dysFUNCTIONal: Brian and Jennea Welch // Loud Krazy Love // Justin Miller (Message Only)

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Welcome to Real Life Online and thank you for joining us today. Real Life is a church for real people just like you and we want you to know that God is crazy about you. Please take a moment right now and click on the share button and share this experience with your friends and family. This week we are wrapping up our dysFUNCTIONal series with an interview between Pastor J and special guests Brian and Jennea Welch. Brian Welch is the guitarist and co-founder of the rock metal band Korn and he just released a new documentary called Loud Krazy Love which gives it inside looked into his life and his faith and how that has impacted his identity as a father. Stay tuned for this powerful interview you won't want to miss. Thanks again for joining us today. Let's get ready for Real Life Online. She's cute huh. I have plenty of memories from when my dad was in Korn. I love you daddy. Peek-A-Boo. It changed my perspective on how I saw like love. I'm just scared that I was gonna screw up the kid like I was screwing up myself. I had an addiction to meth, methamphetamine. All the other kids had their mom and dad come to mothers day or fathers day. I couldn't stop being bad to my body. I couldn't stop these addictions. I had become an animal. I just looked up and I just said Father, I can't pray when I'm on drugs. Do anything you want to my life. How do I pay a phone bill? How can you change so suddenly? How do I know this is real? I used to be afraid. He's like Jennea I'm quiting Korn. I'm going to stay home and I'm like is that even allowed? I was devastated. God's telling me to do this and God's telling me and I'm like. That was an act of love for himself and his daughter. But I immediately started making bad choices. He'd been physical, punching holes and walls. She just couldn't connect with anybody. I assumed things were gonna be different. People offered her drugs and like dangit. I got physical. I flipped tables. I can't control my rage. I'm stressed out. I just wanted someone to realize I'm hurting. She says I cut myself because of you. And I said I hate you. I gave up everything for you. (Music) Everybody that doesn't live their life like this, that's who's crazy. (Music) Guys would you please help me welcome our friends Brian and Jennea Welch to Real Life. (Applause) Thanks yall! (Applause) I swear the movie has a happy ending. I promise. Promise. I know it's pretty intense that trailer but life is good. Well it's got to have sort of a happy ending. You're here right? Oh yeah. Well let's, let's talk. First of all welcome. Thank you guys for coming. Super good to have you here. Thanks for having us. We're so honored to be here and Real Life is like family to me and yeah. Me too! (Applause) So we're actually wrapping up a series called dysFUNCTIONal so welcome. (Laughter) Did you start it off with your family? (Laughter) And ended with yours. That's right okay but. Sheesh. So here's what's cool to me though because we're actually finishing up and it was sort of like okay I think that God can bring function into our dysfunction. It's part of the amazing thing that he does. You guys have an incredible story and a movie about it but also next weekend we're starting a series called Miracles and how nothing is impossible and God shows up in our lives. So we can either say that you guys are ending the dysFUNCTIONal series or you're kicking off the Miracle series. It works either way right. It's kind of a combination. I think it is. I'm proud to be dysfunctional because God comes in and shows off his miracles in dysfunction. Boom! (Applause) Alright let's pray. No, so talk to me about the movie. So Loud Krazy Love. You guys put yourselves completely out there for the entire world and how's God using that movie? It's incredible. Just recently I heard of one of the directors that directed the movie went and past flyers out in Dallas for the theater showing there and he went to a rock concert and there were some people out there and he passed out a flyer to the big old guy and the guy looked at it and said can I talk to you for five minutes somewhere private and he said no but you can talk to me for two minutes right here and the guy proceeded to break down and he was crying and he said he's thinking about ending his life. He made it a point to say I'm not a Korn fan but, but I just thought about what if I could change my life like that guys and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why you're passing, how you're passing this flyer out to me right when I'm thinking about this morning so that was really cool. The movie played all over Australia and this girl from Event Cinemas there put it in over 40 theaters. I went on a tour there. She couldn't go. She was starting college and she gotten like really rocked by God. Her name is Alison. She's my friend now and it's really cool what God's doing. Super cool. (Applause) And then Jennea, so how about you? Are you hearing from I mean are young people responding to the fact because you put yourself out there in a very vulnerable way. Sure did. It definitely took a lot of strength but yeah we've seen lots of parents and families just