Emily Blunt & Hugh Jackman - Actors on Actors - Full Conversation

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She's underrated. If you think about the performances she put in for Looper, Edge of Tomorrow, Sicario and even The Adjustment Bureau... she's a big part of why each of those films is good as they are.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 171 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OB1_kenobi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Emily Blunt owns the Mary Poppins character. She is amazing in that role.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like these interviews except when they keep jerking each other off with compliments. Sometimes these conversations don't feel real... "Tell me how this project came about?" I want to see more of the timothy chamalet Emma stone type interview where they are genuinely interested in what they have to say and the conversation feels fluid. Like a real conversation.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/microslasher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love these actors on actors videos. And these two have good chemistry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dating_derp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love love love her

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darierl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for sharing....I really learned a lot of conversational tricks from this video.... Also hugh and emily both rock

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so Emily Blunt yes tell me how did some Mary Poppins come about how did you who first called you great question here so I had worked with Rob Marshall on into the words brilliantly you're very sweet and he was a friend and is now obviously still a friend and he called me and left a very sort of charged voicemail on my phone so I knew it was something quite big because it was so sort of ceremony as he was like Emily its Rob Marshall you gotta call me so I'd called him and honestly it really felt like he was building towards some kind of marriage proposal it was so had such an energy behind it and and then he just said you know the movie that Disney is like their prized possession it's Mary Poppins and I was filled with a feeling of complete thrill and fear right I knew in that moment I was gonna do it and I knew I really had my work cut out for me like it was a simultaneous sort of a moment yeah you said yes immediately it was in but just cuz he's so delightful and I knew he was gonna know how to dig for the gold and he was going to protect this legacy really I mean it is it's that film that sort of seared into your memory and it's made such an imprint on people I mean do you remember seeing it as I cared and like I must have that I don't he was not a Mary Poppins fan no I don't know why I must have seen it at some point yeah but I came in pretty fresh I have to say you did yeah did he know the direction he was going that he was gonna have original music that all of that yes that was so you knew that yes and I knew it was not gonna be a remake which I was so relieved about because I think you know nobody is gonna ever be able to out Julie Julie Andrews you know and so if I was trying to do those songs and that would have been really tough I think cuz I I'm doing one of those listen don't undersell what you did look there's Julie's unbelievable in every scene go away you are unbelievable in every single way no I mean it because the it's also you go into someone who knows musical theater and movie musicals go in like that's a lot you've taken on a lot that's a big that's a and from the opening scene you just go oh you're the best and and I think that feeling for an audience is that that's the hardest thing to achieve to make an audience immediately disco particularly in a musical right just to be able to go yeah sing yes I'm right in there but honestly you did such a brilliant job and it's not as you said it's not really about comparing but you are you're right up there you're in the same conversation right up there I'm so glad you liked and that you've seen it cuz nobody has seen this film right so we're all sort of sitting on this little treasure mental I apologize I took my daughter who there's a lot of Tim people in paid so you there's a bunch of people's it's so great so we've miss a bunch having that conversation before we 13 year olds with the executive from the studio it's like now you guys can't text or tweet or Instagram and you just see there my script what do you mean I can't yeah how I communicate was like it's only six weeks now like my favorite part I have a 13 year old so you're knowing near that stage I know yes because everything is naught to 60 in three seconds every single way and Sharon up and literally looked how god it's like she's 16 yeah so when the movie started and be Friday there was 10 of them all 13 boys and girls cool this corn 10:00 in the morning the movie starts and they all and I turn to about 9:00 and almost all of the days I'm turning 223 so it's so nice is what I do love about is that rediscovery of childlike wonder and how important it is and how what it does to your soul when you watch a film like that that's just infused with so much joy and it should be underestimated just what an impact that can have on people I'm seeing it when people watch it that it's such a nun cynical you're hopeful Phil yeah not trying to be cool it's not slick it's sort of definitely paying on much to