Regional Women's Convention - February 26, 2020 (Part 1)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord heaven worship Allah oh yeah we're standing on the promises of Christ of a savior a linoleum floor and a God standing on the promises of of God is there somebody this morning but you know that you know but you're standing on the promises of God because the promises of God cannot fail just worship God in the sanctuary hallelujah glory to God hallelujah as I'll be inviting sister vanilla Tomlinson the district president from the Clarkes tonio Testament church of god to open in Pryor hallelujah hallelujah lift up holy hands and shout hallelujah let me hear you shout hallelujah Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah this is the moment of Prayer hallelujah hallelujah so I'm just gonna ask each and every one of us hallelujah just to quiet our hearts before Almighty God hallelujah as we look to him in prayer I am NOT going to pray alone blessed be the name of Jesus hallelujah because one shall chase a thousand but who shall put ten thousand to flight and we have more than one more than two more than ten more than a hundred you can imagine the number of ten thousands we are going to put a flight this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hold on dear neighbors blessed be the name of Jesus glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah our God our Father you are God all the time you are God everything written about you is great I'm this morning Lord with Claudio the mighty man of war hallelujah we call your way we asked it and do what no other one can't do hallelujah here we are at the Garden in the name of Jesus we are gathered together here at Waterloo in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus mighty God we put today's convention into your hands with know you to be the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah you have conquered and still your panca you never feel you cannot fail and so today Lord in we we put our trust hallelujah we commit everything that will be said and on into your hands we come into a national president sister Blair into your hands we commit the executive into your hands becoming the dears mother Rita into your hands and every woman will be doing something special we put them in your hands we put this behind your hands we put every working your hands wherever the work inside outside wherever we put them in your hands today and we call for the coffee Oh in the name of Jesus God we ask you take charge to the Holy Spirit you are the one who run things so let selflessly and let no flesh groweth in your presence today but when he goes we ask you to take charge we ask you to go before us we ask you all in spirit wrong things for us today yes we have a program hallelujah but we are not bound by that program we just put it in your hands today Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit takes charge today but rose from the rostam for the bureau's let your presence permeate this place might be God total eyes total bodies but us God from the crown of our heads even to the soles of our feet heel bodies hallelujah hey lil bodies Lord mighty God touch a soul today let us all come home to know you as Lord and Master of his or her life today God we give you all the hana we give you all the glory and we give you all the praise and we tell you thanks in jesus's precious name hallelujah [Applause] the Lord hallelujah are you position to sore this morning let me see the Eagles in the house ah God like an eagle honey no you spread your wings and soar today hallelujah you're at the right place at the right time and today is Dada your day of soaring hallelujah tell somebody you won't leave here the same way you came for today you shall hallelujah chorus' all hallelujah glory to God are you tired of the same place up today's time to move on can somebody bless God hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah I invite sister Paula Thomas to come with a welcome and remarks [Applause] good morning to God's wonderful people this is the day that the Lord has made this is horn warzone women's ministry annual convention this is convention 2020 may just hear you say that convention 2020 hallelujah welcome to everyone who has come to worship with us today in this or annual convention on behalf of our host pastor Reverend Clement Clarke may ask him to stand that luck gentleman standing there or host pastor and his wife or district president samat Clarke who will be with us shortly and you will hear more about her and of her later on in our service special welcome special welcome and acknowledgement to the first lady of the New Testament church of god in jamaica sister Yvonne Blair put your hands together for sister Blair god bless you sister Blair members of the National Executive of the women's ministry may ask you all to stand please put your hands together for them sister Beverly Blair Morris the national president of the Cayman Islands put your hands together for her all our districts presidents may ask you all to stand the district president's chair them chair them [Applause] Reverend Jeff to read and mrs. Reid may ask you to stand please Reverend Leslie pinnock or national youth and discipleship director Reverend Vinick is on the outside but we acknowledge his presence here with us today all our local presidents from across the western region may ask you to stand the local presidents of our women's ministry may ask you to stand put your hands together for these women of God put your hands together for them thank you ladies gentlemen children welcome one and all may hear you in the main auditorium say hallelujah may ask those in the overflow room to say hallelujah let us listen those in the overflow room say hallelujah all right they're hearing us over there they are watching they're seeing everything that is happening special welcome to those listening on more FM and to mr. and mrs. Williams from more FM or here with us today and for those viewing via YouTube welcome one and all as we gather today and position to soar please bear in mind that this is sister Blair's last convention in the West and as we know the West is best so today we are going to let sister Blair know that Western Jamaica continues to be the best put your hands together for yourself as you come to show support to this wonderful woman of God the Montego Bay Church is pleased to host you all here today in another convention and so as a family we have tried everything to make you comfortable so please as you come to worship enjoy the convention worship God in the beauty of holiness should you have any special requests please feel free to speak to our hospitable and well decorated OSHA's they are clad in red vests and their nametags are attached please feel free to speak with any of them we have also catered for you because we could not have you here for the entire day and don't feed you so we have food for all of you you can purchase your tickets at the desk that is set up at the front also there are other goodies on sale on the outside soup and all other goodies and you know that when you want good cooking you come to Montego Bay do enjoy yourself have a wonderful day in the Lord and position to soar god bless you richly [Applause] praise God thank you sister Thomas let me just use this opportunity to greet our first lady in the person of sister Yvonne Blair under her team I must say that you have done a good job you have served with dignity and pride and I just want to say a big thank you to you and your executive body for affording me opportunities to serve may God bless you as you continue to serve the Lord in the beauty of holiness put your hands together for our first lady [Applause] praise God hallelujah at this time we're gonna be having the choir presentation from the Sandy Bay church put your hands together for them [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] every promise in the book is mine every chapter every verse and every line all our blessings armies love every promise in the book is mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's my by stripes the book says I am healed until the day of redemption the book said I will see the prosper [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] promise delight yourself in the Lord and you can have what's in your heart therefore if any man be in Christ he's got a brand new [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh on resurrection morning when the last trumpet sounds and all that died in price they begin to rise up from the ground [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my since my [Music] Oh [Music] never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my ah [Music] be by in level [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where it is in the poker it is mine hallelujah No huh nano yo oh honey no yeah you don't have to know can you you know how to go anywhere handed oh yeah Oh God we worship You hallelujah sister Nell come back home hallelujah don't let me stop you from worshiping go ahead and receive it hallelujah glory to God from the Flex table New Testament church hallelujah we'll be praying at this time for the families for you and I know that the families they're in trouble and all we can do is pray hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus please God please God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of Jesus praise God could I ask you to stand with me if you can praise the Lord hallelujah and you're just going to grab somebody's hand if every time the family is in trouble it's know the devil is waging war against the family but we stand today upon the promises of God we embrace every promise in the book knowing that all of them belongs to us and so we stand today united and I want you to join with me in your hearts with me to agree with me because the Bible says where two or three agree hallelujah that God's going to be there to agree with me as we pray to their brothers and sisters hallelujah hallelujah so disturb our heads and our hearts before the Almighty God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this morning God Almighty we give you the highest praise we acknowledge you we adore you we worship You God we come before your God with confidence as you biggest to come boldly to the throne of grace and make our petitions known God we are so glad to know that we serve a God with omnipotence a God that can be touched with the feelings of our infirmity we are so happy to know that we belong to you Jesus and because we belong to you we are not bastards but God we are joined here we are children and so God Almighty we come before your presence to thank you for the victory father we bless the family - you're handsome our families are facing multiple challenges Lord and sometimes God on my team it's as if we're