Easter Sunday Divine Worship Service || April 4, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chef praise the lord hallelujah free [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to this morning's worship service live from the montego bay new testament church of god three water lane we're excited that you chose to join us this morning thank you for inviting us into your homes hallelujah i hope you've come ready to praise and worship god worship jesus christ as our risen king we've come to celebrate him this resurrection sunday hallelujah matthew 28 verse 5 says then the angel spoke to the woman don't be afraid he said i know you're looking for jesus who was crucified he isn't here he is risen from the dead just as he said would happen come see quickly where his body is laying and first peter 1 3 says all praise to god the father of our lord jesus christ it is by his great mercy that we have been born again because god raised jesus from the dead now we live with great expectation hallelujah before we start this morning's worship service i want us to just focus on the fact that jesus christ is actually risen and this truth is the basis of our faith we serve a risen king a king who was risen from the dead over 2 000 years ago and we still celebrate this great fact today hallelujah so we're going to celebrate hallelujah let's celebrate this morning wherever you are you could be walking you could be at home you could be in your car let's celebrate this morning [Music] hallelujah jesus celebrate let's sing celebrate jesus hallelujah let's celebrate celebrate jesus christ jesus celebrated jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the resurrection jesus celebrate jesus [Music] the resurrection we celebrate your resurrection jesus [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] foreign the resurrection [Music] and die for us since not only that but you're now alive your seat and majesty at the right hand of our father jesus we worship you we thank you for all that [Music] [Music] we thank you for what your resurrection did for us we thank you that we thank you that you've won the victory over us [Music] hallelujah jesus so this song says [Music] you have it all for me and death could not hold you down for you are our reason king and you're seated in my steam [Music] hallelujah [Music] together so we posted [Music] and you're seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] says by his stripes we are healed by his nail paste hands we're free by his blood we're washed clean now we have the big sin is broken jesus overcame it all [Music] jesus one more freedom jesus has won [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah why because [Applause] [Music] hold you down [Music] you [Music] before we continue hallelujah want to know if we understand fully what christ has done hallelujah hallelujah jesus went to the cross and he died for our sins not only did he do that but he battled with the enemy for our victory we are now victorious over everything that we face in this life why because christ is written from the dead christ is risen from the dead hallelujah the verse says by his stripes we are healed by his nail pierced hands we are free hallelujah by his blood we are washed clean from all our sins all our guilt all our shame we no longer have to live in condemnation sin has no power over us hallelujah because of what christ has done now we have the victory hallelujah so i'm going to sing from the verse again by his stripes we are healed by his nail-pierced hands we're free by his blood washed clean now we have the victory and the power of sin is broken jesus overcame it all can we think about it as we sing jesus won our freedom jesus has won it all it also sing hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh you are is [Music] you are the reason hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i will sing you oh [Music] hallelujah so i give you all the honors hallelujah oh [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah you are [Music] oh [Music] lord the lord your seat hidden majesty your seed hidden majesty you're seated in royal power you're seated in majesty we worship you jesus we sing majesty worship his majesty aren't you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] unto jesus the kingdom of god [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] worship is oh jesus jesus [Music] is jesus who died [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we glorify you lord we worship you lord hallelujah hallelujah for his wonderful blessings and mercies towards us so we say hallelujah [Music] [Music] it is the highest praise and irrespective of what we are going through irrespective of where we are this morning we want to shout this morning because we know that we serve a risen savior so we shout hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah i greet you this morning in the mighty name of our lord and our savior jesus christ today as we celebrate easter sunday or resurrection sunday it is the greatest or one of the greatest event on the christian calendar or in the life of christians today because if jesus never rose from the grave then the cause would have been defeated but this morning we don't serve a dead god we serve a resurrected god a god who is no longer in the grave but as the words set up from the grave he arose he arose this morning to god be the glory god arose this morning and our savior he lives this morning he woke me up this morning and he told me to tell you this morning that he lives and i know that jesus lives today i greet you and i welcome you this morning my name is brother gary hallgate and we come to you this morning from the montego bay new testament church of god to be more precise three water lane where our minister our bishop is reverend the bishop royal robinson we bless you this morning bishop and we greet our members and visitors and well-wishers who are tuning in this morning on several platforms all over the world not only in montego bay or in jamaica but i think we have viewers all over the world so this morning we greet you whether you are viewing from the platform of youtube or you're on facebook and for those who are in their homes and do not have this platform you may be listening by more fm we greet you this morning it is a beautiful day and we're here having church we are celebrating the resurrection of our lord and savior this morning i give you two seconds to grab your sankey and go to 1 8 8 188 from your sankey as you find it wherever it is in your home and it says he lives i serve a risen savior he's in the world today i know that he is living whatever men may say i see his hands of mercy i hear his voice of cheer and just the time i need him he's always there he lives pristine hallelujah bless the lord hallelujah [Music] 188 from our church in null he lives i serve a reason savior it's in the world today i know [Music] [Music] is [Music] with me [Music] [Music] is [Music] i never [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] and he talks with me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] and he talks with me [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] me [Music] my [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and grief to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to almighty god in prior our father which heart in heaven hallowed be thy name god we come to you this morning because you are the only wise god and to you be glory dominion and power and majesty there is none like you and there is none like unto you you are god from the beginning to the end you change it not you are from everlasting to everlasting you told moses to tell pharaoh that you are the i am and the i am you spoke this world into existence you took dust and you form man you blew breath into man and man became a living soul which means our duty and our responsibility is to serve you is to praise you is to exalt you the only reason we live is to worship you this morning and god almighty as we come this morning we cry unto you god almighty to have mercy upon us we come to you this morning nothing in our hands we bring but simple to the cross we cling we come to you god almighty because we need you more than all you need us you almighty god by yourself you are all god we by ourself we are complete failure without you we are nothing this morning so we come before your presence this morning asking you god to help empty us of self this morning we come before you this morning prostrate before you ask sin for your mercy we ask for your forgiveness we ask for your washing and for your cleansing this morning we have failed you god almighty we have turned our backs on you god with all that you have done for us in taking us almighty god from the pit and gave us recognition but we have turned our backs upon you we cry out almighty god crucify you on a daily basis irrespective of all that you have done for us lord god we nailed you to the cross on a daily basis when we turn our backs on you when we go against almighty god your word when we go against your words almighty god is like we're crying crucify so we come before you this morning and we seek your cleansing we seek your forgiveness we seek your