Dune War For Arrakis - How To Play

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this special how-to is brought to you by  Gaia games makers of ninjas Unleashed all   the links are in the description below  check them out for some great gameplay   we thank you for listening to our sponsors  as it helps us create great content just for you hello what's up welcome back to tabletop  nights I'm Greg I've got a rule book and a   coffee and a gorgeous board game what more  could you ask for today we're taking a look   at Dune War for arrakis from CMON games let's  have a look at how this thing plays the set up   place the board in the middle of the game area  it's a big map so make sure everyone can reach   the important parts will first Shuffle  the sietch tokens this is the main way   that the harkonnen player will win the game  because these are worth Supremacy points on   the supremacy track you'll see there are  two one markers four twos and two threes   the atreides player can look at these at any  time during the game but for now we need to   randomize them and place them on the board it's  important to know where they are so make sure   you have a look because it's key to the atreides  defense to try and figure out what he needs to do then in each of those same locations you can  place a naib leader which is a basic leader   for the atreides and note that all leaders are  a lighter shade of green than the regular units   then also randomly Place one starting deployment  token in each of those same areas noting that the   atreides player can look at these at any time  so they might want to do the as they're putting   them out but make sure they nominate which area  they're going to go into first for the hon we'll   place out the four basic Pyon settlements which  have a strength of one the same as the atreides   tokens we saw a bit earlier these guys here will  roll one extra defense die but more about that   later also make sure you add carthag and Arrakeen  which are two and three strengths respectively at   the same time as the trades play setting up the  harkonnen player can Shuffle their starting   tokens and they'll Place one of each type in  their settlements again find the best way this   works for you you could nominate going from one  side to the other and just reveal two tokens and   start placing the pieces in because that's what  happens now we flip them and we replace them this   is a good time to actually talk about the units  both sides have three different types of units   basic units with a round base elite units with a  square base and special elite units Sedaukar or   fedaykin with the hexagonal base these are units  leaders are not units we we also have the basic leaders and then we have named leaders such as  Leto and the baron they can all form part of   a legion but again only units roll dice but more  about that later the Harkonnen player will now replace   these tokens with the relevant units so here it  will be two regular and one Elite these tokens   are now move from the game do that in each other  spot and then you're almost ready to go from the   tokens perspective these are all the different  unit types so again the round is a simple basic   unit the square is an elite unit the hexagonal is  a special Elite unit and the circle with the star   in the middle is a basic leader so these will go  in Hagar Basin again continue until all units are   placed the designers have created multiple sculpts  for some of the units but they behave exactly the   same we'll Now set up the ecological stations  which are represented by these six tokens here   the Hidden Side contains various markers that  allow the atreides player to move up the prescience   track so this is another way that can earn points  besides prescience cards which we'll see later again   these are flipped over and shuffled and placed in  their relevant spots on the board you'll see this   symbol here finding those spots is a puzzle  in itself sometimes and again if you're using   the Miniatures you can cover them up like so no  one can look at those markers at any time we now   Place three prescient markers on on the pressings  track over here again you'll see the same symbols   we just saw on the ecological stations they all  go on the zero and the Harkonnen player places the   supremacy marker on the zero on their Supremacy  track over here the atreides player will Shuffle   the worm sign tokens seen with this back here but  let's take a quick look at what they do first the   arakkis map is made up of five different area  types you have desert which is basically all   the Sandy areas not to be confused with the minor  erg areas in here which is semi-protected by the   plateau and the mountains we have the mountain  range which are quite obvious and include the   North Pole the plateaus are these sort of orangey  areas here including this protected area within   the mountains here they they're treated slightly  differently to these outer ones but we'll talk   about that more later note that on the map area  like this that have multiple types that appear   to be in there you always consider the majority  area to be the one that actually resides there   so this Plateau piece here is actually just  for decorative purposes it would end at this   line here when talking about the desert there are  two types there is regular desert and deep desert   so