Dynon Virtual Booth Visit - May 29, 2020

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yeah if you are on Facebook live you can just comment we have people monitoring that as well and if you're in zoom you can also raise your hand and then when you raise your hand on the computers you hit the participants button that's on a computer and there's a hand raising feature and if you're on a phone I think it's under the three dots menu if you're on an iPad I'm not sure because I haven't looked at that interface you can raise your hand and then me or one of my colleagues will will will let you unmute you in that moment and so my plan is that I'll stop every now and again between kind of sections to ask for questions at which point you can either raise your hand or if you've typed something in my colleagues will prompt me for or you know for what people are asking Jeff and Kyle are the two people that you may hear pipe up as well as me my colleagues from dine on and so at this point before I get started we're gonna try something that might be a mistake but we'll try it anyways and that is we're gonna unmute everybody at once just I just want to know what are some things that that you want so if we can do the I hear by the way is like it looks like it's hard for people to hear you so I'm going to mute everybody back all right Mike you're back we have several questions coming in from the zoom chat all right all just get is there anything anything to know about right now we're all if I just start there you should just go go ahead and start in we'd looks like we have some questions about auto pilot approvals some classic questions maybe I mentioned there where they can go online to vote for their airplane on our certified website as far as the auto pilot question goes I'll put away s oh yeah let's talk a little about that certified an auto pilot approvals people are asking but if we don't have the airplane approved for the autopilot we have almost 600 models of piston singles approved without Auto pile on the certified side but if we don't have your model with autopilot you go to dine on certified calm there's a big button that's how this has add my plane and that's almost a voting mechanism you know you register you know your name email address what airplane you have and we actually do use that when we do our periodic review of what auto pilot in auto pilot approval we're going for next so definitely take advantage of that so I'm just going to kind of start down to the you know from kind of from the top down so me I'm Michael Scofield I've been at dine on for just over 15 years now so if you've been to Oshkosh or some fun or Aero we've certainly met before hopefully and I'm a pilot I've been a pilot since 2006 and still pretty low time VFR only myself I fly a glass air sportsmen that I co-owned with about eight other Dino nians and admittedly I need to go fly it a little bit more but but and I'm our director of marketing I also do a lot of product management so I'm kind of in between the you know that the salesy marketing side and the the product development side so so what we're going to do now is we're going to flop over to I have a as I mentioned a sky VHDX panel and and I'm just gonna take you through you know how to how to use it spotlight where you go all right so here's sky view HDX and it looks like it's pretty clear right now hopefully it stays that way and so what is what is you know what a sky view I mean I think I hope you probably already know that it's an integrated avionics system that can basically do everything right so it's your flight instruments it's your engine instruments it's your moving map it's your navigation and flight planning autopilot you know a DSP out transponder a DSP in traffic and weather comm radio it can integrate with third-party IFR navigators for for IFR flight it's redundant we have you know backup instruments that go with it especially if you're in dye not certified you'll have one of our FST 10 a units to backup the sky view system and you know it's already talked about with the the overview of what it can do are what I like to do if you work him it's a loofa said you know show me sky ID with it the thing I like to do is to show you how it works in just a couple of minutes so sky VHDX is a touchscreen so lots of things are touchable like the moving map and you know one thing we really like to point out is that although it's a touchscreen we can touch things for menus into control we can do almost everything both with the touch screen and with the buttons and knobs in fact sky VHDX has this it's hard to see in this lighting but this angled bezel which in turbulence which we all know in a small airplane in anything more than light turbulence it can kind of be hard to you know steady your arm you know when it's outstretched so we have you know this beveled button board here and also little rails on the sides to let you you know anchor anchor yourself there so everything can be done with with touch and hard buttons and knobs and here kind of like for 2 or 3 things you need to know to do basically everything on sky VHDX so one if you want to reconfigure the display what's being shown on the display after this play button so I wanted to say go to full screen flight instruments or most of screen flight in which we can say display full or if I want to split the screen with map I could say display map that brings us you know to the map so that's sort of reconfiguring the display if I want to do anything feature to use the transponder autopilot comm radio menu is all of the things that you use the controls and all of your preferences and adjustments whether you want to change the way the map looks or whether weather is displayed or how your PFD you know six-pack or not but of synthetic visions on or not all that's under menu so these two buttons are basically your gateway to all over the power of Sky View the buttons on the left these are all kind of map and flight planning oriented they're kind of obvious you know what they do this is flight plan brings up your flight plan nearest is actually probably the thing I use most here because it brings up your nearest airports and other things we'll get into more of the Maps up but these four buttons are very map oriented and then we have two button or two knobs which both rotate and click so the one closest to the map is going to zoom in and zoom out if we if we pan around and say you choose another point or you know touch an airport clicking that map will or clicking that map knob will recenter on on the aircraft and then on the the knob that's closest to the primary flight instruments is going to adjust the things that that are part of the primary flight instrument suite so if we click the knob we can get a menu for your heading bug your altitude bug your Barrow setting or we can just touch or we could just touch those things let's say airspeed here and then rotate the change of air speed or altitude and we'll talk more about that as we go on so that's that's really kind of the core of everything you need to know oh one other things so I just show you mostly the m'naghten button interface on the touchscreen things that things that you think you can touch that you might want to control you can so we already talked about the map it's pretty obvious we all have tablets these days we know how a you know moving map works you can pinch to zoom or you can use the knob but also everything on the top bar here all that's touchable these are all the things you can control so if I want to just the autopilot is touched that area near the autopilot or any of anywhere on that bar and autopilot controls pop-up transponder clock and timers in fact I was supposed to start myself a clock here so I'm going to this is my we're kind of getting too near an hour kind of mean it up shut up Mike by the way I'm happy to stick around for as long as anybody wants and it goes from 4:00 to 5:00 but I had like most of you don't have anywhere to be happy to field your questions until you run out comm radio on the upper right here so sort of a you know two to three or maybe five minute overview of how to use Sky View the right button is always the alert and message centers so if it says caution that means there's some kind of cautions this demo panel needs a compass calibration so you wouldn't go flying before you do that if there's an alert it'll be red if it's just trying to give you some other message which is an urgent nature it would be white and just say message so see I think I won't take questions right just yeah I'm gonna move on to do something what I'm gonna do next is I'm going to address each feature and functional area of sky view and just kind of take you through them and again as if we were at the booth and you said I don't really know much about sky view show me show me what it's got so first up you know the primary thing that that you're that yet that you're buying or the the most primary thing is a set of primary flight instruments so I'll make that fullscreen and this is our PFD it's pretty configurable but fundamentally the and in fact you know even before I talk about what's on the screen a pretty common thing we'll hear that we heard for years is hey you know I really like the idea of technology but I've been finding gauges for decades I'm not sure if I could really adjust soo to this we actually have a way now to bring up what we call the 6-pack display we can even turn the synthetic vision off so here you've got your very conventional looking instruments the 6-pack and what people have done is that is if they're not immediately comfort with the glass cockpit the EFA's display you start here and then you stealth train in this offense that you know you can just go and with a couple of button clicks turn off the 6-pack and and get your stealth acquainted to it at your own pace so you all know what those instruments look like and what they do you here's how from flight display in a modern glass cockpit looks like I'm just gonna kind of sweep across the screen so this is indicated airspeed it's got the you know the the colored of arc equivalent on a steam gauge this is you know this is the green you know sort of kind of in cruise speed Ranger's the white bar the partial light bar for flats and and all of that below it because we have GPS on board and we and outside air temperature we're always telling you what true airspeed is and right below it we're telling you what the ground speed is based on GPS because again we have we know what direction you're flying and what direction you're pointing and how fax you're making good over the ground we can tell you what your cross wind component is so sort of all the airspeed oriented things at the top of the airspeed tape this is the air indicated airspeed but this is something he's just the something as a reminder or key over the autopilot you can have you can fly different airspeed so you can you know climb out at you know a hundred knots for example and a lot of pilot handle that attitude indicator sweep well actually the angle of attack is if you have the option gold attack Peter probe is shown on the screen although frankly I don't look at this much because there's a really awesome audible call-out or tone that as you do you around out and flare once you have it calibrated it's kind of like kind of like a it's kind of a cross between a Geiger counter and a cessna stall warning and that it kind of starts in increases in frequency as you get closer to your critical angle of attack or stall so it's kind of like he bbbbbb up to a tone so visually as you hear angle of attack increases this bar disappears so coming across here is your attitude indicator the yellow is sort of the airplane reference you have a couple of tips on that outside so you can so that you're well oriented across the horizon you've got your roll indicator and this is basically what you'd expect these two little cyan marks are the bank angle you would need to attain at your current speed to perform a tune turn surf you're flying IFR and you know you're told a turn you're supposed to be doing your two-minute turns you just you know put the yellow on the on the cyan as you Bank let's demonstrate that so as we as we banking this would be a two minute turn right now I've just succeeded in other things kind of in the center column that's the slips kid ball it works just like you think it would you step on the ball it's powered by the inertial sensors inside of Sky View sensor sensor box and then down here this is heading so it's actual magnetic heading that were sensing it's not GPS however what's really nice is because we have all kinds of sensors in Sky View it's not just it doesn't leader lag it's you can think of it as a gyro-stabilized or or inertial platform stabilized heading indicator so it's basically always measuring heading but as you turn and as you roll if you're not getting a lose leave attic lag affects that you would have on your compass this is a DG you know kind of compass card representation it's also your HSI so right now it's a it's it's depicting some external GPS as GP a course guidance if I tap this little info widget here again this is now it's a nav radio a vor if I if I adjust the course eventually I will Center the needle just as you'd expect there you go so the course is 2 2 2 or I can just write and I can also do sky views navigation as well so I'll just quickly do that your sky I just put I just very quickly do to direct to to somewhere and now it's depicting that this is your heading bug that's your course bug if you're on GPS you the course is implicitly defined by the flight plan you know there's also a turn rate indicator which is that this kind of black arc and so if I initiate a turn it's gonna kind of snap to it but that little magenta bar right there kind of grows in proportion to your turn rates right now at that second tick mark but you may not be able to see that's a 2 minute turn as well so you can have two two representations of that both up here and down there in terms of the 2 minute term moving over to the altitude tape that's altitude that's the altitude bug which used autopilot that's the altimeter setting we can you know for example touch that and then adjust using the knob if we're on the ground and don't have a TSP whether we could also just click and hold it and it will sync to the elevation because we know what airport you're at because we have the data for that but if you're in the air and you're receiving a DSV weather we kind of know what the nearest reporting station is so as you're flying cross-country you don't ever really need to listen to a dose of a sauce you just kind of press and hold the Alton or the the Barrow knob and it just said it's it's you guys the KBS which is scheduled Bayview in the Seattle area that's altitude actually uh people don't always notice this this little magenta bar is alt it's a six second altitude trend it's where you'll be in six seconds based on your current vertical speed the actual vertical speed indicator is just off to the right it's saying we're climbing a 1500 feet per minute right now if I just kind of adjust that in this demo mode there's it kind of flies whatever we set the bug to kind of like autopilot so pretty easy to glance your your vertical speed um also altitude density altitude great for your performance calculations although with many homebuilts of barely matters would say in RV but it's there especially for certify aircraft which were now in outsider temperature which is useful of course density house who folds that in so it's but it's nice to know how warm or cold it is at outside and down here there's a couple of bearing indicators that you can put up as well I don't think I'll get into that right now and then behind this behind the instruments we have the synthetic vision that's got worldwide data there's high resolution databases if you live outside of the US that you would load when you get you in it's got you know water and airports you can see there's a runway and in the distance there there are flags for the airport so Cape and against K uh yeah Bravo Victor Sierra that's a schedule Bayview that we just tuned the weather to is just up ahead and so you get those little flags that are helpful there there's also looking enough synthetic vision yes that yellow in the