Dune Imperium: Uprising (And CHOAM Module) - How To Play

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to learn the one to four and six player game Dune Imperium Uprising designed by Paul dennon and published by Dire Wolf digital who helped sponsor this video The Great houses of the Imperium desire spice a precious resource found on only one planet Dune and whoever controls the spice controls the universe based on the second Dune film from legendary pictures and the books by Frank Herbert Uprising is also the second game in the Dune Imperium series although it shares some similarities with the original and is compatible with the previously released expansions this Standalone title has several new twists on the original design with everything you need to play all in its own box if you'd like to learn how to play the original Dune Imperium game we have a separate tutorial for that but you don't need to watch it to play Uprising because I'm going to cover everything in this video so join me at the table and let's learn how to play to set up place the double-sided game board in the middle of the play area the side with the letter A and C in this corner is for the special six player 3 versus 3 mode of the game when you have one to four players you use this other side as we'll do here and we'll assume that we have three players in this video These are known as The Alliance tokens and you set one onto each of the matching spaces for it here on this left side of the board and you'll notice the token will match that area's color and the symbol of the space it's going into then find this Shield wall token and put it into the spot for it here on the board the cards with these backs are known as the conflicts which you separate into three Shuffle piles based on their one two and three values here set all of the conflict three cards into a face down pile on this space of the board adding five random conflict two cards on top of that and a random conflict one card on top of that the rest you return unseen to the Box the intrigued cards which have this back you then Shuffle and set face down by the board but be aware there are four Intrigue cards which have what is known as this CH symbol here at the top beside their title and these are only used when you're playing with the optional included CH module but they don't recommend this for your first game game so we'll return these to the box and discuss the CH module briefly at the end of this video there are several cards with this back but they can be divided into three main types based on their titles at the top any with a white background behind their top text like the ones we see here are known as Reserve cards separate these into two face up decks of matching cards one with all the prepare the way cards and the other with all copies of the spice must flow the rest of the cards with this this back have a black background behind their titles at the top but you'll now remove and set aside any that also have an arrow to the left of their name those we'll use later the rest make up what is known as the Imperium deck however if you go through these you'll find four that have that Chom symbol in their top leftand Corner that we saw earlier and again these are only used if you're using that optional module which we aren't in this case so we'll just return these four cards to the Box all the remaining card cards in the Imperium deck we Shuffle placing them face down next to the board dealing five cards from the top of this deck into what is known as the Imperium row and just leave some room to the right of it for the two resered Decks that you'd created earlier now create a general supply of these spice solar and Water Resources along with what are known as the four maker hook tokens I'm organizing these into some trays that I have but notice the different sized pieces a smaller piece counts as one of that type of resource and a larger piece counts s five also create a supply of sandw worms two options are included plastic and wooden and you can use either or both in your game just be aware other than the maker hook tokens none of these are considered limited so if you would run out of any of these pieces while playing just use a suitable replacement every player now picks one of the nine included leaders but notice this one has the CH icon in its corner so you can only pick this leader if you're using that module which we aren't so we'll set it aside you'll also notice that all of the leaders have one two or three dots by their name and the more dots the more strategically complex that leader is to use for your first game they recommend picking Leaders with only one dot as we'll do here and if anyone picks this haran leader make sure to give them this white Cube which they set into the space for it here then give each player an unpicked leader to flip over where you'll find a player Aid that you can use during the game remember the cards with an arrow by their name that we had set aside earlier organize them into four sets each containing two Doom the desert planets two convincing arguments two daggers one reconnaissance one seek allies one diplomacy and one signant ring each player takes one of these sets and shuffles it into a face down deck to the left of their leader returning any unused leaders and decks back to the box now I should also point out the game does come with some other cards that also have the white Arrow by their titles but they also have these other two symbols in their other corners and these decks are only used when you're playing the six player game so just make sure you don't get these mixed in with the other cards we've been talking about so far every player now picks a color and takes the matching components which include what are known as their agents discs cubes spies control and combat marker and add two of your agents to your leader and then