all sand areas are considered to be desert  but anything that abuts the edge of the board   is deep desert and that's treated different  for Point scoring for Harvesters and some   card play it also relates back to our worm sign  tokens throughout the game these tokens will be   placed on the board and then flipped face up when  they flipped face up you'll see a few different   types whenever you see these tokens they're just  discarded because nothing's happened no worms were   actually spotted if you see this token a worm  will appear boom just like that if you see this   borrowing worm token the worm will only appear if  it's deep desert so yes here no it won't appear   there keep that in mind and the rest is fairly  self-explanatory so for now we'll flip these base down give them a shuffle and the atres player  simply keeps them aside for when they need to   use them both factions have an action dice  dashboard the harkonnen player also has a spice   must flow board we'll talk about that more in  a second each player will have their dashboard   facing themselves and they will set their starting  named leaders that are in play at the start of the   game on this area down here I'll just do this for  the trades player so it's obvious how it works it   should be noted that we've removed the possible  Futures cards from these decks so they won't   appear in this demonstration take any leaders  that say in play at the start of the game and   place them actively on the dashboard whenever  you see this colored side face up a character   is considered to be inactive the monochrome  side or with the larger picture at the base   shows that the card is active each card needs  to be placed in its appropriate spot you'll see   Pauls trait is a leadership stilgar is strategy  and Lady Jessica is mentat the boards also have   pre-printed abilities that are always available at  the start of the game and throughout the game when   I cover this with Paul you'll see the original  ones which is move two different Legions or make   a surprise attack they still exist on this card  in the center in a different color green for the   atreides and red for the Harkonnen Paul has  his own special ability we'll show how these   work a bit more later on but for now that's the  setup you may even want to place the Miniatures   nearby or on the card to remind you that these  people are yet to be deployed note that their   special ability can still be used even if they  aren't deployed as long as they aren't in the   Regeneration tank again we'll come up to that  more shortly each player will also have some   cards that are already still in play but they're  not leaders that have special actions over here   so keep them nearby so you know how they work  other cards will come in to play when certain   prerequisites are fulfilled for example this one  when a Smuggler's planning card is played gurny   helach will come in Alia will come in when the  prescience marker over here reaches space number   six there's handy emblems on these tracks  to remind you that something is happening Paul   mu'adib and Reverend mother Jessica will replace  these characters at some point in the game so they   can just be kept aside again until they're needed  there's also the wild maker card which should be   pointed out does not have dice rolls but is part  of the desert power action so when that's used it   will upgrade this section over here note that  the wild maker comes into the game through the   playing of the shai hulud card the wild maker leader  card is then placed near the board face down in   an inactive state it will come into the game after  cards are refreshed for the next round meaning   it's treated just like a leader because this is a  leader card and its ability is only used once per   round again being made inactive after each use  the Harkonnen players spice must flow board which   is placed here or anywhere that suits you will  have three imperium markers placed at this top   section here it's important for the harkonnen player  to keep these markers as high as possible or   strategically they could allow them to drop to  gain more Vehicles we we'll come to this as soon   as we get into the next section of the game but  these markers are impacted by these three cards   up the top here which introduce bans that will  affect what the harkonnen player can do there   are four separate planning card decks two for the  atres two for the Honan these are considered the   house cards these two are Ally cards they both  have slightly different purposes um but we'll let   you discover what they do as you play the game it  is a good idea to have a flick through them before   your first play through though so you understand  how they can impact many different parts of the   game these cards are shuffled and kept next to  the appropriate player we also have the prean   stick which contains various objectives that the  at trades player will try and Achieve each round   again we'll look at these more closely shortly  but it's very important to understand how these   operate if the atreides player is going to win  the game you would Shuffle these in preparation   for round one the last deck of the atreides  objective of cards they'll be shuffled and   one randomly chosen that only the atreides player  looks at it will have the condition they need to   achieve on the prescience track in