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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for posting every video he does- I had a bad power outage and for some reason YouTube doesn’t wanna load. You are the only way I can watch markiplier vids. Thank you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ARC_3pic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to pogo stuck we've made it to this mustache looking lip and that's good because what that means is that i've made progress and that's good i think i don't know exactly where to go from here oh no oh that can't be good oh that this this can't be good what is the wind okay okay okay [Applause] it was i just started i didn't know how could i have known [Music] oh no oh frick i'm gonna delete the game i'm gonna delete the game i'm just gonna delete the game you know what that's the only logical response i think is just why keep it why keep the thing that hurts you around you why would you do that why would anybody do that what the frick was that what minuscule people what minuscule piece of that mountain did i just grab onto because i am struggling to understand exactly what it was that i touched that the game thought yeah give him that because i'm pretty sure that's that is a completely oh my god when i say remind me tomorrow i really mean that oh my god oh my god oh no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god god of course oh my god oh no no no no oh my god [Music] i [ __ ] hate this game ladies and gentlemen i've officially given up i'm not doing this anymore i don't like it i'm not having fun and since i'm not having fun i'm going to cheat and i'm going to use one of their cheat modes which is the double jump and i'm going to have a great time using it because i don't care anymore still not good apparently this makes it so much easier oh my god it takes some getting used to to understand how double jump is going to change the game for me but at the same time oh my god it's so much easier oh my god it's so much easier oh my god i never have to flip again oh i can flip but i don't have to flip oh it's so beautiful oh my god it is so beautiful oh my god it's so much nicer oh but i'm still terrible but i'm not doing i've got freaking cheats and i still can't get it okay i just gotta i gotta use the double jump as like a saving grace okay not that apparently oh my god oh god i was just just just as bad it just takes some getting used to it's just i i just need to get used to it because it is a beautiful thing but my goodness it can it's a little tricky okay just go up and up and here and there here and there no too far it's okay i'm up boing oh god there we go yeah that's what i'm talking about yes yes i'm here i'm back baby i'm back i'm on a roll i'm back baby i'm among the flowers again everybody oh my god i'm among the flowers oh no there i go through the gap yes yes perfect oh my god oh my god it's so much better i'm so happy i'm crying i'm crying i'm so happy i'm so happy i'm back i have the double jump and i still am having trouble getting back to the point where i just was i think i i've earned this just let me have this i'm actually having fun again oh my god please i'm actually having fun again okay you know what okay you know what i'm having fun again here we go yes okay so what is the deal with this wind what what are you supposed to do with the wind are you supposed to fight it oh my god there's no fighting that how would you fight that oh my god nope okay how do you how do you beat the wind are you supposed to ride it are you supposed to ride it like to the right to the right point oh yes baby oh yes baby where am i going why is this all goopied am i supposed to get on that oh my god yes oh no ah thank you i think what i'm supposed to do is get on here yes oh god no i'm up maybe ah man i never would have gotten this in a million years i never would have gotten this you know actually i don't even know if i need that ah [ __ ] i do i did i did oh wow this is super down oh [ __ ] ah frick a hole is this good bad i don't know if it's good or bad was it good bad good bad i don't know oh my god oh my god b b b b i was supposed to do that with no double jump how would you ever have done that oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is unbelievable they are joking they are so joking oh my god they're joking a million ways from sunday oh my god oh my god they are out of their minds these people there's no way you would never do that in a million years you would never be able to do that what are they thinking i have double jump and i can see how hard that would be oh my god they're out of their minds they're just straight up out of their minds there's no way no human would ever ever be able to do that ever good thing i double jumped oh there we go oh frick okay that's just delightful this is tough i don't know how i got down on those bees on the first try but my god this is absurdly difficult without this double jump there's no way oh my god you see jesus ah fricka frack sassafraca frack a lack of my fraca assa okay where am i going exactly i think i need to go on the bees here oh my god they are out of their minds they're just plain old crazy oh my god they are complete they're gone they they're just they're they're freaking gone are you joking me oh my god you gotta hop from b to b climbing up the whole goddamn way are you joking me oh my god what am i doing what am i doing i've got a double jump how am i still getting frustrated when i have a cheat code okay i'm gonna do it the way they intend hop from b to b uh too much there we go and oh my god that was a such a threading of the hole interesting interesting god i'm still not happy [ __ ] oh come on the [ __ ] the [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god i'm just guessing that they want you to boost jump it has to be right b to b with a boost beat a boost on the b yes that's got to be it and then i'm recovering i'm recovering oh i didn't need that damn it damn it damn it damn it god damn it oh my god oh wow what the hell [ __ ] i don't understand how they think that this is okay you know what i'm gonna do this because i can because i got this silly boost i'm gonna use it i'm up here now oh god i'm down here now oh god all right cool yeah you know what that's fine yeah you know what okay i'll go i'll go your way oh no i won't no i won't no i won't no i won't no i won't what was i thinking no i won't of course i won't go your way of course i won't because your way is impossible of course i won't what was i thinking i'm an idiot who was i even oh yeah that's how i wanted to ride that yes lose all my momentum oh i was hoping that i was gonna lose that i was like yes it's too easy with all this momentum i better hope that someone takes away someone wise and understanding about my predicament and my situation and my mental well-being someone who really [Applause] someone who really oh my god i've done that before oh my god stop being an [ __ ] what the hell was that oh my god oh my god stop no god why was i able to do that the first time and now i'm never able to get on the [ __ ] bees again just what the hell this is just unfucking believable oh my god really oh my god oh here we go all skill baby all skill oink nope nope all [ __ ] skill [ __ ] off hello yes b [ __ ] yes b [ __ ] you are now my b [ __ ] you are now my b [ __ ] and i am a cruel mistress mr master i don't know whatever oh no no no no god damn it well that was fun while last okay that was not fun wallet okay i am so mad i am so mad i'm oh my god i've made it a little farther so that's kind of cool oh is it up there oh my god oh my god really holy [ __ ] oh no wait i knew there was no way there was no way there's no way it was going to happen holy [ __ ] okay don't touch those got it duly noted okay dooley ah [ __ ] dance it's gone okay ah drama i am so in control in absolute control of exactly where nope okay all right okay yeah oh [ __ ] me then oh my god you [ __ ] almost did that to me oh you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] off oh my god [ __ ] off the [ __ ] bees oh my god i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind to these [ __ ] bees [Applause] oh my god where am i oh i don't know where i am where am i going i don't understand where i'm going okay sure ah frick fruck frack [ __ ] god oh hey actually [ __ ] no why god just [ __ ] leave me alone oh [ __ ] god [ __ ] dammit [Music] uh thank you everybody so much for watching subscribe for more ring the bell to know what i'm uploading and to appease my rage like the video now and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,610,115
Rating: 4.9703941 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, rage, pogostuck, markiplier rage, getting over it, funny rage, earth shattering rage, pogostuck rage, pogostuck funny, pogostuck new map, pogostuck gameplay
Id: Ir5u9L4VZOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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