Necrosmith - (World Conquering Necromancy Game) [Steam Release]

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all right um so we're gonna check out necrosmith which is now out uh I played this just a couple months ago the demo that was out on a um like a steamfest or something and the um the game is out uh now full release I guess here on the 13th and this is a game where basically we are a necromancer and we have moved into the nearby lands uh and we're gonna go collect up some bodies slap them together and just sort of let them do the thing you know things that Undead things like to do roam around uh who are we to tell them they can't go and eat uh people um but it's also sort of a hands-off kind of thing we'll see if you didn't see the demo before a necromancer simulator sure assemble dead using body parts upgrade your Tower combined abilities make fantastic races to fight your way through the hordes of enemies coming to take down us because we're just trying to live our life and not be bothered by anyone else by alawar premium so let's check out the full release of this thing and see um just uh just how uh how good a necromancers we can be I really like the the demo of this one it's been a week since we got here we'll be noticed soon I couldn't come up with anything better so I've adapted the saved equipment to revive lots of it remains scattered around the area we only have to rely we have to rely on the dead if we want to stay alive yeah because no one wants me because you know what here I am just moving in but anyway uh this is a new start I'm done anything with this one but as we play the game we'll come out here and then buy things to help us out along the way let's try it [Music] all right so it's all the dead so we could come over here and we take um oh we can double click that wasn't in the demo before we had to like click and drag yeah so we grab some arms you can see each arm does different things this magic wand has certain amount of Health it's a little slower it does a DPS it does ranged I'm kind of small hopefully you can see that uh leg with boot so yeah we'll throw a couple legs in there and we'll give him a shield and we'll send them on his way and release so assemble four more dead things so there he goes and he's just sort of runs around all his own we can't click him however and move him around as we choose pick things up and go rob something to stop by the graves and pick up some body parts and there's like um control points you know Mills and things we can go grab which will give us resources we'll let him do his thing though and we're gonna grab a few more people so we'll get a range guy uh what's the cape to us Cape gives us a Magic Shield some that guy out there release that guy we got a skeleton body with armor we don't really need armor for this guy but because he's a mage guy let's go release him there he goes I did find an emulator will automatically attack the lair until it's destroyed the destroyed Lair cannot generate new enemies so he's gonna come over here and try to mess with us we've met our first enemy it will attack automatically it's attacks and survival depend on the body parts used to build it mushrooms so if I guys got it there's wand man and uh Magic Shield man man or whatever he is New Day began we got new body parts come in every day there's some things coming this way we should can I pause ah there is a pause uh captured a building we've got ourselves in mind bringing in some stuff I need a body parts okay that guy needs to come out or if I did are shown at the bottom of the screen click on them to see where they go to open its parameters oh that okay so isn't the guy out there to go deal with these bugs seems to be doing a very bad job of it what's this do scales are with a book of ice okay that sounds useful cost Mana uh in 60 minutes I only have six Mana so I can't do that guy [Music] okay oh yeah extra body parts can go in there so we can take like this leg throw it in there gives us extra Mana uh when they get to our Tower they start breaking it down and start messing with this but we gotta follow okay I need more Mana oh Mana we need 16 to make this guy we've unlocked a bronze Forge plus one armor per level excellent uh if you all blueprints looks it can cost us 15 what you definitely get that hey War thanks for following we got a uh a zombie arm let's throw away the one of these legs you have a leg build this guy okay got several dead people survive here create more powerful servants explore the lands grow your power a bit by a bit and find your way out of this trap okay some slimes are coming in so he's gonna deal with that he's got his freezy book and a sword yeah excellent okay we've got a zombie arm with a crossbow let's get a uh skeleton arm with a crossbow it's gonna be expensive basic legs basic body basic hit almost can get him I'll send him away he's gonna start shooting some things kind of like vampire survivors you know where he goes around and starts hacking away at stuff two of them are together the demo was pretty tough I remember we always you know you get to a certain point and then terrible things start coming out at you here comes