DUNE 2 BREAKDOWN! Ending Explained & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Voss and this is a breakdown of Dune part two Denville news 2024 followup to his excellent 2021 part one and an adaptation of the second half of Frank Herbert's 1965 sci-fi novel this film is a true Masterpiece with immersive World building explosive action Fierce performances and an Unapologetic examination of false Messiah mythology that these types of stories typically don't bother challenging so let's break this down scene by scene for all the details you missed changes from the book and the finer artist that's just worth appreciating starting with these opening words white text on black screen with stter car throat singing blasting out at us power over spice is power over all it's exactly how the 2021 Dune opened but with a different [Music] quote the difference between these quotes dreams are messages from the deep versus power over spices power over all illustrates The Divide between these two films part one was more contemplative dealing with polres and the Benny jerat dwellings on the future and the words from the deep indicating that the source of everything might be buried deep in the sand but in part two power over spice power over all sets the table for a more combative sequel with Waring sides grasping for control over this universe's most critical natural resource spice but the voice we hear is the throat singing of the starter car from saloa [Music] Aus guess it's a little odd to give this opening vocalization to the sard car as they are really the emperor's Elite assassins with their own culture disconnected from oracus and the Benny jeser but it does sound really cool but really what we are hearing is the throat singing of isua Pacific vocalist Michael guer who did a fascinating interview with a musician named demetry taranov that you should totally watch both guys explain that while this throat singing was described as Mongolian in fact it's actually more Tibetan inspired don't tell that to the country that Warner Brothers is making on this movie doing really well in but for the stard car language while the super talented Game of Thrones Kanger David J Peterson created most of the languages for denille new's Dune the vocalist Michael Guyer claimed that he really improvised the starter car words that we actually hear and and he wrote on his website that the sounds are not a language but really an encoded military battle chant a specific series of syllables with the consonants purposely removed to render the remaining vowel sounds discernible only to the starter car I love this idea that both films open with the stard car commenting on PA trades next moves within their own cryptic shorthand because as we will see throughout this film it's a running theme that the story of PO trates is really told by everyone else except Paul trades told by Princess ain's journals told by sar's prophecies told by the plotting of the Benny JZ and told by Paul's mother lady Jessica and his sister Alia but I want to talk about this vocalist because both films credit all the music to Han Zimmer but a truth that too often goes ignored in Hollywood is that film composing is actually far more collaborative and when you see Han Zimmer's name on a movie you're actually seeing several ghost composers at Zimmer Santa Monica based Studio remote control Zimmer himself has gotten better about shouting out his collaborators and Michael Geer is credited as a co-writer of sard car chant then we hear the voice of Florence Pew as Princess aulin of house Corino daughter to the emperor shadam IV played by Chris For Walkin she Recaps the events of part one but leaves some details out she says Imperial Diary Year 10,191 third Comet the battle for oracus took Everyone by surprise there were no Witnesses the Harkin and operation was perpetrated overnight without warning or declaration of war by mourning the atres were no more all died in the dark andand says that there were no Witnesses telling us that the emperor's deployment of the stard of car was a scandalous secret the author Frank Herbert set Dune in the year 10191 on the Imperial calendar which would be 21267 ad in Earth's timeline the stories of Dune are set AG or after Guild referring to the founding of the spacing Guild which created a monopoly on all space travel space travel in Dune is made possible by spice AKA milange which is consumed by Guild Navigators a strain of super evolved humans mentally conditioned to calculate navigation paths through space and needing mange to do it Humanity functions this way because of a past butlerian Jihad which was Mankind's war against computers and thinking machines all of this explains why there are no computers in Dune no Ai No digital weaponry and and why religious forces based on elements of Christianity and Islam have really taken over all of culture so we see Harkin and soldiers torching at trates corpses that they've piled up and we see the portrait of Duke Leto at trades set a blaze meanwhile princess Ruland plays this board game with her father this is Chups which is a nine-level pyramid chess game where in addition to putting the opponent's king in check you also try to put the queen piece at the Apex this foreshadows how IR Rin is really part of the conspiratorial matriarchal Benny jeser order