Making Of JUNGLE CRUISE - Best Of Behind The Scenes, On Set Bloopers & Action Reel | Disney+

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everybody dwayne johnson here that's not the line anyway i got so lucky to work with this incredible cast here we go we had such a joy doing this together dwayne johnson has become my most enormous buddy i've been a big fan of emily for a very very long time of course her acting speaks for itself she's award-winning she's all these wonderful things oh gosh sorry frank strong form and there's nothing she can't do it's been said they have an incredible chemistry together on and off screen you don't like the puns no why because i think it's the way you say them we had a scene where frank dwayne's character is doing a load of puns on the boat the rocks you see here in the river are sandstone but some people just take them for granted and no acting was required i was loving it i loved saying the puns because that's my bag emily hated it that is not funny it's one of my bolder attractions we had such fun on set which is not always a given the fun and the love and the loft we're setting ourselves up to deliver for the audience something that is quite special [Music] the jungle cruise ride was walt disney's main attraction when the park opened and now we have this incredible opportunity to turn it into a movie why should i trust you i'm the only one that could get you there you're taking on this roller coaster injected with thrill and suspense and humor frank is a skipper on the amazon and he takes a lot of pride in what he does he meets this woman who's ambitious and brave and likes him to shoot out lily is ahead of her time drawing unnecessary attention i don't care in the slightest she needs a skipper he's about the best they've got when it comes to getting them down the amazon on this insane adventure as they're taken down the river the experience is ever shifting the myth is real i got so lucky to work with this incredible cast dwayne johnson has become my most enormous buddy and i think i imagined that he would be larger than life which physically clearly he is but i usually show up dwayne johnson in the gym i think he's a bit intimidated working out with me i think he needs to up his game she said i can bench more than you i said yeah absolutely oh sorry frank sorry strong form [Music] there you go setting ourselves up nicely to deliver for the audience an adventure that is quite special and a lot of fun [Music] here we go doing the stunts is always a lot of fun but it's always a lot of fun when you have actors who are willing and excited to actually engage in the stunts oh we gotta go here we've got a big sequence where lily and frank are basically running away from mercenaries and local henchmen lady it's that way dj always brings it picks up stuff pretty quickly emily also she's amazing likes to give anything a go don't go up there not now frank lily is one of these characters who is so reckless that her action sequences are never slick she's just so fearless that she just figures it out somehow on the way down and she throws a good punch oh god sorry frank sorry strong form everything feels massive the stunts feel epic and sweeping and heart racing [Music] my brother and i are looking for passage up river please go away i have a lot of money ladies gentlemen explorers everywhere come join our crew as we set sail through the dangerous waters of the amazon you want to turn back blow dart dodging leak fixing these are just some of the activities you can enjoy the low price of a single movie ticket you snooze you lose and you miss out on the cruise which is bad news for yous check what are you doing i'm doing a i'm telling everyone about our amazing cruise yeah um yeah i got to tell you it's a movie right it's just it's not real and neither is the hat no well i got the hat from props and they said that i look very distinguished in it and since i'm wearing it that means that i'm a skipper now so if you would just i was just keeping this warm for you and i'm very sorry thank you okay great join us for disney's jungle cruise the thrilling cinematic adventure of a lifetime here come here that's how you skip it [Music] here we go hi everybody welcome to the set of jungle cruise i'm so excited to welcome you to this incredible movie as you can see we have a beautiful path lit behind us usually to show people where yeah the beautiful path and then you have the beautiful co-star nope i think this was just sorry i just i'm here no no no i just this was just supposed to be you were telling me hey let's be like humphrey bogart and uh and kathleen hepburn kathleen or is it catherine it's well do your research michael douglas kathleen turner that's it that's right fred astaire ginger rogers they were never in the jungle so it's a love story it is a love story yes welcome to jungle cruise it's going to be great the adventure of a lifetime wait i'm sorry i'm sorry wait come back one second come on back there you go ah she's the best we're just kidding we're kidding welcome to the adventure of a lifetime no no i didn't how do we sum it up how do we sum it up we're wrapping up jungle cruise we want to make something very special for the world to enjoy and truly there is an x factor involved with making this incredible movie jungle cruise without which this film simply wouldn't have been made thank you thank you what do you mean absolutely not no this is not about you for once okay fine no i know you're right i guess it's about them it's about these people yes it's about them it's about the crew the hard work could not have done it without them so this is an official wrap of jungle cruise i know it's very sad and as always walt this one is for you buddy my lady thank you you're welcome very very sweaty yes well it smells a bit you know the cameras are rolling all right well shall we to jungle cruise [Applause] here we go [Applause] ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for the backside of water you can feel the excitement here it's beautiful their love for this film it feels perfect it was amazing to see all my fans and they were just going crazy there was really truly it was emily you look so beautiful what about me you know it sounds cliche but it's true we're here because of the fans welcome to the biggest premiere of 2021 yes everyone has this skipper hats we should take a big selfie all right here we go one two three [Music] [Music] all the way back okay hey [Laughter] there veronica go veronica [Music] go straight on that smile is ready yes okay [Music] [Music] um [Music] my face [Music] right here guys and then [Music] right here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow thank you thank you guys look at so many skippers that was so much funnier than you thanks so much welcome to disney's jungle cruise in what should be the most epic and biggest premiere of 2021 it's so good to see you guys all together tonight it's beautiful being here because the film was made in the spirit of this whimsical magical place and it's so beautiful for us to finally be bringing the film out so thank you all for being here it's huge big love and applause for the real disney jungle cruise skippers here all of you are funnier than i am one two three i hope you like this movie and without any further ado uh guys enjoy jungle cruise [Music] you
Views: 690,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jungle cruise, jungle cruise disney, junge cruise disney+, jungle cruise the rock, jungle cruise dwayne the rock, jungle cruise making of, jungle cruise making of disney, jungle cruise behind the scenes, jungle cruise behind the scenes disney, jungle cruise emily blunt, jungle cruise bloopers, jungle cruise on set, jungle cruise bloopers disney, jungle cruise hinter den kulissen, jungle cruise hinter den kulissen disney, disney film
Id: -jFUHecpboc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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