DUNE: Everything You Need to Remember From Part 1

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hey folks Matt Karen here today we're going to recap everything you need to know about Dune part 1 with Dune part 2 coming to theaters soon it may have been a while since you last watched part one unless you're like me and have had it on constant Loop in the background for the past few years so if you need a refresher or want to know some of the more finer plot points in lore of Dune then I've got all of the spicy little details for you so you don't need preent Vision before going into part two first a heads up nerd's own peshaw Emperor is legendary entertainment which produces Dune but I read Dune way before legendary even existed so uh I've been a Duna tick my entire life in fact this is my first copy of Dune from my childhood and you can see that I clearly read it so many times it fell apart so I'd be talking about Dune regardless I'm a big fan this video is just a fun excuse for me to re-watch part one so fine I'll watch it again I guess now fair warning I'll also dip a a bit into the lore from the book to help give some extra background information on what we do see in the movie I'll have thuer pop up here as a warning if I start getting too much into spoiler territory from the novel and where you can skip ahead if you just want to hear me explain what you need to know from only the movie if you're a quick reader and still want to get a chance to get caught up in the book up to where Dune part 2 will begin you can read a little bit past halfway up to the chapter that begins with God created oracus to train the faithful and another fair warning if you read the book will also discover a few important details that haven't been revealed yet but we should hopefully see answered in the second movie so with all of that out of the way let's dive in to make sure you have everything you need to know before seeing Dune part two this is only the beginning first things first let's actually address some deep lore from the book to help explain dune's setting skip here if you want to get straight into the movie explainer Dune takes place roughly 20,000 years into the future where humans have spread to countless worlds throughout the known universe and Earth is pretty much a myth by their calendar it is the year 10,191 AG or after guilt 10,000 years before Dune humans revolted against thinking machines so by the time that this story takes place this is a universe without computers or advanced technology great schools and guilds were created to enhance humans and fill the void left by machines for instance mentats are humans who can process massive calculations and projections the spacing guilt holds a monopoly on space travel and the bin aerate Sisterhood trains women in the ways of politics mental acuity the martial arts among many other things civilization itself has reverted back to a feudalistic society with many noble houses ruled over by an emperor but the Imperium wouldn't function without the most important resource in the known universe the spice mange spice extends life it grants limited pressence and it's used by The Navigators of the spacing Guild to chart safe Pathways for their ships Dune part one begins on the planet oracus also known as dune we first hear the voice of chanani played by Zinda channi is one of the fman the indigenous people of araus who live in the vast desert wastelands of the planet we also see spice drifting across the desert Plains the spice mange is the most valuable substance in the universe and only comes from one place oracus itself the hinin a ruthless and brutal family the brutal yes thank you gurnie a ruthless and brutal family have been the ruling governors of araus a position granted to them by the emperor the heinens have plundered the planet and harvested spice for the Imperium for the last 80 years all while battling the fman and as we'll find out a little later the Harkin's governorship actually ends and they depart from oracus leaving CH to wonder if their Replacements will be just as bad if not worse why did the emperor choose this path and who will our next oppressors be Paul wake up we next meet Paul atres played by Timothy shalam Paul is the heir of The atres Family the son of Duke L atres played by Oscar Isaac and the Duke's concubine the lady Jessica played by Rebecca Ferguson Paul awakes from a dream of visions of oracus and hey Johnny is there too remember her Paul on his home planet of kaladan Paul eats breakfast with his mother as she tests him Jessica is a sister of the bener and instructs him to use the voice the voice is a special ability that can compel someone to do whatever a benages sister commands them to think of it like a Jedi mind trick because in actuality the Jedi were inspired by the Benny jesset credits will do fine no they won't credits will do fine almost as Paul tries to use the Vo we see a few quick shots of a portrait of Paul's grandfather The Old Duke and a statue of a bull fighter The Old Duke was gored during a bull fight and we see this statue and the Bull's Head as a motif throughout the book and the movie it represents the audacity of the atres family that their huis can get the best of them whenever they challenge danger and grandfather fought bulls for sport yes look where that got him House of trodes awaits the arrival of The Emperor's Herald of the change the emperor has charged House of trodes with the the new governorship of oracus their Arch enemies house hekinan will no longer be in charge of harvesting spice how can the emperor take everything we built and give it to that Duke how one would think this would be a great honor to be responsible for the most precious resource