H3 Podcast #76 - VideoGameDunkey & Leah

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[Music] welcome everybody to the h3 soundboard experience got a lot of complaints about the soundboard and I hear you most definitely welcome to the soundboard experience today is we return with the wonderful great excellent and most beloved videogame dunkey and Lea who are currently facing the wall I feel like I'm in the Blair Witch Project thank you guys we are on this side okay welcome everybody thank you guys it's very much I like that you guys you don't want to distract me you don't want to make it weird to the wall it's very appreciative love that today's episode before I forget is sponsored by you to meet honey and quip welcome back ela by the way so thankful to have you back I've been in the trenches taking grenades how many offices do they do without you I think god I was gonna monitor oh good to have you back crazy you didn't get into trouble well leah was just telling me in the last episode as many of you did well it's okay no I got to confront my you know my shortcomings that I overplayed the Roseanne's now I didn't see any of that what you know I have one too and I'm gonna be using you know hit me with the cricket I've got great news guys we're gonna be playing another round today of know you're me that's right you know your meme featuring the one and only videogames dunkey sitting across from me today so to play call in to 808 hot mean that is our real number 808 hot meme for a chance to win a new samsung galaxy s 9 plus all right are you guys doing [Music] thinking about hitting you with rose am but i'm not gonna ride that button so what what brings you guys out to LA well basically our house is it a it's just to get out kind of just get out stretch your legs take a trip nice see something besides Wisconsin mm-hmm like the three blocks around like what are you what goes on in Wisconsin well we play tennis yeah you do terribly not worry about us no we don't keep score getting out there and how frequently do you guys play tennis you know if we're doing really good we'll go every week but you know might make some break weeks charge yeah but the worse you are at tennis the more exercise you want them getting we're really yeah you guys would like being out here in LA I will say by the way the blue bird that you guys took that we called for you they take two hours of which I'm very grateful and sorry for yeah you know a relaxing uh journey stopping and starting you don't have traffic in Wisconsin right you do but I don't know you I don't know it's not you have like people on motorcycles over here going through like the blinds yeah Wisconsin like you have like an old grandma like driving on the wrong side of a comeback yeah Ellie's driving nuts though the motorcycle between the car is always struck me as very oddly reckless behavior it is but I think when you're on the motorcycle you feel like you know better than everyone I'm on a [ __ ] motorcycle grandma I don't know they scare me because like all the sudden their recklessness becomes my problem because well I'm in traffic I'm not paying that close attention to like what's in between me and the next bar yeah all the Sun I'm switching lanes yeah we have a word for them she call some ancient aliens what the motorcycle it's anyone who's like you know they're driving the wrong way down the road or they're like just stopped it's ancient aliens the crossing between old people that just can't see and college kids that are just dumb as hell that's just a mishmash yeah irony you know that guy from H an alien the crazy aliens that's who's driving oh yeah exactly well clearly they're like not in this world right now they're like just it's like what do you do you guys ever been in a car crash ah I have not been ancient alien she's written a lot of accidents maybe she is after it seriously never her fault but she's always gentlemen what was it like what am i ah one with this some lady just went through a red light oh that was probably the worst one was it pretty serious yeah I was pretty scared were you injured no we're fine what did the car hit your side yeah damn our car didn't get killed though their their car did what part what car were you in what car with aunt do you remember how old are you hmm 17 or 16 you're survivor that's pretty scary getting Johnny boned at a red light because here it was you know the back okay you spun out maybe probably I can't remember you blocking it out of your memory suit just once I kind of like I was someone was parked like in the middle of the street I was gonna go and then all of a sudden they started to do parked in Miller Street yeah like he was waiting for something waiting for you so he could hate me but it wasn't nothing serious it's all good I mean that's it my dad really someone was my dad is an ancient alien he's a he is a liability have we told this story about how in Mexico like probably my dad is a psycho don't ever get in a car was there you have like one star you were driving around all day and nobody would ever get like I don't know what happened we were getting off an off-ramp and I was I think in the back seat and he just rear-ended a car just ran did somebody like you do but there was that one time in Mexico he's got like a SUV and they used to live in Mexico and he's driving on the freeway in Mexico like way over the speed limit so fast that we're taking a sharp turn and you can feel the tires are lifting oh my god I said you could feel it being like right my mom's in the car I'm in the car he lives in the credits and first time you guys in there right sort of so imagine to impress er imagine that imagine that this is you how you're behaving around your son first time you're meeting is serious and we're all yelling my mom's going crazy we're all yelling Gary and ela it doesn't even know my dad I mean while my dad is so crazy it's there silently doesn't even acknowledge it continues to rip these turns it's weird I knew it was scary and my dad he's he's on the road he what do you see I don't know if you guys know about like college rivalries yeah he went to UCLA University of California they're rivals in LA is USC they're like huge sports rivals so his license plate said hates SC and still I think maybe Tuesday so when he sees some on the road with the USC license plate like holder license cut them off and I swear to you with [ __ ] chill J in the car and both family he will cut off another person on the boat with his as if they were as if they were not the Orphic sickness that's scary scary sweet guy though anyway what are your parents like your parents have any crazy quarks like a teacher that's crazy [Laughter] no she's a she I guess she has an excuse because she's a teacher that is I mean if you're a teacher for like four five years you're like your mental patient just keep going it's just like worse than worse what grade this you teach ah thanks for stealing second or third oh wow let's stop she used to teach middle school or high school think high school and middle school middle school was way worse she's scary to me high school high school is really bad middle school is really bad yeah not the greatest which one's the craziest middle school or second grade think high school and middle school yeah let's think in the fights yeah you're like middle schools got to be the work is dangerous right dangerous mines what's that actress his name in Dangerous Minds you know that movie right