Dumpster Diving "Tool Of The Trade"

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uh oh yeah i think i see some stuff up in here again let's see there's a couple of lights not much let me back this truck up right here we'll get it sure all right y'all we got some lights here let's get this big all right everybody how we doing got us another episode here trying to get get some stuff and make it happen here let's see i'm gonna take i'll just we can clean those up later look at that all right there's some good stuff right there more good stuff it's been a good dumpster to me it's been really good that's why sometimes i just i just take it with me you know all right lights numero uno up in here y'all work our way up here up here that's how you strip it yeah i know the ones that got them plastic on it what is that now that's a chunk of brass right there boy that's the kind of stuff i like to find big time big time big time two times come on baby i know that oh well here we go little here not much not much all right all right yeah first dumpster hey yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah i'll get down on that down [Music] this is spanish for keys you can see a power cord down here what do we got whoa that's a battery backup and it is extremely heavy it's got the battery in it let's see here it's trash y'all look out here this is hp proliant micro server it's a micro server y'all huh micro server something else up in here yeah a switch box by the fisco kid grab us a box for our snippets and such all right y'all a little chicken wire that's a good dumpster right there let's see busted a lot and under here that's what i had earlier and it wasn't the spaghetti with the cheese sauce this is keith's bag oh you know what that's a that's a sync rater y'all that's what's in here there's the new battery back up [Music] i hear something i hear it little scraps there's some dirty brass right there this is that one that i find all the locks in the busted locks yep and the batteries every single one of these double a's that i've tested has come out good so i got lots of double a's all right man all right that's enough time in this one on to the next oh what we got up in here an espresso machine let's see we fished that puppy out what we got here man oh that's like for coffee huh those are usually stainless though huh looks pretty nice something in here oh there's another one the box drink dispensers coffee dispensers all right all right in this bag all right coffee pots anything up in here this is a new open top let's see some scraps let's see some wires let's see i need to back the truck up that's some good looking wire right there yeah that's some good stuff good stuffy stuff right there let's see all right yeah there's some crap up in here so we probably gonna hop in what is this stuff except for the pool wow that's really heavy it's full of cable what is that it's got brass and stuff on the ends too it's uh let's grab it i don't know what it is but we can grab it looks like something for water pool maybe it's got some heavy-duty wire running through it and some brass on the ends of it there i've never seen nothing like that before y'all there's a little wire just a little bit i ain't messing with that that looks like some nasty stuff right there yeah y'all let me know what this stuff is it's definitely scrappable it's full of metal big thick steel cable in there adding some weight that's for sure actually let me get a bigger box here we're gonna need a bigger box anyways yeah we'll go ahead and throw this puppy out over here all this big pink stuff we'll figure out what it is let's see what we got exactly this is steel number one in there that's all stripped man they stripped it off that looks like a piece of stainless yep stainless tube all right get down on that whoa work my way up here to the front i think that's it y'all not bad they're definitely doing some cleaning out over here so we shall be back yeah oh it's all stripped i think let's see not all of it okay oh there goes son get my box here [Music] oh yeah [Applause] bruh all right i see some kitty cat wire some may see my stuff sitting right on top right on top where i like it well i like it what do we got here chipotle chipotle i don't like it when they're full like this yo it's hard to like really see what's in there i can't really see there's a little ah see i just keep making messes and stuff man yeah okay oh my gosh this looks like an absolute disaster up in here i see some wires though a little bit of scraps let's see what we got here get us a box going here what y'all say what y'all say cuz there's some stuff up in here hey hey hey you don't want to get it down in that juice though we don't want that juice grab what we can do it's kind of grody up in here i am definitely not going to lie on that one ah right lots of hardware i do have a new magnetic tool coming though i'll be able to pick this crap up easier oh yeah cause this is bad this is really bad all right [Music] clean out like the back of their truck it's all right there's some good stuff in here we just got we gotta dig it out how about that yeah i got me a couple a couple different magnet things coming one of them's like a it's a it's called a baton i see them use them at the scrap yard all the time i got one that's like what is that it's a motorola ah that's like 39 inches long so we'll be able to dip it down in here hold on tell you what let me go grab let me grab my neck oh grab a magnet real quick i'm gonna do a little experiment here get a decent piece of cardboard here it's not disgusting we're gonna try something okay let me oh my blade on me let's try one of these plastic plates here