IT TAKES TWO (Complete Series)

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play yes wtf oh you love these you love to see them oh [ __ ] it's installing origin no oh for [ __ ] sake let me in let me play let me play i want to come here now you have to sign into your origin account which hopefully exists i love or i don't know my jesus put a cat dog gif on top of this [Music] do you need your menu narrated next to speech hell yeah these are excessive these are accessibility options i'm down for instance controls the button back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pop up a lot i have no idea it'd probably be safe to just change it [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] let's play i hope it's already updated chat broadcast or browser maybe you should have logged out and backend let us just broadcast tomorrow i don't want a remote don't want to why me why just me into the intro web with you you should broadcast me out yes yes oh i do him comes he locks oh don't i know it just a couple of [ __ ] he locks wow this looks having a good old time yeah just some frame skipping okay why not i've framed skipped the garbage out dear how was your day great the uh toaster broke and rose refused to eat her vegetables how did it go at the dentist the dentist don't tell me you forgot about the dentist appointment no i didn't forget what i thought you were that's rich coming from you brit i'm working tomorrow but it's saturday but you're a woman you're not allowed to do that you have to do that every week oh cody i'm not in the mood for this discussion again hey hey rose needs you know what they used to call me in college they used to call me lodi wait her name's rose too this is yeah and her cool divorced parents that we're divorcing divorce dude this rocks she's like i'm gonna get two christmases let's not tell her let's let's escape into the world of creativity let's wiggle all about i'm stupid mom and i'm stupid dad i don't want to divorce you oh i want to rip her floppy ears off her head does this game have ear tearing physics no i want to be the guy oh fine wow i don't want to be that thing just emasculate tomorrow i want to be the blue haired glasses feminist i'll be whoever i'm just chill man i don't care just a game okay so if if we all went to jail we know how that would play out what that is didn't assert yourself tomorrow that's how you become the woman and me the sigma male detached from it all shut up i'm trying to get invested i'm the sigma male of the jail okay invest right yeah and sometimes that means that uh we have to do stuff that isn't always very [Applause] put some uh confetti there after he screams that he decided to go a separate ways can i come play in my room can i sip on my milk come on can i feed me elephant milk dips it in the milk this is my favorite food thank you this is sad i love divorce loops no kid should be divorced from their parents oh that that's gonna fall and then it's gonna die just like your parents love for each other come on lyle no i'm joking it actually it actually rocks when you're back said she was gonna go play in her room but she lied she didn't run away see this is what a broken home will do to a child they'll turn them into a goddamn liar i never planned her there i bet this thing's full of spiders and such look at all those wood shavings those are toenails to help me now they have to stay together please jesus please book look it says here love is work see you have to work on it oh cut your arms off with these scissors well why the hell did you want to play this cause i uh wanted to piss you off i wish you could be friends again it says lovey's work you don't know what love is tuts she's not old enough to be called tuts yet okay we'll have one of those creepy countdowns until she's 18 but it'll just be to call her doing pokemon the movie logic yeah everyone knows tears are always magical especially dude that is [ __ ] i have [ __ ] wronged so many tears out of children they haven't done anything they have to be given willingly lyle i use that too hello wait she did voodoo on her parents yeah what a [ __ ] that would make me so happy to be divorcing if it caused voodoo a wretched offspring did voodoo did you teach a voodoo no did you teach her voodoo no why do you always blame me huh yes what the [ __ ] oh what is that that's weird why why does arms come out of his neck because he's coming to get you i mean or the top of his head or i don't know i'm confused whose idea was this a genius that's who's i've kept millions of couples and now i will help you too to get together again i'm down with this nightmare [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god you can't wake up here exactly she just tried to kill herself book so uh how do you wake up cody may you're here to fix your relationship we just fixed it yeah yeah we're uh divorcing it's all good no that's what what the book objects to the divorce fix your relationship your complicated problems can be solved by big toys for a day let's run away while he's speaking come on let's get to her she must know what's going on why would you assume that she's like nine you know what i'm saying she is a real human being that makes her smarter than toys mere toys we gotta get to that stupid little bangers oh this is nice you bet wow oh wow this is this is kind of funny this is kind of fun whoa come help i'm gonna help you yeah the controls on this game are like super smooth yeah this is tight like that booty hole look at me go look at me go don't worry don't cry don't cry dude don't cry okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming get a load of trey's on day over there with his plate of fun the [ __ ] uh they're alive what is going on here they're live what they're alive we're alive what's