Should you get - Dune: War Of Arrakis?

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what's up rockstars today we're going to be talking about the new Dune war of Iraqis game on Kickstarter by come on their 52nd crowdfunded game let's discuss as always a huge shout out to my patrons and YouTube members it is through their financial support that this channel is possible if you appreciate the videos I make every single week for you guys and you can give even one dollar a month there's a link down description below thank you so very much now let's go ahead and discuss this because there's like two sides to this conversation I feel the first is the game so let's just discuss the game before we discuss the campaign game wise there it's really not I mean it's a pretty safe bet uh as far as games you're going to be able to back on crowdfunding it's very rare that you get such a Sure Fire um kind of experience with it unless it's like a reprint or something like that typically you're seeing a game for the first time on the crowdfunding and you can't experience it otherwise at least not in its folk synth and while this is true for this only kind of sort of because at the end of the day this is a modification of War of the ring from that was like a Lord of the Rings kind of uh themed game and this is now just that with Dune now that's not to say this is like just a painted on theme they did change quite a few things or Unique Mechanics it is a very different game but it's also not it's kind of like if you like one zomba side you might like another zombicide but I think even more than that it's a little bit more split than that it probably I guess closer to blood rage versus Rising Sun perhaps kindly but I feel it's less than that it's kind of hard to explain you can take a look at it because one of the nice things is this video does actually show you quite a bit bit of the game it's a very cheap um I don't know it seems cheaper it's just text and like some music and animated you know pieces moving around the texts are fine but you normally get some narration or something like that not so much here it's just you know hey we're gonna show you stuff and we're gonna like have little blurbs underneath it um the kind of an interesting choice for them uh but it does have a lot of info there that's a real quick way to get it because it's only a few minutes but they also have actually right up front a huge amount of like here's what you're doing here's some of the things you're doing talking about the different mechanics I really appreciate this that's really helpful to see and then you also have a rule book posted as well as a Gameplay trailer we'll talk about all of that um in the campaign wise but they do have all that listed so um yeah as far as I mean if you liked War of the ring or if you just think this game looks good you can take a look at reviews of where the ringer is kind of see similarities there and kind of Judge for yourself if you think this is a game for you one thing to note however when it talks about the gameplay itself is they are going to say that this is a two to four player game um however while I've not read any section in the rule book that kind of talks about how to make it four player this is a two player game first and foremost just like its predecessor so keep that in mind that when you it says two hours probably two to three hours so you need to be able to dedicate two to three hours for you and one other person if you can do that if you can think of who that would be in your gaming group that's definitely solid a bit I would kind of compare that to Star Wars rebellion I really enjoy Star Wars rebellion but it doesn't actually hit the table a lot for me because it's very rare that I have just one other person that I'm playing with and not a whole group and that we have that much time to invest and we want to do that over something like a tabletop war game or something like that so that's just my personal situation with my gaming group you can be the judge of yours but it can support four I suspect it's splitting uh tasks or something like that so maybe maybe they'll add some expansions we'll talk about expansions shortly because we are now going to be moving on to the campaign discussion here what's on offer is it a good deal do you want this game or not let's find out um before we go and we're going to scroll through and kind of talk about it but before we do that note that I actually plan on buying this game at retail so keep that in mind as I kind of talk through all this and I'll explain why that is of course too right now it's at over 6 000 backers just barely I would have been cool to get it right at six thousand and almost five hundred thousand dollars pledged so uh this is the first day that it's launched this is a a fair amount of hours afterwards but it's certainly not 24 hours uh so Europe is getting up it's late at night here in America and um yeah it's it's it's kind of middling right uh better than cyberpunk uh but that's a very low bar threshold for them definitely uh lower than than they were I think leading up to kind of their height it's definitely underperforming from what they used to do but they haven't done like anything like that since Marvel Zombies so these last two obviously haven't but even before Marvel Zombies they were they were putting out stuff that kind of typically did a bit better than this uh there's a few people that are willing to kind of catalog that they did in the comments uh for me before and they probably will get in this one as well so but you can look it's all public numbers but either way half a million bucks right it's not not too bad they're not too bad there um looking at what they have right now they have one pledge it's for 110 and they're saying this is 30 off so we're gonna get past this which by the way I do very much like I said appreciate the fact that they're showing gameplay right up front it shows that they're actually proud of this game it's not just minis but there are plenty of minis there too um so it says here that is 30 discount however shipping is fifty eight dollars to the us we'll get to the shipping uh towards the end it's at the bottom of the page so really you're already overpaying even if you paid full price MSRP on retail but you know it's not going to do that either it's gonna be 120 bucks it's free shipping at retail so um or at your final giving store which I don't need any uh shipping in that case so you're going to get it less at retail but there are kicks are exclusive so we'll talk about that but either way it's a 30 discount but then the shipping is way more than the