the older films and these are the work it's just so beautiful seeing people react to it yeah because like imagination is powerful yeah and it's too easy to go WOW kids do that and then you grow up exactly theme of actually hold on to that don't let that be yes yes even as you grow up and go through this great hearts and have your heart broke and it's like keep honor there I don't know shoes you need to be more careful when the wind rises George you nearly lost your kite and you two nearly lost your Georgie he might have got away completely had I not been holding onto the other end of that string my goodness Annabelle have you done to your clothes I just watched greatest showmen this morning doing my research I came out a year ago it's now it's only a year ago listen I see none of your work it was so gorgeous and so beautiful and it's just one cynical actually completely cynical and I did want to ask you about that and how that came about I know this is not the film we're talking about but I just have to talk about out of it out of interest how long were you working on that how long was it being developed for entire eight years it wasn't really years because someone Larry mark I I did the Oscars and he produced me said man people know you Overeem but they've just seen you do you should do a movie musical thrush the Oscars by the way I think Oh epic thank you that was a good one it's always hooked going in when expectations are love always set yourself up he said let's do something and from that moment to being the movie released was eight years and of course the hardest thing as you know with this is the music cuz there's that I actually didn't hear this saying till after the movie came out but my my agent said to me a musical works because of the book but people love it because of the music yeah so if you haven't got the music obviously you're in real trouble that's it and we had these so the the studio said let's have the writer of the day the famous writer of the day to write songs we'll have five we'll have Pharrell we'll have bruno mars well i have a bunch of people will have cool songs we can play them on the radio it'll be all of that stuff and these young guys just an immense somehow got through wrote a song that was in our kind of first three and then all sudden they wrote another so there were two or five and by the end it was all their songs that were literally straight out of college so getting them kind of sort of across the line with the studio they would just took us a while but oh it was the song so ordinary and you know a great song when you hear it because you think you must have heard it before it has such an immediate impact on you that you feel that you've lived with it for a while yeah and I was humming along with the song as it was happening it was just it was so beautiful these guys austere ribbon hands and distance so much good stuff at the studio I have to say II like this story yeah when the names that were expecting to hear were for a Williams there was just immense than the studio execs who's this yeah and our director said well they're massive on Broadway you don't you know about him no no no what are they what are they done yeah I said well they just want a Tony Award and he said oh right sorry what sorry yeah for yeah for James and the Giant Peach right there's never been an production of James in the join page but the guy goes oh awesome okay so we've got Justin and you just know this is what I feel about Hollywood though that's the classic nobody wants to be the first person to say yes everyone wants to be the second like everyone's fine balaam as soon as there's some validation they're like they're amazing do you think you owe it to us to be for us oh you you're denying what we've seen with our own the only thing I deny is the idea that somehow you have the right to ask me these things you're running for president I'm aware that Tom it's in the paper you have a responsibility I know full well my responsibilities are do know yours yes you you are Hugh Jackman yes sorry that's all right I got confused by your writing about branding yeah it's all this is a big opportunity for you so when you're doing Broadway yeah are you nervous doing Broadway do you love it yes do you yes what happens if your voice just Carrick's oh right so yes and yes and yes but I started in theater so in a way it's the place I feel most at home and I've been onstage enough there's kind of two types of people and I'm guessing you're a little like pea whether you know it or not that when something goes wrong a piece of set doesn't come up someone gets sick and someone who comes in I love that you love it I kind of go my palms just start to sweat maybe I'm not but regardless for me it's such a great counterpart to doing film one one makes you sharper for the other and vocally I was super nervous like when I did the board from ours I had 20 songs and was eight shows a week and I was like I don't know if I can do it I didn't speak during the day for the first bit poor deaf you must have been really fun for Dad well actually I'm not really that much fun and my father often don't be stealing Dave makes her own fun you know that yeah loved it so I wouldn't go out afterwards um sleep in I had no coffee for a year because someone told me you share dehydrates you okay right so I did anything and then what you realize particularly in Broadway you have so many people who will help you get through that show what's right if you hit a sore throat yeah if you're in London the doctor says