blessings this morning we beg of you jesus christ to have mercy upon us this morning have mercy according to your tender mercies your tender cure blot out our transgression this morning creating us in me a clean heart oh god renew our right spirit within me god almighty cast me not away from your presence take not your holy spirit from me restore renew refresh this morning i need you now more than ever almighty god if we are gonna make it we need you god almighty have mercy god of mercy wise and others towards calling do not pass me pass me not o gentle savior hear my humble cry this morning oftentimes almighty god we do things our own way god but i heard i hear your words saying this morning it's not in man that walketh to direct his own steps this morning god almighty i pray lord god for your people i pray this morning for your people who are live this morning on youtube your people almighty god who are on more fame those who are sick in body those who are sick in spirit those who are in the hospital this morning i pray for deliverance i pray for healing i pray for breakthrough i pray for miracles i pray for a new beginning this morning have mercy jesus one more time god almighty let your resurrection spirit rise up in us this morning let me understand that no longer by your resurrection god we now have an advocate to the father no longer almighty god do we have to go to the priests for the priests to go to god on our behalf the temple reveal of the temple has been rent entwined and we now have access to the throne of almighty god so we come before you this morning we come before you we celebrate your resurrection we celebrate life this morning we celebrate new beginning we celebrate newness we celebrate a fresh anointing this morning consecrate your people all over this land deliver your people all over this land help us to lean to our own understanding but help us in all thy ways to acknowledge you and allow you to direct our part hearing on surprise this morning direct almighty god bless our minister and his family comprehensive blessing we ask upon his life we ask you not to remove the edge from around him just like you had an edge around job i ask you to place an edge around him and he's going out and he's coming in wherever they go lord god place an edge and favor them savor this church almighty god wherever your people are at this time touch your people let today be a day to be remembered when people will testify of your indwelling of your outpouring of a newness of a resurrection spirit anointing your people take fully control this morning and let your anointing have its own way in our life as we give you glory and we celebrate what happened over 2000 years ago the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah we thank you for hearing and for answering our praise these mercies we ask always in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the blessed holy ghost and we say amen and amen thank you god thou art worthy thou art worthy it's this time we're about to have um the scripture raised reading and it is um from the king james version taken from saint luke chapter 24 and reading from verse 1 through to verse 12 and sister maxine russell will be reading the scripture lesson for us today continue to worship god there in your space hallelujah glory to god in the eyes holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost one good morning to everyone the scripture is taken from saint luke chapter 24 reading from verses 1 through 12. now onto the first day of the week very early in the morning they came onto the sepulcher bringing the spices which they had prepared and certain others with them and they found the stoned rolled away from the sepulcher and they entered in and found not the body of the lord jesus and it came to pass as they were much perplexed thereabout behold two men stood by them in shining garments and as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them why seek living among the dead he is not here but is risen remember how he speak unto you when he was with yet in galilee saying the son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day rise again and they remembered his words and returned from the sepulcher and told all these things onto the 11 and to all the rest it was mary magdalene and joanna and mary the mother of james and other women that were with them which told these things unto the apostles and their words seemed to them as idle tales and they believed them not then arose peter and ran onto the sepulcher and stooping down he beheld the linen closed laid by themselves and departed wandering in himself at that which was come to pass this is a portion of god's holy word please raise your hands and we'll say amen god bless you sister russell there goes a portion of the reading of the holy scripture you know um we're about to have the pre-recording announcement this time hallelujah right there in your home just continue to to exalt the name of jesus christ just continue to just lift him up continue to magnify his name nobody but you know what god is doing and what god has done for you if you have a testimony if you can testify about something that god has done for you don't let anybody at all stop you you don't have to be in the building for you to be worshipping your god hallelujah because it's not confined to a building praise god praise god hallelujah yes we'll now have the pre-recorded announcement jesus hallelujah with my tongue i confess jesus christ [Applause] greetings to god's wonderful people kindly listen to the announcements for sunday april 4 2021 and notes were applicable greetings comes to us from sister myrtle ali dice and sister jean stockholzen thank you the family members of our late brother errol mcintosh and sister bernice robinson would like to express a special thanks to bishop rowell and the entire church family for the various support received during time of bereavement celebrations celebrating your birthday during this week happy birthday to you this is your day from this day forward don't you stop having fun this is your day [Music] happy birthday happy birthday to you are you celebrating your wedding anniversary during this week [Music] [Applause] happy anniversary happy birthday and happy anniversary on behalf of our host pastor bishop robinson and the entire church family as a result of the new cove 19 orders set out by the government of jamaica kindly note our church schedule until april 11. all our services will be streamed live via our youtube channel and aired on more fm sunday school 9 30 to 10 15 a.m divine worship service starts at 10 30 a.m deliverance and fasting services starts at 10 a.m bible study 5 30 to 7 p.m virtual children church first second third and fifth sundays starting at 11 a.m via the zoom platform meeting id seven six three zero two five four six five nine and pass code mbcc to zero two one persons who would like to pay their tithes and offerings can do so at the church's office or online using the banking information that will be shared during offering time the church office is opened mondays through fridays 9 a.m to 5 00 p.m virtual lords supper service will be held this evening starting at 6 via the zoom platform meeting id 823 6406 8124 and pass code 858154 if you are unable to join you may take your communion between 6 and 6 30 pm the children church department presents talent zoom explosion 2021 on april 11 and 18 starting at 11 a.m children and teens show up and show off your talents the tentative date of our annual harvest is sunday april 18th continue to be prayerful and should you need assistance in the transporting and ripping off your produce kindly inform brothers fitzroy or eupert clark rally of the members tuesday june 18. each member is required to make a special personal contribution to our rally this year members can do weekly or monthly deposits until their target is met visitors and friends are also welcomed to contribute this is our major fundraising activity for the church year it's time to vaccinate seniors 75 years and older if you need any assistance to make an appointment to get your vaccine members of the church office will be willing to help you kindly provide a member of the office with the following information your full name date of birth telephone number and home address vaccinate to boost your immune system burials and memorial services the memorial service of the late sister noveline ellis will be held on thursday april 15 starting at 6 pm via the zoom platform her burial will follow on friday april 16. the tentative dates for the burial of the following members are as follows the late sister sylvia peterkin monday april 12 and the late sister devon lewis saturday april 24th the tentative dates for the burial of the following family members of our members are as follows the late brother of brother carlton barrett thursday april 8th in saint anne the late mother of sister siddell badson thursday april 8th the late son of sister betty gordon thursday may 16. the dates for the burials of the following persons will be announced at a later date the late uncle of sister leela shearer the late aunt of brother seymour roden the late brother of sister daviki allen let us continue to remember all