Gear I use: Garmin G3X Touch, GMA245, GTN650, GTR200, G5

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we are cruising right now so 6500 feet and we have a pretty crazy headwind coming up folks right there so what is that - 2 6 0 at 43 knots so my true airspeed is 150 but my ground speed is 122 123 so we're tweaking taking 26 27 knots on the nose which is it great the we're going to camp eat a better team there's about 400 77 miles to go if we look at the other one so I have previous videos I have two g3x touch screens there are the 10 inch screens the left screen is just a regular second screen and the right screen has Sirius XM built in which mostly for the music I listen to music in flight and it's Sirius XM radio for our life in a straight line I used to have example weather as well but for 30 or 40 bucks a month it is absolutely not worth it I use a DSP instead which we have both screens here if I go to the weather page there we go so there's radar the magento or purple dancer where we don't have a video to be data right now twins the law etc etc yeah it is incredibly helpful and I think the other cool thing is I could just touch out an airport and look at the agents weather for that Airport just by touching through it I could look at the runways and it'll tell me what the win situation is off those runway what my preferred runway is of course you should always listen to the actual ADIS for real weather but you get a pretty decent idea for planning on a long cross-country or not planning a stop somewhere and I want to see what the weather looks like that's usually where I go to look and of course you can see getting NOTAMs ESP so make sure to check those before your flight and of course you've got all the airport information over here this I believe is not a opa it's a CU quick for directory info because I have the americas directory and for the americas database in here if it was just the u.s. database it would be a opa I can't say being able to tell the difference of course we can see you know all of the charts Airport diagram you know I'm not at the right page for this but you can zoom it into the whole the whole night so that are just a touch but back to maps so my usual setup on my screen here is on the PFD the PFD and MFE is I have the this set up on the on the left engine information on the far left and then split halfway down I usually have that map over here so I can switch it to charts right now there's an IFR chart in there which is not what I want right now I would like to change that to VFR because I'm not flying IFR and then it's just a regular of the fr chart and you can scroll around you know look at the airport then just like on the other chart I could see information about those airports just by touching on them the so there's bunch of tabs on the bottom you may have noticed that I'm rotating the big but big knob here so all the way to the left is the regular map projection the chart is the next one Waypoint information is the the next one over and that's you see me pull that one up I get information on the airport frequencies and I can just touch the frequencies and happy to ask me which radio to put it on so if you look up here the active red to the calm one so I'll touch calm one and it puts it into the standby for a cop one which is pretty heavy less less buidling of knobs runway information and the lights frequency right here if there are multiple runways there's a pulldown I can select which one routes one right Petit Jean which is my destination has no meter the closest mate sorry I believe is Russell Phillip it's a little further out this issue I have with a DSP sometimes I see some time most of the time I don't directory info there's a GPS approach over there weighs almost 6,000 feet it's pretty big betagen used to be a private Airport I believe Rockefellers own it's and owned all the land up there and they donated it to the states and now it's one of their new state parks with with airports that might have something here for one runway but fairly big so a bit of information on out there this is interesting because it says there's a gas I don't believe there actually is at that Airport but anyway definitely not at the week maybe it's a during the week kind of thing yeah hours yeah it's five call first okay so you probably have to call out for gas and then I can look at charts there's no airport diagram for this Airport it's not a terribly big Airport but I believe there's three oh this one approach all right have runway three which I could put in here I usually don't I usually have the charts on the other side and I have the regular map presentation on I'm here like plant info I'm just going direct betadine which is a good literature that which I'm doing tomorrow when I get up I'm gonna go to Little Rock I'm going to pop off there I know the feel there is a lot more expensive than all the efforts around but they have a crew car as they're happy to let me the crew car I'm gonna take the crew car into town to pick up some pizza at a place that I used to grab these two there way back then we live there 15 20 years ago so I'm gonna grab a pizza to eat for me and I'm going to grab a pizza did they call primary today there's a weather presentation here as well so if I want to see whether right here I don't