Dune: War for Arrakis Review: The Sleeper has Awakened!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody this is Roy Kennedy and today I'm taking a look at the gigantic game Dune War for Iraq as this is highly asymmetrical are you going to be the side of the atres and the fan trying to take out the evil Barony or you going to be on the side of the hearken in basically trying to crush the fan and the atres in their sies and lay waste and claim Dune for your own let's take a look at what I [Music] think so Dune War for araus is a gigantic game so I'm not going to be able to get into the nitty-gritty details of every little aspect of the game um like a how to play or anything like that but I just want to give you a feel and a flavor for how the game works this game is extremely asymmetrical with the hekinan trying to take over the uh the different uh sies of the atres and the atres are going to be trying to take over research stations and go up on the prean track by completing different prean cards and gaining victory points that way just by going up that track and then the Harin of course they're going up their Supremacy track um an interesting thing to note about setup is that the Harkin have all of their units kind of displayed out on the board you will have tokens that you're going to put in each of these settlements basically that you're going to be flipping up and then this shows the icons on there you're actually putting out but those are revealed but the atres have all their stuff on tokens that are face down so the Haren in player is not going to know exactly what the atres are going to have in each of their sies but the atres player can look at those at any time to kind of know okay I have two basic units there okay I have an elite unit in this one so it's a little bit stronger you can see where to protect um all right so as far as the point of the game the harken we're going to be trying to take over these different sees different sees are going to have different strengths on them as well so there are tokens underneath here which the atres are allowed to look at any time as well they come in one two and three strength um these will basically be the number of Supremacy points that the hearkening get if they are actually able to conquer that sieg but also this is going to give the atres strength in combat when they're defending that sieg so um we'll talk a little bit about that when we're talking about combat as well the point of the game for the atres is to try to go up on these pressing tracks and the number that you need to win will be based on your secret objective card so you're going to shuffle these up and have one of these at the beginning of the game and this will basically be the number that you need to be on each of these tracks um to actually win so you need nine in the green six in the yellow and four in the red green is more like the uh the the different mystical things are like drinking the water um yellow is going to be I think more of like bringing the fman onto your side and then the red is is going to be more of like doing military combat and and blowing up hekinan things um but to gain those you're going to be completing these different missions here so you have these pressence cards that you're going to be looking at this one says have an at trates Legion destroy two Harvesters in the same turn and this can resolve during the action phase and this would give you two on the red track which would go for half of our our goal that we need for a red here that would be amazing um but you do note this has to be actual atres Legions and you can't destroy it with sand worms so you have to be very careful about that as well and then this one is um Jessica trains Paul in the way Jessica and Paul are in the same sieg so if you're able to get both those leaders in the same sieg by the end of the round you'll be able to trigger this and gain two there and then here is one for yellow this one says uh new sarda um if Jessica is in a sector not containing a hearken and Legion spin one action die to place Jessica in the Regeneration tank so you can basically kind of um destroy Jessica or send her to the Regeneration tank and you get three on this which would be great for half of the yellow that we need so you can only complete two of these each round so you have to kind of pick and choose which ones you're kind of going for and you will be going up this track as that goes along you can unlock different leaders as you get here as you get here um you unlock um uh Paul's sister and if you get up here you have family atomics where you blow up the shield wall which makes it easier for worms to attack the hekinan well let's look at the Harkin in's Supremacy track over here and they are trying to race all the way up to get to 10 victory points and they're going to get several things by doing that and mostly the main way they do that is by um going up and destroying sies and they get the number that's on here the ones I keep revealing are threes there's only two threes but there are twos and ones and threes underneath these sees if you're actually able to take them over you will go up on this track of course each time you get to one of these red space you're going to unlock different leaders if you get to these spaces you're going to be giving the atres player um some of the uh the Bing Jes tokens which are going to allow them to have better action so a little bit of a catch up mechanic there but if you get all the way to 10 you're going to actually win the game um if you are below five you're are able to spend spice to gain this at the end of the round which we can