this case  five green 10 yellow three red don't let the   Harkonnen players see this but based on the prescience  cards you select during the game they'll probably   see which ones you're trying to get higher on the  track the players will keep their faction figures   sets of action dice combat Dice and additional  tokens and reference cards are within reach the   atreides player will start with one bene gesserit  token bene gesserit tokens when received don't   go straight on on the board they have to be added  during the action dice part of the game but again   we'll see that very shortly the start of the round  each player will draw one card from each planning   deck which only they can see now three prescience  cards are drawn from the deck and available to   see for both players again I'm only using the  board here because I don't have enough cameras   these are round objectives that the atreides player  can try and Achieve to move their markers further   up the prescience track for example reveal  a Seitch in the same area as Paul so to do   that we'll need to deploy Paul at some point  and then as part of their turn they can just   reveal that sietch then at the end of the round if  this card is still here they'll get those points   again more of that will come up a bit later  now we come to vehicle placement based on the   Harkonnen board and where their Imperium markers  are they will place Vehicles out onto the board   in this case three Harvesters two ornithopters  and one carryall if for example these markers   were in this configuration you just look at  the the lowest one and they would place these   vehicles out so five Harvesters three ornithopters  and one carry all again we'll talk more about   the Imperium bands in a little bit so for now the  harkonnen player wants to put out three Harvesters   two ornithopters and one carryall so where will  they put them well that is surprisingly a very   strategic choice this is another good time  to have a look at the structure of the board   the board is divided up into eight sectors which  are determined with this dotted line which moves   around the board the North Pole is considered to  be adjacent to these four sectors and movement   between them can be slow and cumbersome unless  you use sand riding or troop transport that'll   be in a bit more detail shortly let's say the  H play places that Harvester there that's very   risky strategically because all the atreides  player needs to do is walk into here and this   will be taken off the board it's not an attack  it's just a movement which removes a harvester   so you probably want to put them a little bit  away from the enemy at least two steps so let's   say here that's one we may put another one in here  because it's safe away from the enemy and then we   may put a third one similarly over here during  the spice harvesting phase this Harvester in   deep desert will bring in two spice anything not  in deep desert will bring in one spice only but   there is a higher risk of a sand worm coming when  we talk about the burrowing worm tokens that only   appear with a worm in the Deep desert so that's  another great strategic choice for you now they   want to place out their ornithopter where would  they put them the ornithopters are used for movement so   initially this might be a good spot here again  we'll come to movement shortly but let's think   about what our objectives are going to be we can  also use ornithopters for scouting and I'll show you   that shortly so let's put another one right over  here carols are used to rescue Harvesters when   sandworms appear not when attacked by sandworm  but only when sandworms appear so we've got two   Harvesters here and we've got one over here this  one will potentially give us the most points but   it's the most at risk because we're unlikely to  be able to get over there and protect it before   one of these guys walks in there so for now we'll  put it over here so I can rescue one of these two   spice is really important for the harkonnen's  endgame strategy so you can't afford to just   ignore spice collection okay so all our vehicles  were out on the board and now we're going to get   down to the uh action dice resolution phase  here both players will roll all of their dice   this video is sponsored by Gaia games enter the  world of ninjas Unleashed legend of the celestial   stones in this thrilling deck building game you  are transported to a parallel feudal Japan where   power lies hidden in Celestial Stones extremely  competitive ruthless and fun build your deck   and take out the other Shogun houses with a mix  of strategy and Intrigue build your squad send   your ninjas on missions and outsmart Rivals  multiple paths to Victory await as you strive   for Supremacy launching soon on Kickstarter head  over to ninjasunleashed.com now to claim your   destiny the Shadows await in round one the Harkonnen player has a big stack two four six eight dice the   atreides player only has four but they have desert  power actions that are powerful and set them   up for fast movement and attacks that the Honan  aren't expecting note that the spice flow board   also determines how many dice the Honan player  gets to roll while all the markers are at the   top here everything's fine there's no space here  to reserve a die but if one of these moves down   let's say to here let's say even this this