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it's time to do business with the jnes you took the word right out of my mouth the J that's our that's our guest welcome to J welcome J I'm J how you doing today man I'm doing the J how are you doing today the jiz uh I'm been talking a little bit been doing the jiz well have you done have you like you know jized anything up today have you done anything I jiz up a glob up a glob up a little glob oh how how big was a whole glob about y b I'm like wow that's bigger than a snake that's bigger than a a corn snake I do a big snake I don't jizz in a little bit I do a bigger Glide but I can't I just can't help myself is it true that clinics are willing to pay well within the six figure range for just one of your Globs I I look it's a it's a rumor online ask man about his gloves you're you're going to ask a man about his gloves prob would you man have to answer but the the fans at home would love to know I would prefer not to all right I did by the way just let me know I didn't I'm not the one who asked it I'm not going to apologize for asking a question I don't think you should you guys get him to leave Chris I'm sorry just ask me before you bring weird yo is that the jiz yeah he just left [ __ ] I wanted his autograph think he took your keys I just think I think he took your car keys mine the ones that were on the table right here yeah I got a spar thanks man Jesus Christ it doesn't matter if he took your car but I think he's taking your car as I say he took the whole keys he took you took your gym [ __ ] all everything attached to your car keys I got two cars it's okay well what I'm I'm I'm okay with it Chris is okay with it the Jus is stealing whoever's car yeah you know it Bean like we let celebrities get away chartic I kind of like being around every with anything yeah it's like a brand deal it's like we're giving him a brand deal for a car it's like yeah you get Chris's car to come channel is that cool Chris it's what I don't care damn dude Chris has really been cold toward the jiz this entire visit that was sociopathic dude it's probably why he left give me that it was Chris that offended him right yeah yeah I kind of Lally he was literally he was literally just hanging out until Chris you know I don't feel bad didn't ask if he was paid for his Globs did you Chris no you asked him that I didn't I wasn't here was your oh yeah Tomar I don't remember I don't really remember who asked himar wouldn't have asked him that look guys a wait who's playing I can't play this why I've never played this it's a classic to you play I mean I didn't grow up with this game Zack played this I legit never own this game okay who's played it who here has played this I've played it but I feel like that would make it so that it would be less interesting if I all right f yeah it's a new experience the only time I ever played this was at a store called media play that only existed for a few short years a in cob County Georgia way to BU out the audience like instantly County Georgia is a [ __ ] crater right now dude everybody everybody was like in a good you brought up cob County it [ __ ] dropped it to like a three that's not why I said it it's because it shut down he said I'm just saying the cop County [ __ ] is where it took a nose dive is all I'm saying just like don't bring up cop all the Yoshis are uproar over the baby that fell from the sky about it it's free it's cob County this takes place in cob County then the green Yoshi shows them what what wait the baby seems to know where he wants to go yeah let the babies make the choices sure the bond between the Twins informs each of them where the other one is the Yoshi decideed to carry the baby to wait okay go destination via a relay system the Jus would have loved that he would brand new by the way Chris you want to explain to the audience what you just cracked open there this is uh ly's water yep L Star new water company FDA hasda has approved the app but you can buy it on a website liquids it's I already own the domain for that one L liquids L's lowly liquids L's lowly liquids low prices andow L okay that lowly now begins a new adventure tastes pretty bad Lu for the Yoshi's the FDA has not approved that yet Lyall your whole logic you said was was like it's cheaper if you subvert and avoid the since I started drinking this my nipples been turning Browner every time your eyes were turning kind of like like orange joh to see yeah if you look on the can it says not for human consumption that's how they used to get away with selling Bass salts [ __ ] what was that what was that more of L's liquid something just fell dude L's liquid acid just the Big Barrel of's liquids in the quter just exploded my business is ruined so toart this is an escort Quest this is an escort Quest that's pretty cool can you hit these oh you can yeah you can wait whose idea was it to play this Zach well we were supposed to play Yoshi story supposed to play somehow it turned into turned into this one that nobody we like we can't skip y this guy probably told me something important hover jump oh holding B you more jokes that's where that you be SC IRL sco scoobydoo that still didn't work to hit the [ __ ] B Block God damn it well let's do IRL toar you're you're being Scooby Do the first time no I guess we're not doing that wait what what was nonverbal till he was six L at to part away they walked opposite directions I guess you you just assumed he couldn't talk and why I kept walking that's crazy is this wa this is about me meeting Scooby-Doo missed chance dude missed I was focused next to can you count what's that one on the left okay what's that next to Yoshi you [ __ ] you can't count what I I can't focus on two it was look at that he's going I'm trying to play the game oh making eggs hold down down to [ __ ] grab it eny w okay okay I can make eggs like that um can we go we please get fan fan art to making eggs please don't make fan art of me making eggs edor play what he just said oh making eggs make fan art of me making eggs your honor that's end the game you make egg yes that's obvious to everybody the Tom egg is hatching five eggs is what like the scientist wait I already have five I sentence him to sit on the eggs until they hatch thank you judge then Zach looks into the camera and says what kind an egg is this and then I look up and say Velociraptor and then what happens the rest of the movie is really scary Jurassic Park one good Jurassic Park two pretty bad toart now Jurassic Park three uh Fair assessment still pretty rank like better than two better than two and probably both the world all the world movies but what is the pros still not good give me the pros cool dino Scene cell phone scene nice caurus yeah new that was it's got that cool satellite it's got like Terry typ the end the guy steals the egg faster theme song at the end Tomar what about the F at the end that's the best to filled the blank did you uh did you hear they actually film that movie without a script shut up no that's real what no they they apparently they threw out the script but they didn't reschedule the shooting so they kind of had like General beats but they didn't have any sort of a script so they were just kind of like winging it the whole movie to reminds me of the wife in that movie what does that mean [ __ ] you can't see it my resemblance to the wife I do see it now to the wife whenever there's like something bad is going to happen you you like walk outside and you start yelling and like like encouraging the bad thing to come to you did that does she really do that she just scream into the voice she go come on dinosaurs basically to I haven't seen that movie since I was in like high school by the way uhoh oh yeah see you're going to have to be ready for this in fatherhood your baby is going to grow an amniotic sack and start flying away backwards back into his embryo yeah yeah you can't let him Benjamin Button into non-existence Benjamin Button Baby Mario sucks also how did they fit his cry on the disc huh that took three quarters of the uh the space yeah there is no disc it's all on the ROM ROM the cartridge yeah the the readon memory that's what he meant l l would you don't know what something means you just fake it all right you just pretend you do it's what the buck what the buck I'm basically playing this game for the first time I just want to show Chris Crocker that on screen this is a classic game with classic YouTube characters L if you could be if you had to be locked in a room with Chris Crocker on bad salts on bad salts or Chris Crocker's on bad Sals you're you're as sober as you'd like and you're getting shot with like tranquilizing darts every like 30 minutes uh which by Chris Kroger no no no by somebody in like like a little window opens up every 30 minutes and like you get shot and I feel like that's like a like a fair asymmetrical you're getting sleepy you're getting sleepy oh my God not only that and you've got a magician that are hypnotist like like saying I am making you very sleepy just got murdered so basically I've got I've got like I've got like 30 to 45 seconds to take him out if that dude if that I think if I harnessed all my power into a single blow I might be able to pull it off you think so I think so can I tell you guys a cool cousin story yeah sure dude when I was young uh my cousins they were older guys that they had uh the Super Nintendo and I didn't so I'd go down to theirs and watch them play Mario