talk about the spice stuff here in just a second but that is the ways that you win the game for both sides so very asymmetrical taking over sies and then completing these things another thing about the atres players is also if they're able to capture the research stations they're going to flip those tokens over and get one of a specific type they don't know which one it is and the Harkens don't know which one it is either but they're going to be able to go up on the pressian track for taking over those research stations so the heinens don't want them to grab too many of those either so we're going to go a little bit through the game round here so the first thing that happens is we draw two planning cards from each deck so both players are going to do that you have decks of cards on both sides um and the Harkin would draw their two cards and these would be cards in their hand that they could use normally you're going to be spinning action dice to use these cards and then you reveal the three prean cards the ones that uh the uh at tradies player are going to be using to try to win the game and then after that we're going to do vehicle placement so the hearken and gain Vehicles based on where they are on the spice flow track at the beginning of the game everybody starts here and they will get or the hark start here they will get two of the little s crawlers two of the ornithopters and one carry all so you'll be able to place those out so there's interesting stuff with placing these things um the the ornithopters are basically going to be able to allow the uh the Harkin in player to have extra movement so they're going to be able to move um two spaces instead of just one if you have an ornithopter basically adjacent or in the sector that they are in so say we want to put this ornithopter over here in this space um so that way these guys or potentially even these guys have an opportunity to maybe move to one of these sies it just makes them have a little bit better movement and so you can place both of those out um and say we're going to be placing our sandworm things here or our our not sand worm things but our uh our crawlers to be able to gain spice if you place them in an area that is not the edge of the board you can place them in any of these sand areas which sand areas are all around the board the spaces in the middle here they are not in the uh the the area here or up here um but if they are in a place that's not touching the edge of the board they will gain one spice each but it's less likely for them to get attacked by sandworms if they are touching the very edge of the board they will gain two spice each but it is much more likely that they're going to be attacked by a sandworm um and then you also have the carry all which can um help protect those if they do get destroyed you'll be able to have one of these be able to save it so that way it still gets spice and you can place those those once again on the spaces here that you can place your basically flying things this will block it so that the ornithopter can't go there um but this will help me protect these guys over here as Haren in so hopefully I'm doing this so that way we can get extra spice um to be able to keep the Empire happy lot of strategy in placing these vehicles overall mostly to try to gain spice so that way you don't end up getting any of these Imperial bands if you're not if you're not collecting spice properly you could these tracks are going to go down and you're going to um basically have different bands and restrictions placed on you like limiting the number of units you have you won't be able to take scouting action so you can't figure out what's in the different sies and then also not being able to discard planning cards in combat so just making the hearken and worse overall and you'll be losing dice as well so you want to place your um your crawlers so that way they can definitely collect you spice so that way you're not going down on that you will get more Vehicles as this goes down though um so as you're getting worse at at collecting spice the Empire is like hey you need to get out there and get more spice you end up putting more and more efforts towards getting that but the atres player have a vested interest in slowing you down also if you collect spice you can um spend uh spend three spice to move this back up you can spend two spice to move it uh leave it where it is or no spice to to uh it will move down this will happen at the end of the round but also if you're able to get to the point of uh spice you can spend spice to uh to basically gain uh Supremacy points as well so and you can only do that when you're lower on the supremacy track um but yeah that is one some of the reasons and the ways you get to place out the vehicles then we come to the Crux of the game which is the action resolution phase where each player is going to roll their action Dice and place them on the corresponding place on the board so there are several different types there are leadership there is strategy there is um deployment which allows you to put more units there is house which is kind of like a little bit of a wild um but can do other things as well and then uh there is minat as well so uh that allows you to play cards and get more planning cards um and then the atres player will do the same thing the atres player would roll their dice they only have four so much less dice than the uh hekinan player they' put their dice out there um some leadership some strategy a minat and then they do start the game with a Benny jzr token they can also gain more of these by the um hekinan player going on their Supremacy