manipulating shadam and other male heads of houses to do their business we see Baron Vladimir hekinan played by stellen scars guard honoring his nephew Glu raban played by Dave Bautista we see banners with the house Harkin sigil designed for the 2021 film which is a kind of Barbed sickle in the text the hekinan sigil is the Griffin House of trady sigil is the Red Hawk and the ruling house Corino is the Golden Lion the 2021 film ended with Paul atres and Lady Jessica Escaping The Assault on arak Keen which led to the death of Duke Leto atres and the two made their way out into the desert to join the fman Paul defeated jamus in a duel and joined the tribe as they followed sgar who rode a sand worb deeper into the desert sing us into this biblical wandering through the desert of the Hebrew tribes as they made their way to a destined promised land and this film begins with them in that desert as the sun is eclipsed by both of the two moons of oracus which the 2021 film discussed in a scene the larger one nicknamed the hand of God for its formation that resembles a fist the smaller one with the formation that resembles the native desert kangaroo mouse of this planet which is why they call this Moon muy deep the name that Paul will choose for himself so in effect in this scene Paul is empowered by the Moon that will bear his name and a hand of God watching over him it casts these opening minutes in this fiery orange glow but while Paul sleeps or we think he's sleeping we get a familiar heartbeat or clock tick sound from the Zimmer remote control team similar to what we heard in interstellar a kind of h h h Huh as Paul is communing with the sister Aaliyah which she's still either in an embryonic or fetal state in Jessica's womb he tells her to go back to the Stars to be with their father because he won't have enough time to do what he needs to do before he dies vuv establishes this film fil is a recurring dialogue with the baby sister to set up the big reveal of Anya Taylor joy as her future adult form on oracus with the restored ocean because as readers of the Dune series including Dune Messiah all the way through Children of Dune they know that PO trates is not the ultimate hero of the story and that a few minutes from now Paul will tell channie that he wasn't sleeping during this conversation with his sister he was actually really in a kind of Trance one Harkin and hears the thumper and says the rats are calling a worm they Echo rin's pejorative of rat without realizing that by embracing the de as his moniker it's actually a compliment for Paul in the Fan's resourcefulness after they come upon jus' body and hear that Thumper there's kind of a how the hell did vill new do this shot of a hearkening soldier just silently floating along that rock formation and then padding himself along it horizontally until he smoothly comes to his feet now I assume they did this with wires and just removed them with po but you know the shadow without any wires just looks so real I just point this out because it could look really stupid and really goofy but the tech in this movie looks so good so the fman sniped these Harkins and then it just starts riging bodies Paul lunges with the hearken and Dagger at the same time as the other Soldier they fight in since Paul who has recently learned how to dance deftly on the sand has better footing while fighting this heavy footed hekinan yet while another one is about to get the drop on Paul lady Jessica crushes that one's face with the rock because Paul despite being the prophecied hero actually needs the Benny jeser women to take care of him now Denny fil shot most of this film in IMAX in an interview with Kevin McCarthy he said that for the 2021 film he alternated between IMAX 143:1 ratio for outdoor desert scenes that emphasize nature and then switch to 239 to1 ratio for indoor scenes that focused on technology but Vu said that for the sequel most of it takes place outside so most of it is an IMAX and so that it would be less distracting for anything indoors which is just a bit wider than the 185 to1 that you may remember for 2012's The Avengers so stillar and the other fman drain the fluids from the hearken and still suits he says that their bodies have filt the Water full of chemicals but good enough for cooling systems and when Jessica begins to wretch at this he warns don't let it out and then he swears when she vomits from pregnancy puke to tears as we will see later any premature release of any body fluid is sacrilegious to these Fen stillar leads the group to a sit tubber a Sit refers to a cave where the Fret men gather and its name actually comes from sit from the 15th century zap roian kexs who inhabited what's now the lands of Ukraine some fman mistrust Paul as a spy who killed jamus but others call him the lisan algib showing how the Ben jeser propaganda has already taken root but there is still work to do Paul eats the fman food and experiences a vision showing his father's portrait Rising the fman Shaquille jokes that it's too spicy for the Foreigner which is just a fun parallel to our world where International Food is just sometimes judged as too spicy for Caucasian pallets I say this is someone who loves spicy food and it just kills me when I'm watching Great British Bing show and Paul Hollywood's always like there's too much garlic in