fighting in vain but I pray for those mothers this morning God Almighty who cry to unite and day on behalf of your children because God Almighty many mothers brought up their children in the fear of God and along the road the enemy came in and it might be God Oh God Almighty I've tarnished them I might be glad I've talked to them many of them Almighty God are dying many of them have gone astray but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we come before your presence this morning and we stand united this morning against the wiles of the devil because we know God Almighty and if any man be in Christ a new creature and so God Almighty we stand upon your promises God that cannot fail God we come again chronic illnesses in the family so many persons God Almighty I beat Oh God touched by different form of illnesses we know God and man the devil is a liar and we know God at all what diseases and illnesses were paid for and Calvary and I hear you say by a stranger he is this morning come on your thority of your world we claim divine healing and the family and in the family we come against god almighty luck financial luck in the family so many fun people god almighty parents and caregivers God I find it so difficult Lord Jesus to make ends meet many of them God has made plans Oh God to school your children for the unexpected happened and so God Almighty are those plans all might have been wiped out and many of them are Oh God struggling to send our children to colleges and school but I know that we serve a God a God Almighty that says I've never seen the righteous forsaken or your seed begging bread and so this morning mighty kernel Milazzo father we stand upon your promises that cannot say we sell upon your promises that tells us if we are for a fish you will not give us a serpent if we have separated you will not give us a stone I hear you say God Almighty we should cast our cares upon you Lord because you care for us God we come against the governor of the corn of virus many Mosab children don't you in China I'm God Almighty we know there is no distance in prayer and so this morning the divine Jesus I pray God in the crumpled paralyzed the virus God Almighty senator Avella pit of hell rollin sitcom about your authority of your word we bind it up right no god wiii trampie right oh Jesus we destroy it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth God we thank you you're a god that does not fail you're a daughter cannot fit in you're a god that knows no impossibility you are just overjoyed God you are great omnipresent God you are eternal God you're a rock of all ages this morning we are Church come before you as children I've been all right - oh God to call upon you because you are our daddy I'm so mean open up bar started I saw we asked an attacker for my children don't yell in China I revel in the words oh mighty God ever does nothing like family and Tory Belleci a TARDIS morning in colleges in school working all over the universe covered em Jesus covenant covered MIT got covered in Covenant Jesus covered a God thank you God we praise You God we adore you God dear God oh I love in Jesus many Oh God sisters oh god I've been abused in home and my children I've been abused verbally emotionally and even physically our children are being abused sexually what in the name of Jesus we by the Polident demands a god spirit Jesus welcome to destroy a pitted and i bind up opinion about Jesus hello Jesus Christ of Nazareth we'll stop it for you take it off thority who God God God many wives are crying today because your husband's a gambler's there are drunkards every morning I met Jesus thank Erick Aybar I might warm up grill it wives are normally need know Jesus we come against in demonic possession and in their material yes God we breath discuss reproduction occurs reproductive and mighty upon your authority of your word we stunned Oh God our family needs Oh God I pray in your my Jesus and Almighty God appearance will rebuild those alters and I being torn down in the homes Oh God many of us many parents Oh God Almighty Oh God not even aware is in the arms are torn down I'm so God Almighty the children are left to the mercy of the world's mighty God cha-cha zucchini help us our spirits to rebuild the family altar bring back the Bible bring back the Word of God before me didn't you oh god almighty allah children need to be rescued mighty god help us as parents not to let the guards electrical gadgets oh gosh watch all media merely be a visitor at home but God Almighty many children going to bed is it TV putting them to bed God and Goddess to bed but I hear you said to Joshua teach the children in the morning Trudy be a a tonight run around you are upon a forearm about a foreign I will not neglect you they will not charge from you god help us appearance to rebuild the family also I know God take authority cover the family and all the different errors which I have not mentioned you are God you know to fix things fix them Jesus fix them mighty God God may never work a lot our family members are afraid to go to church at night never ever gone many never your real piston what my tea nothing is too big for you nothing is too hard for you so my prayer right now you may interrupt you make intercept those guns God Almighty God Almighty deceptive God Almighty I goes good men touch their hearts give him a heart of flesh turn mighty God not copy recognize you as Lord and Savior and I hear you say to your church and you have not given us a spirit of fear trackmobile fear I really fear in the name of Jesus God Almighty you are indeed God you're bigger than everything God there is no impossibility with you there is no limits to your power restore your image to your power and we are so happy this morning that you are our God and we belong to you and therefore a God when I'm Calvary when you say it is finished I hear a sainted finish your means say our protection was paid for or provision was paid for myself Oh God our redemption was prepared for my heal it was paid for and we thank you this morning we thank you thank you [Applause] hallelujah Loretta carthon came hallelujah thank you for the deliverance ah thank you for I'm sorry no priors hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God hallelujah Thank You hallelujah woman of God hallelujah who are interceding on our behalf hallelujah glory to God hallelujah as the praise team gets ready we're gonna be having a prior right steam gets ready I'm gonna be acting at this time the district president's to take one of these hallelujah Loretta God each district president will be taking one of these and they're gonna be standing at various eras in the congregation and this is what you're going to be praying for the first person will be praying for a love among God's people hallelujah praise God hallelujah continue to worship God those who want to come for God to raise up laborers of the gospel leaders in the church leaders in government anybody want to go by the overflow against violence love in our families protection of our nation salvation of souls so you're gonna move down in a section and everybody in that section is going to help to intercede for whatever it is that is on this car reverence for God anybody for the overflow healing of our families pristine you can start charging up you can go ahead hallelujah praise God Jehovah is your name almighty healing of our land and one last one our children and you Oh day today we worshipping are your name [Music] we worship Allah [Music] but you are you ha [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my mighty warrior start praying as they continue to sing very softly you can go ahead and start praying [Music] you [Music] you're do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like - are we on [Music] right to go to great to pull these your [Music] - always a name mighty mighty war but a great weight in battle mighty warrior but you are to break the weight in fights over [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] collecting tangible offering in the house this morning hallelujah give up your best hallelujah glory to God Lord's the most Tiger come on let us bless the name of the Lord in the century this morning come on give the Lord high sprays he deserve a brother praises money in hallelujah we give a nice brace on mighty gotta but you're a good and you're gonna loan this money you are not like thought you're good all by yourself come on show Tyler lujah people ever I swear we never give me or give me true Jesus the truth that Jesus is the truth in the true image the true Jesus in the truth is the truth well keep it true love Jesus get me through keep men true Mitch [Music] well keep me truth that Jesus get me through keep me through keep me true Lord Jesus God keep me truth Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these [Music] just keep it well keep me to Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] yes so keep Mitchell not Jesus get me true Salani keep this power give me power give me power give me power get the power and we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all we thank you we thank you your glory is in this place we acknowledge your presence we bow before your Divine Presence we worship you and we thank you Oh Atlanta hallelujah God we have connected the suffering we thank you for every person off stretch for their hands to give we thank you for the purpose for riches is given we pray that you will breathe your divine breath upon it Santa fide help youto God that it will be used for your divine glory God those who have stretch their hands with you breathe upon us keep up show Lord Jesus because there's a race that we are not running and there are pictures ahead of us and keep us true because by your grace not by your verses we shall be victorious we thank you Jesus do you feel a worship Pauline oh yeah oh yeah [Applause] Laurey honey Noah just wave our hands and show - ha ha no you cut it oh yeah [Applause] by your power cards by your spirit glory how did oh yeah thank you Jesus [Applause] particles particles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just wait the hunch in the atmosphere where the presence is there is a [Applause] it's not masseur it's solid [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] present of the Lord is here hiya appear it and I must fear rank inaudible on set free sad some since its home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah Oh we get ready we get ready masseur hallelujah Juan you I just spent the mood of worship Oh God - put your hands together hallelujah under mate welcomed Jesus [Applause] I don't know that honey Noah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] our national president stand everybody everywhere and make welcome to this podium our first lady our national president in the person of sister