one  goes down to here the lowest marker determines   the active row each round the Honan player  must place an action Die on each empty slot of   the First Column of the spice must flowboard on  the active row and the rows above it these dice   won't be used this round so make sure that you are  monitoring this board all right let's do our dice rolling let's roll the Harkonnen first  and basically we'll be placing these on   the matching symbol not a bad roll cos it's quite mixed there we go again they feel very stymied and constricted  early on in the game they can now assign one and   only ever one Bene gesserit token to the board  at at this time this is basically treated as a   wild die whenever you're placing a wild die or  excessive dice you have to place it in an area   that is the most free so in this case these two  areas are free similarly if we'd rolled three of   the sort of the leadership symbol there there's no  room I've only got two spaces here this has to be   placed in the least crowded area if there are mult  multipl of that I can choose so let's put that one   here because that can act as any Die the same  happens with the Bene gesserit token I can't now   place this here I have to place it in one of  these two I want to do some deployment so I'm   going to put it there let's take a closer look at  the trades board for a moment the atres board has   one extra special ability which is this desert  power action this can be taken by the atreides   player when they have fewer unused action dice  than the Harkonnen player remember that this   Bene gesserit token is considered a die for all  purposes So currently they've got five against   eight so we can take a desert power action so  differing to the rule book I'm going to do   a desert power action first because strategically  that's quite often what the trades player will do   they'll always go first by the way I'm going to  place two worm sign tokens they can be placed   in any area that doesn't already contain a worm  sign token a sand worm or a SI and they're used   to disrupt the Harkonnen or move quickly around  the board so let's take a look at this here I want   to be able to get rid of this Harvester cos it's  worth two spice points at the end of the round so   I'm going to place a worms sign token right here  I'll explain how they work in just a moment I'm   also going to put another one here for the same  reason it might be able to take out a harvester   but can also prevent these guys from moving out  because they might be worried about triggering   that wormsign again we'll come to that shortly  all right let's go to the Harkonnen player they   want to mobilize quickly so there's two ways  of doing that there's with a leadership die   or strategy die the leadership die means they  can move two Legions with with a leader so if   it doesn't have a leader you can't use that die  to move that particular Legion or they can make   a surprise attack with a legion that has a  leader right now we're not close enough to   do that strategy allows them to move two different  Legions or attack with a legion deployment means   they can deploy three regular units and one leader  which is a basic leader or a named leader draw two   planning cards and again they can come from  either deck or replace two regular units with   elite units or deploy more vehicles on the board  these are all very straightforward actions and   you should have no trouble working those out by  yourself note that there are three ways that named   leaders special abilities become inactive one if  they're in the Regeneration tank in this case we   should remove steel gar from the board to remind  us his card maintaining the current orientation   two if we've already used the figure during this  round and its special ability remove it from the   board and flip it face down also if a figure is  removed from the game you would take that card   out of play alt together note that all these cards  are refreshed at the end of the round regardless   of where the leader is players can also expend  one action die each turn to play a planning card   simply move the die to the used action d space  and play the card and apply its effects most of   those are very self-explanatory so we won't go  into that in detail remember cards can also be   discarded during battle to roll more combat dice  should also be noted on the board that there are   three impassible borders they're marked here here  and along this sector line here we're going to do   some quick mobilization using a leader die so  we take this Die place it in the used section up   here and it means I'm going to move two different  Legions with a leader so the leaders for the Harkonnen   for these guys plus any name leaders they're in  a lighter shade of red not the very dark red I   want to start moving these guys over to here but  it's going to take me one step at a time however   if I use an ornithopter which is connected to the the  area of my Legion where it starts I can actually   move two spaces so by discarding this ornithopter  off the board I can move this Legion one two even   over that impossible border because the flight  has dropped me off over there so I'm already on   my way to seeing what these guys are up to the  Tres player wants to get a named leader on the   board maybe to help out in this fight here one  thing I didn't show at the start of