track but they can choose at the beginning of their round to be able to put this in one of the areas here let's say they want to put on deployment because they didn't roll any deployment dice you have to put it on one of the things that you don't have dice in also with the hekinan player if they roll more or even the atres player if they roll more than the number of spaces here of the same symbol they would have to change it to one of the symbols that they don't have kind of allowing you to plan out your turn so let's talk about the action dice here so from this point in the game starting with the atres player you're going to be going back and forth doing different actions so you have leadership which allows you to move two different Legions with a leader so anytime you have one of the leaders on the board you can move a legion for the atres players they have these face down Legions that would move along with them at any time they're allowed to flip these face up and be able to actually put those units out say you want to split that group up and leave some guys behind you could do that um and then there is strategy which allows you to move two different Legions so you don't even have to have a leader with them you just get to move units on the board on deployment allows you to deploy at tradies is kind of interesting because they're going to be deploying randomly out of this bag if you spent that you would do this and you put it at a uh with either a leader um deploy token you get to put a leader and a deployment token in the same seat so you have one of these that you would put face down um you would be able to look at it after pulling it out of the bag you would see that oh this would be two um of your basic units um for that and you have a certain number of those in the bag which is going to correspond to all of your your different units that you're going to have for the at trades player you have a whole bunch more units that you can add in um on your side of the board if you're able to do a whole bunch of deployments um the next thing here is mtat minat will allow you to draw two planning cards which of course these cards can be super powerful things um which can allow you to do all sorts of different game effects and you can spend dice to play these actions you can also discard them in combat to get um extra Dice and then the house result you can use any result of any action so this is kind of your wild which allows you to do your other actions and then the fman have a very specific one here which is huge for them this is Desert power this doesn't require any dice to do it just says you can only take this action if you have fewer unused action dice than your opponent which will happen quite often cuz we have four um plus the uh the uh bie desert one here this one counts as a die for counting that um but the Harkin and player over here has 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight dice that they're going to be uh using so we'll be able to do desert power for a while desert power is going to allow you to put out worm sign tokens and this is a huge deal for the game because these are basically how the Fran are going to be able to get extra movement the um the harinen are getting extra movement with their ornithopters the fman are getting extra Movement by putting out worm sign tokens and being able to use those kind of as a bridge when they're moving um so yeah we'll just kind of talk about this a little bit whenever you're doing movement like say you took a leadership action if you have worm sign tokens out on the board let's say we have some over here maybe we wanted to try to get to This research station and we have put a couple of worm sign tokens out um just to see what was going to happen we could then or put it here we could say oh we're going to be able to move these guys here for one movement um you don't even have to have one here you just treat the space that you're moving through that has worm sign as not actually being there and you could do that with with a leadership action or with a strategy action uh leadership allows you to do with leaders and then the uh strategy action allows you to move to different Legions um there also uh the leadership action can allow you or the deployment action can allow you to play out your actual leaders which will put these guys in the game if you put Paul in the game you can then do the green action on here which is Place Paul in any Legion and then move two different Legions with the leader so allowing Paul to kind of move around the board even better if you ended up getting this leader into play you can then move three different Legions instead which is awesome so stillar is there he can lead people even better if you got Jessica into play with deployment you'll be able to draw one planning card and then play one planning card so instead of just drawing them you can actually play them draw them and play them which gives you just more options for your planning cards so there's all sorts of different actions you can take here but yeah the another part of the desert power action is the fact that you can move to sand worms as the game goes along um these tokens at the end of the round are going to start to get flipped and when they're flipped um if it shows a sand worm on it a sandworm would actually appear on the board and you can still move through sandworms um as the at trades player um just like it was a worm sign token so they help for movement they can also be used to attack the um sand crawlers if you're able to do a worm sign action you can use it to move into the spaces and take these things out um also if