a bunch more we're trying to beat that uh layer up he's sending ghouls at us or slimes at us okay I got Mana zombie legs are pretty tough I think zombie arm with book of lightning oh yeah I want uh that some more armor [Music] give me that leg give me a book of lightning and a sword some armored um and an armored head there we go you know one thing I did last time which I think is a very good idea which I accidentally did didn't use it right is to make something that that has you see something's here like this zombie head is -2 speed we make a bunch of things that are like bad speed and give them measly legs he has to kind of stand around the main base and shoot stuff because what I want to do 28 speed there 26 with the boot so we're at minus two speed there minus three so that guy has a speed of 40s I was trying to tell me so I didn't do it and do it didn't do what I was wanting uh here scrap scrap this guy people are coming at us we got we gotta make something that'll stop him I only have six to spend so let's let's dump in there I want a shield and I guess we'll take that give them up some body parts and that's 22 we gotta sell some things let's sell the head and a lot more okay should go there we go there you goes good job buddy I took him out pick up that goal while you're there there's a man right there you know take out these guys great 11 is enough to get somebody in here book of lightning which is how much eight maybe double book a lightning that's damage right yeah everything else will be kind of scrawny about you I just want you to go out and shoot some lightning short a little bit throw a leg in there and a head and a body there you go he's gonna fry everybody excellent we got Crips now sure which is uh it's this These Bars which is what we're getting from from collecting these uh these uh whatever these those these these sites you know okay more that we can increase some damage of our dead which we want to do seems like we're cleaning up the the vicinity pretty well [Music] we still have a ton of zombies out there skeletons I guess bring it in gold foreign with armor and mace or body with armor we'll give a um what is that something tough let's put that guy in there [Music] let's go a little easier let's do that one Shield uh okay we're just a little bit too high we can throw in a leg there he goes please kill it we tough we got him run into two I got two left things aren't gonna go good two left things will start coming in here okay uh five Mana though isn't gonna do me any good all right we got 14 Mana now uh orc legs we want just I think I'm gonna do basic stuff put in basic chest just to get something out there [Music] let's do Archer guy foreign okay oh the castle when it upgrades whenever you buy stuff yeah it's pretty neat plus one armor for level or plus one damage let's do that [Music] doggies are coming in take care of them uh we want I'm gonna have to like sell something big in order to get something big that we'll throw a couple legs in there um we want a body ahead arm there we go there's one who's I should have given him a range thing because he can't move he's he's too heavy to move anywhere so he's just gonna stand there oh no never mind I had him connect all right never mind I had him clicked never mind I'm done okay you go over here and handle this he's like peasants with pitchforks oh he died immediately that's not how it's supposed to go you're supposed to do better than that oh I don't have enough legs [Music] I need more legs go get some Mana oh here comes the dogs we're done for our last guy is down here playing around with this ball holder dude now uh we still have Mana with the other leg uh so that gives us two legs two arms here we go revive that and if I can 21. nope die immediately okay well there we go there's our first run we made it a little bit I'm out of water okay we had a good run okay so we should get some stuff we spend between levels use gold repair and upgrade devices and items to be ability so I got 218 gold we can get the cat and only the cats okay it's fine and then anything else we can do um okay let's go back in there I guess okay here's my first spell which is the cat okay here's a cat he goes out and picks up resources around the area uh let's let's start basic dudes fine I can save him for to like rebuild them later on foreign for um like making a whole bunch of them at one time and letting them uh stick together they do seem to kind of stick together when they go out you got these these bugs these spiders under control okay lots of Mana coming in got no body parts to make anything hit some grapesites picking this stuff up to um the Cheapo guy out there we need materials quickly need a bike there we go uh we can always send the cat out who runs around and picks up all this stuff here's my spell be great and Rosie would go through the fog or wash let's send him out a little sooner okay body with cloak gives me a magic shield and this gives me just a better view so we'll send out uh I need a better arm atic speed 28 speed what's the difference this one's got more armor because of the boot okay I like to find like another wand however magic Shield's pretty