the game   was this little bad here which has a number of  regular deployment tokens for the tradies player   it has this green bordered back they go into this  little bag and it used during deployment so what   I want to do is protect this SI that these guys  look like they're coming for into here how do I   do that well there's a couple of reasons why I  would do it but I want to get Paul into the game   he's here so I'm going to deploy him into there  using that Bene gesserit token as any action die   but in this case I'd already allocated it to  deployment and we get him onto the board then   we draw from the bag one deployment token which I  can look at and place in that area so there he is   note that these tokens only count as one unit in  terms of a stacking limit and we haven't really   talked about stacking yet but basically you can  never have more than six units in in an area at   one time if I was to flip these and there was more  than six and there isn't um but if there was you   would have to remove any excess at that time so  you may be wondering why I put Paul in here when   perhaps stilgar would have done better but I'm  thinking about prescience as well so as I deploy   pull I can look at this card now this is one of  the prescience cards we drew at the start of the   game it says reveal a seat in the same area as  Paul wisely run wisely I can now if I want at any   time during the game basically you can reveal  deployment tokens and or sees so I'm going to   reveal this SIetch it happens to be a two which is  quite attractive to the harkonnen player I don't   have to reveal these deployment tokens until an  attack happens or I choose to reveal them so if   at the end of the round this card is still there  I'll be able to claim these points and move up on   the press in track these cards can be removed by  harkonnen planning cards so be wary of that they   may be waiting just for you to do it should  be noted that I could have got Paul into this   area in another way using this card because his  special ability says to place Paul in any Legion   then move two different Legions with the leader  so let's go back to the board and Replay that in   a different way instead of using this deployment  die which is what that is let's say I used Paul's special ability even though he's not on  the board I can still use it so we're going to   use a leadership Die then using your special ability  Place Paul in any Legion then move two different   Legions with the leader so I'm going to place him  back in here which is the same I can still choose   to reveal the SIetch to fulfill the prean card  but now I can also move two different Legions   with a leader so let's move this Legion into where  the Harvester was it's now removed from the board   I can also move this Legion in as well let's  take another quick look at leaders there are   several ways they can move around through the  play of planning cards or special effects such   as deploy and place deploy is to take a leader  from the supply and put it on the board place   can mean the same or to move the leader from one  space to another on the board already neither of   these can come from the Regeneration tank so lady  Jessica here may be placed somewhere else on the   board depending on what the card text says note  that leaders can never Exist by themselves if   they're ever without units they are removed from  the board so be careful let's look at movement   and the stacking limit in more detail here the  atreides player has used a strategy die to move   two different Legions we have five units here  and two units here if this Legion was to move   to here using worm sign for transport they're  never considered to be here the over stacking   is temporary and they will get to here however  they cannot sand ride over enemy Legions if   this Legion now was to move into here as part of  their Moving Two Legions none of these figures   can move again but these two could start their  movement and move on as movements considered to   be simultaneous I suggest to make it easier you  would move these ones first and then move those   ones Legions cannot pick up or drop off along  the way but they can split in the region they   started let's take a deeper look at settlements  settlements are the seates or the pyon Villages   or the special areas within carthag and arrakeenn  they'll always have a numeric strength such as   this two here ecological stations however can  be simply moved into they do not need to be   attacked so it's only the ones with numbers that  you need to attack if this Legion was to move into   here you'd simply remove the ecological station  and the atreides player would receive one of those   markers on the prean track enemies cannot move  into settlements it must be an attack because   there's a token here within numeric value on there  they can still attack an undefended settlement and   there will be no die roll let's go back to the  Harkonnen plan now and we'll do an attack in this   case we're going to do a surprise attack so using  this leadership die move it to an unused spot now   we can make a surprise attack with a legion with  a leader remember you can only do one of these two   options or three if there's a named leader card  there here's how the attack works the surprise   attack is coming from this area here a special  attack is where for the first round of