next um i think i'm a talking toy you are a [ __ ] i hate her [ __ ] head so bad i knew you'd have something to say about it a better head yeah what are these for oh there's little spark plugs but look over here chris i couldn't do it can we give each other a boost to get up on this no you can don't ever suggest that again oh you could do like a you can cling onto walls and stuff how far up walls can you jump like that you can only cling onto things with edges oh you can wall jump like marlow marlow yeah chris we're not working together sure we are the divorce is never gonna get patched up at this rate it's okay sometimes people divorce it doesn't mean you're a bad person or nothing yeah in fact divorcing is fun as heck what the [ __ ] is going on we're chasing down this living sentient uh jesus spark plug you got to use it to electrocute your daughter i'm invested i want to know if they get divorced or not ground pound oh yeah b has everything yeah there's ground pound there's mound lounge oh yippee come here you [ __ ] [ __ ] catch him twisted oh yeah you can just cling to that so okay whoa okay and you start sliding down yeah okay that's good that's all i wanted jesus oh uh you you can press uh x in midair and you do like a like a oh it's like it's like it gives you a little triple jump feature wow i like games with this kind of movement this is fun if i dash in here or sprint there we go there you go did that work yeah kinda good job buddy if you guys were little you'd be pretty confident i think little tommy a little well tomorrow yeah has experience i am little i am a little isle where are you going to slide down that okay we got to do something crazy here yeah you got to do something nuts oh god let's check it out oh yeah crown pounded there you go thunder and then we grab on jesus man where are we you're in the garage is crazy did you see my flip let's do it again oh we're not here to do flips we're here to divorce the faster we stop flipping the sooner we can divorce coming tommy yeah yank his crank there we go let's go yeah nothing like go away nothing like a powered ladder with four dedicated you did not heed my warning the pain is concentrated in our small bodies i'm nothing but nerve endings he is a cruel and angry god talk like you own her ask yourself can you really own the people you love you just let us through come on highway you must stay together in an unhappy marriage and force her to watch you fight every day what the hell is that it hates you personally i am the daughter shredder sorry looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner oh yeah because it is your vacuum cleaner yo vacuum this thing's eyes is making me sick this is cody you know they're too real suck up all kinds of crap in your stomach he came with me that's you you ruined my bowels with all that crap crap look i was just sucking up dust that was crap it was just a little bit of calm it was diarrhea not crap oh my god that's crap that's his plug his butt plug you call that just well i mean you know some of it it's so that's why it broke down it was your fault oh and you promised him you'd fix me thank you instead you put me away for life in here yes this is helping you now die your [ __ ] he fixed it he fixed everything [Laughter] jesus oh god why are you doing this to us because you two must learn collaboration that's not all strong points every one of these i rip out shortens my lifespan i hate this i hate the moral you don't even know the moral i know at the end they're gonna be like all we had to do was work together now we're a team and we do love each other how do you know that because it's [ __ ] obvious instant you see it how do you know that they don't get double divorced i'd be very kind of this whole experience traumatizes them to the point where they couldn't bear to spend another moment together yeah what if it goes back in time and completely erases their marriage and their daughter's existence yeah i know we're getting a divorce but we can't i know we're gonna get the force i want that one tiny clip cut out of context and spread around the internet oh oh god oh dude are you [ __ ] sunk in the swamp of sadness like that [ __ ] horse from the whoa is james ralph missing our tags james ralph meet doug walker oh yeah that's what i meant doug walker james wolfe would not miss our texts no james rolfe is a you are text my ass yeah a soulless and angry human being and james are all vortex ah more like aztecs i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing okay and we go yeah one of you can uh sit on the end of that oh right here oh i see you pull you lift it up that's so cool i like this see the problem here is you didn't say hey check it out it's my dick if you did that then it would work get up i can't get up don't worry i'll blow you no get up you fat little don't take that out of context no clip it don't even think about that and put it up no clip it and put it in response to something that totally doesn't warrant that oh yeah you gotta there we go okay now i ground pound and now yeah [ __ ] okay there you go and that'll reverse the polarity on this thingamajig see he's an engineer so i gotta go over his e does this all check out tomar oh this checks oh [ __ ] yeah not that kind of engineer but yes you're the expert oh i trust you everything's a lot unconditionally that little dash is fun yeah you get a good amount of like jump compensation uh oh that's gonna kill you that's gonna kill me you literally told him that that was gonna kill him as you did it and uh dude their [ __ ] house is stupid i guess we just need to do this again pretty much okay and we go yay oops there we go tomorrow everything will be okay now it sucks so i go back in like like ah there we go okay okay so now if one of us holds this one want me