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[Music] [Music] hey folks welcome back well I'm home I'm gonna go flying this morning take a quick flight to Mount Pocono Airport to check out more aviation there also an avionics shop the maintenance shop check out some stuff that they might be doing my panel this annual which is next month February so by decide not to even though if you take a quick peek here the ceilings are pretty good the sun's coming up but suppose being heavily heavily windy later and if you have to think about the weather two different times and three times you're better off grounding yourself and driving there instead of flying there because the winds supposed to be gusting to about 35 miles an hour and the winds at 25 to 28 miles an hour especially thinking worse how'd you go towards the Poconos so it's a little bit later on today so I'm gonna be safe about it and I'm gonna drive there I'm gonna check out the avionics and then I'll see you guys there see in a bit well we're driving I would rather to be lumped with the cars driving right now I'd rather be flying I do see a model I'm haze and fog out towards the west PA browse me to go son but I didn't fly out we're on the Parkway here we should be there probably at saying about 30 miles or so my house here well not from my house brother 15 minutes are 15 miles behind us so it's not too far away from my house it's probably our ties in about 15 minutes in the plane the team submits the plane so we really cruise at about 76 miles an hour right now Subaru's I say on and lane assist someone kind of steers by itself couple seconds there but a rather I'd be doing 155 knots anyway I'll see you guys when we get to Mount Pocono we'll check out some e onyx that I might be doing in my plane this a mule I am NOT on scene a bit so again when in doubt don't fly because it's snowing up here you see the cloud cover is pretty low very I just see the top of those trees over there and it's snowing so it a had to have turned around the birch County anyway but his thoughts at a loss a lot of time itself the gamma Prius a pretty conservative pilot so you know I if I ever have to second-guess myself with the AIDS of whether I do not flying up his Drive even if I didn't I'd far if I was flying IFR still it is 28 degrees now freezing conditions with the snow it's brain ice on her wings and without another bad day so getting there we're about our way see you guys and this is why you trust your instincts and for flight did say patches of snow so definitely a great idea not to fly this morning as you can see here I always talk about technology folks and this is one of the reasons why I talked about it the foreplay hat went over the weather hole in and this is what they predicted to try ahead this is what I'm going through right now and definitely cannot fly in this type of weather look at the tops of the trees over to our right or the left that's the tops there and so I'll be way below what my plane was meant to be for it with no the icing and done that stuff so again like I said before it's a second-guess yourself on weather or even winds or anything when you're flying don't fly like you folks could see I'm at the airport now Mount Pocono now Pocono musical airport and it is basically the first place I want to turn around and went back to Orange County side hey folks welcome back so we are here at motor aviation and check out the dine on system and this is the Sky View HDX and it's a 10-inch screen and that's what a basic look like in the Muny basing this exact setup times - I've said will have two of these or to come stack here it'll be one but this is basically the system note to you guys about before I met the guys in Oshkosh and this is really a really cool system as you see it gives you your fuel levels digitally all your gauges for your engine cylinder temperatures so on and so forth that goes on and on and on everything in one screen and of course when you have a flight plan it puts it up exactly where you're at on the right side and you can change this settings order to display any way you want so which is really really cool did you go down to display which is right here and you can basically change how you want to do it you can make it a full screen and now I'll give you everything turn coordinator you know all your tapes left side for your miles per hour or you're not such a say and of course your altimeter and altitude indicators are over here and you can move it around any way you want to do it compass and it's does GPSS they'll do everything for you at the Garmin stuff does for you at a much less price let's go back to display you can go to map on that side which is pretty cool again we have a flight plan put in you will have a magenta line and you know where you're going to go direct or a flight plan for vor flight plans or your Airways all will be right in front of you and you can change it in any way you want to change it and this is my PC first time here looking at this besides Oshkosh but then you go to engine and there's your engine and all depends how you're flying and of course cylinder temperatures and get the RPMs all that stuff is displayed and I'm gonna get two of these screens with my plan like I said not a hundred percent yet but this is the way to go for me I don't need the Garmin stuff because as you know it's it's an extra extra expense I don't have a twin I don't have and you know very very expensive plan to dump sixty thousand dollars the avionics and the - but this is a very very good system that I've looked at and looked at a lot of research on it's pretty cool pretty cool stuff and I'm just still trying to figure this out I've been messing with it before I go on the camera here with you guys but a lot of more to look at