Looking For Avionics? Check out the Dynon HDX! IT'S AMAZING!

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hello everyone and welcome to flying dirty if you're into aviation and you're like me and enjoy watching other pilots vlogs and experiences then consider subscribing after watching this video and give me a big thumbs up this video will be about the dinan skyview hdx about some of the features that i like and the ones that i don't like but before we begin let me tell you about the great exciting new expansions within flying dirty first of all thank you to all of my subscribers for supporting me my family and this channel and several of you have inquired about shirts because they love the name and the logo design and my very first two shirt sales were for aaron who happens to be from right here in the denver metro area and the second shirt was for bob down in florida and a shout out to all of the pad crew at kennedy space center so thank you aaron and bob for being my first two customers that is very special to me i've also had many inquiries about the music production and some wanted to know how to get their hands on some of the soundtracks so due to all of the inquiries i've decided it was time to make a new website for flying dirty and it is located on the link below now you can get your hands on the music which is available for instant downloads and upon purchase they will be royalty free for use on your own youtube channels or social media and now you can also get your hands on shirts hoodies and other goodies and because this is such an exciting moment for me and my family we will be offering a 20 discount on the first 50 orders just use the special coupon code flying dirty at the checkout to get your discount so don't miss out on this special offer and remember we print the shirts right here in our studios and there is no outsourcing so let's put this family to work my family and i would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us you guys have been incredible let's get this video started all right guys so here we go let's talk about some pointers here so uh all right let's turn the radio off because i've decided to fly vfr so that we could talk without interruptions so here we go so first thing i want to talk about uh is the dine on skyview about the things i like and the things that i don't like so let's go for it guys so one of the things i like about the dine on skyview is that this dino sky view is extremely bright very vibrant it is very bright you can see it even even with the sun on my left you can see that screen no problem uh but it it's perfect for night flying as well so uh that's one of the things i like about it the other thing i like about it is the design i really love this design of being able to rest your hands on it especially when you have a lot of turbulence uh it is actually man very helpful when you can rest your hands and just rest your hands and push a button or rest your hands and you know and turn the knob that is perfect because again if it's too turbulent you don't want to use the screen you just use the buttons the other thing i like about it is that you can make your own checklist your own maintenance list and all that good stuff let's go into the menu and then if you see down in the bottom you have your tools so these are the tools that you actually create on your own so then the weight and balance so you can also uh create your weight balance for your airplane and i really i created it just to see what it's like but i i just don't use it because i do my flight planning on four flights so i use the four flight uh weight balance so that so that i can do it from the house and that way i know pretty much how to pack so by the time i get to the airport then it's all said and done so then let's go back to the checklist here go back to the tools and then right here i have my checklist now i do use this one periodically because i also have my checklist down at the left hand side so that i can always see it instead of having to always pull out a checklist i just printed them out and just put them on the left hand side but anyway i do use my preflight and then i also use before starting engine engine start and pre-taxi and run-up those are the ones i use from the dyna because i find it very useful when i'm on the ground so that's the way i do mine but anyway you can you can do your own checklist so that's a pretty cool feature so i do like that ability uh so the other thing i like about it is the dynon pro so this little gadget that you see here uh those lights those represent the angle of attack so right now we're on the green so that's pretty good i mean if you're in the green then that means that you know we're cruising right along and we're going very fast but when you get into the traffic pattern those green lines start basically vanishing and once they start getting to the yellow it starts beeping uh it starts first it starts slow and then as the angle of attack as you're about to break your angle of attack then it progresses and the beeps get higher in intensity until when it gets to the red and you get near your uh your angle of attack stall then you will hear a solid tone and that's usually what you hear when i'm landing uh because some folks have asked me what is that noise uh that beeping sound uh that my system makes whenever i'm landing that's what it is it's your angle of attack it's very useful when you're flying ifr just to make sure that you know you don't stall the airplane and then it's also useful on the traffic patterns that's what i noticed so i do like that feature on the dyno sky view the other thing i like is the how you load the airport and weather information so the way you load the airport weather information so let's go to flight plan and yes right now we have it set at centennial so you just basically click on centennial and then here you have all of your options for centennial right there on the first page it gives you your airport information the airport elevation will be 58.85 but then your traffic pattern altitude is on the right hand side so you want to go in to your approach uh if you're flying vfr that is you want to go into your traffic pattern at 6 900 feet okay and there's your airport elevation so you'll have some pretty handy tools on the very first page and then uh here are the recent uh airports that i have uh loaded into the dinan so you can easily go back to one of those if you like and hear your comms now i chose to go with the dynon.com okay with the dyna.com i really really like it okay but if you need the weather information you just