in the universe however everybody involved the emperor house hekinan and even House of trodes they all know it's a trap where is a gift not a gift Duke GL explains to Paul that the emperor feels threatened by the popularity of House of traes the great houses look to us for leadership and this threatens the emperor and as we all know it's not always a good thing to look better than your boss lato tells Paul that by taking oracus away from the hinin the emperor is actually stoking a war between the two houses thereby weakening both of them but lato believes he can rely on an alliance with the freman to help defend against any type of hearken and attack here on kaladan we've ruled by air power and SE power on araus we need to cultivate desert power we then catch up with Paul during his weapons training and shield practice with gurnie HCK oh man gurnie is the warm for House of Trades he's a trador warrior who is equally skilled with a blade as he is with a ballast set which we will hopefully see in part two normally Paul's friend Duncan Idaho a gin swordmaster would be training Paul but Duncan has been sent on an advanced mission to araus to hopefully Forge an alliance with the femen desert power during Shield practice gurnie reminds Paul that the slow blade penetrates the shield in the duners some of the same technology that allows for hyperspace travel also generates the power for body Shields known as the Holtzman effect any object that encounters a shield at too high of a speed is deflected it takes a skilled hand with a blade to strike with the right speed to slide through the shield and hit the opponent within these shields also have a very volatile reaction to laser weapons if a Las gun Fires at a shield it creates a feedback loop which leads to a nuclear explosion hence the return to sword combat and melee attacks in the world of Doom house harinen the Archen enemies of House of traes hail from gaty prime a dark polluted industrial world where the baron Vladimir hekinan rules with an oppressive hand the brutal Baron harinen played by stellen Skarsgard explains to his nephew the Beast Rabon played by Dave Batista how the hinin will actually finally destroy the atraes now that the emperor has stoked a war between the two enemy houses he'll supply house harken with reinforcements from his Sardar Army the Sardar are the emperor's Elite shock troops and not only are they the most feared soldiers in the Imperium but they're really good at throat singing here we see the baron who is so overweight he must rely on the aid of suspensor to help lift his bulk the Harkin represent ultimate Indulgence and gluttony as they have become extremely wealthy from their governorship of oracus before House of Tres leaves for oracus The benate Sisterhood visits them on cadam for thousands of years the bagerat have been selectively breeding certain Bloodlines to produce a human who can see through all of space and time they call this the quizat hatak quizat hatak the lady Jessica is actually a part of that breeding program and she was ordered to give birth to a daughter but out of her love for Duke Glo she decided to give him an heir with a son so much potential wasted in a male Paul therefore may have abilities that he cannot control the Reverend mother guas Helen mam played by Charlotte rampling has come to test Paul to ensure that he is actually not a danger to the Ben jer's plans Paul is subjected to intense pain which he must withstand or else the Reverend mother will kill him with a poison needle the gam Jabar the pain activates Visions from his dreams but fortunately he passes the test what did you see girl when he later overhears the Reverend mother scolding Jessica Paul realizes he may in fact actually be this quizat tatarak that I could be the one so in order to protect his bloodline the besserat have prepared safety measures on araus by spreading false religions and prophecies that Paul could be a promised Messiah therefore no one will harm him House of Tres finally arrives on oracus their massive lighters and frig slowly emerge from the even more massive spacing Guild highliner in orbit around the planet as the most metal bagpipe player you've ever heard leads the atres out onto the landing field Paul and Jessica hear many of the fman pilgrims chanting lisan algib lisan algib The besserat Sisterhood has prepared safety measures for any sister who may come to a dangerous planet such as oracus the missionaria protectiva is the besserat method of spreading the myths and superstitions of false religions with which a bener sister could use to manipulate an entire population planting superstitions and this lisan algib is a prophesized voice from the outer world the fmen believe that a benages sister who has born a son will come to oracus And that son will be their Prophet you see what they've been told to see we even see this missionary protectiva take effect again later when Jessica meets a fman servant the Shad out Mapes when you have lived with prophecy for so long the moment of Revelation is a shock in the aren keep Paul adjusts to his new life on oracus but the hekinan have left plenty of sabotage devices and traps for the atres fortunately Paul survives an assassination attempt from a hunter Seeker it's a little remote controlled drone with a poison needle tip thuer hawat the minat and master of Assassins for House of Trades feels ashamed at not detecting the danger and failing to protect his young Master now in the book many noble houses participate in wars of Assassins instead of outright Warfare sending an entire Army to another planet can cost a house a lot of spice the spacing Guild charges more fees than a GrubHub delivery order How much would it cost