those who have lost loved ones be prideful in this season a quote from robert stevenson like a bird singing in the rain let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow we urge everyone to be mindful of the spread of the coronavirus remember to wear your mask properly sanitize wash your hands and practice physical distancing kindly note that all the above dates are subject to change as we continue to observe the necessary protocols and guidelines set out by the government of jamaica have a god blessed day everyone thanks for listening praise god bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name on the third day after jesus was buried mary and the other mary as the scripture would have added they were on their way to the sepulcher they were bearing perfume because they wanted to anoint the body of jesus but they had a concern their biggest concern was who would roll away the stones who would roll away the stones they were already not afraid to associate themselves with jesus christ whilst others were hiding they were not afraid to associate themselves with jesus but they had a concern who would roll away the stone by the time they would have got to the sepulcher the stone was already rolled away there are many stones in our lives from time to time and we think so much on the stone who will roll away the stones in our life might i point you this morning to the resurrected jesus and by faith may i ask you to look at your stone and said it is already rolled away jesus has rolled away my stone and i'm giving god thanks this morning for my stones have been rolled away at this time may i invite you to just make welcome our pastor our bishop bishop royale robinson who's gonna be coming to us at this time with the pastoral comments and prior and also greetings man of god god bless you i'm amazed how you love me [Music] come on somebody help me sing that song [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on everybody the very last time i'm amazed that you're laughing can you feel that love oh somebody's somebody where you are under the reach of my voice just lift up that hand and just take half a minute and praise him come on come on lift up those hands on the keyboard on the drums you'll have a mic in your hand let our voice be heard [Music] [Applause] your family is intact you might be even sick but not dead [Music] hallelujah on cayman island come on england come on canada come on us come on caribbean come on jamaica come on kingston come on come on christians come on believers come on come on as long as you're joining the service right where you are in your sofa praise him [Music] through your precious blood come on somebody you're wrong [Music] see it from your spirit [Music] through your precious on my sins [Music] hallelujah glory to god i sense the presence of god in the house sense the presence of god in the house i want you right where you are to entertain the presence of god you don't have to be in the house to feel his presence right where you are if you release your spirit if you climb the ladder of praise and adoration i guarantee you the lingering presence of god will draw near you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] holy spirit i need you to come [Music] sweet spirits [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit sweet spirits in your strength and your [Applause] [Music] powers holy spirit somebody raise your hand with me now [Music] sweet spirits [Applause] [Applause] l [Music] [Applause] um [Music] in your strength your powers [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] what a refreshing feeling to be in the presence of god today on this resurrection sunday i choose the word resurrection sunday over easter sunday it is more sentimental to me hallelujah and i know that thousands if not millions will agree with me this morning that this is one of the special days in the life of the christian or in christendom because it is a day of hope it is a day of joy it is a day of worship i greet you well in the name of jesus i reach out to my virtual audience which is 99 uh of our worshipping audience those who are on uh the more fm live we appreciate you our council members our members our senior citizens for those who are joining us for the very first time i salute you but i greet you well you have done well to be a part of our service and again i say that you made us feeling proud because currently there are many services running and you have decided to be a part of us i want those in the house to put your hands together those on the keyboard clap those keyboard those and the on the and the drums come on keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going [Music] wow wow praise the lord there is a set of folk in mount vernon mount vernon crew the brooklyn crew they uh florida crew yes the long island crew the new jersey crew the trinidad crew the cayman crew the canadian crew the english crew jamaican crew saint catherine cruz and james crew the list goes on i give god thanks for you i welcome you to this great church where the lord comes first i rise this morning to make mention of those persons known or unknown who are not well in body head that list is sister holgate's mother we want you to know that we are praying for you and we shall be praying for you amen we also want you to continue to worship with us our great god amen we at this evening at six o'clock we will be having lord supper it is now changed from simple lord supper or communion but persons all over the world call in to say they will be participating in holy communion so it is an international uh communion service at six o'clock yours truly will appreciate we want to come to you right in your own space taking large supper if you are not blessed to have the appropriate bread and wine you are free to improvise we recommend grape juice or any other appropriate um thing such as biscuit or bread or a wine appropriately to take the lord's body and shed blood we look forward to have a great time in the lord jesus christ after today the next great service we'll be having is our resurrection fasting that will be on wednesday right here streaming from this same venue we want you to share this broadcast share on with your youtube friends with your uh facebook friends we appreciate those who are joining up to be uh a subscriber and oh what an awesome um support you're giving if everybody that is viewing at this time could share our program with a friend a loved one we would be excited even the more you would do us great even greater in the name of the lord lastly today but now at least we have faced many uh challenging time to provide a smooth way of giving to this ministry yes we have tried and we have tried and we are perfecting our trying but i want everybody now who is a part of this viewing audience you have already signed in in your spirit to be a part of this church to be a partner just on our website or in your chat room right now just click on spur open it is a medium the church and i have created that anywhere you are over the world you can give into our ministry without fear or doubting just click in the chat room just go to the church's website you're free to give your tithes your offering amen your support offering your charity they will be listed there for you to support this great church amen as we feed the poor in this time yes we reach out to persons in dying need we minister to others amen the board verified that and so we want to be not just a minister to the soul but to the total man we give god thanks for your support as you continue to sow in god's ministry in the name of the lord listen my friend you won't lose when you work with the program of god when you give to the cause of christ it is my usual duty to pray for the sick and the suffering and i will not allow the pandemic the closure the refrain from coming to church the orders to stop me from praying for the sick and the suffering i believe to the core of my heart that god is still in the healing business god remains a miracle worker i rub on the doors of heaven this morning he's still alive and well oh hallelujah hallelujah the nail pierced hand of jesus they are still active in the lives of mortal men hallelujah if you have not received a miracle today might well be your day to be blessed by our risen savior hallelujah for those in the house could you stand with me hallelujah hallelujah and you might be at home and you want to give a hundred percent support could you stand with us you have a loved one that is sick call such person now amen amen and let them know that the church in montego bay three water lane is praying for them now come on a loved one a friend a co-worker a boss a supervisor let them know we are praying for them hallelujah our god and our father our helping ages pass and our hope for years to come we shelter from the stormy blast to our eternal home lord we come to you we call on your name because there is no other name given among men whereby men must be saved must be healed must be delivered hallelujah what a name lord i come on behalf of the sick and the suffering hallelujah o god those who are of god confined to bed those lord who are moving around yet still their bodies are riddled with pain and sickness lord