Dunkey Streams Super Mario Odyssey

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is this thing huh is there anybody out there i need a bigger gun all right i think i'm back in business i think i'm back in business [Music] maybe i should do this i think i'm in business here i got it running it's not a horrendous horrible frame rate audio works [Music] i'm just streaming it straight into obs i think it's the elgato software that [ __ ] sucks ass i think it's working [Music] [Music] all right all right now we're back to we're back in the game we're back in the game now this is what i'm doing [Music] i'm gonna beat the whole game i'm beating the whole game but i'm not gonna touch the floor i can't touch the floor throughout the entire game i can i can't touch rocks but i can't touch grass i cannot touch the grass i'm going through the whole game all right here we go all right this is gonna be hard already [Music] [ __ ] okay i gotta reset i lost just turn grass off that's not an option in this game that's only an advanced games like sonic lost world okay this doesn't count this doesn't count there's no grass on this as long as it's it's a rock i'm good to go okay now i'm thinking thinking water is this is water is not grass so this is fine this is actually fine to be in here i just can't touch the actual grass see this thing right here this is a dangerous game i'm playing here because i can get on this ridge but i can't touch the grass you see what i'm saying can i touch the bottom of the water yeah i mean this is just rocks down here i mean obviously you can touch that now see you have to be very careful here because look the grass starts right here is where the grass starts so if i play this right boom there we go okay okay okay okay we're doing it we're doing it this can be done this can be done i have to be very careful here what i do here let's see is there grass up here [Music] little bingo's gonna do the soundtrack oh that's that's an interesting choice i didn't think they would go with him okay there's two ways we can go here we can go this way that's very risky though very very risky i don't think that could work or we could go over to the ship i think that's much safer we got a lot of rocks on here to work off of okay okay boom boom okay [ __ ] okay now i gotta get to that thing boom okay so far no grass so far no grass if you touch the grass the stream turns off yeah once i once i deleted system 32 it started running a lot better okay now i'm gonna have to utilize the dinosaur here because the dinosaur can touch grass that's the thing it's just mario that can't touch grass technically the dinosaur can that's a technicality oh look at this zone oh [ __ ] okay i'm [ __ ] up [Music] stream's over [Music] all right new stream now this i win this now this is not this is not this is not grass these are leaves these are leaves okay okay okay let's get in the water let's get in the water for here go up on this rock okay all right here we go wait why am i going this way let's go over here okay okay we're back in business we're back in business we're back in business you bodacious we're back in business here [Music] now this is there's two ways we can play this there's two ways we can play this first let's break through this i'll see them look at all that grass that's no good i'm thinking we gotta get up to this t-rex [ __ ] this is gonna be tricky boom okay okay okay [Music] this is working this is working now the dinosaur doesn't count because he has very thick uh dinosaur-like skin he can touch grass that's that's not illegal hmm i don't know when they're doing the new mario for this mario they announced it like six months before it came out and they were probably developing this for like five years let's see can i go up this way [Applause] this could be very risky this could be very very risky what i'm doing here but i'm going to try it no no danish or not that's not grass that's not grass that's is that grass can we get a ref [Music] can we get a ref on the play okay people are saying that is grass [Music] all right all right i'm going to end the stream [Music] [Music] all right well good good run good run see you guys tomorrow all right new stream let's try and beat this this time [Music] check me out here check me out what i do here you guys don't know about the shortcut okay i think i just touched the grass there [Music] all right yeah this is a little less laggier than cheesy okay new stream all right hey guys welcome back new stream now let's win this i've been trying to beat this game for four streams in a row all right new stream hey guys welcome back let's win this game today new stream [Music] hey guys i'm back today i'm gonna beat mario odyssey without touching the grass this is my fifth attempt [Music] new stream welcome back [Music] today i will beat mario odyssey without the grassless run i'm going for the grassless one you have to be very careful for these guys thank you mentor i should be utilizing these rocks these are very powerful rocks okay now let's get up here boom boom okay okay we're going we're now we're going now we're actually going somewhere boom okay okay that's fine that's fine all right all right now this this dirt is fine let's get to the dinosaur now we're going now we're going okay get get get i didn't touch the grass i didn't touch the grass i was in the air i was in the air i was still in the air right before it connected look it up look it up do a rewind you'll see that i'm right okay now we have to hope that when i go up here that this isn't just grass the second you jump out of this [Music] [Music] can you beat this level without fighting the boss i don't think you can i think there's only three moons without and then the boss right okay the second i jump out of this i'm gonna be on the grass but what if i can do a secret trick nope uh yeah i'm gonna say that's grass i'm gonna say that's grass i'm actually gonna say that's grass there all right new stream we're gonna have to do the dinosaur trick okay okay here we go i'm starting to get this down i'm starting i'm starting to master this okay okay uh-huh uh-huh come over here come into this say hey bounce out of that guy yep uh-huh uh-huh come up here say boom go yeah uh-huh come over here say this okay now we gotta go on this rack to make it a little safer now we can go into t-rex all right here we go here we go huh okay that worked [Music] all right now i can't touch the grass here chain chomp can but mario can't i got this i got this one in the bag now keep in mind this is just the first level this isn't too hard oh god oh god wait a minute [Music] i never thought i would have to actually fight the boss and stay off the grass at the same time i didn't think this part out okay here we go here we go yeah i did it thank you [Music] oh god i hope he doesn't spawn on the grass okay [Music] there it is there it is [Music] the grassless run the first ever grassless run thank you swift mario no all right what are you doing what are you doing no no all right well listen the tricky part is over now i just gotta go back to the ship all right i'll see you guys on the next stream hey guys what's going on i'm back another day another dollar let's beat this game grassless style okay [Music] boom here we go here we go what about a rockless stream whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so i can only go on the grass but not the rocks you gotta be crazy to try to do that [Music] all right well i think this will be easier sand kingdom i don't think there's a lot of grass here so this will definitely make things easier sandless no it's grassless this is a grassless run i can walk on sand um [Music] no ice [Music] all right we'll do sandless we'll do sandless all right oh thank you so much oh this is how you jump oh what is this are there two moves that i've never done what is this are there two secret mechanics that i don't know about what is this these are the forbidden moves what are the forbidden moves you unlock them with a grassless run okay this is gonna be tricky so i can't touch the sand here is what you guys are saying this is gonna be hell how do you not touch the sand in this how do you can i even okay i guess i'll start here this is the starting point or should this be the starting point maybe the ramp and then i have to jump onto this oh that that's already too hard maybe we'll do a grassless run for this level yeah i think we're gonna do a grassless run for this level this is [ __ ] up you know what it's the wrong hat it's the wrong hat thank you soggy it's the wrong hat that's way [Applause] [Music] now that bush technically technically this is safe because this is not sand there is no sand beneath this bush a bush cannot grow on sand so technically