synthetic vision is telling us that there is you know that you're on you're on course to intercept terrain if it's yellow it's kind of like that watch out because red you really need to take action similarly there are obstacles and so here we're kind of flying out of pain field this stuff and ever if there's a whole bunch of towers and structures and this is the obstacle database the same obstacles you would see on the chart and then that you will also see on the map those little red and yellow things show up in synthetic vision so you know again red is you know you're on a collision course roughly for it and yellow is it's kind of below you but not too far and then they disappear entirely women let's see so that is a PFD overview I guess I'll take a quick break for are there any questions Aviva if you have a question raise your hand and Mike wait we've got one person with their hand raised we've got a ton of questions in the chat what I'm going to do is I'm going to let John ask his question because he's had his hand up and then after that's over Kyle's gonna he's been kind of going through the questions and he's gonna feed you a few so John I'm gonna unmute you and lower your hand if you want to ask Mike your question you may have to click OK on the unmute John are you there I'm here I think I'm here yep we can hear you this is real simple I own a vast Shawn Ranger oh so I've got an HDX yeah and next I have one and I've flown in some airplanes with earlier dine on units but it's different and the thing I've noticed and my big question is are you going to do comprehensive training videos for the HDX like there are now for the older systems yeah that's a good question the answer is yes and we've started publishing those we've had the first few which are we did one on comm radio we did one on what's the other topic I'm blanking you know over new one yes yeah and then there's also there is a an intro to sky beauty x on our YouTube channel that has kind of the basic sort of what I just took you through and then and and and actually these videos especially the ones that are a little more webinar style this is more kind of a you know booth style will archive these and those will be good training videos as well so the answer is yes I think it'll actually be probably in a better more concise format and the we have like a two hour class which is actually really quite good for skyed new classic and many of the principles are the same the user interface is a little bit different with HDX in fact some of the things on Sky View classic that that maybe you require a little bit of learning are pretty intuitive on Sky View HDX and actually given by the time I get through this presentation today you're probably going to have most of it but the answer is yes we'll be doing more they're publishing you know more structured videos that are particularly to HDX and other parts of the sky view system because it's I've had it now it's been since last July and I'm I'm a neophyte okay a lot off because I don't know how to use it and it's it's too distracting in the air so totally so I have to sit in the hangar where the charger on and play and you know another so we're gonna keep doing these videos all throughout you know the year even beyond because we're finding them super effective and one thing we're playing with is actually having more of an instructional class things this is kind of like a demo but I'm trying to make it sort of educational trying to show you how things work as well and I'll just make it a complete sales pitch but we another topic that we have in the hopper to do one of these is kind of like HDX basics or you know advanced HDX okay that's a meeting live all right that's great we got a couple more hands up Mike if you want to take a couple more questions yeah it sounds good how about Steve Steve I can unmute you hey there you are oh hi thanks for doing this first off but I have two questions and they're about two pieces of the of the HDX at either I can't figure out or it's not installed but does does the unit not share any air data Z formats - like - the navigators like to my IFD 440 because in my mmm-my my original Grand Rapids would actually share that data tube my 430 and I could I get performance at each Waypoint stuff yeah it it does share over-the-air in connection a variety of data and I forget which I don't have on the top of my head which labels or which data fields it shares I thought air data was was one of the ones that was pretty comprehensively shared I don't have anybody from our tech support team on hand the lightest don't have at the top of my head so I believe the answer is yes and there's a chance that we don't do every last one so there might be like a couple of gaps but I've expected anything that you had coming out of you know a different product as you said years ago that we'd also be outputting and yet another question I accidentally muted him Mike and me and he come back I think the data comes actually across the serial port I don't think it comes across a hair data but I mean for 29 bus but my second question is is there any plans for a flight log that's something I really miss yeah it's it's a it's on our it's on our feature list on our it's not in the next version for sure there are some maintenance logging features now things like you know oil change and there's also a wing balance calculator but there isn't a a straight up sort of you know here was the last flight your the last series of flights has been download yeah that's like an Excel or CSV file yeah totally I wanted to actually cuz I mentioned i share my airplane with a bunch of other people and it would just be nice for us to just be able to grab the log and match it up to our paper sign-out sheet exact like totally orally download it either one yep exactly okay thank you yeah see you would take one more that's like one more yep Lorex you're unmuted a little Lord aren't you there aren't smiley all right I'm gonna lower his hand and let's meet him okay all right I'm going to move on to the next section which is let's see I guess it's HSN I already talked a little bit about it I'll talk a little bit more about the HS I've then I'm going to talk about engine monitoring so the HSI is Mike one of the questions that come up in the comments a couple of times it's about interfacing with IFR navigators and that plays into the HSI if you want to go over you mention that in the process yeah perfect so yes so when you are yeah so the HS I think of the HSI as the thing that you know shows you course and deviation it's also the thing that feeds the autopilot so whatever whatever is showing up on your HSI is what the autopilot is going to fly so and then the HSI as a dimension can be just a DG or by tapping the info field it can show you this is sky views internal flight plan with distance to the next Waypoint and what that is if we have a third-party navigator connected it will also show you you know that guide and so here this is called GPS - you could rename it so if we have an avid ein you can call like IFD 540 you can put in that data field for example and it shows you again you know what the scale of what you know what the scale of the CDI here is in here case is saying five nautical miles and if there's a glide path or glide slope that'll show up as well from any any device including now sky B's internal flight cleaning now has some basic vertical guidance down two runways or pattern altitude but coming soon is a more robust vertical planning which is actually pretty cool and then if you have a nav radio connected this would be as I mentioned a vor of course vor or if it's a Nile s you see the glice though as well and so what devices can you connect so you can connect basically any of the modern GPS not calm you know boxes so of course we're a little bit biased you know so the the avid ein IFD series extra is a really great user interface so a lot of people are equipping with those when they choose is dying on it'll also work with the Garmin the gns at 4:30 5:30 PT ends and then the newer GPS 175 and 355 you know all of those are all compatible they're all similar from an interface perspective and yeah so and then if you are flying IFR that's you know I guess the one piece of the panel that we don't make ourselves is the is the the certified IFR navigators who you know dine ons you know our flight planning a super robust and actually if you're not flying IFR you're going to find you're still referring using our map because it's so easy to use when you do go IFR you will use that third-party navigator you know we have a mock-up of one here and then you fly the HSI you use and also you can echo that flight plan on on our map as well so we can show you graphically the holes and the waypoints and things like that yeah basically and I mentioned earlier on there there are the bearing sources there we are so if I this is saying I just I toggle bearing 1 to Sky View and bearing two to GPS to so now we have you know both our course deviation on cycle this back to Sky View so we know that the Sky View you know Waypoint is up there we're a little off track let me just actually turn off the HSI entirely but here we have our bearing to the Sky View Waypoint is you know that first one with one tick and then two ticks two external GPS so they have that it's what element reversing just to so just a minute cuz I really forgot the PFD there are a bunch of things you configure one is a six pack I'd showed that synthetic vision you can turn off if really good for flight training if you just want to kind of narrow down the scope of what somebody's paying attention to you can change whether the synthetic vision is wide or narrow there's a G meter that you can pull up as well instead of the DG you get turn off the terrain alerting and other things like that let's see they cover everything on HSI so you have any other questions specific to again I'm happy to take endless questions about any part of the system it kind of want to keep it contained to do have any other questions about the HSI or kind of a navigator integration anything on anything on that bill bill I'll unmute you all right mmm it's no Bill Nye right I'm sorry oh yeah what can I tell you my questions are more about autopilot and how they wait to get to that section oh okay yeah I appreciate that yep all right so next up we've got engine monitoring so what does it monitor everything so everything engine and everything it that we call an engine monitoring but sort of like engine an aircraft monitoring so there are a bunch so first of all where does it show up one is of course what we call the bottom band when you're setting it up if you're in a home built and you kind of have discretion and all this is configurable by the way so you don't like the way this looks with a couple of button clicks you can etch a sketch your your you know the placement of gauges you can change the style of them just a few minutes but what do we have we've got fuel quantity so left and right tanks we do more than that but you know typical airplane it only has two your manifold pressure tachometer fuel flow fuel pressure oil temperature oil pressure all four of your ch T's and eg T's your batteries and volts and an aircraft oriented stuff like trim and flaps there's also all kinds of performance calculations including percent horsepower that works for kind of like them and Continental superior engines that aren't exotic that have normal compression Pistons you know once you get outside of the norm it's really using sort of the digital equivalent of the chart that you use in the back of your engine manual to tell you what the percent of horsepower is we also have this is kind of cool we do have a lean assist mode but frankly like I never use it because we have real-time lean rich or peak detection so you don't have to like you don't even factory moving the mixture we have kind of a clever algorithm that's all secret proprietary that knows once you have a you know setup whether you're lean rich or at peak on your duties at any given time doesn't matter where your mixture is said or where your throttle said it just knows hobs intact timer this is the fuel computer and negative 106 gallons remaining our demo mode sometimes makes fine numbers the bottom bar on sky view HDX is where is where you'd see it primarily if you're setting it up you want to keep all your primary stuff on the under the on this left side it also get it right but let's say this side because you can make the map with this little button here bigger to pave over the other side so this is kind of the core you know the legal flight instruments or these the ones I care about the most and we can but you can kind of pave over them temporarily we can also display the engine as a 50% split screen so here I've got again those core instruments and but but I have my CH T's and EVPs not combined in this display but as separate batteries volts those the trim where should we do all three acts these flaps which you can figure it doesn't have to be 0 to X you can give it intermediate steps as well all kinds of customizable things for pitot heat or canopy and and then what we have up here on the upper right these are the fuel computer widgets and a fuel computer related things so kind of talk about the distinction between fuel quantity and fuel computer fuel quantity is these guys here they're direct measurement from the tank centers so whether you have resistive floats or capacitive tank centers sensors even if you have let's say even if you were retrofitting a certify airplane and don't touch the floats and you know your fuel gauges and your 172 have always been terrible once you put in sky view and you go through the calibration you know we can we can see that like if you add like four let's say you know a tank which is you know shaped all kinds of weirdly oblong it might be the case of the float kind of moves a little bit than a lot right if it's right that's a lot then a little bit then then a lot again as you as you go for that kind of oddly shaped tank we can calibrate to that so that you know when it says 10 there's 10 and if you're over the top of what the sensor can measure it'll say like 10 plus like let's say you hold 15 but your your your your sensor cops out at 10 so it doesn't lie to you it's good throughout the range and that's great but also we have a fuel computer with a fuel computer you lose eliza utilizes is the fuel flow sensor so you've got your your fuel flows or like 1.8 gallons per hour you also have a gauge if you'd like as well the way it works is when you fill up or change the fuel state of the airplane you go to engine tools and then fuel and now you can adjust you know how much fuels in the airplane or you could just say full it you know or if you have tabs or some alternate fuel state like my sportsman has four times we only ever fill two and so that's the preset versus full is when you top off for a cross-country and then you say accept and then you set the fuel computer you actually don't even need to do that you don't need to go that menu because there is a setting that when you fill up and you fire up sky to be when you start up it's like ooh I saw these change I bet you want to adjust the fuel computer wants you to do that once you have fuel onboard and we know fuel flow then we sort of have a countdown you know like how much gallons are used and how many are remaining based on just the flow alone we can also tell you because we have GPS things like how many miles per gallon you're making over the ground that's really fun to see when you've got like a crazy tailwind your Waypoint your your your gallons at your next Waypoint your range till empty and that that'll and that updates like in real time so if as you lean out like that numbers gonna go super super high high up when you're when you're on climb out you know and you are guzzling fuel like that your range is actually sterile short of course you can't climb forever and yep all kinds of other timers and so that's the fuel computer all of your eg T's and CH TS as I mentioned there is a lean assist mode which tells you how cooler you are than peak it's hard to demonstrate in this I don't want to get too much there's also if you're if you're into it you know there's the gammy spread which tells you the difference in fuel