cancer of all types those who are preparing for surgery those who are coming out of surgery hallelujah i pray for o god a speedy recovery i pray for the blind i pray for the dharma i pray for the lame our god i plead the shed blood of jesus upon the seeker and the suffering for those lord god who are affected by the virus covida some lord gather they are confined to bed they are battling life they are in the narrow tracker between life and death lord chad i pray that you will shift the pendulum of life back to life and not to death in the name of jesus i curse death oh god lord they are close to 600 who have been claimed by the pandemic in this country there are millions across the world i pray for not the dead but those who are living and are lord struggling nature the characteristic of this virus is frightening oh god oh god oh god oh god it's right honor oh god the essential organ how god eliminates health but the church inc of god in manchester in a spirit of unison we counteract every sickness every pain in the name of jesus [Applause] in the name of jesus father father for those who have called on my cell phone for those who have texts are sin for prayer i raise them up to you now in the name of jesus spirit of the living god fall afresh upon your people i pray for the council of this church i pray for our senior members of this church i pray for the administrative staff i pray for every member young oh god middle age and the elderly i pray lord god for those in the virtual audience some are down and frustrated in the name of jesus i pray for my family my whole soul at this time hear my trial hear my caller in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for those who are listening by moral fame i pray lord father bennett's family all the way uh in them free sir lord god sent dreams oh god they are mourning the lustre of their mother but lord trend them strengthen me prayer hear my cry hear my call spirit of the living god fall afresh fall afresh fall afresh on your people today lord i bless those who are cursed i bless those who are cursed i remove the spirit of curse from all of your people [Music] for those lord whose lives are stagnant i release them now the joy that you have opened in the book of revelation i push your people through in the name of jesus that young life that is unpaused by the powers of darkness i lose such in the name of jesus young lady be loose young man be loose business be loose oh god hell to be loose right now right now right now in the name of jesus i command the house to be completed i command your children to be blessed i curse every curse spiritual curse demonic curse witchcraft curse pundit kapoor curse the lord's curse [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] somebody worship him go ahead brother organist come on let it come on come on hallelujah hallelujah i sense i sense a release hallelujah somebody worship him come on come on virtual worshippers come on [Music] we reach out to you [Music] could somebody just anoint yourself right now everybody i don't know the tally of those who are viewing right now but everybody everywhere by his stripes by his strength i feel god in the place i feel god in the place i feel god i feel god i feel god or feel god i feel god just anoint yourself if you're a family if you're a parent and the children are close by anoint them anoint them anoint them we are not here to entertain you we are here to worship god with you [Music] in the name of jesus in jesus name hallelujah we have a right to give god thanks we have a right to exalt our king our resurrected king this morning because he lives i can face my tomorrow because he lives all our fears are gone because i know who holds the future then life is worth living because christ lives to god be the glory we're not here wasting time we are here exalting the name of jesus christ and every day that we have breath we must give god thanks we must worship god it is our duty and our responsibility to exalt the name of jesus christ that this time and welcome to do a special item sister daniel holgate hallelujah hallelujah god sent his son [Music] they called him jesus he came to love to he bled and an empty grave is there to prove [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my life is [Music] [Laughter] a newborn baby [Music] he brings [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] know [Music] is [Music] [Music] a oh with [Music] oh [Music] and it's because [Applause] [Music] all my fears [Music] my life is worth [Music] [Music] while living just because [Music] holy spirit to god be praised my life as meaning my life as purpose because our god our savior lives god sent not his son in the world to condemn the world but by through him that we may be saved we serve a risen savior and our savior is not dead but our savior is alive today we celebrate life life over every dead situation whatever it is that is happening in your life i speak life this morning i speak the resurrection lies this morning over every dead situation it is about that time for us to hear and to receive a word from almighty god truly it has been a great privilege being here and being able to just worship irrespective of the things that are happening all over they can take whatever it is but they can't take my praise from me do you have a praise this morning do you have a praise this morning if you are sick this morning you still have a praise this morning praise your way through your situation praise your way through those challenges praise your way through the pain this morning praise your way through the eggs this morning it's amazing what praises can do i will praise you i was born to praise god praises what i do [Music] and at this time without further ado i'll invite at this time our man's servant our leader to break the bread this morning to say thus say the living god of as we receive what god has in store for us whichever way it comes will receive it as unto god this morning we make welcome at this time our leader our bishop bishop royale robinson god bless you [Music] oh [Music] praise the lord come on give him a praise again in the house our voices may be limited but it can be sincere could we give him a better praise praise the lord praise god forevermore hallelujah i sense the presence of god in the house amen god is obviously in our company he said we are two or three are gathered together he is there to bless and to do good permit me this morning to take time out to recognize and appreciate our able moderator brother hull holgate this our brother has demonstrated high level of leadership and maturity right behind him brother clark he too they are signaling their intention to work for god then i observe that and i give god thanks for these our musicians and other camera team you have demonstrated faithfulness to the cause of christ and i bless the lord for you to every viewer i value your support your participation whether you are from us uh or you're from another's table or you are a nowhereion i give god thanks for you to be a part of this great church amen but if you suffer with us throughout the pandemic you will reign with us thereafter when it is gone it is my task today to share the word of god on a very special special sunday resurrection sunday the lord would have me to speak to us from uh saint john chapter 20 reading from verse 19. saint john 20 reading from verse 19 hallelujah amen then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and said unto them peace be unto you and when he had said he showed untruth unto them his hands and his side then were they then were the disciples glad when they saw the lord then said jesus to them again peace be unto you as the father had sent me so send are you and when he had said this he breathed on them he breathed on them and said unto them receive ye the holy ghost whosoever sins ye remit they are remit dead unto them and whosoever sins you retain they are retained but thomas one of the twelve called dynamos was not with them when jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them except i shall see his in his hands the prince of the nail and put my finger into the prince of the nail and trust my hand into his side i will not believe and after eight days again his disciples were within thomas with them then came jesus the door being shot and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then said he to thomas reach he that thy finger and behold my hands and reach this thy hand and trust into my side and be not faithless but believing and thomas answered and said unto him lord and my god jesus said unto him thomas because thou has not seen me there was believed because thou has seen me thou hast believe blessed are they that have not seen and yet believe would you raise your bible in your hand wherever you are sitting whether it is on your gadget or your real bible father we raise oh god your word before you in the face of the devil lord there is enough evidence to tell that devil is a liar and he's a loser your word gives us the confirmation of all that we need that our savior our lord is risen from the dead i stand behind this sacred desk lord to preach your word to your people lord not my words but your words oh god like other times