Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Emily Blunt talk 'Jungle Cruise,' much more (FULL) | Entertain This

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you have courted emily blunt for this to such an extent that it's stalkerish chris hanson is waiting outside yeah yeah why don't you have a seat right over there here's our full conversation with dwayne the rock johnson and emily blunt about jungle cruise yeah disney's highly anticipated film based on its theme park attraction is finally hitting theaters and the movie stars chatted about it in person with our brian alexander have you counted how much time you've spent together including every like every interview together walking the red carpet you know years ago 2017. no no no no no no kidding 2018 in 2018. we met like three months before we started shooting ah that's right we met in two thousand it's all a blur now it's all a sad one i have muddied his whole vision on life um we have known each other for three over three years now uh-huh yeah so at what point i believe you met in beverly hills we're talking about 2018 at what point did the chop busting begin i mean like instantaneously i feel like the moment he sat down it began it you were more gentlemanly at first i think i went straight for the judge as soon as you sat down you had to establish yourself i did yeah thank you that's exactly right um but i first of all brian it's a beautiful night under the stars and this one shows up in like triple sweaters for whatever reason i showed up in like i didn't make any effort for the meeting whatsoever i was like sweatpants it was like really is this how you look yeah is this it sort of some profession mr rock if i may um you may you i was gonna go miss blind as well you can i'll keep it equal um you have courted emily blunt for this uh to such an extent that it's stalkerish [Laughter] what was it that swung it and was there phase two if she actually oh no that was why he was so disappointed when i showed up in sweat wait you showed up at sweatpants yeah to the meeting no she didn't no don't start that no no she she was good i mean you did a video you got a disney big wig to write a letter it was the script that's all i needed i needed the script and i wanted to meet jama because at the end of the day like you don't know what the experience is going to be like and i've always loved the leap into the unknown of every job like every job is a leap into the unknown and i love that i've learned to embrace it but you want to know that the person helming it is going to give it their best shot in the world and that they have conviction and vision and they see it in a way that's unique so what i loved about jama was as much of a spectacle as i knew he was going to create his show in the whole world he saw images of the conquistadors the whole thing i was so sucked in and kidnapped by the whole concept but then he said i i said well what's the movie about really for you and he goes it's about love and i was like in i was in because i knew we had an innate romantic at the helm of it and a world builder and that's what we needed yeah okay your video didn't do anything for me it did actually actually it did what was in the video it made me want to run he flew to brooklyn to hand deliver the script to her and i said show her this video and in the video as you know i could be very charming when i want to be um come on you know hey hey that is next level uh i did and i sent that and she uh but there was no there was no plan b i mean truly i'd like to joke and say you know gal gadot and it was gonna be uh you know scholar johansson but there was no plan b i mean when you look at the script and he'd already creeped them out i said there's only one it's emily well congratulations did you use any of that and was there any ghosting because i've read ghosting well everyone says it's ghosting but i just i i was very touched by your lovely video it was clearly an impassioned plea to come and help i don't know if it was an impassioned plea it was i admire your work no it's just and i think you and i together on screen will be phenomenal yeah and then i did read the script and for me it's as he knows snobby it's every it's everything it is the material that i i just wanted to see if it was everything that everyone was deeming it to be in pitching and it was and it really was and it really was brian look no it's okay because i i have to say this she didn't respond which is fine right because she says well i needed to read the script first which of course is fine but then i read the script and then i was in what you do if you're just a human being is response [Laughter] it went through drama it's just he's a caring human being empathetic empathetic that does not happen any shred of food thank you yeah and instead i was like can i use your gym and how did you prepare for the role of a ship captain who tells really bad jokes see you soon i just it's so easy just going to say something what was that i do a setup i thought it was kind of like no it was good it was good it was good you know this one this one for me uh brian and you know you know we've talked over the years this role uh was a different one it was a bit of a departure for me i wanted to cover up i didn't want my body and physicality to be the lead foot in this one um and it was 1917 i wanted to fit the part i was acting beside one of the greatest actors of our generation she will go down as one of the goats she hates when i say this but it's true so uh i will note that you rolled your eyes there yes and uh and i just wanted to do my part how hard was it to roll your eyes during the jokes i mean that seemed like a very natural part of the process i'm not a huge fan of puns a sense of humor she's not a huge fan i might actually be a little bit crying uh the backside of water piranhas uh rising hippos snakes you know obviously much was taken from the actual ride here at disneyland yeah um i want to know how i mean how important was that to reimagine the ride and also to reimagine the character of trader sam who makes a return here great very different do you want to take half of that you go yeah you stop uh we wanted to make sure that we were um making a movie that paid homage to the ride and the ride's charm and the ride's um uh unique um adventure-like ways and we wanted to also make sure that we were telling a