learn skills and gain a lot of things from it and the boarding school that I went to, Awakening Youth, they've get been getting calls off the chain. So it's been awesome. Some people are getting help? Absolutely. They're coming for it. That's always a good thing. Remember when me and you went to Fox News and I did what was it? Remember the show? Yes, yeah but I don't remember the name but yes. Shannon. Shannon. Shannon. Shannon from Fox News. Yeah we were on there. I think she liked you but. She's married. Oh well, then she didn't like you. (Laughter) She's really cool. Actually I saw her on Mike Huckabee. We went on the Mike Huckabee show like a week ago. Two weeks ago and Mike Huckabee played a Korn song with me. It was so sick. He plays bass. He was like. He was awesome. Shannon was there. I got to talk to her all right. I'm having a hard time picturing that so I think we're gonna have to move on but Mike Huckabee playing Korn. But remember that night that we were there and awakening got like so many calls that next day and everything and so yeah it's a lot of stuffs happening. God's using it. Well and to get right with God you have to get real with God. You have to like say I need help right? Isn't that sort of the first step? So I say that every day basically. Lord I'm a mess. I need help right now and all day today and then the next day I'll be right here asking for it again so see you. But he loves that uh and I think when we're prideful and self-reliant and we think we've got it all figured out we really can't get help but in our desperate mess God comes to us and that's what I loved about the movie. Had an allergic reaction to it so I can't watch it again because every it just, I swelled up here. I don't know if you've ever seen a movie that did that (Laughter) and uh but it got me and it particularly I saw God breaking down your walls and you were sharing and you know you're crying and you know when people cry and then you cry too so I really didn't cry. It's pretty rough. It is but that was a powerful scene but God penetrating those walls and digging stuff out. Talk about that a little bit. Um I mean, I don't know I feel like I mean I've been through like a, like a good amount of childhood trauma you know. Like whatever. Like mom leaving and whatever and so I think talking about it, we spent in the interview during in the documentary you'll see when you see the movie I was 15 years old and I was in the middle of my, my treatment my program and just like feeling everything and really when, when I went through that interview that's when the deep healing started because I was able to address those things and so it was very hard but the only reason I'm sharing it is so other people can learn and grow and get skills. Amen. That's and I think sometimes that's the part of our story we have to get over. It's not about us. You know I've heard you say that. You know it's not about me. I've got to put myself out there so other people can see Christ in me. Okay so talk about a little bit Jennea if you don't mind what it was like growing up as a rock stars daughter. Was that just, that had to be perfect right? Oh gosh. I feel like people who look at celebrities and the people in the industry and think it's so fun and they get to do all these things and whatever and it's just like, it's just the polar opposite. Like you're isolated. You can't trust anyone because all they want is they just want stuff from you and it's just very hard to trust people and so growing up in that like my mom was out of the picture and I was three and I went on the road with him and he would go to her and I slept on the bus and yeah it was it was fun. Like they took they made sure to have like give me a normal I guess go to the playground and hang out whatever but I don't know some like parties and stuff. Some things like I saw things that I shouldn't have or girls in the crowd or whatever and it was just it just opened me up to a lot of like sexualization I would say as a young age and it was you know it wasn't a place for a kid. My bad. (Laughter) He did like the absolute best that he could to make sure that I was good but some things it was just the life. We were just wild animals out on the road and everything and and then she was born and so the first five years of her life I was struggling with this guy that wanted to be a wild animal and a great dad and so by the time see her she hit like five or six years old she was coming out on the road with us but when she was a little bit before six years old that's when I left the band and went straight into like Jesus fanatic you know so she's got. You got the best of both worlds. Yeah right. The worst of both worlds. How many parents just need to say what Brian said? My bad! (Laughter) Look maybe for Father's Day just gather your kids together and be like "My bad." But I feel like there's tension there because we do try and we try the best we can but it's not enough. I don't know that any dad feels like man I just nailed it. I did everything right. I provided perfectly. I was the spiritual leader. I walked into that home and they were like there's Jesus. He's in that man right there. Like I mean just going to his house and everything I thought I would see that but I saw the like the