i need the anointing of the holy ghost to accomplish this hard task anoint me afresh my hands my feet my spirit my entire being lord i reach out to every worshiper oh god that is now tuning in in church or virtually with your blessed bind the spirit of opposition that would make preaching hard oh god in the name of jesus let the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer let the house say amen let everybody say amen praise god forevermore i want to leave with us today that theme the authentic jesus the authentic jesus the word authentic speaks uh specifically to reality genuineness originality not fake or copy it speaks to originality amen amen sadly my friends we are living in a world on time oh god that strive on fake things fake news fake people fake product amen and fake document not original somebody once said to me could you tell me the word the name of a certain industrial country and i try to name that country that deals with mass production and supply the world and i call the correct name the person said no amen the person said the name of that country is fake fake because all they do is fake stuff listen this is not just in our time brother holgate fake things and fake people is not just in our times but in pre-existed time even jesus time uh there were fake amen judas one of the chief faith he gave the impression he was with jesus but his heart was far from him can i talk to you but the beauty about faith you cannot hide fake things and fake people for long are fake people fake things does not last hallelujah are you there church fake things does not last i can remember my family visited the united states my six seven-year-old daughter at the time we went into a shopper and we saw some pretty attractive gold rings with her pocket money she said daddy i like this one i'm gonna buy it for you oh she purchased the ringer of god at a very cheap cheap price and i never stopped her her mother never stopped her she bought the ring she said daddy this is my gift to you amen and we say thank you we appreciate her come on because she bought daddy ah a gold ring how has we returned home and the ring of face reality of the caribbean weather oh god in short order the beautiful gold ring my daughter bought me started to change color but the one her mother gave me at the time of the wedding it still stand the test of time for 28 years now come on somebody fake things does not last somebody praise the lord hallelujah glory to god listen we are wander of god in saint john 4 1-5 believe not every spirit but try them are you there try them hallelujah not everybody that comes up to you and tell you i'm chaining them real ah you must believe but take time to somebody not helping me preacher percy slade said his mother his pastor told him take time to know her it's not an over night thing somebody better help me preach hallelujah hallelujah and in matthew 10 16 we are warned to be wise as the serpent unharmless as the devil glory to god the authenticity of god of jesus goes without saying oh god the reality of jesus goes without saying he is authentic from birth because he was immaculately conceived not a man know about mary her exposed husband was her oh god stoner to know he never had a dealing with her yet still that she was pregnant it was immaculate conception oh god it was the worker of the holy ghost somebody help me preach now listen brotherhood two occasions listen how the echoing voice of god the father confirm the authenticity of jesus christ hallelujah in matthew 16 oh god jesus said after he asked his disciples who do men say that i am oh god they said they call you elias jeremiah or one of the prophets he said it's all well to hear what people say about me but having been with me who do you say that i the son of man armor teacher like a child in a classroom raise his hand jesus like a teacher recognize his hand gave him the opportunity to give a response he gave a response from heaven thou art the christ the son of the living god jesus said peter flesh and blood had not revealed this but my father is in heaven you got an a plus not because of your own knowledge but you got an a pleasure because of the holy ghost the word the christ the son of the living god [Music] also told him oh somebody prayed for me somebody pray for me i feel the holy ghost on resurrection sunday [Music] hallelujah the authenticity of jesus came in for question when the devil bruise is healed with the death on the cross and his burial hallelujah he came into question the proof will testify noah if you are really the son of god listen listen his burial in joseph of america stuma satan brother holgater satan brother clark thought he won the final battle satan madam singer thought he won or he threw the final punch but he was wrong wrong he was wrong he was mistaken the question that lingered over the minds of the disciples they were asking the question will he raise himself from the dead as he said in john 2 19 i will destroy this timber and in three days i will build it up or john 10 18 when he said no man taken my life but i give it a prayer am i talking to you oh god i give it up hallelujah i lay down and i will take it off can i talk to you the could not kill jesus if he never wanted the high priest here first could not overthrow him if jesus never wanted the people chanting away with him he must remember us and kill him they could not execute him if he never wanted it but he willingly laid down his life because there was a cause hallelujah there was a cause you know who was of course you and i adam's fallen race somebody needs to get a praise in the house somebody need to get a praise on the keyboard somebody to get a praise on the drama somebody need to wave your hand we were the cause of why he willingly gave up his life come on so nobody must not stop us from praising god [Music] hallelujah somebody must have taken himself give us a chance to praise god somebody must take with himself give us a chance to glorify god for when i think of the goodness of jesus [Music] i know you better put your mind to your mouth and all that he has done for me my soul cry although hallelujah get somebody where you are shout out to hallelujah come on hallelujah for resurrection hallelujah for the resurrection thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah listen they were asking hallelujah if he is not risen what will happen to us they were asking oh god if he's not risen what will happen to us listen but none of these things none of these of god happen hallelujah fear were realized none of these fears were realized because everything happened as he says [Music] can i talk to you today it is said people in the east listen our god supporters in the east it is said 80 percent of what we worry about never happen listen the disciples they were worried what if jesus is not risen what will happen to us our faith will be lost we will become public macri come on but jesus would not have none of this [Music] oh god somebody praise the lord oh god can i tell you how god how god he was going to be risen from the dead listen the author and scholar of god weighed harden with heart and said the resurrection is one of the most cardinal doctrine of the bible it is one of the most important an established fact of history and it is the most heartwarming and encouraging subject relative to man's future end of court hey hallelujah somebody wave your hand it is it is the most heartwarming and encouraging subject relative to man's future somebody help me preach listen to me as long as the church is on earth the resurrection shall be our topic our theme and our summer heroes here else anyone you see tell them for me he's no longer in the grave he arrives [Music] can i preach to you the church has a resurrected captain buddha is dead and remained buried somebody help me mohammed stand and remain dead like a door kneeler and buried for god i was krsna's god and remained dead he shall see the rastafarian god he's dead and buried in addis ababa ethiopia he remained dead but yes jesus was dead but on the third day like today up from the grave he arose [Music] oh jesus is alive and his [Music] you know why i dance i'm excited he's alive he's alive he's alive come on christian some of you walking with your heads down your shoulders droop come on stand up straight lift up your head look in the fears of the devil tell say child yes you try your thing but you're trying to fail he's alive and because he lives i can face tomorrow can i preach to somebody now that is a pessimist somebody that has no hope you write up yourself because eliza you can face tomorrow because eliza are fears of god because i know i know i know somebody help me i know he holds the future my life my life your life is worth living [Music] if your life is what it is nobody can stop you just come with me man nobody can stop you they will try to delay you but they can't stop you hallelujah listen listen having been raised hallelujah adam's fallen race cannot breathe a sigh of relief because jesus did burial because of jesus death burial and resurrection hallelujah our god the songwriter pen the words mother small for it's real i know i swear praise god my doubts are settled and i know i know i know it's real come on