Yvonne Blair put your hands together and make her welcome as she comes up I declare in the atmosphere now you don't know where you are now but I'm here to tell you that you are at your threshing stage and sooner or later you're going to soar oh yeah the Lord praise the Lord you may be seated you can may be seated if you can thank you sister thank you sister Laura keep with true Lord Jesus keep me true keep the true Lord Jesus keep me - hallelujah he has been keeping me for over 17 years and let us ask him to keep me true let me see the end of this journey just keep it true let me be fearful keep me true hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I agree tour host faster Bishop Clarke and his wife this morning agreed Reverend Reid and his wife to save on I greet all the ministers here today I greet you well today and I must greet - ladies veterans of the women's ministries Department said Darcy Parker and sister summers they have labored in the women's Minister's Department s giving them a good hand this morning let's give them a good hand this morning I know many have worked also but I do see this to appear and I know they labored so much greetings my beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord today we are born to give God fans for His mercies extended to us throughout night 2019 and 2020 amen already we see and sense the intensity of the war fear you don't feel it you don't feel it it's in the schoolroom it's in the homes children killing clearance can you can you ever believe that we sense the war fear I know that Satan knows that his time is running out so what is he doing is doing all he can for the last days is unwrapped it Amen with devilish and rabid let us not be deceived fall fashions hold fast hold fast [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise God praise God well what do you know this is my last zone convention in Cornwall we really had some good times and it makes me teary this morning but I give God thanks what he has done I wish to thank you all from the very deep of my heart for the tremendous support you gave to me and the conventions over the years six years in the first stint and eight years now 14 years we have been working here in Carlos god bless you Cornwall god bless you God bless you God bless you you in the West you continue to be the best amen your risk for such great effort in what you do I will be honest to you that although you are the fathers from Kingston I am so excited to travel down to be with you you hold a special part in my life but come September we're gonna be having a new president sister minute notice I ask you know for your own hearted support for her if somebody used to give me 50 if some of you have to give me 60 percent if some of yours will give me 70 percent if some of you will give me 90 percent I has for a hundred percent for her amen amen saints of God you know this year I don't think we have chosen a better seem then to bring the curtains down positioned to soar you know I started never minded me that we started eight years ago no no eight years ago for the first stint set to soar and we didn't think about anybody said we're talking about position to soar amen so since um God we believe that in this season we should be in a position to soar in the rupture after such a long time when I must be ready for the rapture no rupture to go home to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what a day that will be the chairs and hard knocks of this life will soon be over praise God there be no more hurts no more pain no more luck sisters and brothers please position yourself for that light I think you say Amen it will have been a moment in the twinkling of an eye we want him of time to say goodbye well doctor says see you soon I won't have time to say later position yourself mother flight there have been no time not him to take a second to make it right so do for God's sake Toofer God seeing you walk to the Church of God and go to hell let's watch it through the Church of God I go straight up to heaven live right now be loving right now we'll see it for right now cause inside yourself when I take off god bless you today and forever and if I don't see you here well no we're gonna meet that great homecoming up there amen Cornwall you have been loving you have been good you have been faithful you have been gracious to us and God bless you God bless you Bishop couldn't make it here today you know the devil has been giving him a fight I think he'd ever want to say you're not gonna finish but in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ is the name of Jesus Christ even finished he came down with newborn and the other day a chip in hospital for a whole week but he's doing better today but I said no no I gotta travel with over to Cornwall today so he's we just wanted to pray for him and I know that the Lord will continue to see us through god bless you again Cornwall god bless you Cornwall god bless your card ward we love you we love you we love you we love you and I'm gonna take two step Ellis worked with us for a long time in the office were consistent Marshall and I'm gonna use the president's privilege this morning to invite sister Beverly Blair Morris to come and present a speaker for us guess what I get like a secret sister March and I wanna Nadi's you know but we giving it to her today we're gonna present her she wore a of the succumb to Marcia Clark but we are going to present her today I'm gonna add sister Beverly Bria Boris to do just that for me I came on business for the kids he told me to smile and he told me to see you know I can't I can't just stand here do my business you know I usually don't do this whatever I'm called to do I just do but somehow I just felt that song in my heart and I had to say something I would not miss this convention for the world if I was in Timbuktu I would have to come to this song convention today and God allowed me to be here and I bring greetings from the Cayman Islands god bless you as we continue to pray one for the other I'm here to introduce someone who everybody knows but I'd like to just let you know her a little better she was born in Kingston and is a graduate of Knox College my co Teachers College the University of the West Indies where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in general studies and the Nova Southern University where she earned the Master of Science degree in education her passion to help and mold young minds let her into the classroom where she has used their expertise since 1983 she specializes in the teaching of English language and Spanish she currently serves as the vice principal of the Rhodes Hall High School in Hannover she's a member of the National Executive Board for the women's ministries of the New Testament church of god in Jamaica and is also the women's ministries president for the District of Montego Bay this woman of God has a distinction of being the first female street preacher at the annual national convention of the new testament church of god in jamaica and when it you think amen she's an anointed woman of God who had been tremendously use of the Lord and she ministers at conventions prayer breakfasts retreats and seminars she's married for 27 years to Reverend Clement Clarke and is the mother of a son and daughter Sheldon and chenille she is a Christian before anything else and her greatest desire is to live for Christ so that he can be satisfied with her she has a passion to be used of God to minister especially to women to inspire them to fulfill their purpose in God and to appropriate the victor that God has willed to us ladies and gentlemen boys and girls could you stand with me as we welcome his sister lady Marsha Clark God's mouthpiece for the hour hallelujah amen praise God praise God praise God after after she's finished the next voice you will hear is thatis after the choir ministers all right I'm sorry about that the choir is going to minister now and then the next voice you'll hear will be that of our speaker for the day so the designated choir will be singing at this time god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah will the people of God praise Him lift up your voice and shout glory hallelujah what a mighty God we serve he's always victorious always watching over us hallelujah what a mighty God we serve you may be seated hallelujah I feel like praising him do you have a praise today do you feel like worship hallelujah the Zion is calling us to a higher praise of praise when the praises go up the blessings will come down and we are here for blessing this morning so we are going to soar on wings of praise I don't care what you left to come here this morning but you are a conqueror hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God it's a privilege this morning to be standing here because I count it a privilege when I'm asked to share with God's wonderful people it's an honor to have served with one of the most wonderful human beings that I've ever met sister Yvonne Blair what a blessing to have come in contact with her 14 years better I've moved to the next level because of her god bless you woman of God and so I greet her this morning in the name of Jesus I agreed sister Yvonne Blair another stalwart president who has served and moved on put your hands together let's honor the woman of God hallelujah and I'm glad to see everybody but I glad to see sister Bev such a what I feel special that you came here today put your hands together and let her feel special hallelujah I greet all the other members of the Executive Board agree the pastor of this church Reverend Clark somebody says he's like a husband to me in all the district presidents and presidents and all the ministers who have come to support us today in this convention to worship with us god bless you so much it's good to have you I see some folks from cobbler you have to forgive me welcome and I heard a Amen Corner from the Rhodes Hall High School they have gotten cold feet now what is good to have them here this morning hallelujah positioned to soar and the scripture has been read and we are going to be looking at what this Lord has in his mind for us today I ask that you'll pray my strength my heart can see when I pause to remember a heartache here is but a stepping stone along a path that's always winding upward this troubled world earth is not my fight [Music] but until then my heart's will go on singing until then with joy I carry on until the day mine eyes be home until the day god the things over will dimmed and lose their value if miracle there borrowed the things of Earth that cause my heart to tremble remember they it's gone till then my but on till then enjoy I can be on until the day my knives be war until the day got home mijo but on till then my heart on the lane we joy I can be all until the day my night before the city until