cool those guys are going nutso there's four of them over there together foreign I don't know the best idea is the best idea to just throw out everything you can or should I wait stockpile my mana and then and then throw out uh big guys problem is big guys are just gonna sort of run away they're gonna run off oh these four Stick Around Here will be will be a good shape okay we'll send the cat back out Archer guy archer guy what's that do yeah uh just better View raise your energy regeneration of your dead oh yeah regen good stuff okay must be to my guys that I've made uh there's a cool helmet this one gives me a Magic Shield I like that one we have a tanky guy with a with a book of ice you think ice ball it's kind of expensive I'm gonna check out these layers over here okay where is he her vision of your dead plus two vision there he goes big guy see if you can handle these doggies you just hit him you did a poor job he's a very poor job okay [Music] and that [Music] yeah like I did terrible uh I do with the region okay and I need something good weapons 60 Health versus 30 health short by two foreign immediately go give me some stuff cat before we lose oh I think I think we're done for all right right click oh right click with that okay okay I need a body part whoops [Music] save me zombie my only hope you're dead hey wolf Warrior how's it going because you think I should do a couple as a group and send them as a time uh one at a time or I mean uh together foreign okay calculate everything there's no other way it'll be difficult but I think I can get parts and blueprints I need here I've named this project the return six stages we have um according to my law don't interrupt me first date is the air use this one clear the site and prepare the foundation okay I still don't have enough for anything okay we need more money send the cat out first um do that armor and then let's do sortie guy foreign [Music] two of them there all right there goes a couple more was that just was that one guard oh one guy there's two of them there thank you we're happy to be a necromancer you know we just moved into town everything's great yeah stay where take care of that lair let's go that's good good make your dead more viable I like it wait until that comes in before we get the next one oh kitty cat go give me some Mana or body parts except for goblins living in this Workshop can repair your Tower plus one tarot pair per level said I'm doing that now or I should do it later [Music] I guess we want a necro dance that one uh what's this one do this one is the Magic Shield yeah those are good I think I found another one of those over there uh let's see if I can get that joke okay one second okay now let's go make some things uh that joke uh um so something that um let's see let's see let's find something oh yeah um okay I gotta I got a new list I got a whole bunch of stuff here uh all right I'll tell you a dad joke um I joke that my um my dad told me it was about about Lake Michigan um and uh but but I came up with a better one um you could say it was Superior Great Lakes jokes all right enough of that nonsense back to what's back to the real problem which is this nonsense hey ACO thanks for following ACO here's the dad joking it's probably out here now sorry azio [Music] uh that one regen is great let's do that you found a secret recipe I'll save that yeah [Music] okay okay secret recipe I wasn't gonna release him I was gonna release him with other folks I still will okay so we got two of them so we sent them out together well I'm gonna wait a minute maybe I should just send them out there's no reason to wait I gotta get those bugs yeah just get out there my joke is very eerie always Mana problems thank you need some more I got no Mana we should probably go through and do the Mana thing again I got so I got I got three heads um three three bodies I got a lot of different arms we can go and do some cleaning up oh I need more arms than I do I just bars than legs whoops all right you know uh body parts are uh complicated okay um 20 Health versus 30 health let me do the basic guy real quick because we get more of them out and I want him slicing and dicing okay it's good that worked I'm speaking of Amanda there's Amanda yeah I need I need um right I get more hit points I can repair my tower is not damaged so some hit points on these guys music's great that seems to be something that has really something that has really been something that has uh taken off as the word but something that has been noticeable recently is that all these indie games are coming out with some really good music that's that means it's it's that means that this is worth six Mana if I were to dump it in there oh look at that thing orc skeleton Chris's original regeneration of your dead like some of that I'm gonna hold off I'm not gonna send them out until I know this is that's the question though do I if I set him out now he may go out and break some towers and things if I wait maybe you more useful defending the place but by then I've got hordes of things coming in so I think it's better to keep them out just keep throwing them out there foreign that's just something