i'm winning here that's just a technicality yeah bushes are grass but i can touch grass here i just can't touch sand okay i'm thinking this ice cube i'm thinking go on this big ice cube here see what i'm saying [ __ ] all right i'm thinking okay hear me out what if i say this what if i come up here and i say this [ __ ] oh that okay that was a little easier there thank you soggy thank you for the bone shogi oh [ __ ] okay i think i have a strategy i have a strategy thank you mission oh god okay okay have a good route wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute there that couch now look at this path does this is that sand this is like a lighter colored sand here for this path is that count of sand yeah okay okay okay we're getting somewhere all right uh there's another bush over there should i go to that or i can try to make it to this that's not working oh god oh god okay this is going to be tricky this is going to be tricky [Music] is sand actually sand that's a good question actually yeah okay okay okay this is all technically this is aboveboard this is going to be tough this is going to be tough as hell oh that didn't even work look you can see his little footsteps that confirms if i was in the sand or not [Music] gonna say i touch the sand on that one please do not touch the blue bubble box the bubble box oh no oh no now the now did now the joy-con is doing a joy-con drift oh [Laughter] all right that's another layer that's gonna be adding on to the difficulty all right okay okay that's good that's good that that is okay that's sand maybe if i can summon the puppy over and ride him around this is [ __ ] up i don't know about sandless run oh god the joy con is [ __ ] up [Music] sandless is evil sandless run is too evil ah that doesn't work that doesn't work how is this game on the pro controller there's a lot of stuff you can't do on the pro controller right thank you shoot plays it's good on pro controller you can't do any of the motion controls though right you can't do any of the tricky jumper rooney attacks okay okay now where do i go i gotta go for to that bush if i can make it to this bush okay okay okay okay mario we're just gonna we're just gonna ignore it when he just joycons out of the bush for my own sanity all right i'm going to that bench i'm going to that bench okay that's me that's me on that oh one all right let's try the pro controller this is how all right this is my first time playing mario on the pro controller oh this is different this is a lot different that's not good try xbox controller i'd probably be better on an xbox controller to be honest okay that that is that is not good actually this is going to be tough this is going to be tough here we might have to start making some uh some rules here i might have to start making some cheaters rules okay that that that's do you know i mean that's safe that's that's completely safe i don't care who you are okay that was not good actually oh you can do this with the pro controller yeah that was that was pro controller drift is yeah there now i'm going on the ice cube boom now i'm going on this boom now i'm saying hey i'm going boom i'm going boom boom boom i'm in the bush i'm in the bush i'm going on the bench [ __ ] [ __ ] i came so far i can do this i can do this okay okay all right all right looking good hey i think that's it i think that's safe all right that one maybe not safe we're making a new rule if mario is halfway into bush it counts as no sand new rule this is just being this is just being passed down to me from guinness book of world records ah let's see is that half is that half in can i get a ref on the play can i get a ref here what are we thinking here safe okay safe robot don't say that don't ever say that all right i still haven't gotten the first moon here so this is going to be tricky so i'm going to need 16 moons [Music] this is going to be a little tricky here maybe we'll use checkpoints maybe checkpoints are on limits okay okay this is looking good here this is looking very good here can we get a ref is that is that safe for sand safe okay i'm seeing safe i'm seeing safe all right i don't know if i agree with that but i mean hey that's up safer sand i'm gonna i'm just gonna say that sand on that one i'm gonna be honest [Laughter] all right oh that's that's perfect eh eh can we get a refund to play can we get a refund to play safe okay safe offsides offsides on the play okay i'm gonna say that i'm gonna say i'm gonna say restart there no splash this is not kirby this is the new barrio game okay okay let's go boom okay let's say this let's come up here say boom say boom boom oh safe oh look at that safe oh wow beautiful jumps by me boom on the bench on the bench there it is now now it's easy now i just gotta get do you guys know that he can do a triple throw and then the third throw goes farther [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i gotta make it i gotta get this checkpoint i'm gonna go on to that cactus there we go now go go go oh oh that almost worked how do you get the hat to go down oh there he goes boom boom okay okay i gotta get that checkpoint ground pound throw why did i do that safe all right i see oh i see sand actually what is whoever says it first is the is the riff one guy type sand all right here we go here we go okay this is looking good this is looking very good oh safe oh hey safe yeah i did it i did it i did it [ __ ] bench [ __ ] bench i win this don't worry i win this i'm starting to master this part [Music] 30 second sand permission oh that's a good idea you get 30 seconds to walk on sand oh that is a good idea actually all right we're bringing the 30 second sand rule into effect maybe 30 seconds is a little too long make it 60 too much that's make it 60 seconds only five only five seconds let's let's do five seconds i think that's fair let's see let's see what this would look like with five seconds one two three one two three four five one two three four five oh i've still lost yeah i'm gonna go with the five second rule and that's a respected rule that's a respected rule five seconds total five seconds total that's no no no no that's too crazy five hours five hour so i only get five seconds total all right what was that that was like a fraction of a second one that was one second one two two seconds that's hard to count like that one second total refs judgment oh ref is just spoken ref is just spoken ref is saying there's only one second total okay i'm doing it like that i'm doing one second total here boom boom boom boom boom one second total please make it no second total then we'll talk oh mario sits he sits down hey i'm beating the game i'm beating the game okay now i'm gonna jump on this thing okay okay now i just have to land on that little green part where the checkpoint is i did it i went okay i'm at the checkpoint i unlocked the checkpoint i did it i did it i did now where do you start from here though you can't even go on this actually can you as long as mario's shoe the leather of his shoe is touching the green plastic we're safe that's still safe what is happening we're doing a sandless this is a sandless run i have to beat the whole level without touching the sand okay that okay that's over [Music] okay now things are gonna start picking up things are gonna start to get a little easier here here we go [Music] when am i gonna do the mario this run oh that's too crazy that's too crazy [Music] is there another moon in here [Music] there's only one right technically these buildings look like they're made out of sandstone no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is made out of a material that is very plastic-like in nature this is not sandstone okay now this is tricky how do i get this little acorn oh there we go okay boom okay okay can we just pick that up say yeah okay all right this is working out uh how do you get in the secret store [ __ ] now this is now i don't know about this i don't know about this does i think this little ladder down there technically now look this is ice sand cannot grow on ice this is technically this is a ladder that i'm on technically that doesn't count [Music] all right mario just kind of walked onto the sand there all right redo do we have any construction workers can we get any uh can we get an official opinion on these buildings now how the [ __ ] how am i gonna get how what do you do now i must be able to get watch this uh-huh uh-huh oh this is no problem [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right redo no stream what all right new stream remember when grassless was hard yeah i remember that that was back when grassless was considered hard that was old-school way of thinking but sandless now that's just pure evil i'm still in the game i'm