flow between your different eg T's as they peak that's useful for for for tuning your fuel injectors and getting an engine that's well balanced that if you are a member of the Church of Lena peak you know you want to have them here by the way is the terrain alerting right we're kind of scoot along we're basically skating along terrain right now so it's saying hey that red stuff watch out you're hitting it or going to hit it and we're now going through the ground critical on the engine monitor you can you can if I T use the display configuration I can make monitor my primary thing let's say with a second display and make that fullscreen and boom that we have a fullscreen engine monitor and it's real quick I'll jump into setup mode and just show you how easy it is if I go to setup mode and engine monitor setup and I go to the screen layout editor and 100% page we're staring at and I go to a sensor and let's just change the oil temperature sensor and so I can move it around or I can change the style maybe I want it to be a you know just a number and how big do I want that number to be you know so boom oil temperature so you can make everything of the row of numbers you know our brains all work differently in terms of how we interpret information and you could adjust here your preferences also there's a robusta learning system so you see right now CHD one is in the red zone so like if you just scan you see like the solid red like that's that's going to be pretty obvious also there's audible learning and for the things that we know what they are that everybody has like RPM or oil pressure it'll say you know oil pressure high or CHT high in a voice and that's the thing that I'm usually paying attention to coral you should always be scanning your panel but it's it's nice to have audible alert there remind you if you did get an alert this would go from saying you know message to to read it will say I think it is and then you'll get the the warning there that's also helpful you can set alerts to be what we call self clearing which means that like when the alert fires if they're and when it's gone it's gone that makes sense for maybe some things like an eg T where it's transient but there are things that maybe you actually want to know what the alert was even once that's gone let's say there's a high workload moment and bunch of things were going wrong and if you set what we call a latching alarm that alert will still be under this button and under here until you acknowledge it so that's that's helpful there - yeah trims three axes you're only seeing elevator here any questions I think it's kind of the core of the engine monitoring stuff do we have any questions on engine monitoring Mike we got a couple questions it looks like ken's got his hand up we've also got a couple questions in the chat about engine monitoring that have just come in let's take Kim first I'm gonna unmute him and let him ask you your question yes hello there hi how are you yeah well I am about 90% done integrating on IFD 540 with my Sky View system it's an old bill and I've learned the mysteries of error rate buses and all kinds of other things far far more than I ever wanted to know but in an avid EIN forum last week I asked a chat question and I got an answer and I would really like to confer get you to confer than I specifically we all know that fuel flow information exists on this tab you network coming from the totalizer yeah and my question was do the fuel calculation functions of the IFD function with does does the IFT see that fuel flow information over the network yeah I think it should let's see one second here I'm gonna have information because it's been like two questions now let's see okay yeah so I'm so honest my honest answer is I'm not sure I don't have the instant answer there I think I thought I'm not sure whether fuel flow is one of the transmitted labels so I can't answer that here are the reason for asking the question is I'm what I asked Jack quest a little earlier in the session as to when the two engines on one screen will cease to be vaporware and actually get out into you know amongst the real world and I was hoping that by multi-engine home bill yeah and I'm hoping to feed all that and if you guys can't give me two engines on one screen I can at least consolidate my little information on the IFT gotcha so it is so the next certified airplane about to be certified you know in the coming weeks let's just say you know weeks might be it's not two but a Seneca is the pirate and that feature is coming online because it eats too for the piper Seneca initially it might not make it into the experimental you know our software is kind of being branched or forked for at least a little while things will come back together but so know that it does exist is vaporware in you can't get it right now and then there there are people that do have the existing twin-engine interface and kind of have a migration path there as well so so the answer is yes spoon and I can't give you an exact timeframe but but that's going to happen because it's already I mean it's already implemented on the certified side and going through the testing as we wrap up the work on the Seneca thank you yeah good question thank you [Music] looks like we have Lawrence's back we can we can try to get his question all right Lawrence you're unmuted you okay can you hear me now mm-hmm okay super I'm putting a 9:15 is Rotax on a long easy and question is with all your engine monitoring can you take the signals off of the Rotax engine and display them on your défis yeah which is which one that sender do you have 9/15 is the new one yeah yeah and that and that is the new enough that I I think we I think we still do like a formal tech review just to make sure that that everything works the same as it does with the 912 is it does have a turbocharger and I don't think there's anything else that this has come on my list to research myself gosh gosh last year it was still up in the air and so I was hoping I'd like I get mine in the air by this summer yeah yeah my 90% answer is it's basically it is supported because it's basically the same as the 912 is okay very good thank you yep looks like we have one more Zack Zach I just unmuted you you should be there hello are you there Zell right yep we got you question two questions and maybe you're going to talk about a little bit but the first one around the into monitoring is Rosa for those of us that already have you know let's say like a JPI or something do we have to replace the existing sensors that have been installed there or is that you know compatible with your system right yeah good question so the the expensive ones are these the ones that add up the cht-cht Zandi GTS are generally compatible any type J or K thermocouple and we use type J's for Stage two you type case for eg T's that you can actually use them either way will work on with our system then the other ones you know so you've got oil temperature oil pressure fuel pressure generally there's not a lot of compatibility when it comes down to like you know what are those sensors and and it's even hard to sometimes ID them like what they really are in terms of being like so we don't support let's say like JPI sensors but if they happen to use the same sensors that we've used then they can work but what you can do what most people do in your situation is you kind of keep the CFCs in each of these the fuel flow sensors are basically universal so I they overflow scan or an e I that basically that'll work and then the three or four others you end up buying from us like let's say let's say again TI t and other stuff yeah and and those are and those so TI t is usually a thermocouple as well like like a seat like an e GT so if there's a thermocouple then it'll work as well okay got it and then second question and you may get to it and so I have a TR 182 so curious on obviously the auto pilot certification timeline and the full certified suite yes the autopilot is basically soon as we have and and let's see do we have your airplane on on the AM L do you know uh Mike it looks like he may have muted himself back okay well I'll give the general answer so we have like six hundred airplanes and I'm not sure of yours is honored on the approved model list and autopilot because it involves like changing airframe structure and rigging and stuff like that you have we have to do that airplane by airplane it's not like home-built land where we can just say you know here are servos go fashion your own mounting hardware it just doesn't fly so we do have to do that airplane by airplane and you know the the list of airplanes that we're working on right now we're the only ones we're really committing to because we've been wrong frankly over the past few years in terms of timelines so we don't we know and and we're even hesitant to give like a precise states because things change the you know this whole Coby thing is slowed things down a little bit all of that so right now it's the Seneca than the 182 than the Moody and sorry it's the Seneca than the Bonanza 8:36 series the Mooney 182 then the Moody M 20 and I think the last one we have committed to a very strong candidate for the next one are the Piper pa-28 series just because there's so many of them and that that form I mentioned our website where which we do use not exclusively but it's one of the things we wait it's you know how many people are interested and we're also looking at a whole bunch of other factors as well so so my honest answer is I can't give you any answer if it's not on the list it looks like he's back now you're back yes alright so yeah the the aircraft in question is a Cessna 182 RG t our way so I assume okay yes yes and okay so yeah the 182 is after the yes so it's it's Seneca and they're not completely serial there's work happening on you know them but but that it will be one after the other so it's Seneca bonanza a 36 182 but 182 should we think this is you know kind of a big with like I know seventy percent certainty should cover much over the range but what happens as we go through the engineering and then we start getting the getting our hands and engineering joints for different models we can either prove or disprove that I don't think we have a comprehensive model list I think ours is an RG like the actual mule that we have in the shop ik I think that's a retractable so okay that's good news cool thank you alright looks like we have one more you want to take one more thing I'm gonna then okay bill Putney it's me so there are a bunch of airplanes on the AML that are kind of low population airplanes mm-hmm and of course mine is an Avion which is a relatively low population airplane we've had auto pilots on these airplanes for about sixty years now sorry seventy years now and so a lot of these airplanes are flying around with a stack century you know thirty five different sorts of auto pilots that all have mounts that have the same bolt pattern as the dine on servos and that and the rigging should be the same and the and that structure is already there and has anybody thought about like working with the FAA and saying well how about how about something where if there's already an existing autopilot you know and it's just a matter of swapping out the servos that yeah that yeah we can we can find some shortcut way of doing that because there some of this you know that you know I I understand that the constraints but there's some of this who will never see a dime on autopilot right yeah that's a good question we haven't encountered that yet in terms of we know once we actually kind of get into an airplane you know it's like well actually we need to engineer new brackets and we're all about finding the quickest way to get something to market though so if we actually if as you said if the Navion it's basically if it's more less a bolt in or like an adaptation of an existing auto pilot station that could be much quicker path forward and the Navion immediately it's kind of a low-volume but you guys are there's a couple of communities around certain airplanes that are particularly strong and that even when we think about them they get over weighted in terms of let's say the population of airplanes and again population isn't the only thing it's also kind of you know community desire all that kind of stuffs like one of those the NAB young community you guys are you know pretty we hear a lot from from Navion owners terms of desiring autopilot another one's a Cessna Cardinal you know we did it we did a notch form just for Cardinal owners because they brought the whole club in and everything so that's not a promise you know but it's it but it's sort of like like yes like we know that it's not that not just the you know the Piper pa-28 or autopilot eligible and as you said there might be some some quicker paths forward on some of these models thank you all right I'm going to move on let's see where's my topic list you all right so we're gonna talk about let's talk about map movie map let's okay good panels back all right moving map as I said like you know if you are flying IFR you're gonna pair us with a navigator but if you're even if you do have one of those navigators when you're not flying IFR you're gonna use our map and it basically works like you would expect a map to for looking around it's just like you know like everything we have on our phone and iPad you know there's the airplane there's where we're going to be ten minutes and some minutes or ten miles and some some minutes from where we are we've got airports we've got fixes and other things this is configured right now with a demo of a DSP weather so if i zoom out you can see we've got some mountains we also have some thunderstorm activity we have that weather color encoded actually so the green dot add pain field here that's saying that there's a weather it's good there even though it wasn't so great just off to the west if we want information about something we can just tap it we get kind of the important the stuff you might want to know about like field elevation traffic pattern altitude estimated if it isn't in the data as it isn't for some complicated airports if they're if where I touch on the screen so that's saying that's an airport if there's more than one thing that I might be touching because there's you know kind of layers of things stacked in this case there's airspace I can touch this little arrow and it's saying oh there's ever it's Class D zoom out to show that so if we touch and then there's a airport that's highlighted now we're highlighting the pain fields Class D that go service to 3,100 feet I touch it again we've got because see how it's kind of a busy area airspace wise we've got a class Bravo which is six seven thousand feet so just orienting yourself that's you know this is frankly just a ton easier than it is on most are things where you have to kind of touch something that hit a menu then pull up a list of air spaces you know if I say like oh there's some kind of a restricted area that's restricted surface to 1900 so pretty easy to just navigate around if you prefer north up or track up you can just touch the touch the arrow in this case I guess we're flying basically the same way but if I want track up which means just to be clear that means that the direction of the map is in front of the airplane and not necessarily north or if I went north up now it's like you're holding a chart in your hand where north is north and and things look like they they they do zooming in and zooming out you can do with your fingers or you can use the knob we can zoom way out and you know get across the country quickly in fact if I just want to go fly and so I live in Seattle but you know from New Jersey so Newark I could have say direct to and off we go and now I have super quickly and it does all the the great circle routing you know so it's doing the taking the least the least the least distance path to to where you're going and so what I just demonstrated is just you know going directly somewhere so if I just kind of grab I can even say go direct to Chicago doesn't have to be an airport and I say direct to and says ah the Matt pointer and boom now we're going to Chicago so again it's just such something direct to it pulls up information this case is just the Matt pointer if I press direct to again