let it run its course take a few shows off in America they're like steroid shot hands down let's go see yeah you can't do it forever idea III i-i've got through shows that I never thought I really it's really I've done plays and I loved it I did um the royal family was my first job I was 18 and then I did Vincent in brixton which was a play at the National about Vincent van Gogh room and then I did Romeo and Juliet playing playing the nurse so and what about a musical well that's something we haven't done do you know what my worst nightmare is what I'm singing and having that moment where your voice goes Oh something like my worst night where my voice just like breaking at the wrong moment right because it will do that occasionally yeah I've never had Tracy are you a trained singer cuz I mean like so I was a trained actor and I got singing like it was in my contract when I did Beauty and the Beast yeah my contracts gave me one singing list I had to have the same lesson every week okay so I kind of got through it I got better and better and that's when I got lessons so I've been learning on the job me too so I took me a long time to feel confident yeah but actually does help when you have those lessons you just suddenly have something to wrap up towing a chose a week yeah she's that confident she's actually you will occasionally occasionally this song but predominantly none and I'm saying the time is totally fine I'm in I'm totally in in now because I write shots you're gonna do do do do you have any idea do you think ha that sure I want to do the king and I but you can't do that with me yeah that's gonna be tough that's that's not an easy one for me that's inappropriate you should do that um I think that's so beautiful I was obsessed with that film as a kid really completely obsessed yeah yeah I think you should do it and then you just you you'll feel totally you will be great all right do you have a beautiful voice right that no you really have a beautiful voice so that you'll be able to do it and you're a great actor you've done theater I've done things I've done some of it before let me ask you another question going in would you be fine yeah I'm gonna say 15 20 years from now going yeah never did that musical always part of you like I want to do a stage musical um I I don't have that inkling actually I do want to do a play again I feel like I need to get back on the stage at some point do something so maybe we'll do that single things we can't do they came out right yeah I would I mean I I'm not sure I'm not sure if I have the guts to do a stage musical yet fair enough yeah that's all how amazing is it that we're living in this time where movie musicals are literally like oh it's so obvious I remember I remember when greatest showman came out and started it well well yeah well of course she released her musical of Christmas it's gonna work and I'm like that hasn't happened in forever forever yeah what do you think makes a great movie musical I mean look I think this is something that Rob Marshall would just speak so much more eloquently about but I think in order to create um I think it's a very difficult balance between a story and a narrative that is moving and profound that people can get on board with you do want the idea of a spectacle hmm so that people can be pulled into a world that they want to breathe the same air as a world that's completely sort of out there from the reality but then you want their songs and the scenes to sort of have a seamless feel so that's not this quality of like and here's a song you know I think musicals if they are done poorly it's almost like it's funny when people start singing you're like it like makes you cringe you want it to be that you don't even notice yeah I think you know and I think that's the tricky balance of I agree you know I have what do you feel well I always people say to me Evan musicals I think I did you like Greece and okay yeah it was cool movie I go look at the story of Greece in the songs right it's that's a hard thing to pull off but watch Travolta from the scene with alien newton-john in the drive-in right the law had the argument she's terrible Danny's walks off yeah and he then has to walk Oh strand of the drive-in like a fool and do you think that's not an easy transition to pull off but you don't feel it yeah and I was lucky enough to do a film with John and he says you just have to commit to it so hard and in the theater there's something of the form of there's something about we're all sitting there there then there's the orchestra in the pit the band strikes up we go along with it yeah you have to make those transitions work and I know that filet mez you did all live singing right which is extraordinary and such a huge undertaking for you guys and it was really remarkable watching it and I know that what Rob Rob Marshall likes to do the two times I've worked with him is you do the pre record yes you've got this perfect version of the song right before we start shooting and then on the day you sing a few live yeah and he just sort of combines the two so that there's not that sort of eggy transition alright going from a kind of gritty singing into something that sounds so orchestrated and perfect so usually the beginning of every song yeah it sounds live to me it just sort of blends he sort of blends the two you got a little I do and so someone maybe you listen to a track or so there's there's a track that I sing along with myself right you know but it is that awful moment on set where you sing along