Dumpster Diving "I Feel The Juice Is Worth The Squeeze"

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good evening everybody how are we doing I hope your day was splendid mine was super fantastic other than the fact that I lost my phone so now I have no phone and no radio but hey I killed myself company all the time anyways let's go get into some trouble digging in dumpsters the budget paper yeah well we got over here oh it's an umbrella y'all take her apart she come apart she's all rusted I think I saw an air pump over here yeah the hose it's busted my air pump alright what is this y'all I'm not sure what those are it's throw a minute negatory not a whole lot this is like nasty food way up in here y'all Oh [Music] here [Music] take it get it all get all these steaks that's a lumen and all day long and I mean these are super easy to just break off - why not right I feel the juice is worth the squeeze what's going on up in here yeah there's something in this bar what what's what is in the mystery buck what is that like parts for a CPAP machine air stays on yeah this looks like just junk see I mean yeah this stuff's used it's got like handwriting on it and such yes he replaced yeah that's all no way use staff like yeah not my thing maybe in the apocalypse or something we had no choice but we don't need that what's up y'all leaves and such I think I see something back there and that's so far back there oh well let's do it it's got you on it watch out further the goo let's see GUI GUI GUI man these are my brand new gloves to another life Bob alrighty yeah oh my god everything is sticking to me now [Music] let's roll Lucy a microwave and look at all that scrappy scrap scrap shelving back there more shelving all right I'm going back to chuck up so we can make this as easy and painless as possible all righty y'all [Music] that's kind of cool little bucket toolbox dealio I'll cut my own good it's cheap this cheap crap MDF stuff huh wouldn't hold a hot wheel said I see cockroach put the tote good good tote oh it's a little crap anyway [Music] applicator pad microfiber it's like magnets all right y'all all right all right I think Steph is something is jumping somebody's to ego casserole man hard he got too many buckets a soldering iron some hooks to hang stuff some shears and a little bit of house in the dumpster sweet alrighty guys let's roll tell you what we'll grab well we're going to grab two budgets because they are joined and holy matrimony alright let's get up out of here yeah oh what's that Dottie what we got going on up in here y'all got a whole lot I see got in there yeah that's what I'm talking about and then the cylinders here the yard and I've been going to yeah they won't they won't take it ain't know why so we're gonna leave there look at that there's more [Music] okay little motor action for you [Music] get all that guys holy cow I want to remember this that is the absolute looks like it all righty guys let's get out of here Papapa Papapa got up in here yo such a jars oh yeah jars figure out what we got these don't look like those typical scientific jars yeah see right here these are all the dropper lids for these will definitely probably bring a few bucks oh my gosh it is cool I'm only taking the women that are not open I've had terrible experiences with the open ones they make a huge mess amber more amber one's got a little bit of an opening for think I've lost a piece of trash always feet keep it clean and you don't attract the wrong people there's more those oh it's a bag open there and this way is maxed out these are different a little bit bigger jars little warm out today y'all and look at that yeah I wonder if that's for the bigger jars man I'll be able to sell these Oh Jesse that was open I don't want to mess with the open ones just cuz when they cut get loose they make a mess these are plastic they're buried in there the whole the whole thing just came apart you got jars and then there's the way don't rip yeah these must be the lids for the bigger jars interesting yep that's him Wow why would someone throw out all this stuff I mean and it just goes on and on and on you get a couple more clear ones and then I'll be I think I'll be okay guys don't shoot me for not taking in law but come on you got a truck full of metal back here metal and glass don't exactly mix there's some more plastic lids huh yeah I think these are for like fragrances like oils and such I mean it's okay three four five six so we got twelve cases there probably well over a hundred there so I think I'm gonna be good on that one hopefully somebody comes by there's some plastic plastic or some black plastic nobody's gonna do with all of these guys just sell a huge lot jeez all right I'm gonna call her quits on that wait let me get the pleasure thank you make sure we're not leaving anything supercool behind mr. Moore droppers interesting yeah then that guy's full right here it's more holy cow and then that box there is full whoo already y'all I'm leaving them here for you and I know a couple of you know exactly where I'm at so go get up hey hey hey hey hey what we got going on up in here yeah what is this bunch of towels Wow look at all these what does this say official department store palais-royal is for the Texans logo oh this thing is stuff I don't know these rags like are they like something that wasn't completely stitch Genesis supposed to be like a throw in the truck I don't know either way Mike the scavengers will be needing to buy no rags anymore that is fo sho look at all of these what a waste but hey I'll take it you know me I like rags rags are invaluable they cost money so if you can get them for free hey why not and here what is this let's get a few more golly this thing is stuck uh we get enough to last my lifetime oh geez look at them all down there y'all oh all righty well I think that should be good that's the last me for a couple of years anyway but yeah there's a few more laps so uh I gotta saying you guys that know where I am oh we got going on up in here y'all look at that a little piece of brass right there come on baby got anything else for daddy anything else for daddy up in her not really it's a little bit let me see that out because it's metal in the middle metal in the middle but you gotta take it the way it is pipe set PD see you yo yo yo yo yo what's up see a little bit of the little bit of scrap right here y'all look like somebody took their desk apart that's enough raccoons been up in here strong whoa all right I think that's it on that [Music] got going on up in here y'all do some boxes open this one's got some weight to it come on USPS boxes paper tape tape dispenser no pad paper huh all right we'll take the whole box we'll go through it in the morning [Music] Priority Mail we've got here empty boxes are empty boxes all right cool ooh my shoulder oh we got going up in here yo look at these I find these all the time these these bottles these are cool bottles but like I literally I find them all the time I really can't get rid of them oh well going on a Wi-Fi that's some aluminum chairs okay yatta they already got all the keys [Music] look at that that's a nice beaker right there sweet yeah now let me know I mean like what would you do with these bottles I find these all the time all day