Dumpster Diving "Down In The Nitty Gritty"

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all right good evening everybody see looks like something something that way down the bottom let's check it out just curious not much there's a box with something in it oh those are business business card holders we got here y'all look at that it's a direct tv box in the box i'll take it i'll take it directv in the box oh business card holders magazines 2018 calendar all right nothing i want all right yeah box all right back in my good luck dumpster and our luck is still good and all that ish what's this backer up little tap small little tap tap tap it in my window oh yeah right all right i find so many of these in here all day long now do it do it man get all of that oh yeah props to everybody who uh got a kick out of the video of me taking apart that tankless water heater no my wife didn't kill me he actually thought it was pretty funny and simon cowell just emailed us he wants to know who that lady was singing for i'm gonna sign up for a record deal all right all right let's see the aluminum stuff there a box in a box not really see any good wires grab this stuff now there is a lot in here it's all copper right there oh copper a lot of it yes sir lots of breakers get some of this bigger stuff here and the uno stuff they're trying not to spend too much time in one dumpster now you guys again all right that's the that's the good stuff hold up here all up under here get that copper in that lumen nice little box going right there that's what i like uh-huh yeah i think we got the goods man again i love this dummy it's one of my favorites literally have made lots of money off of this dumpster right here lots of lots of money all right set offer is up here yup that's a good day always always a good day up in here all right we'll do them a little favor because it's kind of drizzly there we go here we go all right i'm creeping by here saw the door open i peeked in i saw a light just one one little light it's all right we'll take it let's see here if we can get her oh don't need to be bringing those with us huh all right oh and then update all my safety shoes they should be here thursday which is a couple days from now so maybe this will be the last video without my you know my shoe shoes i don't know my shoe shoes got to be strong man you got to be strong kind of creep there's a piece of aluminum gladly take it oh god troop guy right here man atlas of the world it's kind of cool oh jeez that's good and heavy right there there's one of those uh coffee bag things anything interesting oh colombia all right grab that those are always cool got the top to his shaker it's probably whoa whoa probably stainless so we got is just the one top to it one more that aluminum there goes some aluminum no no wall stands another book the best of gourmet 88 edition okay let's cook some food from the 80s keep the sleeve with it rock and roll atlas and cooking all right okay y'all that looks like about it there might be some stuff waiting for me but somebody got mad at me for not emptying emptying the depths i'm slacking and i need to like empty the dumpsters completely like come on man yeah come on man all right what books let's go ahead and close it up keep any kiddos from getting too curious safety first safety first it's a big bag of grass man let's see something under that bag let's see what we got under the bag what is that no that's that is not a piece of metal tell you right now it's like a mirror or something know what i'm after what's up launch here in the trash that is uh definitely both five pieces scram oh yeah let's try to i got juiced juices oh juices it's nice and [Music] looks like empty box or something in there yeah no nothing promising i might clean out the fridge whoa that's a lot of uh there's a lot of smoke detectors y'all something tells me they're not supposed to be up in here sometimes you can find these red ones and they'd be a metal but these are not that's cray cray i see the sticks oh yeah looks like there might be a little bit of cat wire in here too maybe maybe let's see here no wire in that sucker no no oh that's just crumbs man all right all right this is a wire back there goes a little wire right here let's see here there goes all the wire to the bottom i had a feeling that was gonna happen just waiting for that to happen um down in the nitty-gritty lots of installation let's see registers more boxes and stuff see anything back in the back the creepy back no oh it's creepy back here it smells like you're in all right all right let's move it on move along y'all see this one's got a lot of uh quite a lot of gravel and such a big old chunk of something that's one of them door opener thingamajiggers can we get it can we get it i don't want to have to get in this one oh jeez man this stick i tell you it's a love-hate relationship all right let's see let's take it slow nice and slow some wood i saw people commenting saying that uh that uh lumber prices are going up is that true that's good stuff uh if so why those are like big drill bits or something what is the the reasoning for it those are long drill bits some sort of inspector gadget mechanism look at that that looks like a piece i don't know that's pretty heavy that could be stainless whatever it is it's nice gauging tape or fishing tape yep some more it's like they disassemble the door commercial door i'll take the wire it's a drill bit box there's some drill bits in there not many but there's a couple add that to my collection i haven't had to buy a drill bit and god i can't even remember last time i had to buy a drill bit i just find them all look at some more door hardware that's not much there that though that's probably a piece of stainless that's heavy that's real heavy take that all day long son good stuff good stuff good stuff all right drill coffee watch your head watch your head big long drill bit all right we're just like down oh there you go big old piece of wood oh there goes some more okay got a dig for it they're gonna make us work for it it's all right i'll work for it look at that more bits those aren't drill bits screwdriver bits more drill bits all right what's in this box right here flat tip bits oh there's a box looks like somebody was cleaning out their truck oh that's what it is that's what it is somebody cleaning out their truck drill bit there something heavy in here oh it's just books some wires these look like little auxiliary port extenders i actually need one of those to be to be frank [Applause] frank i can use those i just need one but you know i'll take more there's more door hardware screwdriver bits check out over here oh man oh man oh man oh man schlage that's the