this fota to which I scream at my TV it's because your Cuisine Is So based on World War II food rationing that you had to adopt The Culinary traditions of your mortal enemies the French to make your food palatable but anyway in this case in the scene the spice is literally the spice the Psychedelic milange stillar shows Jessica the vast well into which all liquidated fremen are deposited making 38 million decaliters that they plan to use to terraform the planet and to restore its green paradise and sgar tells lady Jessica that they want to make her the new Reverend mother and it just kind of shows the artificiality of this myth building because sgar only wants Jessica to become the Reverend mother because she's Paul's mother which would support the claim that Paul is lisan alag remember this Society is derived from Traditions like Christianity with Jesus and his mother Mary in order for there to be a messiah there has to be a messiah's mother who is also in an important role though we should point out that stillar and the others use prayer mats which evokes Islam in 1965 Frank Herbert wrote Dune with various Arabic terms as a commentary on the wars of the Middle East where a sense of religious entitlement to land intersects with an outside insane economic interest on a natural resource and here we are in 2024 and it's only gotten more relevant when the stakes are this High Humanity's worse Natures will always Prevail because everyone thinks that God is on their side so before she's about to undergo this spice Agony by consuming the Water of Life Jessica calms herself by saying fear is a mind killer and I think it's interesting that this Water of Life glows the same vibrant shade of blue as these characters I do when they consume the milange so she Gates and the fluid goes inside of her and prematurely awakens Aaliyah's mind giving mother and daughter this Supernatural Insight but also centuries of pain and suffering pain that Jessica says only women can handle stillar sends Paul out in the desert and warns him about the Jin demonic desert Spirits so Jin is an Arabic word from Muslim mythology referring to spirits that are ranked lower than Angels but take human and animal forms the English language derived from the word Jin the word Genie and while Paul thinks he sees the Jin of jamus it's actually Johnny here to help him survive this fan WR a passage this movie begins by depicting this as genuine love but by the end we learn that Paul is just using her and appropriating the fman to get ahead we see a little muy Mouse skipping up to to Paul's straw as he is buried in the sand to raid a hekken and spice Harvester I love this scene if there is one film that I think Dune part two has the most in common with it's David lean's 1962 Masterpiece Lawrence of Arabia which shows te Lawrence's exploits with tribal groups in Syria leading raids on shipments of the Ottoman Turks he is an outsider Guided by an unimpeachable idealism that nothing is written both that film and this one demand to be seen on big screens with Gorgeous desert imagery and groundbreaking uses of lighting and scale the scene reminds me so much of the train raid sequences that we saw in Lawrence of Arabia the fman rely on their quickness on the sand shielding themselves with parts of the Harvester and most of all just good oldfashioned teamwork like Paul draws the fire he distracts the shooter on the aerial craft and there's this great shot where the shooter focuses his scope back on shaani who has already lowered the RPG from her fire and the harken in turns to see that projectile burrowing through the shield and boom it reminds me of Spiel work shot in Saving Private Ryan where the Nazi sniper has a delayed response to seeing private Jackson firing right back at him and we are now seeing how Paul has smartly played this refusing sar's claims earlier that Jessica's resistance to the poison fit the prophecy prophecy that CH knows the Ben jesser invented and instead proves its worth to the fman as a desert Survivor and a warrior to win over the Skeptics he earns the title of fedin fighter coming from the Arabic fedin meaning those who sacrifice themselves sgar gives him the surname of usul the base of the pillar and Paul chooses for his first name the myye but he also plays the smart because he claims to not know what the name of the smart desert Mouse is and he asks the room despite in part one we saw him watching lecture recordings about this animal he just plays dumb so that they will like him more and at this point Paul chooses to remove his house of traes ring which I see as a form of deception he is hiding his nobility from them Dune is almost here and if you're like us you're counting down to when we finally get to see Paul tradies hang 10 on a sandworm and luckily we have the perfect watch to keep tabs on our favorite fman thanks to this incredible collab between Hamilton Warner Brothers in legendary pictures behold wow so denille newes and dun's prop Master Doug harlocker asked Hamilton's watchmakers to design the dial of the wrist device for the film for those of us who don't call oracus home Hamilton has made two watches with a distinct sci-fi flare the Ventura Edge Dune limited edition watch has a black dial with a blue digital display on a Sleek stainless steel case with black PVD coating only 2,000 