combat the   attacking player is guaranteed to have received  one special in addition to their other die rolls   what we do is we count up the number of dice each  player Will Roll given that they've announced an   attack in here the Harkonnen we now reveal these  tokens if the SIetch was unrevealed we would   reveal it at this time the deployment tokens now  are taken out and replaced with the actual units   so in this case two more regular an elite and  a special Elite these tokens are removed from   the game they never come back into the game  so if you ever run out of units to deploy as   the atres player you are out of luck there are  cards that will allow it as well each player   takes a number of dice equal to the number of  units in the legion here we have six units so   they will get six dice the atreides player has  four units but they're also in a settlement so   they also roll dice for this number here so  they'll also roll six note that when you're   attacking you can discard planning cards to  add dice one die per card but you can never   roll more than six dice in an attack so this  battle's ready to rock and roll let's roll the dice okay how does it work firstly before  determining casualties any special Elite so   this die and this die negates one shield from  the opposing team so the Harkonnen player gets rid   of one of these shields atres player gets  rid of one of these shields and that's one   per special Elite that's there from this  role you'll see that no specials came up   specials relate to abilities of leaders even  the basic leaders so the Naib leader and the   Bashar leader but remember because of the  surprise attack the Harkonnen player was   determined to have already rolled a special  so a special for the Harkonnen player leader   is that they get one extra sword so they've  actually rolled five swords and one Shield   the atreides player has rolled two swords  and three Shields so in this case these   three Shields negate these three swords so the  atres player will take two hits and the honin one there are three different  ways you can take a hit one   is you can just remove a regular unit on the board the other is to downgrade an elite or  special Elite for a regular unit which is   what the Honan player will do it's often better  to downgrade because then you get to roll the   same number of dots you can also remove a leader  either a basic one or a named one to take a hit   also meaning you continue to roll the same number  of dice in a subsequent round at this point there   are three options for the Harkonnen player after  both players have removed casualties the battle   can continue or end if the defending Legion is in  an area with a settlement to continue the battle   the attacking player must take one automatic  hit so if Harkonnen wants to keep going he could   downgrade another so let's say he downgrade this  Elite to a regular he can then perform another   attack if they're not in a settlement the battle  can just keep going unless they choose to Cease   the attack if they do cease the attack basically  everyone stays where they are and it moves on to   the next turn the other way a battle can end is  via a retreat the retreating Legion is moved by   the opposing player and cannot contain enemy  units or enemy settlements or sand worms so   in this case if the atres player Retreats  they can be moved into this mountain area   this desert area area with a worm sign token  or even an area containing units of theirs   strategically this is a good option for the Harkonnen  player because they could move this Legion into here but now they've breached the six unit  stacking limit so they would have to eliminate   one as chosen by the atreides player this is  considered a successful attack by the Harkonnen   player so like a normal attack in which all  the units were wiped out all the units of the   attacking successful Force must move into that  area and leaders so the entire Legion moves in   because the Harkonnen have won this battle they'll  achieve two points on the supremacy track based on   this number here this SEitch settlement is now  destroyed this area will never be considered a   SE in the future as part of removing casualties  instead of losing a unit and reducing the number   of dice players can remove a named leader or a  regular leader but named leaders will go to the   Regeneration tank on their player board Here  regular leaders return to the supply in this   attack example Paul and stilgar want to try and  wipe out this Legion here but they'll only roll   three dice because that's the number of units  they have let's assume they roll one special   one shield and one hit in this case the units have  hit one of them immediately killing one depending   on their defense roles of course the special  needs to be applied to one of these two we could   apply to Stilgar for two hits or pull for one it  doesn't represent both you can only ever apply one   special to one named character again if they'd  rolled three specials only two of these would   be used the other would be wasted let's have a  look now at how attacks happen by sand riding   or troop transport the atres player here wants  to attack this Legion over here they can do so   by sand riding over the worm sign tokens or sandworms to get there again you would roll all your   dice apply casualties then move in if this Legion  was