somebody hallelujah now god as i arrive in saint james oh god one member came in my office with a list of things on the list of things he said you preached too hard hallelujah to god what the lord has done for me i have to preach as the holy ghost anointed me come on as long as i am here i'm going to preach hard and hard because he's alive man must know jesus is alive cinnamon must hear that he's alive he's alive he's the answer [Music] she's alive [Music] he's alive he's alive come on wave your hand he's alive he's alive you don't have any money but he's alive amen you might be facing the hottest battle in your life he's alive those are settled those are centered those are circles doubts are settled listen my friend according to the text while jesus's disciples were hobbled together behind closed doors fearing for their lives wondering what next early this sunday morning the lifeless body of our buried savior got a visitation of god from the holy ghost he was resurrected from the grave listen the centurions were thrown off their duty position speechless come on they were knocked off their feet speechless look at them i think they can hold or i see him here come on amanda somebody help me help me help me here hallelujah the used stone was rolled away on his own a card coming to somebody hallelujah death the dead claws brother clock they were wrapped and nicely poked away obviously the angel that was an assignment was not in a hurry he was not in a hurry he was not in our ears to get out of fear he was on his father's business he was not mindful of the roman god because the holy ghost take care of them long time she was a piercing doing his master's business he folded the dead closer and took them away nicely he was not in a hurry he was not afraid he was doing his master's business listen to me they were never to be used again somebody worship god i feel god in the place somebody worship god listen listen when that closer is taken off don't go back into them leave them in the grave grief close his grave cloth listen don't go back to the grief clothes nobody help me no man oh god the angel said to the searching woman why seeking is living among the dead he's not here come on tell somebody he's not here he's not here he's not here he's not here [Music] you're searching the wrong place for jesus don't search for jesus in the cemetery he's not here [Music] not here listen what a blow the devil received to his head water blow what a blow the roman authorities receive what a blow the high fee priests and all those who shouted away with him what a blow defeated grace and a shame in a bit of cover-up in matthew 28 13 they call the defeated soldiers they conspired with them say as we tell you say that when you were sleeping his disciples came and took him away what a conspiracy and that conspiracy is still around the place but you can stay there you can stay there listen listen that argument has no god no bottom in the roman army philosophy while you were sleeping while you were sleeping it is it is a death for you to be sleeping on your job come on a man come on so right here we punch a hole in the bottom of that argument while we were sleeping his disciples came and took him away but not so my friend it was a visitation bigger than the disciples it was a visitation by the holy ghost holy ghost asks no question holy ghost salutes no manner holy ghost asks no permission why don't you help me preacher our god he came to do his thing and that will be done in the name of jesus hallelujah listen listen listen listen the conversation is well put together that satan and his host had a conversation the demon that was a sign to supervise the lifeless body of jesus hallelujah our god the first day came demon reported to satan he's all right he's dead silent the second day he went back to say that don't worry ahead i have him under control he's dead silent oh god go and race yourself boss but oh oh oh oh god on the third day somebody showed the third day deliverance there victory day resurrection day on the third day listener of god the angel found satan our god until come your boss i have a private news for you early this morning while we were on our duty oh god the holy ghost came with angel they came we could not resist them they touch her this corner is to unroll away the security guards they all fell as if they were dead they walked inside the torture the lifeless body of jesus oh lord oh lord he's alive i'm afraid he's alive he's alive the devil said what you said i said that he's a lover from our church come on church he's the lion the devil knows it he's alive demons know this he's alive everyone you see tell them for me he's alive he's alive the king is back come on come on help us somebody find somebody help us somebody the king is back the king is left come on in your house the king is back god lord god almighty oh god brooklyn crew help us somebody tell somebody in the cheeseburger [Music] listen the americans they have a saying ain't nothing like the real thing baby oh come on come on ain't nothing like the real thing baby this is not a faith come on now come on this is not a faith come on jta rap this is not a fake hallelujah it is real ain't nothing like the real thing this is not a fake resurrection this is not a makeup resurrection it is a real resurrection come on now somebody somebody should have a praise come on somebody have a praise come on get it hallelujah shout out to hallelujah [Music] he's alive he's alive listen another scarlet theologian robert b smith he said the biggest thing about joseph tomb was that it wasn't a tomb at all it was a room for the transient somebody passing through jesus stopped there and night or two on his way to glory end of quote it was a stopover stop [Music] in fact it it was a borrowed support that means he he has no need for a permanent somebody help me no man hallelujah it's a once in a lifetime journey you're preaching to me never again [Music] listen i already pinned the words up from the grave hear out with a mighty trial on his phone he arrives as a victor from the dark domain and we live live forever with the same strain he arrows somebody help me now my spirit is giving way hear us hallelujah [Music] can somebody find a resurrection hallelujah in the place can somebody find a resurrection hallelujah on the mic right in your house and you'll find a resurrection hallelujah come on said kathleen come on said that come on white holster come on man come on flanker oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord somebody find a hallelujah [Music] after the resurrection mary saw him personally and there were other proof that he's alive the woman saw the empty doom they saw the folder leaning they saw the stone rolled away that they were worried about they found the stone away but they were worried about are you there how are you there somebody hallelujah any stone in your life that hinders you from getting closer to jesus will be gone today any stone in your life that bad you from getting closer to jesus as of today shall be ruled [Music] away [Music] any stone that stands in your way kingston manchester bay grand devon sunspring any stone that stands in your way that buys you from getting closer to jesus it will be rolled away come on a man financial stone matrimonial stone relationship stone come on no man criticism stone somebody help me help me help me help me our god enemy stone shall be rolled away how god can i say even church stone it shall be right away in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost [Music] it shall never be the same again somebody prayed for me it does say god it shall never be the same again [Music] listen you are worried about rolling the stone away by yourself you can't rolling stones away is god's work yes not you the battle is lord and the victory is ours so when we fight the battles he's going to hand us the victory somebody give him praise somebody give me praise look out for your victory somebody help me you can't fight that battle you can't roll that stone away so just wait and stand the lord be of good courage let him fight that battle hallelujah you just stay behind him and to fight jesus fighting come on fight jesus fight this one is bigger than me but lord is not too big for your fight in jesus fight and when he is through fighting he will hand you the victory to prepare yourself for your victory [Music] always fighting against you prepare yourself for your victory listen the stone was rolled away the eminence road travelers talked with him jesus and as he talked with them they felt the resurrection power the resurrection fire the resurrection heat they said one to another did not our heart burn within us anytime jesus is in your company you must have a different sensation jesus entered the house where the disciples were all gathered here is no record of jesus asking anyone for their location but he found them any home he found them huddled together behind closed doors he found them distraught and fearful shaking in their boots jesus when you are in trouble my word listeners and your back is against the wall jesus needs no assistance to find you just call on him he will shout and shoulders when you need him most haven't you heard he's an