World and I thought it was the coolest thing ever and anyways uh they didn't get this game specifically cuz they said it looked really good and then I looked up to them and I was like yeah it is really and then that's why I never played this one oh really this this game is uh legitimately really really good I know but I was it's a good game dude I know but I was like don't God I was steered Wrong by by uh what they just go wherever they want Shadows that show you I see the Shadows but it's still you're supposed to avoid the giant G the first person ever baby baby game level one to look that was my warm up to this game is test you failed it it is you don't have that to complete this game Chris no I no I'm going to ace it I'm going to ace it this time that was all just a practical joke to if you don't pranking the audience making them think I was really awful yeah so you could have I people that did play the the Zelda wood Waker cuz they said if I I know lots of people that said that yeah they like I oh yeah a lot of people whined about how cartoony it looked I know it was like the best it's a baby game cuz it's like that cartoon gra to be fair Nintendo did that to themselves they had that cool ass Tech demo E3 yeah where they had link fight and Ganon and it looked all like it basically looked like Twilight Princess and everyone was was like this is what the next Zelda's going to be and then then they made link a baby I do remember that that is a funny uh bait and switch so what do they do they're cute I don't know they just are like a it looks like they add to your little like baby timer yeah they add to the baby time for sure this is now you got this is the middle ring for this level oh it's a check a checkpoint okay to you're killing you that dude toy you've actually improved like amazingly markedly we were like really pissed off you earlier like you're doing great at I was ready to leave but yeah I'm glad I didn't Chris was like clutching his I was fuming what is he trying to tell me about chis was seething bad dude the Y vein in my forehead was like reaching maximum opacity Chris's blue veins recovery his face have you ever seen toor's W vein when he's driving oh I can just throw stuff right through you see the worm that crawls around his skin when he's angry just crawling around like frantically when he gets angry my worm is very angry welcome to Village Turtle race come on now you don't got to make fun of shenmu why you got to do that insult both me and shenmu in one bread I thought you was to you were the best part play the clip turtle races huh hey here to play I recommend Bao Village's own turtle racing sorry editor you know I have to look up Turtle racing obscure footage of shenmu 3 for turtle racing to you were Turtle enough for shu to be fair it's in the very like first hour of the game yeah so playing toar you're always in the first hour of good you're always [ __ ] TF fetishing W you in the first hour of sakiro and weren't you in the first hour of how do I call Crisis Core it looks like I just abandoned the baby to you to you're a helicopter now whoa what was the point of that you have to hit the little Yoshi block to become Yoshi again oh how come the world I don't understand why does he why does he aband and the baby I feel like cuz all of his guts go into the front of him and he forgets who he is I feel wrong just ditching the baby if you turn into a goldfish you wouldn't remember that you were Tomar also if you turned into a goldfish and then turned back would you still have the M of the goldf a Salvia trip that's like a horrible is there actually a little thing that turns me back into yeah it's right there right there oh and then Mario just shows up well that's a that's a cheap Babysitting Service yeah you got let's just why don't we just do that all the time since the baby will just show up wherever we arrive at and we don't have to put him in all this danger I mean you know how much danger he was in prior to that you just know that he lived through it that's true Zach would you watch that movie what movie where the guy gets turned into a goldfish and when he turns back he's still like like the Goldfish he still has the brain of the Goldfish it's called brain of goldfish uh yeah I would watch this sequel the Scent of a Woman guy the main guy it's alpacino no I'm sick I'm so sick of [ __ ] you wouldn't cast him in brain of a goldfish uh no he's get another Oscar before he dies he's freaking not he's going to go full brainless when he showed up at the game awards everyone was like donino donino really that's like what everyone thinks about now when they see let must piss him off a little bit Yeah I'd be mad too you shouldn't have done it you shouldn't have helped out all Adam Sandler in that case was probably just a nice favor cuz he's a good guy I bet they had a great little chat while while the filming was going on to do that sh Sandler was secretly star star struck but was like oh you know I'm Adam he played it cool cuz he's Adam Sandler it's it's easy if we were going to do mind of a goldfish uh what about will the foe that'd be good he'd be good in Mind of a goldfish my mind is a goldfish wait a minute what about Christopher Walkin is might I'm sick of Christopher Walkin the eyes is going to break there there's actors where I the mind of a gold I I genuinely can't disconnect actors from my brain and see them as a character like he's one of them he's just Christopher walking pound to ground oh he's got a butt slam yeah that's a classic move I this is where it showed up first I didn't know that I legitimately did not o so he's got his whole autron of of of moves that he kept for all them Smash Brothers games yeah they all came from this a lot of stuff that they started using in Mario came from this like this is the first instance of the butt slam and they kept it forever I'm not going to play this game as a completionist at all but but I will collect all these cute star beard mode activated to that is you that's just a different guy with a beard who has hair okay all right buddy to tries fooling us again guess you don't trust us yeah you think you get that cheap wig and all of a sudden you're a different person oh my God what's that thing up there that basket a throw an egg at it whoa good job wait now destroy it you got smash all right that's that's what I do oh my little stares my little star my little stares stes don't know what they are get I'll try it cake glow so she asked for your headed marage day 99 of harassing the star's girl she's still starting it's starting to be a little less funny but still I do it oh she asked for my hand uh I don't know her but you know her star's order if she came up to me and said do I look good I'd say yes but besides that I'd say I don't know anything about you ma'am star then I cut my [ __ ] off taking acking oh no you oh my god oh oh my God you cut your oh my God you cut your qu off for me qu you cut your I just kill those guys oh my God your qu is cut off you said what's wrong with that what's wrong with that baby what's wrong you don't like it so's cutting my tits off start cutting pieces of yourself cuts my nose off cuts my eyes out what's wrong Zach if uh you walked in and I was like here on the couch and every part of my skin was cut off except my lips so I was just a skeleton with lips what would you assume I'd walk out that's it i' walk out just a skeleton with lips yeah what would you assume like what what was the Killer's motive for leaving the lips uh I would assume whoever killed you also had like a lot of time with your body yeah I I wouldn't want to look at leave I wouldn't want to look at your dead body I just I walk out I think I'd look at you for a fraction of a second but what if you're the only guy who can solve the case and you have to look at the body um I would assume you I don't know the killer was statement by leaving your lips what the [ __ ] what do you want me to answer what what's the right answer I want to know what you think what what what you answer what do you think yeah what I would I would be like well uh something about the mouth what does it mean h that's you're just asking the question it's not answering anything but you're getting there saying by going what is the answer wait do you know what the answer is in your head right now or no I'm saying you got to you got to get to it but you got to I can't think of anything you what what could the answer even be what do you do with your mouth what what does someone do with a mouth you eat you spit you kiss so someone so someone left your mouth because you eat and I'd be like it's the ice cream man or what the hell is is the connection there is no connection you think about MTH for the ice cream manit is this special broken I found a secret you're [ __ ] genius to you're skipping it would make sense if you you said like oh there's the guys that has no teeth now you're thinking like him must have been the dentist you know what I mean yes Zach you got it I was skito I don't think the ice cream man even eats the ice cream he's just pissed off but why would he what that's why he killed me see doesn't that make sense maybe you can't maybe I think because I think and I'm out of eggs so that's why I can't that you always say that oh oh I got murdered L if you had to commit a war crime which one would it be o um man there's so many good choices for that one mode four what's that called again is it like mode six something like that what about