still in the game i'm still in the game i'm still in the game thank you gravy all right all right i'm still in this uh there's a gecko there's a little gex-like character over in the distance maybe if i can land on him he'll i can ride him there's also a cactus over there i don't know i think i went the wrong way here i think i have to go over there go on that bush and then jump to the ice cube [ __ ] it i'm going for it oh i tried to use the goomba trick i tried to go for an extremely high level play where you use the goomba but it backfired it backfired in a big way wait a minute new strategy oh okay okay that's a nice start okay boom come up here say this come up here say this okay new stream see you guys next time alright let's do this okay i like that start i like that start thing that's a nice start okay that's not good gonna need jaxy yeah we're definitely gonna try to get jaxy here that's gonna be a big help maybe i can just bypass this one let's go boom boom there we go okay now there's two ways to go here there's two ways to go here we can go on that bush or we can go up this ice cube i'm thinking go up to ice cube boom easy okay now it's now it's simple now this is simple boom all right checkpoint we're in business we're back in business [Music] thank you robot thank you for saying red are from the famous game hitman the famous achievement that we all love so much okay now this is now what i'm saying here is gonna sound crazy but i'm gonna come in here and i'm gonna say and i'm watched this is called the suicidal run it ends the run but i get a moon out of the deal thank you flamingo in mclean this ends the run but i get a moon out of the equation boom wait a minute wait a minute oh [ __ ] if i was better that could have i might have been able to salvage that [Music] all right well hey we got a moon out of it [Music] now this now now we're getting captures okay now it's gonna start getting a little easier here let's go get this [Music] this is gonna start a speed running category is this not already one don't they have like a million for mario here we go here we go it already is lettuce sand well robot said lead is sand so we're gonna go with the robot here we're gonna say lead is sand but blood isn't and that's just robot that's just robot coming into his own as a riff now this this is such a trick at first you think wow this looks so cool i'll jump on these but this is a sandless run i could be killed for doing that [Applause] [Music] oh you can't hear the robot oh that's right robot doesn't work because um i had to mute desktop audio i'll just say it i'll just say stuff that the robot would say in the robot's voice [Music] oh some people can hear it oh the color power has drained imagine every time you you jumped out of a meh thank you every time you capture a guy it says the capture is now over [Music] thank you cruiser oh this is this is easy now there's no sand left in the level now i'm just playing mario [Music] they really land they really ran out of sand for this level who voices bullet bill for the game i think it was uh who was it wasn't don sheedle for the switch version [Music] some people are saying ray leota it could be ray leota john cheadle oh it might be john sheedle his brother sometimes when they can't get downshield they bring in john cheadle he can almost entirely uh replicate don's performance that's like probably bringing tom hanks's brother sometimes all right i'm gonna do a crazy strategy here that's never been tried [Music] [ __ ] all right redo all right all right i got this i got to get a hole in one here i got to get an alley up here to do it just right dang i get this i get this this trick is called walking the dog yep this is called walking the dog here damn it okay i get this don't worry i get this i get this isn't this where uh what's his face is this is where jax is and he's down this hole oh you gotta get it just perfect progress says i'll never do it mathematically it's impossible he says oh that was so close that was so close i get this i get this i get this don't worry i get this people are saying it can't be done can't be done they're saying this can never be done actually i don't think maybe you can't actually do it maybe you have to actually hit the sand oh come on that looked just perfect that looked just perfect people it can be done it can be done people are shamed oh my god it can be done now oh that was come on now look at that look at that i don't know if that wasn't in there i don't know what is i don't know if that doesn't work i don't know what does oh man this is [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] up where's glide on maybe if i had glide on this could be done let me think of a trick what's a fucker's trick i can do what's some kind of [ __ ] trick that i can use to to cheat what is he standing on is that sand all right you can't go that way now what the [ __ ] am i gonna do here i'm i gotta go for that bush i'm going for the bush dad i don't think that's safe new stream i think if you can i think if i just ride this over that actually goes down there all right here we go easy easy look at that and now the checkpoint is boom now i can move to the checkpoint all right now this is this is an easy trick here boom as you guys know this doesn't count [Music] i like this guy watch this guy's power that's his power he just put sunglasses on i think this kind of inspired balon wonder land this character specifically they went okay what if he puts his sunglasses on but it doesn't help you see anything it just puts his sunglasses on that's the power i mean that's still better than a lot of blonde wonderland powers to be honest also that still actually achieves more than most [Music] [Music] better than hat head classic hat such a legendary character [Music] [Applause] maybe though will we ever see a blonde wonderland movie i wonder is such a huge hit such a beloved game i wonder if we'll ever see the movie for that [Music] thank you brian can we get more blind wonder world gameplay you know i think you know it's but that game is better remembered than played better to just look at the backstart than play it truly now what the [ __ ] do i do this little statue man can't jump oh no now what do you do i must have to go that didn't work oh we're up to another checkpoint well let's not give on this quite let's not give up quite yet what if i say triple jump boom boom boom what if i say this what if i say this boom boom what if i triple jump off of the little robot boom boom boom oh nope that [ __ ] you up boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom almost almost robot no don't say steel bart again robot don't say steel bart again bart is not in this you know this okay okay okay the shadow oh the shade is safe well it's like yeah what shade is safe i don't know if you can get on this to be honest unless you're one of the greatest players of the world i think i'm going lower and lower with each jump hmm what if i say this hmm i don't think this way works what if i what if i walk in bowser's footprints does that count what if i just bounce in his footprints no cuz then they end there walk the dog all right i'm walking the dogs there we go now look at this look at these guys i can use these guys see uh-huh now i gotta get to that sign [ __ ] all right i'm developing a strategy i'm developing a strategy here guy oh you can't you can't cap jump off of a guy but if i go down no that's all sand i'm thinking this way might be out of the it might be out of the picture i don't think i can go this way i don't think this is a viable way hang off of the ledge like this all right i'm developing a new strategy this is very very advanced what i'm doing here what is the mobility on getting back up from this am i just gonna walk right onto the sand can you jump out of this i think you can jump out of this right i don't know if i want to jump out here though hmm does that guy give you a moon i don't think that guy gives you a month i see i'm seeing a sheep with a sombrero hmm i think this is where my exit is oh you can't damn it damn it you can't bounce out of that came so far well that was a good strategy though that was good thinking what if i go the alternate way what if i say this here we go the stream is too smooth now thank you sir bimbo thank you z wit all right i'm getting good at this game i'm getting very very good at this game am i doing this is a sandless run i'm doing a sandless run of this level i can't touch the sand hmm now there's two moons in here this is a very this is a very tempting temple but i know that i can't make it in there i know that i can't get enough height to make it in there the shade is safe people are saying the shade is safe shade is not safe oh i'm getting