door stuff more door stuff more door stuff all right i like it when they clean out their stuff that looks like a piece of stainless all right drill bits well i got a whole drill bit set some of them are brand new what's that open option electrical rating network door module okay spent a lot of time in that dumpster but hey it worked out you know down at the bottom yeah i think that's what that is maybe or part of a security camera thing or something right on bro yeah big tv box there is a tv underneath the tv box oh it doesn't look to be all cracked up but there is a there's reason reason it's in here i'll plug ready we'll see but there's usually a reason that's it all let's get some right that's all that's wrong with it i don't know it looks like a blender that's a blender yo it's a ravel there's the top part it's all broken and such all right all right all right mikey steps back goes for the three yeah all right oh what do we got what we got broken glass that looks pretty scary that's like the type of broken glass that cut all dude in half in the movie ghost ruin your day that'll ruin a few things let's see if we can get anything out that's some nasty stuff right there man just dig it out there's just some screen bust the uh little room off of that stuff yep all right let's see the heck is that it's heavy it is heavy that is for sure come on man there we go oh that's a base for a table saw that's what that is this is delta it's a pretty bad shape be real careful don't try this at home kids definitely don't that's heavy heavy metal heavy battle bro piece of extruded it's painted so they give you a little mess at the yard for it and i figured out why the uh is that another piece here i think aluminum is so light that paint paint can actually add weight it really can what we got here all right oh that's disgusting leaves and darts in the shoes oh don't smack myself in the face okay i think i think [Music] [Applause] making me nervous okay that's not metal that's fiberglass all right [Applause] let's get out of here okay wait for my new shoes to come they're even high tops you know so keep the the dirt out in the glass [Music] that's just ugly ugly ugly scrap well all righty scavengers we're gonna go ahead carl right there man i hit a bunch of dumpsters tonight lots of duds again but we did still managed to get some good stuff got us a little bit aluminum iron scrap definitely got some wires some boxes back there uh door hardware looks like we got lots of stainless that's good and then uh you know just some stuff to go through i don't know if there's much hope for this uh that delta table saw i did stop off at the one dumpster that i usually find these boxes of wire picked up a couple um i don't think i had the camera rolling though yeah just some stuff i gotta have to go through and then the tv i don't have i was kind of thinking i may have had a plug back here i don't have the plug the type of plug it takes here on me uh so we're not gonna be able to test it out tonight but i will tell you this oh dude oh there's that columbia bag um that is probably no good like i said you know tv's at the dumpster and attempts here for the re for a reason very solidly do i find tvs that actually work um i did notice when i picked it up uh it's got some pretty big dings in the screen here and then uh i noticed that the the housing itself there's a big thing in the corner right there the housing itself was kind of like coming apart which is a good indication that it had been dropped samsung color display unit and uh it's heavier than a typical tv so i don't know if it's an older like plasma type tv it's not one of these light ones that i usually find um but uh i do have a plug for it in the storage unit uh probably swing by there tomorrow even the hdmi like this all banged up maybe a little bit older um we'll test it out and see if it works i'll uh definitely uh give you all the uh the heads up on that whether she's gonna work or not man these don't that's not even metal yeah i'll let y'all know on that and then uh like i said i got a little bit of cleaning up to do found me a box here with a hard drive in it that's cool beans yeah i found that in the uh the dumpster with the wires and stuff like i said i don't think i had the camera rolling on that one it was just like there's just a couple things i just jumped out real quick i'm usually real quick in that dumpster now because i've been getting run out of there so i'm just in and out in and out boom boom boom boom you know get what i can uh but yeah i got a little bit of a sorting to do definitely got a bunch of drill bits back there uh screwdriver bits and everything like i said i'm gonna you know pull stuff out clean stuff up sort stuff out in my buckets and whatnot and uh you know like i said i haven't had to buy a drill bit i can't even tell you last time i had to buy a drill bit it's been that long but anyways anyways uh you know pretty successful evening out there this exciting evening this extravaganza of uh getting some uh some scrap and stuff out there in the urban jungle uh but anyways like i said that's pretty much it in a nutshell so uh that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving guys uh as always it was a total pleasure yada yada yada yada i appreciate you all tagging along uh be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel uh share with your friends hit the notification bell check out the instagram extra special shout out to everybody bought some merch and then once again thanks to everybody for all the kind words that my wife singing uh she doesn't think she can sing very well i think she can sing pretty well but you know how it is you know like when you you know you sing and you hear yourself saying you know you don't hear what other people hear you know that kind of thing uh but she's just tickled that you know everybody's like you know she pretty much stole the show on that video but that's all right that's all right you know i don't need to be in the spotlight all the time but anyways alrighty guys well uh like i said i'm gonna do me a little bit of cleaning up here uh i'm gonna check out this tv i'll definitely fill you all in on you know how it goes odds are i don't think it's gonna work but you never know and uh that that uh we're gonna get back at it here the next day or two get some stuff and uh some scrap and make some money and have a blast doing it all right y'all be safe love y'all mwah what we got here y'all those gravity scraps a scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 583,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: e7jfHsiXTg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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