untimed god come on lift up that hand yes he's an untimed god he may not show up on the first day come on now he may not show up on the second day but i don't feel he will show up at his own accord somebody give him a handclip of praise he's an on [Music] time it is said the president of america is never late he's never late always undone hallelujah i can say that a billion times or more our jesus never late he just knows when to show up oh somebody praise the lord watch out what's old is coming your way just hold on a little longer just pray a little longer come on just stand straight where you are a little longer [Music] untime god the psalmist said in psalm 46 is our refuge and strength a present help in time of trouble as he entered the house with the world he gave them unauthentic greetings peace be unto you peace jesus was a well-trained boy come on he learned his social graces come on as he entered the house he saluted his disciples peace be on to you that was a mannered boy that was a mannered man come on he was well taught come on peace peace peace peace be unto you listen brother holgate moderator no other report or reporter could have brought peace of mind to the disciples but jesus himself no other messenger no other representative it is jesus himself he was the source of their concern and ultimately their life his resurrection dismiss all their fears all not some all go back to the text when they recognize it was jesus they were joyous come on now listen our age shepherd remark it was inevitable that jesus should be crucified it it was also inevitable that he should raise again not my friend jesus wasted no time but straight where he showed them these cars on his hands and his side come on on his heart on his side listen to me oh god almighty those were those cars were distinguishing marks that he is the authentic jesus he is the real jesus he was not a fake he was not a ghost i am the real jesus the scars in my hands this car at my side i am jesus see it for yourself feel it for yourself touch it for yourself come on come on a man i feel god don't feel god do you feel god in the place i feel god feel like i'm preaching up to to a host right now hallelujah somebody glorify him we must feel jesus we must touch jesus if you're one of his you must touch him touch him in his side touch him on his hand somebody helped me preach master jesus some people declared that they know him but they had not touched him days later thomas who was not present but absent at the first encounter had his wish fulfilled he said when he heard that jesus showed up have to see him for myself i have to touch the power myself i have to touch his side myself before i believe listen eight days later jesus turn up guess who was president thoughtful thomas doubtful thomas jesus pick him out of the class and say come now it's your time is your time is there a doubtful thomas under the reach of my voice jesus said today is your time to believe i am real i am real he said touch me he said thomas handle me he said thomas push one in my side don't just touch my side but push your hand in my side thomas was obedient but when he pushed jesus and pushed it further he pushed it until he touched the cord of love thomas could not bear it he pulled it out and he cried my lord my lord my god it is you [Music] praise god my thoughts are simple my doubts are settled and i now i know he's real they authentic jesus they attended jesus listen his wish was desire was fulfilled whenever you touch jesus you must feel something close the bibles whenever you touch jesus you must feel something come on you must feel a shock somebody need to know they are thinking jesus in a great way philippians 3 10 paul said that i may know him in the power of his resurrection and in the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death he gave them a resurrection charge listen in verse 21 jesus said as the father had sent me come on now so send i you what a commission go into all the world teach our nation baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things lord i am with you always even unto the end of the age come on in my name you shall cast o deaths you shall take up serpents and they shall not harm you you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be shielded and recovered oh god almighty listen church listen we have it all luck we have it all locked i i rebuke every christian that goes around talking that people bewitch them you should be ashamed of yourself jesus handing us a package we are immune to every attacker from the powers of darkness come on you are immune in your order you shall drink deadly things it shall not harm you you shall hold on to physical spiritual serpent and they shall not harm you you shall take up the defeat come on somebody shut up your mouth don't disgrace jesus come on we are immunized against the wise of the devil and last and foremost he breathed on them come on help me somebody stretch out your heart [Music] receive him receive him oh god i feel the shivering power of the holy ghost he breathed on them [Music] the holy ghost it is in the past the holy ghost is in the package yes the holy ghost in feeling is in the resurrection package could you just you're in your house just breathe on somebody right now goodness proof i know it's prohibited in church but just in the name of jesus he breathed in them the holy ghost can i say this as i close i called upon every church leader upon every pastor upon every preacher evangelist missionary make space in your life and in your church for the holy ghost to consume his people oh god i refute the argument that the baptism of the holy ghost for was for the disciples and god had 2 000 years ago oh you are wrong my friend you're wrong in the last days i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh romans 8 11 the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead if he dwells in you he will quicken he will shake come on you're mortal [Music] somebody must have a tongue somebody must have a shout somebody must have a sheik your hand no can you never shake it oh god your feet must move and you never oh lord somebody preach with me i'm coming come on help me help me and help me land this thing hallelujah your hand must shaken and you never shoot it come on come on your feet must move when you never show love god a little involuntary movement someone must have an anointing somebody must have a hallelujah somebody must have a praise somebody must have a shout finally the resurrection promoted jesus to the right and of the father a seat of power and a seat of control philippians 2 9 for god had highly exalted him and given him a at the name of jesus every knee somebody showed every knee [Music] every knee rough knee smoothing come on bones not knees king knees queenies prince and princesses knees every knee must bow and everything confess that jesus christ is lord one unknown one unknown writer [Music] puts the cap on everything by saying today jesus is the commander of the celestial army king of zion eternal emperor pontific maximus of the christian church god's bishop of our soul archduke of glory duke of life prince of peace defender against the gates of hell conqueror of dead hereditary lord of all nations lord of justice and head of the security council of the father he's risen his wisdom stand with me everybody wherever you are he's alive he's alive [Music] he's alive just know come on stan me everybody everybody everywhere [Music] i don't care if you're sick can you as long as you can master this trend stand up because something great is coming your way a miracle is coming your way a change is coming to your situation the drought is broken the blessing stream will come flowing your way [Music] [Music] in every tongue [Music] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] every day [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] just christ come on now come on his lord sing it from the spirit his lord is lord [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] father we thank you for your word both written and spoken thank you for your worshipping audience [Music] i reach out to them at this time thank you for the resurrection got somebody now you're not safe you're listening to this brother you're not saying will you rest your hand upon your breast [Music] and say this prayer with me heavenly father you for your mercies thank you for your grace i surrender my life to you today now that you have been risen now that you are lord i make you lord of my life take my sins away cleanse me from all unrighteousness and i will serve [Music] i [Music] come on come on the very last step watch them [Music] is ever [Applause] jesus christ [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the names are in to be prayed for but before the names are called we want our virtual worshipers in the island and outside in the chat of this broadcast if you just go and click on the button spur open it will lead you to all the avenues by which you can contribute you can so you can bless this ministry tides and offering seed faith it is all there we make it so easy that anywhere you are across this world now and even later anytime you can pick up your phone and from that phone you can make