she was like this like pretty young blond teacher who's teaching in like the hood that the poetry one there could have been poetry mmm Michelle Pfeiffer oh I didn't know that it's called dangerous hell yeah baby I love that movie throw that up let me show you what your mom is up to her Dangerous Minds gotta remember watching this says it couldn't be in like damn she's so cool oh she connects with trench Oh can't really wear trench coasters at school anymore so it's just like real life yeah it's like a mess constant right in the chalkboard we want to die oh [ __ ] it's Christ out we choose to die oh I get it straight buster your mom do any lessons like that think so but I think I think middle school is the worst because they're like in middle school you're such a piece of [ __ ] mm-hmm in high school you're starting to learn a little bit that's true that you're an idiot yeah yeah you're still an idiot though yeah full blown button it'll fall right yeah Jason's mom looks just like him well he looks like his mom it's cute yeah they have the same like mouth and nose kind of so I've got I'm trying this new thing when we start our podcast we're doing this thing called goof of the day I've got some clips lined up and I want to watch with you guys okay the first one is DJ Khaled at performing at an overwatch league it's great what I love about this is that he's perfect like DJ Kyle's not a performer right like the tight man so imagine like Flavor Flav without a band or anyone to back them up with actual musical palette it's just on a stage yeah it's crazy here we go by the way you know they frame this up so like there's like ten people actually waving their arms well the rest of the room is just like not interested at all damn it's like Justin Bieber is not there singing yeah DJ count which is the worst part of every music video [Applause] [Music] it's like are you serious right now that's a good question oh it's the phone light no but you people are holding their phones up there making it look like they're holding their phones up no way people have their phones out boys a wristband it's probably like an event wristband got it yeah it's there as well going it looks confused you need to bet you can't do DJ Khaled without the rest of the band you know I mean like dj khaled shouting another one is it another where these have plants by the way these guys were paid to dance dude you're not even saying it damn that's happening at this point may really get your own concert but like concert you you think that this could go on for two hours straight having the courage to yeah like a blizzard hired them probably pay I mean I don't think you can I was at all the performances blizzard that was probably the number one the most but you I mean speaking of hip-hop you are kind of a hip-hop musical performer now yeah your new video came out chicken or chicken wings right no I mean people are loving chicken wings I love it let me play yeah I was loving that by the way I'm curious let me just play it for reference did you make this beat yeah I mean are you serious waiting for months row that beat is is so insane Oh what is it that's just [Applause] it's kind of subtle oh yeah damn you can just rip his beat like that and put some chicken wings okay I said I could that's what it's in the description the video pulling up okay you'll see it's legit search thank you rapping Gambini first day that I can make this thought can you imagine getting sued for this please well your let me give you a sample of this in same Ben same rapping I love the backup vocals you offer that you're exhaling you're obviously a poppy fan right is your favorite genre of music what else do you like R&B yeah [ __ ] you are black I think you totally correct you and Callie I mean you should elaborate I love that this is my credit card dope so good you like shakes new album oh you [ __ ] with Drake I don't listen to family like two albums in the whole year really so you don't listen that much music mm-hmm last time you told me if I wrote one season two is real into really what are you really into right now Stevie Wonder what else just just Stevie Michael Jackson yeah he's gonna try to go see some guy oh yeah then one guy come I see Washington you hear him a saxophone player can you find a clip of that Dan Aryan I want to hear it right now come on see one I love Stevie but like have you how long have you been listening to Stevie or did you just kind of get into it so you you've been riding the Stevie and Michael train for a long time do you share his musical tastes well yeah because he controls the CDs musical taste if you had control in the CDs what would you play I have one CD versus sweat six yeah I don't know I tend to just listen to like whenever it comes on like the student radio or like something like kind of different like all the time so I mean if I had to say all-time favorites actually I really like Lana Del Rey which is like I know she one of the ones that she one of the ones that died or something she's like yeah that's kind of the only like pop like dang listened to I listened to a lot of like 90s music I guess yes there's the radio station that his bird noises what's it called they're talking about like Oh cats are the leading killers of birds cats are the leading there's a lot of bird watchers I've heard that that like nice trip like cats are actually decimating what do you know if bird radio gets affected here's this here's this music that they dunk use interior let's see what we got if you write any really really bad blocks don't kind of a block on there is that Internet Explorer you just you in you out you open it with me Internet Explorer looks like well it's it's set to default like break I'm using discord and I click a link when what world would I want to open anything Internet Explorer you see it's a total disaster you know our sponsors pay us a lot of money to get their ads on our show and here they didn't pay me [ __ ] don't download that you're seeing this guy in concert this is your guy what's his name I'm Ashley Washington what's going on with him he looks very like bohemian he's cool as hell actually I danced it man I interviewed him shot an interview with him was the was it an interesting interview yeah yeah it was just talking about his musical background and everything is you know it comes from like the jazz world but he kind of crossed over with all of the brain feeder you know and Flying Lotus and those people yeah yeah no he's cool as [ __ ] do you say like Thundercat yeah yeah yeah wonder cat and all those guys sick you're all about you like that soul like that soul music did you hate Jews do you hate this I'll take the trumpet for me I got another video lined up another goof of the day because I couldn't decide between DJ Khaled and all of the Mexican workers going on strike and this guy filming it and losing his mind about it okay good stuff lined up guys only the best video a Mexican together [ __ ] so let me know anything about who filmed so the story is that they're on some kind of smelting plant and two of the dudes I guess their boss supervisors are calm yeah comrades was their colleagues got fired or sent home for some reason so they all packed up and said [ __ ] this you know salt solidarity so this guy who's working with it I guess there's a bunch of Mexicans and a couple black dudes so this is one of the black dudes who's in awe of the Mexican camaraderie and spirit back they say don't be