they pop up where they are they would take them out immediately um and then also you can attack with the sand worm so say there were some hearkening Legion units out on the board then you could make a sandworm attack and then you would roll on a thing on the Perils of AR racus here um for these sand worms you would roll four dice and for each hit result you would take one wound and then depending on where you're at in the desert you would take more rooms if you're lay in the Deep desert it' be worse same worms are more ferocious out in the Deep desert that sort of thing um so yeah this desert power action is a big part of the atres player because it allows them to do movement and control the worms player has actions that are very similar to the atres but they just have way more of those actions so they're going to have leadership which allows them to move two different leaders or Legions with leaders in them they have strategy which allows them to move two Legions with leader as well so very much the same sort of thing and then they have uh deployment which allows them to do even more so they get to deploy three regular units and a leader um in one of their settlements and you can do a named leader as well of course getting these leaders into play is going to allow you to have more abilities and then they have mtat of course which allows them to draw planning cards and then they have their house icons here which the house icons come with the baron if you get him into play you can basically start upgrading your regular units with elite units you can also Place more vehicles on the board which can get you more sand crawlers to get you more spice also can get you orth opter out there to give you more movement these these things can be very important when trying to figure out how to move your units around to attack sieges and to build up uh your spice refinement so that way you can get more Supremacy and be able to keep your spice must flow in check because if you're not able to deliver spice you're going to get all those mean sanctions on you point of the game for the hekinan is very much to be taking over these sies so say they had taken a uh strategy action to move two Legions and they had maybe said oh we're going to consolidate some of these guys are going to move over into this one um you have a Max of six units in the same space and that is not including the leader so 1 2 3 4 5 six so we had done this to move and then on a different strategy action we had maybe moved all of these guys over to here um then uh on a future turn we could uh then have a leadership action if you're attacking with a leadership action you're basically allow to get a surprise attack which is going to give you extra symbols like basically the leadership symbol in combat um but because there's an ornithopter here I can say oh I'm going to do leadership and I'm going to move all these guys to attack we'll kind of show you what a hearkening attack would look like against a um a fman Siege and hopefully if you would see well actually let's say this was over here and they're actually trying to attack the SI area um and they were able to get their movement together to make that happen um basically the first thing that would happen is when you move in here um the SI would be revealed and show the strength of it so this is a two um and then this would be revealed and show the actual units there so there would be an elite and a um a special Elite whenever you move with an ornithopter that ornithopter would come off the board and the fman uh special Elites are called uh what is it uh fedin or something like that along those lines fedin yes and then the special elite units which are the ones with the hex bases um for the for the harinen are the Sardar um which I recognize that name even more um so we uh if we're starting combat here this would be started by the hekinan and they have six units here so they're going to roll six Dice and if they attacked with a leader it would be a secret attack so they would be rolling all six these dice the fman have two units so normally it would be two dice but because they're attacking a sieg and the sieg has two on it they're going to get two more strength there for their dice um the leaders are going to be triggering uh basically if they roll the leadership ability on this they'll be able to trigger that because this was a a sneak attack the U Harkin are going to be able to add one of those symbols to their final result so both sides would roll their Dice and try to be getting hits in combat and defenses to stop the opponent's hits so the fman would have rolled three hits there knocking out three things here and then a shield do note that the fedin and the Sardar will ignore one of the defenses from each side so for this uh Sardar we'll get rid of this defense and for this feden we'll get rid of this defense so then we have to look at what we have here for the result um the normal leaders um all basically add one extra hit with the special ability symbol so there is a massive amount of damage over here with the Harkin and player because we have 1 2 3 4 five each leader can only trigger this once so even though we got technically got a Bonus one of these um we can't trigger that again because we only have one leader um so this would be able to have enough to knock out the two units but on the other side we're going to be attacking back with three and then the uh well we can downgrade these units anytime you have an elite you can take damage by downgrading it um so I'd be able to replace this out with just a regular unit which are the ones with these Circle bases on them um