you Chris what was that you had to commit a war crime which would it be Nal Nal for me it's like mode six or mode seven I like kidnap a bunch of people and torture them like how uh like like specifically how are you breaking the Geneva Convention oh yeah so far everything you've described is totally allowed yeah that's all fine I'd like uh I put a big industrial fan on them all the time then what do be an industrial fan on them oh that's a great idea I put a big industrial fan aimed at them and then i' have an automatic bubble blowing machine so there's bubbles constantly flying into their face oh like Chinese water torture but with with bubbles I don't think I don't think the G conventions banned that at all yet holy sh that sounds horrible I mean they're not thinking straight s that's my fault do you ever worry about that that you might say something and then it's actually happens like some Ed some dictator watches this that's a great idea bubble torure giant fan bubble torture becomes like [ __ ] sweeps the third world the only bad thing is you have to maintain the bubble you have to pour in detergent over I almost got that little thing yeah that's torture for you honestly is there a service that'll fill it I don't know like a pool cleaner type thing yeah bubble fill it oh no oh thank God for Yoshi's tenacious jump yeah he does that kick like that animator that you hate I never said I hate yeah I kind of do I kind of do hate you Glenn kenned yeah he does the keny cake dance stay in the air oh he's just animating he's just animating to he works Harding Buster Bunny and George Jess doing really annoying things how is that a crime if I break this vase oh gosh I'm in trouble that thing's like SC thr eggsit him yeah feed him haha well you you stoop down to his level I guess oh that's was there a locked door earlier I don't think he's dead dude I think he just made he's following me oh yeah there was there was a key there there you go now you're getting it is this the boss room did you know that it follows is a metaphor for a guy following you everywhere no you're stupid sorry dude that's the thing from Smash that's the think from Smash BR I forgot to play the TD thinks it's idle even though it clearly is in use what do we do that's it's the one that says Insignia on the it's right next to you to how was I to know cuz it was jabbing into your love handles I don't like that wait can I see oh I was facing the wrong way there you go we're good let the Yoshi resume now but no I can't [Music] be to staran to to yes how can I help you yeah what's up sing along it's one of those little fellas you had to eliminate a country yeah with with with with like 20,000 nuclear tip missiles like 50 megga T missiles what be you're saying level an entire country just wipe it off you can't even level the one you want to level yeah if you say it then you're in trouble you have to pick somewhere real life know which one automatically I go I know which one but if you said it you get canc you guys are lying there's no cont it's the one it's the one where the microphones go off it's the one toar is constantly ranting about until he's blue in the face so I don't so pick the safe one I I I I I have nothing to gain from answering this question well I would pick and I don't have an answer ready I really I just want the glory of doing the most damage so exactly I nuk Iceland Iceland I don't know I want to wipe a really nice place off the face I knew Mesopotamia where Mesopotamia yeah I mean it doesn't exist anymore but it's the cradle of civilization that's he's nodding no no don't say things like that get down to to you should have stayed in the thing he's got nice pants he does he looks cozy think he pregnant this guy's going to oh no Tom wait what does that mean Chris you think he's pregnant he's wearing preo pants I guess you're not wrong oh no I don't know that you're right but you're not wrong ain't you ever gotten a girl pagers yeah true yeah yep y I did it yep I should not be struggling so much with this this boss's patterns are so simple it's almost like it's so simple it becomes complex it's almost like I suck at this game well you let's not [ __ ] jump to conclusions that's a Pokemon which Pokemon's that again Weedle his pants are going down you're going to see his Johnson and then it'll be done for he's nude oh he's embarrassed oh goodness gracious Jesus Yoshi's like content he's content with having seen that guy John Thomas that guy was a cartoon so his detail probably didn't like ring through but in Yoshi's eyes he saw it yeah he did he saw a little slit what are you thinking of this game so far Tomar I think I'm really bad at it but it see it's like I remember like see this when it came out and being like this looks amazing I can't believe this is a Super Nintendo game it does have a really nice style to it Tomar you can't just ignore Zach what did you say sorry I really have I the it's Zach you know I've got you could cut the tension the lightsaber you know I've got you know I've got ADD ADHD and all those other variations of that no what what did I miss IGN Chris's lightsaber comment I heard the lightsaber coming it was awesome as [ __ ] and yet you did react to it you the lightsaber coming is like a two thumbs up for me so I hear you just call your you used to call yourself Zach the Jedi is that true yep yep and I would review the different and I'm Chris the Sith yep Chris the F Chris the Sith Chris the F I'm Chris the fth Chris the F shut up I swear to God Corey showed me a video once it was the funniest thing ever where it was a guy saying I'm thick and tired of all these girls rejecting me death stinks and the way he said it was so funny he sounds like jet Daffy Duck or something he seriouser I I wish I knew what that video was called that's your uh checkpoint literally went thanks I'm sure Cory could find it again no I asked him and he can't oh that's unfortunate it's lost Through the Ages this is such a catchy song now I know where it's from yeah a lot of music that people use all the time is from this a look they're living in peace they're wearing flowers SP off the edge a dinosaur came and ate them all up yeah I never liked Yoshi he's a bastard he's a piece of [ __ ] what do you expect of a prehistoric reptile he wear shoes he's not that stupid he's sexist racist KKK I wish this Yoshi go away oh god oh no I got to you almost fell in the one spot but I didn't fall now did I no you sure didn't oh dear oh no oh gosh oh what am I how are you going to get past that so what those flowers actually do is that's what determines how many of those you get at the end of the level yeah I get it so I have more chances to win but no matter how many I got it usually just lands on the you want to know how stupid I am hat you for sure what's up guess how stupid I am how stupid are you guess how stupid no okay uh I'm so stupid I just noticed that the Yoshi's are like handing him off I had missed that till now I thought it was the same Yoshi changing color it's it's a It's the Great Yoshi relay that's that was the original subtitle before they call it Yoshi Yoshi's oh really you know you know fun I just made that up you know fun factoid about this game is it's actually Super Mario World too Y and I know that because we had a lot of trouble finding it in Chris's folder after in my his my physical folder stuff full of known as Super Mario World I yeah that's crazy now that egg is something special to why is why are these eggs so special oh you wish you knew a special I guess I'll just have to throw it at something wait maybe this those guys were meant to be your [ __ ] test subjects yellow eggs create coins red eggs create two stars flashing eggs hit an enemy to receive these prizes why is it uh that's scary that's like yeah to did you have to do like a [ __ ] death metal Ratt that actually madebe me like a little bit like spooked like scared and [ __ ] you know what I mean we might have to turn should we just end should we you would to wait I don't know what to actually do now oh god well let's see Baby Mario Cal get him get him when Baby Mario's in trouble now do do you feel that real that real feeling do you start lactating do you feel the real fear for for the child do you like YT come out of your nipples G yogurt I'm in full father mode these days I have a little wee baby I must take hair up it's just my instincts have all kicked in have you seen that Family Guy where Brian gets his kid do you remember that B has a kid and then there's a part where he starts getting offended at all all of like if that happened to my child have you have you felt like that yet toor have you felt like Brian I don't know it's like no no I I don't feel like Brian per se but like I mean I I think I think about you're more of like a you're more of like a Stewie kind of guy but no I don't try to like pretend like I'm suddenly like enlightened cuz I a child does that ever come back true [ __ ] to you're a greased up death guy for sure to you're you're Herbert the Pervert hold on we we haven't even taken like the which Family Guy character are you quiz this decade I'm Chris okay well that's a GI I'm uh Zack you're the boss from the toy company you're Mr Mr Weed I'm not Mr Weed Mr Weed Zach you're Quagmire uh he's he's evil as well he's not that evil he yells at Brian and says thanks for the he's called like women on the show merge yeah oh yeah kills Maggie oh yeah it's just like in bad really bad taste yeah I was really wondering