them three Guild Navigators a total of 1.46 m62 Solaris round trip mini Nobles instead turn to assassins who use poisons and Silent Weaponry like Hunter Seekers to eliminate precise targets and and to avoid the mess of war and combat back on Gat Prime the Reverend mother mam negotiates with Baron hekinan mam is aware of the plan that the Harkin have with the emperor but insists that when the hekinan destroy the atres they should allow Paul and Jessica to escape Paul's genetics are way too important to lose for the besserat breeding program on that matter Duke leer a tradus means nothing to our order now in the book Baron hekinan also promises not to kill Paul and Jessica at least not directly Reverend mother mahay is the emperor's truthsayer a Benny jesset sister who can read someone's body language and voice well enough to know if they're lying or not basically she's a human line detector test my Lord you gave your word to the witch but the baron has ways of keeping his hands clean while a supposed accident could still happen to Paul and Jessica well like got an accident accident stick up he could choke on a chicken wing Jason Mamoa plays Duncan Idaho the highly trained swordmaster for House of tradies here Duncan finally returns from his Advanced mission Duncan had traveled ahead early to oracus to meet with the freman as an example of the character of House of tradies as Duncan discovered the freman are Fierce Fighters and they live in numerous cave communities called ches CES CES CES ches ch ch ch ches with Duncan is sgar played by Javier bardam a naib of the fan one of the leaders of these ches sgar has lived in a world where the noble family governing oracus has always oppressed his people so he is immediately and rightly so apprehensive of house at trates it's only when Duke GL shows stillar the atres way that the atraes give their undying loyalty to their subjects that sgar finally shows his appreciation in the best way possible on aaas it's fine to spit as a sign of respect but when I do it suddenly I have to meet with HR anyways As stillar Leaves to return to a CH he recognizes the signs of the lisan alib in Paul another instance of the missionaria protectiva at worki Paul Duke Le and gurnie then inspect their spice harvesting operations and they meet with the planet ecologist Dr leat Kines she acts as the judge of the change an administrative position appointed by the emperor to manage the transition of oracus from the Harkin to the atres but Dr KES may be more than just an agent for the emperor where you from it I am accepted in both SI and Village she too sees signs of the Al G and Paul recognizing that Paul is already down with the latest fan drip wearing his still suit in the desert fashion seem the right way out in the desert a large spice Harvester extracts the spice from the surface of the dunes but you know what's bigger than a harvester a gigantic worm is that a worm big one as Dr K explains the giant sandworms of oracus are attracted to rhythmic vibrations and attack anything within their territory carry alls are transport ships meant to lift a spice Harvester away from an enraged Worm but in this case the carry all is damaged or possibly even sabotaged leaving the Harvester stranded on the dangerous sand below Duke Leo therefore willingly risks his life to rescue the spice miners which doesn't go unnoticed by Dr KES besides we got to follow the spice we can't just leave damn the spice I want every man off that crawler now and it is here that Paul finally walks out on the desert sands of oracus he is quickly enveloped in a cloud of spice which activates his budding pressing it abilities but before he gets too enticed in the spice he'll need to get off the sand before he becomes food for shy hulud gurnie rescues Paul just in time for the two of them to see just how massive a sandworm actually is swallowing this spice Harvester entirely whole now Paul's Visions from the spice are really freaking him out he remembers seeing the literal girl of his dreams chny and they begin to kiss psych she stabs him Paul next also tells his mother about his Visions showing him his as of yet unborn baby sister Alia will we see more of Alia in Dune part two you can't know that we jump to the planet salusa akundas the emperor's Prison Planet where he keeps his Imperial Army of Sardar shock troops pyer Dev the Menat for house harinen finishes brokering the deal that will provide three battalions of the emperor Sardar to reinforce the Harkens now in the book The Sardar actually disguised themselves as hekinan soldiers remember the emperor wants to remove House of traes but cannot do so outright or risk the chaos of allout War among all of the noble houses by backing the Harkin the extermination of the atres will just look like normal rival house Warfare with the ongoing pressures of harvesting enough spice Duke Glo feels the Harkin and the emperor both closing in he know time is short too short to possibly Ally with the fman and prepare for the inevitable hekinan attack loo fears for the life of his son and asks Jessica if she'll do whatever it takes to protect Paul but loo knows that Jessica's loyalties aren't just to House of Trades as a mother Jessica will absolutely protect their son but Dugo realizes he may need to rely on the shadowy methods of the Ben and jesser themselves to ensure Paul's survival why are you having these thoughts I thought we'd have more time when the heinens finally launched their attack on the atres they're brutal they're brutal it turns out that Dr UA the house physician for the atres is a traitor why is Dr UA here after Dr UA disables the house Shields the hekinan unleash a massive assault Force onto the planet but Dr UA