your contribution in times like this it is a joy though costly to come to you in your own space don't be afraid to bless amen the book of proverbs tells you that we must support the lord with our substance and the first fruit of our labor so shall thy bones be increased you will find favor with god and men right now go pick up that phone go and make your contribution your support it doesn't matter how small it is the lord knows what you're capable of doing we are coming to you straight from this ministry this address if you are blessed any at all show your blessing by clicking on that button spur open and you're free to give whether you're in england canada anywhere across north america the caribbean jamaica saint james anywhere anywhere give a resurrection offering in the name of the lord coming at this time brother clark will be giving us the names while you give while you'll click on that button amen the names of the requesters will be called your requests will be made while he's doing that we want you to go and give to the cause of christ right now brother hallelujah the prayer list is in the teacher in four parts clarendon who has gone missing mary vaughan marge brown from atlanta irmalin francis luke crystal miller sherman harrison patsy or jugdel prayer for her grandchild for her god child who is in hospital kern luke mindell parker and family in sentence bay suzette hails alicia rose mcintosh husband and daughter michael parker santana haines shadee clark kena walsh christopher williams delroy burton dallas cory levy or levi susie michael johann clark seabird bonik derek fraser and janet watson in new york jeanette henry annette sabido clinton clerk and mother roll shortridge and family michael apaton denisha lewis and family abigail davis angela thomas hilde and family in florida yvonne eckerston sonia zavala peter gordon selma gordon and the reeds family cynthia anderson and family alma cox kimberly van horn and family kimberly johnson and family britain in south carolina avery morris andrew studdard's brother dave kim neal who has cancer barrington powell with kidney issues morris and brown's family carlin taylor and family monica lewis maxine samuels and family especially brother eraldo ina lawrence and family blanche rocklard reed rockland reed pauline harvey and family dawn's family merle grant miriam dilon's brother leon griffith's niece who is in hospital sereta greg and family angela watson from georgia bev dixon's son raniel lydia perkins lovely davis and family paul at campbell and family janiece welsh and family and peaches allen beverly mundo and ferdinand trench richard thompson and family from spring mount venice williams griffiths vivine park robinson janet rowe michael tingling hamilton and welsh family lorna rudolph and family in dunbar cynthia robinson and family ivy cole in moniques and anne anna maria johnson's brother blanche reed and family janelle ware and family pauline price and family from england eugene franklin audrey brown of portobello uvl staff fabian williams and family don brenner francis and husband walcott's family in the bronx new york sophia lee and mother from west prospect new testament church of god roland in dallas texas williams and mary's family caleb sonia gray and family audrey and willie smith and family dorothy rena and family this is the prayer list at this time could you stand with me those in the house could you just stand across with your social spaces i know the peacekeeper stun comments [Music] come hello i know i know i [Music] i know him by name [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the very last time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes before i was conceiving my mother's belly you remind me for this [Music] the time appointed you have called me anointed me commissioned me it is me of god from behind this sacred desk your word is expounded your people's faith is threatened they in turn is looking to you for a miracle for a breakthrough beyond a shadow of a doubt you are still in the healing business you're still in the miracle working business you are still the breaker of barriers the healer of sickness the life giver restorer the chain breaker hallelujah the problem solver the bombing jillian the rose of sarah i place my hand right now on this list with the names of your people god you know them by name by number by crisis by tears by crying by sight oh god darkness as it were has his of god has engulfed their life oh god they are in the midnight crisis lord they're asking for help they are crying for help help help help help help help hallelujah cheers no not that they perish help her resurrecting jesus helper her chain breaking jesus helper problem solving jesus help help delivering jesus help life-giving life-restoring jesus help help help guard every requester from our endpoint to negril point we pray that you will come true for them no matter what the situation is i pray for victory in the name of jesus christ lord i pray father those in england right now you know the names that are on this list will you touch god bless prosper heal the liver walk across the canada touch those who are in the hospital those who will be doing a surgery those who are cancer infected whether they are at stage for whatever we pull it down in the name of jesus you stubborn cancer one cancer lung cancer our breast cancer cancer of the cervix gents of the colon chance of the blood cancer of the skin cancer of the bone we curse you we bind you in the name of jesus get up of god's body take the flight in the name of jesus lord they are 51 52 oh god are more states you know i pray god for your people who are looking to you now they are those who are hospitalized those lord are facing an uncertain future there is a daughter to be healed there is a son to be delivered there is a husband to be set free there is a wife to be straightened there is a mother to be tortured there's a lost child to be found oh god oh god oh god in the name of jesus vernon brooklyn the wild gods family in the bronx oh the bronze family in brooklyn lord god almighty hallelujah will your church right now in the name of jesus democracy family oh god the watch family oh god hear me hear me hear my god panzina robbins and family her daughter or son leonie oh god you know them i rebuke the powers of hell and honors i tear down the stronghold of the adversary hear my cry deliver answer as i crush this listener i crush every complaint i crush every suffering i crush every crisis negative crisis demonic crisis financial crisis lord spiritual crisis the blood of jesus the blood of jesus human in the brain oh god oh god lord god that lumper that sits on the ovary oh god that very woman lord god that layers the line i command the child in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus remember the madison's family remember the venice family don't freeze i pray for them right now remember our sister in falmouth you know her right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hear me hear me hear me hear my call hear my call [Music] lord the woman of our country the women of our country they are under attack murder abduction reap abuse mentally physically threat on their lives oh god i raise up every female of this country and across the world i pray for deliverance i pray for victory protect our ladies on the streets on the bus in the taxi oh god oh god those who are planning on leaving the relationship but their lives are under attack those who are raped and abused i pray for our ladies of this country from marine point to negro's point lord god some are being abused but they cannot speak they cannot report of god in the social order lord god they are muzzled but in the name of jesus i pray for deliverance lord i pray for our female teacher out of clarindon that is missing lord for many she is presumed dead if she is not dead we ask you to rescue her we pray for her family her relatives yeah mourning at this time i pray for strength god the body of the female that is found in a shallow grave [Music] i pray not for the dead but for the living touch the family touch the community stretch your hand over jamaica [Music] not your hand of wrath but your hand of peace and restoration restore jamaica restore jamaica in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost hallelujah i know the peace i know the peace come on sing it from your spirit elijah [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] bless the gift in the name of jesus the lord blessed keep me and cause his face to shine upon me the lord lifted the light of his countenance upon him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is tonight at six o'clock lord supper tonight at six o'clock i [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] forever i pray please [Music] [Applause] peace foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] me [Music] from the father [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever oh my god
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 9,488
Rating: 4.858407 out of 5
Id: UjnewLmFqzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 47sec (11747 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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