long all day long maybe take the label off and then do that whole work the whole thing where you put oil and flowers and fruit and stuff in it and make it I don't know y'all let me know but uh our actress did seem to work a deal out we'll get going on up in here yo I see some pretty heavy gauge wire right there I jump in a gift [Music] right there yeah this wire circuit board like Oh rings no bueno over there boy those wire all right all right over I think we did pretty good there's a [Music] couple little stainless steel fittings hiding from us alright alright I think gift cards I'm pretty sure they're probably used or redeemed I see spider-man he's on a pizza box but yeah no good Dottie Dottie what's up Dottie well got goin on up in here y'all that does a bicycle it's an ozone a complete piece we'll get her out that might be a little bit of aluminum down there you know we might be over there up top we go what that is oh that's cute these look like metals metal ornaments yeah matt'll did Christmas ornaments all day long look at that man y'all is so bright that when you think about it you me and all of us we are under that same moon together anyway let's find some stuff yeah yeah yeah like this kind of stuff oh that's in pretty bad shape I'll take the motor in the tour though Jack is that is that a muffler printers printers I hate printers [Music] alright what'd y'all think I think daddy's pretty much maxed out yo and I'm tired but that's some that's some stuff y'all we got some stuff tonight alright alright alright scavengers another successful day or evening I should say get some stuff out of the dumpsters all for free as you can see back there I still got quite a bit of stuff to kind of go through but I'm kind of running out of daylight passing stuff going on today so I got as much out as I could pushed everything forward we're gonna try and fill the back end of this truck up tonight and then tomorrow hopefully I can get to all this stuff because there's some stuff that needs to be stripped there's some stuff that needs to be taken apart there's some stuff that just needs some stuff you know what I mean anyways so yeah we got about a quarter over full and we're going to keep it that way like I say throughout the night try to fill this guy up here but a couple of items we found this trip might as well go over notable or whatever I think the coolest is these right here it's a yeah it says palais royal official department store it's got a houston texas logo shaped like a football it's a terry cloth great for you know wiping your hands and it's kind of like a I believe it's lint-free so it's good for you know wife and furniture and things like that and there was a bunch of it in there folks I grabbed as much as I felt that I would need for quite some time but who knows you know if I get bored maybe by there get some more dough no I got a little bit copper here get some copper and brass fitting so I might open little Christmas decorations these probably go on one of those little mini trees there soldering iron haven't plugged it in to see if it works they zip-tied the cord to it so there may be something wrong with it I got these little hoods by Kooks whatever kind of hugs I try checked it out to see if I could build a rack on the side for the skateboard but none of these would hurt but I'm gonna hit lows on my way home here a little bit and see if I can find something to snap my skateboard to the side there hey what's going on man and so that way I don't have to reach over to grab it and I could just on and off on and off or not and in us over here oh yeah I just got some office supplies what I think I'm gonna do with all these notepads one of the scrap yards I go to they they write your plate number down when you go back to the to the iron pile and when you leave you know they give you that paper with your plate number on it so they nut so you know that you give that to the cashier and the throw always using all kinds of weird papers and stuff basically whatever they can get their hands on so I'll give these to them and then they'll have they'll have paper for weeks to write uh you know write their stuff down on that way that way they don't have to spend any money on anything and you know I'm helping them out but you know where I can you know I give him cold bottles of water and this net and in this bag we got some dance trophies y'all Texas challenge dance sport mm well first place first place first place second place so whoever this person was was definitely quite the dancer I wonder if that is brass oh yeah look at that see their brass or bronze no magnetic ah probably just scrap it out I mean what am I gonna do with it you know all right now we got a little bit of wires over here so yeah totally awesome found some shelving in that one dumpster I don't know if it's all there maybe here this week I'll try to put it together and see what's what I left the shelving there because it was that cheap particle board stuff and and you know get just a 3/4 plywood get you some good heavy-duty shelves there for sure and then all of the bottles here this is what I grabbed like I said there were more bottles in here and these are not like your typical scientific bottles that I have found in the past these bottles I believe are for like essence at oils and things like that and it came with I've got all the droppers here those are glass droppers there's white there's black and then over here these plastic containers I'll pull one out I guess these go on like that and then there's a little these little plastic dealios I guess that kind of like a liner that goes down in there but I don't know what this stuff is for what what what what would you use this kind of stuff for you know it's not like will you poke a hole and have like a little mustard jar man aid or ketchup or whatever I'm not a hundred percent sure on that y'all let me know if you know anything about that and then I you know a little motor scrap or tread breaker this is all those aluminum sticks we pulled all the yeah those security signs out that's all aluminum right there probably probably two three three pounds nice and easy hello yo little iron scrap there and I like I said we still got you can see cords we've got we've got ceiling fans there's some brass fittings back there so tomorrow's gonna be the day that I really tear into this thing get this a/c taken apart and try to make a lot of money but anyways alrighty guys well that's going to do it for this session of dumpster diving I'm your host Mike the scavenger be sure to LIKE the video subscribe to my channel if you haven't already share with your friends if you think they might like it shout out to everybody that bought submerge if you're interested down below I've got some new t-shirts up and teeth bring and you still get some stickers down in the description hit me up on Instagram I got one and alright well that's about it guys I gotta go like I said I go to Lowe's then I got to go get some dinner because you know we can't go scavenging on an empty stomach [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 129,059
Rating: 4.899385 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: NLZ9b2BuWPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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