the day God mijo Oh sis RFDS another verse you remember it hallelujah the things over will dim and lose their value they're big they're borrowed for it's a part that says the soul of man the soul of man is like how a teeny go it's release its best in my heart [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus fun to bed with sure I can until that a glory hallelujah mine eyes behold the city well on to somebody financing it one more time I know you make a promise but till then glory my heart will go on singing until they in the heart LLL live with joy Harry ta Hien eyes behold that city until a day god mijo hello glory hallelujah thank you Jesus there is coming a day and a heartache shall come come a cloud in the skies no more tears the dimly eyes but all is shine forevermore on the happy gold and sure what a day what a day when we swore beyond the heavens to be with our master to be with our several people of God hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah glory glory my heart is gonna keep on singing hallelujah thank you Jesus glory Thank You Laura positioned to soar and if you have never sword before Alleluia today's the day when you're going to move to the next level in the name of Jesus I declare in this place you shall not leave here as you came in Jesus name whether you're bound oppress tormented sick or named for the holy ghost of Acts is still the same sister Blair paranoia is the same to heal he's the same to deliver he is the same to save the same to set free hallelujah and as we think about the theme I want to say to you that the idyllic atmosphere of Shirdi green pastures and balmy sweet nice air quiet mountain streams symbols of tranquility and peace do not characterize the Christian life I don't know about you but that has been my experience we seem to be held captive in a physical existence of war crime and violence sicknesses and diseases injustice privation moral decadence our world is filled with fear betrayal to mulches formerly relationships rejection disillusionment discouragement and sometimes guilt we feel we're I'm including you with me well as how I feel sometimes and battered but weary footsore and tired and batad resigned to defeat that's what the enemy wants to do to us such were the people of Israel to whom Isaiah spoke in chapter 40 verses 1 & 2 comfort comfort my people says your God speak tenderly to Jerusalem tell her that her sad days are gone and her sins are pardoned these words were to transform a people who are captive to a people poised for deliverance a people positioned to soar above their circumstances like the people to whom Isaiah spoke you to this morning might be feeling but Allah worn and weary you're tired of fighting am i talking to anybody this morning you're coming up there outside of the mountain and you've been fighting your way through you're tired of fighting sicknesses you're tired of fighting financial deficiencies you're tired of fighting criticisms your goodies even smoke enough you're tired of fighting family issues tired of fighting where were children tired of fighting disappointments tired of fighting guilt and you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs I'm tired hallelujah but made in the word of Isaiah 40 verses 28 to 31 speak to your spirit this morning and empower you to soar above your situation to a new dimension in Christ has though not heard known hast thou not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding he gave power to defense unto them that have no might increase its strength even the young people hallelujah shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall hallelujah but tongues be to God it did not end there but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint higher than I've ever been higher than yesterday seen where Eagles can't soar I can reach heaven's door than I've ever been glory to God to swore in this context means the move to unusual level are talking to all of you this morning somewhere where you've never been before sister Blair operating at a higher level moving from serving station because some of us have been there for quite a while but it's time for you to come up higher progressing onward and upward we're moving on and ahead and while we're moving we going up it means to attain a new dimension to get to the other level I hasten to add that I do not wish to focus on upward social mobility I don't wish to focus on earthly success are getting ahead of others getting to the top of your game the top in your business in your job rising above your current social status I do agree that financial social and material that there is financial social and material advancement for the kingdom of God and if we get it if God blesses will be say amen and we enjoy because his God give us further John 3 and verse 2 says beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so we fix it up this alone hallelujah we're talking about so prosperity coming it is not even about the position we're all in church it has to be about an intense desire of the child of God to continuously attain a new heights and new dimension in our relationship with God that's what we are talking about this morning our leash unship with God and this will allow us to experience victory in our personal life when we continue to get to the other level in our relationship with God we will experience victory in our personal lives many of us are walking with our heads bowed down been battered by the enemy and we feel not this is it some have even been resigned to their faith that they cannot move from where they are but becoming this convention this morning to tell the enemy that we are positioned to soar when we soar in our relationship with God it will determine our usefulness and our effectiveness in the kingdom of God because some of us don't think about being useful in the kingdom it's just about me myself and I something is always happening to me but the Holy Spirit this morning wants to lift you from where you are and to tell you that you have purpose within the kingdom hallelujah you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this hallelujah and the enemy knows what you can accomplish that is why he is trying to sit on you but in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah glory be serving notice this morning that is time of keeping us donor is over glory [Applause] the Apostle Paul says in Philippians chapter 3 and verse 13 brethren I called not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind us forgetting the past success forgetting the past failures forgetting the past disappointments I forget them I'm moving on me from them holy Lord I don't care who want to remind me of them they're behind me I'm moving ahead I'm moving up someone gets in those things which are behind and are reaching for to those things which are before brethren oppress it's not a walk in the park it's suppressing hallelujah appiy like pressing a fee like pressing is the only body with minutes morning the enemies are my chocolate but I never never never go back a fee like pressing FP like pressing a fee like pressing my way I'm on my way to go hallelujah I'm a fee like pressing glory thank you Jesus we are eager Mon frère persona I let me enemy know that me not wishy-washy I'm eager more royal bird king of the more shrewd mighty powerful chosen positioned glory we are not called to be like peacocks strutting around proudly showing off and squawking about our endowment and our accomplishments because of a peacock spirit this morning in emoji so we are not called to be parrots because the problem in the church they never saw a bird in the church aisle so come on in the church but we live in there will the eagle's please rise hallelujah you're not called to be parrots repeating what others have said and done you not have the mind of your own you're not called to me him like ostrich fearfully hide in your head in the Sun you know cinnamon you're not business with nothing you don't know none you're just wearing answer you're not called to be a crow making a lot of noise empty barrels tinkling brass sounding symbol making a lot of noise destroying young birds and pestering on a nine doors our own dose glory to God we are not car to live like chickens settling for a pen of limitation that chicken coop now promote I could be smart coming out of the coop this morning in the name of Jesus you'd not belong in our corner chicken pen I'm telling you how the Holy Spirit has given it to me living in dirt scratching our own I'm trying to be happy with worms [Applause] even is a better than not that is not your diet I know one day I saw weak and puny Harmon glory but in our text there is the imagery of what the Christian life is supposed to be he compares his computer child of God to an eagle designed for flight and designed fostering the sad reality however is that many of us continue to live in the lowlands scratching hear pecking they're flapping our wings freaking from branch to branch unable to soar to any height to the heights we are capable of this minute we hope that minute we don't unable to get to the other level but if we must soar we must recognize who we are because we realize the problem disappear we don't realize who we are yet there is more to you than what meets the eye hallelujah and the reality is that if some of us walking to our room we won't turn any heads nobody not when to stop what they're doing unfollow us but we know who we are hallelujah we know that we are royalty we know that we have all been bought with a price we know that we are overcomers we know that there's something down inside of us that makes us different from those around us so who don't worry cognisance let there go on because we know who we are hallelujah so we must recognize who we are the story's told it's an American favor of a man who found an eagle's egg and put it to hatch in the nests of the prairie chicken the eaglet hatch with a brood of chickens and grew up with him all his life thinking he was a chicken did whatever the other chickens needed his crutch in the dirt for seeds and insects he Clopton Capaldi because he had learnt it flew in an erratic manner for only a few feet are the gonca chicken killer flavor years passed and the eagle grew very old one day he saw a magnificent bird flying above him in the cloudless skies hallelujah hanging gracefully and majestically in the powerful wind currents its sword without scarcely a beat of its wing what a beautiful bird the Eagle said to his neighbor who is it what is it that's an eagle that is the Eagle II proneness strongest of most and magnificent of all the birds they named o'clock but don't you even dream you could never be like him you're like the rest of us and we are all prairie chickens so don't but I entertain any thoughts that you like that bird up there is the England talking