discount so you're still ending up kind of pay so don't don't view this as like oh man I'm saving some so much money that's not that's not the case it is the case anymore with any of these things now that you have to ship them right picking up locally is always cheaper than shipping um but either way it does have this this box here notice the box is fairly skinny one of the reasons I think that you're they're rendering it's a surrender rendering it that way is because the Miniatures are smaller scale uh in fact before we get into these minis I want to show you this picture here this is that Gen Con was actually had the Miniatures there that's my thumb and so what you can see is it's about that big now the minis are bigger than this because they're farther back right and so like it looks like that but then if you did so there are about 28 millimeters I believe is what the official comment was on there normal zombicide minis which are smaller scale already are 32 the average in the industry right now of all the miniature games that I'm covering and kind of tracking some of that 35 millimeters typically the the common factor here we're getting some even in the 40 millimeter range but typically 35 is what um awaken Realms and everybody else is kind of jumped to to be able to provide a better detail and more detail and just have it more visually striking on the game board and with that typically a slight reduction in the amount of mini so you get less minis less like 24 of these guys and 12 of these guys and eight of these guys and six of these guys and instead they're actually kind of bigger a quantity or quality over quantity kind of thing um as awakened Realms did that no it was being done before but once they did that it was kind of like an Apple iPhone kind of thing where it's like oh I guess we don't need wired headphones ever anymore and if that makes sense if that parallel makes sense to you so 28 is uh the DND side so if you've seen a DND human miniature that's the size of these guys here though they're d d size which pretty small pretty small especially compared to most everything I cover on this channel um and that's because you get a bunch of them now they are larger than the war of the Rings ones which I think are like a 25. so a little bit larger but still fairly small a little bit smaller I believe than the bloodborne Heroes if you've got the bloodborne miniature game from them um so just as an FYI like all these pictures are bigger than the minis right the minis are smaller than this one concern I have by the way is the amount of detail they're like putting in here on a 28 millimeter mini I'm not saying they can't get that crispness um because if they could but um to make it be able to see that it needs to be painted it's not going to like this has much more contrast on it and shadows than you will in a light because the smaller of a miniature so like I have this big light right here right for instance you can so you can see Hello um you don't normally game under these lights you get a headache actually um especially if you're staring at them I do if I record too long um so you're not giving that but also like right now on my nose right this light will cast a shadow right because my nose is big a big honking knows but once you get really small details on a miniature the the light just washes over and it doesn't cast proper Shadows I hope that makes sense and so you you tend to lose detail unless you paint it in different colors or paint in the shadows because they won't naturally be there because our light source is much bigger than our miniature right it's not like I have a flashlight you know that's smaller than me instead these lights are massive and they're casting a huge amount of light everywhere and it's bouncing off walls and stuff that you have this little tiny mini with the nose that's that big off of its face right the proportion of the face but that's because the face is epic so just as a quick explanation on that I do worry that these won't look as good unpainted when they're actually Miniatures so a normal when you go that small I mean look at some of the detail in these the renders look great I really like the detail that they're showing but I I want renders to reflect a final product and not just here's this digital STL that we can put on here and sell these renders when I'm not getting renders I'm getting Miniatures so I want the Miniatures to look good I think the best sculptors in the industry are ones that are more intimately aware of the final product that they're making something for and designing appropriately when for instance Joan of Arc minis they're 15 millimeters so they're very small but they're designed with 15 millimeters uh in mind so that the details on them actually look great and they're designed to where they're not over encumbered stuff like that so that you kind of have to keep that in mind so I feel like they didn't do that here this is just as if it was a regular miniature and I I do worry about the quality I don't think it's going to be their their best quality on that just because of how small they are and the fact that they didn't adjust their design for them moving on from that you as you can see you get quite a few things here it's kind of interesting you get two different versions of Paul I'm assuming you can't have both out at the same time there's like oh my gosh I'm a messiah and oh my gosh I'm just some like kind of awkward 15 year old boy so I don't even know how long you would like use him because like by the time he gets into the desert he he quickly transforms but whatever anyway you get a whole bunch of different stuff here there are some honestly cool ones these are all cheaper Miniatures um and what I mean that is it costs much less to make them very few of these are going to be multi-part most of them are single cast you can fit quite a few of those and they're smaller on the steel molds so it is much much much cheaper for command to make these than it would be for some of these more Dynamic multi-piece Miniatures that are larger that takes up a lot more the steel mold and that's where the cost comes from that's the thousands of dollars is that still mold the more you can cram on there the cheaper it is for you to make them so uh they're they're definitely doing good there but these mini yeah see like holding the helmet under I worry that's gonna that's gonna be so small it's gonna be so small but I really like like the personality a lot of these have like this guy he's exuding personality I really like this one they do have the baron floating which is kind of cool he's got his little suspensers and