchen floor I need you to scatter it all the way around just keep running it around there fresh strawberries they are and then I just want you to slice them now if you're using fresh peaches you're going to need to cook them down and sweeten them a little do not put any of this other fruit in there it will boil Plum away we didn't slice this up a heaping cup of strawberries and two bananas when I put these in there I like to scatter them around just like everybody else will start off with intermingle your fruit and through there and if you get to thinking that you need some more fruit in this get you an apricot anything you want to put in it will be fine with me except watermelon watermelon cobbler does not work I have tried that before have you really yes on a ranch trying to see if something would happen it just boils all away now I can remember the first time that I ever cooked this cobbler was in the Palo Duro Canyon and we went in and last to April and it that first night it sleeted on us it was cold in four more days it was 104 you never know what kind of weather you're going to get so I'm thinking be a good time to give them Cowboys a treat it would so we're going to make this well it didn't have no ice cream because we didn't bring it in that time so I had me some heavy whipping cream so I got me a whisk and I beat that stuff got it to where it thickened up just a little went ahead and added my vanilla and everything else he's going to put an egg in there mix that up shook it really well put it in a fruit jar and I just this is shaking and shaking and shaking and then I'd put it over there in what the ice chest I'd get it out I'd shake it some more put it back in there when I pulled that out of that ice chest that night and told them I said folks we're having Banana Split cobbler with half melted ice cream and they just poured it right over the top but we have all of our fruit in there that's going to go at this time so really what we need to do now is just cook it I will meet you over at the trivet by the fire [Music] foreign took us a tall trivet laid it out there on pretty level ground one had placed that Dutch oven on there and just using some good hardwood lump charcoal got a little Mesquite mixed in with it because really I love the way the Mesquite really not only to grill with but is really good for Dutch oven cooking because it usually makes a big old lumpy coal that's going to last a long time loaded the bottom up around there pretty heavy not right under it but pretty close to the edge of the Dutch oven and then a good layer on top and I don't know where you're living if it is like this but the humidity is very oppressive it's 89 percent this morning when we got up that will sort of suppress fire a little bit today but be sure that you check it often when I mentioned rotation and when I'm doing that I'm not talking about you I'm doing all this here no I'm talking about taking the top of that Dutch oven lid spinning it halfway around One Direction now take the Bale and lift it up do the other one the opposite direction half around what does that do well it evens out any hot spot that you might have while you're cooking in a dutch oven if you had more coals on one side or the other I've done a lot of Dutch oven cooking in the last 35 nearly 40 years and I'm sure y'all are too and there's some of you that's just even starting out but y'all might have a question too if it arises comment down there below and we'll try to answer your question about Dutch oven cooking in a future video foreign [Music] cobblers like this take that lid off you can see we're beginning to brown right there around the outside edge a little this is what I call the jiggle wiggle Boot Hill method scientifically named I have patented it give it a little kick see how things are setting up that bottom is what I'd call done so we're going to pull this off it'll usually happen the bottom will always get done on these first [Music] well we did the jiggle Boot Hill method one more time and you could see there was quite a bit of liquid right dead center in that Dutch oven so I found me a good hearty a big coal and I just placed it right in the center of that trivet right underneath dead center then set the Dutch oven back on there pull them closes on the lid to the center of the lid and we're going to Target that heat remember too because that outside edge of that on the bottom is done be sure and pull them coats a little ways away from that [Music] foreign [Music] about five minutes we have we have complete Browning on the top as what I would like it to be so now is the correct time to add the chocolate to the banana split and we're going to put that lid back on there when we get them all going to let that chocolate melt just a little [Music] well ain't that a beautiful creation it is a banana split cobbler now you've seen me over there checking that heat on that Dutch oven put your hand down there about a hand width away from it sort of like so if you ain't feeling a lot of heat on there you need to change some coals out this is your thermostat right here if it's most the time like that you'll know you're hot enough to cook but you see me right there after we targeted that heat take a knife and just poke down in there to get some of that batter to come right on up through the top when you poke that knife in there what you're doing is letting that batter come to the top it's going to let it cook better even throughout so when that cobbler's done bring it over let it sit it's got to set I like to let them set about 15 minutes to maybe 20. let everything just sort of run back in there together everything thickens up and then folks break out that Miller ice cream oh my gosh and don't forget them Marciano cherries now Shannon put some cherries on there but folks I like to take a little of this Marciano cherry juice and just dribble over the top of mine and we'll get me some ice cream some butter chocolate chip cherry it's a lot that is a lot [Music] right there ice cream [Music] foreign our camp and our pups to you we wish you the safest and happiest Independence Day that there is I hope that everybody joins around you wherever you're at and y'all have Foos y'all have Foods y'all have food and festivities you do but it is with great pride and honor that I tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying up there it's not just for Independence Day it's every day now the rest of you I wasn't even going to give you this recipe because it's something that I think maybe so a lot of you are going to tell me you ruined my fourth of July I was a fool I couldn't even watch your fireworks out there come on in here close come on I'm gonna give you a great big old hug God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the Banana Split cobbler Trail y'all get up it's time to go to work come on there we go you got to be poofing me I mean Chuckwagon has stopped to go down the trail I guess the first stop the trail boss is going to make maybe at the grocery store I don't know there it is and no not even any weevils in the flower can [Music] or mice you know a lot of places where you go when you cook they have folks that have this laid out for you but look at all my culinary help here especially they're just laid out that's culinary help this is culinary cleaning good job God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the Banana Split Trail cobbler that wasn't right
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 144,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banana split, cobbler recipe, banana split recipe, cobbler recipe easy, dutch oven recipes, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven cobbler, dutch oven cobbler recipe, camping recipes, dutch oven desserts, dutch oven desserts for camping, kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins, fruit cobbler, outdoor cooking camping, summer recipes, bbq desserts, dessert to bring to a bbq, summer party recipes, dutch oven campfire cooking recipes, dutch oven campfire recipes, dutch oven campfire cooking
Id: wDF4Rt0LJaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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