need to look over there this is sort of an interesting thing right because I have two screens but the way the the screens are far apart with the radio stack in the middle it is actually not ideal for me to look at the right screen you can definitely do it but whenever I do it I noticed that I'm sort of craning my neck sort of moving my head over there I think if I would do this again I would maybe put two screens right next to each other and then put the radios back over there I don't know we'll see you know I showed you the other one as well temperatures along you can pick the altitudes complete lightning it's only sure his lightning information around here you can see the magenta no lightning meet ours if i zoom in yep there's all the meters everything is VFR all of the different air mats and I can click on them tango 4 turbulence get the information on the air myths that's pretty cool six minutes CFR as I see one TFR down there pi wraps there's a couple of high reps along our route a flight let's take a peek you a it's a regular PI rep the time flight level three to zero doesn't matter for us okay here's a flight level zero four or five flock of birds southbound it was a sea 402 which is what might sound I believe oh okay so heat it to PI reps on the parrots that's far enough away that I'm sure the vs is gonna be around anymore turbulence forecast nothing on the charts right now oh no here we go I just took a second for it to show up so it looks like we're in the yellow section of their screen coming up it is smooth as can be over here there is no turbulence whatsoever I see forecasts waiting for data I've had some issues with a dsb over Wi-Fi so this screen is connected to be a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth rather to the gdl 39 are in the back of the airplane and it had some random issues either over to work with garment to surf that out there pretty good might help you with that kind of thing but if I look over here and I see it also says waiting for data interesting so it's not a Wi-Fi issue let's take a look at info okay so it looks like we just haven't picked up Isaac forecast data from ATSB in a while or at all possibly cygnets as well and CONUS radar so we get two different radar beats we get continental and we get regional you regional is a lot more detailed so as long as I'm picking a breach at all it's giving you everything around you you've you thought your flight landing you know that you know the reason well you should be aware that you're you're not gonna be flying it to Supercuts is almost an hour old I don't know how often those get updated it's possible that it's hourly because it doesn't really show usually very much okay so that's it for whether there's radar again yeah so we were only seeing at the regional we're not seeing the national which is everything which is fine regional is like your jillion miles around us right it's almost all the way there perfect so that looks like it's 250 miles luteum I guess so we're good there there is a terrain presentation there is no terrain in our way lot country I can see traffic as well there's nobody blind today I don't know what's it's really gusty down low and I was you can see the wind has now got better it's now it's early 2-0 at 51 I wish that like I'm seeing and some of the data fields there's no checklist on this SIM card I believe this is my PFD two SIM card I need about the checklist onto there I have two sets of some parts if you want if you do em every one and every two and I swap them so when I update databases I always have either one or two I in my bag which I always have two sets of databases I've never had issues with the databases so it's not a big deal to you know you don't need to have two sets I just it just couldn't be so there's 11 gallons there's a 13 plus on the right tank these winds have died he drew so they're angled upwards and the fuel so there goes upwards like this right the airplanes here it's angled upwards lugger yeah the fuel float is on the inboard side so it doesn't actually see all over the all of the fuel in the tanks you can see up to 13 gallons if there is anything gallon tank so I check you know by sight to see that it's full and it'll start descending once it actually hits 13 gallons it will descend properly if it's fuller 30 gallons it tops out at 30 gallon so you can see the left side is actually showing actual indicated and the right side to show a 30 plus we're burning seven and a half gallons per hour at about 150 knots true airspeed of course it's not our ground speed fuel pressure is 25 - I'm running out the high pressure fuel pump mechanical fuel pump on the engine there is of course a boost pump as well electric boost on there is a backup battery and it's showing thirteen point seven volts internally on the backup battery I measure internal voltage on the back of battery in addition to a few others CHT is the new duties th these are in the three twenties 330s beauties are showing Delta eg T's because I'm about a hundred degrees Lena peak right now Lillian assist is on which is showing me the Delta of the Lena peak and that's why I'm Bernie Williams everyone half doing hundred fifty knots the miscellaneous one here is a probe that I have attached to the mechanical fuel pump because I want to see the fuel