that always happens okay I found a portal click on it to activate it wait we gotta draw right okay we can we can now release things over here if we so choose um Maybe release him there who's buff um let's just throw out a couple little babies foreign that way the next step we'll send out we'll keep it at our base our our uh is that that grows doesn't it does it grow the nasty okay let me go sell some things we're seven that's worth six I can't have much of throwing ax these are all good stuff [Music] uh newer order things are order thanks for following following I'm sure that's supposed to be something else I apologize for butchering it I'm gonna deal with these bugs down here [Music] okay he's got him I really do want to get someone that's like weak legged but can stand around in like like a turret basically I think it'd be really handy see if we can figure that out so we got two basic little legs speed 36 that's probably oh no that's actually pretty quick dog's coming in here uh let's throw out something real quick to get any special guys oh we make one of these make him and then so the more armor these are 30 uh armor these are 32. minus five speed we need something that's got like do it next time I don't think I have the body parts for it send those two guys out handle the doggies doing a bad job handling the doggies I got it uh how are we doing over here this is our our the tower was here oh no where it was did it get destroyed this one oh that one right there wait wait over there [Music] I want to send things over there but there's stuff coming over here um there's a tent a piece [Music] any more Rangers oh stuff coming in okay um let's get we'll see what we can get let's get something big 60 points yeah we should do it maybe I should do an armor you think um oh here let's let's uh give us one region per level um yeah does that stack these guys there's a bunch of injured out there maybe they'll start healing up okay and then we're gonna sell to get to 60. foreign [Applause] so do you have [Music] do you have Regen really too bad bad times it's in the cat out um leg body Shield lousy sword hat this is worth seven yeah now we're uh we're all getting whooped okay I want to repair my tower okay we got 48 to spins that um they're on me so I don't really need a range guy at the moment 90 health look at him he got slaughtered oh well it didn't work out at all uh we're gonna lose no here comes the army help me army my only hope big guy big guy don't die doing a good job what we have left not looking good not looking good at all they're doing they're doing good but it's not looking good hey thanks Jeff how much gold we get that time that time went a little better I think how we do we got 800 gold now which we can unlock wrenches table produces a few bones every morning we've got Tesla's machine allows you to Smite enemies with a lightning spell and we have enables the acid fog spell or we have teleport receiver allows you to teleport your dead to the Tower that could be handy could all be handy oh what's this one allows you to repair a selected dead hmm that was one which one should we do [Music] hello dog I saw you followed just uh before I sat in here I saw your name on there thanks for the follow um let's see what do you think with 800 bucks I can only buy one thing right yeah nothing's gonna give me two things so Lightning Spell I know what that does um acid fog repair let's repair a selected dead okay do it again foreign so there is our other story The durability of your dead okay send him out let's get a couple friends [Music] got that there one Mana shorts okay a couple more there I got all four of us kind of together I like the Mana Shield thing let's do that the laser Gatling Mech was a lot of fun yeah I I got just got to that point when I was playing the demo I think anywhere further than that though yeah um yeah it's pretty neat uh that was the one I made that I made too heavy that I wouldn't note more damage per level a leg to count up there immediately every time he's my uh my Mana picker upper body parts I like that guy that seems effective I need another ranged arm what's it I gotta achievement for the piggyback whatever that does I got one right I think I just do I should do a double range guy because if he doesn't right he's not going to get any damage more achievements foreign just give him more armor okay sent him out uh we're gonna hold off because he's gonna go with a um that's some of it with another ranged guy two range guys together would be a good good combo not really any good bodies but that one um yeah I want a couple I want arranged fella I don't know maybe I should maybe we should just get things out there foreign for that reason right there boy hey what's the deal I'm gonna lose immediately tired of me anyway are these dogs so tough for um guy that guy [Music] okay we'll do that all right all right enough of that nonsense there's a whole bunch more coming in though well it's been a bad one um keep an eye on him and then we'll heal him as soon as we can um okay so I'm gonna heal okay uh speed are my uh look at all this stuff coming in nothing out there oh I have everything I have other is