there did you have knobs so you can put you know when you're going you want to go to you know this is all kinds of fancy stuff here I'm still trying to figure out your altimeter so if ten or seven three one you know three one you know zero zero for example whatever extra altimeter and you have everything here it's pretty cool you had you do have buttons as well altimeter is there and this could be your knots how fast you want to go so let's say you want to go to 140 knots on it on a descend or departure you can do that and we go back to this knob here you push that it brings you again some more options user Berman and so it's a it's pretty it's a pretty cool stuff and it has so much stuff to do menu here's the autopilot such of information that can do it autopilot from here okay you can click on that you can do the autopilot from this screen you know nose-up nose-down altitude a whole track heading you know all kinds of fancy stuff here that you could do and let's do altimeter hold so out there hold so you get to your altimeter setting and you want to hold that 3700 they'll hold you there or you can exit out of here or you can go over here to the buttons on the unit and you can do it there as well and hopefully have enough light to show you here but you also have this stack level if you're an emergency you just hit level flight and now level off in case you get caught up in the clouds and they happen zero get disoriented you can hit that level flight you know bring the aircraft level for you but this system here is all over here as well so you hit menu which is right here then your autopilot and that's your autopilot settings go back to menu weather options of course your NEXRAD which is you know next right is six seven minute delay typically but here you have your settings whether you can display that on the screen not on the screen other functions here we don't see what else what else is I'm messing around with timer of courses they're stop time for your figure stuff you got to do with I have for stuff so it's really really really cool flight plan is right here I don't know how to believe that's with this stuff yet okay so I'm just trying to mess around with it but you can go to K let's just put a pin see what happens here this is all new to me it's like it's new to you guys right now okay and genie orders j mg j orange county insert that and then go to mg j november 4 3 we'll put in if I can do this I'm used to the buttons with my 480 so other than the member November 4 3 and that's brain an Airpark will insert that and then [Music] should be good to go I think navigate okay and that should navigate us to direct to Braden Airport so you know so I can get it I can get rid of basically all my steam gauges but yeah still trying to mess this thing a little bit I was talking to Pete over here at more aviation about some stuff but again this is a pretty cool system with the display option here you can do full screen split screens engine monitoring on one side as you could see here which is really cool it gives you the flap indicator and trim indicator all depends what you want to do you can also go back to display menu and do what you need to do you can oh you can make it any way you really want to and see your go-to settings and you can make it left this screen can be on the right side if you want it to be like that move everything over and then to have on the left side back to display go to settings go to the left change it back to the left you can have one side just engine monitoring but when you order the unit you know you give them your Poh Diane will put in all the red lines and yellow indicators for you so it matches your airplane on how it actually would work but this is basically what I'm looking at exit exit menu autopilot so it gives you everything you need to know and or to get what you want actually in an aircraft instead of having multiple display so this will get rid of my engine display and everything it to be basically all glass and not have to worry about it so everything is right here and I'm gonna half I would get to ten inch screens which this is a 10 inch screen one of the pilots I went on the one on the auto the copilot side of the airplane and obviously this is the backup so I would get this is very easy to use - you want to change your barometer very simple to use as well you can just increase it 3-0 Oh - very everything is easy buttons you have buttons to use also down here and an or you just use a touch screen feature display go back to map on that side anyone with this with the right side to use this button for the right side of the screen and then you would use this for this side of screen left side or you can just pinch it on how you want to do it move it around and then if I go back to where you were you would just hit this button right here and it brings you back to where you work and it gives you the flight plan information on the right side as well but back to here zoom in zoom out very easy to use I'm still messing with it a lot trying to figure out the direct direct navigate navigate said it also if you go back to my screen here where am I at here you click on this nope that's not it I was gonna do up there you go if you click on the airport you also really get remarks hopefully it's zooming in for you if not apologized I have the GoPro here but you can also run away information it gives you all the runway information so it has once one one two nine one six three four it's favoring one six so good way to win and whether you massage it's nothing to be reported as it's not hooked up to the weather this is just a demo unit and then you have the comms intelligible comms and you can just put them into systems you want to scroll down or up click on it departure frequencies approach