to do it sure there you go oh you're holding it i am oh wait wrong thing i just needed to walk inside that's so cool this is a nice little puzzle game let's get sucked dude [ __ ] yes sucking [ __ ] dude let's all go to a suck sauna and get sucked together let's go to the old the national sucking [ __ ] national second [ __ ] let's compete in a suckatholon bro the annual sucking [ __ ] don't worry i'll blow you your way so don't worry wait so if i could reverse this i could no no no you did it aim it the other way yeah nice things mustn't always be complicated tomorrow oh no it's still blowing cancel oh i gotta like create a current here that won't kill me i guess i gotta create one here oh we gotta turn it on okay and okay so i'm gonna do this you you go to this one hold this one no no okay yeah yeah okay i'll do this all right you do this and i'm gonna do this and then run to the next one yeah jesus you go to the next one oh my god got it interesting these poor little people they love solving puzzles no matter the cost this is the wackiest [ __ ] world yeah they're pretty zany wow [Music] they're having fun they're not gonna get divorced for sure you don't know that one day of fun will change everything okay i feel like a little tree sprite when i jump around like that you're preparing chris ooh that foam that looks so nice it does i'd eat that i'd love to pull like a big juicy rat out of that and [ __ ] smash its head with a broom handle you've got a nice ass back here dude thanks man give me some distance bruh no i'm gonna block your view okay i'll do it this looks dangerous i'm a toy and i feel fear now why the [ __ ] is oopsie is this this is the rugby broke your [ __ ] spine this isn't their garden shed this is crazy yeah right money went a lot further in the 80s maybe you wouldn't be stressed out over [ __ ] money if you didn't who wrote it in this case who wrote the sentence you wrote the [ __ ] story oh [ __ ] okay here it comes there you go here comes the airplane you didn't have to tell me your little blue haired [ __ ] jump all right do i have to find something cool over here yep babe help me get over babe i'm doing it i'm doing it i promise to give you all of my money in the divorce if you do it babe don't worry i'll blow you i made it over crap i knew installing these bongo pipes was a good idea i absolutely missed the these kinds of games yeah just like two player co-op like fun little stories yeah this this game is uh it's something special i think oh i guess there is this thing okay i'm gonna help you here tomorrow you gotta go and dash through in there go there you go there you go whew well done now you gotta do the same for me or now i gotta do you ruined him nice you ruined him for all the other girls why do you [ __ ] with me so much a dumb dude on purpose he's just pressing all of your buttons you bully me quite a bit oh i love microchips oh look at that it's pretty nifty is this what the inside of a computer truly looks like tomorrow sure why not is this what the digital world looks like i saw i post that showed a human brain and it looked just like this this has one trillion neurons of of cryo thought that is or slash mildly cryo cryothon it sounds real hey it's you my beautiful babe did you go in here uh nope i'm coming [ __ ] yeah the [ __ ] was that it just turns the light off don't [ __ ] do that i didn't mean it you must waste all the electricity i didn't mean it babe before the end of this night our power bill must be 46 million dollars what the hell did you do tomar i tried to crush a little box and it crushed me oh a lesson learned this scream is good it is oh no hats off to the show where you've gone at all he went up there i'm just done with your [ __ ] up where no you're going the right way oh my god okay jesus do not let that critter decide your fate only you can decide your fate come on come out she loves it i found you hello no no turn that on chris would you believe me if i told you that this very same game was made by the team that made that [ __ ] you know when you just [ __ ] prison one really yeah the way the way out thing yeah i hate that game that was awful i heard it was bad yeah that's i'm so happy for him they they turned it around i think good okay it's make that thing spin oh yeah that okay is that oh okay let's see okay you know i really that was a bad [ __ ] game see you can make a bad [ __ ] thing and then turn around and make a good [ __ ] thing i'm proud of him he got really hyper at uh at some i think he was at the game awards to be like i made the best [ __ ] game ever he had a sugar rush he was uh he was going crazy he's going bonkers quickly how did you manage i thought that was supposed to happen yeah i i think that's uh i think i guess i want to jump on yeah yeah yeah and over and then into the left oh i do that for you and then i get on it okay i guess so okay so you do this all right and then i would go you gotta go run over oh [ __ ] you must quickly come in here i advise you some time cool and then i do this wow okay and i go in here i like that that thing's sentient oh it sends you over there huh all right well i'll meet you i'll meet you there somewhere i love that you actually have to pay attention when you're in these little sections and it's not all automatic that's really good what the [ __ ] okay okay did that give you a hint yeah i'm supposed to i think i'm supposed to put these things into it yeah you are how do i do it i mean that's do you want me to tell you can you suck him up with it oh yeah he told you it started okay there we go oh you keep going keep getting them i love sucking i'm a bit of a clumsy oaf i think that's where it needs to be ah it's a wild one is it done yeah it's a platform for chris now oh all these roomba's everywhere okay now we can do