opposite. (Laughter) I mean...oh my gosh. You know so he's, he's a failure like all of us (Laughter). But I love what you said seriously though, I love what he said like he keeps... Your a bigger failure. Just kidding (Laughter) Ok, I'm a bigger failure. I'm totally kidding. But uh just about you saying like we're just kids that God, how'd you say it? Oh yeah like that's what having this understanding of our parents cuz we look at our parents we think they're perfect. We think they're awesome and then they let us down. We see that they're human at some point and we're like oh oh but if you can just, kids right now, kids of all ages, no matter how old you are if you can just learn to look at your parents as kids who are wrinkly. (Laughter) Right. They're just wrinkly kids like they just are children who got old. Yeah and they still have their own issues they're working out. Now they have all this pressure added to them but they were also hurt and people have done things to them and they're trying to figure stuff out and maybe life wasn't good and they're doing the best they can and so they just got older but also had a bunch of pressure added to them and if we can just look at our our parents as children. I love it because it's so true. We just learn like I'm still that kid that make mistakes all the time but I just learned like adult things to do you know. Like you know the banking and the investing or whatever and traveling and you know and all that stuff but emotionally and everything I fail a lot and and I make mistakes. So I mean that's all of us here right? We can agree together compared to God we're definitely like kids. (Applause) That's why in the Bible he calls us children a lot. You know it's like we're children of God? Why are you calling a grown man or grown woman a child of God? Because compared to him that's what we are. And he's our perfect, that's right. That's so good and that Jesus chose to reveal God as a dad. As our Heavenly Father. Let's talk a little bit about okay so you grow up in the dysfunction of rock and roll but then I would say that you also had a little trauma from radical conversion. Was there anything I mean was that a little bit wild? Your dad goes from cuz you're pretty extreme so I guess if you're gonna do anything it's gonna be like woo hoo! I'm gonna get baptized in the Jordan. Woo hoo! That's what it was. It's like you know the heart was right though and then sorry. I don't want to interrupt if he was asking you but I was like, I was to me I had good motives because it was like I'm gonna go 100% in the flesh in the drugs before. I did it all 100%. Rock and roll, drugs. All that stuff and then I'm like so Jesus is gonna get like 10%? Oh Jesus take my drugs away and then and then I'm just gonna be like you know complacent or whatever. No I'm gonna go a hundred percent for Christ and I still do to this day but I got a little bit nuts with it at first and unfortunately she saw and experienced some of the like just fanaticism of religion. Let's talk a little bit about that cuz you're a young Christian and you're just trying to find your way and go all-in but like because I think a lot of children grow up in homes that are dysfunctional in the one end but then also may be spiritually dysfunctional and so just I know you could share a little bit about that. Been through it all man. Yeah I've definitely seen both sides um. I was raised being like I guess like rock stars daughter or whatever and then also like a pastor's kid. So it was just I saw the pros and cons of both sides and so when when he found God it was pretty radical and like we like moved out of town and moved to Phoenix Arizona and I was just like 7 so. Is that where you move when you want to get right with God? Is it Phoenix? (Laughter) Yeah, you go to the desert. That's the place. That makes sense. Yes you go right to the desert. That's what Paul did. That's biblical. It's what Jesus did you know before his public ministry okay. There you go some of you were like moved to desert step 1. (Laughter) Got it. Yes so I was just a kid. When you're that little you kind of just go with it and you just take it all in because it's the first time you're experiencing things and so yeah I mean I saw he was going through a lot of healing. Even just like as a kid like self hate, those things that were rooted and then also I mean I assume withdrawals and whatever and just dealing with personal things and working them out with him and God. He just happened to have a kid like watching TV in the next room you know and so it would, he would get angry and whatever and just kind of like deal with you know deal with it. Then I would be okay. I'm taking her to rock concerts. She's seen all this stuff you know. I'm trying to keep her away from the adult stuff but somethings slipped through the cracks. Then I find Jesus. I leave the band and I'm like you can't watch that show because there's a witch on that even though it's Disney show. But I'm like and then I'm the extreme the other way and so the poor kid is trying to like you know figure it out and I you know I meant, I meant well but in my mind then it was like I'm gonna keep all evil away from us because I got away from all the bad stuff and so oh evil's gonna try to sneak through a Disney show with