to the it's so embarrassing and you sing along to the pre-recorded version it's blaring from the speakers and it's just everyone feels it and then there's that hideous moment where Rob goes okay so we're gonna do one live tiny ear wig and you just sing acapella you know and no one can hear what you're is that how you guys did yeah yeah oh and we had a live pianist because it yeah some things would attract like one dame of the big orchestral numbers where other people were singing but all those sort of soliloquies empty chairs empty tables or my dream to dream or you know all about was live so we had a guy sitting over there in a perspex kind of cube so we couldn't because we were hearing the pedal and the keys so they had to put him in again he's watching the monitor and just going without bread so it was like you it's that way you could just act it but in layman's is different in this no speaking hardly it's also yeah that's right that helps with that yeah it doesn't help if you're not into singing as an audience member but it helps with the transition sure you were saying to me just before we came on like John was saying wow you know we thought we were making this art house movie which is just gone and been this incredible huge hit to me that's it's my favorite type of story because it is a beautiful movie with an obviously a very smart clever idea something new and fresh to the whole genre but it's really about family totally and it's totally about struggle that struggle to keep a family together that's it and I have there's the moment when I was watching that where I literally covered you know I think you know the moment I'm talking about where we all know you're gonna put your foot through the nail you're you've got having control what is we're here having contractions you can't make a sound and we know 15 minutes yeah I think that lays it in about 15 minutes I know I'm just the whole thing and I just know this is gonna be too long and it's a little bit of a non-sequitur and I'm happy to stay just to get this in when I was at drama school there was a famous Stanislavski acting exercise called the bearer bonds did you know about it so you have to imagine this is the scene and he made every acting student do it okay about how to make a motion reel okay you're you work at the bank so I'm at the bank but something my boss says I need you to take all these bonds home so imagine you've got five million dollars of cash and I need you to take care of it and I said I want to take every says you don't and if you do this well you'll get promoted so you're carrying home all this cash and you're gonna get a promotion you come home to your wife and child and you put down the the bag with the money and you go into bath the child and the child's in the bath and also any hear a screech and you realize somehow the is caught on fire in the other room so some in other bonds the five million dollars cash is on fire you race out and while you're racing out to get the money your child drowns so he tried to come up with the most extreme kind of in a way ridiculous it impossible emotional situation and how to cope with it and then he would say go and then he would say right he would do it and then he would say you now have six months to prepare and he would say you need to build out the life of these characters and then I want you to perform it when I watched that scene how they are you gonna cut all this I have no idea but when I watch that scene I thought oh this is the bearer bonds for the 21st century okay you're not allowed if you make a noise you and your entire family gonna die you're about to give birth your orders broke and you're terrified and as you walk down the stairs you put your foot through a six-inch now yeah just all extremes everything that you went through your as a character was so brilliant it was so brilliantly done Stanislavski would have said yes he would you will work in the Russian theatre you will be analyzing it it was so amazing I mean when you read that in the script yeah you like oh my god what John I like John can we just he pitched me it before it yeah the whole sequence right so I knew it was gonna be a beast you know to shoot that and then he said like do you want to shoot it sporadically because it's such a mammoth undertaking do you want to shoot it all over five days from the water breaking until the moment the baby comes out in the bathtub like what do you want to do and I said all as one I said we got a track it and the through line of it and can I ask were you with your own personal life baby wise like so my little one was just it was about one and a half right yeah when we show them so you know a it was a terribly challenging scene but it was so exciting as well because it was so freeing because actually of all the scenes and sequences in the movie cuz John is so spontaneous when he works that was the one because he knew what it would take out a meter shoot it where he was like this is what this is this shot this is gonna be this shot I need to takes of this I need this this and this like it was so laid out so I could have a lot of freedom within it cuz I knew he wasn't gonna exhaust me you know it was so people sure at times I think he probably when it comes to giving birth was like why do I I think because I haven't given birth twice I think it was like this is given birth before be silently with a nail in D foot you know before have you done that on film before no never never right and I also didn't have those types of births where the baby comes