set the other one known as your swordmaster beside the board then add one of your discs to the zero space of this score track unless you have four players in which case everyone begins with their marker on the onepoint space next add your combat marker to the zero space of this combat track and three of your cubes to one of the circles in this area which you'll use for the rest of the game so each player should pick a circle that's closest to them at the table below each Alliance token that we placed earlier you'll find tracks and every player now sets a cube onto the bottom row of each of those tracks all your remaining components a single disc nine cubes three spies and three control markers are kept in a personal Supply where everyone can see them and then each player collects one Water Resource cards with this back are objectives and some are marked for specific player counts so return any to the box that don't match your numbers for example we have a three-player game here so we'd return the two cards marked for four and six player games the rest you then Shuffle dealing one randomly to each of the players each player reveals their objective placing it face up in their supply where everyone can see it one of these will show this first player symbol the player with that objective will collect this related token making them the first player now I should also mention if you're setting up a solo or two-player game there are additional steps for setting up found in this separate booklet that I won't be going over now but that we'll discuss briefly at the end of this video otherwise that's the setup in Dune Imperium Uprising you and the other players are vying for Domination through combat alliances and resources which can gain you victory points have the most points by the end of the game and you win the game is played over a series of rounds and each round is broken into five phases starting with the round start phase here you flip over the top card of the conflict deck into this space this will show the potential rewards available for players who participate and succeed in the combat phase that occurs later then each player draws five cards from their personal deck forming their hand for the round you only have a few cards in your deck so in a later round you'll eventually run out of cards to draw anytime you're required to draw when your deck is empty stop and Shuffle the discard pile you'll have made here into a new deck and then continue drawing as many cards as you were owed either way with your five cards drawn it's time for the second phase of the round player turns starting with a person holding the first player token and going clockwise around and around the table each person will either take an agent or reveal turn to take an agent turn you must have one of your agent pieces on your leader card if you didn't then you'd have to take a reveal turn instead we'll discuss reveal turns in detail later but just know after taking one your turns are ski for the rest of the phasee while the other players continue taking turns and once everyone has taken a revealed turn the phase ends now you can take a reveal turn even if you have available agents but normally players will take agent turns until they have none left and then take their reveal turn and with that in mind let's go back to the table and see what taking an agent turn looks like here you play any one card from your hand face up in front of you checking for any icons along its left side edge and you'll find anywhere from 0 to 7 these symbols known as agent icons these represent different political groups and organizations that you can send one of your agents to on the board if the space doesn't already have an agent and is marked with a symbol matching one on the card that you've played spaces are shaped like this and the agent icon you need to play in order to travel to one will be shown in its top left hand corner so playing this signant ring means that I could send one of my agents to a space marked with a lan Rod or a city or a spice trade icon and that includes any of the spaces within this area but not spaces like here here or here as they have different icons to travel to spaces like these You' need to play a card showing one of their icons and remember you can't travel to a location that already has an agent in it yours or another players if you see any symbols beneath the agent icon of a space that's an additional cost you must immediately pay for example going to hagab Bas and requires playing a card with the spice trade icon and then paying one water cost like this you return from the area in front of you to the General Supply once you've played a card and paid any required cost of the space you move your agent from your leader mat to that space and gain the benefits showing to its right along with any benefits on this gray line of the card you played to travel here known as its agent box and you can resolve those benefits in any order but you must resolve all benefits you're owed unless they require paying a cost in which case you can choose not to resolve those benefits if you'd rather avoid the related cost and we'll learn how to identify and resolve cost-based benefits a little later this is the symbol for the Spice resource so going here gains you too from the supply and as we'll see later additional spice may end up here and if so you'd collect that as well instead of gaining spice this space shows the symbol for sand worms but we'll come back and discuss that benefit later either way remember in addition to the benefits of the space you may also resolve your agent box here which in this case shows the signate ring symbol this means you get to resolve the special signate ring ability of your leader shown in this area of their card the symol here means we draw a card from the top of Our Deck every leader also has a unique passive