click on 80s and there's your weather information okay same thing if you want to talk to ground there is ground but colorado springs doesn't have a i mean uh not colorado springs steamboat springs doesn't have a ground okay and then here you go through your nearest airport list see there's your nearest airport list from where we're at and that's it okay as a matter of fact for now let's go ahead and go back to our centennial uh airport so again you just go ahead and load it you just send the calm and there's centennial all your comps are there so to prepare ourselves we're going to first get weather and we'll punch that up to the top and then we'll get tower and then there's towers so i have just that easy i have my uh weather and tower that easy so when you're flying instrument that is very very very useful i love that feature about the dino sky view okay now if that's not all so here you going to menu and then you're going to com radio and then there's your comm radio right there so you can control your radio right through the dynon sky view as well and normally i use my com radio down here but you can also use this if you like and again the way that works is all you have to do is uh the same thing is 80s to listen to the weather ground to listen to the ground and you see how they're switching tower you'll get tower and then air traffic control which is the departure frequency it'll load them all up uh quickly now one cool thing also that i like is that if you want to listen this is really helpful when you're flying instrument uh conditions uh or ifr because if you're under an ifr flight plan when you start arriving at your destination you have to listen to your weather information so you can listen you just push that button and as long as you have it set on weather and you're already talking to atc to air traffic control by pushing dual you'll be able to listen to both uh frequencies okay so i do like that feature and then to turn it off you just simply click the button and it shuts off so i really really love those features those are those are my favorite so far and then it it goes on to my engine monitor so on the dyno sky view since i didn't have a engine monitor already installed i was going to get the jpi but since i didn't have it installed then then basically i got it installed on the dyno it is much much cheaper it only cost me three thousand three hundred around three thousand three hundred to get this done to get the probes and everything hooked up because uh the dino sky view everything's built into dino sky view so all you have to do is have an engine module an engine monitor module installed as well as your probes and that is all it takes to activate the engine monitor on your skyview system and i love this because as a matter of fact now i can fly extremely precise with my fuel burn and everybody knows if you have an engine monitor that is the way to go i've always wanted to get one and i waited because i i wasn't really uh determined on which uh panel i was gonna go with so i waited and i'm really glad i did because i like everything being right in front of me that is so cool to have everything in front of me if you have a cherokee six you know that it was driving you nuts whenever all of your instruments were all the way on the right hand side so uh you had to reach all the way up there to see your uh your monitor your engine instruments and i didn't like that i love the fact that they're right now in front of me this is so cool and then the other thing is that let's say your cylinder temperatures and all that once you see like right now i have it on cruise and i know darn well that these temperatures are pretty much set because i've already i got i got my mixture set and my fuel burn the way i want it and uh so i know i don't really have to mess with that you know i know these temperatures are gonna pretty much stay consistent so now i can shut that off and wipe my map there you go so i like that feature as well okay so the other thing i like about the engine monitor is that the fuel consumption the fuel burn is extremely accurate that sensor is accurate the other thing i like is that with dynon you get free aviation data you get the database the map the base map with it it is free then you also have the terrain so let's go and zoom in so you get to the mountains and there it is there's synthetic vision so that's another thing i like is that you get the synthetic vision uh with the uh dino sky view automatically those are the areas that if you continue at this present altitude you will strike land so i i like that okay really like that feature there is of course we have adsb going in so there is some weather systems up north so you've got the radar of course i love the fact that it's got traffic and weather so that is that is absolutely awesome uh all right so okay so your avidyne also has terrain awareness but in order in order to uh to continue or keep current on your terrain awareness uh jepson will charge you so with this it's free so therefore i don't need to get the subscription here because i have it here now i do need my ifr subscriptions from jepson because i do fly ifr in order for you to be legal uh in flying ifr you have to have your charge loaded on your primary gps the other thing i like is that dyna can control the true track autopilot okay so dyna has control controllability of your uh true track so right now i've got it on gps okay i've got it on gps here on my avidyne now the cool thing so right now the skyview is synced with the avadyne so right now of course it's going to say it is synced with the ifd gps which is my avadyne and it's showing right now of course the same the same flight plan and there you have the flight plan okay what's cool about it is that if you leave it on gps what you can do is all you have to do is switch it to sky view okay and then once you switch it to the sky view it switches to track okay because it knows it's no longer receiving information from the avadyn but then you hit mode and it goes to skyview but the cool thing is that it also goes into gps mode okay it goes into gps mode now what's cool about it is that i was gonna sink to the altitude so now it's gonna fly the gps from the avidyne but it's also gonna sink to the altitude of your sky view let's just change our altitude so if we change our altitude to 8200 there it is it just changed it to 8200 and then if we change this to the vertical speed to go down 500 see now our altitude and gps are synced so the gps is synced with the avidyne but the altitude now is going to be synced with the sky view here let's