conflicting opinions on this well let's keep going shade is cheating i say let's keep going now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute now i thought that you could oh all right we're doing a poll we're doing a poll we're gonna put this to bed once and for all we're bringing experts on this what happened why did i drop did i just hit the wrong thing or did i like run do you does he just run out of stamina eventually [Music] wow it's a close it's a close call but it's leaning a little towards no shade is not safe it was very close though 53 said no shade is less safe than regular sand since there's no light touching it so it's even more dangerous it's actually even more dangerous than normal sand i can't even do this anymore i can't even make this jump anymore how was i grabbing the lid so easy before i did it perfect like twice in a row somehow there we go is this game really better than sonic lost world that game looked really good you know i'm gonna say i'm gonna say i give the slight preference to this over sonic lost world what's nice about sonic lost world is that you play it and you don't ever want to play another video game again so it really is a money-saving tool in that way whereas this game you play it and you want to play all you want to really it makes you love video games so but then you end up losing a lot more money in that sense it depends which way you look at it zazz zazz was a great character though i'm sure we'll see zazz uh used in later sonic games no odyssey doesn't have ziz if you actually look in the uh the concept art book for mario odyssey you can see in an interview that they wanted to include zayas but they couldn't they couldn't get to go ahead right at the last second they had to remove them all right kind of wish that um the shade shade vote swung the other way now kind of wishing that people said shade is safe all right let's keep going oh what is this there's a moon here there's a moon here thank you illuminati i this is not sand this is not sand this is not sand this is not sand this is safe this is safe this is safe this is completely safe this is completely safe look look safe safe i'm seeing safety [ __ ] i thought this was the one that you could turn into this is the one that you have to hit with jaxy i think okay no no why did he do that all right i'm gonna go a different way look at that moon look at how far away that moon is how do i get to that oh i see a bush down there i'm going for the bush okay okay okay oh do a new poll that one got hacked somebody hacked our poll oh that's [ __ ] up that's low even for twitch that's low even on a website like this as low to hack our poll that's low they're making a curious george rts i'll play that is it more like a starcraft or warcraft or is it more like company of heroes hey i found jaxy [Music] it's more like command and conquer oh okay this is gonna make things easier [Music] boom let's go [Music] now we're going now we're going boom give me that moon jack seal sand no jaxy is not sand jack c does not count jax is a taxi [Music] now we're winning this game i'm going in here [Music] statues are rock exactly exactly thank you somebody's talking some sense out here now finally sanders rack nope i'm not buying it i'm not buying it [Music] i don't buy that logic for a second sand of sand rock is rock [Music] oh dog i can't believe i'm actually going to beat this sand this run without even touching sand once i only need two more moons mario why you gotta come out of the pipe there why you gotta do that all right all right let's go now there is there is a zone there's a zone where you can go to a thing there it is there it is boom [ __ ] you have to ground pound that all right never mind let's keep going oh the bird the bird the bird is in play where'd the bird go there he is where'd he go where'd he go where is he there he is don't go by the sand no no bird come back come back no taxi where's taxi jacksie you son of a [ __ ] let's go catch that bird i can still get the bird where did he go does anybody see the bird there he is serious i can do this i can do this no foreign what other moons are there out here isn't there one over here in this zone there's one of the golden things oh yeah i planted one of those seeds that's one buy a moon come on buy a moon that's [ __ ] up i would only do that if i was truly truly at the end of my rope isn't there one over here oh you gotta ground pound the sand to get this one look we can go in thank here [Music] oops [Music] did i get the sand the moon from the music notes i don't think they i don't think that one spawns till later i think that's a later instance of the level where those ones spawn in the music notes on the palm trees by the oasis does that spawn from the first you know like every level has like a bunch of different instances it's there already it's there off the bat [Music] i think that's good i think we're set i just got to go back down here look at this wait let's go over here did i get the moon from your house no i didn't get the one from your house i said you know what i'm gonna leave this with you [Music] look here's a moon right here boom and we're out and we're out and that's how you do it the first ever the world's ever first sandless run done without any cheats it's never been done until today boom let's go mario's shoes are clean he doesn't have to turn his shoes upside down and wash him out forever where's the full sonic run where you can only roll in single jump that is never happening that one never waterless run oh god god damn it is that the trick on this one waterless run all right all right let's do it only roll challenge sonic lost world i don't want to do any the the base game of sonic lost world is already a challenge to get through it's already challenged enough to just leave the game running all right waterless well this is this is all water so this is going to be a little tricky this run you're only allowed to walk i don't know if i wanted to run this run because that would take an extremely long amount of time i think i could do waterless run here let's let's go for it let's go for it first i'm going to say this i'm going to say this i'm going to come up here come up see this say boom okay all right i think this can be done i think this can be done if i just executed a little better oh okay this can be done this definitely can be done oh almost almost had it there oh okay okay this can be done this can be done there's water vapor in the air no that doesn't count the water vapor in the air doesn't count oh that was so close that was so close right there this can be done this can be done i'm telling you it can be done god damn it oh maybe i've made crazier jumps in this what i'm thinking here is now hear me out what if i say boom boom huh huh can you do what is this what is this you can't wob you can't jump off a head off of a wall jump as we all know what if i say this what if i say boom boom boom boom come up here say boom say yeah not even close don't use 70 of his move set he is 70 water all right i'm not i'm gonna not use the uh the two hidden moves that i don't know what are what they are now this is where the technicality is because a goomba can touch water oh yahoo let's run all right i'm gonna do a yahoo this run if mario says yahoo it doesn't have to reset get on there oh that was almost in that was almost in there i don't even know i am trying to go that way there's nothing there's not even any prize that way there's no moon at all i just want to do it just for fun down that bird gives you a moon i don't think i've ever gotten that moon that bird is a [ __ ] oh damn it has anybody ever gotten this moon where you hit the little birdie the zr button always held run is fun this this is fun i don't like this run i don't like that run all right i'm gonna be honest i made a little wave there i'm gonna be honest where is this water where is the water here oh this is in the water oh no oh no okay okay here we go we're back in business we're back in business you goddamn goomba get out of here [Applause] [Music] ever have i ever played this game before no never this is my first mario game [Music] okay let's go let's go [Music] what the [ __ ] do you do here okay i'm seeing it i'm seeing a trick i'm seeing a possible trick if i go from there to there then that is a good trick let's try it out let's kill these goombas off first oh this is gonna be this is gonna be tough maybe i should jump from this boom boom boom boom shake boom boom yeah oh so close so close so close on them it can be done it can be done it can be done it can be done and now i didn't even look where that leads to that might just be a dead end but this part can definitely be done boom okay okay this opens up some possibilities