Dune: The Great Flaw in the Bene Gesserit Plan

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[Music] hey guys it's quinn the youtube algorithm totally ignores my videos sometimes and you can really help out just by clicking the like button thanks guys the matriarchal order known as the benny jesuit sisterhood is one of the most powerful groups to ever exist in the dune universe for thousands of years this organization of selectively bred and highly trained women maneuvers its way through the various political structures which rise and fall throughout the duration of the dune saga as time changes so does the motivation of the mini jesuit their pragmatism is in fact one of their greatest assets the mini jesuit operated in block structure the mother superior gave the commands but each sister would only receive the information necessary to the task for which she was assigned the sisterhood had operated in this fashion for thousands of years and only had made minor alterations to this structure its effectiveness had been tried and tested many jesuit divisions were cut by hard vertical and horizontal barriers divided into isolated groups that converged to a single command only here at the top duties for which reed assigned roles were conducted within separated cells active participants within a cell did not know their contemporaries within other parallel cells the mini jesuit schools were created during the events following the machine crusade also known as the butlerian jihad which freed mankind from human lead but machine enforced slavery the bini jesuit trained its students in psychology history science they taught special techniques which provided sisters with almost superhuman abilities such as their prana bendu techniques which allowed them to control their body chemistry on a molecular level because of this a trained sister was immune to most poisons and if she so chose could slow her own aging process down to a near halt creating seeming immortality though this was strictly forbidden by the sisterhood they also were taught a special kind of martial arts known as the weirding way in close quarters the weirding way allowed the mini jesuit to maneuver their bodies with such speed and grace that it could be mistaken easily for teleportation certain vinny jesuit sisters could also become truth-savers because of the benny jesuit ability to read the most delicate of human minutia certain sisters can develop the ability to always be able to detect when a lie is told if the sister of the benny jesuit reaches a certain level then they may be allowed to take the truthsayer drug and undergo the spice agony which would awaken her full bini jesuit powers she would become a reverend mother the truthsayer drug is deadly if a sister can consume the drug and use her bini jesuit powers to nullify it the agony of the ordeal will unlock her genetic memory her memories of her maternal ancestors for some reason no sisters were ever able to unlock the paternal half of these memories because of this fact for many eons the beni jesuit plan centered around the creation of the quizets hadirak he would be a man who could be trained in the beni jesuit way and tested as a reverend mother would be if he could endure the spice agony he would unlock both the maternal and the paternal sides of his ancestral memory the quiz that's had a wreck would also be bred for prescience so he would have the ability to predict future events similar to guild navigators but in a much more refined manner many men had been tested in the way of reverend mothers but none had survived yet there is a place where no truth sayer can see we are repelled by it terrorized it is said a man will come one day and find in the gift of the drug his inward eye he will look where we cannot into both feminine and masculine past your quizadz herrera yes the one who can be in many places at once the quizzes had iraq many men have tried the drug so many but none has succeeded they tried and failed all of them oh no she shook her head they tried and died for many generations the sisterhood had used the great houses to breathe their quizzes cataract into existence all their previous attempts had failed but with the benny jesuit lady jessica's joining to the house of treaties they were closer than ever jessica had been instructed to bear only daughters to the duke later atreides it was one of the many powers of the benny jesuit sisters to choose the sex of their child the mini jesuit would then breed the atreides daughter to a harkonnen's son the result would be the quizets hedorak but ultimately jessica's love for the duke would cause her to defy her sisterhood and instead first conceive a son paul atreides and hoping that he could be the quizzette's hedorah she trained him in the mini jesuit way paul was eventually tested and he proved to possess the powers of the foretold benny jesuit quiz attirat but when he was called to serve the sisterhood he refused if jessica had obeyed the orders of her sisterhood the heir of the harkonnen and atreides merging would have been subjected to precise benny jesuit conditioning he would be a creature of the sisterhood easily maneuvered by them or so they believed but because of jessica's disobedience the quizatz hadirak was raised beyond bini jesuit control a generation too soon influenced by outside forces such as his atreides morality and minta training the bini jesuit had no power over paul you could argue that the benny jessup mistake was believing that they would be able to control a being possessing such power in the first place if a being has the power to see the possible futures of mankind and therefore become the fulcrum by which the fate of the universe turns then how can anyone ever hope to bring that being under its power the benny jesuit also failed in assuming that an essential human instinct the biological drive for intimate companionship could be fully repressed jessica's love for the duke plato ultimately overcame all of her benny jesuit conditioning it would have been wise of the benny jesuit to monitor this aspect of human nature among its students more effectively the bini jesuit would never forget the actions of lady jessica and they fear the creation of another quizet's hedorah recognizing that the threat such a being possesses to the human universe is too great to risk thank you guys for watching make sure you like and subscribe for more science fiction videos you
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 272,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, Bene Gesserit, What Do They Want, Plan, Paul, Jessica, Leto, Powers, Sisterhood, Explained, Ultimate, Hyperion, Science Fiction, Science, Secret Order, Secret Society, Hidden Rulers
Id: gGpowV5qTaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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