go back to uh 8500 let's go to 8500 okay there we go so let's go back to 8500 and then there it is it's going back to 8500 and that's it that's all you have to do i really like that so you just saw that what happens with the gps now what if you're being vectored then all you have to do is take this out of gps and automatically it'll sync so now it is actually working off track okay so that's pretty cool so if you're being vectored all you have to do is change your heading altitude with these two knobs now your vertical speed you can go up here and change it which is right up here okay now i wish they had the knob that had the vertical speed here but for some reason they missed out on that so but that would have been really cool if they would have put a vertical speed knob on that one uh but anyway i i do like that i like the fact that it is actually compatible okay so let's go ahead and put it back on gps and there it is it switches back to gps i think that's pretty darn cool man uh wi-fi kind of connectivity okay this is a cool thing because with the wi-fi with for flight you can uh you can actually so you can actually there it is i have it on skyview so you can actually come over here and you're in your for flight and you can get all of your information uh from your from your uh dine on skyvy so i like that i like that okay so right now it is showing my speed and altitude and all that good stuff directly from the uh dynon okay so that's a pretty i thought that was a pretty cool feature uh so yes i do like that now it also there's another reason why i like the wi-fi because this once i talk about what this does with the wi-fi you're going to really like it it is pretty cool so i like the fact because what will happen is this actually this will take and receive the wi-fi from the skyview but then it'll also create its own wi-fi hub so it'll transmit both wi-fi's simultaneously to the for flight ipad and i'll talk about that in another video and show you how i do that but it's pretty cool because then you can use the avadyne app and then you can also use for flight at the same time and it works it works wonders i really like that so i'll show you how to do that uh some other time so if i go into flight plan and right now we are on uh we're on centennial and let's go ahead and view this one so there you go so you can zoom in on your place you can zoom out but the cool thing is that if i was doing an approach it would be geo-referenced just like for flight it would show up your airplane would show up on this track and it is pretty darn accurate i really like it so uh that's another thing i like about the dynon is that your your ifr charts are geo reference so that helps you a lot with your approaches the other thing i like is your wind uh it displays your wind and of course right now i'm getting beat up by winds so we're getting beat up we're getting 33 32 now uh not winds coming almost head on okay almost head-on the other thing i like uh is that you know it's got your of course your wind your heading your course right here has your density altitude and your outside temperature so i really like that so in case you're flying into the clouds and for icing purposes you have your temperature right there right in front of you so no excuses to fly into ice okay so i like that now another cool thing now i'm only telling you what i like because the dyno has so many features that i'll spend practically all day showing you what this dino can do so i'm showing you what i like so let's go into menu okay then what we're going to do is we're going to go into uh pfd tools okay and then now check this out it has a g-meter how cool is that so when you're in the turbulence you can you can uh crank that g the g meter on and man that is pretty cool and the reason i use the g meter when i'm flying to the rockies when i fly into the mountains uh since it can get you know you can have a lot of mountain waves there they can get pretty bumpy i like to use that just to stay out of that yellow range so that's pretty helpful okay so i really really really like that so those are my favorite uh features of the dynon skyview guys so the things i don't like about it is that the autopilot is not available yet for the pa32 or piper pa28s for that matter now i don't understand why they they made it available for the p834 which is a piper seneca which is basically the same airplane the same airframe with two engines so i don't understand why they did the seneca but they haven't approved it for the pa-32 that would be pretty cool had they approved it for the p-832 i think i would have sold my true try because it was still in the box i would have sold my true track and i probably would have gone with the autopilot from dynon and and you know and that is pretty much the only thing i don't like about the uh the dyno i mean i tell you this this uh display is just phenomenal and like i said it's got tons of other features but those are my best features those are the ones that i really like the most so if you have any comments any questions whatsoever please feel free to send me a comment i'll be i'll be more than happy to answer your questions but for now uh let me focus on this approach because we're getting near our destination and i've got to start getting ready for my landing and all that good stuff so we'll see you guys on the next episode i think on the next one i'm gonna talk about what i like and what i don't like about the avedine so stay tuned for that have a great one guys and with that don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me take this time to thank out all of my subscribers thank you and please continue to share my videos with other individuals to make this channel grow even faster and if you're watching me for the very first time then support the channel and subscribe and if you love aviation as much as i do also give me a thumbs up until next time take care stay safe and have a great day my friends [Music] you
Channel: Flying Dirty
Views: 6,595
Rating: 4.9721255 out of 5
Keywords: Airplane ownership, Own your airplane, owning an airplane, looking for avionics, Dynon Skyview HDX, Flying Dirty, Flying Dirty Music downloads, FlyingDirty.com, Flying Dirty Videos, New Instrument Panel, The best avionics, Skyview HDX Features, The best Avionics, Dynon better than garmin, Owning a Cherokee Six, PA32, Piper Saratoga, Instrument Panel, dynon avionics, Looking For Avionics? Check out the Dynon HDX! IT'S AMAZING!, dynon avionics skyview
Id: GG34e52Zajk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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