Dunk and Leah play It Takes Two

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this is [ __ ] no you're just gonna hit me again yeah i can recall it [Music] mum and dad we've decided to go our separate ways this is the aftermath of your top 10 hottest mario videos yeah yeah of course the day after i can't believe what you said about camry cooper and rabid peach even still you're trying to shoot me over here you're trying to hit me with that he's trying to hit me with this get away with me i have like a special move with your nail all right kill that book let's kill the floor just kill the book against the book yeah let's kill oh my god oh my god babe don't help don't nail the nails don't nail the nail in here [Laughter] bam i'm not taking my eyes off these cody holes look no i'm not taking my eyes off it what are you doing [Music] i turned around i trusted him i have to go so far you're just up there oh i can nail you still i'm not messing around here wait did you just go past the keyboard no you did i saw do you guys hear how fast she's hitting it what the [ __ ] is that how do you hit it like that [Music] put the button up to your mic and see how fast it is oh my god what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the tree 57. [Music] why do you get that one i want that one let's try it shoot him i'll shoot him with the honey you blow it up [Music] you have to fight him to the death i can't wait to kick your furry ass just [Applause] [Music] quarter circle punch [Music] statistically it should be 50 50 who wins this but i feel like it's been 75 you lose i think it's about 99 i lose now frog wait i have to talk to him first no kill him he doesn't listen to that kind of stuff he's going to kill you from that [ __ ] oh my god is that always the same tooth or something like how is this happening [Laughter] he only eats me he only eats me [Laughter] you [ __ ] stop eating me he won't eat you you dumbass frog oh my god if you eat me i'll beat the crap out of you dumb frog eat me see what happens you have to bribe him with money frog look okay he tried threatening it he tried bribery now frog let me sweeten the deal hey where'd you put my money don't put it don't put it in there don't put it in the pig do not put the money in the pig this is for the frog now frog look look what she's doing she's taking your money remember who tried to give you the money [Laughter] it's like a skill based thing babe if he bites you again i'm gonna die laughing it's a skill no it's a skill game he'll eat you this time yes are you happy now go ready go ready go go yeah you can't just walk jump forever this way this way this way this way my way this way my way oh yeah [Laughter] i can teleport it's like belong wonder world teleport through teleport through thin walls i didn't know i didn't know let's destroy something rose loves to make her cry destroyed [Music] these are the worst parents in the world they need to be divorced and you'll be claimed by dps immediately that is a great idea what i will be sitting there with an iron stare [Music] oh you're so cute i'm hugging there what are you doing let's kill her [Laughter] kill me i don't want her to die i know let's spare the elephant no oh my god look at it people attempt to escape we're ripping her head off no we're not we're saving her we're ripping her head off of her body [Music] i just messed up you just shove her up [Music] [Music] hey i'll just get the scissors we're going to rip her ear off no come on baby rip [Music] it's just so prolonged oh my god [Music] oh no oh no there she goes why would that kill him she just she's made out of stuffing dizzy it worked we made her crying we did it we did it quick we made her cry [Applause] this is horrible go on how do we break the spell all you have to do is oh ah not so fast hey get that back ready for it to learn this letter you must work together you must the kill scene for the book of love should be like the elephant part times like 10. [Music] let's rip it very much take it out of here 7 p.m 7 p.m hey yeah i won't do it [Music] okay don't do it okay i trust you hey i trust you oh look at me go i'm getting hyped up whoa oh my not too high god too high it's a little too hype wait but this is actually going to just kill us it has to go across the bridge nice try cody how did you get across it takes two to get a divorce i'm schneider cutting oh are you moving these yeah we'll move them so i don't how is this based on anything real babe france looks like this no it doesn't nothing looks like this in the north of france no place has these gigantic lion statues here and a giant ice rink everywhere oh yeah you see that all the time in france what is it you're not gonna quit on a loss for yourself you're gonna keep playing till you win no no no this one is just this is that was this is a money match what that was a money match that was a triple finale money match this is after three draws this is actually the triple marble why do i only have one puck that's all you get leah has three pucks i have i only got one puck why did it spawn in one puck only for me you better make a cat cody where did all my pucks go you better make a count cody you broke the game by restarting it so many times all right that was the fun event that was the money match you said i didn't get the pucks why are you red what are you doing what are we supposed to do hey you gotta get on my head i do [Music] the girl doesn't have her parents is just eating butter to survive she has [Laughter] [Music] the timer ran out [Music] you got negative 16 babe that's like when we played the shuffleboard and it didn't spawn me this [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] i'm grass cody i'm a grass man oh my god we're on the frogs i'm never [Music] i can't make it through anything i love it everything hits me from a mile away all right now i'm gonna snail [ __ ] pisses me off look at me what is this doing over here [Music] look i'm not going to sing a single note is this going to be a rhythm level oh my god i hope so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] this is the instrument that i'm good at [Music] the wind chimes it's slow on them they just barely taste it together this is what leah sees when she bites into a pancake [Music] then go and try this device i found it's really weird how it works all right [Music] here's a little song i wrote i want to see it don't worry he's got a good sign what is he singing like a circus theme this is what fishing
Channel: Dunk Tank
Views: 401,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it takes two, dunkey, leah, leahbee, videogamedunkey, dunk and leah, dunkey and leah play it takes two, dunkstream, dunkey it takes two
Id: BP_zw9PSl50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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