temperature but when it hits the fuel spider this is because I have I've had having some fuel vaporization issues in the past where I've up off the ground and all the fuel gets really hot because there's not a lot of you blowing through there so I it was just the data point that I wanted to get so there's so I'm just scrolling through that I'm still on the engine and now I went from main to electrical alright so we see two voltages I see the main 14.4 which is the main battery and 14.3 which is the power on the endurance bus the endurance bus is split you'll see there's an inset of endurance bus breakers here and it split by a diode so I could power just the endurance months or the main battery and I can talk about the others the electrical system a little bit later in more detail I only have the main alternator running right now and it's putting out 23 amps so we're not really doing much 24 amps the second alternator there is a permanent magnet magnet empty eight BNC alternator I'd leave it off unless I need it the IBBs volts is right sorry about that I get the transfers between controllers so 40.1 votes on the IBBs so I have a backup battery my BBS there's a company at or the company's name they make this lithium-ion battery backup battery that I have connected to certain devices including the main screen and it's putting out working water volts right now the battery is showing - 2 amps I need to adjust the hysteresis on of that current probe the backup battery should actually be is probably not actually putting out - 2 amps it's probably fit sitting nice and solid because I'm I'm putting out 23 amps so we should be good there the battery should be actually charging it should be positive a little bit unless it's fully charged which it might be so then we can look at fuel so so 5 gallons per hour the tick up here that you may see is what my feel burn was so when I was leaning out it might speak for me and then it tags the piece so it knows how you know or how much less fuel from music so 11 gallons on the left and 13 on the right so that show that indicates 24 gallons the fuel totalizer is actually telling me that I have 28 gallons so there's four more gallons in here which is accurate so there's probably 17 gallons in the right tank because the right tank is it's both feel pressure 25 - it's showing I have 3 hours and 47 minutes of endurance which is about 571 miles and I'm doing 19 miles per gallon right now which is pretty horrendous and if that's because of that nasty headwind that I'm flying into I usually see twenty eight ish the fuel use is just a fuel counter and I haven't reset it in a long time so it just shows the back nine the actual amount of fuel I keep track of all of the fuel that are used on this airplane and I just rolled over 2,000 gallons of fuel that went through it so okay so up top I have com1 active and standby and I can just if I want to change the frequency I can just touch the active and it flip-flops active in standby if I want to change this name by frequency I just touch it and then I can you know click it in here back there I have a transponder information again just touch it and you can adjust the transponder code back there's an ident but there's a timer it's just a you know start/stop etc my next Waypoint is petty Jane it's two zero two bearing which is actually a two to zero because of the cross when a foreigner they were 238 knots I can edit my audio panel information over here options blah blah same for cop - and I get a full screen but now I don't usually fly like this I don't need all of that stuff and I like having a map right in front of me okay so on the right side I have a manifold pressure % power and flying at 62% right now 2450 RPM again 7.5 gallons per hour oil pressures 73 psi which is a right in the middle it looks good oil is 159 degrees Fahrenheit which is a bit low I want to see that at about 180 so that it burns out any moisture that simply observed with the shakes there any moisture that simply in the oil it started like a pretty cold out in Wisconsin so I need to start closing on the oil cooler I usually tape off the oil cooler in the winter because otherwise it just cools too much till quantity again see hdgt I am currently on autopilot so the autopilot strip of here is through an autopilot is active I'm in GPS mode for for heading or now I'm in through PS mode altitude hold 6500 and my out superbug is at 6500 so left to right so true airspeed indicated airspeed okay let's do indicated airspeed with the tapes up and down you can see my VA label down here VA is around 100 ish and that label comes up and is pointing at the digits so you know what your V speeds are just by glancing at the screen 100 25 knots ground speed which is pretty nasty I'm getting 25 knot head wind right now probably gonna add half an hour my trip 52 knots to 7-0 52 is the current wind information the certain radio on the left here is flaps so I have zero degrees of flaps in right now of possible 30 I have my bluff set up to have two two clicks so it's either a zero of 15 or 30 and then elevator trim just to the right of that which is the middle right now below that I have a low round trip it's currently a fairly far into the right I need to increase the spring tension on that sort of based with a little servo so I need