you know okay okay [ __ ] no stream all right welcome back to the new stream why am i swimming back i can't touch the water if you touch the water that's that's an instant disqualification oh [ __ ] that didn't count thank you teddy that didn't count that didn't count safe i'm seeing safe i'm seeing safe the splash was from uh it was from the the velocity yeah it was from the velocity of the wind i didn't actually touch the water it was because mario was moving so fast you guys have to remember that it it actually accounts for wind this is a very very advanced game [Music] no this is not cheating this is not cheating the rep said safe the refs word is final okay now this is another tricky jump here ah that's not so bad disqualified no okay i'm gonna say i'm gonna say that was water i'm gonna say that was in the water on that one safe still oh i suck out i'm out okay okay say boom come up here say this say this and yeah come up here go over here say this say this come over here come over here say this say one of these go boom come up here come over there say over here go like this bam get these things come up here come up here say this hmm you get three for beating the boss i think there's two up here i think there's just enough for to be waterless oh [ __ ] i don't actually know where the secret one is in this room though [Music] you only get one from the boss no you get three every boss gives you three this boss only gives you one moon no way no way in the world [Music] [Music] check under there under this if you shake you slide faster what the hell what i didn't know that oh if you shake too much that happens all right well i like this trick i do like the sliding faster trick this game is crazy i've been playing this game a trillion times i beat this game at least 20 times now i didn't know you could do that [Music] this game is a masterpiece and i still don't after beating this game up 20 times i still don't know where the secret moon is in this level hmm oh no oh no [Music] i missed it i did not miss it watch this you can bypass this [ __ ] how have you a hundred percent this game and i haven't i got nine i got 999 moons i don't think i literally got every moon though there's like a trillion moons in this game all right all right i'm doing an all-time classic trick here very famous trick it isn't your birthday so don't say happy birthday all right your wish is my command it's not actually his birthday so don't say happy birthday why am i having so much trouble with this i beat the whole level without touching the sand but this is just a normal thing how can i beat the whole thing without touching the sand but i can't beat this normal part [Music] no don't say happy birthday you guys it's not his birthday [Music] moderators ban everybody that said happy birthday permanent do a permanent band thank you f gear wait a minute wait a minute what is that up there huh i found the secret i found the secret i finally found it oh my god i finally found where the moon is here [Music] all right oh my god my first ever twitch subscriber thank you so much robot i knew i would find your secret eventually all right here we go now this guy is extremely evil he looks nicer than he is in actuality he's extremely evil [Music] oh i suck [Music] thank you robot watch this i don't need the head i don't need the head now watch this now watch this i don't need the head get them out of there get that guy out of there three moons there it is boom and we're out [Music] i don't need the [ __ ] head i don't need the [ __ ] water i don't need the sand i don't need the grass that's all [ __ ] beginner's crutches i'm going no no no crutches on this let's get out of here treeless the next level is the treeless i know people do uh they they do one where they they run the whole thing without um trying to capture anything i think i forget what they got it down to you only have to capture like three things or something i forget what's the minimum no jump i don't i don't think that's possible beat it without jumping okay now what's the trick here no grass no grass again [Music] we could pick no grass or we could pick no steel no red steel or we could do no grass and no steel okay no steel i'm seeing no steel no metal all right we're going no metal steel this run steal this run let's talk to this guy greetings traveler into your head as well can you answer my riddle what does bowser want from this kingdom well this is easy you want a soil pay attention when people speak even if they use flower e language [Music] i think he gave me a hint i think bowser is here for the wood [Music] all right all right i think i'm getting this i think i'm getting this flowers need water exactly that's exactly what i was thinking well well i guess that thing's just stuck there permanently all right we'll have to go around now where's the onions at maybe i don't even need an onion to do this onionless run here we go there we go put soil twice go back to the guy and say soil twice yeah i think that would work oh [ __ ] okay remember this remember this does the mario hat count as red steel so i can't actually touch my own ship so i have to be careful about that coming back have to be very careful here even my own thing doesn't is against me here on this level thank you penetration the ship is made of aluminum oh the ship is made of aluminum so technically i should be able to touch the ship well i have a workaround as you guys know this doesn't count i can touch red steel as long as i use this koopa but this is very advanced stuff that i'm doing right now thank you robot you are the robot it is you [Music] [Music] let's go let's go [Music] kill this guy boom boom give me that [Music] now we got the good music do i prefer this character or hot head i'll go with this guy i like this guy a little more i like that this guy can jump and he can do a big jump and he can shoot a fireball whereas head has a fire head [Music] so i like the more versatility of this character [Music] shhh [Music] can this guy like candles i bet i bet he could like candles easily probably not anymore though now that he's dead [Music] blind wonder world had way cooler powers can we get a van can we get a ban on green goblin can we get a permanent ban what fail oh [ __ ] i forgot about this wait i forgot all about it [Music] [ __ ] oh no okay [Music] oh wait that doesn't kill you uh oh you can't even throw your hat from here whatever now this zone i never actually come down into this zone i don't know where any of the moons are down in this forbidden zone i do know this one [Music] subtract the moon all right that's fair that's fair i gotta get one extra moon to make up for it it's only fair now this is an evil dinosaur with a hat you have to be very careful for that game can you roll very slow in this game can you roll very slow in this game i guess that's even that is actually fast and useful i guess not his role is actually faster than sonic that's kind of sad actually that was kind of the only thing sonic had gone for him poor sonic this is a moon this is the trail give me the acorn now this you need the secret scientist costume look at mario here mario likes to be here all right let's keep going oh this is something this is something oh [ __ ] this one what is it what is it left or right right somebody said right that was not right left what is it no it's got to be left it's got to be left it's got to be left no all right now there's four of them oh good five five even better got to be middle it's got to be middle it's got to be middle okay wasn't middle i'm going to say this is one of my this is one of my least favorite moons from the game wait wait that's not even that one bottom right i'm seeing bottom right the guy who said bottom right he said it with a lot of confidence he was right he was right i knew it [Music] i knew that guy was telling the truth sometimes in life you have to know who's telling the truth it's the hardest part of this game a legend is born today [Laughter] a legend is born today the guy who said bottom right [ __ ] legendary oh [ __ ] all right where's the bottom right guy bottom right guy i need you to come out of retirement for this one last try where is he at he had a dark green name he had a dark green name okay i see somebody else with a dark green green name and say bottom right they said bottom right again okay oh okay i'm dead okay i think i remember it was boom boom boom there all right we're out of here a legend dash today today on legend days oh [ __ ] oh god leave me alone where did he go oh there he is come get me come get me you big bada [ __ ] there's something going on with that leaf that's a miss that's a secret leaf oh oh whoa oh what the thing knocks him out oh i didn't know you could do this i