now we're navigating to that spot if I wanted to navigate to you know some nearest airport Arlington Washington is just off or left I can say instead of like direct to our touching I can touch it and then say direct to like I just did but I can also instead just say nearest where my New York's airports well let's go to Arlington which is the first one and I just say direct to again now you can see if i zoom in the magenta line and notice actually it doesn't start the airplane that's because it knows that like you need to turn to get on course so this is super helpful when you're navigating when you have the auto pylon and you go grab a new Waypoint what a lot of lot of systems will do is it'll just take that line from wherever you started and cut it and so then the autopilot can do this like this weird dogleg and fly kind of back to where it is we kind of know where you where that beginning of your next leg is going to be based on a turn so maybe a less severe so let's just take that guy and stay direct to so you can see if we were flying autopilot if we just start turning immediately as we turn to go on course and do quick enough you basically don't have any extra / you know area so that's more useful actually when when we're stringing together more than one thing to make a flight plan so let's do that so I'm going to so now I have just the direct two to this fix but let's choose an airport or some places to take just these lakes and I can say it's got some info about it and it's that's not do let's just actually do it with another fix so they get touch the fixed and I say in info and information about that fix and I'll say ants a flight plan instead of going direct to it so that's the flight plan we now get you know it's where we want to add it to want to go there right away or after the next thing you can insert it wherever you want in the list I'll say insert there and then if we go out of there you can see what it's doing is you've got plan and then you've got the next leg there now as I mentioned it doesn't actually over fly you can set it to overfly if you want but it's not over flying an intermediate fix so the very next thing on my flight plan is technically this fixed but it's not good by default it's not going to fly - it's going to kind of round the corner so again if you're flying by Auto Pie you don't end up doing this leg where you go to the fix and then do this like teardrop over it that is appropriate to do in some cases especially your flying IFR because they don't fix to fix forever but if you're just kind of stringing along you know general waypoints this will round the corner the autopilot fly gracefully and you won't you know burn up an extra two or three minutes of flight that you don't really need to so let's talk a little bit about sort of like a basics and navigation let's talk about information about things so back to north up and I mentioned already that there are different ways we can find things we can touch things and say info now we have information about that Airport I could also go nearest and there's lots of things that we are near we're near airports there's weather stations vor is fixes ndb's visual reporting points these are waypoints if I just kind of use the knob where I can touch and get information about an airport identifier where it is what it's called what fuel it's got kind of all the stuff that would be in a book on a chart and also in the airport facilities directory how far away you are estimated time to a traffic pattern lat/long tower frequency or CTF we can also get a more verbose or a more complete list of all the frequencies and if there's some kind of like narrative about like what is this tower frequency you push this little diamond button it says I it's for this runway if we have if there are plates or charts associated with it in this case let's say an airport diagram I just reset to show you something cool all of these are geo-referenced which means if I just go let's go back to where I was and so whether we're looking at an airport diagram and taxing or taking off or whether you're looking at an actual procedure plate you can zoom in and and literally over fly the procedure this little magenta pip that's kind of coming in that's that's telling us where we'll be over the ground when when we get to our bugged altitude so whether you're flying autopilot just have a little reminder bug it's nice for planning so if I'm if I'm at let's say right now we're at 3,700 feet and then I changed the altitude bug to let's say a thousand feet you there we go so it's thing based on my current rate of descent I will hit the altitude at that blue line so it's really nice if you're trying to let's say not get to a certain altitude or start climbing until you reach an airspace limit or if you need to as they get to an altitude before you cross a threshold leaving an airspace you get the idea going back to so near so we have nearest airport and then all that information that Airport if it has weather or and even it doesn't have weather give the nearest station so whether is via a DSP in so this is pain-filled VFR you can look at the decoded version where is it it's actually a setting but you can look at the decoded version if you want to you know drive yourself crazy but this is just in the kind of standard eight is a sauce format run my information for the airports and then the remarks which is which are basically all black textual information in the airport facility these directories those green books that nobody buys it anymore so that's all there for you to let's see so we talked about nearest so well that's under that button nearest is kind of if you're VFR flying is you know you're using you know nearest time flight plan brings you up to the flight plan there you can do things like I just had another leg by touching and then key you know you don't have to use nearest you can also just key in kind of a Boeing feel okay be and and it's predicting based on what's closest lightest at KB there's lots of KB other things but KB fi Boeing field is the nearest where we are insert that into the flight plan and now we go to Boeing field next and if I go back out of the out of the out of the math there should be another new leg on the flight plan get down to the Seattle area and reset this because we were kind of skimming along the ground if you had a third-party navigator like a Avedon IFD series you would have in the flight plan menu another tab here which would say IFD or whatever you've named it and when you select that you can see its flight plan you can't edit that flight plan there but it'll show up here and also you can set it to show up on the map so all of those holds and procedures and and and just the flight plan that's coming from like the certified thing that you that you should be following if you're on a gps IFR flight plan that will show up on our map as well let me just kind of go into talks about flight plans talk about information talk about the nearest lists oh yeah also nearest vo ours there's no narrator in Sky View but we know where vor czar and that's basically you know good enough for your stringing them together in a flight plan not a legal replacement for an average oh of course but you know let's say you actually did end up needing to navigate in a DC's telling you you know can you go to this vor or something like that that's even a realistic use case but just you know where the vor czar and you can navigate some just like any other place in the world visual reporting points which is more more of a European thing these are waypoints so dine on comes pre-programmed so if you if you want to overfly us that's there for you air traffic control frequencies so these are and if you have the comm ready you can shoot them into the comm radio from here and also same thing with flight service stations so you know there's the nearest one and tune comm that's all about the comm radio in a bit I think that kind of covers the basics of oh we also have this this info column which there's lots of little configurable widgets or info items including GPS altitude what your next Waypoint is distance to Waypoint estimated time and route to the next one as many time arrival with the next lat long what your next Waypoint is and there's a handful of others you can also when when you kind of do that declutter that'll go away you can also turn it off if you want so again anything it's display oriented what's displayed lets not display under the display button turn off the map info column and now you've got a little bit more map real estate when you're not really concerned about performance or what time you're getting somewhere alright I'll take a couple of questions on the mapping and navigation and flight planning and then we'll move on to the next thing alright Mike it looks like galaxy plays has has a question I'm going to unmute you hey Mike the question I've got a 10 inch and a 7 inch classic what would it involve in replacing that to the HDX same wiring harness new wiring harness replace time yeah great question so from from a wiring perspective they're identical so same 37 pin harness same sky v Network connectors same Ethernet port if you've got them wired together for databasing there is the cut out so your your Sky View classic cut out has more room than you need for Sky View HD XO sky VHDX has that candid bet the beveled edge and so you did we don't ship it with them anymore but there is a little plate that's available that kind of covers so if you didn't want to cut a new panel you can you can fill that that hole I don't know if we don't be charged for it used to be a pack and it's not anymore and our sales and support team can answer that the screw holes are in different places so you will need to drill a couple of holes I think the top see you have six holes on classic and there's only four and I think they're both in different places and I might be wrong about that might be only two of them I forget and then your follow-up question is probably going to be do you have a trade-in program and the and the answer is we don't although it's it's super likely and and we have been saying that for a while we frankly don't always have the capacity to we know there's a lot of people want to upgrade and some people have done it on their own they sell the old they go to the newer welcome somebody that's dine on family whether they buy a use display from somebody else or not but we know there's a lot of demand out there so we are likely to put together a program don't have the timing on that but it's probably okay can I run an HDX with the 7 inch classic or do they have to be the same they have to be the same yeah so there's a you know there's there's sort of they're sort of the official answer and then there's the the behind-the-scenes story the the official answer is they they don't work together because the software is going to change between them at some point that technically hasn't happened yet it's like if you happen to like have them they would work but we've stopped testing them let me put that we don't test them together so I could even be wrong like basically I've seen them hooked up together they work okay but I could even be wrong about that so that I almost shouldn't be saying that but the official answer is no don't mix them they will be incompatible at some point and I'll jump in on this bull host basting question the top two screws top left and top right are the same for HDX and classic lower screws two new positions will need to be drilled and tapped or ever if not installed for the Aged but that's that's baby cool so we have a question from a Frank and then I'll move on to the next set of things Frank you're unmuted you can ask your question hello Mike thank you for doing this really appreciate it very informative considering a garment GNC 355 can you speak to the navigation integration capabilities with the 355 from Garmin yeah and I need to remind myself that's said the G and C some of their newest things like that GPS 175 with and with the car radio exactly right yes yep it works it integrates just like the GT ends or the ifv's it basically you know you program your flight plan over there it shows up on Sky View it shows up on the HSI you can shoot your GPS and LTV approaches it basically all works and then as we talked about earlier there's some data that goes back and forth to enable other other functionality like minor minor things okay but no limitations that you know of no one just that I know of let's see I do forget off the top of my head whether we can shoot comm frequencies that as a GPS comm is it I believe we can shoot comp requisite to 355 right now yeah I think that's true yeah we can we can send frequencies to the other so that's the standalone Garmin conrado's the 355 yeah the 255 thanks and the and the legacy SL 30s and 40s for very good aircraft my aircraft also has an SL 30 so that's good to know yeah totally all right thank you yep cool all right so I will move on to let's see what are we up to we're up to comm radios yes so so just so you know like what's coming up is comm radio transponder a DSP in and out autopilot and yeah I guess I should really budget two hours for these things especially if we're asking questions and then and then some talk about other system things so now we're going to talk Hummer you I think what I'll do is I'm going to just kind of go through the next few sections and then pop back back up for questions in a little while so come radio let's see let's get me spotlighted they really see there we go all right SOCOM radio so what's so that just my thank you all right so dine on comm radio is kinda mentally and this is just a control panel that has a volume knob and then the interface another dual concentric knob and so the comm radio so dynamic on radio works completely differently than any other comradio so almost any efis or eps navcom you can do you know this where you go to the nearest airport comm frequency and let's tune it oh that's pretty easy right and it's pretty easy you know now we've got that frequency I just sent ground over to here it also shows up in this top bar here but with sky views calm it's even easier so I fly from you know pain field which is Seattle Oshkosh and I never spin in a frequency using you know the knobs which we have as well except for when I'm you know kind of in the last I don't know half hour that rip on over from talking air-to-air because what we do is we press Airport because it's connected to Sky View it says nearest airport if I just grab if I just turn them out it says we can say okay Arlington that's the nearest one the first ones the closest and now I've kind of locked the airport so to speak into the comm radio now I've got these dedicated buttons that are all the the things that you might want and if it's you know in order so if I'm approaching I'm gonna go grab a Tesoro me what you know a wasps that frequencies in there so that's now in standby right just the knob here just a little bit and now we flip-flop back to active as I get closer if I want to talk to tower or if sorry tower or if C tap so this this doesn't have a tower so it's a single multi Tom frequency so that's in standby I hit the flip-flop and now it's active if I were on you choose a better Airport or have all the frequencies don't miss and that's a Airport to the comm so I guess now we're pain-filled now I have I've landed so we go ground it's a ground point eight or ground point Niner flip-flop and similarly if if I want to talk to approach their departure I just hit the ATC button and get to approaching the Archer frequencies since I changed the airport where this is pain field you know a big class Delta Airport you know where they build Boeing's and near Seattle there are multiple tower frequencies it so I can toggle between them and if there's a Unicom and so basically as you're flying you just say okay what's my ears they're poor what's my nearest airport I'll choose a small one and lock it in get my tower a wasp and then to start listening and that's all you ever do so again Airport what's nearest one Arlington let's listen to tower that's it so you're kind of you know and so as you're going you just need to grab the ECU's grab the nearest airport and just tune it that way now there so you can use the comm radio interface here or