Easter Frittata with Asparagus - OrsaraRecipes

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hello everybody today I want to show you the feet are the ISTE for Tata and I'm making with the eggs I've got eggs over here asparagus a beggar now that spiral goes I was a clean up already but do not turn away this the only thing I was used at the top but this you can cook a still you can eat the gistic you see this this you turn away and this is still you can keep a you point a you eat okay now we started with this for the top I could only look one over there I want to boil it for 5 min God wanna cook a little bit before I started with a frittata okay now the water boil I want to use a little salt not too much like this like I said like it maybe seven minute this it be ready you know gotta cook it too much okay now the time of this you gotta cook like a maybe seven minute what I gotta do I want to start to prepare the eggs I use eight eggs with four people and use of 2h eggs each one okay now we will black pepper okay a we use little salt okay and we know the pecorino cheese so we make the save a finger to get that all right okay before scramble this with the cheese I want to take the asparagus out turn the gas off it would take this right out now I want to show you somebody maybe nobody do this by a city's water and drink this water it's really good they taste so good yeah it good this water really good I put over here I have Taiwan and drink more okay now that's Palace is ready okay I told her the eggs are first a little bit like this this is so easy to make of this frittata okay now with Dhanbad asparagus over here and we make us a little bit like this you are not with the photographer that's part of it everything get got together I want lies okay now I wanna do the bacon okay in the bacon I can put a raw but I want a soft a little bit I wanna make a shoe the beggining it cook you cook a good okay now we want to make a small piece after Korra okay like this you say like that yep I do like this they like this it is I want to saute this over here like this I wanna cook a little bit the first before I use it for the frittata okay three minutes I want to do that you know the what Mahalo a bit like this when I work with a frittata already the bacon it's a little cool kinda wanna put on a frittata Kiev did not cook too good to other together yeah I cook the Sara not this I wanna cook all up day Europe East we was into this a lot of time what a spot for left over for Easter can you new Europe they have it's a big big holiday to to everybody gone and we call up a sweat and we gonna some place on the farm and we bring the lot of stock for they eat won't the friend if you got a leftover the potato you can bring this day at the East and you call them have a sip a sweat literally was the same Nepali Connie Troy it pal Spa convoy Kali amici with a friend Chris may sets of the family it is with a friend now the big let's almost done I wanna pour a couple of pieces of border the Knights of time the food the eggs not the opener tour already 400 degree okay enough it's a fine okay will not down really low okay it would make us a little bit thick I wanted asparagus asparagus to the gone every place in the bacon okay we'll leave this a little bit on the stove got one of the firm a little bit to be I gotta put it in the oven one tiny gone the oven after we gotta make a show okay it's a nice cook on the top okay this may be I gotta flip over okay now I'll put this in your oven but I gotta check whether this it's a nice dry they seem nights a liquid what it's nice and dry I gotta flip over okay okay now let's see this the only thing we gotta say that's a steak or not that's a mistake we're lucky a lot of time you know especially with our spider gets that spider to keep them wet a little bit I want to try to loosen up they see like I said the Pats he was a stalker okay five minutes in the oven so nice okay now I want to test the victim look it's a nice look it's really good chinchilla everybody he need a little wine over here it's good anyway is it so readily I'm not gonna go out I can drink a little wine salud everybody chichi I was saluted the wine ago good you got a leftover it's okay you can eat the day after don't you know gotta warm up Cole it's only it's good to talk thank you very much David are it before Easter I'm making something else to eat I will see what I can make but this is really good for mr. Lovett our asparagus and bacon thank you very much everybody a thank you I'm so happy he like a girl are common the butter April Fool but it's beautiful everybody was like what I did thank you very much everybody okay see you bye sold
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 26,596
Rating: 4.9580712 out of 5
Keywords: chef pasquale, orsararecipes, cooking, italian cooking, italian recipes, Asparagus Frittata, Easter Frittata, easter recipe, food, foodie, easter breakfast, breakfast recipe, Easter Frittata with Asparagus
Id: 5BV267zkxu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 06 2014
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