of these watches will be produced making them true collector's items there's also the Ventura XXL Blue Dune design which has a blue sci-fi iconography as a backdrop behind brass hour minute and second hands and only 3,000 of these will be made Hamilton Watches have been featured in more than 500 movies and TV shows since 1932 with custom pieces playing a pivotal role in several Hollywood Blockbusters striving to shape authentic characters and story lines through its time pieces Hamilton even designed the first branded watch to be featured in video game now Dune is part of that lineage I can't believe they sent me one of these this is immediately one of the coolest items in my collection to get yours before they run out click the link in the description he describes to chanani his home world of kaladan he says where you see sand here imagine water denille new visually equates worm writing in this movie with surfing the speed with which sgar Glides past evokes a surfer or like a parasor gliding past an observer sitting on the sand dunes of a beach which makes something that could look really goofy instead look undeniably athletic and powerful and cinematic Johnny tells Paul that her name is siaya which means Desert Spring of course for shadowing the role of her tears in Paul's resurrection and transformation Paul has dreams of being in the South and following some female figure in a future holy war as billions die of starvation this woman he later interprets to be his mother but it could also be channy who appears later in a different dream scarred by radiation Burns or even his sister Aaliyah who appears in a later Vision by the shore who knows it could also be iruin Paul doesn't know which woman to follow but Paul faces the final test of summoning a shy hulud while he initially plants the thumper on the crest of the ridge channie Whispers to go lower and Paul listens and goes down and pounds this sand which gives off a deeper Rumble and this calls the biggest sand worm any of them have ever seen and I love that initially they don't even notice the worm sign in the distance they just kind of think it's just another Peak or storm because it could never possibly be that big this entire sequence is awesome it's shot to mirror a surfer rushing to catch his first wave and then struggling to get his feet up on the board they constructed pieces of the sandworm so that they could show it in closeup so here we see its slits its nostrils its scaly skin we see the worm as Paul sees it in this moment Timothy shalam said that he was blasted with wind turbines and sand and said it took three months in total to shoot this Den identified this particular shot of Paul finally standing up on the worm the closeup of his feet as his favorite shot in the film now Denny V has gotten some heat in the past week for his distaste of dialogue in films he said that he blames television writing for making dialogue in movies too abundant I think he was misunderstood because obviously jny V loves sound and he loves Communication in his movies arrival is all about communication but I think what he's saying is that most films crowning moments like this moment here with Paul in the shy hulud our sequences were just the shots and the sound come together in a way where we don't need characters talking to us through it good screenwriting is not just Snappy dialogue good screenwriting is the math of story structure that isn't as sexy and just the screenwriter being in tune with the audience's emotions from story beat to story beat and there's so many other ways you can manipulate emotion than just dialogue Paul says it's heartbreaking the way the Benny Jeter have manipulated the people of oracus we gave them something to hope for that's not hope after the fman hit a spice Depot Rin foolishly rushes into verman territory and with all the heinens you'll notice that they always wear visors and shields over their eyes their foot soldiers even their pilots and it's because their home world of Getty Prime is heavily polluted and has a Sun that emits Light Within the IR spectrum bring to infrared which affects their vision and makes them super sensitive to the light on araus Robin tries to tune his eyes to the sunlight meanwhile these other soldiers are puking they raise their visors and this shows the biggest disadvantage of the fan and as a result of this we see how the power has shifted before it was Paul hiding from the heinens in the sand now he is all around them he is the literal mu deep he's hopping in Rolling In The Sand we only see Paul's face when an explosion lightens it seeing this spectral form the way a nearly blind hearken in wood so who is as blind as a rat now meanwhile Emperor shadam IV talks to his daughter Ulan if this muad is a religious figure you can't use direct Force repression only makes a religion flourish you'll only end up humiliating yourself you underestimate my sodaka you underestimate the power of faith I think it's saying something that the script is so confident with its inner politics that even the great Christian for walking just disappears into this role as a weakened invading politician Ulin is part of the B jeser coven means kangaroo mouse unusual warning for a fan what if po treaties were still alive enough Reverend mother gas Helen moim says that the Benny jeret do not hope