I mentioned the touch screen I can go I just touched this area here and now I've got the similar interface it doesn't have knobs for you know tuning if I wanted to tune a frequency to stand by I swap button which is the same thing as pushing the knob up here I do have those same buttons that correspond up here so right now we've got ka wo same thing it's listed there so Arlington Airport and if I again if I want to do a tis ground there's no ground so just yell at me or multicom or CTF or departure Park for frequency so again that's a standby that's the active same thing that's a standby that's the active in same thing here saying by that's active so you have the same information depending on your preference that's how the the two primary ways to use the common radio we also can do as we were talking about a minute ago I can go nearest airport comm radio and I can actually just choose any of these frequencies let's say like the approach frequency say tune comm press the button there to come that just got shot into the into the standby frequency same thing you know if I want to do a loss whether tune calm and is changed up there so I can also go one other thing we can do to tune it soon the airport is I can choose an airport would be Island Naval Air Station I can say Airport to calm this button down here if I press that that low the airport into the comm radio so that I can then use those frequency specific buttons a few different ways to use the comm radio there yeah I capture everything I think I capture most of the the comm features there's also a dual watch so easy to show here if I enable dual watch what this does is it's it allows us to not just listen to the active frequency but to monitor for activity on the standby and and if there is activity you'll hear it but at the same time if so let's say you wanted to listen to a test while still listening to tower because it's a busy day and you're trying to track both at the same time you'll you'll when you open up to a watch you'll listen to ADIS until something transmits on on their primary frequency then it's automatically kind of locks into that one you can't listen to two things simultaneously but you can sort of listen for both another way to use dual watch is you know if you wanted to monitor say one two one five you know I'm the standby while still having whatever your primary frequency is is in there and then if you press the volume knob on the physical thing that'll open up the squelch meaning you'll just hear whatever's coming over the radio static or a weak this thing weather report if that's what you're looking for so you could do that as well so kind of standard comm radio frequency stuff on that front or comradio feature stuff on that front but this interface is is is is awesome I don't remember yeah as i said i don't remember last time i looked up a frequency and did this let's calm radio i'm gonna move on to transponder its recenter here sorry if that's making anybody sick all right so transponder you frankly don't need to think about it too much especially when you're VFR so there is you know under here transponder or again tengo menu transponder so that's the again that dual use you know touch screens great but in turbulence and you're like uh you know menu transponder so same thing I can touch these buttons I can you know give myself a discreet code whatever they assigned to me or I could squawk VFR with a single button 1200 for the US you can assign it to I forget what the number is in Europe but it's very much not 1200 you could also use similar that that you know using touch screen or not we can use the knob and and say like you know three six six seven so I could see there's a little white outline and then this is set up for some reason I need to fix this there's you know stand by ground on an out standard mode F things except there's also an auto which is not showing for apply because of the way this demo screen is set up but most of the time so sky view knows things like your speed and GPS speed if you're moving you're for flying and so if you just put it on auto you know there's an auto button it'll say it'll basically go from ground to alpha as appropriate I livery you know unless I'm talking to a controller flight following I don't think about the transponder other than to you know make sure that it's it is working and if you need the identity of boom I'd then that'll light up in a real transponder when it when it knows it's identikit doesn't in this demo configuration that's remote s transponder the modus trans fan sponder in the US is also your abs be out devices kind of you know a two-in-one thing so you marry the transponder with our approved or compliant GPS physician source is called the GPS V GPS 2220 and that's a fully compliant 20 20 compliant abs V out and then going back to the map there's also traffic and whether that's there that's another box which is part of the sky views you know kind of fleet of modules behind the scenes that brings in the traffic and whether a DSP in what's you know it's also nice about the the mode s transponder is it does have it's going away but it's still pretty useful in terminal areas while it still exists it has so a DSP traffic is also known as his B traffic but the predecessor that was his age traffic and that is used on what is now becoming legacy legacy radars there slew being upgraded but if you are like in a scale area even though you have a DSP oftentimes you're actually getting that is a weather via the transponder or some weather traffic via the transponder and that is considered higher integrity because it's sort of what the controllers are seeing so it's it's basically got a piped up tailored to your airplane traffic picture just for you so today is still around for a while it's going away whenever they upgrade a terminal areas radars like the newest generation you lose it and then you the idea is that you you will have a DSP for the longer term it is nice that you have it because it still does exist and it still does provide next performance so that's the transponder we just talked about a DSP in and out a DSP ins a DSP out is in the transponder a DSP in is dual bands so you know so just a quick aside about a DSP so what people don't realize or maybe people don't realize is even if you have a dual band receiver let's say a portable thing in your airplane and we make one buy on that can talk to iPads and for flight and things and fly IQ you only see the traffic that that you can see directly so even if your dual band and you can see all of the 1090 guys and all of the 978 guys which are the two a DSP frequencies that people could be transmitting on you're only seeing the people that have a DSP equipped and I don't what I don't know what the percentage is right now but it's something like I think it's still sub 20% maybe it's 50% let's say it's 50% of the fleet as a quick with a DSP that means if you're not an emitter if you don't have a DSP out you're missing like half of the traffic and the reason that is is that when you are in a DSP out emitter you are saying to the the world and the a DSP stations like hey I'm here and then what the ats-v system does is it literally makes a hockey puck of traffic around here I think it's like plus or minus setting three or five thousand feet in altitude and it's 15 miles I have those numbers slightly wrong but it's a hockey puck of about the right distance of traffic that's tailored to you that includes anything that the air traffic control system knows about so any mode see reply a guy that decided not to equip because you're you know kind of out you know not in a major metro area or just think people I haven't equipped yet there's a lot of those people so when you're an ATS feet out you know emitter when you're eighty when you do have your idiot your your Sky View transponder based a DSP out signal that wakes up the ground station to feed you the data of all of the different a DSP in targets so basically if you wanted if you actually want a complete traffic picture one that's like the most trustworthy you want to have a be what you want to be it you want to have a DSP out what you have when you have Scott you so that's be in and out I'm gonna change my order a little bit I'm going to talk about the knob control panel before I get into so we talked earlier about how you can how these knobs and full-screen so how these knobs are configurable so I can click this and I can change my knob function to adjust the altimeter setting or the courts or the heading bug or the altitude bug or the vertical speed bug of the airspeed bug I can do that I can also touch touch the screen I touch the heading and it reassigned that knob and now adjusting heading I touch the altitude and adjusting the altitude bug now touch will speed a lot you get it but it's also true that and if you and if you have two screens and you have one set up as primary flava so you actually have two of those you can actually have like one always set to heading and one always set to altitude and then you've got like most of your you know driving around the sky features covered but we have this other product that I don't know what the percentages I mean Kyle if you know you feel free to pipe up and the lighting is what and again my apologies oh yeah yeah just roughly what with something that people are using the knob control these days gosh anybody who could ruin the panel for it it's so portable it it brings so much function in it if you've got room for it they get it yeah and so what and so what this is is it's it's three knobs for the things you adjust the most so if you're in similar setting and yeah so yeah altimeters setting you see it's that's altitude bug the Barrow which is the altimeter settings you can sort of see the altitude off the corner of the screen is kind of moving as I adjust the altimeter setting and then heading in track yeah which is what direction you're flying and you know it's worthwhile just talking for a moment what's there between heading and track heading is your magnetic heading it's what direction the airplanes pointed if the airplanes nose is pointing north you know you're heading north your heading is north your magnetic heading is north more particularly if if you are if you have a huge wind let's say from the left you might be pointed north you know at three six zero but if you have a pointed north and you have the wind from the west but you might be tracking or flying over the ground that let's say zero one zero so if you're taking a vector from ATC under autopilot you know they want your flying heading because they want everybody flying heading is their building in the wind stuff themselves if you're just flying around you know the map though and just kind of you know you like you want to go at it if I want to go you know like avoid this mountain range as we could see here I want to track kind of very I don't care which way I pointed where the winds I just want to get where I want to go so using track and this has a lot to do with the way you fly the autopilot is a much more kind of like you know this is where I want to go or for exam I want to intercept that Airport there so put the track line there and in our demo there's there's really no heavy wind or crosswind but so they match but you can have a different you know much different heading and track when when you're when you're winds are you know when they've picked up and when your altitude so yeah so if you're VFR just kind of going and just want to kind of a point would point with the map you're gonna use track mode if you're IFR you're taking headings from ATC it's it's gonna be heading or heading and this bug or this knob it just whichever one is currently selected and if you're on autopilot you can only have one of track or heading selected at once so you know the the we call the bug here on on the display this cyan bug here is either heading or track depending on what we're what mode were in on autopilot so so next up is autopilot but I think before that I'll take another couple of questions about you know immediately about the comm radio transponder a DSP in and out and let's see looks we got a question from Scott about are you there I am here alright can you send the frequencies to an i FD 540 not yet but that's that's also on the list of features yes so there there's there's more integration to do with some of the IFR navigators on that front so so not yet but what a lot of people end up doing in an IFR setup is you'll end up having to comms and just because of the interface you'll often most people will use our comm is the primary comms that's the one that's on the top bar and the one that you're shooting frequencies to so that's sort of the paradigm there and then use the IFT interface for its radio tuning okay and bill bill bill we're trying to unmute ya mute there you go and a GS 480 and I want to send calm or send nav can I do that discreetly or does it send the navicomp frequency to both radios at once yes so there's there's there's kind of the notion of a primary calm and in that case and I forget that the 40 I know that there are there are a bunch out there but not as many hooked up to dine on systems the SL 30 would definitely send both - yeah the 40 thinks it's an M so 34 now and but but I do need to choose one or the other so there's kind of motion when you're sending something it sends it like - now all that said if you actually kind of connected them in a clever way you could probably send it to both simultaneously then you ended up then you end up with you know both frequencies getting changed make you know in terms of just the serial ports getting connected to both devices at once the one dying on going to both receives yeah the for a detox on on ARINC and and the other one talks on serial yeah it'll appeal the Palo serial yep yeah so the if I had that set up what I'd probably do is the yeah the serial port hooked up to the SL 34 the frequency transfer and then airing for the 480 navin having GPS data okay thanks yep all right autopilot [Music] oops just did the wrong thing all right I think that spotlight okay so autopilot all right so so we have a three-axis autopilot so roll pitch and yaw most most popular and RV 10 and in the Bonanza there's a three axis certified stuff and there's our autopilot is kind of - autopilot sin one which is is what we call a simplified mode in expert mode and so I'm gonna switch to us over to since something that you do in flight something you do on the ground of course kind of doing your setup but I'm gonna go to simplified mode and what's really neat about simplified mode as it boils down your autopilot controls to what altitude and where do you want to go and so before you even get to that this is the autopilot status bar it says ap in the middle if I you know touch it there anywhere on the bar I get the menu again other way to do that is menu autopilot same thing and there's only really two modes if you have the odd ampere and this is a 180 turn myself around I got in trouble a level button is let's just over the level button I say level boom straighten level the autopilot bar is now showing us our our roll axis and our pitch axis modes it turned green that means that it's engaged and the little green arrows are showing which which acts these are engaged and the saying we're straight and you know a straight and roll and level and so that's that more commonly if I say track and out this is saying now on my my roll axis we are trying to get to track 275 and we're trying to get to altitude 4,800 and simplified mode when I engage the autopilot it snaps the the bugs or you know and let's just talk about every second the bugs are these little science that are that are the things that I either that I want the autopilot to target so if I grab the track and spin it you can see that just changed the number change up there to change down at the little track window and that's my new target for the autopilot same thing if I touch the altitude that selected the altitude if I adjust altitudes 5,000 feet the autopilot is going vertical speed now to altitude and so in the simplified mode it will whenever you I'll disengage again whenever I engage it's going to take those bugs and just snap them whatever I'm currently at so meaning just maintain my current course in my current altitude or