shut this [ __ ] down playing with this black people need to be own man I swear I gotta learn take the sim and look at this man by the way god bless him I mean jokes aside for documenting this I'm with him dude that's cool it's probably gonna get married oh yeah he's fired oh yeah he'll never work again I love it dude I'm with them I'm in solidarity yeah so we need why the hell do you think apples worth a trillion dollars no unions they don't have unions in China I don't think what do you guys think about Apple being worth a trillion [ __ ] dollars why are you an apple man no iPhone though your aunt your [ __ ] your foots in the water you like Apple we don't really have an opinion on it I guess well it's very and we would have to look I don't want to take any you know radical I [ __ ] hate I'm using it very sparingly waiting for the right going it yeah you can you can use that just sucks that I understand like I've all come you can keep it of all companies in the world how is it that Apple was the one that got a trillion I mean what are they doing that just yeah they're the most money the most valued company of all time the first company ever to be worth the trillion dollars I mean there they sell [ __ ] harkening [Music] many [ __ ] iPhones are they selling I get it though cause everyone's obsessed with the iPhone all over the world right and their computers too so it's like yeah I get it it's expensive too like how the hope people afford that [ __ ] but that means to me that like their margins are insane that they probably are exploiting hell of people for those margins to be so insane you know what I'm saying like for someone to make a million dollars is hard enough you have to like step on a couple throats along the way they make forget about it billion a billion there's a couple hookers in your pool under your pool whatever yeah there's definitely something at least several hundred immoral things happening yeah Sachs is not being Oh Apple is notorious but it's not just them and so every big I was watching CNN they're doing this whole clip about like God I just outed myself for watching CNN so anyway they're doing this whole thing about like celebrating that Apple made a trillion dollars and it's like yeah they're doing this whole thing about they were talking about in a very like glorious way it wasn't like they were doing party poppers and [ __ ] yeah counter on the wall but like I don't know what's the exact figure but they have evaded so much money tanks axes yeah like how many a trillion dollars how many shiny like I mean do it that's just Chinese lots of Chinese people going down for those phones I don't know what to say man lots of Chinese people are going down for those phones but it's okay because they're Chinese you are educating us we're newcomers to the trillion dollar industry what crickets that's all I need to wind us down here on the sound button I'm curious you guys ever worked like a normal office job like yeah you guys did what did you do before you were the sweetheart of YouTube worked at a nursing home seriously yeah from my heart no way what was your day-to-day uh dude stuff on the computer like take old people to therapy they're like pushing my route yeah you ever do any dirty work oh well you're not supposed to but like you member you have to do it cuz it's just like so much stuff to deal with and there's not enough people you know yeah it's really stressful I can't they're like I want to go on my chair and it's like don't touch old people you're gonna break their back if you [ __ ] touch a metal right it's like then they start getting it by himself like no you can't do that craziest thing that happened how long did you work there uh-huh not that one every more than a little more than a year what was the craziest thing that that you saw there ah one time I heard a lady she was like she would only she can only say like one thing she was like oh hey something I forget what she says she says I can name one friend Marcus hello Marcus and I could like this here like one time I was walking and I could just hear like really [ __ ] I opened up the elevator and she's just sitting in there by herself hello Martin I'm like oh [ __ ] she was like elevator that's such a hard job yeah that's kind of sad yeah I'm Jin they're probably not that long that's so much some must have put her in yeah elevators just you know does whatever the [ __ ] at once okay other people trained professionals actually yeah I think you have a motivation yeah Nursing gonna that's a tough thing dude yeah change it a grown person like up yeah damn that's a thankless job yeah like that takes a lot of compassion to take up human [ __ ] out of a diaper not a chat not your own child you didn't take any [ __ ] out of diapers no I was I had probably the easiest job in that whole building and you know it's pretty stressful yeah what about yeah mine a few things like well since high school I had worked at like a convenience store basically well it was technically a co-op but like they just sell a lot of like food and snacks and stuff I don't know I worked there on and off for like four years I guess but just I would like go like to college and stuff for the semester and come back and work so it wasn't like full-time ever but yeah and then the most recent um job I had was at a bakery like a patisserie actually I was just like in the front sometimes that would help with like decorating stuff or whatever they needed help with Dubay not really it was like a Frenchman that I have a degree in French so yeah ya know like I didn't have like you know any kind of job to do with that so that was kind of like there were customers who would like speak French with me and like the pastry chef spoke French and stuff so it was just kind of like you know that's kind of how I got into that job do you still work are you guys no I'm well I run in the online store dancin that how every how recently were you doing that the bakery job when was it it was like yeah I'm talking that you had like yeah it would've been the winter before last yeah and the only reason I quit was because they shut it down they were like yeah it was so weird they didn't like tell us anything leading up to like shutting it down they were just like we're gonna have a staff meeting like on Friday like everyone has to come oh that's and then he was like so actually it shut down and that's the last well you know throw it to a break when we come back we've got no Your Meme coming up it's gonna be insane don't go away that's right good job see you guys soon thank you to you to me for sponsoring this episode of the H Street podcast guys that matrix is no longer a fantasy because with you to me we are plugged right the F in okay these guys are the largest learning marketplace they've got courses really excellent courses on everything from comic book drying to programming professional fields whatever you can dream up they've got courses for you you don't need to go to 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me on this one guys get quit welcome back everybody to another episode of know your me special episode because our guest the feature is one of the same that is right video game dunkey sits with me today is going to be the subject of no you're mean how does that feel how do you feel to be part of the show so i'm going to be on this thank you this is probably the best thing in my life congratulations that's great love to hear that it's really hard