this move this dumbbell together hey look to your left look to your left dude i see you look to your left dude look to your left dude what do you want you stupid i had jesus friend that had two roombas and they [ __ ] kept mating and he couldn't get rid of them i thought you're gonna say they suck to each other into each other at the same time yeah that creates a black hole if that happens you look stupid you destroyed my digestion and his self-esteem when you called him stupid that's that's one i demand you take it back oh wait i can still fix you i can make you work again no more no no no she's right she's an engineer a really good one you are you're very good just like you tomorrow hey vacuum are you really gonna believe that huh because i would not this guy is playing all sides yeah i don't like this guy at all this guy's like an arms dealer that keeps a war going just so he can [ __ ] shill his wares love is truly a fickle bastard he's like king seeker frampt he's an [ __ ] yeah you've replaced me with a turbo x 2 000 a pretentious french vacuum whoa the french can suck just fine thanks very much how does this fit thematically into the divorce story because it's something that they failed to do and it represents just a [ __ ] vacuum cleaner i've gone through like 10 in my life yeah the vacuum cleaner represents how they just throw their baggage away instead of dealing with a little health bar i was gonna say it represents their daughter's dreams and they uh destroyed them completely oh okay okay that was his area attack attention all vacuums have pre-installed okay so i want to get into this wait no aim that and then i'll i'll aim this thing okay yeah [ __ ] him up oh there we go oh oh come on i [ __ ] come on dude what the hell it's okay because i'll hang in there for both of us you know i actually really appreciate that this game didn't have like a [ __ ] revive mechanic because it seems like it would right like it seems like that would be like the obvious choice wait wait he told me all right there we go you're on it yeah okay but i i kind of like that you just revive yourself yeah because don't you [ __ ] do enough for each other already holy [ __ ] this is cool okay oh oh you [ __ ] killed him how do you like that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah now plug him into himself yeah black hole black hole black hole oh i'm not gonna suck at his eyes come on oh [ __ ] evil you [ __ ] monsters evil what jesus you offered to fix him and now what you've done yeah that's that's actually the most horrible thing you could have done to him [ __ ] he was rightfully suffering because of you and look what you did come on we have to find rose before she leaves you know i think we should stay married after that let's go suck out rosa's eyes that was great one eye for each of us we split them in the divorce why didn't you tell me about them litter right down the middle which plays with all kinds of stuff yeah i suppose so oh come on let's find why didn't you tell me our daughter was doing horrible voodoo because i taught it to her you use this place i'm kind of a male witch a mitch if you will everything looks different so that's why your name is mitch yes no version of reality my guy runs like ed from edinburgh he kind of does [ __ ] [Laughter] can i just shoot myself onto that wall is that shoot yourself under the under the wall babe there we go i've got an evil fart brewing oh you better not unleash that that's just great if i smell but one single fart this day i quit yeah i quit oni plays if you fart chris yeah if but one single farticle you're telling me i can end this misery with one simple fart with one flatulate yes yes nothing and so the burden continues i know the way don't talk to me you freaking hammer don't do it if you help me save my friend and i'll sing my tool friend i want to pick up this little hammer taken care of but that human locked us up in her clothes and left you mean their real eyes are so freaky why don't you like them just not like something like a hammerhead a realistic eye is [ __ ] terrifying you wouldn't rub your finger against it and take like a layer of the the slimy film on top i don't think so put it on your breakfast you know how painful it is to die from rust it's like burning alive slowly i am in constant pain it's got like dog eyes this game has a lot of like awful dark concepts it does over there okay it's a deal pick me up okay now go to that big door over there now you have my tetanus gotcha okay here it goes whoa where'd it go just whistle what really do a little whistle i'm the hammer and you're denial are you freaking around really yeah so this is this is i think like the first like real point where i was like okay this game [ __ ] rocks be careful with that nail cozy okay i don't want it in my eye i love you oh my god pull it out of yourself i can't believe you did that are you ready this is like god of war look at this [ __ ] yeah it is whoa you can smash [ __ ] this rock of course i can okay so i go can you jump onto that i know what oh my nail i think that becomes a thing a little bit later in the level oh hammer this i think i nail it okay do it again there you go hey maybe we can swing off that nail maybe we're going to swing off okay or not wait what yeah only tomar can because he's got the hammer but i got the nail i don't how do i do it oh steady now go toe mirror oh thanks hammer go i'm sorry i had to do it bullying is fun okay okay okay and there's one over wait maybe i shouldn't have broken that oh okay i don't know you're good i can find you find cody oh gosh oh my god i keep seeing him in my dreams wait what am i doing i got two names i got a second one now this is nuts i'm coming i'm coming again again okay all right okay now you're understanding oh i see do it