the current track of my car altitude from there it just goes in it'll chase the bugs whenever you adjust them so if I change my track and I changed my health it's going to initiate a climb or descent at whatever your vertical speed that you've set in setup you can also adjust that after the fact if I don't want to climb or descend as fast as I normally do for airspace reasons or you know you know whatever reserve performance reasons or shock cooling or whatever so so in simplified mode it just follows the bugs it's just kind of slave to them it goes chasing them immediately the other mode is so that's and so there's track and out is go in a direction go to an altitude the other mode is HSI + alt and what HSI + out is is lock in on the altitude in the same way but instead of following a direction that I spin in on the on the track bug it's saying follow whatever the GPS wants in this case the GPS wants to go to Boeing field which is behind us and we're off axis in this demo mode it doesn't quite year the way it would in a real airplane but what would happen in real life is is if you said GPS immediately the everything's going to start to center that needle in this case it means you know we got to get the airport airport roughly in front of us and we're our cross track here is is that is that so we'd probably set like you know 30 or 40 degree intercept angle to see it on the map yeah so where's the mr. flight plan yeah we're way far away from it so the flight plan is doesn't even start until we're up ahead but you know it centers the needle it flies the red line if I go let's say direct to direct opponent field now it's centered and what the autopilot do in this case it would just fly right down the pink line both on HSI and the corresponding you know pink line magenta line on the map that's simplify mode if you're flying around VFR you don't need more than this and if you did get in trouble you can you know 180 that just flips the bug right behind you airplane turns you know you flew into clouds you're not instrument-rated or not current get yourself out of trouble it'll just turn you around so that's simplified mode pretty simple kind of two buttons on off adjust your targets you know where do you want to go how high do you want to be kind of the end the other mode so now we'll go to will reset to what we call expert mode and now the autopilot menu looks a lot different this is much more similar to an airliner style auto pilot or other auto pilots that you've seen in the market where you have discrete control over your lateral modes so heading track or nav similarly altitude hold tracking device slope airspeed vertical speed all damper has its own button and then there's a flight director and and I'm gonna download things on this screen but let me just show you one one other thing which is and if you're going in with an IFR setup and you are and you want the kind of the the best usable interface these buttons do exactly the same thing as entrence but they're dedicated they're always there they have a nice tactile feel and and and it's it's a nice little workload reducer it's so it's got the same auto pilot flight director buttons these are your your lateral modes your nav tracking things that the ailerons control and heading source changes the what the HSI is listening to it's the same as touching that you know that block down here it changed its August through the navigation sources and then similarly this is the pitch stuff altitude hold vertical speed airspeed cold and if we have a glide path alight Slovene Ave the nose-up and nose-down buttons are to adjust a vertical speed or airspeed when you're in that mode and of course level button is sort of the just get me out of get me out of trouble button this module is also an integrated trim controller so instead of purchasing let's say see most people on the hillside use the Ray Allen trim servos instead of installing a relay deck or some other third party device or not this is that thing it's nice about that and so you basically wire up your your motors to this and your stick switches to it and because it knows about the autopilot and the autopilot servos can measure force they know when you're out of trim and if you don't have this module the autopilot will tell you like oh hey like you change the configuration the airplane we're out of trim trim up please you get a little trim up trim down you bump the trim or you spin the wheel of what you know and then you utilize that the servo is really react the way that you do as a human because they're doing the same thing you're doing they're they're they're grabbing this thick you know underneath where you can't see it but they're but it can sense whether it's needing to apply force to the stick in a continuous way same way you do when you like change configuration you say oh I need to trim so that I don't because I'm applying force to the stick when you have so even without this module the servos and the autopilot will give you trim device when you have this and because it's your trim controller because we know the trim this will bump the trim automatically it's a basically as a auto trim when you're flying under autopilot and so that's super useful you know it's a you you change your altitude target you are in a Cline you level off the the autopilot went into altitude hold mode it is now you know if you haven't changed power what's happening is you're gonna it's gonna apply some forward stick pressure and if you don't if you don't trim you just gonna have to hold that there right so instead what you would normally do is you bump the trim a few times to even it out if you have this module the servos and presumably you're not holding the sticker you're not feeling the force because the autopilot is flying and the auto pilot says oh I need a little bit of trim up and it does it very slowly so it's not gonna like you know run away those I think it's like a pulse per second it'll basically respond to its own trim advice to reconfigure the airplane airplanes trim and you know it is intentionally so again to avoid things like you trim runaways what I'll often do in my airplane want to make like big configuration teenagers like I'll know that like I'm going to need to trim down I'll just like give a little buzz on the on the trim motor on the stick and then let the airplane do like the you know clean up the rest of it over you know a few more seconds so that's a lot of how a control panel a won't one other thing this does you know affect all the autopilot mode so if I just you know press auto pilot I mean I just turned off me just clear everything out here so if I just go auto pilot I turned on if I change the modes it reflects they're just as if we were in the menu but lost my train of thought oh all of the trim controller is even though it there it talks to Sky View is completely independent so even if let's say your Sky View system have you got electrical failure don't you still have electrical power the trim controller and this will still work it's it's a completely independent sub system so I'm gonna talk pretty briefly about the expert autopilot because it is pretty involved but the way it works is clear anything else so now we're we're kind of back to square one nothing if I just hit autopilot it doesn't it doesn't grab it doesn't fly in a direction or at a particular altitude like the simplified does mode does because maybe you've actually set up your bugs in an anticipated moving over what it does on expert mode is it holds your roll and it holds your vertical speed so it kind of keeps doing what you were doing so if you're kind of in a climbing you know a climbing turn it's gonna hold that roll angle hold that vertical speed and until you program it otherwise and so there's less automate there's less forced automation with the expert mode where simplified mode it just goes and chases those numbers with we were simplified mode it just chases numbers with extra mode you have to kind of tell it what you what you want so you know I engaged it in its vertical speed happens to be zero but now say I want to hold altitude it's now gonna hold 4700 feet let's say I want to change altitude well I'm gonna grab the altitude bug-type by touching that and then spinning the knob and let's say we want to go down to 3,500 feet notice nothing's changed the autopilot hasn't done anything yet still holding out the - you're saying I'm holding out three or 4700 feet the bug is somewhere else so again this is sort of like I know what's coming next because there's an airspace I want to get to but not yet but I kind of want to set up the airplane for it in anticipation so there's my next altitude and and then so when I when I want to go to it I can either engage air speed or vertical speed mobile what I usually do is I say hey yeah it's time to go down and so we go nose down you can use the button on the control panel as well and it will choose you set it and set up what your default climb and verb and descent vertical speeds are you can set them to be and it will assume that and then you can just use that nose-up and nose-down to fine tune that so if I go up up up you know now I'm only - 100 feet on the vertical speed we're going down down down down if we want I'm pushing buns I don't mean to be pushing down down down down and now we're going at 1,100 feet per minute down so similarly maybe I may be particular on climb out so let's just go back to out hold so now it's just going to lock in on the altitude that that we've asked it to and let's so now I'm gonna go again adjust the altitude bug to climb and I'm gonna say here speed mode it's gonna climb at the airspeed that I've set so right now we're set to 190 knots but maybe my V Y is a hundred knots so we can grab the airspeed bug and turn airspeed down and autopilot can't apply power whatever Lou is it'll pick up right so it'll pick up to reduce airspeed and so that's real nice on climb out if you know you're kind of in a cruise climb and you have a nice number your vertical speed performance is going to change as altitude and as your engine configuration changes but you probably you may have an airspeed in I do in my airplane that it likes to be above for cooling so like I'm usually you know climbing a cruise climb it like 110 knots or a hundred knots you know so something more than the the 80 or 90 that I do on initial climb up and so it's real nice to have an airspeed and especially we're just trying to get altitude cookie as possible you set that at V Y then you adjust your engine as you go and that gives you and then you get the vertical speed that you get out of the power configuration or the power out of your engine so you're not sort of saying like oh well I need to lower the vertical speed because I don't get as much climb performance you set the airspeed you get the kind of performance you get and if it's a dy that's going to be you know you're basically your max rate of climb right same same principle so okay just on the pitch side if I did have a glide slope like this I can go to V NAB yeah it's like whole V nav and then why am I not getting it thinks there's a demo mode we receive so I have a glide path line I should be able to arm V nav which would say hold altitude until until I intercept my glide slope yeah so it's a demo panel weirdness here but basically hold altitude until I get to meeting a few no this one's active this one would be armed with this movie in white and there'd be that little arrow and the autopilot status bar saying hey here's what's up next a glide slope all the same things apply on the lateral side or the you know the aileron side which is I can say I want a heading and I want to change that heading but again unlike the simplified mode where if I turn off the heading and turn on the heading it'll snap the heading in and adjust in expert mode it's waiting for you to command where you want to go similarly if I'm trying to intercept a flight plan and I say okay I'm I'm in heading mode and I'm flying zero to eight right now and I want to fly I want to fly along you know my my GPS navigation path I say okay nav mode actually this case it did switch over if I'm not really close to the the course over the ground when I hit nav it won't switch over you know automatically he'll arm it but then you need to point the airplane there because heading modus will be active until it can capture that heading some of these concepts a little hard to explain well we're kind of pretend flying around the sky and this is where we are right for some additional videos that are really well attuned to it but the key thing to know is this is sort of what IFR centric or somebody that just really likes having really discrete control over your autopilot configuration whereas simplified autopilot is kind of point-and-shoot so two different philosophies you can switch them you know as you saw it took it takes all of ten seconds to switch them when you're on the ground and one other thing we can also turn off in expert mode the autopilot movie so I turn off the autopilot but the flight director engaged what this is doing so you still have all this guidance but you can see this is one yellow it's flashing cuz there was a mode change and so it's kind of alerting us that like hey something has changed now the autopilot off but the flight directors still on that means we're still getting guidance to our GPS right now into our altitude and how are we getting that guidance well the yellow wedge you know the represents the airplanes actually you know that the airplane if we say ask for new heading I guess it's not gonna do it it'll always be locked in e on the stemming wood but basically that pink wedge will kind of fly away from the yellow edge and if you seek the yellow edge in the in the pink or magenta wedge by manipulating the flight controls you are basically doing what the autopilot would want you to do so you can think of that about the flight director as autopilot without the servo engaged the system's still giving you a device in terms of like you need you need to climb you should put your nose here or you know you've asked for a turn you should be banked at you know some degrees so it's basically you hand flying with autopilot autopilot guidance I think I've covered most of the autopilot features at least the basics so I think at this point we'll come back to ya come back for a few questions on the last topic and then I'll get into some of the bits and pieces yeah so coming up next we're cutting we're kind of wrapping up which is I'm going to talk about the the bits and pieces that make up Sky View system I'll take you around the back of the panel a little bit install stuff and I'll tell you about advanced panel as well which is a product from our sister company do we have any questions I don't see any hands up I'll just a couple more seconds for hands up there's a hand we got Joshua and all right Josh you can go ahead okay two quick questions earlier when you were talking about the approval so you said something after the m20 but I didn't catch what it was and the other question is for the models where the autopilot isn't approved is the flight director still me so yeah so the the you do have to have the servos installed for the auto for the flight director to work so that's not an impossible thing to do in software so you know decoupled them but right now they are coupled for not any super great reason just historical reasons and you know as as as we like to joke around the office it's just software and of course just software means it's you know just some some work quantity you know in a feature that that could come to pass someday but right now the flight record is tied to the servos being in the airplane and the airplane and the autopilot being configured in and then the other part of the sights yeah so I just wanna make sure I get all don't forget any of them so if you go to dine on certified comm there's a list of airplane models both what's approved now and upcoming and we kind of give these progress bars and kind of like real vague dates so the next up is the Piper Seneca that is pretty close the each bonanza a 36 and a 36 or what we expect to get they'll be some fine-tuning of you know which bonanzas because there are some material differences between them and so we're still finding that and that's actually