frequencies and that's all my the recent stuff that was just messing with right here and then go back exit out and you're back to this particular screen but still mess around with this just navigation stuff here I'm gonna go to I don't get out of this exit I'm gonna display and I do full screen here but that's pretty cool to it to be able to have a full screen like that and then you can just change its altimeter I want to do it I'm actually look at crashing the display is hitting the mountains here whatever but it does have so this is all synthetic vision so that one also happened as I'm flying through some mountains here that's pretty cool so it's a pretty cool unit so this is what it would really really really you know I'm thinking to purchase and then if you go to your transponder you can do 1200 you know where's the zero zero all yours 1200 right then via Faro you can just hit VFR and then that will give you that on off ground standby so it's it's again you don't even have to have a transponder my l3 links transponder I have a my airplane will work with this so if I don't want to use my transponder push the buttons I would just I could just use this as my transponder you know three five two two five six ident right there no ident and you're done so then you go back to it do they change it you have a function to go back to transplant and you have a function here to go back and it'll also give you the time to want to do engine all kinds of autopilot features so if you want to change your your settings you can and then correct the auto pilot and then you can change what you want to do altimeter hold ice puck to get off so I could stop hitting the mountains here so took the altimeter hold off and then track obviously it's GPSS like I said before so this is a unit so over this side I'm not going to need this this is the zipper to comes I'm gonna hope you guys can see it I'm not gonna need this already have a comm stack already now I'm not going to really need this is for the autopilot for the pressure what else does just do yeah I'm not gonna need that altimeter hold rahmanir track I could just use this so I may not need this either but I'm gonna need which I want I don't have to have it it's already in here I like to have some hard keys just for the autopilot system in a level function this way goths bidders a passenger with me and I have some problem the passenger knows to hit level and they can figure it out from there with ATC but very cool system and this is also very easy to use and the radio I'm looking at is also the 540 through Avedon and that's this this is an older one so it's not the upgraded one but it's on display here and it says this would be might come GPS and all that fancy stuff whether it'll be on here right now I have Gorman 480 and it's very difficult to do a flight plan and if if I go direct I do a flight plan I go direct somewhere ATC says go direct to you cannot it's very hard to go back into the flight plan and do that but this system is so much more easier and this is what I'm also thinking about getting this this will be a backup I have to get that two of these screens with a little pilot and with my links transponder all will work together with this system and also with this system and this is going to be perfect for me and again this is an older than older one so it's not the updated version but it's similar but it's little more deep the newer one to 540 is a little more easier I don't have to get to 550 has the synthetic vision and so on and so forth I don't need that but I will get synthetic vision in the dinin describe you so I'm not gonna have to have that so I'm gonna see it myself $4,000 if I just go to 540 instead of the 550 so that's my also my plan because it's very you know easy and user-friendly to have this system and when it all works together it makes it a lot easier for me also because it's just easier and the flying that I do usually I go pretty far I don't really bring the cameras with me when I go far it's a lot easier safer and everything's right from it but there's just plain taking off it's in demo mode but there's a plane taking off and I can go over my autopilot I can bring it over here and using this this button here and then line it up with the Soviet planes turning their planes turning at a regular Bank and just line up it's like three zero zero and then you can do that everything is touched and the GPS has functioned this is will be built in is the autopilot right now is not ready yet per se for the Mooney M 20 C Ranger yet but what they're going to do is they would cut a hole for it and put a plate over it and this would be ready and all it is both go behind the unit here that's the unit that's house key the cuff skinny that screen is and that's the unit so it's basically plug it in and put it into the system here and that's how easy would be the pilot comes available which apparently I am told middle of 2020 which is six months away or so and all the other is put this in you know and plug it in to the back of the unit so but that folks is pretty much it and I also go to lose weight you lose some weight in the airplane so I get something a couple pounds of useful load nothing crazy crazy and also if when I get rid of the vacuum pump that will also save me some weights so that is pretty cool that's I'm thinking about doing and I'm gonna make a decision and very shortly so if anybody has any ideas you think this is a good idea or not let me know put in the comments below I'm gonna post this on my youtube channel here I've been getting a lot of emails that I'm doing and that's my that's my idea I always gotta get to G fives and wait for the autopilot to come out for the m20 see on the Garmin side it's not ready yet but if I'm going to spend it with two g5s