about that episode everyone said it was a good crossover but I thought that part was a bit M that's real that actually is real there's a joke where Marge gets and then he kills Maggie are you Kidd no that's real because it pops up in the foreground it's like next on Fox The Simpsons and then the little quagar in the foreground runs and he grabs Marge he starts her that's not real that is real that is real why is Zach laughing so because it is real that is real Omar go to the arrow and press down it's shocking because you wouldn't you wouldn't think Disney oh no Disney didn't own it at that point do you believe that's real no I don't it's real do you think that's real or do you think that's made no I don't think that's real is transforming into a mole to dig away from you people oh look at that I can go full have the last laugh Chris that is made up though right no that's real either that or I'm like having some serious barenstein Bears [ __ ] you're you're saying you you're having a men there's a Mandela effect regarding whether or not Glenn quagar that in a in a pro in a fox we're to censor the r word pretty heavily yeah but but I you know it either happened or probably isn't even going to let us keep that bid in at all he will and he he will he'll say you guys I don't care no what did I say I'm running from this well way to go Zach you stay in the floor from this wait oh gosh I'm butt slam butt slam oh I could drive the steak yeah you just got to brilliant yeah I mean your [ __ ] is not going to thank you tomorrow for that but my ass hurts oh yeah yeah I'm going to eat that little old guy why is it that a shy guy just by getting on St silt suddenly becomes Invincible I mean does he doesn't fit in your mouth exactly why don't they all do that does he I mean if he just if we yanked him off the stilts he would what kind of a life is that Tomar a life on stilts oh I have no I don't know what to do it's okay baby for the first time in my life for the first time in forever what's that from again uh for the first time in for I I [ __ ] I don't know it's got to be like a Disney song it's got to be some recent Disney movie is that Tangled might be Tangled is it like is it it might even be frozen I don't know for the first time in forever I don't know Tangled would make sense cuz I forgot most of the songs from that I remember there was there was one I rediscovered recently that I didn't even remember existing where she's like hanging out with a bunch of like weird scurvy dudes in a bar Tangled yeah entangled entangled is a good movie and they're all singing about their dreams yeah I love that part it's a fun song see you would have gotten that if you had gotten even one little funny little sunflower I guess you're right silly me not collecting those flowers but I got all the stars you sure did you got a 42 that's an F that's a failing grade yeah but they let me pass so I beg to differ that's true you had enough touch fuzzy version touch fuzzy get dizzy oh yeah yeah this this one's actually cool um is this like the drug trip level yeah you know about the drug trip level no I don't I just assumed from the descript from the level title it's like you touch some weird like poisonous Cactus and it and it makes you see funny colors hey Zach oh are those the fuzzies no I think those guys are just pieces of [ __ ] you know the movie 1917 yeah I know that movie yeah you know the part at the end where he runs he runs to the music the hell you going to say it's called 1600 Man the song is called it's when he makes the run at the end the big run yeah up on the jge I I was hiking today and on the way down I was listening to music and that song came on and I started running to it and I got all the way to the bottom spit it with the song motivating me you like you kind of look like that guy oh no I do kind of look a bit like that guy yeah that was you running down the hill that guy looks like me but skinny and handome he's running down that Hill from 1917 he's from 1917 oh that song is so cool from 20197 oh my God it's been over 15 years I like that I could spit them watermelon seeds out that's kind of fun T you could do that in real life too right what you can spit you can do that spit watermelon seeds I'm saying you can you're saying you can do you can write your name with watermelon I always thought you had to swallow watermelon seeds you're saying you can spit whenever you come over I find a lot of tobacco spat directly into the toilet yeah and I don't mean the the proper part of the toilet I mean yellow yellow sof theer is the the upper deck that's the stuff man's uh touch one of those Outlet of choice you can stop doing that okay so this is the fuzzy why is your oh look at his eyes dilated oh my God he is hi he's he's all wobbly whenever you change direction he like he like pauses GTA ripped this off just enjoy the party oh my goodness that really is cool effect Tom how they do that let's do it again yes keep touching them they don't seem to hurt me no Mario yeah we're we're setting a very bad example for the baby doesn't matter you're not M Baby Mario Mario you're not him what happened to him good question Mario why did Baby Mario just fall from the sky was his mama in the sky no it's a stor his mama was in the sky with him doing a sick rap and then she dropped him like the microphone they both fell of an airplane H come on give me one Little Flower a you had your chance [ __ ] it that's literally maximum oage I'm sorry to say it I hate to say it but that onage well you look at Joshua to Joshua to guy he was on he was on that horrible Island I'm talking about youres I not the other right we're back okay always clear what I game dude uh very carefully I don't know you said you watch the you said you know how they play Watch What video what video oh I bet [ __ ] comes out of that oh God what does this guy think he's doing who does he think he is he's making a Vulgar Display that's for sure his mom would [ __ ] slap him upside the head she saw him doing that yep youve did that hurt great idea great idea sit on the pipe and and face right and then hold down wa kill that idiot first o this going well Tomar okay so yeah oh I see what you're getting at yeah yeah yeah sit on the pipe and band get a little closer you're trying to get like AED little closer little closer yep all right you're going to feel like way better cuz Yoshi's going to have a clean [ __ ] I was going to say have trouble wiping with those tiny arms that guy's laughing at the joke caveman used to have to spit onto the tissue to do it the tissue onto the tissue caveman had the tissue yeah they they had trees therefore they had paper that didn't work there's a wall right there I thought maybe something cool would happen a wall right there see now it's a good thing I didn't flip it yeah you flip out all the time I didn't no you punch no I don't you punched that cashier's head in you made look like raw hamburger patties I can't stand when you guys make stuff up about me that 16year old you finally came to that conclusion 16-year-old Bag Boy at Round I just noticed that sometimes you guys make fun of me and I don't like to Big Red that guy's a baby Thief dude kill him this guy oh my God this guy's a the of the game no you can't have him you can't have him oh that was so scary where'd he go this guy's [ __ ] terrifying I want I want to I want to kill him can you I don't know turn on shuffle how do I get that cool key that everyone's talking about oh o Tomar why did you do that wait a minute now Tomar wasn't it supposed to I guess the red one only okay I see they're colorcoded you guys son of a [ __ ] they're freaking colorcoded and then you've got it yep yep but now I got to use my one of these y y yep I want the conspiracy Music Guru to do a video on the uh ome to the Yoshi that those guys did anything wrong well anyway you've been a great audience Chris sometimes you say stuff and it's really funny I really laugh hard thank you for saying it no problem I did stand up last night and I got thrown out why what joke got you thrown out I wouldn't stop heckling who' you Heckle wait a minute I thought you were performing the stand up no I went to it oh you were heckling like a comedian this woman oh that was making fun of her appearance a lot what was wrong with their appearance can you just like hon nothing well like describe what she looked like normal woman ethnicity oh God normal ethnicity what does that mean normal what's that baby all of them mixed together what what does that look like normal of Music suits what we're doing feel like I'm going normal normal normal that's the normal behavior normal you're normal they got really good shading dude see L it's not terrible I wish I had a little uh an egg to throw I wasted all my eggs trying to kill that P here we go you know all the things to waste your eggs on that is probably the most noble Chris you meat the W of your dreams I know I agree you take her back home you like yeah yeah we do it again like grab her by the you grab her by the Shir right right right it's lock room it's like the most you know the best girls talk about me like that I don't care it's like the best come of your life ever with this girl the best come of my life and then you wake up and then you realize next you know it was a monkey and a wig that's from tails get trolled what's that that happens when Tails gets trolled how would that change your life I just yeah but it was like that you like the night before