not too far behind the the Seneca we have those both targeted at first half of this year and you think we're gonna make that behind that it's the Cessna 182 behind that it's the Mooney M 20 behind that we have no firm commitments that probably takes us through the rest of the year the 182 and the end the Mooney if we end up on a quicker pace we'll probably or or when we select and and what we do do now is which we didn't do earlier is we don't really publish the what we think we're going to do next until we have an airplane and house that we're starting to tear apart because that represents the actual commitment to doing work because we have honestly changed our order and our minds based on a variety of factors in the past so the current order of airplanes it's yep Mike it looks like we have another question from chick yeah all right hey Mike just about three years ago when you guys started the certified you were talking about the 172 and also the baron hmm I know the Baron has is a third-party STC but yeah it's any any hope there there is hope there's there's a lot there's a little bit of inside baseball that it's complicated to explain and some that we're choosing not to talk about but what we have learned over time is that the way for us to get things certified is to do it ourselves and the owner of that Baron is a friend of ours and we still work with him his approach to certifying was a little bit different than ours and that has caused some schedule stuff and some material stuff and and there is there there is a difference even though even though let's say it's an STC that similar in nature installing this you know similar the same equipment when it's under let's say our applications versus a completely third party it changes a lot of things and so we've learned over the past few years and and so that so that actually yeah I can't even speak to the status of that Baron but we do have plans to bring the autopilot and the and the you know kind of uncommitted plans and just the system at large into twins so the Senecas first that'll come with autopilot and then from there you can imagine we're gonna start marching down the list of other twins you know and the Baron is one of the most popular so so there's I wouldn't just say some hope there's a lot of up there but it isn't one that we've committed to right now okay thanks a lot yeah thanks alright let's back to my list so bits and pieces and installation all right so now I'm gonna be couple this back to the panel view all right so now we're gonna kind of talk about like what makes up a Sky View system so here we've got you know kind of on the panel you know if you have a die non-certified you'll have one or two displays and efis d-10 a if your experimental you can still you know installed tane as a backup or anything else you want and you know here's the the panels that I talked about previously and you would often have either our intercom which is basically a two-place intercom that's not this it looks I don't have it in this panel but it's the size of one of these with a couple knobs for spelling volume but or an audio panel like the PS engineering ones like the iff these of course we have our biases we work with all the major stuff and then around the back of the panel this is this is you know what an installation would look like these days there's not a ton of wiring and there's not a ton of bits and pieces so the displays themselves are have a 37 pin connector which has like Musel wiring and then these two ninth and connectors which are what are called Sky View network and what Sky View network is by the way the display is kind of the computer you know of the whole system so you have modules that have sensors and other other subsystems but you know all the horsepowers in the display there's no like you know box that's that's the computer computing module anyway anywhere what's nice about that is when you do have to you have full redundancy and they're set up so that like if one stops working or you've powered down either one can take the full load of managing the system and from your perspective it's transparent you know how they're interacting it's just a system and as one two or three displays so Sky View network is this nine pin connector which is if your nerd type is you know most people I think is like a serial connection it's not serial in this case I mean it is serial but it's not rs-232 it's a dual redundant data and power network that has pairs two pairs of wires for each for both of those functions that's really nice because let's say you have you know your cables round through the airplanes and over time you know one of them starts you know getting some interference with a rib or something and or and the wire do something phrase the wire sky give you will recognize as long as it all is it doesn't go at the same time as the first data wire codes and say ooh I just lost it's like data bus a or B let me warn you about it preserve all the function because we just wish to the other if it was the active one and then sky B also has in one of its setup menus a way where it tells you like hey there's a there's a problem between this this and this and so if there's a problem between say this this and this and I got things connected where let's say it's you know might tell me that oh it's this wire because I'm seeing problems on all these things you have to think about a little bit how things are connected but it it's a lot easier than say like having to take apart every single connector and figure out where the broken wire is you can narrow it down with values help and so sky view network all of the the panel mounted things have two of these ports so you can daisy chain them together something's wiring real easy and we have pre-made harnesses and all kinds of lengths all the way down from it think it's six inches now up to one be five feet maybe there's even three I forget I forget exactly the ranges but you can get them in all kinds of sizes we even harnesses now for transponder and Comrie okay let me tell you show you some of the bits and pieces the actual bits and pieces so displays this is the backup battery and we're the only system that has a built-in backup or a backup battery that it connects directly to this to the display so that that's and to keep the primary functions alive like your flight instruments and engine instruments and map in the event of an electrical failure so you can use your let's say an alternative failure is probably the most realistic reason that would happen and so then Sky View has about an hour of power by itself so you can use your aircraft battery for you know your radios and some of those higher current draw devices and the transponder so other pits in case that's the backup battery this is the back shells of the autopilot control panels things that were that we were demonstrating then these two guys that's the Erica module so if you have an IFR navigator this is what called SV ARINC 429 it's it has the airing chip that let's just you know talk to your Abba dine or Garmin box this is the out of ours so this is all of your flight instruments it's got a magnetometer it's got the pneumatic ports for angle of attack Peter and static if you there there is an optional dedicated magnetometer which looks just like this but if you have a you know ideally this needs to be in a place not on the wingtip you know but somewhere like kind of inboard on the airplane and an RV you'll typically put it in behind the rear baggage bulkhead but if you do but and but you also this out of ours wants to be in a place that's kind of benign magnetically and for some airplanes that's just not a possibility so there's a remote magnetometer that you can get remote from that of are as if you want it looks just like this I don't have one in the panel here the engine monitor module this is all of your thermocouple connectors your CH D s and E G T's and this is everything else there again our we have both harnesses and pre-configured packs where everything's color-coded you know sensors and wires and everything for mounting everything to your engine a comm radio itself even though the head is up here the comm radio itself is a transceiver box and the transponder is a transceiver box so they have you know European si or TMC antennas two outs for the world and then the connectors to connect them to Sky View through a different harness and so you know Sky View makes you so if you're a kind of a nerdy types of Sky View Network many but not all of the Dynamo produced components talked Sky View Network and then things like the transponder and the ATSB in module they talk serial as well as well as some of those other third-party devices we were talking about like SL 30 and so that kind of covers the oh and this is this is a tray that was initially produced for certified installations that kind of have a nice platform for mounting we're not yet marketing it into a home build and there's actually a new version of it eventually coming out for that's just more broadly compatible but one of the things that we realize over time and one things that make fine a lot different you know other people we have all these harnesses realizing that installation time especially in surviving for home builders is a big deal so if you can just get the harnesses to plug and play them and hook up and and sensors versing having two versus having to build leaves that cuts a lot of time and you know planning and hours off of your your build the ultimate leap and we realize that for a certified but we're even going as far these days to include you know little nuts and bolts and stuff so you don't even have to you know do that separately and we're doing more and more of that as well if you want to even step better than that our sister company advanced flight system so dine on we coupled with advanced flight systems I guess it was five or six years ago now they you know make a similar line of efis is that uses all the same back gate components with different displays real similar functionality ours are wide there's a tall you know so the different form factor but they also have another new product which is called advanced panel and what advanced panel is is you know we build you a panel it comes ready you know kind of mounted you know to to the metal to rivet into your airplane with pre-configured harnesses all the settings set up and then featuring what we call our advanced control module and what the advanced control module is is kind of a wiring hub that enables those plug-and-play harnesses to truly just you know snap together it also has electronic circuit breakers or you can get a version with conventional fuses and it and it and it additionally has all of a couple of different ARINC module and the and the some of the other electronics built in so it's kind of a consolidation of wiring harness aircraft systems management power management through your circuit through your electronic circuit breakers and the electronic circuit breakers are of course managed by the ephah Suri's who can control them by the you this and then and then they do wire you can assign things to physical switches as well so that's that's pretty neat and so that is another product and you can have an advanced panel built with either diamond screens or advanced screenings and they work with you to tailor a panel to your you know to your needs and so that's an option to if you want to reduce the workload even further then and what we do just out of the box if you were to you know order ala carte so let's see I think I've kind of hit all of the things I want to hit and we are at six o'clock I am because I'm done with my can presentation I am happy to stick around for as long as anybody wants to chat and so anybody has any questions raise your hand otherwise thanks for coming we are going to be doing these I'm hoping at least weekly some will be these virtual booth visits where we kind of go through the demo we'll do some that are very topic specific we have some ideas for just having you know like a hangar happy hour where a few of us from diamond oh just literally sit down with a beer and we'll just talk about you know whatever you want to talk about so frequently asked questions some tech support oriented stuff we've got a lot of ideas in the hopper so if you're I think we only broadcast this on Facebook and email but you know make sure you like our page so you see our events on Facebook make sure you're signed up for a newsletter because we send things that way too and you know that's all I got on the on the program Mike we've got a few hands raised right now if you want to take a couple questions cool sounds good all right build Europe next I'm going to unmute you okay three questions real quick I know that I know that advanced has an OEM version of a PS engineering audio panel probably serial controlled are you guys gonna adopt that yeah good question the short answer is yes Skyview has a cut so skyed use architecture is a little bit different so you do is very clever thing in sky view that actually gives you a lot of redundancy which is that each guy view display has five serial ports each of those serial ports so the way a serial port normally works is you can only transmit or you'd only listen to one thing at a time you can talk to multiple things but you can only you know hear from one at a time but what we do is sky view is we smartly shut off one screen serial ports are these that leased the transmitters from it so that to not screw up the communications with other devices what that gets us or gains us is redundancy so if you have two displays and one of them you know shuts off there's a you know fails you don't lose any capability because the serial ports everything's connected to both of them in parallel and the system can manage that so it's a nice little redundancy capability what it does mean is that you only only have five serial ports and subscribe you and and so when you have in a system that would have an audio panel serially controlled you actually are already out of serial ports so that's the main thing reason that we haven't implemented so because even if we did implement it the software which exists on the advanced side and a lot of the code is now shared that's not the hard part the hard part is like you instantly say like oh I'm using I have an IFR capable airplane with with the the PS remote audio panel but I can't use it because I all my serial ports are spoken for already and so that's that's the technical challenge there all that said it's not my roadmap to fix that because it's a great feature and marker mark shares you know the guess engineering panel the madam panels are really cool my second question it moves right into that some of us are not using EMS but there are some things that are essentially general purpose i/o like is the baggage door open is is Academy locked that sort of thing so is it anywhere on the roadmap where there'd be like ad and SB expander that might have some general purpose i/o and and maybe even some additional serial ports yeah I mean you're you're kind of going down the you know the thought path of what you know what a technical solution to that limitation would look like and you know there's nothing set in stone but you've kind of got the right idea or at least you know you're you're thinking aligns with what we would do for for general purpose stuff you know the engine monitor module if you probably doesn't make sense if you just want to monitor one or two things but you could you know that's that's probably the that is a box that has a whole bunch of general purpose input to weather the temperatures are just you know micro switches you want to monitor but it is tied to that engine page so I admit I don't suspect it will change that drastically there are a few general-purpose inputs on Sky View and don't presume it's like contact inputs things like switches they don't sense temperature and stuff but and two or three of those are kind of reserved or hard mapped right now so things like level button yaagh damper engage disengage I think one or two of them are unspoken might forget before there's like four and two or three are allocated and in the future it's you know it's not it's not necessary on a road map but you know the adjust software again you know you know one could make those