a witch you know (Laughter) you know what I'm saying? No...I dunno what you're saying. (Laughter) I was paranoid man. I was paranoid and I know a lot some of you people have been in church for decades and did the same thing you know it's just like get a little crazy with it and it's like come on. Just like you get to reality here you know. Well sometimes it's the spirit of religion rather than a relationship with Christ. Ooo right. That's it. Mic drop. (Applause) And so instead of growing in a real relationship with Christ we get this spirit of religion and we build lots of walls rather than bridges you know to the world and to go and make disciples it's kind of like no I'm just gonna stay here and everything stay out and and maybe we need that for a season sometimes to protect ourselves but here's what I think sometimes happen and this is what I need for you to speak to Jennea is that maybe we grow up in a home where our parents are Christian and we go to church but then we also see things that don't necessarily measure up to the life or the Word of God and I think that can cause resentment. Right kids will see like oh you're supposed to be this Christian but you have anger issues and I mean you saw your dad struggling in that season. Yeah, him struggling and then also I mean I guess he he got involved with some Christian partners, some business partners and they ended up being phony and then like having him sign all this stuff and then they dipped out and it was just I was just watching this all unfolded and like 11 years old when it when he has to file for bankruptcy and I'm like okay. So we left our family and our friends to move to the desert to follow God and then all of this pretty horrible things are happening. Like, so this is God? This is what God led us to? Like what's that? This is rough. Like I don't really know if I want any part of this. You know at the same time in the in the midst of it I'm like probably given or too much information. You know she's hearing me on the phone like what do you mean? She did say she was 11. Yeah. Yeah a lot of kids at 11 are watching Care Bears. Yeah. Well you know what? Maybe not Care Bears. I don't know. Dora? (Laughter) No not Dora. I forget. Spongebob! So good. A little edgy. You know what's an interesting dynamic between like father-daughter is that the mom isn't there. Like the wife role isn't there so in some circumstances I had to step up in that so he could, there was no one else he could confine in and confide in you know what I mean and so sometimes he would, I feel like a lot of like single parents and kids feel like that. But at the same time in my mind I'm like trying to teach her spiritual things too so she's like are we going to be okay? I'm on the phone going what do you mean we're gonna lose our house? Daddy we're gonna be okay? I'm like you know showing her God's gonna provide for us. Don't worry you know. He promises and meanwhile I'm like believing it but fearful too at the same time cuz I'm watching my house go away but you know so a lot of things like when in the movie I talked about there was a time where I lost everything and we played a game about looking for quarters. I go you go into your room and look for quarters in your drawers and I'll go in the kitchen, into my bedroom and whoever has the most quarters wins and that was gonna buy her lunch that week. That's real. I had family I could call but I was too you know, I was embarrassed and so but so I was teaching her God's gonna show us and then sure enough that week I got a check. A big check that I didn't, it wasn't coming. It wasn't expected. Manager found some money that was mine that was tied up so she got too much info at too young of an age but you know like I said I'm a failure a lot but I try my best. I'm a lot better now. That was years ago. Yeah, you did you did the absolute best. Thank you! I love you. (Applause) I love it! Part of the reason you're here is because God has done some miracles. He's restored you and your relationship is precious and you guys travel together and you go like vacation together and I've seen you guys a lot and I think there's probably been moments where you've had to just, Gods had to help you forgive and make peace and I see a lot of people not doing that. Like they hold their parents in contempt because they did something wrong and then it's just they can't move past that and as a young adult you're 21 right? 21 July 6. Boom. It's coming. (Applause) All right so yeah. So as a young adult how did you, as a young person make peace with some of the things that happened in your past and forgive your dad or to show grace? It took a lot of maturity honestly. I mean it's it's some people don't forgive their parents until they're way older but for me it was learning selflessness and also a lot of counseling. I went through years of just counseling in my program and just learning why I felt certain ways and understanding the situation throughout my ages I guess. When I was 15, 16 I didn't quite get it but 17, 18 I was like oh I'm almost an adult. Oh he was that old when that happened. Oh okay. He was just, he was so young. He didn't know any better you know and so I think it took a long process and I think forgiveness comes in layers really. But the number one