but there's enough damage here to continue to take out everything that the fman or the atres would have there but they would still attack back and be able to do damage so the Harkin in player could downgrade all three of their Elites into regular guys or they could keep Elites because they're very good for continuing combat and they could just get rid of their regular guys um and then they would be able to take over that Siege they would be able to claim the two points here and anytime they uh go up on their track here you would check if they unlocked any leaders if they passed the little red spot here they would unlock this guy so they'd be able to have a new character for their uh basically their minat section of the board so they can do better on planning cards but yeah and that is two of the points that they need out of the 20 to win the game by taking over one of those sieges and this is going to happen a lot with the Barony they're going to be smashing and crushing the tradies with overwhelming forces but the tradies the whole time are trying to figure out how to complete those pressence cards if the Freeman are able to muster up enough strength to be able to take out a uh hearkening stronghold like say they had moved in here to attack and maybe they had mad on their side allowing them to have some extra combat CU he can be a beast in combat um and they're actually able to take out one of the harken and strongholds in combat by being the aggressors they would then take over that stronghold and they would go up one spot on the pran's track in each color which can be huge of course when you're trying to get that secret objective um so um if you're able act if you're able to actually find a way to take over any of the hekinan strongholds with the atres which is a little bit more rare because the hekinan norm are outnumbering you in forces but if they leave things undefended you're able to take those out also if you're able to take over the research stations and you're able to move into them you will flip those over of course and then gain the prean on that as well anything you move up on the prean track is good for you especially if it has to do with uh the colors that you currently need around the atres is also going to have these different prean cards in play they're going to have three and they're going to do all sorts of different effects this is like uh Paul drinking the Water of Life life if Paul is in a sector not containing a hearken legion you can spend an action die to place Paul in the Regeneration tank and this can be done as an action in during the action resolution phase so it's really hard for the harken to stop this sort of thing um but some of the other things might be a little bit easier for them to stop so reveal a SE in the same area as Paul so this is basically giving the hekinan information by revealing the SI and showing the points that are actually on it but if you see Paul in a certain space maybe uh maybe the at trades try to jump in there and knock out Paul before they're able to complete this you know but you know they might end up revealing it and uh making it happen but yeah so that is some of the different pressence cards they have all sorts of different things basically just different missions that you have to do to run up that pressence track so that the atres can snatch Victory after the action resolution phase um and all of the players have done all of their dice then we're going to move over to the desert hazards phase which is going to do uh some interesting stuff here so one of the things that's going to happen happen is that we're going to put these worm sign tokens anywhere that there are hearkening units like say there were some hearkening units that were here or any of the Little sand crawler things they're trying to gain spice we're going to put those out all over the board and then we're going to reveal every single one of them so if it has nothing on it then there's no sandor worm there and it will just be removed from the board if it has a little Mound here if it is not on the very edge of the board it would be nothing if it is on the edge of the board it would actually spawn a sandworm if there is a crawler in that space that crawler would be destroyed before the uh hearken or able to get spice with it but if there is a carry all there you could actually remove the carry all to save that um so that way it doesn't get removed from the board and so that way you could still gain your spice for it but you would flip your other tokens and see if those were um bringing out worms and maybe the carry all won't be able to Destro to save all of them these worms are also going to be very useful for the uh the atres player in the future because they can use them for attacks and also use them to move around the board um but yeah so we would reveal those and if any uh worms are in spaces with uh enemy units here they would basically be attacking them or they would actually have to just move out of that space and you're also going to be rolling for the uh storms for each unit that is out on the board you're basically going to roll dice and depending on where they are um they take a certain amount of damage so the hits just a regular damage if they're a special symbol it depends on where they are on the board if they are um on the inner area then uh if they're in the desert it's going to be one hit if they're in the Deep desert that would count as two hits which would be a ton of damage so the deeper you are in the desert which deep desert is always the outside areas of the board the worse it is going to be for the hearkening player the atres