again so wait i think you want to cl oh yeah yeah oh you can nail it there you go there you go that okay yeah what a fun little idea yeah this level's neat oh my god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna spoil anything but like every level you guys kind of get like different tools do you get to keep them or not no from level to level they change weird i wish this was the whole game honestly this is cool it is pretty neat i don't know the next one is pretty cool too i haven't beat it beat it but oh [ __ ] there are no relationships without challenges challenges make you grow what is it with you can't you just leave us alone never look at my horrible drum so remember when you hear i want you both to enter an open relationship with me i will be the third wheel he's like now honey you can't [ __ ] a book cocked by a book [ __ ] once more oh shucks we haven't got time for this you [ __ ] [ __ ] i hate reading no way bring it on oh i'm going dude her back is gonna be so [ __ ] after all this so yeah you score points by staying out and tomorrow scores points by hitting you okay [ __ ] you dober this is the best game in the world oh my god jesus tomorrow [ __ ] homer you're [ __ ] kicking ass damn it damn it how come you get two and i get one it's not fair you really thought you could stand the test of tomorrow's cat like reflexes oh you're just getting lucky you ass now whose tail is in the door oh jesus oh tomorrow tomorrow you actually slayed holy [ __ ] so mark tell everybody about your big win at round one did you win baby i'm gonna win vegan round one i know you're talking the big ticket you won the big tickets you've never won a big ticket that's not even true like bring it out like i throw it and that's crazy this is this is like when people win the lottery and then don't tell their friends and family so that they can't turn into pieces of [ __ ] and mood shopping forever i don't want anybody getting a piece of my big ticket oh wait you got a second one i i've only got i've only got okay there we go there we go so we do this and then that come on tommy come on toby all right here i go there's the ticket you know how to stick it well done that's what the guy says when he gives you the big ticket you know what i stuck it okay and then i go sure game rocks now you can throw your nail in that these are like genuinely good puzzles yeah i mean they're not hard or nothing but they definitely make you go oh that's clever yeah no i i wouldn't consider this a difficult game by any means just because you guys managed to die eight times on that boss doesn't make it hard it's just like it just makes you stupid it's it's good brain stimuli yeah there you go i feel like i feel like my life has purpose when i play this game my life has porpoise it makes me thirsty for divorce okay i genuinely as a kid used to be like man kids whose parents are divorced they're so lucky why i don't know i think you i think you i think yeah yeah i'm gonna help you because then you don't have to like watch them touch or nothing and you get two christmases oh dover one and one of them one of them has a bigger house than the other one and then you can say that to the other one and the other one will start buying you wait wait okay basically my point is if you're a kid put a wedge between your parents love and uh you'll get things [Laughter] i'm i'm just [ __ ] around okay you did that the moment you were born don't worry [ __ ] around yeah never mind [ __ ] around [ __ ] around there we go get on this thingy coming i think i'm gonna be sick this guy's deliveries are great yeah i like it i like how he knows he's in pain that's scary jesus i just got you another nail oh okay you just gotta can you run out you gotta get to that platform and then say tomorrow go okay you ready ready yeah okay okay okay go that is awesome holy [ __ ] okay okay okay so i'm gonna help you out here oh great there we go i hope not sorry sorry sorry sorry okay okay okay okay and okay i don't want to do that okay i'm gonna do this one first and then you're gonna jump onto that and i'm gonna do the other you ready okay okay i guess so yeah go go go oh i gotta unseal me okay go okay oh you're getting it uh uh-oh okay so now you're gonna wanna do this one again and you're gonna go off that and jump onto the top one there you go and i go make it a day and i don't think you need this one no more no yeah let's just go that one and the one nice nice that was very good you do have pretty good teamwork i don't know about that i feel like a [ __ ] i hope i'm supposed to go here you know uh if you guys ever get a divorce you should totally call me you know if we get a divorce we should team up she falls [ __ ] madly in love with the hammerhead and then as soon as they grow back to regular size she puts it upper i don't think it's like that oh whoa looks like we're gonna don't kill me i please wanted to be afraid so this is a boss now holy [ __ ] okay jesus oh my god do not stand under that when it does that i would just hammer please oh my god oh my god yeah that was kind of brutal all right jesus my [ __ ] belly button their daughter is like my parents are on a cute little doll adventure now because of my voodoo don't die don't die don't die okay meanwhile they're going through actual hell i don't even know what the [ __ ] you're supposed to do in those situations yeah you i think if you grow back to normal size and your daughter does this to you you just get rid of her yeah i think she's one of those uh old people that looks young that gets adopted yeah wait are you talking about like the movie yeah don't die don't die oh oh my god i think you got it right here i'm gonna help you oh [ __ ] wait do it okay okay did you okay you got it up i did something oh [ __ ] maybe that's the ending that