more flexible but we don't have any commitment to that that's sort of the full story there - it's just software so you take the software engineers estimate double it and move it up to the next now you Sophie says an hour it's a day well you know guys our team is really good at you know we follow a scrum model internally and that's you know they're really good at estimating their velocity and performing to that and so I can't complain about that but we can collectively complain that as we have thousands of features in our in our backlog of things that you you know customers of requests there were things that we'd like to do and and getting to all of them is literally impossible so we're always prioritizing and and and and and we are you know like any company we have to prioritize really materi sources and and so we do the things that we think that will make the most impact the most people and try to get in some of the fun things that are you know that are that are innovative as well okay thank you hello yeah this kind of follows along to what I talked about a little bit earlier I I can read a schematic many years ago I was an engineer I can read a schematic and follow directions and I became far far more intimate with the sky view installation manual that man person has a right to be and I built a lot of my harnesses following the diagrams in the installation manner and then I started getting into the a bedight manual and for my personal installation I chose as a standby attitude indicator or Garmin g5 because it's a totally different software ecosystem god forbid there's OHS I I discovered that one bug in the software I'll still have something light enough to get me out of the sky but the thing about it is this I built I built a rather extensive harness to go between the IFP 540 and the SV ARINC for tonight the rank interface module then I started getting into the the schematics and diagrams from both the Garmin and the ISDN they shield all their air Inc lines and all their rs-232 lines none of other schematics and the dine on man you'll show them shielded they only show audio lines shielded yes the season was it to do that yeah the the engineers is the generic answer I don't have a precise memory although I'm an old-timer here but I do know one of the things that we've talked about in the past and and is that rs-232 is crazy robust especially in an airplane environment and I think some of that was eliminating complexity you know in wiring and and and so when people are building their own harnesses where it isn't perhaps strictly necessary so I can't speak to you know all of the decision-making there I'm not sure if that's changing certified I do know that our documentation is getting a pretty big revamp especially on the certified side and that will filter over to the experimental side and twisted pairs on the five rs-232 ports but no shielding yeah and I think and I think and I'm not an electrical engineer I was I was a CS guy in a computer science and a degree in a previous life so electrons aren't my thing bits more are and but I think had I think I had to do it like that the twisted-pair in those situations does a really good job of eliminating the sort of interference that you would encounter in an airplane in those wires and the shielding has less less value there but if there any ease in here you may be telling me that I'm wrong and probably but I don't have a comprehensive I just read the schematic and do it with audio it's super it's super important you know that that's and that's one reason that we now actually make an intercom comm radio harness to eliminate those sorts of you know troubleshooting of weird noises that you're hearing that are coming through RF interference and other other induced signals yeah I'm just one more person that puts the stand up please make an expansion module for more rs-232 ports because I've got dine on transponder done on a tspn a GPS 2020 and a backup GPS through 50 and guess what I my one lonely rs-232 port is now talking to a third party VHF nav radio and that's it I'm you know so there's one more hand for an expanded module I hear I hear your vote and to be honest you know it's always it's always interesting you know not that I mean we hear something in person like at the show when we hear a trend oh I really need more serial ports and we know we already know we do that makes a difference actually you know so that's why we like having these conversations whether they're virtually or a ton of fun or Oshkosh or other fly-ins a good example how that could hello okay I have a ELT that's capable of taking a GPS signal and sending my position but I should go down but I have known a sports left or excuse me rs-232 ports to port that GPS signal over to the right to the eat that kind of thing now everything's everything else these days and what you can do in some configurations is some devices only use the receive side to get things into Skyview and then you can set the out to a different function like let's say on the media GPS out and that doesn't work in every because I had the baud rate has to match usually 9600 and once all the configuration absolutely yeah so you know that actually that's cool and this time just for the first time actually looking at some going to gallery view so trying to manage the actual presentation there's a bunch of cool backgrounds going on still 50 of you in here that's awesome let see anybody else have any questions if you have any questions that it didn't get answered in the chat feel free to raise your hand and we'll unmute yen you can talk to Mike all right I think that's gonna wrap it up I didn't go through the sort of like how to buy and whatever thing costs and all of that there's there's a you know the the most useful thing we have we have online priceless and all that but the most useful thing that's pretty comprehensive and even gives you sort of how to stack things up is our is our catalog and so if you go to the litter literature section on our website that has all the pricing like what each it's what everything does I mean go to the website and just see all that stuff individually but if you want just like a few examples of like if you had a VFR one panel to panel IFR it just has like a list of all the stuff that you would that you would buy you know that also has unfortunately we you know we're not all going to show us we can't just hand them to you but it has real size cutouts of displays if you just want to kind of mop things up they are PDF so as long as you print those catalogs without any reduction or scaling you'll you'll actually get the you know measure them but you'll get real size cut out so the of the displays and modules looks like we have another question Mike from Jim yeah what's up Yeah right just a quick comment for you the question about the twisted-pair it really depends upon the number of twists per H the cat 5 for example cat 5 cables used to come twisted at the 1:1 twist / I'm not saying that right at one set number of twists per inch and when they went to cat 6 the only thing that really changed in the cable was the number of twists per inch so as you speed up speed up the data rate over the serial lines you need more twists in the in the cable so that's kind of the shorter answer okay yep i preciate that thanks all right let's see Jamie unmute now yeah a couple questions first what are you considering doing like a iPad trainer similar to like what avid ein has we consider all of those things but but in terms of you know kind of bigger products whether it's a train or a simulator we really don't talk about things like that until they're kind of in launch mode but but training training is on our mind and and frankly the thing you'll see first are more more video content and things like this there there are yeah it's all I can really say about that but we're considering all of those things okay then the second question I'm actually my my system to be installed at the moment I just took it took it in but I have 182 with an S tech 50 will I be able to use the heading mode off the dine on through the SS tech 50 no yeah unfortunately not so there won't be any integration with them the way they're certified they're there now there I don't know I don't know what the s tech might be able to take in in terms of you know data from our system but I think that but I think the truth is they can't because they would have needed to build software to specifically support us and we just haven't played in the same space right you know for example if you had a true track like the certified true track like it can it can accept it accepts the the bugs but you don't have any control of the modes in other words as far as Sky View cares there's no autopilot onboard but but in systems that can receive the information if you spin the heading knob or the altitude and that other product is accepted or is set up to accept that data you can basically fly beheading in altitude right with the s tech that's not going to be a possibility thank you yep and we've got next up is mark can you hear me now I can hear you now okay I got it my current installation has to D seven hundred seven inches displays and a tandem cockpit couldn't fit anything more to get dual displays but having already been prior to dine on with another efis fender that went out of business I'm on my second panel and I'm worried there's doesn't seem to be an upgrade bath there were they start worrying about support for seven inch displays what's going on there yeah that's a good question so there's a difference between you know so as I mentioned if we are likely to have a sky view classic to HDX upgrade path new trade-in type something at some point no timeframe promise there and what we have said with sky view classic publicly I don't know if it's written down on a website but it's it's not secure is that the future development of Sky View is going to happen on HDX you know we just have to prioritize different you know the platform's all that said you know I think every feature in the last we're three years now since HDX has come come out has made it back to classic as well that won't always be the case there is there are some hardware differences between Sky View classic and the user interface that make it harder to do things on the classic interface than it is on HDX and so kind of like prime development will be on HDX only in terms of feature now all that said bug fixes support long term support of the equipment that's all that's all online and will be you know conceivably for the future in fact we just can just continued our first generation of products most of them anyway kind of quietly and gradually over time as have some some of the components have gone end-of-life for example the D 100 the D 120 the D 180 those those screens became unavailable they've been out for 15 years and now that doesn't mean we can't support like we will support them for years to come even though we're not selling them as thing we can still repair them that'll be the key true for those products and with sky you classic we're still selling them right so they they are less expensive these days compared to Sky View HDX there are thousands of them in the field so there's you know and and and as we know as we've learned and is our philosophy like taking care and supporting our customers in a long-term way is like the best marketing we can do frankly no more than any advertising and you know if if if you're not happy you're not going to tell your friend that you know eh I die not and so we know that we need to find a balance and not just orphan products and say look you've got to buy the new one or hoops we can't repair it you know you know so we try not to do that so I know if that's reassuring or not but that's sort of that's our position well it's just the concerning that if I have a fail failure in ad700 oh no I mean you know there there will again we still sell them new they're fully repairable they're not being discontinued you know any time soon so and even once they're discontinued well I'll give you an example our original product the Efus d-10 that's the predecessor to the Efus d-10 a that we sell today was only out for about a year we had an upgrade cache from that that was pretty low cost that persisted for a decade after we discontinued it so the d-10 came out in 2003 that d-10 a came out in 2004 and we were upgrading them we upgraded most of the fleet actually you know for like a decade after even once we stopped the upgrade program we had a trade-in program which we just quietly retired you know from for those original customers that had a product that we weren't able to support in within the repair sense but that we were able to provide an equivalent that was you know kind of equivalent the DNA was the same as the detail of just some newer hardware so you know we we don't have a firm like let's say it like lifecycle plan that would say like you know it's it's you know discontinued plus X years but that's the sort of model to think about like a guy who's not even discontinued at this point and then there'll be years to go after that that we'll be able to support them with repairs and bug fixes and stuff that is there any plans for 7-inch you know something in that size in the future well there's a seven inch version of Sky View HDX okay I didn't realize yeah oh yeah sorry yes okay so the current portfolio of products are subscribing HDX is the flagship that comes in a ten inch and a seven in a Sky View classic which is what you have that comes in at the end inch in the seven and then Sky View se which looks just like a classic it just has slightly different software that also comes in a it's like a kind of a mapless synthetic vision list version of Sky View classic for for real simple airplanes or for simple simple missions you know where that that's the same thing as classic ten and seven sacks every thing is available in both in both form factors right now okay sorry I had added to my worries and I should have known that so yeah yes so we still sell yours in 7-inch we still sell its successor in 7-inch and as I mentioned there is even once like one day we will discontinue Sky View classic I don't know what that is it could be years away you'll have an upgrade path you know even if we don't have a trade-in program you'd be able to swap them they're almost drop-in replacements they're good thank you yeah you're welcome and it looks like alright I think that's no other healers Bueller yeah give another few seconds for anybody that wants to everything actually what I'll do is uh all right unmute everybody sir way to do that it's anybody now yeah unmute everybody people can just shout out if they want the last minute oh here we go thanks Mike yeah it's a nice talking to all of you today I think this went pretty well if you have any thoughts on what we can do different or better or things that you didn't like or if it was annoying to do the hand raising did anybody have any thoughts on on the actual content of which do more or less over format some answers to the well well one thing I've noticed is you've knob panel and then you recently did the radio for quick five-minute lessons those are keep doing that like I said I'm Minds being install this as we speak so hopefully you'll get my eye 182 in about three weeks all that's gonna help me as a as a new user yeah that was quick five-minute 10-minute trainings awesome yeah thanks for the feedback and Kyle who's the star of those he's not here he's been answering some of your questions today and he's one of the are he's on our sales team and we borrow time for air shows that when we get back to doing that and you'll see him a lot more in those videos and and we can we and we plan to continue to expand the portfolio you know as much as we can videos there aren't any other collections I guess we'll sign off for tonight and guys next time thanks for spending time thanks for spending some of you were been here for two and a half hours which is uh maybe I'll tighten it up next time - turn it off Josh
Channel: Dynon Avionics
Views: 2,221
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 86810jCn3ng
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Length: 145min 40sec (8740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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