Dumpster Diving "Comin' Home With Some Spaceship Stuff"

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well all right look at that y'all we got some free stuff back it on up there i see a couple filing cabinets and some chairs and such all right looks like they're cleaning out the garage look at that there's a saw horse that's metal all right let's see what we got here oh filing cabinets gotta love them it's a love-hate relationship all right come on follow the camera yeah go up my wall it's all right we'll get off location here get all organized and such well alrighty scavengers welcome to another episode of whatever this is oops some ski ski stuff some oars back in there i don't know these are usually fiberglass huh i think they are i think so all right oh yeah well already scavengers welcome to another episode of whatever this is we're trying to find scraps everywhere today let's get it look like we had some sticks back here y'all don't take that a mailbox let's see what kind of sticks are they the metallic kind they sure are look at that there's some fencing it looks like aluminum oh that's an antenna yeah that's all aluminum right there right there from now yeah that's a that's a good stuff right there that as well [Music] that is well of course that too all right and then this piece of fencing yeah we had some crazy wicked weather coming through here last night i hope everybody made it out all right i know that thing was whipping across the country taking names and such you tossing that little scrap out that little bit of metal scrap right there right here yeah yeah yeah okay huh ceiling fan yeah i'll take it oh okay yeah i'll come get it from you right man hey i appreciate that man all right uh-huh you have a good day where are you feeling fan and such it's like a little pit back here behind this big old truck showdown let's grab it hopefully it's not full of nastiness and all that i hope not doesn't seem to be too bad okay all right all right all right use the legs use the yeah go legs in there strap it up all right little bitty scraps let's grab it real quick well alrighty y'all it is about that time to start hitting up some dumpsters man well y'all say we go get it let's stick this up over here let's go terrorize the uh let's go terrorize some dumpsters and such y'all yeah is that plastic or is that metal no that's me taylor a little bitty little mentors and stuff yeah i can vibe on that all right we got something here y'all i see cat wire what is this some sort of sliding jaw of some sort here throw that on the back old doctor there look at that it's a junction box of some sort actually i may be able to use some of that like this stuff i got a little project i'm working on a little uh potting table had a customer from a project a long time oh geez those are rivets a long time ago contact me they're uh wanted me to build them a potting table so we're gonna do it it's made out of cedar i told them it ain't gonna be cheap and they said go for it so that man wires wires oh what do we have here and i was just kind of thinking some of y'all might be questioning mike what do you need a little electrical box for a potting table i didn't even realize i just kind of think about that they're probably people probably like mike you're acting all crazy again and stuff but no actually the the potting table they want lights on it speaking of lights look at all these christmas lights uh so yeah we're gonna have a little electrical switch i'm gonna create a circuit and everything man it's gonna be awesome all right let's get that water out of there why are these on sticks they're all on sticks let's hop up in there see if there's anything else under all this stuff it's wet looks like a bunch of stripped cable that's what that looks like somebody already got got to the goods huh man leaving us the crumbs leaving us there's a smooth move soft start control okay look that was right over the back of the truck all right this stuff looks like the same crap what's up in there the other day what is that some sort of tool and take it you take it hold on oh i think i see something down here down in the down in the juice yep there it is i have found these in here before they guys and sometimes that's not stainless steel i found a couple in here before though that were stealing okay let's get out of this juice juicy juice my sign whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wake up trash what's up bad bad and such oh i see something underneath that bed let's see what we got oh what is that what is that oh that temperature is dropping y'all it was nice this afternoon and then all of a sudden that cool air came in behind that front and it's like this said no i said no let's see what we got that looks like that looks like some grody let's kick that out of the way what is that under this oh that's one of those things for lifting people out of the bed or lifting yourself up out of the bed oh i think there's a couple of them in here okay there we are there we are man that thing's still got the tag on it still has the tag on it how much y'all reckon that cost huh probably a few bucks and medical stuff [Music] got some clamps on there may be useful useful clamps and such okay y'all see anything down there yeah it looks like more pads and such all right let's get out of here time to disinfect nuts all right check it out a tub man there's a full can of spray paint a tall boy look at that it's full of these flags again let's see what got up in here yo hard hats oh there's more batteries i ain't gonna lie y'all uh every battery that i pulled out of this dumpster these big ones uh they've all they've all been new they won't test it good something under there okay y'all i'll grab the hard hats this time they actually the guys wear them up at the scrap yard let's see if they want them yeah look at all these flags man center point energy shame on you shame on you wasting that stuff these these cost money man you can buy them on amazon see there's some those don't look good all right what is this something up under here what we got oh right here spray paint don't spray on me there's a box full of them full of stuff what is that it's a hook stick let's grab that real quick stay there pallet stay there let's set that right ah there more down here nice a little bit more what's that it's like a strobe light or something huh awesome bro oh more spray paint trying not to get painted on [Music] oh look at that all over my boots got to get it while it's fresh got it yeah there's a box of flags oh he's doing it again give me away from that can it's doing it again all right lots of spray cans man spray cans all right that almost got me in the in the marbles y'all oh look at that i see a power cord out of this big open tub see that's plastic let's see here what's this what is this pictures pictures i see oh i see scraps though let's see oh yeah there's some scraps all right we're gonna back it up right here i see monitors scraps all right all right y'all check out see what we got that's a big monitor that's aluminum right there it needs to be cleaned up secondary secondary 6063 most likely yeah as it sits messed it all up man that messed it all up all right right there yeah look at all that it's like a piece of a cubicle