player don't have to worry about that as much because they're used to and adapted to the desert after you are finished with the desert haard phase then it is the spice Harvest ing Spa phase so any of the actual um sand crawler things that we're able to survive are going to be moved off of the board and if they're on an outer area they're going to collect two spice if they're on the inner desert area they're going to collect one spice each so if we had the two that survived we would then be able to gain two spice so we would know that we have two spice we would go over to our spice mus flow board here and then check out what all we can do with it so all of these tokens are going to move down unless we do something we could spin two spice to leave it where it's at you can spin no spice to let them go down and depending on which one moves down depends on um which bands end up in play or you could spend no spice and then let the let the thing move down if you move three you actually get to push it back up which could each each of these that's covered is going to lock one of your dice for the next action round so you're going to have less dice to use and and if they move down that turn you're going to gain a ban um also if you're less than five on the supremacy track over here you're able to actually be able to spend three spice to um move up on that which of course is a huge part of the game so getting to 20 actually lets you win so say we gain just two um we could say oh well I'm just going to make the entire Imperium mad at me I'm going to let all of these go down we're going to end up locking one of my dice here and I'm going to get all three bands so I won't be able to discard planning cards during combat that's one of the things I should have mentioned if you have planning cards in your hand at the start of combat and you're rolling less than the maximum dice you can discard these even not for their special ability it you wouldn't be using their special ability at all you just get extra dice in combat which of course could be huge if you're trying to win a pivotal combat so you could no longer do that if you had that ban this one says you can no longer take scouting actions one of the actions you can take with the die is to be able to or with an ornithopter is to be able to remove them to just look at what is under a sieg allowing you to know not to go after the ones that have one on them and to go after the ones that have three on them so you can get lots of points um then of course the charm one here is I'm your legion limit is now five so if this band comes into play anywhere that you have six units on the board you end up having to bring them down to five um but you can also Bank One spice um for a future round so but it is only one so if I spent my three and I gained four overall I could save one for a future round gain all these bands but I still would go up one more point on the uh Supremacy track which is a huge part of the game which would allow kind of like taking over a one cost SI there and allowing you to take that but of course the Imp prior is getting mad at you but a good thing to look at as well is that since these tokens are now here any token that's here I'm now going to get four crawlers two ornithopters and one carry all and the worse things get the more things happen if it's here you have all the Imperium bands um and you have all these dice locked up which is pretty rough for you because you don't get to do you don't get to overwhelm the atres with quite as many actions as you normally would be able to so the game is going to continue back and forth till either the hearkening player has reached all the way up to the 10 space on the supremacy track or the atres have reached all the way to meet their secret objective um if the Hardon player at any point gets to 10 they immediately win the game the atres war feel this if they if they have gotten to those spaces at the end of a round so they actually have to be able to trigger off enough of their Supremacy cards to be able to or their um pressian cards to be able to trigger this or be able to take over enough stuff to be able to get to the point that where they can actually fulfill this reveal it and they would then win the game um also a thing to note is when you go up to different spots on this track you're going to be unlocking leaders for different side same thing as well as Supremacy so these give you all sorts of different cool abilities you can do also if you get all the way up to um the family atomics with any of your things here you're going to blow up a portion of the shield wall here um you get to pick which one you want to take out and this would then be giving you another opportunity to more easily get in there because you could then put put tokens out to be able to uh have worms actually go and attack up in the actual uh thing there so very thematic and interesting ways for the ATR to actually make a attack on the haran um strongholds there which could end up giving you a bunch of pressence and I haven't seen it done yet but I would love to see that sort of ending to the game but that could be very exciting but yeah that is Dune War for araus very thematic lots of combat going on riding sandworms destroying the fman in their sies um let's see what I [Music] think so just a little backstory for me first I grew up watching the Dune movies um with my dad my dad quoted Dune throughout like my entire childhood I grew up playing the old school Doom board game I love the Dune IP um I love the movies I love the book I love all that stuff so I'm very entrenched in the lore and the theme so take that