Dumpster Diving- This Box is Heavy, that's a good sign!

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nice [Music] how adorable this is definitely some Learning Center they put the extras on it cute maybe another diver saw this and was like somebody will love this let's not get it thrown away and my granddaughters are going to love it cute see if there's some more in there hmm thank you start with this so it was 35 dollars not see that in there oh I saw these as kids my uncle no not Uncle my dad's uncle had bugs and stuff and I I had a nightmare I guess a nightmare but I dreamed that a spider like that came out of it and onto my hand so I guess I have had a nightmare I do remember having that day but I don't have nightmares normally ever I do remember having that as a kid empty [Music] this one feels kind of heavy too [Music] these must just be out as displays or something then [Music] or whoever was here took those things but didn't want the good thing whatever it is [Music] [Music] [Music] no but I do need a box [Music] I need a couple boxes [Music] this is really hard to do like when this Bar's on the way [Music] jacked up [Music] can't go up or down so get in my way I'm not popping up is even gonna be here [Music] thank you [Music] and I can't have it because the lid won't stay up okay totally interested and jacked up [Music] so I can't go up or down either or nothing all right [Music] [Music] let's do it my weight of me pushed the stamp so now I can get in there [Music] it's good enough I just have stuff at home I need to donate and these are good nice clean boxes always to have there we go okay on to the next [Music] another dumpster driver leaving things out for us I guess whoa there might be some stuff in here wow he's still empty but whoever this was they liked gadgets because I see so let's put this in the car first score [Applause] selectable recycle thing if I can fix it should face it down but okay so this Nintendo switch a MacBook Pro s you know like a spinning screen foreign [Music] I didn't know the switch was this little those are the little controllers on the candles cute I've never actually seen it with my own eyes okay Baby Lips [Music] Pro there's no goodies Pelican case [Music] okay [Music] kids hair except it's from the wig that real hair you could take this cable looks fine oh birthday party wow that kid got some good gifts that these are all his gifts more birthday party stuff cool their size are into Transformers are fun yeah a little something left in here ready nothing it's amazing box okay [Music] cool pumpkin Masters extreme smoke a strobe that's cool hmm this charger is good for something got it back to the phone no but it's a back to a phone something I found ourselves a printer in here what's in there that's kind of a cool white board it's just really plain doesn't have any sort of a oh nice [Music] the makeup bags somebody's an Ipsy fan oops empty empty book something first acts for dummies somebody might want that oh those beets are heavy okay another Ipsy bag all right [Applause] all right let's see I'm ready to jump oh look at this I love G2 pins and there's three in there somebody's belt come on the book I have to jump up here whatever I'll take it either way I can't how much can it change what you're learning for the acts like that or another bag okay come on Beats are you gonna be in there it's a little too low for me [Music] okay beats it's a heavy box come on be in there so weird he threw away the wrong box mom come on there you go not in there yeah okay all right space Kaleidoscope or something let's check it thank you everybody not everybody but new people always ask why do you check everything go ahead just grab it and go because that would have this much trash at home I'd have to throw in my trash and my trash is always full and if nobody's coming and it doesn't matter then who cares there's a look at it because a lot of times I get home and I'm busy and I forget to show you guys this is all good stuff it's gonna take this whole thing Draper for the side of the pool beta food and give that to Annie the neighbor that's the filter dog bag s thank you what else goodies do we have here that's Justice League cute another Ipsy bag Nations and Signal what are these looks like a type book or something that's giant it's definitely got tie clip pins in the back but we've got before I wonder anybody know what that is a nation's Insignia so it is Insignia would be something for like a clip right so oh is that a bag nothing like these beats so it's got nothing but you never know these boxes are heavy just like the apple boxes when they're empty so oh here's the lid to this tote [Music] camera nope wow that's huge oh it's probably the case Sally Beauty oh that's empty [Music] something back here that's heavy thank you or is it heavy it's neat little box oh it's red for like cross stitching and stuff how cute that's awesome I like the little dots too I might keep that box for my sewing notions okay I think that's about it in here we're almost a fun little dumpster about fine they're looking here because there's another dumpster in here and if they threw in that personal stuff in here you've been this way oh Steve's got the car all right there's a cable [Applause] these boxes okay all right next anybody leave any presents out for me nope oh pencil yay just what I was looking for oh some shoes bunch of shoes foreign [Music] container oh those are roached they're falling apart the leather [Music] it's fun here's what that thing is it's a four they're still delivering well lower Airways it is for breathing hmm okay I'll donate it they probably could throw it away but dirty gross there's something in this one camera shiny broken yeah okay okay [Music] foreign thing I think you put wine glasses in looks like it's missing glass and glass but people are really into like you know their little wine bars and stuff it's not worth throwing away what's this [Music] kids [Music] what is it can we save it it's like that goes on the ground whatever that is because I see dirtiness on the bottom then something slides in no slats so there's two of those oh is it a slide yeah I think it's a little slide [Music] oh that's a basketball hoop oh it's a basketball oh I see is there more parts to it hmm camera look and see what looks kind of beat up let me just check these real quick tea we have the Forerunner so that alcohol thing I think I could take it and put it on the local app and somebody might want it like somebody that could make a wood thing or something that could make it pretty cute it's worth a donate giveaway okay it's bad about that basketball hoop but it doesn't have any other parts other than just that and part of the stand Maybe okay on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 77,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: IIpfJjBOniU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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