isn't just a simple Harkin and pawn the Harkin have captured and tortured his wife and Dr Dr UA wants his revenge he plans to deliver Duke L to the baron hekinan in exchange for his wife so Dr UA conceals a poison gas tooth in L's mouth so that when the doomed Duke takes his final breath he can also kill the baron UA tells Duke loo for this one final act in return UA will ensure Paul and Jessica's safety as the hekken and attack rages outside Sardar shock troops join the fry and decimate the atra's houseguard and we see gurnie halik for the last time as he leads a valiant charge against a mass of Harkin and Soldiers with me with me we'll see just exactly what happens to him in part two you young pup now in the book one of the major plot points that couldn't fit into the runtime of Dune part one is the treason of Dr Wellington UA Dr UA is a Suk doctor a highly trained Medical Professional who is conditioned to never take a human life Suk doctor conditioning is so trusted they are considered safe enough to administer Medical IAL Aid to members of the noble houses even to the emperor himself and the only prescription is more cowbell however P Dev the Harkin and mtat discovered a way to break Dr U's conditioning with the capture and torture of U's wife throughout the first part of the book The atres are aware that there is a traitor among them but readers quickly learned that it is actually Dr U the heinens throw the atres off the scent the whole time though confusing Duke L and thufir to suspect even the lady Jessica herself Paul and Jessica are drugs Ed and taken captive on a hearken and ornithopter so they can be sandworm food out in the desert but Paul uses his besserat skills that Jessica taught him to overpower the Harkin and stas your pitch was too forced luckily Dr UA's final Act of redemption leaves Paul and Jessica with a FR kit to survive in the desert as well as duke L's dukal ring for Paul as Paul and Jessica take shelter in a FR in still tent Duke Leo remains captive back in the aring keep he stares at the bull head mounted in the banquet hall the same bull that k kill his father and it reminds lato of the consequences of playing such a dangerous game the baron hekinan believing he has destroyed house of trodes entirely gloats over his paralyzed rival but with his dying breath lato bites down on the tooth and kills nearly everyone in the room with the poison gas unfortunately the baron still survives but he is severely weakened by the attack Paul discovers his father's ring in the FR kit knowing that his father is now dead he doesn't have any time to mourn however as he realizes the weight of his new life ahead of him him as he inhales the spice that has gotten into the tent his preent site activates and floods his mind with visions of possible Futures he sees himself leading the fman in a terrifying War Across the Universe a war of Untold levels of death and destruction all in the name of house trades it's here that Paul realizes his abilities are the product of the benad jeser breeding program that he is just a mere tool to be used even in part by his own mother you did this to me you better a des made me a freak after the Visions pass Paul finally has a moment to grieve his father's death Paul and Jessica emerge from their still tent and Paul spots a tiny desert Mouse known as madep this little guy is a great nod to the book Because at this point in the story it's the beginning of the second part titled madep this mouse teaches important lessons to those who wish to adapt and survive in the desert and it is at this point in Paul's Journey where he begins to change into a desert creature Duncan Idaho along with Dr Kines then rescues Paul and Jessica they Retreat to an ancient ecological testing station from the early days of terraformation efforts of oracus Paul realizes here that Dr K's may have more in common with the fman than she originally LED on earlier in the movie hello Paul asks about the palm trees in Arin to which the gardener replies old dream now Paul shows Dr K understands her dream of turning a racus from a desert Wasteland into a lush Paradise also by using the prophecy of the lisan algib from the benad jerat missionaria protectiva Paul claims he can be the promised leader of the fman need careful Dr K finally accepts Paul as an ally and Promises to help expose the emperor's plot against the atraes here we learn that Dr Kines is actually fan I'm fan in the book house atraes Only Knows Dr KES as an ecologist and as the judge of the change Duke Leo believes KES has gone native noting K's blue eyes and his ability to command the freman the atres also learned that the freman speak of a mysterious leader known as leet it's later that Dr KES reveals he is in fact leet and that he keeps tabs on the workings of the Imperium as he poses as the judge of the change I know you walk in Two Worlds and are known by many names Dr KES inherited his position as ecologist or in the ancient term planetologist from his father Paro KS Paro was originally a planetologist who dreamed of terraforming oracus into a much more Lush andh habitable planet Paro saw the value of the fan as a working force to help slowly change the plan over time he married a fman woman and she gave birth to leet who took over managing the long-term terraforming designs of his father now just as Paul proves to Dr Kines that he is a leader worth following the Sardar show up and attack the fan Hideout Paul Jessica and Kines Escape as Duncan stays behind to fend off the Sardar it takes over 19 Sardar to finally kill Duncan and I got to say I really hate to see him go out like that but we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds go R Dune Messiah Paul and Jessica