they plan and they have another Prospect Baron Vladimir Harkin's youngest nephew fade rala played by Austin Butler Austin Butler played Elvis Presley and you might remember the character was played by Sting in the David Lynch dun but the idea is that the character just has to be a rock star and Austin Butler totally delivers here he worked with vocal coaches to emulate the vocal style that's St in scars Gard used for this film and it took him several weeks to shed the voice that he had acquired for Elvis and at this point the film shifts to Getty Prime outside in the Gladiator Arena we shift into monochrome according to Entertainment Weekly VNV in this movie cinematographer The Great Greg Frasier who also shot the first film and the Batman and Zero Dark 30 Rogue one and the Mandalorian pilot they decided to shoot gy Prime in Black and white to convey the infrared spectrum of the lowlight black Sun of this planet they actually used infrared cameras to shoot this sequence B said that he wanted this world to feel binary fascist insectoid without nuances the fireworks overhead look like ink blots as those would be the highest contrast pyro Technics that would be visible to these crowds now this match is supposed to be staged for fade rotha to win the third fighter we see that Baron Vladimir creates a special challenge for fade rotha on his birthday to prove himself because fade rotha is a masochist he likes a challenge and he likes the pain the Benny Jer have sent lady Margo fining played by Leo sidu to bed fade Rafa to secure their contingency for oracus and what we think is a seduction is actually a gam Jabar test like what Paul had gone through in the opening of the first film but since it's is all a black leather sexualized atmosphere the very idea of a pain test is something that fade rotha enjoys so you can see how the Benny Gest for it would be very impressed by that because I think at the end of the day they just view all men as disgusting anyway meanwhile Paul reunites with gurnie hick Josh br who survived the assault on House of tradies to become a spice bugler the instrument he plays is the baliset a nin string descendant of the zither Paul says I recognize your footsteps old man recalling their old training I just like this idea that Paul is kind of transforming into a sandworm in a way buried in the sand sensing footsteps above Paul tells gurny that he has foreseen billions dying because of him because you lose control because I gain it gurny reveals to Paul the location of the House of tradies atomic Arsenal it's unlocked only by Paul's DNA he unlocks it by sticking his hand in a slot which visually reminds me of the gam Jabar box test kind of like reaching into slots like this is how Paul gains power there's probably you know like a sexual analog to that but I'm not going to get into it lady Jessica makes it to the South where the worm Handler shows her a baby sand worm which she drowns in water to extract the Water of Life sit tabber is destroyed by the hinin which is a war crime that leads to this fan war council in the South so Aaliyah and Jessica were right had Paul not stayed in the north and escalated everything s Taber might not have been destroyed and he would have expedited his death and ascendency within the fan he also would not have found the atres atomic Arsenal so there might have been overall less destruction so Paul goes south and he drinks the Water of Life and he sees all of the future and the past and then this hooded figure walking up a sand dune to see a vast ocean of water on oracus that voice that we heard earlier returns my brother my dearest brother you are not prepared for what is to come and she turns and yes it's Anya Taylor joy as a leyah she sheds a tear as she Whispers I'm with you I love you because now that oracus has oceans we could totally spare tears for those we love now Dune the novel shows Aaliyah's birth it takes place over a longer period of time and the young girl has a role to play in the final Conflict in the throne room this movie though leaves her in the womb the entire time and we only really see her when she's in the womb and in this Future Vision form played by Anya Taylor Joy they wanted to bring in a big movie star to just kind of show us that there's a future franchise but when Frank Herbert wrote Dune he was dismayed that so many readers identified pait trades as a hero when really the whole point of Dune was for Paul trates to be seen as a tragic hero an artificial Messiah a commentary on Messiah myth so Herbert went on to write Dune Messiah followed by Children of Dune God emperor of Doom Heretics of Dune and Chapter House Dune these novels explore Paul's coming holy war and Aaliyah takes a much bigger role and I'm not going to spoil what happens but it gets weird but it's awesome so really the Dune part two film repurposes the character of Aaliyah to make her this kind of Future Vision this voice that guides Paul from inside his mother and kind of another woman that lady Jessica can have this dialogue with and it makes it creepier in a way that she's still inside the womb for the entire film there's something just unnatural and wrong about it and I think it makes for a better story cuz it really just feels like witchcraft is at work here so Chie awakens Paul using her Desert Spring tears which he places