to so the Eagle never gave it another thought and died thinking it was a prairie chicken for God of heaven and the enemy wants to keep some of us don't with that mentality this morning when you want to move forward there are some people in church want to know what your prayer how our love a sudden you get so spiritual paranoia but they don't know that you're pressing towards the MA hallelujah they don't know that you're pressing because you know that there is a prize to be won and I tell you there has to be something more than what meets the eye there is something inside of you that beckon you hyah paranoia thank you Jesus the eagle was made to soar but yet him died thinking he was a prairie chicken he after what church people I don't mean to talk don't even - choir really what is true hallelujah Oh what I've told me that what I've been standing here this morning if I had listened to some people this is that in my church tell me say must get a family cider because me - did [Applause] she say me can sit on me cider in a church because me - did but Sun God hallelujah but there are some people that saw the Eagle with me and encouraged me to warm up me wings I wasn't there yet but nestled up your wings in an image eases and some people want us trying to keep down and to put on warm you in hallelujah because when the window the Holy Spirit begins to blow nobody can keep you know nobody can sideline you somebody can't put you on the back burner because when the width of the Holy Spirit hallelujah some years ago this a player preached of only tear wind the Holy Ghost genuine hallelujah because some of us who played not now gone phooey but when the Holy Ghost he'll win start employer when the plane took off in a tailwind Italy Britain arrived early hallelujah I said plaintively it but it reaches destination early because of the Holy Ghost children I want to God this morning that the Holy Ghost Aaron will blow in the lives of some people sister Wendy hallelujah and you're moving on [Applause] you're tingly on an event keeping on Fulco bang kilo India in any AMA Jesus we're rooting out some people its money we're rolling out some people this one in an image either paranoia we're rooting out so young people this morning in an image Jesus we want to know some more people this morning poor lamenting them a prairie chicken but papaya Jesus Jesus if you must soar you have to decide who you are sister Lewis you must decide if you are chicken area either from know of the person beside the Aria chicken area either a man an unsettled my openness my loyal even maybe minutes wearing it because the wind of the Holy Spirit why not blowing it without walking on the wings not stealing down there I'm moving up [Applause] ah Jesus and saw Carl upon the Church of God the people of God the men and women of God to decide where they are chicken are you even asking a question because the wall is written must ask each River will be what kind of Christian are you chicken [Applause] oh my chicken mentality in the church and that's why are we not moving any further that's why I me not having the victory as we should because you see the chicken our crowd follow us they love to go in the floor if one chicken one has already coop everybody else follow my lead oh no whatever way ah but if you are chicken go on we're not coming with you because we know who we are chickens can't stand alone they need friends and the surrounding of the flock and every cleanest establish the pecking order for the fight over who is in charge [Applause] cut it all out boo must lead ah who must follow glory they make big deals of us all Motta's its own acts on people in the church to you big deals over small matters this goblin fight already simplice of things if one chicken find a worm or a bug there are war didn't everyone demand kill the other chicken video one nickel worm only one nickel Baba hi chickens are not contented they are not interested in heavenly things oh so give them the concert give us the fun dear give us this excursion and we always there but the things that will develop character spiritual character spiritual stamina the fruit of the Spirit [Applause] chickens are contented to be in the coop doing what they wanna do tell him food or eating a coke on not that Shui in there always looking down they are earthbound and did not fly for long distances and guess what chickens are Cohen's and must always be protected so my nameís are we has Rohingya and we are part you don't I watch over you feeling about slight the simplest of things you want to leave Church because you don't have anything inside of you to keep you going and so every time the car you come because you are reserved an issue hi I remember when I was in the country I mean let all the chicken me always after watch for Harkin Mongoose anybody remember and when the hawk swooped in up above Yokosuka Hawk I'm a moose to watch over you for the Eagle of brain and a heart and a friend of my boss paranoia because we know who we are so are you among that you must know but guess what this church is a supernatural please I can transform you because the truth is you know once you come into the kingdom of God you were not destined to be a chicken [Applause] God Nicole nobody fit on chicken god Carla to be eagle Briah ah useful powerful coroner job fighting the enemy take on the enemy head-on in any AMA Jesus defending the Church of defending God's people that's who you are [Applause] the eagle on the other hand builds it's nestled high and I'll mix up with other birds but enjoy flying on their own [Music] because it needs to maintain a high altitude ego can operate Dona Ana and can walk fast huh so you steal them and they keep it on the until of the way i'm pleum i am not staying down there with you because i don't belong down here Lord plant my feet and higher ground a higher plane than I have found Lord plant my feet as the evil Christians we must leave about the things of the earth world so we live above malice we live above envy those are earth bone things we live above strife evil speaking unforgiveness lord have mercy because some people still in the church will know people in their heart that keeping your down here ah selfish ambitions because some of us will cheer know and others to get to everyone to go somebody say crab mentality I say it to the eagle children of God and if you are eglise you are talking to avoid leaks [Music] [Applause] I say abide please because when you're not click you can have a mind of your own you have to say what everybody else is saying and do what everybody else is doing but stand up in the name of Jesus stand up what is right stand up what is honorable stand apart is holy stand apart is just stand up for work when you stand before God you can hold your head up I say Helen glory because we are egos we don't cause trifon division in the body of crap we seek for peace we don't take pride in messing up other people's reputation [Applause] because some things I hear people passing on honor about other Christians where is the Holy Spirit I must tell up with a steel our newly put a seal on your lips some things must not be repeated miss upon killing our brothers and our sisters Eagles don't do that [Applause] so we don't take pride in messing up other people's reputation opposing leadership Jezebel spirit some people will not submit to leadership but if you are ventus or got to submit to leadership in the name of Jesus opposing leadership and the programs of the church some people everything plan ensures I'm against it hi and I have the drum major mentality if they're not leading the match they're not working in the parade hallelujah but he must submit ourselves to leadership anybody can lead me and it's not because I'm easily lead because I choose to be led hallelujah so some women need to go back to church and submit to leadership godly leadership in an image Jesus and if I god no give you put it down hallelujah because somebody are taking up some fight that hasn't even given to you by running ahead of myself the église powerful very big and strong can we as much as twenty pounds and as the shape of a weightlifter so we not weaklings huh we have the built of a spiritual we're cliffed a-- we need to build up our spiritual muscles and when some of us running from trials and tribulations and hard tasks that's why we so puny so he has to eat to maintain his physique so I practices a diet of fresh food fresh meat as Christianity must be particular about what we feed on we cannot feed on any and everything we must we must be careful what we allow others to feed us paranoia we run the risk of becoming spiritually poisoned if we are no others to pop us up with corrupt and carnal ideas be careful who you listen to in church you hear me telling you be careful who advises you in church because some people have nothing uplifting to offer they're always complaining and criticizing glory if we must maintain extraordinary spiritual physique a purity holiness god and the holy sprit power we need fresh revelation from the Word of God to nourish us and to purchase because there comes a time when we to get rid us hallelujah but take hold some things that are in us and we needed the word the other day young people asking to prepare a presentation of the fruit of the Spirit and when I started a good on permanece because I realize I'm not variant well let me let me let me confess the rest of you everybody else is there when I realized I was found wanting because I was delving into the world so the word purchase us the Eagle is a voracious warrior not coward they are bold will defend itself against animals larger than itself not afraid of poisonous snakes if cornered by the snake I cuz we have some snacks you know [Applause] some Vipers some serpents if you know how this spiritual eyes you can detect them travel down law traveling on the grass but really holy sprit this morning detects some of them in your congregation in the name of Jesus sneaker heading for the leadership snow serpent heading for your marriage [Applause] serpent heading for your ministry [Applause] hallelujah but the ego Christian is hidden from afar in any emoji hallelujah the Warriors see them from afar the église of Maria shows warrior and not know that we need some more warriors in the church with Eagle perception the evil cast aside with both sides and forward and can even see things approaching we want some more people in the door [Applause] we legalized to see some of the things that are heading our way hallelujah so the eagle isn't afraid of serpent because guess what and some time and it can't when Tim Connolly serpent and the serpent rears up on him you know the eagle you were saying heavy chest with us because sometimes in the O'Connor you know it's truth is that sometimes some of them Bacchus Tina Caronna rev you know what the ego does