really quick so I watched on YouTube very intense fast deliveries really just to kind of get an intro ad with this 45-minute deliveries no with a bit where they go into labor their babies out you know right I will show you a video I'm gonna send you a video women having a baby in the car on the way to the hospital it is horrifying right it's so intense so I watch that a lot I bet there was another question that I had about that do you watch now having given birth yeah you really judge you when you watch actors doing birth scenes you're like no I mean some people nail it right it's usually people who have given birth got it you know right yeah so when you do your scene give me a call I'll give you some point I love it will you send me the video I've got a damn pram when you give birth in a car German when you did your birthing scene in the front way um yeah birthday wig yes no it was a fantastic wig he was known for his hair I mean it was that a year I suppose beginning and they were saying at least a few votes I want to ask you about that film because it is really extraordinary and the conflict this sort of moral conflict I just love films like that that make you question yourself in that position and I wanted to ask you when you took it on will you what was your own personal feelings towards this character and how much did you empathize with it with him how much did you sort of disassociate what how you would behave in that scenario and I not knowing much about it yeah but I before I read it my agent happened to be a political science major so he gave me a little bit of a background and he's often described as the great president America never had I was like well why's that so I found out a little bit about who he was and the kind of person he was so I went in probably reading it a little biased thinking it feels to me like we somehow have remembered these three weeks and this candidacies a bit of a joke he's like become a meme really you know but there's clearly a lot more to it and perhaps leave you know turn the baby out with the bathwater so I was going in with that the more I got to know him spend time with him get to know the people who worked with him yeah I empathized a lot more and thankfully and I did question myself a lot about this I the movie is not about Diddy or didn't he have exactly it's it's not at all it's like okay if he did is that relevant is it relevant what is the relevance here is that actually important or is it just interesting is a line from one of these speeches you know yeah so I found myself therefore know answering that question in my head yeah as an act which is what everything I tell you not to do I kept going like how does that help me yeah because what I realized what I'd assumed is all these political campaigns seem so slick particularly coming from Australia and England you see those conventions you like it's just everyone's flying about the citizens and if you bring in the fact it's early eighties with the first satellite TV CNN is just beginning there's a voracious appetite for news and yes everyone is just the ground was shifting under their feet yeah everyone was making mistakes and no one knew how to handle so you had the next president probably of the United States in an alleyway with three journalists at two o'clock on them right I loved that scene yeah and no one knew were they all did it like they're like ah yeah have a journalist saying to a candidate have you ever committed adultery and no one in history had ever asked that question so you feel every other journalist go yeah i knew the canada go what what do i do yes so now i think it was it was the chaos of it yeah and the inability to bring order to that chaos in this moment of crisis for the canada it was just it gave me anxiety watching it and there was a line at the end it is from one of his speeches it's a speech that you give at the end when when he talks about how maybe there are some of the best men in the country who are never gonna subject themselves to this circus yeah I can't remember what the line is yeah we're basically losing we lost who have we lost because of the circus of the media we're not talking about that right I am talking about down we're talking about how you get through today without pissing away everything we've all worked for on this campaign built this campaign is about the future not rumors not sleaze and I care about the sanctity of this process when you met Gary Hart yeah before shooting the front-runner I it was really amazing because he didn't read the script for obvious reasons he was like interesting I don't want to be in a position where I'm either like no you yes I hate it I love it huh this you should go and make your movie but it's based on a book by Matt Bai and Matt had spent a lot of time with him so he very graciously offered me to come up and spend time with him and I wanted to meet him mainly because I wanted to look him in the eye say I'm taking this really seriously yeah absolutely you're a family man who's intensely private and I can't imagine how hard it is all is to come up again I can't imagine how how did those three weeks were for you and I just want you to know I'm I'm taking it seriously you know and I take you seriously and I do believe our stories in life are probably the most precious thing we own and also just to find out what it's like to be with him paulus is an actor and I'm and you feel about the film being made he was really a little confused he was really surprised was he and he was sweetly a very big blame