for me to host and VJ you like you guys I've got one help me on this I'm gonna stick with it we're gonna do this we're gonna get this right okay crickets on that this is the one I'm really excited about I want to do like this where you hit the left track and it stop is really fast know your meme that's right let's go to our first caller oh thank you Dan appreciate that Steve is on the line Steve hello and welcome to know your meme you're on the air hello how are you doing there we look guys hey what's up Andy bin how you doing where you from who are you anyway I'm from New Jersey um you know just just a boy out there trying to live absolutely absolutely we know that so Stephen tell me are you a fan of video game donkey I am well you passed our screening test in our intern gave you he endorsed you greatly and so with that being said I think you're ready to play Know Your Meme all right there we go tense music is beginning Stephen music he together oh we got what is donkeys favorite video game is it a mario 64 be bookworm adventures deluxe or see ocarina of time Steven Wow take a moment you know I thought I thought it would have been I thought it would have been act 2 or super mario brothers 2 but they're not off you see then we've got a mario 64 be bookworm adventures deluxe or see ocarina of time gonna be well with or is it be we're gonna go with in Super Mario 64 what was that Super Mario 64 Super Mario 64 and the answer is and it was neck - actually Mario 64 so dunkey I would have guessed ocarina of time but that would have been wrong but it's Mario 64 through and through yeah I guess I guess your answer basically any Mario game is it's all right question stuff one you didn't even he knows yeah Steven let's move it on to question two you're on the board you've got one point how you doing feeling good I'm feeling good I'm ready to go all right bring it to the tent what is video game donkeys favorite dish is it a spaghetti and meatballs spaghetti and meatballs now Steven I haven't finished do you want me to continue with the choices or you really want to lock that in music music good getting a little cocky here Steven all right I'm gonna lock you in you just wanted to say it you got the LS here lucky so here I like is it a spaghetti and meatballs B tacos or C pizza getting me pot now I'm a little nervous actually I was doing it maybe deeper than the me maybe it's maybe it's not spaghetti and meatballs well Steven you would probably yeah there's other options than a I'm gonna stick with my answer is spaghetti and meatballs even after you saw how they push back on me as I drag my pension is it spaghetti and meatballs oh [ __ ] no no a man a few words you lose what is the real answer it was tacos the whole time he's your superfan you may know that yeah you may you look like a taco guy what do you like on your tacos what kind of tacos you like wine for don't tell me about your dream talk okay we're gonna have some ground beef on there some lettuce cheese oh then I'm gonna put some salsa on out whoa what kind of salsa some fresh salsa possible with the sour cream okay black emollient okay if your favorite fruit is tacos why don't we just buy Mexican food for dinner your hearing comes do it yeah you know what I'm saying yes you do you usually just eat Mexican food when you're here because you love Mexican food since we've been here really he loves them even the beans we call them breakfast nachos and rap you know what I do though have a twist I asked him to put the chips on the side cuz I don't like when they get so soggy he has a rule never ordered delivery nachos oh yes mark that's a fool there's nothing sadder than a sake soggy nacho from here for me isn't it general just a general tricking thank you let's just get Mexican food you [ __ ] with any other Mexican dish let's get back to the game you will you [ __ ] with burritos quesadillas you your taco man strictly um I do it on your Mexican food number-one cuisine why don't you guys live in LA your Mexican food boy have you been in Mexico Steven what's your favorite cuisine oh man that's a tough one you know honestly my answer is tacos you knew went for spaghetti meat remember it's about a real man behind the moon you gotta get through the layers here if you know when do you like second maybe do it yeah do you like squealing meatballs even not really no it's really it's really on the chef you know you gotta you gotta bring that dead spice you got to bring that a little [Laughter] we're all we're all right there with [Applause] all right so what are we at we have one point on the board okay what's going yeah we got to make that so Steven let's go back to the tension music we got one point okay we got one strike not the word a lifeline well he's got three tries to get two more okay he doesn't have a lifeline but chances are he's gonna win this phone yeah yeah yeah you know what I mean we like to do favors but if you if you miss all of them there's not much I can do for you I mean I assume you want this brand new Galaxy S nine plus as a thousand dollar phone top of the line you want this really dealer it isn't the best phone on the market and Samsung wow what a great company love them a lot Jason looks like he wants one do you want this phone I get it okay action rising question number three what race is donkey a Puerto Rican be black or to see white it comes down to this right I'll let you know what be on deck your time your I see you're in it I want to hear your thought process poor Rican black for white alright well my thought process is the meme is black so the me me answer would be to answer black right mmm-hmm and to be honest if they could just be honest I can't I did think that you were black when when I first started I totally was disappointed a little disappointed I'm being honest when I found like this is a white guy so I don't know if I should answer white or black well no I'm not looking for a real true yeah a real answer yeah it's not if I would I would have to go like wait boom what is the real answer uh black obviously do not have eyes he's a black man actually the real answer is Puerto Rican no oh boy no it's why you have two points you're on the board you are looking really good that was a tough one yeah yeah that had me stressing I wasn't sure what the answer was and I have answer in front of me all right these last two are honestly so easy if you get the if you get I don't know let me play the music now here we go what game did dunkey get famous playing that later banned him and has since rapidly declined in popularity to almost complete obscurity a game no one cared about or plays today what is the name of that awful forgotten game that is falling off the face of the planet and as basically zero players what is the name of that game there is there is a zit csgo a B League of Legends it's almost as if I forgot the name of it or co2 till we get to the best part of the fog [Music] I'm Randy Wiremu be up there what'd you say League of Legends League of Legends it's almost as if I barely you know yeah in a way it's like who [ __ ] like do people still play that game though I mean seriously yeah yeah only in like China right well they don't have like DJ counted coming anymore right overwatch got DJ college money now but like you used to be known for playing league but now I feel like that's ancient history like doesn't that feel good that you got away from that kind of videos yeah yeah was that I mean were you thinking