ability in in the area here which can be used anytime it applies as you can probably tell the player turns phase offers all kinds of options you'll examine your cards to see what areas you can send an agent to and what specific effects the cards will provide and every space of the board has its own unique benefits which are all explained in detail on the included board space guide the back of the rule book also explains every symbol you'll encounter but I want to go over enough of the spaces with you so you'll be able to understand any of the symbols you run into while playing anytime you see a gray Cube on a space you've gone to or on a card you've played recruit a single troop for each one now this is not a card you'll find in your opening deck but we'll see how you can acquire new cards like this one a little later we'll pretend instead you played this card which you'll find in your starting deck to get to this space either way to resolve the recruit symbol take a troop Cube from your supply and put it into your Garrison which is the circle here closest to your seat at the table now if you ever run out of troops in your supply you can't add more until you get some back after adding a troop to your Garrison then check the space you just assigned your agent to if it shows a desert illustration and cross swords in its corner here it's a combat space and that means you can move any number of the troops you just recruited this turn from your Garrison directly to the quadrant of this area here closest to your Garrison known as the conflict then whether you moved any of those newly recruited troops or not you may move up to two more that were already in your Garrison over to the conflict but again you can only add troops to the conflict in this way if your agent just went to a combat space for example going here allows me to recruit for troops but since there's no desert illustration or swords in the corner of this space it means I'd move four units from my supply to the Garrison but none of my troops would be able to enter the conflict at this time some of the combat spaces on the board that you go to won't give you any new troops to add to your Garrison as part of their benefit but don't forget anytime you go to a combat space in addition to any troops you recruited zero in this case you can always move up to two troops already in your Garrison to the conflict and remember the option to move up to two means you could just move one or none at all either way the more troops you have in the conflict the better chance you'll have of winning it and gaining the best rewards from this card as we'll learn about later now that we've discussed several aspects related to gaining troops let me give you a quick summary to ensure it's all clear there are three main places your troops will be located in your supply in your Garrison or in your quadrant of this conflict area by sending an agent to a combat space you can send any number of the troops you just recruited directly into the conflict if you want but whether you recruited any troops or not as long as you just went to a combat space you can always move up to two troops from your Garrison into the conflict anytime you're allowed to recruit but run out of troops in your supply just recruit as many as you can and ignore the extras and don't worry that you don't understand the importance of troops in your Garrison versus the conflict area just yet this will all make more sense once we see how the conflict is resolved later all right now let's look at a few other symbols you'll find on the board like this solar symbol that allows you to gain that many from the supply so five in this case but don't forget these larger resource pieces also count as five so you could collect one of these instead when you see an arrow like this it represents paying a cost so you can go here and pay no spice to gain two solar or return one spice you have back act to the supply to gain four solary anytime you see this symbol you gain an Intrigue card from the top of this deck now you can examine your own intrigued cards at any time but you'll want to keep them a secret from the other players these come in three main categories as shown on their bottom known as plot combat or endgame now there are a few that combine more than one type and can be played as either combat and endgame effects we'll learn about later plots however like the one we see here can be played at any time during any of your agent or reveal turns providing you with the benefit shown on them many of which you'll understand better as we go through the rest of the symbols on the board so let's go back and look at some more of those the first player to assign their agent to this space must pay eight solar and then the benefit here means that they gain their sword master this is the extra agent all players have by the board at the start of the game after gaining your sword master move it to your leader mat and now you'll have have it to assign for future agent turns as well as soon as at least one player has acquired their sword master all other players who go here in the future only have to pay six Soler to gain their sword master over the course of the game each player may only come to this space a single time as you're reminded of here looking at this space we see an X symbol this represents a trash effect and in this case the trash effect is on top of an Intrigue card symbol that means you go through your intrigued cards and trash any one of them if you do that in this case you then get to draw a new Intrigue card from the top of the deck going to this space gives you access to a different type of trash benefit that targets Imperium cards this means you trash any card in your hand or any card in your discard pile or any card face up in front of you that you'd played this round when you trash a card you just remove it from the