it was beer this chest and I love you the serpent to strike him I may have heavy chest in us they say your chest fit I have in any of my cheese's you have on the armor wallop you Sheila wallop your shield in the name of Jesus when the enemy come in and sure his darts at you Holly goes [Applause] Sheila fit in the name of Jesus unrelated arts going we're moving it hallelujah come on man put on your armor where is your sword Oh raise up the word manner and when the enemy coming it is written because that word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path my word have I hid in my heart but I am not sin against come on women of God come on women of God I come to tell her this Maya no we clean stop giving up grown to the enemy you have got what it takes to be an overcomer there are a powerful warrior dressed for the occasion you dressed for the occasion you dressed for the occasion because you have on the armor and it's available to all of us you're more than Conqueror because of who is fighting for you because of who you are and whose you are the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah is fighting hallelujah the King of glory who is mighty in battle the Lord cebause who comes down to fight on the behalf of his children when the children of Israel were known in Egypt they cried unto Him he says I heard your cries I've seen your affliction and I'm come down to deliver you that's who is fighting on our behalf sister hearten so why are you afraid this morning thank you Jesus but before a hurry on before a hurry on let me so no word of warning here the ego chooses his fights carefully because you have some people open the social spiritual ladder in the church high up there and who feel that the Lord has set them in the church to take up some things that don't belong to them [Applause] is not your fight cook it down in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit has not assigned you you will be destroyed we will be brought to Shyam so yes there's a problem you know it's - or sometime there's our problem but it's now you have the authority to deal with this one leave it in the name of Jesus you're antagonizing people antagonizing the leadership [Applause] the Eagle chooses his fight now because him is king of bird there's one bird early ego no banachek Iman you didn't know that when that bird comes the ego doing but I think about fighting because that bird fight on the ground and that's why we have to soar because you have some people are damn good in Ahmad [Applause] my son was telling me the other day that somebody said he could fight with the pigs dong anymore do you know he's not because he couldn't fight dong anymore what the pigs enjoy him order the pigs enjoy fighting in him order that's their natural place you not be long dong in a model you know belonged on a dirt so they even know that he must fight down there because he's not nimble on his feet didn't recognize us from our fascism you know but it Condor fights dirty they do not come alone they don't come alone there are some unholy alliances some unholy alliances that some people are farming against it's children of God but God went dropped some bomb in our headquarters [Applause] hallelujah we're wrong with some people hallelujah and when some people leave the church man named Juan and some people say they find God somewhere else and then find the word I am NOT a here shoot I'm good preaching no mmmm Juan and I worked with our own remote breaking up some unholy alliance so that it's charged and move on [Applause] hallelujah I'm just telling you what the Holy Spirit has laid on my heart because I struggled long and hard about this table I know a lot of prefer not to preach today but this is it so when the Condor calls you know what the ego do God even was saying can I fight dirty Connie weapons of our warfare are not carnal but I'm mighty true God so they pull Eno enough strongholds so when the Condor comes after the eland come with him numbers you know what they were no because God made or special you know with eagle eyes he has eyes I can look straight into the Sun and so he turns his back to them because God protects your own nests so hallelujah hey he's our rear guard and he looked straight into the Sun and take off what if you want but I know when to take hearty sub-layer I know when to lift off I know when to leave you behind unlike the children of Israel of the Egyptian behind and I start follow them but when the enemy comes after you God you know what to do with them so when the ego to carve the Condor attack off to come come to fight but his eyes not made to take the glare of the Sun [Applause] so spoon after is unblinding and in drop right back around hallelujah when the enemy comes in like a flawed hallelujah you have this sort of God look Emma Sora [Applause] so if a masseur must know who you are and whose we are if you must be an altitude we must change our attitude he what I'm saying we cannot most refuse to be defined by our past and confined by our circumstances I know that there might be situation that might have limited your understanding of your potential in god castle you tell me send me two dead so many feel I'm in a Church of God I mean not going anywhere because me not in the spirit me dead hallelujah God thank God that he was not through with me it tell somebody he's not true with me it I don't look like I'm or a warrior I don't look like a warrior but when God gets true with me I'm going to be a ton in the devil special Alya I don't cheer down strong for monster noise when my shops on something God Almighty some of you need to share carve some criticism share comes from situation of some people who were to put you on the back burner you're not no loo Limburg [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are destined for soaring to new heights and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind but he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God change your old look change your old man don't talk don't talk Rafi to me I'm a child of God and I've got the victory we are going up we're going up together we are going up to conquer in the name of the Lord we are going up turn to somebody and tell me we are going up we're going up together I'm not leaving it on here in the name of Jesus aren't we going up together grab somebody and tell them we're going up together if you're in the chicken coop are pulling you out in the name of Jesus we're not leaving anybody in the chicken poop this morning in this chicken kabab sin in the chicken kabab discouragement you're not going back to where you came from he lifted me up from the mire replay he planted my feet and that is the reason why I sing and I shout for the same down all love lifted me when nothing else corner when you put me Donna Jesus takes me off it takes care of my enemies when it starts to get rough that's in often check off she called the enemy who has to sit on you and to tell you that you're not good enough Christian warrior upon my return the Kingdom of Almighty God pursuing the enemy here in those strongholds setting God's people free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come among men top come on subgroup in the name of Jesus if you're not going to reach where God wants you to get and some people just weren't in the group to put you down because they know if they keep you known they can do whatever they want to do but a pulley on this morning in the name of Jesus no area in India cheese Guerra warrior mighty mana follow mighty woman I follow hiding in the winepress come out from there God has something for you to do but I want to ask you a question I want to ask you a question because the Holy Spirit has really impressed this on my heart how do I soar when the conditions are not conducive to soaring so you're telling me to soar what Bishop Hall masseur when the conditions not right sometimes become a church I'm iguana like everything all right but everything all right how do I soar when I try to do as the word says I'm not gonna seem to be working out how do I saw in our hell is breaking loose around me and there seemed to be no light inside how do I saw when lady Sun writer sometimes we feel scorned and abused and our minds are so confused sometimes how do we solve a fee like the man by the pool there is healing taking place all around us but I'm stuck with my condition I can't get to the edge of the pool for the next level but you are positioned to soar for your healing this morning in the name of Jesus because the word says will amid all hello I don't care what you came in here this morning in the name of Jesus wilt thou be made whole [Music] [Applause] sometimes I feel like esta not many people in my corner captive in a strange land in this contest being paired with myrrh bitter to the tears and harsh to the touch how do I soar but you are positioned to soar regardless of your realities is a setup I said I setup God has something up his sleeve your car to the kingdom for such a time Aziz how do I swear when I feel like Joseph betrayed place in a pit Saul by my family and my brethren then I get upgraded to a dungeon how do I get to the next level I don't see I'm coming out of this one what you have coming back from a setback I see you're coming back from a setback you're not staying in the pit you belong to the palace and you're getting there so hallelujah you're still going in your pit until God gets ready for you stand on your dungeon until God gets ready for you his ways are not always and it's time in are you feel like the disciples ruin to the other side as the Masters commanded you what you encounter Stan you have try to live your life in the will of God disciples were in the will of God is God tell them to go cross but Stan calm contrary winds start to blow threatening to mush up your board and I talked into some people right in this church today they can't ruin in your life country ruining your family contrary wind in all areas of your life threatening to mash up your board but your position to get to the other side Oh God señor he's the god of the storm and the scripture said but God Jesus had yet come he's coming but he has not yet school because guess what the IGAs are not afraid of storm when the storm come they don't hide they open their wings and they fly into the storm how do they do that there has the ability to lock their wings in a fixed position in the midst of storm and use the power of the wind the current to rise above it so let the storm rage hi let the storm clouds rise they won't worry me but I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God he works with me and none of earth shall honey fun sheltered safe within the arms of God the worse the storm gets the higher they go they simply soar higher and higher when you realize that you are in God you gonna follow the storms of life to make