about getting away from making those kind of videos for a long time or was it just like they were dicks and you [ __ ] off kind of like a rest this isn't what I was for the basket he didn't he was just that like I was really scared that he was gonna like weird drastic change right away but he's just like well I was scared too the truth is like well there was a bunch of people who were making League videos but that's kind of like a dead thing now isn't it it wasn't really like it's on the downhill yeah stolen but they don't Sega Rises can you say rise and by the way Steven congratulations to you we don't even need to read the fifth question which frankly isn't really a good question anyway we need three yeah you're a winner brand new Samsung Galaxy S nine plus what phone are you currently using I'm using an iPhone and it doesn't work very well send us back of the suspend back thank you for calling in Steven Wayne thank you for being a great contestant good job and pursuer of dunkey mythology hmm thank you so much make sure you stay on the line all right love it I was talking with you guys before know your man which by the way so much fun that was scared you know you shown the line jeez God all right you keep messin with this guy for Stephen we had like that funnier ice cream you know yeah I'm like they keep giving you the ice cream and flippin eventually you just at what point do you just walk away from that situation because it is familiar I would have probably left early yeah well not from this no man nice you know we talked about you know let me treat you like trick I guess but I think you know what you're getting in bold you mode you call that ice cream prankster ice cream like Street like okay funny thing it's always like I know you guys are talking about really I gotta find it ice cream trick like an ice cream truck guy just [ __ ] with people dude this [ __ ] [Laughter] you know by the time it's been in this pocket it's been on so in short that's what that's how what we weigh I'm trying to yeah I know any much funny yeah it's good gotta love those ice cream gentlemen a parallel universe but do you think you could pull that off I feel like you're a scream gentleman and I care little universe we're talking about dinner I didn't know you're so passionate about Mexican food I'm very passionate about Mexican food yeah yeah your taco taco master he knows how to make really good salsa yeah dude what nobody say nobody knows that's like that's like like a desired skill among [ __ ] well I so I have one specific salsa I'm very good at the red and all this mystery stuff I'm not very good at but I make a great avvocato green salsa that is excellent but I'm thinking we should just order you know I'm saying get some nachos you can't order nachos no nachos unless you get them to chip Sempron all right nachos with chips separate that because mixing order but I was just talking about how this morning I'm so tired I woke up because I've been preparing for you guys's visit last time you hear we had we cooked dinner it was so much fun great Ethan's amazing chef you guys were loving it we have made it sounds like you gotta make it it's so fun cooking for people who are like appreciative I was like damn I'm gonna pull all the stops for these guys so I was think games while I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning I baked chocolate chip cookies you can smoke up your ass these are insane and I was gonna bring some for the guy the guys yeah but I was like not enough cookies honestly and I and I bring that up I bring that up because I want you to know that you guys are so cookie but the new thing I'm working on is baking yeah I'm working on learning how to make sourdough bread oh yeah you tell me about that and it's like it's so intense and it's so time-consuming you have like a good starter I made a my own starter okay from scratch nice I think it's in a good shape what made really good Brendan last Friday it was like professional well I have made two breads one was great one was like perfect the first one the second one was of literal brick but still good was like you could it was good yes first bricks got me the flavor is very important it was good texture was off so I can't wait I started getting that starter yeah bread is like my favorite food I did anyway I bro the dough I proved it proved it some more it's in the proving basket now it's in the fridge this one because the the starter was bubbly and I see a rash it was like really good smell and texture and this morning I was kneading the dough and it was just looking really good and so I did a little twist because I didn't want to over prove it mother what proving people don't know is when you leave the dough out for several hours and the yeast eats the flour so it starts to rise and make it fluffy and turn it sour so it does all the magic so you prove it I didn't want to over prove it so I popped it in the fridge that's the twist good I don't know if it's gonna work but it should know if I buy in today is terrible I really like it though it's so wholesome cuz ela is like the pickiest eater ever she loves bread and the bread here in America is so bad yeah I have no problem with them bread here so just a roll but so yeah I want to see it plain bread no the bakery I worked out was also a sourdough bakery like specifically sorry no nice yeah so I got a lot of free bread there so the thing that that we particular here I mean you uh is that there's so much sugar like if you go to the store yeah bakeries have got it going on generally like in a good way but at the store it's like I've noticed you'll get a hotdog bun and it's got 6 grams of sugar in it yeah I don't know we try to buy like local bakeries that's sweet yeah we don't really have a bakery so you guys are on the you guys are killing it on breads well we try that the grocery store they don't even have like local bake like bakeries stuff at your grocery so there's always they're always dry yeah almost rouse like Ravis makes their own bread and it's like you know the rouse lady she doesn't really care what's going on in that low thanks to you know what I mean yeah not like a bakery not fresh it's not like artisan they're [ __ ] around back there they don't think they don't think it's Sarah Manning on the ceiling don't take it on my hands so doesn't stick I'm neat I've needed this dough I don't think they're doing that definitely not doing this on is coming up I'm in the kitchen I'm downstairs sweating oh my hand is unusual because I knew you guys were calling I wanted to you know I want to do the right thank you but the question is now that I've learned that you're such a Mexican food fanatic which I appreciate so much is do because I was originally planning to cook some filet mignons I don't know I'm gonna give you the option I think this is you guys kind of a side conversation I'm in the food god I hope you like my bread coz your seems like you're in deep in the bread world so this is gonna be a real test for me yeah I'm gonna eat it plain I'm gonna eat it with butter I mean we're prepared you're not we love please we bought butter salted of course French yeah very nice and jelly fats and cream cheese obviously yeah yeah I don't usually have cream cheese on bread you know it's a killer wine it cream cheese and jelly I've had that a sandwich that's right it's really good so back to the meats because the bread was that sorted no you look what yeah we're we're one course