they agree on is that they stay together but they put the daughter up for adoption because she's horrible i didn't hate you i hated our kid oh now i guess that's what she was trying to teach us that's what the book of love was saying after all yes your kid is a failure you should sell her to the circus it's over hammer it please try and oh gosh you're on my try it you got to put a nail in the right thingy i need all my nails there we go okay we got it oh my god she's like complimenting you and she's scared to the floor there we go you know what this game rocks yeah it's pretty cool holy okay oh nail him nail him oh gotcha go [ __ ] i unnailed him i'm stupid i'm sorry okay he's gonna do it again oh no watch out he's launching more nails oh [ __ ] that's the most evil [ __ ] he's about to do his backhand all right nail him up and then i do this for you go go go oh there you go get him tomorrow smash smashes yeah [ __ ] him up tomorrow you [ __ ] rock i thought he's gonna just oh wow i love this guy oh you're not going to in a second oh he's not going to shoot us right he wouldn't do something he's going to put holes in the thing just a heads up this boss does get kind of [ __ ] brutal so don't don't underestimate him jesus oh my god what the [ __ ] dude this is insane oh i didn't expect oh my god you'll get it i'll come up tomorrow [ __ ] him up yippee i was gonna see if i could skip that you are my favorite nomar you are my favorite party yes i could never do it i could never do it i could never do microsoft yeah you look very good at it you got to watch your belly yep do the backhand thing get ready to he's doing it okay now pin him gotcha yes go go go now create the path of tomorrow fight a lock final you must walk the tomar's path oh wow we gotta get two i think that knocked his arm off whoa she's amazing you killed your hammer jesus oh my god you know what that means he has more brains he has thought more than you could ever imagine oh my god dude what's he gonna do what's he gonna go and do what is he gonna do oh no you guys get on oh go what hit the spray can throw all three nails damn it all right now you know what you're doing now we know what to do just throw all the nails next time yes sir yeah pull it back so you got it oh and also uh not to freak out oh my god oh my god this is crazy yeah there's no platform left yeah you don't [ __ ] around oh no oh what the [ __ ] are you supposed to okay okay get ready get ready he's gonna start smashing out okay go throw him off throw them all through him it takes ages oh no jesus two more and you should do it what the [ __ ] dude oh my god it's getting smaller this is insane what how is it this is crazy this is crazy what kind of nut designed this no no no no it's me the insane game developer and i developed this level he's gonna do the big one okay get on one more nail oh yeah oh my god now you gotta put him out of his misery you have to hold a pillow over him for the next five minutes hey look at that oh wow oh wow a stroke i'm having that's kind of horrifying it tickles it there you go thank you oh those sentient nails that is scary yeah all this is terrifying look at me you saved us from that rust and toolbox use me to smash your daughter's head in when you become big again we'll hold you to that what percentage does that guy look like me that dude yeah uh step on board more than half 60 65 he looks close enough you look zero percent like the girl thank you that was a favor he did you he expects you to thank him for that cut her cut her ankles cut her ankles just bite her [ __ ] achilles tendon watch her go down crawl in her ears and take control of her come on book of love you'll have to suck the way out of here out of me okay fyi there is only one door in this shed and one window good thinking man let's go to the window whoa dude he can [ __ ] grind like shadows sonic adventure you get soap shoe grind abilities oh cool you think you wouldn't so this is the best game i've ever played such a sense of speed book of love oh i didn't want to do that don't don't switch tracks there ah okay you're fine i'm not stupid dude it's fun being a little toy guy this is what i've been telling you it's how i this is what i've been telling you as a golem of sorts i was once a small ball of clay yay goodbye oh no i i cannot believe there's sonic adventure grinding in this game believe it baby we did it there you go you've caused an electrical fire in your house congratulations we're breaking all of the important stuff oh you did you did next you'll have to get into your mattress and burn all your spare money this is so satisfying wow whoopsie okay wow you need to relax tomorrow oh [ __ ] oh oh dear i think i got impaled i think i need you on the shovel with me or something oh okay shovel time okay let's bang it together okay ready oh that didn't seem right maybe you just needed to be you because you're heavier i i don't know about that uh yeah yeah we uh we need to find her oh yes i know we look like dolls but we're actually her parents ah i hate you as well here is my backstory i have seen all of your most low moments i have watched you [ __ ] every single night ew oh oh i look dead he's an empty house what's going on but you will forget to eat and then perish someone needs to mod this game and have them just [ __ ] and pissing themselves yeah frothing at the mouth and [ __ ] convulsing she was crying oh i know quite unusual for rose childs never cry childs tell us all this time smelling like my swine childs never cry oh wait a minute i know what happened it's a spell ridiculous cody we've got to apply logic oh yeah logic because you're [ __ ] walking uh we're [ __ ] wooden freaks don't even believe in spells okay i don't believe in witches you can't make me in a horribly miserable relationship