you think I just glitched this whole level out you definitely [ __ ] up but I don't know that you glitched at all what would you do if if I [ __ ] Mony in a wig and it was honestly sounds like a [ __ ] low maintenance kind of thing I i' I'd probably be fine with it I was going to say would you continue to see the monkey you probably won't hurt the monkey's feelings spins when you're off of it oh [ __ ] there you go that's freaking cool that's freaky sweet this game is freaking sweet we brought Peter Griffin here to encourage you hey Tom oh hey Peter hey Tom hey Peter I didn't expect you to be here well here I am what's going on I haven't seen you since you know that last time I'm a very busy guy we're working on the new season how season yeah how's it been going by the way same old yep do you do did did you have any like favorite jokes from this past season at least quagar 50 marges I see I see and uh what what how does that happen what does that see look like can you describe it a little bit describe hi there cute little Yoshi does Baby Mario want to go to B's Castle I'll take him there in a hurry T he he we can't remember that uhhuh anyway why why anyway for what reason what did he just do with that magic I hope nothing's going to uhoh Big BL big BL big [Music] BL stop yelling to oh my God the baby the baby don't blob the baby get baby to there's a lot of blood down there be careful blood ocean blood that's a that's a reference children who you are blood ocean look at that first try it's always a good rewatch I've only seen season one and half of season two look that little baby held that big giant key look Mario's got his Pat in forward- facing nose yeah also I I seriously looked it up and Mar is real I was like I was like you can't keep bringing back that joke if it's not real well I'll describe what you saw I I dude this is like actually like it's worse than C made it sound so it's it's like a bumper that that shows up during an episode of Family Guy Marge comes up and waves hello it's like how if you're watching Fox on TV it's like a little thing no that's what I assumed he was describing but I still thought it was made up Quagmire tackles her to the ground and starts trying to like force himself on her and she's like attempting to fight him off and like crawl away it's pretty B yeah and was this to promote the crossover and then she like kicks him off of her and then he chases after her pants list I don't think it was even to promote the crossover are you sure it wasn't like earlier on when they were just in a block together oh yeah I think this is just a bumper for The Simpsons yeah it's not to promote the crossover this actually this was this was for that's sick whoever whoever came up with that bit well it gets worsey I'll show I'll show it to you it gets worse toar toar gets worse cuz he kills Maggie kills Maggie wait no that part I thought you really mag a shotgun you did make that part of he kidnaps Maggie and he says if you don't sleep with me your daughter is dead L look it up look it UPS Ed but it really is real he kills Maggie with a gun come on you prove it prove it TR look Mar is getting by quag Jesus I mean he's definitely he's definitely pinning her down oh my God that's disturbing turn the volume up this is disturbing you hear him kill Maggie who thought that this would be like a funny bit I don't think it has sound I think the sound is just whatever episode of Family Guys love Super Baby Mario he's my new favorite yeah what happen to you oh I see this was baby Yoda before baby Yoda Chris was it you or somebody else who had the fetish for baby Yoda is that somebody else what are we talking about someone had a fetish for baby Yoda like a real human being had this yeah they wanted to [ __ ] baby that wasn't you Chris was it yeah I don't think so why are you sweating dude [ __ ] you're like looking left and light it's hot in here like looking both directions like a lot I'm not I'm not your eyes your eyes mean they say in the show baby Yoda's like 50 or something yeah wipes big drop off sweat off head all right all right you're up you're up you're you're off the hug you're off the hug get over here I think I think I'm failing at Yoshi's Island I really don't know what to do that's okay does this need to be in [Laughter] there that was funny they gave me a big just keep running just keep watch's out you scared Yoshi to death I got to not use the little parachute thing I guess yeah what's inside Mario's hat huh what's inside Mario's SK are we in like a bonus area on a level don't do the same [ __ ] mistake Z do baby Mario's voice okay you just jumped over it again so embarrassing I did you mean that it's like right there you see that little raised thing that it there now show show me how it's done gosh I feel silly show me how it's done do you do the voice okay next time he's running like now that's [ __ ] [ __ ] compar to mine this is [ __ ] compared to mine I thought I was doing you're kind of a [ __ ] artist CHR you a [ __ ] artist what no I'm not you being up I don't I ever yeah I don't I was just laughing at something completely unrelated you're pretty honest I know gives L $100 I'm honest when it matters yeah like never what do you mean that is kind of a good point matters to you never it matters don't why did you just keep running I don't know it's okay that one regenerated oh it does just get get it doesn't go yeah he's so fast he's amazing he's a fast running baby and he got that star that was all just for the flower the one flower good job well this is going to be the stage where you actually get it it better be oh it better be if if you met Yoshi would you let him lick your face how would you feel if after all that I skip that star that was super yes I would I love the feel of a long slender Yoshi toar why why do you say that because it feels like kitty cat sandpaper that's Chris talking right now that's toar talking be quiet toar talk what you sing to why you oh this is our puppy Turtle RAC oh my gosh yep he just he's just doing all the work for me murdered and he's laughing at you too he's laughing that was evil Yoshi's dying you're laughing oh no that's my first death since you guys made fun of me on stage one too well see you got so much better I killed those two Wall Street guys it goes to show bullying works I'm waiting for the punchline isn't any fun clown man I'm not going back to that super baby mode no you shouldn't he should have made memes on TV who the Joker that's what he would have done yeah that's that would be a more accurate version of The Joker if I do say so you would say over 9,000 for sure he would go online he would make he would make lots of cool funny memes that's cool he is kind of a try hard in that movie yeah all right take me back boy no come get me boy Tomar what what makes you think that's a boy I don't know I guess I don't know I guess I just assume no that's brutal that's brutal that's [ __ ] that's awful over that's over start the whole dang stage over again you don't got to start the whole thing again Yoshi's got good energy yeah he's got Good Vibes how does he keep his stamina you mean like running as much as he does yeah I don't know you could ask him what a secret is okay maybe I will Yoshi what's your secret wow you don't say he would say that he would he just go that that one sound the sound effect from melee where he jumps he go remember that you tell where goes that's perfect good old poochie I did I'm not even hitting that thing on purpose L do snake's dying sound from ngs1 that's pretty good oh yeah to what would you say to snake if he di you're on the the Kodak snake goes I'd say snake snake Jesus my God I like the way you went a snake a snake a snake a snake just snake aim for that little patch of grass and just don't don't even worry about [ __ ] this little animal yeah what instrument is that ly huh what instrument is that the I actually have no idea one I don't know what it's supposed to be I always assumed it was Yoshi singing it's not a bad assumption I thought the the like end thing when he's doing that yeah that is Yoshi singing Yosi my mom told me he was he was speaking Japanese really yeah I was like what language do they speak and she's like I think Yoshi is probably Japanese so he's probably speaking Japanese so for years I just thought that [ __ ] Japanese sounded like no know classic boo I said boo ears boo ears that is a funny bit are you people saying boo or boo ears boo I said boo ears okay forget about the was butt good job I was never worried I don't know why you had to freak out like that because you died of that before yeah yeah well I learned a lesson I learned a very valuable lesson for like you learn you learn by dying dude that's just trial and error there's no skill I can't even touch that little fell the only true gaming experience is when you're thinking on the Fly and everything's always changing when I'm in game Tom's head on the body of will fly why fly toor's the the head at the ending of the movie it's like have you seen that it's so creepy it's drop bom that scares me more than the Jess the Jess gold blo one what the ending to the original fly movie in black and white where it zooms in on a little guy a little guy's hat on a fly's body and he's stuck in a spider web as a spider's about to eat him and he [Music] says and these two guys just like look at it happen it's really [ __ ] up would you save a little [ __ ] guy screaming in a spider we I would even if you had to