story that even though it was set in 1917 that still had a presence about it that felt uh like it could compete with other movies today especially with all the moviegoers out there and everything that they're seeing uh and as far as for trader sam i think that it was very much that we we understood we needed to maintain that whimsy and spirit of the ride and all the nostalgia but we also need to bring it into this modern era of what's appropriate what's sensitive how people want to be represented respectful of cultures a celebration of the amazon in every way we could and so it was a very deliberate conversation that was ongoing from the moment we started developing it because this is a trader sam origin story to a certain extent and will she be part of the disney ride because as you know trader sam has been the original journalist has been removed science says back in 15 minutes will that be incorporated possibly yeah possibly so you know there's been ongoing conversations so there was almost parallel path conversations and dialogue happening as we were developing the script and we we were working on the movie um emily gemma and i uh at the same time uh parks and attractions were having their conversations too on how they could better the ride and how they could bring it up into the into you know this time yeah um so i could foresee that happening was he was he top had part of the original traders trader sam because there was a real deliberate kind of oh you can have my hat i don't know because i didn't ever see the original training i believe it was okay yeah so those are all the really small nuances that a lot of the disney fans uh pick up and have really enjoyed right and there's a lot of improv or there was a library that's what i read but you can that comes across the chemistry really crossed uh were there a lot of improv fails yeah everything she said no no no no no it would be like me and jack and then gloves are off is there an improv term that if something is going widely of course that you can kind of bring it you know that you drop that in be like oh bring it around or like uh like in term yeah or is it just cut this isn't working i was wondering about that like a safe word like a safe word like a safe word no we had no shoes in there garbage garbage i didn't have no safe words any particular scene that that you can recall that didn't make it into the film oh god yes yes yes in the movie but the scene where i pulled the sword out of him all right we shot innuendo after innuendo after innuendo we shot it all day and it was there's like another movie made out of just that day there's a whole movie about pulling the sword out of him and how far we could push disney to get as many innuendos in there and there's just enough for the adults to start laughing but for the kids to be like where are they left you know yeah to disney's credit you know they said yeah let's push it let's push it just enough hate it a little bit and we ask them to edge it in a little bit think of my dirty sense of humor now times that by a thousand and then you get her sense of humor you imagine what that scene looked like i can imagine the hair going back on the back of a disney executive all the way up and down the line so much fun though the punching there was a lot of punching um uh did you make any contact whether it filming or during the press interviews no she did yeah she did he says i skimmed him she scared the nose i don't remember that happening because you don't care because you're that kind of actor i don't know it was it was a scene where she punches me in the face that made the movie but she knows yeah she doesn't have the ability to pull punches no you just were hungover i've worked with tom cruise before okay oh he knew how to move out of the room i don't have to move quickly bring it on bring it on bring on your punch yeah did you know that you're gonna have this kind of i mean great report do you mean it on the movie yeah i mean that the kind of i mean we knew when we met that yeah and rehearsals for sure like we had so much fun and we really that's the beauty of jama is that he is a world builder he creates this spectacle but he understands the intimacy of the film is really where the beauty lies so he knows how to dig for the gold and just to allow things to breathe and we were given time on the day to stretch these scenes to smithereens until we saw and you had that freedom to kind of throw everything against the wall to see what would stick yeah and we all work very similarly like that's what was clear like me and dj and jack we would all come into it with ideas and a spirited opinion of what we thought and jama just let it all happen so i think the rapport came so naturally and it's it's not just our chemistry it's the chemistry with the whole cast like i think we all just had this thing and it was just effortless and it's a weird thing chemistry you can't kind of bottle it up and sell it in it and people can smell it like they smell if it's forced and we've been around the block long enough i could have chemistry with that stool like i'll i i will find it more talent yes but i think when you do have it naturally in real life with people like the three of us would hang out and just have this like thing that was so easy you know it's gonna buy osmosis kind of end up on the screen as well particularly with you i keep bringing jackets yeah look we we need our chemistry anchors the movie right it truly does but you know in chemistry as she was saying is a funny thing you never know uh but it but it was also the most critical element of the movie like every everything had to hinge on this relationship and the added bonus is we just you know really became the best of friends i did do i did count and uh there was actually you did have two stunt doubles compared to you had one step yeah because she didn't have to do as much why would you bring that what was that about why didn't why is there two verses why why is that i want to know that well since you asked brian i said you asked okay well one was just more sincerely than the other no no because one's grandmother just died and i said well let me bring you on and let me and the other one no uh lost his brother don't believe this and i said okay oh god that is low i really fell for that for a second okay so the loss of family members which is never funny thank you very