with you you stupid [ __ ] wait what because she doesn't believe in spells they're [ __ ] wooden toys right now why wouldn't she believe in that alternative it's like then you get the weird crystal [ __ ] that like no i would rather take a woman that doesn't believe in spells you shouldn't believe until you're turned into a wooden toy then you should believe oh okay i see where your lines are mister i think it's logical i guess that's fair if the spell was cast through her tears then in order to break it we gotta put them back in her head we just gotta torture her to the point of crying you gotta pull her toenails out you gotta block her tear ducts find her and make her cry on us again find her and tell her we're divorcing the only way to reverse it is to cry from happiness you [ __ ] idiot do you know where to find her miss binoculars no but i can kill you no but i can magnify the sun's rays [Laughter] i could burn you to death you would stay dead permanently i know this to be so i hope we find a scorpion and your nightmare and social services will take care of the rest [Music] come on [ __ ] you what i do and never classify as helping i hate his purple glossy [ __ ] face it makes him so much more obnoxious come on come on take it whoa this is the new level this is the rope club this is rope town rope gimmick this here is rope county uh every game is improved with a rope i want to see the birds [ __ ] tomorrow did you know that hummingbirds die after one hour that's not true i've been watching one for far longer than one hour no it's a different one look at the size of these ants you telling me that the hummingbird christened jalapeno is not the same jalapeno yeah cause it looks like a jalapeno no it doesn't it looks like a bird oh it looks like jalapeno well it does look like a bird but it also looks like a jalapeno this is why no one talks to you anymore dude that's fair you always call birds jalapenos and eat them yeah ooh spicy it was there's a little there's a little hummingbird nest outside my house and i could just watch hummingbirds sleep it's very weird paper airplane this i think it's really cute they put these little ants everywhere yeah but you can't step on them and kill them why would i want to do that you wouldn't oh no i'm just letting you know this game is kind of like brimming with personality though isn't it yeah it's fun oui oh i found a paper aeroplane no the fact that it's dissolve is so nice yeah i wish my parents would i wish my parents would dissolve i'd like a swing swings are nice you could have one okay if that happens again i'm gonna be waiting for you at the wine opener i'll be there for you when lyle starts to roar [ __ ] right i had to use the double jump and the dash to get close enough so now actually i was going to be this gay did you see the friends reunion chris no i don't really want to did you see them become fr yeah you know what i'm [ __ ] tired of seeing geriatrics try to relive their funnest moments it's never gonna happen i don't know these don't work old and sad i don't want to see it no not at all man like i love friends he would have been better off dying i know than loving friends that's kind of harsh friends is good what's your problem i i meant then then landing where he landed tomorrow imagine this ross walks into the apartment ross walks in he looks in the camera hi like what's more funny than that he comes in he says i drinking sure now because i don't get enough calories that's that's what i want to see ross is the funniest [ __ ] fictional character of all time okay what are we doing what what is the point of these try to throw one through the window really i don't know i think it's just for funs okay go little plane damn almost got it you sure we're almost good at that hello just hanging around downtown by myself okay who lives in this it better be a [ __ ] bird a door in a tree now i've seen everything you gotta get to rose's room but can't you see how far away it is yes i can see how far away it is that's why we got to keep moving yeah maybe there's someone inside you can help us the keebler elves the game oh whoa whoa wait what are you she's gonna get railed by the elves come on it might be a shortcut to the house harvey weinstein comes out is this a shortcut or not oh prisoners of war everyone knows what mice do yeah great these real time graphics are actually freaking me out i wish i still had my cool hands so good yeah it is real nice looking it's got a nice style to it except her i hate her i wish she had a more uh smelly shader dad i have to tell you something it's important you're dead and i killed you goodbye have you heard of this book by um dr hakeem if you don't react to me i'm going to get a nail gun and nail your feet to the floor if you want you can borrow the book this is really sad her parents both went into a coma the day they told her they were divorcing sorry okay now i feel bad for her are you working for the wasps the wasps we know you're white we know you're anglo-saxon we know you're probably protestant do wasps [ __ ] with mice a lot this ain't working water boredom you got it chief wow oh no oh my god this is all this is hell this is [ __ ] scary they're being repeatedly murdered over and over again by wasps boss it doesn't look like they're on the wasps team soldiers that can't die i'm absolutely astounded by how much i like this i thought you would there's just like so much love put into it yeah and it just kind of keeps going it doesn't like stop to be like you must collect 50 feathers from the [ __ ] like it just does what it's doing i've never seen a character like this just a [ __ ] squirrel with his cut on his face you know it's really creative on one condition i get to [ __ ] your wife what do you mean why does everyone say that we are good