or it is a cubicle you have to clean all that up it's a good aluminum pricing there's a lot of plastic in there too make sure all right man turn out to be all right turn out to be all right there's a crap buried in here let's get that off in there this is there more here i want some more that aluminum stuff this is not that still gladly take it [Music] scrappy dude yeah there's all kinds of stuff up in here they're doing some cleaning i've been doing some cleaning let's see people ask about the monitors it's really i mean not the monitors the keyboards got a whole lot you can do with them i take them just because you know sometimes you don't have a truck full of them oh watch out they don't seem to care too too much see what's under here oh look at that it's a pro book a pro book put that in there yeah pro book there's some more crap down here i gotta get under the sharp pokey the sharp pokey thing [Music] there goes something what's that i don't know it says stop collaborate and listen kind of bends through this then whoa all right let's get down in here let's grab this stuff there's a boot oh look at that those batteries box of batteries now we're talking all right batteries any more of those oh look at that what's in there dude are those hard drives look at that it's a box full of little hard drives they all say bad hey that's pretty cool battery there that's hmm plastic there's a bracket there just in there what's going on down there not much not much all right let's kind of let's kind of poke around a little bit see what we see it's a little bit more scraps yeah nope that's plastic there just can't wire down here okay you know i think there was like this thing over here let's see oh it's just a chair oh okay it's nothing special a lot of work for a chair all right let's see there's another pro book it's right there oh there's some more stuff i think those are the batteries for them let's just set that right there maybe ooh there's something right here there's a box or something right here maybe something all right let's see lights i think that's plastic nope [Music] oh yeah it's a cabinet there's a cabinet this is black looks fancy look at that huh okay oh yeah see we can get out of here it's kind of wedged in there y'all oh i think it's a it's a part of the cabinet for the cubicle that's what that is [Music] there was one of them like the printer down here in it huh holy cow there's a big table right here but that is no way buddy no way no way whoa [Music] holy cow i am sinking all right [Music] oops quiet y'all i'm working all right i think we beat this one up pretty good we'll definitely be back they're obviously they're obviously throwing stuff out awesome super yeah you're going on up in here there's a metal cabinet what is this box it's something plastic just a piece of looks like a uh some sort of cover or something and finally full of stuff hey hey what's up old spice nuts and bolts and such here looks like all kinds of crap all right y'all see we can get this thing out intact oh that's a heavy one that is heavy let's see if we can get through the door can we i don't think so nope all right move that out of the way all right come on baby you'll fit you'll fit there we go all right all right let's see we got here y'all oops oh look at that lubricators air lubricators oh geez all right yeah those are we'll break it mike yeah dayton that's a granger brand yeah lubricator holy cow there's a few of them those are like 100 bucks huh they can be expensive another one right there there is a electrical box double switch double switch what is that that's a big old oil seal look at that that's a big ol oil seal for a big old shaft i don't know i don't think there's enough metal on here scrap that look at that there's some in there more stuff holy cow let's see what we got up into any more i see more boxes so maybe we'll find some boxes of stuff someone's got another one i'm just gonna start chucking in the back of the truck ew what is that pepperoni fooks pepperoni fooks model psw-810 omega and the alpha the omega the alpha the omega there's another one holy cow all right don't worry guys we'll do a quick little follow-up after this after i go through all this crap and see what we got all right there's some stuff there's another one of those then everything's wet yep yep yep any big bearings go with these big seals plastic all right all right man not too shabby not too shabby let's see there's a crate over here see if we can see what's going on with this crate i can't tell oh it there it goes it's got a latch we can see inside the latch yeah there's something in there all right toss this cat out all right let's see all right i wonder what we got up in this crate [Music] looks like a big fan or something it doesn't feel to be like incredibly heavy let's see but i could totally be wrong [Music] what is that big fan all right we got to get it out i got some damage maybe all right i think i got part of the door off there we are there we are it's coming it's coming it does have a little weight to it okay something right here goes with it fans tech fans tech all right come on fan look at that thing man that was a feisty booger give me a moment man give me a moment oh okay more stuff for it see here see we can lift her out of here yep all right all right don't fall whoa we got it out y'all probably a five thousand dollar part huh all all right i'm gonna back the truck up we'll get it loaded up throw all this crap in there look at this thing man yeah coming home with some spaceship stuff again all right sit down right there you sound like i'm really gonna be able to sell it you know but you never know man you never know well all righty scavengers that is how you fill up a truck right there boy we got so lucky tonight had a great evening out there loading up some scraps started off a little curbside filing cabins barbecue pits a little bit of scrap worked our way into the dumpsters and then boom we hit some uh it's a very profitable stuff uh but anyways yes we're gonna do a quick we're gonna do a follow-up on this because there's a whole lot of stuff to go through gotta drag everything out and uh we'll take a look at some of this stuff see what's what if anything's worth anything that kind of thing uh on the on the quick follow-up but i'm gonna get on home temperatures drive and get a little chilly i'm hungry and all that good stuff but daddy's full we made it happen again thank you guys so much for tagging along love y'all so much i will see y'all on the follow up what we got here y'all scrappy scraps mike [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 254,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving 2022, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving 2021, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving is fun, dumpster diving police, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster dive, dumpster diving illegal, daytime dumpster diving, dumpster diving for free food, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster diving food haul, dumpster diving filipino, night time dumpster diving, dumpster diving at apple store
Id: 3PP36FMSn-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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