thing for me was knowing that my mom and my dad did the absolute best that they could. You know I mean that what they were capable of they did the absolute best they could and that was you know that was enough and that their mistakes don't define me as a human being you know. (Applause) I make my own path and God helps. Yes! I think you know no one has a child and holds the baby and looks at them and feels like you know I'll try, I'll give them you know I'll try. You know it's like our desire is to be the best parents even like the most flawed people hold there baby and like they want to give them the world and so just think about that with your parents you know. It's just we're just broken man and and some people are way more broken than others and she, she even says like she forgave her mom. Her mom left her at an early age but she's like, she did her best she could - but she's just too broken to - she just didn't get it healed and like some people do you know and so that's a big step just knowing that people are broken and and knowing that their desire was to be like the best parent they could. Showing grace to parents is just a big thing. Again just look at your parents and go big kids. Wrinkly kid trying you know and just love them and and accept because also while they had a part to play and getting you where you are God is the one who's gonna get you where you're gonna go (Applause) and he takes us where we are meets us there and says let's go from here because the story of all of our lives is His grace and it's for his glory so okay. I want to talk a little bit because you're so vulnerable in the movie which I know had to be hard but self-hate, self-harm. Like there was a lot of that and that's so prevalent in this generation and I feel like God's given you a voice and a courage to speak to it. Yeah that's honestly my number one passion is just young people and teenagers dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm. When I was I'd say when I hit middle school all of the things I went through as a kid I started to feel them instead of just experiencing them as a little kid. I started to realize that they hurt and so um I don't know I met some girls in my school who liked self-harm. They would like cut with like razors or like burn themselves with lighters or whatever just, just I don't know just to feel something you know. That they didn't have the voice to share that they were hurting so that was a way to say that they were hurting and so I kind of thought that was like edgy and cool and like I didn't know how to face myself either and so and I noticed that those girls got a lot more attention than the kids who were like good and did good in school and we're doing okay so I just I don't know I thought that was a way that I could be like hey I'm hurting. Like look at me. Like I said I'm hurting and so yeah it's very prevalent and with both parents at work and just like the early child development that just isn't prevalent when the kids are working it's or when, sorry when their parents are working, it's just that's and with social media it's just very hard. So what would you say to kids who are dealing with that and their emotions are finally catching up to their experiences and they don't know how to handle it? Well when you're a teenager feelings are so overwhelming you guys know it's just so yeah just overwhelming. I would just say that you're worth fighting for. I would say that yeah, you add substance and beauty to the world and you don't have to take extreme measures to tell people that you need help. You know what I mean? There are healthy ways to receive help and love yourself and learn to receive joy and true. So reach out though. Let somebody know right? Yeah. I think the number one from me that helped me was yeah just reaching out and talking about it to people who really care about you and family isn't always blood deep you know and so reaching out to people who just care about you. Whether it's a friend or an aunt or your mom and dad. Just saying that you're hurting and asking for help and sometimes when you don't want to get up in the morning look for a passion. You know like and if you can't find a passion within yourself follow someone who does. Like even Pastor Justin. Like he has a passion for ministry and people and the church and so follow him until you find your own. (Applause) I just want to add that the easiest thing to do like sometimes what looks easier is to go medicate you know teenagers get into the wrong stuff and they just you know follow the crowd and everything. Something needs to rise up in these kids in this generation to like do something that's maybe harder which is to work on your stuff so that when you are out of school which will be a blink of an eye. Time goes by so fast you'll be ahead of the game because you're talking, you're communicating your emotions. You're getting in and you're, you're seeing a counselor or following someone like Justin... well maybe not Justin but (Laughter) someone else that good in this church but but uh but you know what I'm saying just get ahead of the game kids. Like, like don't go and fall in the traps and self-medicate and do all that stuff. Talk about your issues so that you'll be ahead of the game. When you graduate you're