into the water of life and places on his lips this gives the fine an artificial Resurrection to convince them that he must be the Lan Alay Paul now awakened confronts his mother and confirms that he knows the truth that she is the daughter of Baron Vladimir harinen Mickey Paul both in a trades and a hekinan and I love how Lady Jessica at this point has just transformed for the second half of the film now wearing robes on which customer Matt RMA hand printed the fman alphabet so Paul enters the sacred fman prayer room and commands attention in this room by telling each of them their past and their Destinies revealing to a skeptic the original fman name of the planet Dune the one time we hear Dune said in this movie and everyone just loses their I love this scene because it's a difficult thing to show it does not show us the rise of a hero it is showing us the tragic fall of a monster Paul's speech is a performance he is acting he's playing a part he's reading from a script so irulan and the Benny jesire joined the emperor to go to oracus to answer Paul's challenge costume designer jacn West took inspiration from the tarot Queen of Swords figure and West's own Catholic schooling to create the habits of these Ben jarate nuns for Ulin she made this formfitting armored headdress to look like the shape of the habits that younger nuns would wear and to fortify this character as really the moral compass of the film Paul and the fman prepare to surround the city of aren and they prepare for battle gurnie halik deploys Atomic warheads and they bomb the spice plant beside the city what the rest of the Imperium would rightly consider an act of Terror this is a coup after the dust clears a new wall of sand appears before the sarter car and the sand beneath their feet slides and then boom the gaping mouths of the shy hude appear with their whike Bine sucking them in all of them surfed by fman flying at Tres banners CH leads in the ground forces and there's an amazing shot where she fights serter car soldiers and finishes one off by turning back to camera in the Spear's pose this is exactly the vision that Paul had in first film showing himself fighting in a future War but now Chie has taken his place because she is the one fighting the good fight Paul's forces break into the throne room and he marches right up to Vladimir greets him his grandfather and stabs him in the neck meanwhile gurnie kills Rabin getting revenge for Duke Leto with the other great House's worships arriving Paul brings in the emperor and threatens to blow the spice Fields Reverend mother moim warns consider what you're about to do call a trais silence and Commander with the voice that typically only the Benny JZ can summon Paul Demands a duel from the emperor and fade rotha steps forward as the emperor's Champion Paul salutes him May th knife chip and shatter and the duel is so sleekly choreographed and shot where Greg Frasier lights them from behind with the dawning Sun really the only one unnatural move is where Paul barrel rolls midair the rest of it looks real and it feels vicious but the duel enters its final stage when fed rotha looks at channie and asks this your pet any special attention for the pet and we should definitely take that as an insult but we should also remember that this psychopath also kept three females in his chamber as pets and fed them like pets Paul gets stabbed in the side but as fade rotha approaches for the kill Paul stabs him it's an understated ending to The Duel and it feels almost treacherous and that is the point stillar just punctuates it as a victory with a breathless but this is wrong because Paul has secured this Victory through political manipulations and religious fanaticism not through any moral courage we shouldn't feel good right now with the novel Dune Frank Herbert wrote and Denny VV understands as the Director of this film that this is really the story of how easily large populations are manipulated and how easily we can convince ourselves that we're the hero the great houses Declare War beginning the destructive holy war that we will see in Dune Messiah most likely but I love that this film ends with chani who stays on a racus and summons a shy halud her feeling of betrayal that she felt with Paul is the moral bitter taste in our mouths that we are supposed to judge this story with while we heard Paul snap at his mother earlier that this story was not hope this shot of shie represents hope it's Luke looking at the binary Sunset it's TE Lawrence gazing out at the Horizon and defiantly declaring nothing is written Dune part two might very well end up being my favorite movie of 2024 and for me it is up there with The Empire Strikes Back as alltime greatest sequels or part twos of a Trilogy thank you for watching this video subscribe to all three channels in the new Rockstar Network I'm Eric Boss thanks for watching I'll see you next time bye
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,374,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Dune, dune part 2, dune 2, dune 2 breakdown, dune part two breakdown, dune part 2 breakdown, dune 2 ending explained, dune 2 explained, dune 2 review, dune 2024, timothee chalamet, austin butler, zendaya
Id: 3u-kUjMbCNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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