and an autopilot 16,000 17,000 thousand dollars plus insulation folks that can tell you and I'll just go with something like this like I said before I'm not flying the twin I'm not flying a $500,000 airplane the two hundred thousand our airplane so if I can save myself twenty five thousand dollars and do this system now it's worth waiting to save more and more it's this is this a way to go and it saves me a lot of money I could be more comfortable paying for it and it does the same thing as a barman will do and it's that much less because you know what folks are never going to get your money back in avionics in an airplane you might get a little bit back when you come to sell it but not much so why would I throw $50,000 at it with Garmin when I can throw 25 $26,000 at it with the dine on system and have two screens you know instead of just one so that's where makes my decision really 90% to go with the dyno and again this is exactly what it will this is exactly what it's going to look like on my screen and again like I said their display functions you can change anything with settings however you want to do it the engine the bottom you put on the band and split it the engine could be on the side the you know it's so much you can do and what I would do is is I would on departure and on landing I will put the engine monitoring system right in front of me this is where the yokes obviously where the hole is for the yoke and that's about what my mine is on departure and landing I can just look exactly at all my oil pressure fuel pressure you know I got the tanks here on departure once once I get in the air and on my cruise at my you know my altitude what I will do is on the second screen I'll have over here I will just put the engine monitoring system and open this screen up with you know making this bigger and make that bigger for me maybe just be easier and the engine monitoring will be on the other screen on the co-pilot side and much bigger like I said menu engine tools what is this okay so you can do Lena peak fuel clear trip timer so so much stuff I got a really really do and I want to have you guys here forever be kind of boring let's see real quick and there you go so I'll probably have something like this on on the copilot side when I'm when I'm in cruise and on and on departure I will have get rid of the fuel gate get rid of the engine monitoring system and make this bigger and have a split screen of what I would do and that's to be right there just a map there's all sort of maps on this side which is basically my iPad and my tapes speed indicator altitude directional gyro and my turn my bank turned coordinator will all be on this screen once I get rid of the engine monitoring it just brings it up I also know how to do that right now guys there's so much to learn but it's pretty easy it all tells you and pretty big letters here where you need to go you can use the button or you can push the screen so whatever you whatever you want to do is you know easy in the buttons and there's no glare at all and this has they have a little tape here I don't want to pull that off but without this tape there'll be less of a glare for me so folks there you go there you have it that is gonna be what I'll be looking at the dine on sky view 10 inch screen it's only 1200 hours and less for the smaller screen so I'm gonna get two of the 10 inch and then it also might might not go with the avid ein 540 I can get a good price because all my Garmin stuff that I have now will be for sale and will be sold I can make money off that they'll come up to tray all the connections the GPS it's WAAS so I can get some bucks for that which would not this down in price so that's my decision so far this is what I'm thinking to do so far and hopefully you guys think it's pretty cool I think it's it's great for the price and we'll see what happens I'll keep you guys updated and but that's all I have for you today again I'm at Moyer aviation in Mount Pocono Airport great group of people here they do all kinds of stuff actually I've been guys outside here you can see they do full twins are doing everything today it's a great great operation they have here Kurt's a manager and he's a great guy in seven days a week what they operate the sacks how busy they are impede the avionics guy is topknot she's putting stuff and it's very expensive planes and cheaper planes so I have no problem with the what these guys working on my aircraft at all but like always guys any questions you have it all let me know you can email me at pilot fun 101 at you can also put some comments below and it's like I'm doing subscribe to my channel I appreciate that and time on Facebook as well you know over 12,500 followers on Facebook I just if this guy is good in my youtube channel that is great but we're working on it so any questions let me know folks okay hopefully this one with this side one probably today and I'll let you guys know maybe I'll wait until after the comments to pull the trigger on this stuff alright guys like always fly safe be safe until next time I'll see you
Channel: PilotFun101
Views: 2,468
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: small plane, foreflight, mooneym20cranger, mooney, flight, runway, orange county airport, new york airport, flight training, singe engine airplane, pilotfun101, pilot fun, aviation family fun, air traffic control, ATC, helping to inspire others, aviation, flight school, flight instruction, walk around, L3 Transponder, N6887N, #filmmaker, #goprophotography, #megaplane, instaaviation, #aviationlife, #airplane_lovers, #goprohero, PANEL & AVIONICS UPGRADE | DYNON & AVIDYNE | MOONEYM20C | N6887N
Id: hz1uHC14AD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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