much for coming up about that it's never funny you are insane when someone loses a family member you know what no one lost a family member before that's never funny i stopped your grandma she died 10 years ago there was no stunt double of course in the romantic kiss sweeping epic and uh incredibly good to be in it though incredibly disney appropriate how many takes how many takes on that and uh what's your recently it was two yeah um and those are tricky too by the way right because by the time kisses come around generally as an audience you know it's whether you're really cynical or you just like watch the movie for a long time and you're in it and it's when kisses come around you know people you want to run but generally people are like oh god but this one got a big reaction yeah man and yeah jack was horrified by it on the day he said he was like watching his parents kiss yeah and of course you've got the leopard there which is probably some guy wearing a green leotard which would make it all the more romantic his name was ben he had very beautiful eyes and it just reminded me of just something crazy if you get high at three in the morning and yeah just yeah the thoughts you have the thoughts you have um i have to ask you about uh mcgregor uh of course he says my interests lie elsewhere this is a gay character um who's we never say the word gay could you talk about the development of this character uh and the actual decision not to say not to actually use the word gay we didn't want to come across like we were standing on a soapbox but we also wanted to make sure that diversity was owned and inclusion was owned and held in regard and reverence and in the scene which i is one of my favorite scenes in the movie it's one of our favorite scenes in the movie um because to us it didn't matter if he said the word gay or not what really mattered i think was just the truth between two men two people two human beings um sharing a drink and talking about the things they loved and the people they loved and who they are and who they are right how did the development that go and how far once again going up the disney ladder how far up does that go to in order to get a scene like that done and clearly was important to you as a producer sure credit michael green with writing it um with a kind of delicacy and a simplicity i think it was like really the beauty behind the scene but all of those decisions like it was a very immersive thing between us and disney it was it was a big familial decision everything that creatively went into the movie and so but really i will credit michael for being the one who had to ultimately put pen to paper and make sure that that was delivered to everyone in the right way no it is a wonderful scene i must say um i gotta ask you two about i'm calling it highlander syndrome what is it about people that are eternal that gets sick of it being eternal after just like a couple of hundred years do you buy this concept that they get sick of it after a few hundred hundred years they're done yeah yeah and take me a thousand at least would you buy that do you kind of buy that belief that things would get really boring the thing the difference is is that they're trapped like he's trapped it's one thing and he has to stay there and he can't leave and it's just that thing of being living the safe feeling you're living the same moments over and over again the same people the same this and so i do buy it from frank's perspective sure i do do you buy it i i think so when you when you're when you're stuck in it yeah and a sense of entrapment but if there was you know such a thing as an eternal life um i don't know if i'd get sick of it it would take a while yeah know this about the jungle everything that you see wants to kill you uh your underwater scene um sometimes i thought i don't think i've ever seen you swim in a movie before how was that and uh and there was you know the life to life did you go see baywatch oh yes did you not that was i just remember you running like that i just remember him running running down the beach i know i blacked it out [Laughter] how are you swimming do you need the sun double for that no i'm great at swimming that's he doesn't have an ounce of floaty fat on him the man sinks like a rock i had to like keep him up so in between takes i'm just going to like ruin your street cred i'm sorry in between takes they would bring in flotation devices to try and keep him afloat so he could get a little break like on the arms no like big massive floaties and there is this fantastic picture that our producer hiram took where he's sitting on one of these massive what was it that big floaty long thing yeah and you were sitting on it we were sitting on it i was sitting on it as well because i was quite tired and it suddenly flew out from underneath him and the best part about it was that we were doing a scene before i dive in so my hair was dry and it fell out so quickly that i i started to sing and everyone dove in the water and they saved me and they left you but because of the hair do you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and he started to it was like like no one came for him no one [Laughter] how is that to pull that off i have to say when we watch the scene it's so beautiful it's amazing but in the movie but on the day we couldn't even see each other it's very murky down there and so i could have been kissing anyone it was probably one of your stunt doubles and i we're kissing my foot i'm in i'll ride with you toretto at least until we kill that son i did read about you wishing the cast good luck of fast and furious 10 and 11 you've already just kind of like wishing them kind of good luck uh is there no hope to bring you on board the main franchise and if not uh are we looking for another hobson shaw anytime soon and might we have a new stunt driver there you go new aspect of it i'm a great driver uh no there was you know the the news about fast me not being in fast 10 or fast 11 or any future fast and furious installments um i had made that known to the studio a long time ago it just happened to break uh recently when we had done our recent interview you said no more no more than the main franchise that's correct okay gotcha uh and it got it got brought back up again after a certain interview uh that had come out right so it was a great interview it was it's very fellaini-esque [Laughter] so in response to that which is very artistic yeah so so no but with hobbs um there's still there's there's a there's there is a movie there that we want to make and we will when the time is right because we of course saw jason at the end of uh the fast and furious in the main one but he can kind of straddle both worlds that's going to be cool and acceptable uh for him yeah well you know his there's a there's a whole different dynamic i think with jason and with universal and with uh you know those other actors so right right that's different uh and of course you play a superhero most every movie how is black adam going to be different uh in what way i mean how do you become more supe super heroic if you will you could be acting like yourself but no but you know i think with this one i think this one is going to be special i mean that's the goal brian was to make something special and was to help uh expand the world of the dc universe uh as marvel has cycled through that incredible decade of filmmaking that they've delivered and dc has to as well so it's a new time in a new era jama collette as emily said is a world builder and he loves creating intimacy and edgy intimacy between his characters and i also think um this is also a character that's again like like this character here and jungle crew is a departure uh for me his his core purpose and drive comes from deep pain and if you're familiar with the mythology which i'm sure you are of a man who starts off as a slave and loses his family that is a unique and different kind of drive right and what i also like about this and we've talked a lot extensively about this which is why you think characters so cool i may say um is i think for someone who straddles the line between um hero and anti-hero and villain you know these superheroes just based on their um just just based on their values they don't kill people but in black adam's case he does right which is something i have to imagine is not going to be a problem uh for you i came close with this one man rage within him so it's just perfect of course and at the end of uh this particular film does set itself up for a sequel i know obviously we must wait for the audience before we go but is it you know are there even kind of even initial discussions and what what phase of the um you know i mean i'm sure you're long past the honeymoon phase great conversations and you know drama like really cool ideas really cool ideas like exciting ideas and i think that we all have such an investment in this disney does as well and i think i hope people want to see the journey continue you know i gotta ask about the presidential situation so many times we've talked about this um or not necessarily me but everybody and you're saying oh if the people if the people will it you know we i'll let it happen at what point do we get to sort of like um exploratory committees um or you know kind of take it seriously because i thought initially that it was kind of like lighthearted but it it seems to be well it started off as lighthearted after the first uh poll that was taken i think from the washington post i think back in 2015 or 16. it started off as a little lighthearted and um but but in this case in in terms of what you're saying i think in time if that's the decision we make we see we'll see yeah but nothing yet no have you started uh campaigning against him no yes yes oh my god that was good you are shooting the english it is absolutely breathtaking it's as witty as it is violent it's a revenge story this aristocratic english woman comes to america to seek revenge for the death of her child so you two will be um killing some folk i i am handed a shotgun i seem to be given a shotgun quite a lot but um right rightfully so it's it's really breathtaking and i have this incredible co-star chaske spencer who plays the pawnee warrior that she befriends and they go on this really remarkable journey together horseback riding is always a a challenge if you will what level are we at in terms of pretty good now because it was actually my show got pushed because of coverts it was all i did during that three-month push it was like i just would go and ride horses and to get really confident because i think you you do need to look like you know what you're doing because i think people back then they were just at one with the horse it was like they you couldn't even tell they were manipulating the horse in some ways but i have a beautiful horse in spain his name is etos and i'm like madly in love with him and he's so good i'll literally say to him all right we're going to do a canter and he'll just like take off like that's beautiful and that's what you were doing during uh were you in spain so no i was in london we've been based in london for a year and um the show got pushed a few months so i got more time to train for it i don't suppose you've seen uh call my agent i have seen a little bit of it you see the scene where she has to learn how to uh ride a horse no i haven't do you i mean it's all about you know that does make me laugh because the guy i've been training with steve dent who has done any horse scene you've ever seen in a movie he has done it from gladiator to kingdom heaven whatever but he was saying it does make him laugh how many actors are like yeah i can ride yeah yeah yeah absolutely and then they get there and they cannot right like we all lie like yeah i can dance i can sing yeah absolutely it's all things that you say you can do when you can't about about the english i can't wait for that i can't wait for people to see it well i can't wait for jungle cruise too and get you guys back together i hope long may it last this wonderful honeymoon period thank you hey thanks for watching if you like this video check out these other videos from usa today 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Channel: USA TODAY Entertainment
Views: 318,293
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Keywords: usa today, usa today entertainment, dwayne johnson interview 2021, the rock interview 2021, emily blunt interview 2021, will the rock be in fast and furious 10, emily blunt the english preview, emily blunt makes fun of the rock, jungle cruise review, dwayne johnson black adam, the rock funny lines
Id: ZgT_fkpNTCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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