it's here not not my best run foreign [Music] things uh hack things put a hat on [Music] to the legs almost it was nice foreign Knights this is no good yeah we'll get some just get whatever you can before we all die where's my guys at he's way over there he's way down there pick up that Mana oui I didn't go well at all uh no you have to well you know what not to say that I don't know I when I played the demo you had to you had to use every body parts you couldn't send anything out with that didn't have it fully used I actually didn't check the chat so we should check uh produce a few bones every morning let's do that let's see what this takes us okay what I do last time that I shouldn't do this time I don't know what I did wrong [Music] I think I kind of sent them together didn't I maybe I shouldn't send him together here so just let him go however they wish so if we want to do like that without a hit yeah you can't do it foreign do I have a side Tower already I do know that okay we'll use that next time you could use a cat to clean this stuff up look at all this stuff can't repair our Tower um hey I just want to grab you all right let's do some pickup [Music] okay you're free uh we're gonna build one over here stick with armor armor is good stuff [Music] still a little short foreign so he's over this way [Music] heal that guy oh wait heals all of them in the area oh okay that's good if we throw in a beefy guy oh I'm gonna put him over here oops foreign achievements are just rolling in I was talking about those slimes over there okay uh I'll get some slides in the next coming in let's let's make another like round well probably any Mana I do now let's make some rounds [Music] make we'll make two foreign have a good one can you trigger the cat from a portal oh I don't know I don't know [Music] that we'll give him some armor foreign I don't have enough stuff for another guy though short a leg and a head uh let's see if we can do that nope foreign that's what we got last time that I think that helped us out a lot with having that okay see some legs here comes some friends prayers on tinted [Music] this guy could use a heel let's give him one doggies coming in I think about it I mean many legs armor could be good just short okay all right which I have my spell heal that guy some regen though uh where's that on uh arm away yeah The Shield is a oh it's armor it's armor and damage see the damage going out there I guess I'm not gonna make it uh here I don't want you dying buddy you're pretty tough you stay back stay back home and then we're gonna pause because I'm gonna throw out somebody real tough it's a throwing ax throwing ax I'd rather do the this one I didn't mean to sell it but um okay we probably get another one in here try this he died immediately oh no he's still alive never mind take that back Mr uh Mr Archer dude that we just made wasting like that um give you a head and a body and some legs [Music] a lot of stuff coming from there we gotta get deal with that I wonder if it's wise to be maybe I should be controlling my guys more [Music] you guys hideous he died immediately oh no this guy buddy come here didn't really do any health it did it maybe I do need a thing that calls people back yeah well they're coming from the sky energy and speeds up your dead points armor he's that guy we need armor guy [Music] that's why I should be saving my my heal spells throw them in here and get a bunch of guys for healed foreign interest you to go up this way I like my chances here yeah that looks good foreign all done and I just looked at the time it's my bedtime so it's okay we can't buy anything anyway so we didn't miss anything but anyway there's necrosmith I always want to say necroscope anyone ever watch necroscope on YouTube long time ago fantastic microscope um old games uh x-com and Monkey Island that kind of stuff anyway there is necrosmith it is out now and I didn't get anything exciting look at that that's exciting stuff um look at that that's what I wanted to make well look at that but yeah we didn't get there let's do nothing else that's pretty neat I didn't get anywhere near all that stuff look at the parts they've got coming in cool I didn't get anywhere near there anyways look at this is a different map isn't it so we go to like win one map and then we move on to the next stuff interesting anyway thanks for hanging out and uh I'll be I'm not sure we'll be back here tomorrow night or not I always say that I'm not sure uh it seems like the days I say I'm gonna be back I don't come back in the days I don't say I'm gonna I'll be here but so I might be here I might not um and we may play something tomorrow anyway thanks for hanging out you take it easy as well exile we're gonna go find someone to raid here and oh I'm gonna go to bed
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 9,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Necrosmith gameplay, Necrosmith game, Necrosmith steam, Necrosmith, necromancy, simulation, gameplay, deck building, alawar, pixel, tactical, rts, strategy
Id: iDYkphvfVG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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