game returning it to the box but this can be a good good thing as we'll see over the course of the game you'll be able to acquire newer and better cards than the ones you started with and trashing the weaker cards means that as you draw through your deck the hands you get will improve giving you better symbols and abilities to resolve going back to this space in addition to trashing an intrigued card to draw a new one you also draw a card from your deck and this symbol here means you can recall an agent that means you pick any other agent other than the one that you just played and return it to your leader Matt you'll now be able to use this agent again this round when you go to this secret space the first symbol as we saw earlier allows you to draw an Intrigue card then the symbol here means that each player who is holding four or more Intrigue cards must randomly give you one of theirs I should point out that this space along with the others in this column are associated with one of the four powerful factions of the Dune universe and there are two spaces for each of the different factions and these can be identified by their colors related symbols and the names of the factions printed here anytime you assign an agent to a space related to one of these factions you also go up an influence within that related faction by moving your colored Cube up one space along this track some card effects provide influence in these factions showing either their related symbol or a question mark meaning you can choose which faction your influence will change in the number of gold upward or red downward arrows indicates how far you move in either direction we haven't seen this symbol before but if we were resolving this card this effect means that you must discard a card from your hand and then you go up in influence in either of these two factions let's say we chose this faction and discarded a card from our hand we then move our marker here on the other hand if we were resolving this top effect this means we move our influence down one space in any one faction and then we can increase it one space in any one faction if we also decided to spend three spice we could then go up one space on any of the tracks now as soon as you reach the second level in any faction's influence you'll see this symbol which represents gaining a victory Point anytime you gain victory points during the game move your marker one space up on this track if you ever drop below two influence in a faction you then lose the related Victory Point you'd gained earlier from it and adjust your marker accordingly if you reach the fourth level of influence within a faction which is its first Brown space then you gain the bonus that's showing there an Intrigue card in this situation and if you later drop below that level you don't return the bonus but if you go back up to that level again you do gain the bonus again also the first person to reach the fourth level of influence is said to have secured an align iance with that faction and collects the related Alliance token they set it in front of thems gaining the victory Point that's shown on it as soon as another player enters this top area of the influence track and passes the player who currently has the alliance token they take it from that player causing that other player to lose its Victory Point as they gain it let's say you're the green player and you currently have the alliance token for this faction if you get to the top space of that influence track while there since no other player can go higher than you your alliance token is safe on the other hand if you now lose influence this player is higher than you so you would have to give them your alliance token let's say while they had it they lost an influence they wouldn't have to give it to anyone yet because there's no player higher than them but now if they lost an influence and dropped to here since there are two players who are tied in influence above them they would pick which of those players to give the alliance token to let's say these other markers were here meaning this player currently had the alliance token if they lost influence now since there is no one with influence higher than them and because they've dropped below this fourth level they must return the alliance token to this space the next player able to move into this fourth influence space would then collect the alliance token and the point that goes with it so that covers the rules for these influence tracks and anytime you play a card to go into one of these faction spaces as long as you pay any related costs first you can resolve the benefits of the space your card's effect and the influence track in any order with influence understood I can now explain an additional cost that will appear in this area of some spaces to go here you need to play a card showing the city agent icon but must also have two influence in the FR and faction which this symbol represents which just means my influence marker would have to be on this space or higher of this fman track some of the symbols on this space we've seen before but this one is new resolving this symbol means that you collect one of these maker hook markers from the supply and add it to this area of your Garrison if you already have a maker hook here then resolving this effect does nothing each player can only have at most one of these sometimes you'll see the maker hook symbol on an effect followed by a colon this means that you must have a maker hook already in your Garrison to resolve the symbols on the other side of that colon in this case two sandworms this allows you to move two sandworms from the supply to your area of the conflict sandworms are never added to your Garrison remember both the plastic and wooden figures count as sandworms and these are not a limited Supply so if you would run out while playing just use a suitable