stuff like that to to keep him going up and so some of these are are pretty good um and like I really like the the sadakar here that like Emperor's people um just very cool kind of kind of pose I really dig that so you also have these ships this omnithopper I can never say the names right um is about the size of one of the people so about that big right it's about how big that is so all of these renders of course are larger and then here are the worms and again you can kind of see the size of the worms there are about one and a half to two minis tall so if they're 28 they're about 40 millimeters tall perhaps a bit larger that is the size of a hero and oswarm so if you have osworn and get one of your Heroes out that's about how big the worms are they're decent but certainly when it comes to like the lore they're they're teeny tiny just born babies that could like barely swallow one of the guys which kind of makes sense you can have these big honking things on the board it wouldn't match because you're getting like four of them so you're getting quite a few um there's the map you can kind of see that it's it's Dune so there's a lot of desert but I think it works so they have still quite a quite a bit of interesting stuff there especially the outcroppings around Uh custom dice really appreciate the custom dice that's great you'll notice it is a red and green theme going on at least for now with These two factions here and of course a whole bunch of tokens and blah blah blah these tiles are kind of cool you can actually change the map so uh you can actually like make it to work oh there's a path down there wasn't before so the map does change a little bit um which again is nice here's that rule book hey guys interjecting real quick to let you know that there is an expansion now the spacing Guild expansion is forty dollars on Kickstarter fifty dollars MSRP and it adds a whole lot of ships and essentially a board that goes around that you can kind of do different actions to bring reinforcements in from there so it has some ground units mostly space units it also has a very cool miniature uh the space or the guild Navigator I apologize it looks super cool of course um that being said again it's only ten dollars off MSRP it'll cost more than ten dollars to ship so you'll end up being paying more I'll be on the lookout to see if they add Kickstart exclusives to the expansion to kind of fomo you into that otherwise again you are still cheaper going retail and it's not a Kickstarter it will be going to retail so you'll be fine waiting for that as well there is a exclusive gameplay with Jesse quakalope he has a partnership with come on to get these exclusives the one bummer I have about that and is exclusive not because like I'm I wouldn't have offered to make one anyway I don't do playthroughs so I'm at no loss here but I who is it losses everybody because we only have one source for a gameplay um command does not do a lot of Outreach when it comes to getting review copies out and allowing people to kind of make what they want because they sell these kind of exclusives that you know are like okay you are the only one to have that which is great for Jesse but bad for consumers because there's less options I much prefer a nice long Scroll of a whole bunch of different people that are speaking different languages that are showing off the game talking about it so that you guys in Germany shout out to you guys can see a German person playing it in German I think that's awesome and I love seeing stuff like that or whatever it might be French or anything like that like it's just really nice to have options even if it's all English just having different people play it is super beneficial so I don't really care for exclusives because it it limits the um the the ability for Consumer to see more options it's a singular option now so that's kind of a bummer I don't like seeing that um I would like to see more people and again I wouldn't be one of them and I'm okay with that I don't want I don't want to be one of them um to have just have options I think you guys should be able to see the game played by a whole host of people that being said there is a tabletop simulator which is great for them to do so you can you can actually check that out maybe get a game in you'll have to get some buddies of course but you'll be able to kind of play through which is super cool so much of this for two player games only that's a component thing and because I think the four player will come later we'll talk about that show the pictures of them painted painted they look great um this is probably about the size they are so you can kind of see you know um you know watch I don't know they may still be a little bit smaller than that actually um but either way uh it once you paint them up you know they look quite good assuming you paint like that but okay every other stretch goal is exclusive and they're just a whole bunch of other characters really so you get these alternate skulls but that'll be in retail alternate School extra sculpt right all these different um things to to make it a variety because if you recall the a list of Miniatures here you're getting 16 of these and 12 of these and six of these and eight of these right so it's making those or this one you get 24 of these right so a huge amount of the same mini which again is like pennies right um so they're making alternate sculpts so that they you know have a little bit of variety there's no gameplay there the gameplay would be in these characters with their planning cards and there and these are pretty much all as so far Kickstarter exclusive so that's where you get a lot of the kind of variety there now if if it's anything like what I normally experienced with come on it's their stretch goals actually kind of ruin the game because they're not nearly as play tested they're not as balanced because you get so many and it's pretty much impossible to balance you know once you have like 30 different options for characters you're not going to balance all 30 of those characters it just doesn't work so you're gonna get one that's you know way overpowered or whatever to the point where you're only playing with the Kickstart exclusive ones and then the game's too easy and then you shove it unless that's my experience but maybe not maybe maybe they're not out of the party here would be the first time I've seen it but that'd still be very cool now they did eventually start doing this so they are upgrading components too this is big um normally command does one of two things they either run a campaign that is just spamming the characters right spam like a zomba