put your hand near a scary spider to do it if he was saying help me I'd feel pretty freaking bad put your hand near a spider though Chris Chris yeah I'd be really scared that [ __ ] disturbs me on a deep level what if it was like vaguely insulting though like what if it was like Hey idiot hey [ __ ] help me but he was little so pitch that up I put him in a glass what if he sted like rotting inside the glass popping balloons I like that the Jeff Goblin remake of The Fly is an entirely different idea because in that one he just morphs into one over time but in the uh older one he's like it's it's a F's head gets put on a body so it's basically the fly is the fly still but he's got the body of a human great the fly is the fly oh I beat you that is creepy and he's got a fly hand Zach I come on we got three of them you know what that means though means he's got fly strength fly strength he's got fly strength flies are likeor weak I wouldn't even hurt a fly cuz they're small but if one was your size it would be able to support itself if you scaled it up the density of its atom would not work at a bigger height he would collapse under his own weight thought it's more to do with the the nature of the exoskeleton if I was the size of a fly I'd kick the [ __ ] out of you if you're the size of a fly I'd literally squish you between my fingers n I'd fly into your mouth and it crawl into your brain and give you like diseases who this guy's got a weird diseased tongue what's up with what oh he just gets upset when you try to eat those guys in particular you can't eat Mighty baseball you can't eat the the glove won't break down in your stomach oh God I forgot about those guys this game is so good at like introducing new guys oh my God in different levels they have like a they have they have like perfect baseball instincts they've got baseball Powers give you fles eating bacteria uh how long would that last as long as I tell it to cuz it's smart and it listens to my every win right oh God wrong right right right I hate that you can just turn things into eggs sick what's wrong with that they're just encased in a [ __ ] hard eggshell instantly they're not reproductive eggs they're just I know you're trapping enemies in there and like making them suffer I think there's like a poop in those eggs oh God baby Mario I still love that that classic like wouldn't it be funny if Yoshi you know that one oh yeah yeah like which one his eggs would smell so bad wouldn't that be funny I want to smell them is that like from is that from like a me like something that's made its way around the Internet it's just like a famous copy past of a guy saying how funny it would be to smell yashi's stinky [Music] eggs but the way he Ted it is so funny oh I I think most of the posts are like are like that'd be [ __ ] gross that'd be weird right if if he had stinky eggs I want to smell them he ends it with a z what what bit of advice touch a superstar and become powerful Mario this is super touch my brown star not appropriate dude that was weird that was actually kind of [ __ ] up you killed the vibe I don't know where that cool oh no you son of a wait wait wait it's not over throw get anegg in there yeah you can get an egg in there that's a classic uh That's a classic motivational line you can get an egg in there yep now toar oh he can't run up that there's literally arrows dude follow the arrows follow the arrows follow the arrows okay we'll follow the arrows you're doing all right and then we'll then we'll follow the arrows oh my God be careful oh no I missed one no you're all right you're doing good sugar oh oh done this music sounds fake it's real man and I wish you'd stop uh instruments sound fake elaborate well I actually you know what I think that's supposed to be a harmonica the truth of these this instrument is not for you to decide how does that make you feel makes me feel like that vertical mountain alone and Tall alone and tall you are tall there's a hole right there the right yeah I see it oh my God I can see the Matrix right now yeah toar what you had a set up on toar uh look at Soul few years ago yeah I'm talking that's so mean what was that say we had it like I said like probably a few years ago like it wasn't like as long ago as it should be oh my God are you just leaving your baby baby oh my God baby is dead baby get the [ __ ] oh I go into like an actual panic mode when this happens Tomy you're definitely the Chuck and I'm this Jimmy why is that cuz you know about technology Z is the Kim But Chuck is like Tech technophobic isn't he no he he used to be technologically fine but he became he used to be an inventor he was crazy used to be a mad scientist that was never app PL point he was a m scien was he was crazy he was always cooking up a new up to Chris and say Chris I've never really cared for you I've never really cared then I heard like a deep Bas yeah Jimmy everyone loved Jimmy's the always theim good little Jimmy I love sipping Jimmy sipping jimy sipping Jimmy he always sips on stuff sippy cup does have that that best sipper cup what about siing Jimmy he for for that one [ __ ] well we ran out of stuff to say that's that's better all in a nutshell Kimler that's her name yeah I mean that's Z call her Kim saxler I did call her that one time yeah yeah but she is beautiful yeah I'd like to hold her hand she's gorgeous she's a pretty lady take take take her Applebees and she's got a unique voice that makes me all right all right all right all right all right all right all right settle down settle hey hey settle down settle down ly can someone put his eyes back in his head please yeah help me here you okay Chris you glass of water little rat anyway she's hot yep yep how do these things work by the way you spit something into them like if if you get that guy in your mouth and he's spreading himself yeah like that but but he's he's open for I'm going to Oh no I got nothing I'm going to okay I'm going to try this are you ever going to beat the [ __ ] game it's been like 10 hours okay now if I this is getting embarrassing dude wait oh little mousy people come to you for info really if you look up when you do it it gives you like a nice I swear I did it I swear just yeah it gives you like a nice like it doesn't shoot it straight up it gives it like a oh you say it if I did it like this Arc to it yeah see a incredible Mr Incredible what would you do Mr Incredible if you had him in your hands in real life oh God is he big is he still the same size God what do you mean why would you why why would he be small you say I have him in my hands he's not in the Palms do you mean I'm holding his hands or I'm holding him he's [ __ ] crush me you're saying Chris is like a villain Chris no okay yeah he's he's in the pal of your hands so he's small yeah small Mr Incredible yeah not that incredible of me you but he's fully s to you I feel like he'd still break out of the jar put him in he's still pretty strong what you if the first a he did when he escaped was like rip your dick hole in half he just grabs both sides of it and just stretches it that would make me into a villain what if you completely left him alone and then you're just like what what's that feeling and then he just I I would become like become like a syndrome with tall like troll hair that's fair there was a bit kind of like that in the boys be syndrome what there's a bit in the boys where someone becomes syndrome no where somebody gets real small and and and then but then enlarges inside a guy's dick hole really yeah huh I haven't seen the new season I take it I saw season one and I was like okay I got kind of annoyed with it yeah season 2 is not great season three I think is much better okay baby Tomar Tomar I'll I won toar there's a ghost flyer on your [ __ ] head right now dude Chris get the vacuum did you know you whistling probably just saved my life cuz I didn't understand what you a GIS get the VAC you missed it dude he's so go for hours I can listen to it for hours honestly the amazing radio bit that took America by stor weirdly therapeutic you ever you ever have like go to like one of those like spas or whatever and they have like healing frequencies yeah just like I don't think 72 Herz yeah I don't think this is healing anything but sounds 42 Herz isn't it yeah 42 42 HZ would be like sub like you wouldn't even be able to hear that you it heals you dude it heals you dude is it 420 HZ that's it 4 420 HZ man 4S I got to show you the puppet song after this the puppet song come to the puet song oh is this the [ __ ] satellite guy is this a new single that he dropped no no it's just another one that I found that is like awesome that's amazing well you're giving power if anybody I made my Spotify playlist public like a few years ago so anybody's wondering why uh why there's Flat Earth music in my playlist now it's because I don't agree with anything he says but I think they're very catchy songs they are they're amazing and they're funny and they're funny he's got the most arrogant confidence I've ever seen it's hilarious it's funny Flat Earth Elvis is a good character he is he's basically Flat Earth Johnny Bravo I I love the guy oh sh you almost died come on my life was flashing before my eyes your life is like a video game do you guys remember queen of vagina what what did you just say do you guys remember queen of vagina no what are you talking about what does that mean it was this this weird woman that had all these music videos where she would