destroyed sand riding can never occur through   enemy Legions but can go through Harvesters this  Legion can also move ending their movement on a   sandworm token but never on a sandworm similarly  the Harkonnen group now can attack this unit using   this ornithopter it allows them to move two  spaces as long as the ornithopter is in the   same starting sector as the Harkonnen this one  shares both these sectors so that's okay you   just remove the ornithopter from the board and  then the attack can proceed again roll all the   dice assign casualties and determine whether they  move in if the attack is successful each time an   action die is played in the future this will  move along one spot gradually coming off the   board and being available for play again also if  future named leaders are placed on the board it   bumps them along if two named leaders were to be  placed on the Regeneration track at the same time   it can be done so in any order each one bumping  them along the next one will bring Paul back in like so during the action resolution phase if  the trades player ever achieves the prerequisites   for a card that states action resolution phase  they can claim those points immediately on the   prescience track this card is not replaced the  prescience track is really important for the   atreides player these markers will move up in an  effort to achieve these results they move via   achieving points during the turn or by uncovering  ecological stations which also contain the markers other effects may also cause these markers  to move up as they move up different effects will   come into play on the third spot a new name  leader will enter play on this spot another   named leader will come into play on this spot  family atomics will trigger let's take a look   at those now when family atomics happen one  of these three overlays will be placed on the   board and only ever one hole in the Rock can go  here splinted Rock can go here or Rim wall West   can go here the areas are marked by this atomics  not here in this example splintered Rock has been   triggered over here this area is now considered  desert and this Plateau area can be attacked by   a sandworm again we haven't got the sandworm  attacks yet but we will shortly but if this   sand worm was here it could attack this Plateau  area here remember that whenever the atres player   has fewer dice than their opponent they can take  a desert power action we've already seen placing   worm sign tokens they could also now move two sand  worms up to two spaces or attack with a sand worm   sandw worms can move one or two spaces in any  Desert area but cannot end their turn with any   units or tokens apart from ecological testing  stations so this sand worm here could move one   two one two one two it can move through enemy  units by burrowing underneath and come out on   the other side or it could end its turn even in  this ecological testing station here to attack   with the sandworm the atres player removes its  figure and targets an area up to two areas away   if the sandworm attacks at a distance of two the  first area must be desert the target of the attack   can be an enemy Legion and or Harvester in any  Desert area or in the case of a legion also in   any Plateau or minor erg area within range though  not in a mountain area if this worm were to attack   this Harvester you'd remove it from the board and  the Harvester would also go this worm attacking   this Legion would come off the board and roll  four dice with swords applying hits specials   also count with specials applying two hits in  deep desert one in desert and no hits in minor   erg or Plateau areas the harkonnen player would then  immediately remove any casualties if an attack by   the worm here eliminated all the characters  and there was only a harvester remaining it   would also come off the board neither harkonnen nor  trades Legions can never enter or attack areas   containing a sand worm they can however Traverse  an area containing one using sand riding or troop transport this sand worm here can attack hagger  Basin because family atomics have already happened   at splined Rock the intervening area is Desert  so as it's attacking two spaces away it can roll   four ice and attack note that specials won't  count here because this is still a plateau   area don't forget to remove the sand worm as part  of that attack Honan Legions can also trigger the   arrival of a sand worm by moving into an area  with a worm sign token in this case we flip it   and a worm appears when this happens the legion  must Retreat again the opposing player the atres   player will determine where they go so let's say  they move them back here the Harvester will be   destroyed the Carryall just here cannot save it  because they only work during the Desert hazards   phase so this Harvester is gone note also that if  the atres player ever places a worm sign token in   with a legion it does not trigger in the desert  has its phase first discard all worm sign tokens   that are in areas containing atreides Legions or  sand worms shuffling them back into the worm   sign pool then the atreides player draws random  worm sign tokens and places them face down on the   board without looking at them one in each desert  that contains a Harkonnen Legion or Harvester and   that does not already contain a worm sign token or  sand worm finally the player