as you will cuz I really enjoy this IP but also on top of that one of my my second favorite game of all time is war of the ring and this shares a lot DNA with that um the things I want to say about this game is I love the asymmetry in it I love the fact that one side as the atres is just feeling like you have to just hold on as you're trying to complete those different prean cards and figuring out ways to outsmart your opponent keeping an eye on those prests cards and hoping they don't figure out ways to spoil your your schemes of being able to trigger those but at the same time keeping an eye on the board and be like huh the heinens aren't stopping me from taking this research station or huh they left that strong hold open maybe I can jump and take it and gain a ton of pressings for taking that out and then the heinens are completely different side you feel so powerful when you're playing it but you feel like your sand crawlers are just going to get crushed by all these different worms um so you're trying to figure out how to manage spice but at the same time figuring out how to crush the uh the atres with all of your overwhelming forces I have played both sides of this game and I love the way that both sides feel um you just get to feel it to play a completely different game depending on which side you're playing on and even though actions are very similar it's like hey you're using this guy to move hey you're using this guy to do a strategy action hey you're using this guy to put more units on the board very simple stuff and stuff that's very much a carryover from war of the Ring which I love but I love the fact that there's leaders that are tied to each of these things if you're able to get those leaders on the board you get extra and better actions and if those leaders die you're going to be taken away those actions so you have to try to protect your leaders also a lot of the pressings cards are going to like make you sacrifice your leaders or do different things with your leaders to be able to make those prience cards trigger um and then you're also kind of doing these different like rating missions as the the atres to try to like take out the spice Harvesters and the whole time as the uh Harkin in you're trying to figure out how do I produce spice so I don't lose more and more of my dice so that way I can do more overwhelming military actions against the at trades but at the same time if I don't uh if I if they're taking over all my stuff and I'm focusing too much on spice then I'm not going to be able to uh basically take over stuff the way that I want to it's this tug of war and Pull and push and pull with your own side that you're like do I gain spice do I attack do I push for this do I put out more Harvesters do I put out more ornithopters so that way I can take over more of the board it's a very interesting game and I love the theme fits so well I love the fact that the characters have cool abilities that feel like stuff when when Paul ends up um basically getting to a certain point on the thing here he turns into mu and then he's controlling worms and like going out all over the the board and basically taking over stuff as more of a like strong military leader and then you have um all of the different hearkening guys which are gross and disgusting just going out there just doing tons of tons of damage to your opponents it's very interesting and very exciting with the tug back and forth on each side to try to take over sies to try to complete prean cards I love this game I'm going to give this game a 10 out of 10 this is one of my favorite games of all time and I have only played it a few times so far so I really love it and obviously I was destined to love this game I grew up with Dune I love Waring um and this really didn't disappoint like I was skeptical going into this and I definitely was worried that it wouldn't live up to my expectations but I really enjoy it and I love the box cover I love the production Sean has done an amazing job bringing the Dune Universe to life and really giving me a game that feels like I'm playing Dune where I'm riding sandworms or we're crushing the atres depending on which side you're trying to collect spice you're doing all the things that just makes it feel like Dune so if you're into war games I understand if you're not into conflict games this might not be as much of your thing but if you're into asymmetrical War style games where you're chucking Dice and Blasting each other and trying to make the Strategic decisions with how you're moving your troops and your armies this is a great great asymmetrical games I love Dune War for racus and if you think you'd be interested in it it's a big gigantic game it normally takes at least a couple hours of play even if you know the game really well but I really really enjoy my play of it and it comes with modules as well I didn't talk about the uh the old man of the desert which is this giant worm which you can put that allows you to move across the entire side there it also has like um different futures or whatever which allows you to have the Duke stay alive and allows you to have different setup for the game so there's a lot of replayability there as well anyway this has been my look I've been definitely gushing about this I love this game doing Warf for racus 10 out of 10 for me me anyway I've been Roy caned and I'll see you on the next [Music] [Applause] one [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 50,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: EbmZElY6lzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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