down don't jump the gun okay so I think that my specialty is definitely cooking steaks so I can do that but also I mean Mexican food can't go wrong can't go wrong steak talk you could you can very yeah you can very go wrong there's a lot of bad places so if we order there's a chance it's gonna be bad it's probably gonna be good dance because that's what I'm yeah okay oh yeah Mexican food in Wisconsin no that can't be that is there good Mexican food there's some good people out there are they Mexicans yeah okay produce is not as good that said no Dan are you speaking to Mexican food in Wisconsin dan yeah I might be speaking out of turn cuz I mean I've never been to Wisconsin [Laughter] by the way I like their urgency of you to send me a damn thank you know [Laughter] sometimes it's a sin yeah you have interesting video almost yeah if people are listening to this if anybody's left Leslie with this they're gonna love that idubbbz made a really great video about like burrito density did you see that it's so good video analyzing the content of burritos in San Diego and it was like so [ __ ] great opens up the brew doesn't analyze is so good that's dedication moments the conclusion well he was analyzing like three different major chains and like if they're making them right sometimes Believe It or Not they put french fries and Rios oh you throw mint no you know uh you know you got yeah you're like burrito burrito we got burger we go we go yeah that sounds like some yeah sounds like some whiskey and that's so tough so do they put ketchup in it like my nightmare if it's really dedicated to being a hamburger I have a problem with some french fries in there that's not okay no it's a wrap it's just a wrap yeah it's just a wrap it's if you call it a wrap it's much easier for me to handle [Music] I was like I will not eat that like I'm still gonna try it and he got it he was like you can do it so the mistake camp I'm the same way oh I hate it and I'll eat it Ilana they I don't I don't even touch it yeah that's why we look like Miguel I'm actually I'm not kidding I eat two portions of every meal or like one because she's happy it's pretty event I end up starving if I if it doesn't look perfect to me yeah not that anything it's not that I want to do it I just can't like I can't eat it I hear you it's just you know you're built from a different cloth I have a problem of my food falling apart and then it's too messy for me that's a problem at the restaurant like the waiter is going and I'm like here give me that like she was all done with that burger and it was like the whole burger was still there with all the stuff and I like had my whole plate is clear I'm a give me that and right when the waiters I'm just taking her old plate and start shaming that yeah I could look funny you're like an abuse like a abusive food hoarder your time is up give me a birthday surprise I'm sure I do that Fela but like i i'll i i can hate and eat so easily i'll not even like it and it's bad for me and it's super high-calorie i'll [ __ ] eat that [ __ ] before you look blinks that's the worst on this like this bed with a taste bed and it's also there were youth at its source that's what disney is all about it the corndog you know the strange like combo or something like it on a corndog i felt pretty bad about that well not according acts but a second two thousand cows oh yeah oh the leg no I got a I did get the leg by the way oh you got one okay okay this says 400 calories I'm here to say that's a [ __ ] outright lie whole [ __ ] that is a outright monstrous lie this corn dog is the size of the threader oh yeah I gotta find out I got to get to the bottom of this can you guys find out what's the calories not man Steven Fortin that's a monstrous [ __ ] yeah it's like this big like for anyone who has not had it's and it's deep-fried corn it's awesome I feel like that's 1,200 calories oh yeah do you guys hear about there was this mega bucks jackpot was 543 million bucks no damn so this was like a huge jackpot in California and 11 employees at one store all went in together on tickets and they won so basically all the employees at this one place are now overnight worth like 60 million in piece I was just thinking like that place is going out of business but everybody's [ __ ] gone it's such a funny situation it's like this what its gonna be like funny to think like that they're all playing the lottery so they can never see each other ever again these [ __ ] guys eleven of them yeah that article says every single one of them said they have no intention on quitting get real what do they I really love my job as a receptionist I'm worth 18 million dollars now and I have no intention of leaving my job as a receptionist some people really like going out to work it's like I know my mom is like that like on on Saturday she can't in Israel you go back to work on Sunday so on Saturday she can't wait for Sunday like I've never heard anyone say that they only have one day uh-huh yeah she says what she always says I can't wait for Sun they're serious that amaura different different alien race what the hell is she an alien right there you think if your mom 129 million US dollars she would work at Delta still I feel like she would say that but I wouldn't believe it no effing way like all these guys I think they need to follow up with them in like two weeks out there what's that check it's the bank 29 million just really financially conservative a option all 11 of them have this option between they can receive 18 is this right then 18 million per year a 1.6 million per year forever or a measly 29 million pop take the 1.6 right take the lump alumni I love all day I think I'd like to belong because I don't trust take the money and run yeah inflation take the money and run I don't want anyone own me money I take the lump every time here's no it's just gonna win the lotto I'm not ashamed to admit it I bought four tickets I dropped ten dollars on that beer like tons of tickets probably they probably pull it in and bought a bunch just like for the only a handful that's a cheap bugs bucks apiece 11 people so 22 bucks they probably had a decent okay god that's crazy have you guys ever played lottery you ever buy ticket and just fantasize what if you were like a millionaire overnight never really no my mom used to always do this thing where she buy when the lottery got big she'd buy ticket and then from like the whole week she would just talk about fantasizing about it for the whole week like I would move and I would do the kitchen this way and like really extended banner so getting you excited wow maybe we are gonna win really I don't know if you know and that is here is it just like a ham p.m. I got a guy yeah but yeah yeah so they they did the lottery there and I just remember all the old people going there and like placing their bets and they're so serious about it there's like combos and right I'll do the X and there's like the X combo and right I don't know I mean even though it's completely random I know people that win are you both there is that like they're doing their exam it's been three days it's the seven was the first number can you imagine though the amount of money to win is so obscene half a billion dollars for literally doing nothing it's hard to that's why the jackpot is so hot cuz so many people and bought into it you know overnight one of the richest people in the world how does that even what are weird that's how it works