flips all worm sign   tokens on the board face up and resolves their  effects in any order all sand worms appearing   during this phase must be placed on the board if  there are no more sand worm figures available the   trades plan must take them from anywhere else  on the board so for example this one could go   here if more than four sand worms appear on the  board during this phase the atres player chooses   where they appear and discards the remaining worm  sign tokens after all worm sign tokens have been   resolved they're shuffled back face down into  the worm sign pool now we roll for Coriolis   storms all Plateau minor erg and desert areas on  the border subject to the fury of these storms   except for the five central areas in circle by  the mountains on the plateau here note that if   family atomics have occurred such as splintered rock  here Hager Basin is now vulnerable to the storms   and worm attacks through this area here so as  we look around the board we can see a number   of areas that are vulnerable the atreides play  Will Roll two dice for each of those Legions   in those areas each sword will count as a hit and  each special will cause a variable number of hits   the minor erg and Plateau no hits in desert one  hit in deep desert two hits the atreides player   free actions - can perform guerilla training which is essentially  revealing a deployment token once revealed replace   the token with the relevant units the harkonnen  player can perform The Scouting action it allows   them to reveal SE tokens or deployment tokens in  any area attached to an ornithopter simply remove   the ornithopter from the board and they can reveal  the SIetch this is a great strategic option that   helps them determine where they want to send their  Fighters we now come to spice harvesting with the   Harkonnen player removes spice Harvesters from the  board to gain their juicy spice at the start of   spice harvesting for the Harkonnen player discard  all active bands if any unless the corresponding   marker is at the bottom of the board so here this  one will stay this one can go back up to here here   again if any markers move down during the turn  you have to add one band back in this example   they've got three hidden up in the corner here  these two are worth two each this is worth one   so that would be five spice for the round these  are now removed we now know that the Honan player   has managed to collect five spice but here they  need at least six spice to keep these in line why   is that it's two spice per to token to maintain  the status quo Three Spice to move one up and if   no spice is applied to a token it moves down so  we can really only keep two where they are one   will drop down the decision on which one will drop  is based on the strategy you're employing and the   cards at the top there but basically we've only  spent four Spice we have one left well if we use   this token we can reserve one spice for a future  round it doesn't have to be the next round but   that's one that's been kept for future use let's  look at this board in more detail now as soon as a   marker moves down in around one of the bands will  come into effect any marker that's on the bottom   track will always have the band in place remember  it costs Three Spice to move one back up the band   lasts until the beginning of the harvesting phase  in the next round so again if more than one token   dropped down in a turn you have to apply one ban  the Harkonnen play may also spend three spice to   move the supremacy marker up one space on the  supremacy track provided they've only reached   space five at the most at the end of the round  starting with the Harkonnen player players may   replace named Leaders with generic leaders on the  board this is optional following that refresh any   used leaders by returning them to the active  side and onto the board for atreides this may   include the wild maker at the end of the round  the atreides player can claim any end of round   prescience cards such as either of these two and  they may claim that one as well even if they've   achieved this one you can never claim more than  two over an entire round at the end of the round   the trades player can choose to discard a card  from the game permanently if they don't think   it's going to help their ongoing objectives  otherwise this card is shuffled back in and at   the start of the next round three more cards will  be displayed if nobody's won by now start a new round Bene gesserit tokens used during the  action resolution phase are discarded so   that's an exhaustive and frankly exhausting rules  to you can see I've even had to change shirts cos  it's taken a few days it may not be Point by Point  by the rule book but hopefully it gives you and   your friends enough flavor and strategy tips to  get started with this fantastic game from CMON   that's Dune War for arrakis also please don't  forget to check out ninjas Unleashed from Gaia   games they've helped us put this together  so thanks to them we'll see you next time bye oh you could subscribe  there and watch a previous video there
Channel: Tabletop Knights
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Keywords: tabletop, knights, ttk, greg, how to play, dune, war for arrakis, strategy
Id: 8SZV9mHThIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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