then flee in an ornithopter to find safety with more of the fman a fleet of harken and ornithopters finds them and chases them into one of the giant sandstorms of araus and the Harkin then just assume the storm killed them we chase them into a Corola storm nothing survives such a storm as Paul fights the controls of the ornithopter and navigates the sandstorm his preent vision kicks in and shows an unknown friend in his future and this part of the movie features what is probably the most important lesson from dune's author Frank Herbert we hear a fman tell Paul the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience a process that cannot be understood by stopping it we must move with the flow of the process we must join it we must flow with it Paul then releases the controls he gives into the flow to let everything the sandstorm nature fate itself take them as they will back in the now hearken and controlled aren the injured Baron hekinan recovers in his black goo bath now that the Harkin have reclaimed oracus the Beast Rabon must squeeze oracus for all its worth the Harkin Invasion cost them a lot of Spice from their secret stockpiles after all squeeze hard yes Uncle Paul and Jessica crash into the desert Wasteland and quickly Retreat to a rocky outcropping before the crash can summon a worm they change into their still suits transforming themselves further into creatures of the desert Paul's Visions are now becoming more frequent he sees his friend Duncan with the fit he sees the same mysterious girl as before he even sees his new friend all teaching him ways to survive in the Deep desert but also out here in the Deep desert we find the largest of the Monstrous sandworms and before Paul and Jessica can find the freman they are attacked by shy hulud a freman thumper fortunately calls the worm away but Paul and Jessica may be in Greater danger now that they've happened upon a group of fman Paul recognizes stillar from before and hopes that the fman will give them Refuge but the desert is a dangerous place and many of the fman see these two off-worlders as a pair of human Capri Sun Sons what wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh stillar still thinks Paul May in fact be the lisan alib so he decides to help Paul but to kill Jessica except Jessica is a weirding woman trained in the weirding way of the Ben of jesser and she disarms sgar with ease why didn't you say you were a weirding woman conversation ran short with a knife to his throat sgar wisely changes his mind and agrees to give both Paul and Jessica Sanctuary at the same time Paul finally meets the girl of his dreams chny yet she sees him as nothing more than a little boy and is indifferent hey dude game recognize game but jamas a ferocious fighter in his own right challenges sar's decision to protect Paul and Jessica jamas invokes the amall the amall rule is the idea to test an object to its limits usually to its own destruction and in the case of the freman this means a duel to the death Paul accepts jams's challenge to defend his mother I accept her Champion Paul does recognize jamas as his friend friend from his Visions but now New Visions show jamus killing Paul during this duel Paul has now reached a Nexus point of potential Futures a point in time that could change the terrifying future he saw earlier as the sun rises Paul and jamas fight with fman Chris knives blades carved from the teeth of the giant sandworms Paul honors his Fallen swordmaster teacher Duncan with his traditional salute Paul must rely on a mixture of his Benes training with his mother and his weapons training from Duncan and gurnie in the desert however no one fights with shields and Paul realizes he must actually kill jamas for this duel to ending with him Paul has never killed a man Paul's Visions flash through his mind either he dies in this fight or he survives and unlocks his terrifying future Paul has no choice but to best jamas and he holds his friend's hand as he dies nothing like proving your friendship by stabbing your friend in the back as Paul and Jessica leave with the fman into the desert Wasteland Paul sees a sandworm in the distance but a fan rides at Top This sandworm harnessing the power of this giant Beast to travel across the desert this is the desert power Duke lato explained to his son this is the desert power that Paul can use to survive in This Strange World Johnny turns to Paul and says this is only the beginning and we see a flash of Paul's Visions coming true and we last see Jessica as her expression changes making us wonder what plans could she herself have for the fit and there you have it folks that's a full recap of Dune part 1 I hopefully gave everything you need to know to be ready for June part 2 we'll just have to wait and see what Paul's visions of the future truly hold and in the meantime try to read the book if you haven't already it will definitely enhance your experience as you watch these films if you have any remaining questions though feel free to leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best to explain anything I might have missed or might have been confusing about but tell us what was your favorite part of Dune part one what are you looking forward to most in Dune part two I'm very excited for Alia thank you so much for watching and for any and all spicy Dune news we've got you covered over on nerd.com [Music]
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 609,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Dune, Dune Part 1, Dune Part 2, Explained, Recap, Everything You need to know, Book, Frank Herbert, Sci-fi
Id: nHgoTNyY8w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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