didn't know it worked like that i thought you could not capture this t-rex down here all right well that was a cool trick to learn this game is a masterpiece every time you come back you learn new tricks that's why this is one of the best games oh look at this look at this i see something boom i'm a rock you guys never thought i would be a rock all right dino shirt can you knock his head off with just your hair oh [ __ ] let me try to knock his head off see i knew oh oh he's dead he's dead huh so you just that's the only way to get him is with the acorn i bet you can knock it off with the hat if you hit it if you hit him right boom no you can't he's too strong wow so that's the way to capture them is you just hit them with the acorn this game is crazy this is one of the greatest games ever made all right what was that doing there was a there was a magic rock i found a magic rock and that definitely had a moon in it but now i lost it look at this look at this come over here t-rex your big bastard oh look at this guy this guy is very important to get this guy oh i killed him on accident where are you at t-rex this is kryptonite to a t-rex if you're ever in a battle with a gigantic t-rex hold a gigantic acorn over your head to kill him [Music] that's so crazy wait that's a moon that's a moon [Music] this is how they went extinct possibly that makes a lot of sense all right let's leave let's leave the underpass area we're going out all right all right boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom hey all right now i can't touch the red steel so far that really hasn't been much of an issue but now it's gonna be it's gonna make things a little trickier [Music] haven't i ever seen ice age oh yeah the acorn kills everything the acorn invert inadvertently kills all life right something happened the squirrel is trying to get the acorn and then something happens and then everybody and then something and then it kills everybody something like that happened i don't remember the particulars yeah scram spoiler alert sorry spoiler alert now what you guys have to remember is that as long as mario doesn't touch the red steel i'm good koopa can touch it all day so i'm kind of a genius for this strategy [ __ ] what do you have to do here ah [ __ ] [ __ ] i could i can make this there [Music] safe safe i'm seeing safe i'm seeing safe with the referee putting his hands up [Music] give me my hat back okay [Music] uh i don't get where you go from here [Music] the wall the wall counts no the wall doesn't count oh my god the wall counts fine fine i'll take it i'll say wall counts oh okay purple slime does not count though purple slime is in play you even take damage from it it's very balanced in that sense you take the damage but it's you know it makes things a little easier [Music] you got slime on your boots you can touch metal [Music] let's see how long does the slime stay on his boots [Music] hmm [Music] yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking we're not gonna go with that rule i think that's that's a cheat too far we're gonna have to do a poll on that one we're gonna have to do a poll on that one does purple slime shoes protect from red steel [Music] people who are just coming in now are gonna think that i lost my mind [Music] wow a lot of people are saying yes all right something horrible happened the second i walked into this room he touched the he touched the red steel yep you can't it can't be done can't be done reset we're doing a reset all right reset [Music] now how the [ __ ] am i gonna do this okay these leafs these are safe these are safety leaves uh i need that onion i need that onion purple slime does protect from steel purple slime does protect from steel okay well that gives me an idea then i say this i come up here say this boom the referee said it was okay the ref said don't boo me don't move me people said yes people said purple slime shoes protect from red steel what can i do the people have spoken what can i do if it was up to me i wouldn't be able to touch grass steel or purple slime or use onions but it's not up to me unfortunately hey [Music] can we get your best onion guy impression uh let me get into character here let me try to get into character [Music] why did the onion guy go [Music] what did he sound like i think he was like [Music] okay we [ __ ] uh [Music] how did i fail [Music] i didn't fail what [Music] yeah you spawn on it it doesn't count if you spawn on it there's nothing that can be done about that that's strictly off the books [Music] all right here we go [Music] [Music] boom all right we're doing this there's an invisible wall there [Music] all right i'm gonna admit [Music] i'm gonna admit that's definitely not safe i gotta admit [ __ ] i still need five moons [ __ ] okay there's a here's a zone here's a zone down this way here we go all right all right now we're getting somewhere oh yeah we need six we actually need six more because i got that one while the cheating during a cheat oh no can you get there with the onion hmm no you can't go that way with the onion but [Music] [Music] i think you can actually get there with the onion if you go this way [Music] what should i do here oh i did this trick before i did this trick before [Music] yeah i did this in that video i don't exactly remember how it goes though but i think we're still in business i think we're still in business here okay okay we gotta how to [ __ ] do you triple jump off of this thing oh god this is gonna be impossible okay so then you have to land on the grass there okay this can be done this can be done thank you scone all right this is this this can this can all be done [Music] come up here grab this guy need the sombrero i'm so crazy i'm gonna do it without the sombrero that's how crazy i am today i'm actually going without the sombrero it can be done it can't be done it can be done it can be done it maybe it can be done maybe it maybe can be done dang it hmm you know what i have an idea i have an idea [Music] i have a crazy idea here okay we gotta go back we gotta go back out here the squirrel's name in ice age is not sid it's scrat it's not sid sid is the child from toy story sid is the the depraved child sid oh sid the sloth oh he's just he's a sloth i don't remember that i don't think that was an ice age there was no sloth in ice age salaths are still around today it's just science at that point [Music] all right i found a workaround i found a work around [Music] i found a way to scam the system [Music] okay this guy can't bounce that thing up uh let's see can koopa make this jump and i'm thinking a hundred percent he can't make that jump but i'm gonna try it anyway to be funny he can't all right well let's go back to the old strategy [Music] thank you moho all right this can be done this can be done you just have to do it exactly right this [ __ ] okay hit the wall [Music] all right redo this can be done it can be done oh that was cool it can be done it can be done [ __ ] everything up here is steel doesn't there was no point to doing that [Music] damn it everything is still up here wait a minute wait a minute no i can't make that can you no okay well you know that would have been a cool trick but it didn't work at all the top is orange steel it's orange steel [Music] is orange steel wow all right have found another scam i found another scam way to win okay all right the top is orange steel i can what can be said okay but i touched the red part we're just gonna say this is dark red okay this also leads to nowhere oh wait a minute that does bring you somewhere all right all right i have an idea i have an idea when will we finally learn the truth about will smith and aladdin genie what do you mean the truth is that will smith here's the land genie that's true [Music] no i'm not lying he is who's jaden smith that's the karate kid it's true it's all true no i'm not trolling i'm not trolling this is all true oh i try to get too fancy there i try to get a little too fancy let's try it again now boom so you guys are saying this orange steel is in play i don't know i don't know about that i don't know how i feel about that [Music] i don't know how i feel about this one this may be a bridge too far [Music] is orange steel red steel people are saying no people are actually saying no i can't believe this [Music] people are actually saying red steel up dang it wow people are saying no people are saying orange steel isn't is in fact in play it's completely legal hey i don't make the rules i don't make the rules what can i say apparently orange steel is in play now do i actually abuse this mechanic or do i say no i'm above this i don't want to even touch any colored steel at all do i rise above all rules and conventions this thing isn't even here yet [Music] dang it oh no this moon isn't even spawned in yet the rocket ship isn't even there yet oh god [Music] yeah i'm thinking i'm gonna say that you know orange steel definitely not the same thing definitely not the same thing as red steel and red steel you have to remember red steel is a wii game and it's an fps so that throws the whole situation into question [Music] see that rock wall to the left to the big part you shoot as a tank you can actually jump on that huh [Music] this you can jump on one of these parts of the wall no way what part [Music] there's like a little part that sticks out [Music] there's a small section [Music] thank you enigma i'm not seeing it [Music] i'm not seeing it anywhere [Music] on the left boa is pointing at it bo was pointing at it but i still can't tell where he's quite pointing it it's on the left like this it's on this side three pixels to the left it's right there let's bring out my special magnifying glass i am not seeing any this part no no no [Music] you see it enhance it's like blade runner where he go where he looks in the apartment on the moss on the moss it's in the shallow rock right next to the 20th leaf it's on the shallow rock next to the 20th leaf all right let's count the leaves starting from where starting from over here [Music] see the middle vine on the bottom right to the left of that is an indent the middle vine from the bottom this [Music] oh i see it i see it i see it you can't stand that man [Music] oh my god you can stand on it oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] okay then from there say this hey it really was it was to the right of the 20th leaf holy [ __ ] all right we're back in business i'm learning all new tricks today wow that was a cool trick i did not know you could do that all right there's a lot of red steel up here but there's also a lot of leaves i think we're in business now i think we're in business i hit the leaf i hit the leaves okay okay okay okay okay okay safe i'm seeing safe i'm seeing safe okay i'm gonna say maybe here maybe that is not safe oh no oh no oh that's a big reset that's a big reset [Music] that one hurts that one hurts but i had to do it i had to do it out of respect right next to the 20th leaf now this is what i'm thinking now now maybe i'm getting crazy here could i bring this koopa up here with me if i play this just right no i can't thank you to see what's the play here huh i'm thinking we just gotta execute it we just gotta execute it perfectly i think that's the play we just gotta execute it perfectly this jump is hard to get to this is hard get up there how did i do it before [Music] count the leaves i'm trying i'm trying to count the leaves oh this is tricky this is tricky there it is okay now boom boom boom boom boom boom okay okay huh dang the flowers aren't even spawned in here yet [Music] oh [Music] all right all right let's do let's do this like this god damn it all right i'm gonna go with the people's choice and say that orange steel does not count and hey the people said that that's how it works and that's what i then i'm saying that that's exactly right [Music] orange steel is safe and i'm going on the orange steel [ __ ] this [ __ ] now listen listen i could cheese around i could go back in the forest there's probably a couple more moons down there or i could just say you know what orange steel is in play if orange steel is safe i'm leaving sorry donkey but that's just too far i didn't say it was people said it was safe but look look at the colors now look at the colors now see them side by side look at the difference in color look at the difference here now this now the deal was red steel you're saying this is red when this is clearly orange this is cl now look at the red of mario now that's red that's red this is a dark red a copperish red if you will this this is orange this is oranger than an orange tesla look at that now you're trying to say this orange is red steel ladies and gentlemen i'm going under orange steel i'm going under orange steel all right i'll try this one more time oh that almost worked [Music] we already did a poll we already did a poll and people said orange does not count but we have rogues we have people that don't they don't accept the vote they say the vote was rigged they say the vote is hacked they don't believe in the electoral process [Music] all right we'll do it we'll do another poll now that you've seen both colors side by side [Music] all right all right [Music] now that you guys have the info now that you've seen the colors side by side in detail and you can make an informed decision now what do you say people are voting yes people the people say yes what can i say and people know everything [Music] people are very smart about these things [Music] but to be honest i don't need the [ __ ] orange steel what am i some kind of a [ __ ] beginner player some kind of [ __ ] cheat i don't need that [ __ ] i don't need that [ __ ] to win what am i just started out playing mario today no no i don't need that [ __ ] the [ __ ] am i gonna do with orange steel touch the orange steel [ __ ] i would never touch that touch the orange steel what's next play the game red steel never never in a million years the orange still doesn't count [Laughter] okay wait okay that was actually red though all right hmm i wonder if this can be done without touching that part you there we go here we go okay wait a minute wait a minute there might be a way to do this there may be a way to do this actually [Applause] did that count or did i use the red to jump up there let's get a ref not safe fail safe safe maybe you know what i'm gonna go ahead and say not safe out of respect just out of respect i say this [Music] all right orange steel is in play now though and now i have all new paths that can go down you guys should have never said i can go down the orange steel now i can beat this whole game blindfolded it's sonic lost world a strand type game well it's it's a sonic type game i don't know if it's a strand type but it's a sonic type oh oh wait oh that was oh no this is orange this is orange okay we're in business [Music] touch the red steel on the wall what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] touch the red steel on the wall we got to get some new refs out here we got to get rid of these [ __ ] refs in this chat we got to get some new riffs how do i pay off the riff how many coins do i need to pay off the ref i'm adding a new mechanic by paying 500 coins you can get the ref to look the other way with you all right all right so you guys are saying i can't even touch the red steel on this wall dang it go to the outfit store and become the riff [Music] [ __ ] i don't have the ref unlocked yet [Music] by the moon yeah i'm thinking i am gonna actually buy a moon here before i thought that was beneath me but now i need some damn moons oh look at that i was touching the leaf when that happened i'm still safe no not out not out not out safe no safe look somebody said safe somebody said safe new rule only one person has to say say for it to be safe if even a single person says safe it's safe all right good rule good rule by me either [Music] another moon fair and square [Music] [Music] red bars oh there was red bars there yeah those are made out of wood red bars are made out of wood i like that call i like that call you guys have to realize that some of this stuff is just painted to look like steel they're not going to use red steel for the whole structure it would be too expensive how come he died right there okay that's gonna make things a little harder here oh [Music] hmm [Music] i need to find some more moons here i already got this one i need two more [Music] [Music] [Music] no i didn't get the underwater one because right when you go in there you're already touching the steel the second you go in there [Music] this level is the trickiest one yet [Music] first [Music] don't worry once i find the secret way then we're back in business again i just got to find out an all-new secret strategy then we'll [ __ ] we'll be all the way back in business [Music] no it doesn't count doesn't count if i'm in the onion i'm shielded the onion gives you protection that's a classic rule you gotta know about that onion shields you from the from the [Music] the molten hot red steel that kills mario hmm [Music] what can we do here what's the strategy here [Music] [Music] what if i say hmm what if i say hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm now wait a minute we're gonna need a ruling here [Music] try qb sneak all right well this is madden talking now all right i need a ruling i need a ruling is this red or orange red or orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange i'm seeing a lot of orange definitely