let's see if that works picking any of this yeah a little bit yeah so we do this like i said i got my cool coming just move that [Music] yeah that's kind of crap it's not the best and it's not going to pick up non-ferrous either so yeah probably not the best idea there's a good piece of scrap there set my magnet right there don't let me forget my magnet guys i don't want to forget it i don't want to oh it stinks here's some wire all right let's get out of here man all right got my magnet and such my scraps hey hey oh we got here man there's some metal in there some heavy metal bro all right let's see what we got here y'all who i see white look at that man bunch of t-shirts oh y'all hear something i hear something squishy right here oh look at that that's some squishiness some t-shirts gate valve lockout all right gabe out blocking i see some big old wires in there y'all all right oh it's got my leg all right yeah there's some man i should see that wire going on right here look at all that that's metal look at that oh shoot what is that break our clutches let's see let's see here i got a guy i gotta get with it y'all it's a box do not plug in some stuff there's some gloves some dvi solace stuff all right throw that out all right let's there's some cover off let's get all these uh pins here real quick fall protection stuff all right yeah there's a whole mess of awesome yeah and i get my little magnet stick man i make easy work all this yeah well all these bags are just completely full down here full of washers big old washers this floor i don't even know what that is yeah yeah more washers trying to dump everything out huh oh there's a big table over here i ain't got to it yet we're working our way though watch ahead i don't know what those are but they're metal we're gonna all take well yeah what do we got here it's a big plug of some sort yeah yeah there's some more gloves in there lots of coveralls here there's more fall stuff are those coveralls no those are a big look like welding shirts or something all right we'll grab all those those look new my younger brother he's a welder i see a box what's in the box those are granger part numbers so lockouts or something well we got a mess of stuff in here huh a mess of it all right y'all we'll figure out what to do with all these coveralls and such we'll figure it out here's another one of those equipment lockout gotta have it man safety baby this is this performance safety gear fall protection it's a cross-arm strap brand new brand new there's another lockout you gotta be kidding me there's another lockout a safety house all right so i think we picked it over pretty good some caution tape there's some more of those lockouts figure out what to do with those all right y'all that's what i'm talking about yeah watch out for that guy he'll get you that's a pile of ish look at that y'all little piece of scraps it's my resmed dumpster it's all full of stuff though let's see here i think i see something back here oh we ain't gonna be able to get too deep up in here there's a battery back up i'll take that down here looks like a cylinder dolly oh geez try not to make too big of a mess here be real careful i want to get trash everywhere i'm still under the dolly there's a cylinder well i have the hardest time getting rid of these though even with the top of my yard still didn't take the last one it's crazy too they're aluminum what should i do with it y'all what should i do with it hey streamer all right oh you know i don't see a whole lot more i ain't empty enough this whole dumpster for it so yeah whoo whoa what is that that's something it looks like a lot of plastic down it looks like there's a crowbar or something like this let's just take a quick little peek in here shall we is that metal oh that's all plastic man that's all plastic man i don't know what that it looks promising that's all gravy right there though it's a tool of the trade huh is that for manhole covers i don't know man something like chopped off there get in here what is that no it looks like it's probably a piece of that thing man man what is that some more wires what is that it's for the apocalypse that's for it's for zombies zombies man all right oh zombies all right coward man i smell some chemicals up in here bro well that'll that'll that'll bring you back huh let's get this wire it looks like cap water let's see looks like a little bit of everything really a little bit of a thing right there let's hop up in there somebody's been throwing away some stuff they shouldn't be boy i can smell it what is that it's very strong wait i won't pass out i won't pass out in the dump stop okay yeah passing out is not recommended bro okay and over here looks like a bonafide piece of scrap for sure dude there we go i got a box it's a locked box all right pallets and such oh oh my gosh y'all oh my gosh look at this look at that what is that please tell me that's not coax oh that's co-ed it's coax coax that's not that's optical cable though there's a there's some cat wire i can't do nothing with optical cable uh coax is more or less just a uh throw it in the shred pile kind of thing all right oh that's actually extension right there okay and i think that may not may not okay there may only be one coax all right yeah that optical cable man that's actually pretty nice what if it works that optical cable that's not my friend that is so not my friend a little bit of scraps not much yeah that's a bummer about that i thought that was gonna be some cat wire for sure oh there's a box of some scraps take your boxes of scraps and i'll see you some more scraps all right optical cable all right a little bit of hardware screws and such the uh [Applause] oh jeez it's missing the latches all right y'all right all right we got pool umbrellas here y'all these are the good ones too that's aluminum stuff we're gonna have to clean oh these are the cr these are the crap ones oh yeah yeah you have to cut them off i don't think they just pop out oh they do pop out okay all right let me get these puppies popped out here real quick and then we'll uh get on down that road y'all presto presto press yeah trash well all right that looks like some scrap we're probably gonna have to come up over the top with it though that's how they did that swig life all right let's see whoa all right let's see here take a swig in this swing like there's a chair going back down i want this cat right here whoa oh almost fell in there y'all here let's hop it see if we can pull this puppy out of here here let's clear a little hole clear hole open her up is it two shelves or is it one looks like two all right scrap all right whoo swig life i prefer scrap art okay all right oh got up in here look at that it's a gear clock y'all seems to be missing all the stuff but i think we can scrap that missing all the stuff let's see here looks like there's yeah i see stuff up in here let's see oh take a quick little peek see another clock [Music] so i got a price tag on it 175 bucks looks like it got wet or something we'll set that out here maybe it did the box is full of stuff see oh those are bags those are retail bags look at that old florida plate from 74. there's some sockets and stuff it's a box it's got a box here just full of old stuff exacto standard craft tool set that's cool there's numbers four tools and sockets somebody cleaned out a bunch of old tools these are all those are all like uh numbers and letters and such there's some bullets man some shotgun shells those probably shouldn't be in the trash huh wire flashlight got a license plate yep little motorcycle plate here's the old plane there's a compass so you don't get lost glasses some nails i think somebody kind of cleaned out a toolbox here huh that's what that looks like a piece of scrap this subscribe here got in here like some display stuff just throw that in lots of jewelry stuff good there's some scraps what the heck is that this is trash a little bit more here what the heck are those oh they unscrew though that's good alrighty scraps in the dumps whoa whoa all right clocks and such scrap what let's see here ah let's hop in pop it real quick scraps like falling all over the place is that a motor it sure is i think that's important yeah it says york not a york peppermint paddy some little scraps in there we have that box cameras cameras no cameras in the camera box but this is some more hardware and such nuts bolts and screws all right all right motors are a motor and some scraps yeah oh man this one's kind of full and grody too look there goes the pieces was it little number two wire let's see here oh plastic there's a little pipe right here grab it what's up stick yeah metal stick what's up oh there we go got us a box here little wall mount little flush wall mount box look at that there's a piece of aluminum right there [Music] i don't need all that all right oh yeah we're getting full good night good night definitely a good night scavengers that's uh this is the last steps are on this particular route oh there's a little something let me hop up in there real quick just hop up in there give us a good little look in the back too no all get down there and right this little bit of stuff up in it scraps more scraps that's nothing is that it is that all you got for me just kind of feeling around now man i'm like doing this flying power chords jumping in here doing this blind oh i see a hard drive down there all right of course of course it's down here power cord get all the cords actually all the cords there's computers stepped down right yeah baby i see memory and a hard drive look at that mooshkin silver line two gig hard drive right a there bit of wire there all right so i think that is gonna do it let's see classic okay yes scavengers that's gonna do it on this episode of steps let's take a quick look at what we got boy we got some stuff we got tons of scrap we got wires we got clothes we've got all that brand new lockout stuff clock scrap scrap scrap scrap more scrap coffee makers and more scraps so lots of stuff to clean up here uh like i said that's gonna do it that is this uh particular route it was a very good evening on this route too i must say very very very very good but anyways well alrighty y'all thank you all so much for tagging along uh y'all know the whole bit you know instagram facebook got it check it out uh mike's merch shop that's what i'm calling it we get t-shirt stickers and stuff down below a little banner get y'all some stuff appreciate it if y'all can help out oh man well got some cleaning it up to do luckily we got good weather for it but uh thank you all so much for tagging along we will see y'all on that next one what we got here y'all those gravity scrap scraps [Music] the scavenger [Music] you
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 285,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving 2021, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving is fun, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster dive, dumpster diving illegal, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster diving for free food, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster diving food haul, dumpster diving filipino, night time dumpster diving, dumpster diving at apple store
Id: CiaHjIC3Zlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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