your bitter so I don't care it's time you're going through you're not being beaten any amuck Jesus at a quarterly bitterness the Holy Spirit is moving all the bitterness this morning all the unforgiveness hallelujah because adversity will build godly character in the middle of the storm and things seem to be far enough apart we can be okay if we are in Christ we can overcome because guess what some of us have to stay on the wheel a little longer because the vessel that God wants to make all of us we need to have some depth hallelujah can we can pull more and we can devote more so my brethren coat it all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowing is that the trying of your field work at patience but let patience have it's perfect well how do i saw when i think drained of our spiritual stamina are you there are you drained of our spiritual stamina you feel like you're like you have lost in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you feel like you have lost our strength because it is said of the eagle some people said it's not true but the lord the scripture says his youth is restore Israel and they said there comes a time when the Eagle can't fly like it used to can soar like it used to and it has to go fly or paranoia up into the rocks high up into the rocks and all its feathers are plucked old sometimes you feel like you're feather plop toads that's how it's done you feel like you can fly some of you're all women of God you have been through many battles you're fought many apollyon and you feel weak and sometimes people want to sideline you and put you aside but in the name of Jesus nobody can sideline you in the church regardless of where you are at because there comes a time when you go up and the old vulture them soaring overhead because this looks like the time it he can swoop in and kill you but he hided my soul in the cleft of the rocks and covers me there with his hands you will not be destroyed the enemy can destroy you because sometimes you feel like you can't move you feel like you cannot fight you don't drag on are you lawyer because some of God's finest warriors is who the enemy strikes the most somebody I check it out in church some of the prayer warriors some of the fasting people the enemy target them miss of them family mess up the relationship met them weary want to put them one side but we come for you this morning in any emergency hallelujah you were on the aisle again you're way short again they will cast out demons again you're going protect the Church of born again hallelujah it is not time to retire it is not time to retire come on does retirement in the name of Jesus glory to God when there is a shortage in a sector sometime the government has to car load the retiree glory I'm calling your this morning if the enemy's sending you into retirement come out in the name of Jesus warrior a halt in the name of Jesus you can't afford look afford to leave at this time the enemy is going to go retire in a corner into your rocking chair and observe what is happening from Alton idiom of Jesus Christ now take up your position I'm coming down hallelujah I'm coming down thank you Jesus I'm calling old those whom the enemy wanted to silence those who feel discouraged this morning regardless of where you are at you are in a position to soar because the god of this storm is with you the God who heals is with you your delivery is here but they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength hallelujah they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and therein lies the problem because we prefer not to eat some of us can take the process the process is too long and hard hallelujah but they that wait upon the Lord we're team means that while you are there you are attending to you are serving like the we attend do we address and you're serving without expecting any tip you're not serving we are thing for tip if you know get no tip you're not serving again what we're doing our best in the kingdom of God hallelujah thank you it also means to patiently tarry to look for to expect knowing confident that God is going to come true we understand that those who wait upon the Lord you're not marking time until God delivers but you're serving while you wait it also means to bind together by twisting the speaks of intimacy with God in a sense we are serving God binding ourselves to him to God's will confident that God's plan is better than ours and will reproduce the best possible results so we wait today hallelujah on the blowing of the Holy Ghost window hallelujah when the eagle soars amuro's come out and soar so he has took pre in his feathers and weight on the moving of the wind hallelujah and the Holy Spirit is moving among us today lifting us off into higher heights blowing you away from the lowlands of malice the lowlands of envy the lowlands of covetousness the lowlands of thinking that you are not capable you are not good enough you are not spiritual enough I'm beckoning you today to come up higher hallelujah let the Spirit of God lift you this morning I love this spirit to speak to you this morning we swore by faith we saw by the Word of God we saw by believing that God is in control we saw by opening up our hearts to the greatness of God and believing that we are one with him so I don't care what is going on with you this morning I don't care what you left to come here I don't care how you are feeling in your body I don't care about the lies that the enemy might have been tooling your hair ania we're getting up this morning in the name of Jesus we're coming out of the chicken coop this morning in the name of Jesus we're moving from where we were last convention ha man the Holy Spirit wants to pour into some of us but we are too stubborn we're too stubborn if they wanna go si Ron Ron hallelujah the only species and upon priya's God an open prison because we soar on wings of praise hallelujah I think somebody need to show the praise hallelujah hallelujah we know we need but anyone can show them when the sunshine is brighter but it techinique to know that no matter one is I'm going to sue or though you feel the wind of the Holy Spirit blowing show this congregation blowing sure your situation is learning in the name of Jesus silence the enemy this morning that's want you to feel that you cannot be use of God in the name of Jesus but somebody and tell them you're positioned to soar in spite of the circumstances in spite of your situation in spite of your storm in spite of the enemy in spite of your cooperation in spite of everything else are the enemy is showing at you you're going to soar to HIGH heights you're going to soar to a new dimension some of you that come to convention tonight and where's Dennis I used to be when the wind up the horn is picks you up hallelujah you're gonna run show the troupe they're going to leap all the walls because you're soaring in victory in the name of Jesus and guess what people are God it is not only in here gonna soar but there is one time that is coming there is coming a day when the heartaches shall come there is coming a time when we are gonna sort of this life hallelujah this song man says the Sun is coming up in the morning every tear will be wiped from our eyes like an eagle this old place is gonna give way to glory and like an eagle we're gonna soar to the sky this earth is not our own this is not our final place so one of these days hallelujah ain't no poet gonna keep me down because I'm living the life that's when Jesus comes and farewell hallelujah we're aware disappointments throw our sicknesses here well criticizes fear well hallelujah [Applause] to uncertainties fear well to discouragement hallelujah to uncertain future because my home is in heaven just waiting for me and when I reach there how happy I'll be my home is in heaven no rent to pay for Jesus spirit Haley at all for me well it sure enough God worshipping this evening well the people of Parador I have a feeling this morning not some people need to get up and let the enemy know I'm not going but cuz I came in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth people of dunya more than Conqueror you over come on you're being lifted up this morning Titans Jesus Christ hallelujah glory glory glory I feel like running I feel like shooting I feel like praising him oh it is not funny he has done great things for me he lifted me open from early clay he planted my feet on a rock to say and that is the reason why I sing on a short but she's a sinner and he lifted me is there somebody this morning spread your wings an idiom of Jesus won't let me near my Jesus take a leap of faith on them up in any AMA Jesus you're in Elisha can come to long enough your energy shake in pain to learn what that have been animo Jesus Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's healing in the house there deliverance in the house this morning was power in the house paranoia the look at your situation even emojis us speak the situation no have been positioned force or in the spirit no end of the Holy Ghost is blue inner lip up your foot cinema Jesus but it known and some something not bothering you inanimate Jesus is the only one this morning who feel like you want to live but where you are in the name of Jesus [Music] hallelujah glory there for the Redeem of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion I never lasting joy shall be upon their heads they shall obtain blood this and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away a car to some minister's wife this morning who under the circumstances you don't feel like smiling you don't feel like you can go further and I'll lift you this morning in the name of Jesus for our with you those who are against you in the name of Jesus ministered your sister in the name of Jesus ministered to them this morning in the name of regardless of circumstance you're gonna make it hallelujah Thank You chief hallelujah hallelujah you're sealing in the house your deliverance in the house [Music] hallelujah do you want to meet us here for prayer hallelujah one shall chase a thousand but who shall put ten thousand to flight come with us pray with you this morning in the name of Jesus if you are hearing adorn or Jesus you're doing know Jesus he has created you the sort of your circumstances to sort of sin I'm calling it this morning in the name of Jesus hallelujah I feel like somebody need to minister to somebody beside them this morning somebody has been being gone and weary hallelujah thank you Jesus glory we're gonna be closing I am a warrior a Christian warrior with my weapon in a me writer I am a warrior why to me I am talk to me [Music] I am I'm caught in there's a situation that you feel like this can change you'll give me copy of nut butter with it because you feel like you can't chill this one but the world of God is mine is that you're