not gonna be emotionally stunted growth you know. You're gonna be ahead of the game and more advanced and your future will be brighter. So that's just my. God has plans for you for sure. Yes. Yes. Okay so well I just think about like when Jesus heals us right, you know he would cast out demons and it's always loud and messy. The demons would shriek as they leave and so sometimes we experience this mess right like the demons would, would shriek. It's messy. It's loud and that happens and that was you're like well loud crazy love right and and so but we're in process with God and we're never really there but we're trying but what are some of these spiritual disciplines? The miracles always there's God's part but then there's our part. What are some of the things that you feel like you had to do to experience God's power and his miraculous love in your life? The good thing for me is like I was, I had a hunger for it. Like I said I felt that a love from another dimension. I felt Christ's love and I was like wait. I want that. I don't want to chase a high that is making me feel like I want to kill myself. You know the alcohol that I wake up sick every day. I want this feeling that I felt when I prayed to God and it wasn't instant. It took like a couple weeks or whatever but I felt this you know that the love of God it says is poured out by the Spirit into our hearts. I felt that and I was instantly addicted and so my disciplines were like you know I walked away from the band. I wanted to be a good father. I went to church and I was like okay cool. Yeah. Church is cool on Sunday. Now what are we doing Monday? What? They're closed? Okay I learned to worship God by myself and I listened to messages by myself and I I devoured the Bible. Not, you know I just, you got to learn the word. That word has to get in you and like the New Testament is so important and I read it over and over again until you know God, it says God, His eyes roam around the earth looking for a heart that's completely his and once you don't quit, when he sees like a person that does not quit, he starts to unveil mysteries that are so like ancient and so like wonderful that it's there's nothing like it on the planet and so that's what that's what I did. That's a long answer but that was my spiritual discipline was just going after everything that he had to offer. Nice. (Applause) Have you got anything that's helped you get right with God? Get closer to God? It's I think that that phrase is so funny because I feel kids who have been raised in church like a lot of it becomes stale and watered down in your heart you know and so it's like get right with God. It's like when you're when you're like a pastor's kid it's like oh like what? Like that's my whole life and so but I think getting right with God means getting real with him you know and like asking questions and almost inviting, yeah inviting him in and he was so gracious to me that he put me in a place, in the program but a place where I had his or yeah, I had his fully, undivided attention you know because I I didn't have my phone and I was with almost like a like a monastery type thing and so yeah he just he was so kind. Do you think that's important like for people to be able to get alone and hear from God and cut themselves off a little bit from the noise? Hundred percent that it saved my life honestly and and he in doing that he gave me a hunger for him you know. Instead of he tried everything and blah, blah, blah. Not blah, blah, blah...sorry. He tried everything and he and he searched for it. I, he brought that hunger to me again so we could have a mutual relationship. Love it. And she's 20 years old so she's still going, she's still figuring it out you know just like I'm I am in my age but she's 20 you know and she's so far along. I'm really proud of you. Thanks. Yeah. (Applause) Yep what a good Father's Day message. Speaking of age you got a birthday this week. Yup. 49. Big 4 -9. (Applause) Yeah and then our new band wrinkly kids, we're gonna release an album (Laughter) next month. Band name. Called it. No, I just did. No, you didn't call it. Wrinkly Kids. We are the wrinkly kids. That's what every, every time I have a band name and you have to say we are the you know like you're in front of the crowd and nobody wants to come to our shows. I don't understand. I think that is one of the themes though for this Father's Day is just that hey we're all kids that got older and as we get older though we don't have to get, I mean as we get older we can get closer to God because outwardly we're wasting away the Bible says but inwardly we are being renewed day by day or be made young. Talk to me. Yeah and at one translation yeah yeah. It's just like you can translate that. It's like you're getting, I'm getting younger and younger that you know as my outward body is wasting away. That's kind of sad but but you know what I'm saying. Renewed day by day. Renewed. I'm getting renewed and so I have it I have like a childlike joy that just won't go away. Yeah. It doesn't go away. You know a lot of people that don't have this can they'll get older and they get more grumpy and they get "Oh, did you see what Trump did today?" You know what I'm saying? It's like what's what's the point of that? You argue, you argue