just say like the same four phrases over and over again but it was like it was about being a sucker she she would use the word promiscuous a lot I've never shown you this no she deleted her Channel and and all 400 of her songs are gone but I'm I'm sure there's like remnants of them floating around on YouTube and Now ladies and gentlemen the classic tickle my [Music] vagina TI well do you remember that guy youa Lilia used to de's Pizza I remember him oh yeah Degreaser yeah old degrease boy what you call his pizza he did he did a good job doing that yeah he probably saved a few calories he lost 50 billion pounds doing that that's what he says I mean that the grease is where all the nutrients are you guys need to explain what the hell you're talking about grease is one of the essential food groups is what all you need it's at the top of the pyramid he if that don't make it the most important I don't know what is he would drape like 50 paper towels over every Pizza he bought to soak up all the grease and so he made videos of him doing this yeah yeah he's like this is my method I've been doing it for almost 20 years and it's an extremely effective method somewhat soft padding kind of a medium low it's kind of follows like a square rot curve in away as you can tell here there's still quite a bit so what are these other ones for that will come for a little later on in the process well that would be perfectly suitable for degreasing this is that guy that degreases his pizza this is his list of fears uh mirrors the number 22 people in person chairs a lot of this sounds like stuff he just made up when challenged to make unfamiliar silverware it sounds like he's doing a bit I think he made these Up all In The Spot spotty dishes of dirty clothes no weighty Aline whistling wow I basically beat the level I scrolled all the way underground at the end should have given it to me you know what else is underground in the end Tomar a corpse you should have taken your ring take your ring take your ring take my way now this is a very quick list of's former fears Blue Water ketchup and mustard Blue Water is unnatural grass water ain't supposed to be blue how can he be he's not afraid of grass these are forward he's he's over these sunlight gr Shadows showering driving why would you tell people your fears online yeah that's like it's just like a r guys if you want really good advice it's tell everyone of the internet your fears your list of fears yeah just hope that some guy going BL BL it doesn't yeah yeah make your day worse yeah a what is it Chris I like that they make little Square dots when they fly those cute little bats that's just the wind oh no the wind is a weird concept if you think about it yeah why why is the air always moving around by itself they actually don't know why wind exists yeah I do I mean I know why no it's completely unexplained by science I've explained it but okay it's only a theory but the theory of wind yeah the theory is apparently apparently the guy that made wind on his death B but it was all fake the guy who made wind there's a lot of these little UFOs that'll like fly down to earth and whiz by and that's what creates wind They Were You There When toar took Wing uh no when did this happen when we were by the cliff and toar took Wing I mean it's the titled you were there right you were there what does Take Wing even mean I mean what does it mean to take Wing guess more concerned about the physical aspect and not the explanation of my page I don't understand at all you're really just feels it it's just Instinct and he doesn't need to think about itar you were by the cliff you jumps the I think Instinct took over like Chris is saying yeah and the you you were it was you know it was Majestic sorry I start crying yeah sounded beautiful it's all right to laughing boy you're C but all right he thinks uh men can't cry yeah I said boys can't cry well they can tomar and women think it's very attractive I think just nobody should cry just yeah just stop it true just turn it all off man or woman do it in private if you can help it yeah and then then apologize to God for doing it yeah feel guilt I don't know where that key was supposed to go but come here I guess I didn't care enough to look stomp around like they're Goose stepping or something no they don't something it's like they're you just you just that's you that's all me you're the goose you're the goose St how much money to make your fingers gummy worms how wait you're asking how much money would you need to be paid in order to agreed if your fingers permanently converted to gummy fingers are very very uh valuable to my happiness well you can still play piano with your gummy fingers it'll just you can't they'll fall sticky it's not like they're going to [ __ ] like with your fall off after like a minute there's sour govern wores I don't know why you about your penis all the worst aspects of want my penis forever and ever why how much money a feel good when I come no it doesn't a billion dollars no okay how about this how about this what you go to the doctor like 10 years from now and he says your dick don't work anymore but I'll give you a million dollars for it do you take it do I test out in the bathroom to see if my dick still work you can pee out of it but not getting to suck it off yeah I mean I would just assume there's something wrong and it'll resolve itself but he's like if I suck it off well that's how I'll know now I was be like I'm not going to get hard if you suck me off he's like he's like no you will I swear to God you will trust me he says I'm the [ __ ] King dude he's like dude just give me he go give me 20 second if if it's that hard like no yeah he's like Marie it's like you leave the hospital hospital I'm going to try walk out the room Chris Chris 10 5 seconds in you're like you're thinking you're think you're rolling your eyes going yeah whatever Yan 10 seconds in uh maybe you know maybe it's not so bad you know cuts the Han getting wheeled out cut the chrisal yeah getting wheeled out always cuts the Hank Jesus Marie she really like jerks him off amazingly well Jer his [ __ ] penis Jer his like fat egg [ __ ] off so good I do like how that's a canonical trait of Marie is that she's a hand job Queen she's a hand honey and she gets faked hits halfway through the series Lally [ __ ] in season one she's got like a rip Walter Jun bre he gets fake tits in season five mom look at my tits and then she leans in she says I [ __ ] Ted I [ __ ] M Junior I [ __ ] him the E don't be scared of them this is weird hey I think you might be able to hit them when they're uh when they're active so you need to be not facing them there you go oh murder yes murder so these arrows think they're all fancy huh you need to throw eggsit those question blobs more toar who came up with the arrow and why that was a poest pilot poest pilot yeah he was a pilot toar would you say Z college is your biggest or second biggest inspiration uh oh biggest by far what is zombie College it's a it's it's it's one of the most uh underrated shows probably in history it's a shame they had to cut you out of it you were the only voice actor for a long time on that they had to put all those like hacks in I to share my glory don't fall in the one of those arrows I guess I bounce the egg off of it was a nice convenient egg bounce trying to be mean but that made me laugh at me too I that yeah my smile went from small to SM Medi big small from small to Mighty to mighty mighty smile yeah I saw that it was like that's the game of uh my child you moved like you chis are you a big fan of Mighty Joe Young no that's a boring film o I love big [ __ ] giant Apes but that movie you say that that was there was Hate in Your Heart cuz I thought you were going to like be say something positive about that [ __ ] okay I'm sorry I haven't seen it since I was a kid so maybe I'll like it more just drop it dude just it's your Chris it's in your best interest I remember being a kid and being like when's he going to kill people I remember they fake out kill the monkey in that movie and I just like turned it off did you like the Inspector Gadget movie live action one when I kid yeah yeah I saw I actually have to go back to find an egg there might be eggs in that ghost room you were the clone of him yeah he's got like really white buggy teeth yeah he's like evil he says I've got buggy 4988 teeth and then then he says boogy 498 teeth go go gadg 498 boogy Boogie 498 teeth he took the footage of that movie and and dumped say that put that in I've got buggy 4988 [Laughter] teeth sucks to just [ __ ] oh get out of there get out of there how did you do this the first there we go there you go there you go I just did throw it directly the first time without using the cool little bounce point but toar you're like the Chamberlain from The Dark Crystal chamber basketball player you like the Chamberlain from uh the UK who let Hitler take all chechos Slovakia you are like that guy that's a very different Chamberlain they both look the same and act the same and think the same you can interpret those as as you like that that is like the main noise he made in that movie it's kind of Genius don't don't got to write dial whoever wrote that was a genius yeah wait this just circle me back around yeah it's funny no don't go don't hit the thing this time have you been in that door that's the door you just unlocked you're saying don't hit the thing and go up around there was a checkpoint there but