orange definitely orange rusted orange blue turquoise turquoise is a shade of orange i believe tangerine all right we're going orange we're going orange now these are red those are clearly red i would never touch those in a hundred years unless i was in my onion fourth [Music] boom there it is level complete level is completed all right let's get out of here all right well this is this is kind of a roundabout way of getting out [Music] just got to get out of here all right so there's a froggy got an actress froggy for money all right all right now where did i put divine see this is another moon i could have got go away t-rex go is okay now remember can't touch the mario ship thank you hippie [Music] it's a cut scene it's a cut scene it's a cut scene it doesn't count doesn't count we're out of here the cutscene doesn't count the cutscene doesn't count no touching the pavement all right well i'll beat this one without touching the pavement cloud kingdom no pavement let's do it no clouds no it's already been decided no pavement on this one [Music] i wish i could change the rule but it's too late is milan wonder world better or worse than sonic lost world well they both have world in the title that's probably the most interesting thing [Music] probably don't play super mario world for the super nintendo as your best bet our mario 3d world or any other sonic game [Music] yeah play wario world oh yeah play yoshi's woolly world [Music] now imagine jack black said that just now all right what are we thinking here no hat all right no hat no hat i think that's the best way to take this one [Music] no hair oh no moons all right yeah this is a unique level and that the hat gets taken away from you so i think you have to kind of lean into that you have to say okay that's fair that's fair i don't have the head anymore that's fair [Music] okay this one this is called a suicide moon [Music] oh wait you can jump again but there's nowhere to go too how will i start the ship uh i'll make it i'll make one exception you get one you get one usage of the hit and that's been in the rules you know this whole time that's just an accepted rule at this point you always get at least one usage of the head oh yep it was in the fine print [Music] go check go read the red read the agreement read the agreement that you all signed when the stream started it's in the fine print i get one usage of the hat on the jungle level [ __ ] grant checked grant's given the go ahead he just checked he just read the agreement your fingers were crossed when you signed oh god well that's why i had you sign the secondary agreement nullifying all finger crosses you should have never signed that one [Music] he should have never ever signed that one all right this is gonna be tough this is gonna be tough here oh god this is gonna be tough i don't even think you can get this one i think you need the you need cappy to get reach one of those this is proof that mario's one of the weakest characters without a hat no no he's still powerful he's still good look you can do this this you can say this he can go like this you can say like this kind of stuff see he's still good without the head also he just maybe not as good okay this side that i get that i get [Music] down oh next map no fun allowed wow no fun allowed at all next man no i can get this one i can get that one in the cage boom there we go over here say this say boom hit this one all right next map no blinking [Music] give me the moon give me the moon all right i think there's one more i think there's one over here oh you need the hat what about this oh this is purple purple coins in there here's birdo oh all right all right this is almost this is almost in the bag here come kill me oh yeah he needs the head actually okay so that one is not available actually here's one [Music] next map hat only what does hat only mean how do you do hit only [Music] wait a minute boom there it is [Music] and there it is oops boom got him [Music] all right i'm redeeming my one usage of the hit [Music] [Music] woody imagine if i missed if i missed there i would have to start a whole new save i would have to redo everything up until this point what's the trick gonna be here no jokes i wonder if no pavement is even possible let's say let's say no pavement that's pavement this is not pavement this is a ledge this is a ledge i'll be right back actually you guys come up with a good challenge i'll be back [Music] um [Music] um yes team um um machines all right i'm back where's the rules obey traffic laws oh there's a poll obey all traffic laws all right obey all traffic laws rules are in effect am i winning so far [Music] that was jaywalking what how was that jay walking you can't park there i'm parked in an illegal spot no no it's parked that's illegal parking don't cross the double lines you can cross this this is gonna be hell this is hell where's the moon there's a moon in here where's the moon isn't there a moon in there i know there's a moon in here me heading to the city forget about it i swear there's a moon over here i swear there's a moon it's the first moon from this level it's during the day all right all right now going by traffic laws this is a one-way street so i have to go this way oh wait actually i was going the wrong way okay i have to stop here okay and now i can go jaywalking no no this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] okay i have to walk on the sidewalk i see what you guys are saying but look at this there's pillars in the sidewalk all right i'm using the sidewalk oh look at this now i can drive all right red light this is a long light all right i'm gonna go i guess i had i guess i get dead i guess i just can't go there's a red light there now what is the law on tanks shooting at you on the sidewalk is there a special allowance i didn't park who cares it's not even there it's not even there jaywalk what this is a sidewalk this is a sidewalk this is a cross you can cross here they have to stop traffic has to stop [Applause] now legally you can go on to the construction equipment that's completely legal look both ways my bad i didn't look both ways oh this is a hard head area uh there that's a hard hat this is all legal trespassing on construction site [Music] destruction of property kidnapping and impersonation murder listen so i guess so what you got to break a few eggs and make a hamlet so what somebody gets killed huh i gotta get over here [Applause] now what is the law on this what is the law i'm hitting this destruction of property i'm being shot at by tanks [Music] [Music] don't walk on grass there was no don't walk in the grassland stolen coins no sneezing disturbing the peace it's a war zone there is no peace this is now this is legal right now that's the evil breaking curfew jesus i'm breaking a lot of laws right now i'm breaking a lot of laws you got a moon master criminal listen this is all legal this all this stuff is normal stuff i can't go to jail for this maybe climbing this maybe [Music] do i have a license for that jumping oh god damn it oh god damn it i knew i should have got the [ __ ] license burglary no that moon was on it was an unwanted moon that was nobody's property it said lost and found does mario have his green card he's got a red hat look if i destroy this thing all my all of my uh all of this stuff against me is dropped they dropped the case if i defeat this guy and save the city they have to drop the case i made a deal with the fba i'll just have to use this tank oh no [Music] [Music] win peacefully illegal boss fight stay on the road what the hell i can't stay on the road there's a giant thing trying to kill me okay i'm on the road i'm on the road oh god okay i'm going off-road actually for this part i'm actually going off-road for this it's like uh the avengers you know avengers don't have to play by the rules there city saved all of my uh transgressions are wiped down see [Music] the entire point of one of the movies was to make rules for the avengers yeah but i didn't see that one [Music] the only one i saw was uh avengers civil war oh that was the one oh yeah that was the one actually that was the whole crux of the movie actually [Music] all right guys i'm gonna i'm gonna cut the stream here maybe i'll do deltaroo next time or we can finish this mario and obey all the laws goodbye everybody goodbye let's play the song though let's play let's at least play the song for at least one second [Music] all right goodbye bye
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 340,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oQA_vg7XuYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 30sec (13470 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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