gonna sue or regardless of where you're at the men of God are here hallelujah and they're gonna pray with us this morning if you are sick whatever it is this morning that is causing your concern and trying to keep your down there this morning get up in the name of Jesus and as an act of fear spread your wings and come forward let's go forward I me I can oh yeah Varia very Oh [Music] amen amen amen [Applause] lift your hands and give God praise for his word everybody give him another praise for his world he sent His Word to heal our hearts to heal our diseases to solve our problems to liberate us to deliver us and I know that the word from God's servant today a man is accomplishing some things in our lives to God be the glory somebody give him another shot of hallelujah praise amen what a word received from God amen we're gonna be praying my brothers and sisters for these folks that are standing here and the altar we know that God delivers his people he's a deliverer every situation before him there is none that can can can confuse him God is able the Bible says to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could have asked I imagine according to his power that is at work within us Heavenly Father we thank you that you hear us always and even now you're attentive to our cry thank you for the anointing that is in this room thank you for the anointing upon your server to preach your word to us today thank you that you are the God who cares oh yes he cares his heart is touched with our grieves you said that we must call unto you and you will hear us we must seek you and we will find you and so Almighty God we bring some situation to you right now at this moment on this altar we have some people standing God with different situation kind of find out the different things but you are able we can't administer to everything God but you're able to do everything you are the God that specializes in things that seems impossible you know god what the devil is trying to do to destroy these people you know of your attacked you know the sickness the problem the crises that show on them but God you are bigger than every problem inside this building today and so Almighty God we lift them up before you and we command you your your mighty hand to be active in the life of these people right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth this intention is depending upon you we need testimony out of this service in the name of Jesus Christ so he cried to you Almighty God that you will go through right now touch those people who are sick in their body we command sickness sickness to go sickness of every type in the name of Jesus we bind sickness we stop your sickness pain disease everything that is in the body causing problem in the name of Jesus we speak to later because he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace oh god oh god oh god oh god was upon him and by His stripes I'm declaring right now that somebody is here heal from their place heal from your sickness is not this woman Abraham's daughter whom the devil as Paul these 18 years are two years are one year in the name of Jesus we command you to you lose them theater we command you to be loose shot the enemy with pineapple jam and every Fatah so we bring every yoke we undo the heavy burdens all those are oppressed by the enemy we by the presa we repeal the oppressor every unclean spirit an assignment demons and Devils from here problems on our side the situation the Church of God come against you right now we command it to be consumed in the fire there is a fire in the house to destroy a destroyed problem destroy sickness every time these are some whatever everything coming out of the abyss which within the fire we command it to be consumed we burned be destroyed by the power of the Holy Ghost and the mission of the church the church destroy the church loose the church destroy in the name of Jesus destroy every forces every condition sin problem money problems marital problems the nature problem every single mighty God we present you this chart was designed to liberate these people in the name of Jesus Christ this contention was designed to defeat hell this morning so here we talk to you let God's people for every sphere of spirit every Jessamine spirit in the name of Jesus Christ we saw through your ricotta we rebuke the people ifer about trouble problem about glasses in the images images as Indiana Jesus who are the god of ravenna we commit every one into your hands so that our Sierra and Shaitan is an assignment to wearily espírita to frustrate them with this punishment on them leave our theater Lisa come out in the name of Jesus we rebuke you Satan the lab rebuking the Lord rebuke the Lord rebuke you in the name of Jesus we rebuke you today in the name of Jesus the people came here sad going on blood gave me a discouraged way home ontology not God Almighty [Applause] jesus christ almighty god yes every assignment oh my god she and every attack from hell remember those among us standing on this alta who are not yet seer he s got the mission of the church is the mission of Christ with come on salvation to be imparted right now deliverance for this world in the niyama Jesus ah madam Kubota seat and chicken kuba not God Almighty you have a better place a better life we will pull about the grasp of the devil we reported on Hannah Indiana Jesus Christ yes that blood is still available there is still a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's Ian Sheena's branch between the Florida lose every guilt is here so we commandeer so now to be cleansed and every spirit that is assigned to them and any spirit in a name we command it we come out come on Satan come on let our people and our daughters let our son we touch people release them Adam he's gotta let go let go give up salvia son where to Murata power healing strength victory life life eternal life Almighty God Almighty God Almighty God Almighty God Almighty God I present everyone everyone God now remember sister Martha Clark Oh God Almighty Roy Seattle Oliver but Satan cantata we command a ball of fire Lord God Almighty from the throne of hidden to come to know fresh fire not deadly fire come on the consumer in the fire of the Holy Ghost Corona Corona husband the children God [Applause] in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I declare that no weapon no weapon from hell no weapon not for him against him shall prosper la da de we condemn every tone Oh God Almighty we subdue everything from hell and I command the blessing of God yes to the release and the favor from Almighty God in Jesus name I thank you God somebody open up your mother give God some praise give God that's the best we can do for what the Lord has done for us what a blessing somebody's show to the rejoice that is due to us this morning bless us this morning what a mighty God we serve praise God praise God Sarika sharika sharika somebody say Sarika say it again sharika Sarika like the woman Marcia you on Marcia UN oh my god your custom to Colin you walk up to Lazarus - hey you said Lazarus comforts sharika comfort Marcia comforts every store melaka we ruin it with lot God Almighty much of that is this panting prayer the next one satanic stone problem stone every time a student with pasta thousand abilities us not that we pulled a bottle and casket we blast of the tomb and we said Marcia Sarika in the name of Jesus in strength power wisdom knowledge mighty God Oh God Almighty we brick every board every powers in the Piranha are all their lives right now we dismantle every help mentor we pull apart every demonic Network not God that is the blood of Jesus is again sir we were these people we separate you we can't slow the agenda with pushback you are in the nearby Jesus Christ in the near my Jesus are in the near my cheese NASA with forward we lift them up to Swan in the name Jesus Christ Oh God yes god yes thank you thank you God thank you thank you Jesus something something from over their lives shift shift Lord Jesus yes God thank you I hear your voice something shift yes a better life stronger life in the name of Jesus and by the glory of God there is a sortable of God there's a move there is a wind a strong mighty wind blowing and sea above God's people somebody give him one more hallelujah well God is God - let God arise let God arise let God arise let God arise the dollar eyes and let the enemy's gotta bet that Church stronger Church I'm sure there are some here but not yet save some people are standing here let me stir the hands of those who are not yet save just lift your hand up you're another Christian push them wheel hi hi hi come on put them up put up your hand those who are not yet safe come on the first step of step up god bless those that are safe what a word step up young lady you're not yet safe Jesus janna chicken that's the word that the woman of God received from God for all of us including you nobody wouldn't believe you say yeah yeah no Eagle Eagle swerving let me tell you you're not the eagle egg that are among the chicken in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we command you to repent today in the name of Jesus and surrender your life and sewer sewer sewer in the name of Jesus better life better life in the name of Jesus ladies young people young boy amen today God have allowed all of you to be here so you could hear this word be in this powerful convention to transform you we have prayed for you Jesus died for you you have something to do for yourself to inherit the blessing of Almighty God I'm gonna be asking you since you run the alte and the Holy Spirit is talking to you will you surrender all to Jesus today at this time does raise your hand and said yes master yes you will you will you will god bless you you will god bless you you will god bless you is there anybody else you will god bless you god bless you although you put your hand up again stretch it up come on Yana you are no chicken put up your hand we applaud here the blood of Jesus Church of God come on come on it worth it it worth it it worth it the word is good result of our ministry somebody praise God god bless you god bless you women crying somebody will take them praise God I don't know exactly where you are from if you are from close to this church you don't have a better Church around this area is the truth and so I ask you please to come back here we're presently have inclusive and we want to invite you even tonight will be having Crusade and we want you to be here if you are not close to here please go to our church close to you who believe in the bye
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 9,862
Rating: 4.3391304 out of 5
Id: rPhzmDBXV1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 41sec (12341 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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