about politics and then you and then you're getting ready to probably go pass away in the next you know a couple decades or something. It's like I want to find joy man. I don't want to fight. I want this joy that's eternal you know what I'm saying? (Applause) Say that. What would you say as we kind of wind down just speaking to somebody maybe who's on the other side of the hope that you found in Christ because he's restored your life. He's restored your relationship. He's using you also so you're actually being used by God to change other people's lives but there are people who are on the side of this story where you were and and what would you say to them? You know they're stuck in their dysfunction or their pain or their addiction. I mean I would just say like I said before like you you're worth fighting for. Don't give up on yourself and your relationships you know and even if you have to cut unhealthy people off God will use every person's, every person's mistakes that they've caused you pain, he will turn, he will heal you and turn them around so you will learn and be able to help other people. (Applause) That's good. Yep. And not trying to plug the movie but check the movie out. It comes out this Tuesday actually and watch our story man. It's good. It's available on Amazon, iTunes and all that and DVD but watch our story because it is proof that no matter how bad of a place you're in it's not where you're gonna stay. It's not where you're gonna stay. God is a God who resurrects from the dead. Jesus is the proof of that and now he resurrects things in our lives to show that he's real and active and alive and still someone that raises from the dead and so he's raised our life from the dead, he's gonna raise your bad circumstances and bring life to them and so yeah never give up. (Applause) Preach. That's what I always felt like my story, I'm a poster child for grace. You know like I'm that one of those people that God just said hey watch this. Look at that guy. He's a mess but I'm gonna stick him on my billboard. So I'm a grace poster child. Like, like if God can change me and then I looked over on my billboard and yours is up a little higher. (Laughter) Yeah it's like you're you guys are your poster children for grace. Oh God loves failures man. He's like he loves failure. He's like just watch what I can do with this failure you know and it's like he's like, he's not a failure to me because (Applause) That's, that's hot. I love that so much. God loves failures because a lot of times we're trying to be good and we're trying to be perfect to get ourselves in a position where we feel worthy of God's love and he finds us and he runs to us while we're still a long way off and he carries us home and and that's the love of the Father that Jesus tells us in that in the parable and and that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and so I love that the heart that you guys have and I love the story that you're willing to share because it's changing lives and so thank you so much. Will you guys just show some love and support for Brian and Jennea! (Applause) Thank you Real Life! Thank you so much. (Applause) Lot of truth. A lot of good stuff and you can just stay standing because I'm gonna pray for us and then I'm gonna give us an opportunity to just spend a couple minutes in worship just singing to the Lord and thanking him for what he's done but let's just talk to God right now. Thank you God for who you are and for what you've done. I want to thank you that you sent your one and only Son because you so loved us that if we believe and put our faith in Jesus we don't have to just die but we'll have everlasting life in him. Thank you God for this promise, for this truth, for this reality as its unfolding in so many of our lives right now and for those who are still just a step away from you God I pray that you would give them the courage to take that step to draw near to you because you want to draw near to them and in this moment just be glorified as our perfect dad who loves us. We just want to sing to you and thank you for your love in Jesus name, Amen. What an awesome interview between pastor Justin and Brian and Jannea Welch. If you have any questions or are in need of prayer we would love to hear from you. Please go to real.life/connect and someone will reach out to you soon. Also if you would like to stay up to date with what God is doing here at Real Life and always be in the know when we go live, subscribe to our YouTube channel now and follow us on Facebook. You can always check us out online at Real.life. Once again I want to thank you for joining us today and remember God's crazy about you!
Channel: Real Life Christian Church
Views: 37,491
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Real Life Church, Real Life Christian Church, relationships, dysfunctional relationships, relationship, relationship help, dysfunctional, functional relationships, healthy relationships, how do I have healthy relationships, bible, Jesus, God, Justin Miller, disfunctional, brian welch, jennea welch, korn, interview, loud krazy love, loud crazy love, fathers day, fathers, jenna welch, jeneya welch, jenaya
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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