they just they make money by people buying tickets makes the jackpot larger it's actually the law I always win obviously the lottery a lottery every night I'd say the lottery is an interesting thing it was I don't know where I learned about this but it was made to be a public service so like it's like a voluntary tax literally that's how they thought about it it originated in like Japan and so you would be like give us a buck have a chance to win a prize but the money goes to civic services so like they used the lottery money to fund schools and local [ __ ] and that's still what they do today select the California Lottery is a is a public fund used for the benefit the welfare of the good it's a so like it's a California State Lottery so it's run by that because I've seen like you'll see like an auditorium and it says it's a voluntary tax it's literally a voluntary tax pretty cool growing up my dad always would tell me it's the idiot tax whenever the jackpot was huge like it was on this one he would still go buy a ticket well my brother explained it to me of mr. science he goes at a certain point when it gets so big you're actually statistically a favorable bet you know I mean let's say you have like a 1 and 10 million chance of winning and so usually let's say the prize is 5 million bucks and you buy a ticket so that's not a statistically good say if you put $1 and you stand to win half a billion and all the sudden yeah yeah maybe there's logic there yeah wait if you don't play no one wins nobody went oh I have a great video about the lottery I want to watch with you guys well there's another story I want to talk about just cracked me up vanilla almond breeze almond breeze you guys drink almond milk yeah well you don't you'll be horrified to know that it's being recalled because there's actually a trace amount of the real buck in it some other day I was I had a port a big old bowl of [ __ ] Honey Smacks like this cereal that I know I just picked it for some reason like oh I'll have Honey Smacks and I'm like we're driving home from Milwaukee I'm like it's [ __ ] crazy radio stations like on this goofy hip-hop station like DJ Fresh yeah they just recalled Honey Smacks it has salmonella Salmonella you thought I was gonna sell Manila no but it's not [ __ ] hilarious they're making almond milk the milk alternative and somehow real milk is slipping into almond up how does that happen like your one mission do not have milk idiot they're recalling 145,000 half gallons of almond milk because they could contain actual milk why there's no information about why actual milk got into the almond milk yeah try to dig into it and just nobody nobody has any excuse it's like a great mystery just cracks I happen I just love the idea of somebody going to buy almond milk cause they're like a vegan or something and there's just a trace amount of real milk mm-hmm it's like a local banks they're like hey Adam disgruntled worker just a little milk that's like that's not like a little mistake that's like like a [ __ ] like a month of [ __ ] how long does that go on yeah I don't know they're recalling a lot of milk and why does the almonds have to pay for the you know I'm a I'm a nice defenseless almonds are going down with it Jason was freaking out about the cereal he thought they're like rubbing raw chicken on the cereal wasn't it cooked like it touched like every piece of the sea really like yeah some 30s guy at the factory who probably takes his [ __ ] cooks chicken without washing his hands and he's handling the smacks like it's goop it's got raw chicken goop in your smacks oh man half a ton of videos to watch Jesus we're all over the place talking about our dinner plans thank you for reminding me we're doing both right I think I'll get steaks and we'll order [ __ ] Mexican food dude this is gonna be so good we got cookies I'm gonna make cocktails you guys like Moscow Mule yes we just got the tin cup we got fresh brass re they like the artisan bread and wake up at 5:00 and the cook you bread you look sorry they sound like a hipster well I'm literally sweating as the Sun rises kneading dough thanklessly I think that is really hipster of me speaking of the law it was really nice to wake up and have a fresh cookie have a wait smell chocolate chip cookies waffle is gonna expect this it's a one-day thing you guys are the sweetest couple ever do you guys fight about anything ever laughs like what disagreements like stupid no yeah but then we just like laugh like if we look if we like make eye contact then it good like we're good like really is seriously gonna try to like look at you trying to make yeah maybe if we like separated and like went in separate rooms or something we could like have a bigger fight but we never almost like you want to fight more like you're working on a fight have you guys like had a fight but you're not maybe if we Jason maybe if you went in that room and I go around each other text alright let's let's watch this beef meaning you always fight about food pretty much not anymore that you see earlier it used to be all we fought about like what you telling her to eat her like where do you eat cuz ela I don't know why we argued so much about it because like it's hard it's hard - yeah I come from like my mom usually cooks all the time so growing up I only ate at home so I ate I hate eating outside and Ethan and grub the opposite Ethan ate how it like every time all day right that's as I understand it yeah that's kind of the thing so that is why we would have a lot of like I wanted to eat out yeah you don't like getting out you don't hang out but we don't really argue about it it doesn't matter anymore I've learned to get home check this out speaking of the lottery story is about a moment was after barb Reddick and her nephew Tyrone McGinnis picked up their big win 1.2 million dollar chased the ACE jackpot but it didn't take long for things to turn sour when both were handed separate checks for $600,000 JC ace waiters is going to court I've taken him to court it was Marty but I bought the child and trying to lawyer say I said split I said split with the 50/50 not with no JC ace I'm taking him to court I'll get my lawyer both names are on the winning ticket the medic says he agreed to split the consolation prize and not the jackpot if the ace was drawn I put his name by the thing I told him for good luck now he's lying but I'm taking it to court I'm serious I'm getting the lawyer tomorrow I put his name for good luck and I want name work do you got the good luck like Dan get a little [ __ ] money you always hear these stories of you know family's falling apart over this but like over the course music keeps the money how is he gonna enjoy it now he's out he's [ __ ] peace now that's 600 that way what is she by the way this oh I don't know where they live like I'm sooo many where expensive like what is this lady gonna do with six hundred thousand bucks and he's gone she's gone he's going to make plans together I guess you're right redo the kitchen could cost you anyway I thought this was interesting just like Dan yeah a couple bucks that's a quick turnaround yeah because he's like a son to me he watch it's almost like she wishes she didn't win because then it's like she'd almost rather that they didn't win and then that they were still like friends like it's ruined her life what are they gonna do it's like you just won $600,000 wouldn't you get in and out spend half of it on attorneys on the