to increase that spring tension a little bit so it doesn't bottom out but anyway so here we have a tick for closest airport which is 10.30 ten point three nautical miles kilos area roxrite Yankee there's a line you see it's the one with one - and it's pointing that way so I know that closest airport is that way timer is at zero outside air temperature is -4 Celsius so I have you know you don have the local time is 9 or 9 I am if I had a vor - but the this would point to the vor which helps with some of your approaches flight plan is over here and because I'm at the non split oat I have a little map over here and a black line over here on the right side we have 6500 for the altitude bug and then the current altitude is on this tape right here showing 6,500 on the right are my V speeds just oscillating a little bit with the wind you know but it's holding thick - you guys are pretty good the current altimeter setting is three zero zero one and you see a message over here it's this cast message crew enunciation system I think is what it stands for and it just says the alternator - is which is as expected I fly with alternator to off and that's just a white message so it's not nothing I should worry about the more important messages show up as either yellow or red they may believe depending on how bad the scenario is so over here we have a garment g5 which is a fairly common backup instruments and a lot of people use them as primary instruments there it's a great little azmuth i have when i practicing my instrument approaches and all that kind of stuff sometimes i won't fly entirely off this guy and it's fantastic it shows it's interesting you can see that it shows almost everything that's not here right it's you can see the autopilot stuff on the top you can see the heading you can see the life director bars altitude airspeed etc and i actually tuned my Ultra settings sorry onto this one because it cross speeds so it shows three zero zero one here three servers or one here and if I change it it changes not both they're pretty cool alright so move it to the right a little bit I have sorry for the shaky cam I have the autopilot head up here with the heading knobs and altitude select knobs so these sets the heading bugs and then I tell the autopilot depending on which settings I'm using to use those APIs or go into the GPS mode or whatnot we'll go into more detail and using the GPS possibly and I do our video by audio panel it's the newer experimental GMA 245 has got built-in Bluetooth and it communicates to the screens and all that kind of stuff awesome audio panel I have music on and radio beeps so whenever the radios have audio it boots the music which works great so it's you know as soon as you hear ATC say anything the music boots they're here just now Onis paired which is what I'm using I'm using the screen here to get audio for the video I'm on com2 there's two knobs per side the intercom knob here is for me to hear people on the intercom and the outside bigger knob is the music volume it also records all of the previous I think it's twenty previous radio calls so I could hit play and it'll play back to me the previous radio calls there's USB power plug right here I don't think I've ever used it because I have USB power there okay below that we have a GTN 650 which is the current garment IFR navigator there's a bunch of different models I wanted one which hat the vor s for ILS so the 650 or the 750 are the two options for that right now so it does I GPS you know lpvr now approaches it has a comp and it has a vor so I can remove that remove the right to direct bettyjean the flight plans cross feed so you can when you edit one or the other it moves it around you know it's got the usual etc this is an IFR navigator it's much easier to do everything over here and it'll push to here other than the instrument procedures which you have to do here and it'll push that way so we have this to be IRR legal am below is the GTR 200 it's just a experimental comma only unit it's a pretty nice calm I really like this cop it's low it tells me what the frequencies that I am talking on are so this is an appropriate approach frequency if it was like an airport power it would take you know a blah blah blah tower or key below ground or whatever force Center or whatnot it's got two soft buttons which I'm also a big fan of there's the emergency soft button which should have I hit it it units to 121 five at least that's the primary frequency then I have it push-to-talk button which I've never you needed to use but it's in case the push-to-talk what's on the sticks for some reason stopped working so I can push the talk and I networks flip-flop monitor will monitor both frequencies so I listen to both if the primary one that talks he beats the secondary one but it's an interesting way for you to just listen in on other booties and other things going on alright thanks for watching I should have more detailed videos of avionics and procedures later and please subscribe it definitely helped the channel okay
Channel: BuildFlyGo
Views: 64,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airplane, experimental aviation, vans aircraft, rv-9a, adventure
Id: cYxPQuRNKs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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