the stairs block it see okay does Yoshi randomly flip people off in this yeah he's [ __ ] pissed all the time that's why he sings you [ __ ] he does flip people off uh-oh he's actually quite a rude little Dino yeah he's rude and he's got a tude we don't really talk about that here remember that this was a '90s game where everyone was rude and had a tude I missed the radical era me too it was funny what started the r radical [ __ ] like whoa cool like that [ __ ] uh Ninja Turtles is probably a early one but I think it existed before that I think honestly that BT Simpson's probably like a Cornerstone of it wasn't there kind of like there was like their what people called the PC like age at the time cuz there was like a bit of like a a quote unquote PC era in uh in like the '90s and I feel like that was like the 2000s trying to be like I remember fight back against that or something look he did he flipped him off he did yeah watch stand still yeah yep yeah he did it I saw him [ __ ] [Music] BL talking dog all right we made it to the big boss all right can stop can you just leave all right shut up all right that's enough that's just a regular old ghost nothing bad's going to happen here he's going to turn we have oh you want to read mag un assuming ghost will now become something actually scary he's going to give him skin skin ghost oh my gosh that was that was Harry partridge's latest cartoon was I was like I saw a skin go somewhere recently that was that cool Resident Evil thing he made that was the coolest thing I've ever seen yeah that was really no one's really done anything like that that I can think of Harry is a genius he's also got two nut sexs that's true yeah that's a fun fact about Happy Harry that not a lot of people know he's got four testicles of two sex basically yeah as he gets bigger he might get scarier but he's also a bigger freaking Target you know what I'm saying yeah I know he he he gains a weakness and a strength oh my God please yes are you feeling sick please be careful oh my God to you're stressing Chris out please he look like Charlie Brown and now he's dead like Charlie Brown that Charlie Brown he's such a clown what if Charlie Brown was like Louie like Lou CK yeah or like Lou Lou Anderson like Lou theu hello I'm Charlie Brown Lou or Louis Pastor Charli talk in Nazis do you guys want to keep playing Yoshi's Island or do you want try another game you're really tired of this game aren't you tell I didn't say I'm tired I'm just asking oh my God what can it hurt to ask I was enjoying it CU I thought you were enjoying it but if you're not enjoying it then I can't that was a bad blow up that was bad toar that was a bad blow up I I I picked this one out cuz I thought you like I thought it was one of my better ones to's big bad birthday blow up told my's birthday blowout don't tell everybody about my birthday blowout the AVGN has diarrhea on Tomar that is the best [ __ ] AVGN it's the one that put him on the map that one in the [ __ ] pickle oh [ __ ] I remember watching a video years ago he did of it's like a parody of the wizard of ozs but he like after effects the whole thing was it good I remember at the time I was like that is okay and what do you think of it now I haven't seen it since I saw it like that must have been what do you think you would think of it now 2009 that must have been what do you if you think if you went back and watch that what do you think you'd think be like H interesting interesting I remember like seeing like basic like masking special effects and [ __ ] on YouTube back in the day when I was like 15 and just blowing my mind yeah oh you [ __ ] that was a trap we have 50 needles with chiropratic needles going to homeo SK every time it dies shoot in 5 in if I said I wanted to be the commander of a ship the spaceship a spaceship I wanted to be the commander shepher I love the way he says shepherd shepherd they say you need to get a grip on reality but I don't that guy but I actually whatever happened to him yeah who is that is that he's a gamer is that someone who like had a following oh my God I think he gen I checked out he volunteered for the Ukraine war on Russia's side and died he could to go defend Russia then [ __ ] him yeah you're lying you just made that just made that up I swear to you you're saying the gamer the guy that was like why would he go fight in a real war when he could fight in V War Tomar yeah he was he should have been playing Call of Duty spaceship the captain of a ship I love when he says that I want to be the captain of a ship but it's like you could achieve that if you actually really if you really left you left your [ __ ] if if you got outside but then he's like a spaceship and it's like even then like if that's really your ambition you could like try to become an Astron scary brainwash if you toar if you and him were high school you had like a letter of jacket on he had like a you know glasses on you're saying I'm the Cool Jock I'm saying would you shove him in a locker if he said that to you if he gave that speech to you I think I'd have to do worse than that what a toic possibly to why do you keep doing that to there's a part in that video where he says something like having a good fun time he says like saving Princess Peach is the equivalent to having sex he does yeah he's like I've saved Princess Peach and Princess Zelda and Princess Zelda and yet you call me a forever virgin gu I've saved bandage girl I wanted to be the guy and I became the guy and you say I'm the forever virgin I'm the one who will never find love that's the best part it's like dude you didn't just say any of that I wish he was the same guy who like shits while he plays Mafia he grew up into the mafia guy what's the mafia guy the guy who shits he's like the one where his mom's like you're [ __ ] yourself no stop stop playing the [ __ ] video game get up and take a [ __ ] [ __ ] coming out of your [ __ ] he keeps saying the same thing he's like I think there's something wrong with that guy no kid you listen to him talk something's off something's off about something's off about someone who who who will [ __ ] their pants rather than stoping video are you are you listening Tomar see what you have to do right you understand wait no I don't actually Tomar would you look at me when I speak to you stop looking away you je there's nothing wrong with what I said it's just the truth right yeah the that worked out real well for Kanye Yeah Yeah Chris why are you I was going to ask why are you wearing like a black uh [ __ ] mask calling me on he's all sad that you did that I took his I took his only family I was just throwing my brother up in the [ __ ] air oh a choo choo train oh great you become the choo choo train oh great I get to become the choo choo train is insane this is insane to this is crazy oh dear go left toart off the tracks that's a great movie it is one of the classics oh sh Toma run do you see that someone like printed their ass on the wall back there like they they sat in chalk and just like oh yeah there's another one look at that they were like photocopying it it's horrible I think it was Mario's brother probably I think it gets off too is Mario the older brother or the younger brother twins but which way am I supposed to be going they're the Mario twins I I think this might have been the wrong way they look so like the same person I say that them both [ __ ] don't hurt me choo choo Tomar I don't even know what the end goal of this is does a train know the end of its own life good very good point Tom was obsessed with trains for seven years tomoro can only talk in train related like terms and like analogies it was engine this and smoke coming out the top that now I feel like we need to play cho cho Charles or whatever that thing is you would like that all I can think of his trains now you guys he's got train on the brain trains planes and auto from The Simpsons who well dude you the the Bartman love I'm not changing I like me he would say that too hey there Bartman so Otto was a real character he felt real he was a real Class Act he was a real [ __ ] he's not a [ __ ] fake character he's fake like that LE real to me he's basically just real when I watch The Simpsons exactly I'm at home basically that's true friends Homer and mo are my friends Chris I I swear you have this thing all set up to steal oh my God what the steal what my phone it just fell into your couch oh no I hate that it just slipped right out of my pocket and fell into your couch Tomar this is a good place to end that's a great place to end the Great Tomar phone search of 2023 you mean the great Chris couch theft Caper what year is it what year is it what year is it [Music]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 114,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Gameplay, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Walkthrough, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Part 1, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Gameplay Part 1, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Game, Super Mario Land 2: Yoshi's Island Funny, Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Island Gameplay, Yoshi's Island Walkthrough, Yoshi's Island Part 1, Yoshi's Island Gameplay Part 1, Yoshi's Island Game, Yoshi's Island Oneyplays
Id: U6pHyKlTtTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 10sec (5350 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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