his fans I said yes to this you know but I think it's been 30 years since then and I think he was really surprised that's become something you know it's something that someone want to make a movie about he met me at the airport and he actually ran McGovern's campaign so he's one of the only candidates who actually ran a campaign before so all our emails together were kind of so sweet what do you like to drink this is what we're gonna do and we're gonna wake up around here we'll have breakfast will do this so we'll go for a walk it was like everything was organized and he said I'll pick you up and he was there curbside to meet me with the trunk of the of his car open and he shook my hand I'll never forget I'm gonna do it his whole of this is awkward but just taking photo very olks pictures he shook my hand then he put he's out of hand there and he just like that and I just went oh melt yeah I was just like oh and it was kind of like oh this is gonna be as well yeah he was like yeah okay yeah and I'd heard stories from people that he must momen did you think I'm gonna happen if I were Gary Hart just momentarily like it just went through you like I feel it yes the caress and it's so lovely and so warm and then when we went to his house Lee his wife he was most nervous about how Lee was gonna be but okay okay because it's really true what's in the film he's intensely private and protective of his family and a lot of people assume the scandal made him go he opted to leave he voluntarily left politics forever three months after he left he was still polling a forty percent in the nearest rival was 16 percent and I was saying please come back and run when he goes no I refuse to submit my family and friends to this level of gossip and sleaze and rumor I'm not gonna do it anyway Lee his wife had just had hip surgery and I don't think she might be you know who's elective hip surgery he was sleeping downstairs on the fold-out sofa and he said you'll sleep upstairs I was like oh so we go upstairs and I'm clearly walking into the master bedroom I said Garret oh I can sleep you guys no no this is the best room and you sleep here and then he just cleared a little bit of space in his cupboard he goes you can put your clothes here so it was like as an actor who's so immersive and then he is not one where more than one of the meanest martinis yeah and then that first night we were whiskey cigars to like 11 o'clock at 9:00 and we're friends to this day that is so all-consuming and you must have been surreal it amazed me I was I knew he was gonna see the movie yeah what did he think he was so happy with Vera's performance oh good the first thing you said to me name is very complimentary to me but he's a gentleman he would have been even a few fantastic okay but he and then he had some other comments about the movies I just don't feel I can share oh yeah yeah he's one of those people that every time I say something I actually I rang him the other day I said I feel like saying this in an interview and he said who he is I'm much stronger than you think you can say anything I said to you up there you can say but he's just a private person do you think in some ways probably drama I mean that's what's so serious is he really believe he really had ideas you know but he also probably really believed that his private life was nothing to do with them and you can see that he believed that with everything he had it's such conviction so he was almost confused why that would matter already and the way you portrayed it was so clever that complete like bafflement of the whole thing yeah and by the way why does that bear any weight on and sixty-five percent of the people in appalled when all this was happening said the press have gone too far so he can't have had it was understandable that he believed it sure that they're trying to lift the station yeah the press and change forever you know do you think was that one of the first yeah big did that sort of set the template for how things move forward and you know when when that when when the character we have a composite character age I played by Mamadou when he says have you ever committed adultery yeah it's just sighing us that is like the question that broke the internet and now if you think it's just very conversational yeah everything is anything can be in court out there sure but that was the phone it was so almost so inappropriate how do you find it we both live in New York and don't you find that New Yorkers are much cooler much and they give you space and there's a sort of acknowledgment and since moving to Brooklyn John and I I think have been asked for one picture really that people walk past you and they go oh that's yeah oh you know people say a lot of the movie or is like something like that and then they keep going because I'm usually walking with my kids and right there's a sort of acknowledgement of that it's not the right time and maybe it's because it's such a fast-moving busy city that I don't know there's a sort of no ice I sense that as well do you find where you are in the city that it's more frenetic because I find Brooklyn is like it's I think it is a little more chill there yeah and you also don't get as many tourists and do you get pepper Ozzy around there no but when we lived in Tribeca we did right yeah we give them occasionally but not them picture doesn't sell all like I think that paparazzi it's way better to be dating right yes yes partying yeah that kind of thing it's not being together 23 years it's really not selling a lot how