replacement later we're going to learn how sandworms and troops in your conflict area will benefit you but there's something about conflicts we need to understand right now during the first phase of the round we flipped the top card of the conflict deck face up and this lets you know the rewards you can gain from winning the conflict that will come later and their name here gives you a thematic sense of the battle that will occur most conflicts like this one will have a red color background but others like the one we see here have a brown desert colored background and the name on these will always relate to one of three specific spaces on the board these spaces are known as the spice Refinery aaken and the Imperial Basin when the conflict card for your round shows any one of their names it means that the conflict the troops will participate in later is thematically happening in that area of the planet of Dune now this matters because all all three of these spaces are surrounded by a bordered wall which includes this token and as long as this token is here protecting the walls and the conflict card has a brown background then sandworms cannot be added to the conflict area so ignore any effects that would try to however anytime you would resolve the effect of this symbol you may if you wish remove the shield wall token putting it beside the board and when it's gone sandw worms may now be added to the conflict area just keep in mind if the conflict card has a red background even if this token is in place sandworms can still be summoned to the conflict area because thematically the conflict isn't happening in this area but somewhere else on the planet of Dune also be aware The Shield wall doesn't prevent you from adding agents to any of these spaces it only affects the potential placement of sandworms so just to summarize a sandworm icon will almost always require you to have a maker hook in order to bring it into the conflict and if the current conflict has a brown background the sandworm cannot be added to the conflict unless the shield wall token had previously been removed from the board in rare cases like we see with this intrigued card an effect will provide you with a sandworm without a maker hook showing to its left this means that you can summon it with no maker hook in your Garrison but you must still respect the rules related to the restrictions of The Shield wall that said the other effect on this card also allows you to break the shield wall when it's played all right that was an important look at conflicts Shield walls and sandworms but now let's continue looking at some more board spaces the first time you send an agent to this space add the counselor token you have in your personal Supply to one of the unoccupied seats shown here where it will stay for the rest of the game as a reminder that from now on during each of your reveal turns you'll earn an extra two persuasion which is represented by this symbol and we'll learn all about persuasion and how it's used when we explain reveal turns a little later in the video once you have your counselor in a seat anytime you come to this space with an agent in the future you instead resolve these secondary effects gaining two spice an intrig card and recruiting three troops this space has a unique symbol that relates to tiles you'll have in these spaces if you're playing with the included CH module but in this setup we aren't so that means any time you'd resolve an effect showing this symbol you instead gain to saler as we're reminded of here moving on anytime you see this symbol it means that you get to place one of your Spies spies are these pieces and they're taken from your supply and placed on any unoccupied observation post of the board which are represented by these symbols and you'll notice they are always connected to one or more spaces sometimes an effect will let you place a spy but shows one or more agent icons with it and that means the Spy must go into an observation post connected to a space that shows one of those icons once you have spies on the board playing a card like this allows you to assign an agent to any space matching any regular agent icons it might show as usual but if it also has this spy icon you may instead use the card to assign your agent to any space connected to an observation post with one of your spies in it once you have spies on the board you can then choose to recall them in order to gain one of two possible benefits normally you can't send one of your agents to a space with an opponent's agent but if you have a spy connected to that space then you can play a card as normal showing that location's agent icon or the Spy icon to recall your spy at that location back to your supply adding your agent there and resolving the space even though it was occupied another way to recall a spy is to assign an agent to a space connected to one of your spies and then you may choose to take the Spy back in order to draw the top card from your deck into your hand but you must choose to draw this card immediately after playing your agent and taking your spy back but before resolving any other effects just be aware you can't recall a single spy and perform both of those possible recall actions with it you'll either recall a spy to go to an enemy agent space with it or to draw a card there is one other way to recall a spy and that's when you see this symbol in this case though taking back a spy from the board is a cost to resolve some other aspect of the shown effect so taking back a spy this way only gets you the benefit shown here not any of the other recall benefits we discussed earlier I should mention if you're resolving a spy icon but have no spies left in your supply you may take one from anywhere on the board and add it to an empty observation post but taking a spy back in this way doesn't give you any of the recall benefits we