effect we gotta run a full train book they always get one hour alone with her honey i think we should let them he's like what you're not supposed to work anything we're getting a divorce anyway what does it matter no mate that's our remote control [ __ ] drag the giant radio up their tree stealing everything yeah squirrels are fun what could they want with those i don't know you look good they worship them as gods wow they're making a little thingy you used to love that underwear you used to oh it's the maximo underwear or the ghosts and goblins underwear yeah you're stereotypical do people actually have those what the hearts i have a pair but they're capcom branded because they are they were like a promotion for some they're like a novice and goblins re-release yeah crash bandicoot all the great men in history wore those underwear george washington oh my god he's got like a glazed over eyeball look at that yeah because he lost it in the war that's so funny oh my god oh combined with a drill buzzer x 200. so you get the splatter and i get this oh this is the best game what the [ __ ] i get the cooler one as planned the wasps believed the robot was their real quick but instead of wiping out the wasps was seduced by its power and seduced so he was seduced by the wasps and ran the biggest train we've ever seen understood ah yeah sure but isn't there a more civilized way that we could imagine i need to see what happens need to know what happens to the squirrel people i say just get rid of these two and just like make it about the squirrels yeah i'd play the squirrel game conquer that is kind of a squirrel game isn't it it's the squirrel game the best squirrel game i mean maybe i i can't think of a better one squirrel stapler you believe uh don't bring up squirrel stapler sorry the squirrel hug i don't bring up that is there a squirrel in sonic you think there would be probably i i can't imagine there's not but i also can't i can't think of one screeches the squirrel fan characters don't don't care like how your gun is just like the nipple of like a water bottle yeah you've got you've got some wank and lotion on your back hey hey what now i guess it's time to kill some wasps what alone don't worry we've got weapons you mean these homemade squirrel diy drill baths are tapped shanky things you saw how powerful they are and i'm pretty sure two of those words were slurs ooh looks like we're separate pads now i feel like i'm in a bug's life or something wow oh this is so cool so uh that stuff sticks to things so oh like wait yep amazing now you're in the same place hey hello baby stop it you [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] gorgeous look at this [ __ ] yeah it's real nice [ __ ] you gotta run under the thing i feel like the like it with the with the exception of the things with the gross eyeballs it kind of looks like a pixar movie or something you know it's really amazing here run oh you got it okay i i feel like the book of love might not pass like a yeah like a focused test i didn't want to do that most of the other character designs might you're just weighing it down nice okay we got it all right now you shoot that one again too you guys are working so well together it's like you're really getting a divorce i always wanted to divorce my friend omar i've always wanted to see that too chris let's have a real divorce together yes i think we could really do it yeah simply fantastic simply fab a fab norm fab nice oh that box doesn't bring it down more nearly enough there you go now it's got nearly enough goo okay and now we can bring it back up absolutely fab weigh it down and then let's get on top of it ah uh-huh now that's using your noodle wow you guys are like the two noodlinos yippee i love playing this video with my friend go oh so there you go nice okay now you're getting it now you can fill the bucket with your sputum or you can just do that oh look you open the door i feel like a freaking genius it's the biggest door that's ever been opened by anyone acorn they really are not what is this it's like a mother brain nut okay oh god oh god okay can i do this yeah there we go okay yeah nice okay oh [ __ ] can you make that thing drop uh tomorrow okay you ready go go go go oh no no oh next time oh okay you ready okay go and i do the other side yeah try to there you go there you go running the needle on that one that was very close good job we've done a good job and i'll hit this yeah there you go oh i was lucky i jumped right onto it right there okay you guys are [ __ ] brilliant go it up go it up thanks lyle ah every bit of slime that drizzles out of you creates a new thought oh i can't stop morning hey i wonder what these buttons do oh goodnight uh oh i miss you chris is torturing me there's actually no point to that except for being horrible this is so wow okay you're just murdering me in every way you can imagine yeah what if like she pressed the nut button what if she didn't come into a nut be careful this will be in divorce court oops sorry tomorrow that's [ __ ] up okay the game is going to remember this later and we can't get the good ending now because you tortured me so was there any point of that no that just shows you that there's evil squirrels in the torture people evil squirrels you did all that chris yeah i don't know i even have to blame that on the squirrels okay okay i was just saying what happened okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 144,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, It takes two, It takes two Gameplay, It takes two Walkthrough, It takes two Part 1, It takes two Gameplay Part 1, It takes two Game, It takes two Funny, It takes two Oneyplays
Id: 2VUsx4zI7Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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