great is you right but you about something is about to change for you let me just because with Mary Poppins and I just experienced it we the greatest showman in the last year that's gonna change yes and I I don't know about you I can say no to her no no I can say to an adult odd with it can't you I appreciate it just with my family and they almost always are you don't know I'm sorry yeah about 10 or 11 yeah I just think that's gonna be a different thing for me because my whole rule is when I am with my children I say do you know what I won't take a picture but I'd love to shake your hand and you people usually then see that your kids are there it's like all they see is you for a second right and then they suddenly see your situation and then they go oh god of course I'm so sorry but I do feel it's different with kids I also adore kids and I love meeting them yeah and I think it's gonna be a challenge yeah because they're gonna see Mary Poppins well the good news is I do I look very different as Mary problem so I do feel I can blend in a bit you're an enormous person so how you blend in I don't know like John is an enormous person like he doesn't have a prayer right so he you know the subways become pretty impossible yeah yeah yeah for sure but when you walk around with your umbrella but when I work with my umbrella my carpet bag and that pointer now I do have a question about that how conscious were you as you're being lifted is that a iconic image of the turnout so you concentrating on toes well because it sits on the front of all the books as well so it's it's its shine out but toes up that's like yeah impressive right well you were bellydance no so not because you dance up a storm did you have to do a lot we did it was it was day one of rehearsals right I was handed a hat and a cane right oh my god and is Rob one of those like I always always a little embarrassed cuz not being a trained dancer but being in musicals yes they yell at the dancers and they're like are you doing great just maybe you know yeah did you get that or is Rob like no not at all rob is he expects so much of you right but because he's so charismatic and so charming you you can't bear to let him down so I drilled that dancing until I was blue in the face I was like I am gonna get this down prima thing one thing I cannot do is turn I can't do return to save my life Rob thinks it's really funny so did he choreograph it out oh there's one turn in it and it was about six different cuts to get me like 360 it's embarrassing how bad so that's the one thing you did a couple of spins the greatest showmen I can do a couple of spins I can only go one direction though that's it so they choreograph it for me and they'd choreograph the entire thing turning right that the whole cast and I after about I was like I can do that I can do that and then after about three said alright can you all you guys turning left and of course anyway great I actually meant Julie Andrews at a Royal Command Performance one of those ones that I did back in 1998 yeah yeah and I was a little star-struck I'm gonna be clearly you met her right I've met her I met her years ago at some event I can't remember it was like old women in film one of those and she was so charming and so lovely little did I know years later that I would be offered Mary Poppins but Rob Marshall's very close with her she was incredibly supportive of me playing the part and excited for me to do it and I think she's been a big big supporter of this you know that believes in the next chapter of this character she also knows there's seven other books and was it unnerving feet like when you're recording and you look over in the corner she's standing there was that way no in the background soprano voice she was so cool she was cool she was very hands-off with the whole thing yeah I get that what she would be worried about raining on your parade or yeah I think so and there was a discussion about you know maybe that she would come and do a bit in the movie and and she was so generous actually she said to Rob do you know what this is this is Emily's version of her and I don't want it to be that she's playing Mary Poppins the whole way through but then I come in and there's like oh but there's a real Mary Poppins either she didn't want that for me which I thought was incredibly gracious and generous not actually I think she'll come into there I hope how did you feel after you saw her I sort of scream cried after watching it it was completely overwhelming and I'm really not one of these people that's like here's to say my movie like I've never been I it is still quite tricky to watch stuff that you do I tend to kind of pick it apart a bit and but I watched it completely alone and I was so proud to be in it yeah just for Lord I'm so thrilled you felt that way cuz you should feel that way I just loved knowing how hard it is to pull that stuff off and you and Rob and everyone Lynne you make it look really effortless like oh it's a Sunday afternoon everyone's sister and and it's not and it's yeah it was it was definitely it took over my life for like a year and a half almost two years from when I got the call and then I started rehearsing the songs and I had a baby and then you're out of rehearsing [Music] you
Channel: Variety
Views: 1,464,027
Rating: 4.9544616 out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns, Hugh Jackman, The Front Runner, A Quiet Place
Id: rw3iARQ83HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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