previously discussed with that we've covered enough of the symbols that you should be able to resolve any space you've assigned an agent to and remember there's a sheet that goes over all of the spaces in detail and the back of the rule book also has a reference for every symbol you'll find in the game that said placing an agent isn't the only option you have on your turn you may instead choose to take a reveal turn unless you have no agents left on your leader mat in that case you have to take a reveal turn and the first step of doing that is to reveal cards here you reveal every unplayed card in your hand putting them face up but separate from the cards you had previously played during your agent turns you then gain and resolve all the reveal effects of those revealed cards which are located in the Box found at the bottom with a blue background now some of these symbols we've seen before others might be new but you resolve them in any order if your reveal effects show any of these persuasion symbols total and add them to any persuasion you might have earned during your agent turns for example by having your agent in this space and don't forget if you have your counselor here you also earn two persuasion during every reveal turn so in a case like this I'd have a total of six persuasion during the reveal turn you can spend the persuasion you have to acquire new cards both from the five face up ones here that make up what is known as the Imperium row and from these two piles in what are known as the reserve and remember all the cards within each stack are the same as one another the cost to acquire a card is shown in its top right hand corner and you can acquire as many cards as you like as long as you have the persuasion left over to pay for them I'd like to take a moment and talk about this card from the reserve because it has an arrow beneath its cost and others will as well this just means that after paying for that card you gain what's showing below the arrow in this case one Victory point now you only get a reward like this at the time you buy the card not each time you play the card also note the game doesn't provide a physical way for you to track your remaining persuasion because any you don't spend during a reveal turn are lost so buy as many cards as you can or wish to and ignore any leftover persuasion you may have anytime you pay for and take a card from the Imperium row replace it right away with a new one from the top of the deck you can then continue spending leftover persuasion so I could purchase any one of these including the one that I just revealed again assuming that I can afford it any cards you acquire during the game go right to your disc card pile which is kept face up to the side of your leader you'll draw these cards in future rounds once your deck runs out and you have to reshuffle your discard pile into a new deck the next step of your turn is to set your strength based on the troops and sandworms you have in your conflict area here any troops in your Garrison are ignored they are not contributing to the conflict now as we're shown in this corner every cube is worth two and every sandworm is worth three so here I have a total strength of 2 4 6 + 3 for nine and I indicate this by setting my combat marker to that value on this track cards you revealed during your reveal turn may also have provided you with sword symbols which as we see here are worth one strength each so I'd go up one more if you would ever have more than 20 strength in the conflict just flip your marker over to the 20 plus side and keep counting from the start of the track again so being on this space would mean I have a total strength of 24 your total strength in the conflict will come into play later in the round but with it set as the last step of your reveal turn you send all of the cards in front of you both from your agent turns and your revealed turn over to your discard pile now as mentioned once you've completed a reveal turn you won't take any more turns during this phase and instead the other players will continue taking agent turns until everyone has either chosen or been forced to take their own revealed turns which brings everyone to the next phase of the round combat starting with the first player and going clockwise around and around the table each person with at least one piece in the conflict area can choose to play any number of intrigued cards from their hand that have this combat keyword at the bottom and would affect strength values in the conflict now if you have no troops in the conflict only in the Garrison or your supply like this player then you can't play Combat Intrigue cards but for this example we will assume that they do have some pieces in the conflict let's say the first player here chose to play this card it says they can either increase their strength by two points or Retreat any number of their troops back to their Garrison we'll have them choose to gain two strength but either way you would adjust their combat marker accordingly if you choose to pass rather than play a combat inrig card you can still play one or more if it comes back around to your turn again later however as soon as all players have passed consecutively no more cards can be played and then it's time to resolve the conflict here everyone with pieces in the conflict Compares their strength the player with the most gains the top reward shown on the face up conflict card the player with the second highest strength gains the second place reward if you only have three players as we do here then no one gains the third place reward this is only given to the player with the third highest strength if you have a four-player game I should also mention any player who doesn't have any of their pieces in the conflict let's just say this player hadn't they won't have any strength value and cannot receive any of the rewards