side saw one where you just get a ton of Kickstart exclusive people that you get to pick from so you have like 72 freaking options or whatever then they do some that are like Rising Sun where instead of a whole bunch of these Kickstarter exclusive um like characters and stuff like that they focus on upgrading the materials they did that with hate and stuff too where everything's you know now a plastic token and stuff like that it looks like they might be doing a mix here which is kind of interesting normally they pick one or the other um so it is considered exclusive but they are upgrading the village tokens to Miniatures I actually always appreciate that more I like the kind of the pimped out version more than the the spam of characters that typically just break the game anyway so I much prefer this I'm really glad to see that they do have like a bag here and notice it is this Kickstart exclusives two in a row as well three in a row once you get to this one with another character whoop didn't mean to click that so really it they're they're really kind of going heavy into the KFCs now don't back for the KFCs trust me no game if the game is only good with kses you don't want the game my opinion um so I'm sure it's great anyway we'll talk about that because we're at shipping information yay okay so here's what they have currently um right now for the US 58 bucks that's for the Harvester pledge which is the core box people asked hey it cost me 110 and you want me to pay another 58 and we're one of the cheaper ones look at that if you live in Alaska you might be paying 120 bucks if you live in uh any of these places 154 140 123 to all the I mean it can get pretty expensive so anyway um they're like why am I paying half the cost again in shipping what they said is we're including thresholds because as we know stretch goals are fake they're they're just there to kind of drum up excitement and slowly reveal what your total thing is so the hour that's why they already have all the renders all the images with them all that they just have to change the number um in there to kind of adjust when they first post it up so you have all the artwork they have them all rendered so they know how many stretch goals they're planning on adding into here and so they're taking that into account that doesn't help you though because right now it's only the Harvester which is only the core and I fully suspect we all know they're going to be expansions and those expansions are going to add to that shipping so to take the 58 and add more to it I suspect honestly to have it probably double which means you're looking at about a hundred bucks in shipping to get this if you get all the expansions now I'm sure that's a lot of gain I'm sure it's a lot of game but still that that kind of sucks right that's where I'm at the retail here because really um you know a 110 plus 58 that is like 170 bucks which is a lot more than 100 and you know 40 that supposedly the msrb is so or MSRP so do I want to spend 40 50 plus bucks for the Kickstart exclusives no no I wouldn't buy I wouldn't pay that for a few more character options and uh a bag and some some of those would I in the future I don't know I guess we'll see but honestly it's just it's a lot to get that shipped and half the time that they come out at retail even quicker and then you have to pay second wave shipping to get the core box at the same time retail does otherwise you have to wait and I mean they've done that several times now so you know it is what it is it is a smaller campaign too by the way it was only uh eight I think when it launched and now it's showing at six so this is I guess about 24 hours afterwards and it really should have been that long or maybe I'm wrong I don't know maybe it went from eight to seven real quick um either way it's about 500 000 with six days left to go so less than a week it's a very quick campaign that they're launching here that's really it um the only other thing I guess to note of course as always is the fact that uh they have like a real big nice legalese thing here that you're agreeing to so if you want to read the fine print you can do that honestly as much as I make fun of this because nobody else does this and they feel the need to like do all this terms and conditions crap um I don't feel like it's really necessary uh no terms and conditions Trump law uh so they won't get it out of like any kind of law thing uh if if that's a concern and then which case like there's nothing here that other people aren't doing anyway it's not actually that bad I just don't know why they have feel the need to list it um that being said it will be a donation um so they do mention a donation if you don't don't do it in quick enough and of course they can cancel at any time on you but you know just the normal stuff to protect them it's just kind of funny you seem to do that anyway that's it guys that is Dune and pyramid you can play it right now you can read a real book you watch the single video they have on it when it comes to community outreach they don't really do any Outreach to the community um obviously if you back it you will never uh get a response from them again on this campaign uh until because it once it closes they'll stop responding to comments and whatnot like they always do and do the kind of the typical thing but yeah it looks like a good game it does I know I can be negative in the in the the way that they they Market it um and the deal that you get with their Kickstarter which isn't a deal at all you're paying you'll be paying premium for the Kickstart exclusives they are not free you're paying more than I will so I will get the game cheaper than you um just I mean if you back the kick so this is how it works now you're buying the more expensive version uh retail is definitely the way to go so that's how I plan on getting it anyway but I am excited to play it I always wanted to play war of the Ring I've been getting into the Dune IEP and obviously a an ability for a game designer to kind of go back to with their creation and adjust it and make a little tweaks and stuff like that I mentioned is really enjoyable and I would like to kind of experience that so do plan on getting this retail so also let you guys know what I think about the game I just won't be paying through the nose for it thankfully anyway that's it so I had guys have a great rest of your day take care guys [Applause] thank you [Applause]
Channel: The King of Average
Views: 11,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kIeFoEqKVMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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