winning ticket the phone number was mcginnises Brittany's curly says she called to notify the winners no one answered so she called a porn mm-hmm it doesn't get better mm-hmm you got all the good stuff I mean I've got some other stuff here but we really boss we really you know spent a lot of time on the food which I don't have regrets tell me if you want to watch me of this stuff I'm good we can wrap it up some stuff but I've got Christian mom upset by north-north have you seen that that's an investment yeah that's not I don't want to wait with yeah it's an oldie because that was kind of related to you writing your own hip-hop song all right so I'm gonna put on the Bremen so she heard this song by Vince staples called north north on the radio by the way a great song but as far as hip-hop songs go it's really not the worst one not even close yeah I mean it's got a message right feeling yeah anyway she's having like a mental breakdown that I was playing on the radio and the best she reads the whole lyrics to the song with the best part is that because she literally reads every single lyric they were able to mix it up so she's at some unis at there for like 12 minutes reading and cries yeah it's very [ __ ] you thirsty these grandmas right with you baby just don't move too fast I'm too great man down from the entropy mobile shaded take a [ __ ] mind off Matt me I love her she dropped that and we applied indiscriminately every mode know the difference sandiana Browns like the soap daddy shoe region hello I don't even know if I pronounced that right then that was the first verse this is the main chorus says I ain't never ran from nothing but the police Vince staples had the best response I don't you thought he was like he's like I agree he's like your reactions right like that's the point of the song it's a good day you feel that way cuz it's so [ __ ] up like that's right you're getting the right reaction society is so messed up listen to the music we really don't need to watch all this it's great okay it's got a lot of it's got a love lore surrounding it on the radio or something the fact actually the fact that the little baby's behind her she's saying it word for word it's the same thing it's actually worse on the radio you don't really catch all she's like I can't believe my kids are hearing this on the radio and she's they're dropping and bombs and I was awful shut invasion new video like people don't really get how it works you know old white people no I don't really good like that it's like from a character trying to figure out I think everything is like like literal like right says in the song I shot this guy they think he literally shot the dude right yeah oh my god did the police looking into this yeah so we got prank invasion new video moaning edition let's check it out pretty bad enough there's a seizure addition as well solid as you can imagine different beaters crazier yeah since ours are his piss oh yes Asian yeah he's off the map pretty much I mean he's got kissing my fans nursed edition couples edition whipped cream addition I think moaning edition you're gonna you're gonna really enjoy this one morning how does he think about it by the way he's he's been working out a lot more veins yeah way more rapey he's looked at pong but like he's more imposing now like if he wanted to like rape me or dominate me you know I'm saying like heat you like you're giving him that [ __ ] kiss but the music never changes something's changed you see these biceps give me like a really weird in creepy way and see what happens as always let's do it as always it's a really quick game of rock-paper-scissors if I win I get to give you a really quick kiss okay here we go forget the hopefully [Music] at this point is this is not just comedy why just to see what he just sounds like he's having like a epileptic seizure is that what it sounds like all right Chris don't get my video demonetised isn't the same noise each time or does he do like a little different quick kiss okay here we go okay rock paper scissors one more time here we go rock paper scissors I win come here as always [Music] [Music] the seizure I think he's really just wrong you know he knows I'm having a laugh I'm sure this is the part that weird he's parodying himself exactly like we made that one video you know uh a closer look yeah and now the lion was getting so blurred that I was actually starting to enjoy watching his videos cuz they're so like the moaning one like it's you watch it and it's so stupid you know like there's a weird transformation going I feel like if he keeps following the thread of so obscene so stupid that he could really be on to a new way of entertainment yeah and somehow it makes it girly the same way good but I you know probably are you buying that it's set up you know it's just so I paid so there's one here let's watch this last one this one I saw it loved it how to stop cyberbullying it's a big issue facing all of us today on the Internet as you guys know you work on their night live on the Internet have you guys ever had problem with cyber bullying all the time yeah yeah me too it's tough on overwatch and some guy was yelling at me about something alright I was scared what are you doing that point he's literally a helpless leave I leave the house I have a hole in my backyard laying when I get so well anyway this we have a helpful tip for you on cyber bullying I think the best advice I received to cyberbullying the way that she phrases it almost sounds like she's gonna get tips to the cyber voter I would get to sign her believe [Music] [Laughter] and I was a great advice yes she's getting cyber bullying now ironically let's go eat some dinner everyone go love your mum everyone love so guys thank you for all tuning in and watching and enjoy sure uh that Wow hold it together for another minute we're almost done uh the next month is looking pretty good yeah Dan what do we got we've got Jenks that's a guy jacksepticeye in a couple weeks and then Bert Kreischer after that and then this one's pretty big we got Tim Heidecker coming on the 31st which had a siren what enough boost em hidin him freak really cool hat occur yep ya know with it and then the week after that we got a Adam Corolla so Adam Corolla also very cool thank you and possibly well I won't say it cuz it's not confirmed but right hey we got a great lineup Jules yes so next fight is probably just house all right X Fridays just us having fun with the sound boards you guys are not gonna want to miss it and with that bank focus guys thank you so much for watching hope you have a great weekend so Joel love your mother guys have a great weekend they care yourself happiness is number one you got to do what's good for you in your life you mindful be aware of everything that you're appreciative you know you know constantly don't take anything for granted Blake of I could all go away I mean seriously you don't you don't want a list out of that I think the audience will like if he does all right end it then save us from ourselves [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,316,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dunkey, video game dunkey, vgdunkey, vgd, leah, leah bee, leahbee, vgleahbee, h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein
Id: VQQ1hb8ABzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 15sec (6315 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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