next I need to explain what happens if you have ties and strength strength and I've just simplified the scores to help show this if two or more players are tied for first in strength then no one gains the first place reward and instead they each gain the second place reward so three solar each in this case when you have a tie for first in a three-player game like we have here that means no other reward is given out so this blue player would gain nothing however let's say we had a four player game when there's a tie for first place they each get the second place reward and anyone in second place gains the third place reward with four players if you had a tie for second place the first place person still gets the first place reward but then everyone tied for second gets the third place reward instead and nothing else would be rewarded and if players ever tie for third place none of those players get anything whether there were ties or not if a player had one or more sandworms in the conflict they double the reward they receive so if I won second place and had a sandworm in this conflict I'd get six solar sometimes a reward gives the option to pay for a benefit here a player winning first place would normally get to increase their relationship with any one faction and then if they want they can spend three spice to earn a victory point on the other hand if they won the first place reward using a sandworm they'd get to increase their relationship with any two factions by one or the faction twice and then spend three spice for one Victory point or six spice for two in addition to the rewards on a conflict card if there's only a single player in first place even if there were ties for places lower down the ultimate winner of the conflict also collects the conflict card to put in front of thems now if there had been a tie for first place no one would get the card and it can just be return to the Box the next thing about these conflict cards we need to be aware of is that each will have one of three possible battle icons in their top right hand corner each time you gain a new conflict card check to see if its symbol matches the symbol on any other face up conflict card you already have in front of yourself or on the objective card that you were dealt during the setup as soon as you have a matching pair of symbols as we do here you flip both of the matching cards face down and then gain a victory point and you gain a point like this for each icon pair you create during the game the there's also a conflict with a question mark for its battle icon and this can be paired with any other battle icon to gain a point however unlike other pairs you create which you immediately turn in for a victory point you cannot pair another card with the one showing the question mark until the game is ended during final scoring which we'll learn about later so even though technically I could pair this card with either of these I can't do it right now only during final scoring can I use it to create a pair all right this one more possible reward we should go over and it's this symbol known as a control flag gaining this benefit means that you place one of your flag tokens into the control outline of the indicated space this is called secure Imperial Basin so we put it here at the Imperial Basin however if an opponent already has one of their tokens there they would first take it back and then you would add your token there are two benefits that come from a control flag first of all anytime you or another player puts an agent on the related space the person with the control flag now gains the related reward here in this case one Spice from the supply additionally and this is easy to forget so I want to make sure I emphasize this but anytime you reveal a conflict card in the future and it shares the name of a space where you have a control flag you may immediately choose to move one troop from your supply directly into the conflict either way once all the rewards from the current conflict have been given out each player returns all the troops they had in the conflict back to their personal Supply not back to their Garrison all sandworms are returned to the General Supply and all combat markers are reset back to zero and that covers the conflict step and with it resolved it's time to move to the fourth phase of the round known as makers check each space of the board showing what is known as a maker symbol if there's no agent at that location add a single Spice from the supply to that spot in this way if one of these locations doesn't receive an agent for several rounds in a row the amount of spice here will continue to increase but then the first player to send an agent to one of these spaces will get the normal listed benefit as well as every spice that accumulated there and now we arrive at the fifth and Final Phase of a round the recall phase first check to see if any player has 10 or more victory points or if the conflict deck is empty if either of these things are true the game ends and you check to see who won but let's assume neither of these things have happened and in that situation you now prepare for the next round first every player collects their Agents from wherever they are on the board returning them to their leader mat then you pass the first player marker clockwise and begin a new round now if instead the round had ended at the end of the fifth phase remember at that time and only at that time you check to see if someone has 10 or more points or if the conflict deck is empty if either of those things have happened then the game ends and it's time to determine the winner here each person plays any Intrigue cards they are holding with the endgame keyword here resolving their effects which may give them additional victory points or other benefits you'll notice the score track only goes to 12 but you can earn more than 12 victory points just keep track of your actual total either way Whoever has the most points wins in the case of a tie the tide player with the most spice wins and if there's still a tide the tide player with the most solar wins and if still tide the tide player with the most water wins and finally if still tied the tied player with the most garrisoned troops wins if the tie isn't broken by that point the tied players share the Victory and that's everything you need to know to play the game with three or four four players that said this included booklet explains how to play solo and two-player games using these included Decks that provide an automated opponent that will take actions along with the human players but no matter how many players you have you can always use the included CH module expansion so let's go through its unique elements and see how they work as you might remember the CH module components are marked with this symbol and during the setup you'll Shuffle the four Chom Intrigue Cards into the related deck do the same with the four Chom Imperium cards shuffling them into the Imperium deck before you flip five face up to create the Imperium row also make sure you include this leader among the options that players have to pick from this expansion uses the included tokens with this back known as the contracts now some of these will have a dark green border but these are only used when you're playing with the rise ofix expansion you can pick up separately and you can read this section of the Imperium Uprising rule book to learn how these are used in that case but when you're not using this expansion return these to the Box the regular contracts we Shuffle into a face down pile or piles as I've done here dealing two of them into these spaces of the board marked for them that covers the setup adjustments for this module and now anytime you'd resolve a CH icon effect like we see here you pick one of the two face up contracts on the board and add it to your personal Supply then replace it with a new one from the stacks beside the board now if these Stacks run out after a player claims a contract you'll be left with only one contract here this means the next time someone would resolve one of these icons they have to take the remaining contract once all of the contracts have been collected for the rest of the game anytime you would resolve this CH symbol you gain two salary instead as you're reminded of here when a player has a contract if they can complete it they'll gain the benefit it shows some like the one we see here is resolved as soon as a player sends an agent to the indicated space for example as soon as a player with this contract goes to the highliner space this contract is complete and they gain the reward showing on the right in this case two water tokens when you complete a contract that's in your supply announce that you've completed it gain the related reward and then flip it face down but keep it because certain cards will refer to your completed contracts which a token like this counts as now be aware if you gain a contract involving a space that you had sent an agent to previously or even during the same turn you don't get to automatically complete the contract you can only satisfy the requirement of a contract by sending an agent to the required space after you've obtained it there are a few other types of requirements you'll find on contracts ones labeled as harvests require sending an agent to a maker board space and gaining at least as much spice as it shows during a single turn for in this case and the required spice can come from that space along with any gain from the card you played so let's say we played this card to send our agent here we would gain two spice for the spaces effect plus this spice that's already there and by satisfying this requirement we'd gain our fourth spice completing this contract and gaining the benefit some contracts have an acquire effect this means you complete it by acquire IR iring the indicated card in this case one of these the spice must flow cards finally you may also gain an immediate contract with these you complete the contract just by gaining it collect the indicated benefit and flip it face down and that covers the rules for the included CH module expansion but that's not all there are also rules for six player games where the players will split into two teams of three players each led by a player on each team who will take the role of commander and each Commander gains a unique starting deck and personal board and you'll also find instructions on how to combine Dune Imperium Uprising with other previously released Dune Imperium products like rise ofix immortality and even the original base game but all these various other ways of playing I'll leave for you to discover on your own though I'll mention the game also has an app that you can download for your PC phone or tablet that streamlines the solo and two-player experience but otherwise that's everything you need to know to play Dune Imperium Uprising if you have any questions or anything you saw in this video feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance you'll also find forums for discussion pictures other videos and lots more over on the games page at Board Game Geek and I'll put a link to that in the description below and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video and if you'd like to support us directly you can join our patreon team with shall have linked below but until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 60,654
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Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Dune Imperium, Dune Imperium Uprising, Dune Imperium: Uprising, Dire Wolf Digital, Instructional, instructional
Id: 3cwzF63F0ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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